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Page 1: 10 ways to be a good store manager

Are you a great store manager?

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Do you challenge employees to set new

performance goals?

Do you coach employees to overcome performance


Do you encourage employees to contribute new


Do you take a personal interest in your employees?

Do you delegate well?

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Do you communicate your priorities and directions


Do you resolve conflicts in a productive way?

Do you behave in a professional manner at work?

Do you inspire your employees?

Do you listen well?

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What Do Store Managers Do?

• Store managers are the people in charge of

entire stores and the employees that work

within. Store managers are in charge of the

general operations of a store, making sure it

runs smoothly, cleanly and meets any budget

or sales goals.

• A store manager might plan and promote the

daily schedule of employees and the business,

interview, hire, coordinate and discipline

employees, make sure the store is stocked,

clean and in proper working order, create and

maintain budgets, and coordinate with and

report to senior management in the company.

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What are the Job Skills and Requirements by Employer?

Leadership Skills

Time Management:

Math and Budgeting:

Analytical Skills:

Decision-Making Skills:

Speaking and Writing:

Customer Service Skills:

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1. Realize that management succeeds via the

efforts of the workers. Because you're in charge

doesn't mean you deserve all the credit for the

work being done. Your staff is responsible for the

bulk of the work. You are leading them as they

get it done to be sure all regulations are

complied with, etc.

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2. Delegate responsibility and then trust your

people. Micro-managers are never appreciated

and shows disrespect toward the team member.

Once you've trained someone to handle a task,

allow him or her to handle it without interference.

Different people have different approaches, and

someone else's way of doing something may be

just as efficient as the way you would do it.

Before you step in and force your way on anyone,

give an honest evaluation to the method, and if

you find it works just as well, even if it's different

from yours, let it be. Constantly correcting your

people undercuts their confidence and does not

allow them to exercise their own style.

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3. Know your employees to know your

strength. Watch your staff; get to know them as

individuals. Understand their motives: Whatever

that is, do your best to understand. That allows

you to enhance, adjust, and align their motives

with your goals. The cream always rises to the

top, and it's your job to figure out which

employees do what is required in their jobs, and

employees do all they can in their jobs. There is

a huge distinction.

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4. Most bad bosses are under the (mistaken)

impression there is something threatening about

this, because the bad boss thinks that she or he

is the only one who can perform a given

function. The truth is, the best boss trusts that

his or her staff can be utterly relied upon.

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5. Empower your staff to Make Decisions, and

don't second-guess them. If you've done a good

job of training your people to be your proxies,

then you must believe they are doing their best

to act in your (and your company's) best

interest. Even if they make a wrong decision, or

handle a situation in a way you would not have,

don't second guess or berate them. Instead, use

it as yet another training opportunity. Hear out

their reasons for their action - most of the time,

when taken in context, there was a logical basis

for what they decided to do.

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6. Help them learn to work out issues without your

intervention. Sometimes one or more of your staff

may experience friction with others. If they come

tattling on one another to you, Listen to them

carefully. If someone is not fulfilling his own

responsibilities or is mistreating another employee,

you'll need to step in and Resolve a Conflict at Work.

But if you're satisfied it's only an issue of competition

or a simple personality clash, urge them to settle it

between themselves.

Talk to the other person, and upon verifying that it's a

personality issue, simply let them both know that

they aren't required to be friends, only to get along

and get their work finished.

Tell them both you believe in their abilities to work

and get along. Then leave them alone, but watch

carefully. Don't interfere unless they bicker in front of

customers. Put a stop to anything like that instantly.

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7. Deal with any problems quickly and directly. Any boss

who is busy totally understands this concept: "I don't

need all the details. Bottom line it for me." You don't

have to be so blunt that you crush people, and 

Be Honest Without Being Harsh is a big time saver, and

frankly, appreciated in the end. When you see a

problem, deal with it quickly and don't nag your people

about it later - let done be done. Try to elicit the

agreement that whatever just happened was not

acceptable. Remember that your goal is to promote

productive behavior and retain the respect of your

employee, NOT to antagonize your people, particularly in

front of others. Here's an example:

Boss: "Evan. I need you in the office for a moment." (Say

this in a neutral or pleasant tone. Don't come out in front

of customers or peers with your guns blazing, bellowing,

"Evan, get in the office NOW." This is between you and

Evan.) Privately, once all prying eyes are away:

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7. Boss: "Evan, the cell phone call. Is everything okay with

your family?"

Evan: "Yes, it was just my dad wanting some help later..."

Boss: "Okay, I see. We're all human, but when you're out in the

front office, you cannot take personal calls."

Evan: "I know. I'm sorry. It's just my dad doesn't have many

opportunities to talk to me..." (the actual problem or subject of

the call is irrelevant)

Boss: "I understand; nevertheless - when you find you can't

end a personal call immediately, I'd like you to leave the front

reception. When customers see you taking an obviously

personal call instead of helping them, it looks bad for you and

the business Our customer is always to have priority unless

you have an emergency.

Evan: "Yeah... that was my mistake."

Boss: "Alright. Glad you understand that. Ideally, I'd like you to

let your phone go to voice mail when you're at work, but at

least leave the front office if you can't end the call


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7. And that's it. Don't belabour it, don't nag him

about it, just let him get on with his job. It isn't

necessary to cushion these discussions with

compliments or flattery. Your employee should

(A) know better than to take lengthy personal

calls on the job and (B) be a grownup about

discipline. You, as a Good Boss, should (A) stay

cool - it's a training opportunity, and (B) be kind

and calm, but firm and clear in expressing your

correction of the behavior and your expectation

for the future. Excessive compliments and a

constant attempt to "relate" to your staff's

personal issues are a waste of time, as are

berating and belaboring lectures. Get to the

point quickly - but without becoming strident or

making a mountain out of a molehill.

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8. Tell your staff how much you appreciate them -

in front of customers if possible. Never hesitate to

pat your employees on the back, Compliment staff,

and thank them for their excellent service - if

customers are there, letting them know how you

value your people can go a long way toward the

customers actually having more faith in the

services your business provides. When your staff

feel valued and appreciated, their job means more

to them than simply a paycheck. When your

customers know that you, as the manager think

highly of your staff, they feel confident that they're

in good hands, and it gives you more freedom to

leave your customers in the very capable hands of

your staff. See how this becomes a "win-win-win"?

By lifting up your employee while your customer

was watching, All you got something good from it -

with zero downside.

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9. Show your appreciation by doing things for

them. They go the extra mile for you. You do

something nice for them.

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10. Learn to be an effective listener. Your

employees deserve to be heard when they have

concerns. Allow them to finish talking before you

speak; do not assume that you know what they

are going to tell you before they finish talking; do

not form objections in your mind while they are

talking. Instead, try to be fully engaged while

they are talking without making it about your

rebuttal. Acknowledge their points, which do not

mean that you agree, but does mean that you

understand their concerns. Repeat their points in

your own words to confirm, if necessary. You may

not need to take any action, but hearing them

out is important to their sense of empowerment

and significance. Often, simply saying, "I

appreciate your telling me this" is all that's

needed to make them feel they were heard.

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11. Always say thanks to them for what they do at work.

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