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10 Ways to Be a Good Husband

Page 2: 10 Ways to Be A Good Husband

Marriage takes work. That doesn’t mean that it isn’t wonderful and rewarding, just that working on your relationship does not end when you get married.

If you are looking for ways to be a good husband, here are ten


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Do one random act of kindness each day

I often observed my father doing a small, nice thing for my mother. This often went unnoticed— not because my mom was careless or thoughtless, but because

sometimes it was something so small that she simply wouldn’t have noticed unless it was pointed out to her.

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Don’t keep secrets about the finances

Whether you are the sole breadwinner, she is, or you both work, it’s never a good idea to keep one

member of that marriage in the dark about money. If she’s a spender and you don’t tell her that you

are having money troubles, you’ll start to resent all that spending. Make your decisions together and

don’t keep one another in the dark.

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Get to know herDo you know what her favorite band is? Do you

know what she’s reading? What she loves to watch? What is she interested in? Take in interest in

the things that interest her. While you might not love watching Project Runway, you love spending

time with her. Plus, taking an interest in what interest her shows her that you care about her.

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Do things togetherWhen was the last time you two went on a date? If

you have kids, call up the babysitter and get yourself a night off. Then, plan something fun for just the two of you to do. If you both love movies,

pick a movie (or even an entire festival) to see. Or, try something new together. If you have never

been golfing, trying it out can be more fun and less embarrassing together. If you can, get away for the

entire weekend and spend it exploring a nearby city or town as well as each other.

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Don’t be controllingIt can be tempting to try and exercise your will over

your wife, especially when it comes to things like money or decisions about the family. If you two are not an equal team, on equal footings, you are not going to last. Your marriage might stay together, through sheer force of will, but neither of you are going to be happy or fulfilled. Not sure if you are

controlling? Ask her. Do you ever criticize her when she disagrees with you? Do you always have the

final say on what the family does?

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Keep the romance aliveSex is a big part of keeping a relationship healthy and thriving. If it becomes routine, however, it is not going to be satisfactory to either party. Being

romantic, whether cooking her dinner occasionally or even just coming home with a bouquet of

flowers, can be a great way to keep the spark alive. Sometimes, you might even want to stay overnight in a hotel or do something else to break yourselves

out of your routine. Putting her needs first can ensure that this part of your marriage stays alive.

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Remember that you are not her father

It’s not your job to scold her for doing the wrong thing. She’s an adult, she knows that she’s done something wrong. She also doesn’t want to hear

that you think she’s a “poor baby” when something has gone wrong in her life. She has a right to hurt feelings. Don’t treat her like you would treat your

little kid sister or your daughter.

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Work on growing together.Marriages that grow apart do so because the two

members of that marriage were not willing to grow together. If you feel that your life is significantly changing, you should want her to be right there with her. Make an effort to include her in those

changes in your life and to be included when she is making changes, too.

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Devote time to herThere is no better way to prove that you love

someone than to give them your time. If she needs you to help her unpack groceries, give her a couple minutes to unpack those groceries. The things that you give your time to are your priority in life and

she should be your top priority.

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Reference:Cope Better Therapy – 10 Ways to be a Good Husband


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