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2nd World Championship Shore Angling for Masters

10 to 17 of November 2018

Albufeira – Portugal

Organization: Support:

2nd World Championship Shore Angling for Masters 10 to 17 of November 2018

Albufeira – Portugal

Federação Portuguesa de Pesca Desportiva Rua Eça de Queirós, nº 3 – 1º

1100-095 Lisboa Telef. 00.351.213140177

e-mail: [email protected] – Site: www.fppd.pt


Dear Mr. President,

The Portuguese Federation of Sportive Fishing has the

honour and the grateful pleasure to invite the National

Team of your Country to take part in the 2ndWorld

Championship Shore Angling for Masters, to be held from

10 to 17 of November in Albufeira – Portugal.

Portugal is, as you may know, a warm and welcoming

country and a place where sportive fishing is a sport of

choice for thousands of people, people who devote to this event and feel an enormous pride

and gratitude for your attendance.

In name of F.P.P.D. and, in my personal name, we wish everyone visiting us an excellent stay

and that this Championship will achieve your goals, in an environment of piece, friendship and,

above all, “fair play”.

With my best regards F.P.P.D. The President

Carlos Baptista

2nd World Championship Shore Angling for Masters 10 to 17 of November 2018

Albufeira – Portugal

Federação Portuguesa de Pesca Desportiva Rua Eça de Queirós, nº 3 – 1º

1100-095 Lisboa Telef. 00.351.213140177

e-mail: [email protected] – Site: www.fppd.pt

Welcoming Message

We are very pleased to welcome in our city the 2nd World Shore

Angling Championship for Masters. Albufeira is a city facing the

sea and this is, without doubt, our main attraction. We have

about 30 kilometres of coast, with all the beaches certified with

“Blue Flag”, sine of environmental excellence. We are, for all

those reasons, one of the main beach destinations of our


But Albufeira is way more than that. Every day we have more

activities and attraction factors, which last way longer than the

bathing season and make Albufeira a destination to have in account all year long.

Sport in general and Sportive fishing particularly give their contribution for the valorisation of our

destiny. It’s good to know that we are searched to receive the various sportive competitions which

make a great impact in the socioeconomic development of Albufeira.

This Championship is another happy example of this reality and, as such, it couldn’t be carried out

without our support. This being a World Championship that with have a great sportive component,

but it’s also an unique experience, for the social component and to represent the opportunity to join

so many and good competitors.

To all the involved, I wish a great stay, that everything runs in the best way and that in the end you

feel a little bit closer to Albufeira.

José Carlos Rolo

President of the Albufeira Townhouse

2nd World Championship Shore Angling for Masters 10 to 17 of November 2018

Albufeira – Portugal

Federação Portuguesa de Pesca Desportiva Rua Eça de Queirós, nº 3 – 1º

1100-095 Lisboa Telef. 00.351.213140177

e-mail: [email protected] – Site: www.fppd.pt

Competition Venue

The competition will take place in Albufeira Beach.

2nd World Championship Shore Angling for Masters 10 to 17 of November 2018

Albufeira – Portugal

Federação Portuguesa de Pesca Desportiva Rua Eça de Queirós, nº 3 – 1º

1100-095 Lisboa Telef. 00.351.213140177

e-mail: [email protected] – Site: www.fppd.pt

Official Accommodation

Auramar Beach Resort Praia dos Aveiros - Apartado 851 8200 - 377 Albufeira Phone: (+351) 289 599 100 www.grupofbarata.com/auramar

2nd World Championship Shore Angling for Masters 10 to 17 of November 2018

Albufeira – Portugal

Federação Portuguesa de Pesca Desportiva Rua Eça de Queirós, nº 3 – 1º

1100-095 Lisboa Telef. 00.351.213140177

e-mail: [email protected] – Site: www.fppd.pt

Directions to the Accommodation If you arrive by plane

Arrival at Faro’s International Airport

• Continue to N125-10

• Follow through IC4, N125-4, A22 and N125 to Albufeira

• Follow the “Estrada de Brejos, Estr. dos Brejos/CM1286”, “Avenida da Correeira”, “Avenida 5 de

Outubro” and “Avenida Infante Dom Henrique” to the “Rua dos Aveiros”

2nd World Championship Shore Angling for Masters 10 to 17 of November 2018

Albufeira – Portugal

Federação Portuguesa de Pesca Desportiva Rua Eça de Queirós, nº 3 – 1º

1100-095 Lisboa Telef. 00.351.213140177

e-mail: [email protected] – Site: www.fppd.pt

If you arrive by road

Border – Vila Real Santo Antonio/Ayamonte

• Follow though A22 from N122

• Follow the A22 to N270 in Boliqueime. Take the 11th exit in A22

• Continue to N270. Follow N125 and “Avenida da Correeira” to the “Rua dos

Aveiros” in Albufeira

2nd World Championship Shore Angling for Masters 10 to 17 of November 2018

Albufeira – Portugal

Federação Portuguesa de Pesca Desportiva Rua Eça de Queirós, nº 3 – 1º

1100-095 Lisboa Telef. 00.351.213140177

e-mail: [email protected] – Site: www.fppd.pt

Price Information

Official period – from 10 to 17 of November

Team in charge of the organization:

• 725,00 € per competitor (5 competitors = 3.625,00 €)

Accommodation in double room

Breakfast from 11 to 17 of November

Lunch pack on the official training and competition rounds

Dinner from 10 to 16 of November

Bait packs on the official training and competition rounds

Including organization costs and FIPS-Mer/CIPS fee

Insurance Fees

Closing Dinner

• 650,00 € per Reserve, Captain, Director, Escorts and Journalists

Accommodation in double room

Breakfast from 11 to 17 of November

Lunch pack (on the official training and competition rounds)

Dinner from 10 to 16 of November

Including organization costs and FIPS-Mer/CIPS fee

Insurance fees

Closing Dinner

Team outside the organization:

• Inscription Fee: 1.125,00 €

• 225,00 € per competitor

Without: Accommodation, Breakfast, Lunch packs, Dinner and Closing Diner

Including organization costs and FIPS-Mer/CIPS and Insurance fees

• Extra Banquet: 55,00€

Non Official period – before 10 of November

• 50,00 € per person per day: daily charge includes: bed (double room), breakfast and dinner.

• 75,00 € per person per day: daily charge includes: bed (single room), breakfast and dinner.

• Bait pack per competitor per day: 25,00 €

2nd World Championship Shore Angling for Masters 10 to 17 of November 2018

Albufeira – Portugal

Federação Portuguesa de Pesca Desportiva Rua Eça de Queirós, nº 3 – 1º

1100-095 Lisboa Telef. 00.351.213140177

e-mail: [email protected] – Site: www.fppd.pt


All payments must be made by bank transfer and before July the 13th directly to:

Federação Portuguesa de Pesca Desportiva Banco Santander Totta – Rua Rodrigues Sampaio, 174 - B

1150-282 Lisboa

IBAN: PT50001800001068909600196 BIC/SWIFT: TOTAPTPL

Please don’t forget to bring with you your national anthem and flag.

For more information: www.fppd.pt

Important Contacts:

Organization (Mr. Luiz Coelho): +351 964 229 282

International Emergency: 112

Police (Albufeira): +351 289 590 790

2nd World Championship Shore Angling for Masters 10 to 17 of November 2018

Albufeira – Portugal

Federação Portuguesa de Pesca Desportiva Rua Eça de Queirós, nº 3 – 1º

1100-095 Lisboa Telef. 00.351.213140177

e-mail: [email protected] – Site: www.fppd.pt

Fishing Tackle

2 m 0,50

Nº 8/6


2,5 m 0,50

Nº 8/6

Nº 8/6

Nº 8/6

Nº 8/6


2nd World Championship Shore Angling for Masters 10 to 17 of November 2018

Albufeira – Portugal

Federação Portuguesa de Pesca Desportiva Rua Eça de Queirós, nº 3 – 1º

1100-095 Lisboa Telef. 00.351.213140177

e-mail: [email protected] – Site: www.fppd.pt

List of Species

Species punctuated from 15 cm. Undersize species will be awarded with 1 bonus point.

2nd World Championship Shore Angling for Masters 10 to 17 of November 2018

Albufeira – Portugal

Federação Portuguesa de Pesca Desportiva Rua Eça de Queirós, nº 3 – 1º

1100-095 Lisboa Telef. 00.351.213140177

e-mail: [email protected] – Site: www.fppd.pt

Bait Packs

Baits packs (per competitor) are composed by: 4 Worm Slime 2 Korean 4 Sardines

Classification System

The classification System used is Catch and Release (Points).

This Championship follows FIPS-M Rules

FIPS-M Rules can be downloaded at: https://www.fips-m.org/statutes-rules-gb

Each country may be represented by the maximum of two teams.

2nd World Championship Shore Angling for Masters 10 to 17 of November 2018

Albufeira – Portugal

Federação Portuguesa de Pesca Desportiva Rua Eça de Queirós, nº 3 – 1º

1100-095 Lisboa Telef. 00.351.213140177

e-mail: [email protected] – Site: www.fppd.pt

Official Program

Saturday: 10/11/2018 08:00 Teams Reception 10:30 Captains meeting 13:30 Lunch 15:30 Opening Parade and Ceremony 20.00 Opening Dinner

Sunday: 11/11/2018 07:00 Breakfast 08:00 Distribution of baits and snacks to the Team Captains 09:00 Depart to the event location 11:00 Beginning of the Official Training Round – Praia dos Salgados 15:00 End of the Official Training Round 17:00 Establishment of the Ranking for the Official Training Round 20:00 Dinner Monday: 12/11/2018 07:00 Breakfast 08:00 Distribution of baits and lunch packs 09:00 Depart to the event location 11:00 Beginning of the 1stOfficial Round – Praia da Falésia 15:00 End of the 1stOfficial Round 17:00 Establishment of the Ranking for the 1st Official Round 20:00 Dinner Tuesday: 13/11/2018 07:00 Breakfast 08:00 Distribution of baits and lunch packs 09:00 Depart to the event location 11:00 Beginning of the 2ndOfficial Round – Praia da Rocha Baixinha 15:00 End of the 2ndOfficial Round 17:00 Establishment of the Ranking for the 2nd Official Round 20:00 Dinner Wednesday: 14/11/2018 07:00 Breakfast 08:00 Distribution of baits and snacks to the Team Captains 09:00 Depart to the event location 11:00 Beginning of the 3rdOfficial Round – Praia da Falésia 15:00 End of the 3rdOfficial Round 17:00 Establishment of the Ranking for the 3rd Official Round 20:00 Dinner

2nd World Championship Shore Angling for Masters 10 to 17 of November 2018

Albufeira – Portugal

Federação Portuguesa de Pesca Desportiva Rua Eça de Queirós, nº 3 – 1º

1100-095 Lisboa Telef. 00.351.213140177

e-mail: [email protected] – Site: www.fppd.pt

Thursday: 15/11/2018 07:00 Breakfast 08:00 Distribution of baits and lunch packs 09:00 Depart to the event location 11:00 Beginning of the 4thOfficial Round – Praia da Rocha Baixinha 15:00 End of the 4thOfficial Round 17:00 Establishment of the Ranking for the 4th Official Round 20:00 Dinner Friday: 16/11/2018 08:00 Breakfast 12:00 Lunch 15:00 Prize Giving Ceremony 19:30 Closing Dinner Saturday: 17/11/2018 09:00 Departure of the teams

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