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10Pack Hacks

For the Stylish Traveller

If you’re like me, you hate packing. There’s always something: If it’s not the arduous, time-consuming process of figuring out what to take and what to leave behind, then it’s the realization that those five pairs of shoes you must bring take up about half of your entire suitcase. Well folks, today things are looking up, because we’re bringing you 11 simple yet highly effective packing hacks that will make organizing your essentials (and getting them all to fit!) much easier.

Protect your perfume bottle and any other breakables by slipping them into socks.

To keep your small earrings from getting lost and pairs separated from each other, pin each pair to an old button.

To avoid tangled (and lost) chargers, pack them in a glasses case.

For clothes that wrinkle easily, lay the pieces flat inside a dry-cleaning bag, and then fold as normal. The plastic will prevent creases from setting in.

When packing delicate necklaces, individually thread them through straws to keep them from tangling.

This will keep your clothes smelling fresh.

For things like T-shirts and jeans, roll them instead of folding. You’ll be amazed at how much less space they’ll take up.

If you’re low on space, stuff socks and beauty products (that won’t burst or leak) inside your shoes.

If you’re not into planning your outfits in advance, a good rule of thumb for packing efficiently is to pack three tops for every bottom. Tops take up less space, and people are generally more comfortable

repeating bottoms than tops.

Save space and help your bras maintain their shape by stacking them on top of each other, folding them in half, and tucking your underwear inside. This will keep bras from creasing inward, and utilize an

otherwise empty space in your suitcase.

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