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Page 1: 10 Things you should know about Ruby

10 ThingsYou Should Know About


Page 2: 10 Things you should know about Ruby

1. Ruby != Rails

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• Programming Language

• 1995 – First public release

• Many Implementations

• MRI 1.8 – Matz’s Ruby Intepreter

• YARV 1.9

• JRuby

• IronRuby

• Rubinius

• MacRuby

• MagLev

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• Web application framework written in Ruby

• “Ruby” on “Rails”

• David Heinemeier Hansson (DHH)

• Extracted from 37Signal’s Basecamp in 2004

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• Open Source

• Currently maintained by Rails Core Team

• git://github.com/rails/rails

• Latest version: 3.0.1

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No more confusion!


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2. Simple syntax

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Too Easy!


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3. Pure Object-Oriented

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Everything in Rubyis Object

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No Primitive

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Even nil ...

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... and class!

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Related to duck!

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4. No method call

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“Message sending”

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5. Mixin

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• Collection of methods and constants

• Not-instanciatable

• But callable

• Append features upon included

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Multiple inheritanceis very bad

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• Include methods you want from another module

• No limit of how many modules you include

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{ 6. }


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Ruby’s Block

• Passing a block as argument

• Method “yield” or “call” the block

• May passing a object as argument

• Result from the block goes back to the method

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7. We love duck


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Duck typing

• If it quacks like a duck, it’s a duck!

• Check for object’s property, not interface

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Duck Punching!

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Duck Punching(Monkey patch)

• Objects and class are open

• Add method to object even at Runtime!

• Not really recommend, less maintainability, might break some stuff

• But it’s awesome

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8. Testing isFFFF**...


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Encourage testing

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Testing ...

• Ensure everything still works after you make change to something else

• Save you ass from client’s call at 3AM

• Test driven development

• Write test – watch it fails – write just enough code to make it pass – refactor

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Testing tools

• RSpec

• Cucumber

• Test::Unit

• Rack::Test

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9. RubyGems

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Libraries in Ruby

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• Library written under Ruby or C

• Packaged by owner and upload to RubyGems.org

• Easy to install, just gem install gem_name

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10. IT’S FUN!

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Thank you!

Prem Sichanugrist



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