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10 Way To Make Money at Home Free Recommend to earn Money

I recommend 10 Way To Make Money at Home. If you have the

ability. One the one hand, it is possible to change money for

you.I have an idea that can actually be done, and you can be


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By monetizedathome.com 1

10 Way To Make Money at Home

If you are looking for ways to make money at home. I

have a lot that can be done, and I recommend 10 Way To Make

Money at Home. If you have the ability. One the one hand, it is

possible to change money for you.

I have an idea that can actually be done, and you can be apply.

1- Having an Opinion Counts.

2- Virtual Assistant – Never be out of the Office Again.

3- Put Your Skills to Good Use-Can to Make Money at Home.

4- Wheeling and Dealing.

5- Tricks of the betting Trade – Making extra income from home.

6- Browsing for Cash.

7- Cash from your Blog or Website.

8- Remote working-Exploring online Professional Work Sources.

9- Get Paid to Review.

10- Write an eBook.

Hope you can have benefit from this eBook . You can Visits my Blog at -


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1 - Having an Opinion Counts

If you are desperately hunting for an extra income without re-

evaluating your entire life, the internet holds almost unlimited


Perhaps the most time tested, although lightly laborious

method to make money online is via surveys and

questionnaires. There are literally thousands of websites that

will pay to give your views on subjects relating to just about


It is now the primary source of information gathering for

marketing agencies, retailers and even government

departments. So how can you get involved?

A quick internet search will throw up all the big players (many

of which are based on the US) inviting people from around the

world to sign up. The forms are pretty standard and time

consuming but focus on the end goal should get you through.

The companies will then contact you when a suitable survey

arrives. They generally take around 10-20 minutes to complete

and can pay up to £10 for your time.

The most common subject matter relates to new retail products

such as drinks or crisps. More sophisticated surveys also ask

participants to view adverts and provide honest assessment on

the advertising campaigns to come. This usually takes the form

of multiple choice options or short spaces for sentenced


What is a suitable survey?

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Many suppliers are keen to gauge the opinions of certain

publics; for example a new infant clothing range may focus on

young mothers.

Many of these sites may offer rewards or points that can be

exchanged for cash when a certain milestone is achieved. It is

often commonplace for marketers to entry surveyors into prize

draws which can net participants large cash prices, latest

electrical releases or holidays.

What are the catches?

In essence there are no catches but it can take time to build up

a reputation and develop regular invites. Certain websites will

avoid paying you by ‘screening out’ of surveys which is highly

frustrating but sticking to sites that you trust will avoid this in

the long run.

It should not be regarded as a source of primary income; rather

a nice side earner which can net successful users £200 - £300

per month if managed efficiently and you hit the right market


As you would expect, you are required to provide relatively

private information such as age and address so expect your

inbox to fill with invitations, third party adverts and general

spam. Be careful to sign up for legitimate sites and never

provide financial details.

It can take significant periods of time and not advisable for

those lacking patience but it is certainly an attainable money


It does not take a lot of thought, training or even research and

appears to be easy money from the comfort of your armchair.

Many individuals take it seriously enough to invest

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considerable daily time completing surveys and approaching

new sites.

Don’t expect to make a millionaire, show a bit of long term

dedication and rewards are exceptionally achievable; solely for

discussing your opinion on issues.

2-Virtual Assistant – Never be out of the Office Again

The workplace has been drawn closer together since the birth

of the internet. Now people from China, Brazil or just about

anywhere can have face to face meetings with clients on the

other side of the world without purchasing a plane ticket.

As the business world has developed so too has the role of

employees within it. Many companies are now recruiting virtual

staff via the internet. It can be a great way to make a good

living from home and maintain fulltime work links.

Many firms also recruit via the internet for individual project

administrative staff to complete tasks such as:

Letter Writing

Processing Data

Contacting Clients

Answering Telephone Calls (this tends to be for

businesses located on the same country as the


Updating Company Spread sheets

Copy Typing

Logging Receipts

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It can often be a 9-5 role that suit many parents looking to

maintain employment from home. Other employers look for

more ad hoc hours where services are required. The pay rate

for this form of work can be excellent and exceed £10 - £20 an

hour for the right contractor.

The main issue is that for every website proposal, there is often

in excess of 100 applications from people around the world. A

background in this form of work or experience in workplace

offices will often assist being shortlisted.

Many employers work via agents that will monitor working

hours via logging clocks installed on your machine. They

feedback to the employer what you have been doing so there is

no point trying to use this method as a cheap form of income

without putting a bit of work in.

The only major drawback with this form of armchair work is

that in order to be competitive in the hunt for work, you may

need to place bids priced as low £2-£3 per hour. What can

really make you standout is the ability to communicate in more

than one language. There are plenty of virtual assistant

opportunities out there in cyberspace for Asian based

languages and Russian. It is a growing market and the ability

to communicate with clients from all over the world can make

you a very well paid work at home Virtual Assistance.

There are many ways to find income from the comfort of your

own home and becoming a virtual assistant or providing

administrative support via the internet is a solid approach.

This form of opportunity is suitable to those with excellent

typing skills, a working knowledge of most desktop packages

and a firm grasp of the relevant language.

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On a final note, many roles claiming to be Virtual Assistant

positions advertised on mainstream works are actually posted

by adult website owners that are actually seeking models for

camera work. Always investigate the nature of a web based

client before signing up.

If you are organised, efficient and perhaps bilingual then

searching for this form of work on the internet might prove to

be fruitful.

3-Put Your Skills to Good Use-Can to Make Money at


It is staggering the number of people that fail to make the most

of established training and talents. If you are looking for an

income from home, why not consider utilising specific skills

and experience from your past?

Web Design

On average, in excess of 3500 individuals qualify each year

from learning establishments with skills in web design. With

such a small number of jobs actually available what are the

rest doing?

In the era of the internet companies are constantly looking to

update their designs to maintain brand freshness and therefore

will look to employee a website designer. The average website

can cost in excess of £2000 to build and manage so it will be a

fulltime career.

The main issue will be gaining a regular stream of income but

setting up a business and marketing to clients could be a

useful tool to showcase your abilities.

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Even you currently do not have any web design skills, taking a

course could reap huge benefits in your quest to make money

from home.


The internet is multicultural and completely global; therefore

the ability to communicate with people from different regions is

invaluable to employers and website owners. There is currently

a huge demand for both Indian and Chinese speakers to liaise

with clients from the west.

If you have these skills what are you waiting for? Opportunities

are plentiful and located via a simple search engine.

Professional Writers

Unfortunately, the written word once held as sacred has

become decimated online via non-native speakers selling

articles for tiny prices. There is still a market for talented

writers so don’t be afraid to try and generate a little extra

income by bidding for articles that are advertised.

There is also scope to join large writing agencies that can

guarantee significant levels of work if you are deemed suitable

to join. The internet is also packed with employers searching

for proof readers and editors if you have the skills have a go!

App Design

Smartphones are the buzz gadget of the decade and the ability

to design high quality sellable apps for the device can net a

great income. It is a very specific skill base but attainable

through manuals and online courses. Being prepared to learn

will open homes based money making solutions.

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Many top snappers sell their pictures via online stores and can

generate a healthy living from royalties. In essence if you have

an extremely popular photo that is consistently being

downloaded a sum of the payment comes to you for each

download. Many website designers will also request high

resolution images for website design so building relations with

website creators could result in further business.

No matter your skill it is also about selling what you can offer.

This is especially apt when working from home in an

unmonitored location. Do not be afraid to make the most of

your background and what you bring to the proverbial

workplace banquet. Be confident and standout from the crowd.

4-Wheeling and Dealing

Have you ever dreamed about quitting your day job and

working from home? It has become reality for many via the

magic world of ecommerce and in particular the ebay selling


Setting up on ebay

To begin your journey, simply create a profile and verify your

financial background. Select an appropriate user name that

will encourage other users to be interested and take you

seriously. For example avoid names such as ‘Sexy Man Sam’

which discourages trust. The aim is develop high quality

feedback so bend over backwards of early clients to really put

emphasise on positive exposure of your brand.

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Making serious money on ebay from the comfort of your own

home is not about rummaging your cupboards for unwanted

items. The trick is to buy and sell. Carefully search listings

daily for a bargain that you could potentially sell on to

specialist collectors.

Many individuals that make a living from online marketplaces

become specialists in certain fields. For example Japanese

pottery currently yields a sizeable profit margin. Learn to

identify a bargain or an item of greater value and invest. Start

small and test the water and be prepared for a few setbacks.

Many other dealers also visit auctions with an aim to selling

items via the internet. Our tip is to become involved in selling

coins across the internet. There are a substantial number of

hardcore collectors that will pay excellent sums for rare and

precious coins. If you learn to utilise the system efficiently,

generating bidding wars is an excellent tactic to bump up the

price. Stay in touch with interested parties and involve them in

the selling process of similar items in the future.

If this form of financial generation is not for you, then why not

consider setting up a direct ecommerce site. Many successful

entrepreneurs started this way with no delusions of grand

success. Making wedding gifts, cards or stationary is popular

along with children’s toys and clothes. Think outside the box

for a creative idea that you could exploit.

Running a site does incur expenses that need to be factored in

but savings from renting office space should free up some

monthly capital. Be aware that website design, hosting and

payment facilities will be regular outgoing expenses.

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Many people remain in fulltime employment when starting a

work at home business and grow it sufficiently to give up daily


Finally, it is also worth sourcing a supplier that can deliver

mass bulk item deliveries; this includes major wholesalers. Buy

in the goods, market them via your website or profile and sell

on to your customers with a mark-up price.

If you are interested in the above and selling items via the

internet, please be aware of your country’s rules with regards

to tax and exporting goods.

There you have it, be the latest recruit to the world of

ecommerce, show patience, bravery and commitment and

success could be achievable. Follow your dream of working

from home as inspiration and the best of luck!

5-Tricks of the betting Trade – Making extra income from


Before getting excited about uncovering tips for the 4.15 race

tomorrow afternoon, this article aims to discuss the loop holes

of various site betting options.

Basically the internet is crawling with bookies, main stream

betting firms and online betting shops each offering wonderful

sign up deals or betting packages to encourage members to

invest their hard earned cash.

Matter of Fact…

It is possible to make a small income from betting websites but

it requires patience and dedication with the potential to net

around £1000 per year. Each bookmaker offers slightly

different odds on the same event meaning that betting on all

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outcomes across a number of platforms will guarantee a

positive result.

The potential to succeed on a budget is increased by sites

offering up to £30 free bets for signing up so in this sense,

there is not really much a gamble involved.

It has proved to be successful for a large number of individuals

so proven to be a nice side earning income.

Also most of these sites have gaming extensions such as Bingo

that also offer free sign up sections. Why not take them up on

their offers, there is not much available for free!

Remember that gambling is not a genuine money making

scheme although many professional gamblers would argue this

notion. Avoid being dragged into the situation of spending large

sums of cash on a ‘safe bet’ and be sensible with your

approach to betting sites.

Another betting technique which does involve risk (although

much in life does) is casino betting. Many claimed throughout

recent gambling history to have uncovered the secrets of

failsafe betting but there is no substantial proof to this claim.

Black or White…

Betting on roulette can potentially produce sizeable winnings

by following the thought process that odds are your friend. Bet

low frequently and follow a set structure:

Bet the minimum stake on black, if you lose double your bet

and so on until you win. Then change to red and follow the

same idea. The thesis to this betting strategy considers the

odds to be an on-going system as oppose to one time event. For

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example it would seem highly unlikely to expect 100 red

numbers to appear consecutively.

In many ways, this form of income can be compared to

dabbling in the stock market. It is not advisable for all but

following strict procedures and showing discipline could reap

benefits from working at home.

To safeguard your cash, always set the minimum deposit

values per day to help control the system and do not rely on

this as a steady income.


An elite group of home based gamblers claim to be professional

gamblers, understanding systems, betting on sporting events

and frequent research. These people take the up and the downs

of the ‘career’ but for the average Joe; remember that the house

always wins in the end. Know when to cash in and walk away

is the essence of online betting.

6-Browsing for Cash

Getting paid to browse the internet at your leisure is a great

way to earn a little pocket money. Ok it may be slow at times

but a little extra cash is better in your pocket. It makes saving

for that rainy day a little easier and suits those that spend a

few hours online each day. There are various sites that can be

used; you just need to know where to look.

Pop along to sites such as WWW.QMEE.COM where you will be

asked to install an add-on to your browser, once this has been

setup you will be able to search as normal. Once you start

searching, small adverts will appear next to your normal

results, clicking on an advert will only earn you a few pence

but it'll soon add up. It's also worth noting that Qmee will only

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reward you if your search is genuine, so clicking on an advert

several times won't earn you any extra pennies. On a more

technical note installing the add-on to your browser will give

the company access to your browsing history, if you're not

happy with this, don't install.

Further to this there are various cash back sites that pay you

to click through to certain websites or even to make purchases.

Cash back sites vary on how much you will get for purchases,

this is often a percentage of the total cost, so it's worth

checking out a few before deciding which one to use.

A couple we have tried are the most well-known these are

Topcashback and Quidco. Both are very favourable in terms of

cash back with Quidco just edging it with their app that

actually pays you to go into a shop! Plus they have recently got

rid of their £5 fee so all the more money for you. There are no

limits for cash back sites when purchasing, so get shopping.

So Qmee may not make you a millionaire but on browsing the

web, we've noticed that it is possible to make £5 a month,

that's £60 extra a year in your back pocket for very little effort.

The cash back sites might not give you loads back either but

just think about Christmas, the time of year you spend most

money you could also be getting a little back too.

It's also worth noting that Nectar also has a search bar which

allows you to collect up to 50 points in a month, just for

normal browsing. It might not be cash but at the end of the day

it could be used to save a little money on the weekly shop thus

making you a little cash to treat yourself.

The above is just a selection of ways that you can earn an extra

online income with very little effort by merely having a web

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presence. Be wary of sites you sign up to though make sure

they are secure and never store cash in them.

What are you waiting for, get browsing!

7-Cash from your Blog or Website

Advertise and Earn…

If you have your own website or blog there are ways you can

use them to create a steady income alongside your usual

customers. It might sound strange but there are websites out

there that will actually pay you to advertise, these are

commonly called affiliate websites.

It might sound ridiculously straightforward and when

implemented correctly genuinely can be. Make the most of your

web presence.

Affiliate websites pay a small percentage to you each time

someone clicks through to their website from yours. The main

player in this market is Google Ad Words; doing a little web

search will bring up quite a few but try to stick to just a couple.

Realistically they all do the same thing; you sign up and install

the coding on your website. Once the adverts start to show you

are ready to start earning.

Top websites generate thousands, perhaps millions of hits on a

regular basis and this converts into serious potential earnings

from linked advertising links.

This can be a tidy little earner, providing you have the traffic to

your site. It may seem easy to fill your site with the adverts but

it’s not the best way to earn, it's actually best to put a few

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sections that are linked to the service you provide. If you add

too many adverts people will be quick to turn away from your

site as it can be overwhelming and you could lose customers

this way too. Keep it simple and you'll attract the customers

and the pennies!

If you have a Youtube account and upload high quality original

videos you might be eligible for the Youtube partner program.

This works by running adverts alongside your videos, so the

amount you receive will vary depending on how many people

view your videos. A famous example of this is the video "Charlie

bit my finger-again" which reportedly earned around £100,000!

Other successful examples can be as simple as a sneezing

panda cub or a granddad dancing the ‘robot’ at a wedding.

Ok so you might not realistically make a living from uploading

videos, but you never know if your video is eye-catching

enough it could net a little pocket money. Take a look through

Youtube and similar video streaming sites for an idea of what is


For any of the above to work efficiently you will need to be on

top of your blog, website or Youtube account – freshness pays.

Earnings might be slow at first but the more customers or

viewers you build over the next few months could make this

quite lucrative.

Invest time and creative thought and the prospects are

excellent. Focus on the concept that the more popular and

visited your website can be, the more advert hits can be

attained. Never under estimate the importance of web

advertising presence.

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8-Remote working-Exploring online Professional Work


Some online earning can be quite slow and tedious, however,

there a few websites out there that pay very well. These require

a bit more work and dedication but if you are accepted (which

can be tough) the potential to make a sizeable additional

income is clear.

There are only a few of these sites and you can only work for

them once, after a year your contract is up so it's best to space

them out. One example of this type of site is Lionbridge, you

have to go through an application process and if you are

accepted you will have to pass a test to prove you are up to the

job. These tests are not easy and you will be expected to work

hard to pass them, if you fail you can't re-sit, so it's worth

taking your time as once you’re in the pay is worth it.

So what is it all about?

The work itself can vary, often in the form of academic writing,

project involvement or participating in study research. Given

the high standards required it is understandable that the

criteria’s to join are exceptionally high.

Another part of the profile is often solid academic

qualifications, so former students and educated scholars will

enjoy earnings from this form of opportunity.

The application process requires the production of a CV and

work history which will not suit many. If you can offer the

above then you have a good chance to make some online cash

from the comfort of your living room.

Why do they need help from third parties?

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It is often cheaper for companies and establishments to

outsource their support needs.

Once you’re in, the hard work doesn't stop, you really need to

be dedicated and put in the hours to get a good return - it's

worth it! On a quick internet search we have noticed that it's

possible to make anywhere up to £400 a month, now that is

worthwhile at the end of the year.

Once your contract is up with Lionbridge have a wee look

around as there are various sites that offer the same work, for

the same length of time and for the same rate of pay or better.

Hard work and dedication is a must for remote working as

these companies are relying on you to get the job done for their

customers. You look good; they look good it's a win win


If this seems excessive, roles are available on the web to assist

companies with academic studies; often in the form of tests or

surveys. The pay is usually basic and opportunities limited but

it will provide a coveted extra income from home.

The internet remains packed with opportunities to earn income

and utilising academic requirements. Do not be afraid to offer

your services but be prepared to provide high levels of service.

9-Get Paid to Review

Do you like it or hate it? Get paid to tell!

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If you like to voice your opinion why not get paid for it? Some

sites will actually pay you to give your opinion; it could be

anything from a holiday to a product you've used. Firstly, let’s

be clear this is not the same as surveys and questionnaires. It

requires the production of firm comments which can expand to

hundreds – even thousands of words.

The pay can be great if you find a good employer, it is possible

to get a steady flow of cash even without a fixed contract. A

popular topic is the music industry and there are a number of

websites specialising in reviewing music.

The websites in question are very simple to use, it's a simple

sign up process and once you've completed reviewing can start

straightaway! On the review screen you will hear a song

performed by up and coming artists which you will have to

listen to fully and write a detailed review on it.

When writing a review, make sure you include details on the

singer and composition etc. You can be as brutally honest as

you want to be and the better the review the more you get paid.

Each review will earn you a few pence but if you love music

this should be a breeze, you can navigate away from the page

in another window which allows you to carry on with any other

tasks you have to do. The more you do it the more you'll know

what to say, what buzzwords to use and how much effort you

need to put in to get a decent payment. Before you know it

you'll be the music expert all your friends go to.

Getting paid is easy too. Set up a Paypal account with the

email address you signed up with and they all link together.

The payment threshold is set to £7 which you should get to

quite quickly if you are dedicated to it.

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This is more suited to someone with a lot of patience as some

of the songs aren't to everyone's taste but if that's not your cup

of tea there is another option; if you have been a member for a

while you might get an invite to review fashion. The fashion

side is much better paid; each fashion review will net in excess

of $1 when you become skilled.

There are review opportunities for travel writer also available.

Many request samples so if you are interested have a prepared

review that you can submit.

The best review writers produce interesting and creative

content while providing the user with an insight into a product

or service. Consider these points before beginning.

All in all a nice little earner and certainly helps generate those

extra pennies, just be prepared to be critical. It is also worth

noting that global hit ‘Kangham Style’ was panned by reviewers

on these review sites so it demonstrates that you are not

expected to always get it right!

10-Write an eBook

Become a Best seller or even a moderate one…

Do you enjoy writing but never go to the effort of getting

published? If so, online publishing could be the way to go; it

gets your name exposed without the hassle or expense of

mainstream publishers.

An Ebook is basically an online version of published work that

can be downloaded, purchased and feature fictional writing,

biography or even instructional manuals.

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Ebooks tend to be published on Amazon and can vary in price.

It's always best to start quite low with your first attempt and

maybe as confidence grows, you can raise the price of future

works. Of course Amazon will take their fee too so make sure

it's priced appropriately to get a good return.

Remember, it's not just a case of writing anything and sticking

it online, you want people to want to read it and more

significantly, pay for it. Take a bit of time think about what

your book will be about, it could be romance, Sci-fi or even a

How To. Make sure the book reads well, ie no grammatical or

spelling errors. Also don’t say in a hundred pages what works

fine in 100 words.

It is also wise to allow others to proof read your work before

releasing to the general public. Honest feedback will help

greatly. Many writers actually post jobs on writing websites for

proof reading services to this is another avenue to exploit in the

authors marketplace.

We can't promise that this will make you millions like E L

James, author of the Fifty Shades trilogy but if you hit upon

the correct topic at that particular time, who knows…

Keep your feet on the ground, it could be a slow earner

especially if there are other books very similar in topic to yours,

research thoroughly and give it your best.

Writing an Ebook is becoming more and more popular and

finding that niche is difficult but spending time researching is

essential to getting your audience and cash!

Can you sell anywhere else?

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The simple answer is yes, setup your own website, or partner

with an established host. It is also possible to release your

work as an application via Apple or Google.

A quick search will also reveal a number of other sites that will

publish your work or provide a platform for you to do so.

Top Tip

The best writers always plan their work in advance. Do not sit

down and spill a draft from your mind, it will usually fail. Write

down a schedule or works and form a section guide in order to

stick to the goal of the writing project.

Also be careful not to breach copy writer rules and be original,

don’t steal other ideas. If you written something which you

believe is potentially profitable copy write the material to

prevent others stealing from you.

All that remains is to write your content, form an Ebook and

make money from your own home. All the best and happy


Good Luck!


My Blog : http://monetizedathome.com/

July 2013

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