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By Isabel De Los Rios




2. Eat whole fruits, not fruit juices.Juice is another bad choice when it comes to drinks. Store bought juices add nothing to your overall nutritional makeup. They contain copious amounts of sugar that will leave you and your blood sugar levels soaring and then plummeting. While fruits and vegetables are incredibly healthy, when you take just the juice out of them, you leave behind things like vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. On top of all that, things like dyes are notoriously found in store bought juices in an effort to make the contents pretty. They do nothing positive for our bodies and can, in fact, be harmful.

1. Stop drinking soda!Soda is absolutely toxic for your body. Just

look at the ingredients label of a can of soda. One of the first two ingredients is most likely high fructose corn syrup, an ingredient that should be avoided at all costs. While most

people are aware of the dangers of drinking regular soda, many people falsely believe that

“diet” soda is in some way a good thing for losing body fat when, in fact, there is absolutely

nothing healthy about drinking diet soda. Diet soda tricks your sweet tooth into thinking

you’re getting something for nothing, which can actually lead to overeating. Worse yet, drinking soda is associated with obesity, diabetes, heart

disease, liver damage, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, even some cancers.

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4. Change the type of salt you use.You don’t need to cut salt out completely, but you do need to change the type of salt you use. Salt has such a bad reputation because 99% of the world’s salt research has been done on commercial table salt. Instead of refined table salt, use unrefined sea salt or Himalayan rock salt. These salts are extremely healthy and have the exact opposite effect of refined salt. They provides sodium chloride in a form that that the body needs to function and offer the perfect balance of minerals, nutrients, and sodium chloride that the body needs for optimum health.For more information on salt, please read the Salt chapter of the manual.

3. Cut sugar out of your diet.Cutting sugar out of your diet is one of the easiest ways to lose weight. Sugar consumption causes a hormonal roller

coaster of alternating high levels of insulin and blood sugar. Short-term, these hormonal

shifts can affect your mood and your ability to focus, but they also have long term effects

like cancer, liver and kidney disease, ADD/ADHD, tooth decay (among many others).

Instead of sugar, use stevia, xylitol, or erythritol to sweeten your food.

For an in-depth look at the dangers of sugar consumption, please read the Sweeteners

chapter of the manual.



6. Change the way you look at bread.Bread is a staple of the American diet. Unfortunately, most of us eat the absolute worst kind of bread: the kind made from refined grains. White bread is stripped of essential vitamins and nutrients during processing, and the whole wheat bread the American public has been led to believe is healthy contains processed wheat, which is deficient in nutrients. If you are not willing to forgo eating bread altogether, I suggest you look into stocking your fridge with sprouted whole grain (SWG) bread. Read this article for more information on SWG bread.

5. Avoid processed foods at all costs.

Processed foods can truly be considered “non foods” since they resemble more of a science experiment than they do real food.

The liver is responsible for the chemical breakdown of everything that enters the

body. It is the liver’s job to distinguish between the nutrients to be absorbed and

the substances that need to be filtered out of the bloodstream. When the liver is

overwhelmed with toxins (from processed foods), it gets clogged and can’t process nutrients effectively. This leads to weight

gain. My rule of thumb is this: If it’s natural - that is, it grows, or otherwise occurs, in

nature - eat it; if it’s artificial, don’t.Read More »



8. Eat real butter.Fake butters are made from unhealthy, unnatural ingredients which are perceived as toxins in the body. As I’ve mentioned, it is your liver’s job to filter these unnatural ingredients out of your bloodstream. The more work your liver has to do, the harder it is to maintain a healthy weight. Replace those fake butters with raw, organic butter. This is actually one of the healthiest whole foods you can include in your diet. For more information on the many benefits of eating raw, organic butter, check out this article.

7. Forget about soy products.Unfortunately, many people have been led

to believe that soy and soy products are superfoods. In reality, though, a lot of the “health” claims made by the soy industry are simply marketing tactics to make us

spend money on soy products. Soy and soy products have been found to impair thyroid

function and cause digestive distress and mineral loss in the bones. Soy consumption

also causes low energy, depression, hair loss, poor skin, weight gain, and diminished

sex drive.For a more in-depth look at soy and the

dangers of eating it, please read the Soy chapter of the manual.



10. Drink more water.If there were a magic potion for weight loss, water would be it! Water regulates our body temperature, flushes toxins from our organs, and cushions our joints. For a more in depth explanation of the benefits of water, read the Water chapter of the manual. The most important thing for you to know, though, is that you should be drinking half your body weight (in pounds) in ounces of water every day.

9. Throw away the canola oil.Canola oil is actually toxic because it

contains significant amounts of a poisonous substance called erucic acid. Erucic acid is

a fatty acid that has been associated with heart disease. For more information, read

this article. When cooking, the best fats to use are unrefined coconut oil (for very high heat) and raw organic butter (for medium-

high heat). For more information on healthy fats, please read the Fats chapter of the


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