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Page 1: 100 Inspiring Women Events Brochure


Page 2: 100 Inspiring Women Events Brochure

Our 100 Inspiring Women project launched at the end of September 2013 and we are delighted by the response, enthusiasm and nominations for our 100 Inspiring Women.

These women will be showcasing their business success, and most importantly will be sharing their skills and knowledge by mentoring two other women in the next 12 months.

So what do they get back? In recognition of this commitment, e-factor are running a series of FREE events, networking and workshops which will bring in experts from a whole range of business and personal development skills, all of which will be exclusive to our 100 Inspiring Women.


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October 2013 - September 2014

Mentoring workshops

All you need to know about becoming an effective mentor to colleagues, friends and of course the female entrepreneurs you choose to support.

The skills learnt in these sessions are invaluable not only in your mentoring role for 100 Inspiring Women but also in your everyday business life.

Monday 4th NovemberWednesday 4th DecemberThursday 16th January

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November 2013Selling conversations Susan Marot Thursday 28th November

Selling has grown up and now it’s all about the conversation. You don’t have to be a ‘hard-nosed’ salesperson to grow your business. This workshop takes you though how you can sell your services comfortably by simply discussing your customers’ needs and fulfilling them.

December 2013Inspiring women network Tuesday 10th December

The inaugural Inspiring Women Network is a chance for everyone involved to come together enjoy a few festive drinks and get to know each other. No speeches or presentations, just a chance to spend some time with other inspiring women, make new contacts and new friends.

January 2014Feel the fear (and do it anyway) Jan Rillat Tuesday 21st January

The famous Susanne Jeffers, internationally acclaimed best seller is brought to life in a two hour workshop that helps you face your challenges with more power, enthusiasm and energy than you thought possible, a real boost for the New Year.

Is social media social? Rachel Perry Thursday 30th January

A clear and up to date look into what Social Media is all about, what is out there and how we can use it to our advantage. Covering the world of Twitter, Linked In, Face book and many others, this workshop will give you all you need to know to make social media work.

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February 2014

Going great guns with Liz Jackson MBE

Come and spend some time with acclaimed international entrepreneur Liz Jackson. Liz did not let starting a new business while losing her sight faze her – instead she turned it into a multi-million pound success. A great story teller with a great story that is sure to inspire.

Fit to supply food

If you are involved in any aspect of the food industry, whether making cupcakes, providing catering and buffets or developing food products to retail, this is the workshop you mustn’t miss.

Understanding food legislation, laws on packaging and labeling, getting into the supply chain and developing your product or service is all covered by a leading food industry expert.

Making networking easy

Networking can fill people with dread or just confusion, how is it done? Who should I speak to? How do I approach people? How do I get away!?

These are all questions covered in this interactive and entertaining workshop. If you have always wanted to know how to enjoy networking and win business, this is the workshop for you.

March 2014

Where is my website?

Now you have a website, is it working for you? Is your shop window being seen by thousands or lost in cyberspace? If you are not sure then this workshop will give you the advice and information you need to make sure what you have invested in your website is actually working hard for you.

Promoting your business

Everyone needs to promote their business, but when budgets are small and customers few; you really need to make every penny count.

Our local marketing expert takes you through all the do’s and don’ts of promoting your business on a budget and how as a small business, you can use the same techniques and strategies of the big brands. Not only could this save you a fortune but it could help you look after your customers and grow your business even quicker!

Your personal impact

Sometimes business can be won and lost in a single meeting. Confidence building and empowering, this workshop provides some insight into body language, first impressions and practical tips on how to make sure you create the impact you want in any situation.

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April 2014

Successful selling on eBay

Selling online is simply a part of life now. Thousands of successful businesses are run entirely on line, and the most famous place for small profitable businesses is of course, eBay.

This workshop will take you through the basics of setting up and running a successful eBay business or adding eBay to your existing outlets.

Controlling the cash

Cash will always be the lifeblood of any business, large or small. This workshop focuses on cashflow as an activity, not an accounting term. It gives you the advice and guidance you need to manage your cash and make it work for you and your business.

May 2014

An enterprise nation with Emma Jones

A presentation and Q&A from the nationally acclaimed author, entrepreneur and owner of Enterprise Nation, Emma Jones.

Emma’s views on enterprise have been sought after by Governments and now it’s our turn. From home working to building a national brand, the UK’s most celebrated female entrepreneur will be here to discuss!

Mind, body & business

If your business depended on a machine to be successful, then you would have it regularly maintained and do all you could to make sure it was running at full capacity. Why would you not do the same for the one thing your business DOES depend on…? You! Investing time in your health and emotional well being maybe the best two hours you have ever spent.

Making the news

The media, in all its shapes and sizes can be the making of a small business but it can also be its downfall. Taking time to understand how it works, become equipped to ‘face the cameras’, microphones and reporter’s notebook and learning how you can make the media work for you, is time well spent.

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for the dates of

Mentoring workshops

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June 2014

Blogging for business

What exactly are blogs and how can they possibly help me and my business? Writing your own blog is a relatively new concept but there are already hundreds of small businesses using their expertise, experience and unique selling points to write blogs that entertain, inform, challenge and most of all win new customers.

Meet the dragon’s coach

Imagine if you could learn from the person who coaches those facing the Dragons on Dragon’s Den!

Catherine Moonan is that coach and she is coming to the Business Hive. During this interactive workshop you will learn all you need to know about putting your best business case forward with confidence, wherever and whenever you need to.

July 2014

Business stories

Inspirations have always been drawn from the experiences and history of others. We have all seen or read about famous inspirational people but what about those on our doorstep?

This event is all about storytelling. A chance to sit round a table, hear and discuss the experiences of local business women, the challenges and opportunities they have faced, and the lessons they have learned.

Creative thinking

Have you noticed how some of your best ideas come to you when you are on holiday or relaxing? This workshop is like a refresher for the mind, stimulating new ways to look at your business and grow those new ideas into reality. A chance to release those brilliant ideas you have been meaning to get to!

Sept 2014

‘Graduation’ event

After an inspirational year, the Business Hive will be marking the occasion with a very special event with food, drink and a well known inspirational guest speaker.

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for the dates of

Mentoring workshops

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