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Page 1: 10:00 THE POINTER Series III Vol. XI No. 6 Stevens Point ...10:00 Classes Today THE POINTER Welcome Al omni Series III Vol. XI No. 6 Stevens Point, Wis., October 22, 1936 Price 7 Cents

' < 10:00 Classes Today THE POINTER Welcome

Al omni

Series III Vol. XI No. 6 Stevens Point, Wis., October 22, 1936 Price 7 Cents

Homecoming At C.S·.T.C. This Saturday ' .

De Kalb Tilt Crucial Test Parade, Game, Banquets, Dance

Fill Program Leaders Of Littie 19 · Have Strong T earn

'r he main event ou l10111ccoming will find Central State opposing t he strnng D e Ka lb 'l'r11ch1•rs, who. at the present time arc leadin " t he J ,it ti e I fl con ferenc,•. Al th~ug-h

(Coutinu ud on pai;o :i. ~·ol. 1)

H. Bender Invites Alumni ToAttend Annual Luncheon Mr. liurl'y B,•ud<'I'. p1·1•sideut of

the Alt11u11i .\ ssoci11t iou ot' ( ',•n t ra l Sta t.- 'I' •11eh,•1·s ( 'oll ,•g,•. hns r r­quC'strd tha t t ht0 fo llowing iuvita­tiou hl' publish r t.l for the bene fit of t hr a lumni of GC' ntr·,d Stall' . Faculty and Fellow Alumni of

Centra l S tate T each ers College: You are cor dially invited to at­

tend our annual alumni luncheon t Milwaukee on Thursday at

noon, November fifth . Our Secr e­' Miss Bessie La Vigne, has

everything pla nned with the Schroeder Hotel for a n excellent

ea.l. Pla n to attend this a nnual "get-togtt her " and r enew the riendships and memories of O'I\T

Alma. Mater. Sincerely Yours, ~ Bender, President

Miss La Vigue re(J nPs t,•d that he following note be attached.

The price of the luncheon is 85 cents. Please send r eservations to Bessie La Vigne a t the T 11achers College.

W elcome-A lumni of Central State Th e loug,·r ou,• is iu schoo l. th• u,01·(' hC' co n1t•s to rea lize

1h,• fnll u11•,111ing of honH•comiug. He looks for w11rtl rag(' rl~· to !-i(•f' in g ancl gTl'f' tiug ngain his fri e nd~ of fo rm e r yC'ars. 1 xc lrnngiug with 1hC'lll r emi11iscc11 ct.•s which arc 110w (·lwrish(•d llll11t1orit.•s .t nd df'lig-htin:,.r in tlu•ir companionship .

This writtT is onl.v a sr•11ior , so he cannot d rsc rihe at· ,· uratl'ly ,111 al umuus· f,·rli ug 0 11 .that da y, but if the.v are anything like his, ih <'. ' u re ,•motious that arc too d eep to prrm it an rx planat io n .

~n. agai n. w rlC'O lll f.' 1 gl'nds ! i\lay this b(• th e ha pµi r.!"lt homrcomiug C\'t' r. )lay thel'C ucvcr be a dull moment in 1h c da.v . 1,ct us kno\\' tha t y ou ·re glad to b back. and \\'C

\\' ill do 0111· l11•st lo s ho\\' you a hea rty a nd s inccrr \\T-i come.

Affair Begins On Friday Evening With 'E>ep Meeting And Bonfire

'rb is week end will be ma rked by a n outb reak of fest ivities fo r Saturday is H omecoming. 'fhc activ ities for t his g,ala occasion wiU begin Friday eveni ng and continue t hroughout the week end with emphasis p la ced on the game Saturday between Central late and De Ka lb. Although the game wjll c limax the frstiviti es, th

. socia l events will brighten t he campu a nd t own and wi ll adt.1 to the genc1·a l spirit of welcome ex­tended to the al u mni .

P ar a de Begins At 9 :30 At sevr n o'clock Friday evening

the event \\'i ll beg iu a.t t he College auditorium where a mass pep­meeting will be hcltl . ,\ bonfire will erve to ignite th e ·park of ent husiasm \I' h i c h wi ll blow th!'on:,:hout t he• l'olloll'in1s day. At

(Continued on p:1go :?, c.·o l. 4 )

De Vega Group, Famous Dancers,

Appears Tuesday

Berard, Chartier Chosen To Guide Senior, Junior Classes

" W,•h .. H,•1·a1·d. popular senior aud memb,•r n t' Chi Delta Rho t'rall'rnity. "'"" clrnsr n by th e srnio r class as its prcsidcut. ' · \V<·h' ' i8 a p1·m11inc11t m Pm bt• r of the footba ll squad ,int.I is acti\'C in lrnsk ctball and track as well as 011 th<• ca mpus. " Cl i b " l'ophal was electr d vice presid ent. whil e Max­iue ) I i,w r a11d Zrlda W eed both o[ Om~ga Mu Chi sornr ity. w~r e c hosl' II src rcU1ry anrl trt1as11rPr , r,•spcct i ve l,v.

Th ,• juuior class chose as its hrad and prom king 1,eonard Chart ier . th e red-h ead from Mer­ri ll , who is equall y at. home ou the foot ba II field a ntl on the dance floo!' . Al Bucholtz, of hi Delta Rho, \\' RS elrc tw l vice presid ent, Bill Larson of Chi Delta Rho. src­r r tary . and Dorothy Richards of

Tau Gamma Beta, t rcusurer . Ray W einga r tner. a footba ll

man and a Chi Delt was elected sophomorl' pres iden t wit h Betty Jacobs of Omega Mu Chi vice­p,·esidrnt. l•' rm,k liu llitzkc, Chi Delt, secretary, a nd Ruth Nason of Om ega i\lu Chi as treasu r e!'.

Th e 1'r shmrn are s ta rting their school cureel' with Keith Aulik as president . Peggy Glennon as vice president, and Evelyn Schwingle as srcrctar y-trcasun•r .

Notice! Mr. Burroughs has requested

that all those who wish to partici­p a te in debate and who have not as yet indicated their desire to do so should report to him a.s soon a.s possible.


Carlos d~ Vega , noted 8panish dan ce r , and hi · troupe will appear next Tuesday ev •ning, Oct. 27t h, nt 8 :00 in t he co llege auditorium. With him are. two beautifu l dant ­ers of ta lent, Yn ez. of t he Argen ­tine, and i\fari luz, of Mexico. Car­los d e Vega is known in th e larg-,· c ities Qf the Continent as the great est living expo nl'nt of t h ,• Spa11ish Dance.

( Continu ed on pu~c H, t·ol. I )

Page 2: 10:00 THE POINTER Series III Vol. XI No. 6 Stevens Point ...10:00 Classes Today THE POINTER Welcome Al omni Series III Vol. XI No. 6 Stevens Point, Wis., October 22, 1936 Price 7 Cents

l'llE l ' t >I.\TEt:


l 'td,!i , l ,.,! \\', .,.1.,:! .\ ,,., J• ' lio,l1d.1y, :111,l ,·,:1111in;t1i1111 ["·ri .. d- . :.~ ... . , ·:~ 11 -

J· .. ::.• i,\· 111' .:u,l•·!J,, •' Iii·· f ' ,itr·1I \\ ... , ... :.- :1 :-- 1:it ,• T ,· :11·l1<·r , 1·,,n, ..:• :-- .1:,-,·~1:• · 101. l ',1,·•· , _:1111 1 .... . \ ';tr

l.11 · r, ,J ,., ...


:,I ( f 'n11ti11111·d 1111111 1•: t:,! 1' I , 1·0 1. I ) W. A. A. H omecoming .

111111• 11't·l 11c·k l 1li i ~i g-111a E psil11 11 \\ill hol d rprfli il l l lil· \\' li il i rtg' lf o. 1f'i wlit·l"1 ' th,• ('a,1 ilia11 .,.; wil l pl a.v

F a.11 Sports i'nr a ,1· 111 i-1'1 ,r111al p1·1' - lio 11 11•, ·0 111

T i .. I.iii .. pni-i, ar,· \\1•1! 1111d,·r in~ d a1h·1·. \\ii\, T Ji,. ,· 1·1111,i, .. r !1•1111i,. :ir- T ht• .\11 11 11 a l ll 11 1!1( 'l'O ll l i11g- pa ­\ ' !lt: IT, h,;1·k 1•\. ,·,dll·.,· hall. :inti rc1d1·. 0111 · 11 1' th1• t· hi,·f 1',·;ilur,•s ol 1·r1•.1T i Y1• dal)(•i11':!. " 1!1t· d,1, ·, wi ll :-- lal"I al !J:: :o 0 1c /11(•k

) :.tit .. r ,II ..J11d

.\-.. j .. :;111t 1:.111 .. , ~ , ..... ,, J.,!11,11

Tilt• 1·n·a1i,·t· datll.'ill':! 1·la , " Ila :-. ~a1111 ·1ia., 11111 1·1 ii11 g- . :\ Ir . l•;va u~. Wi ll1:111; .\ 'fh ,·i , 1· 11. t•l:! 1·1ark :-. t. . Phon,· 4 ~: •. J ,lraw 11 111 or,• p,·1qd1• 1!ia1 1 a11.,· l '!J;1ir111 ,i11 o l' 1li 1· l lo 111 1•1·o rn i1t g-

1; t·vr.!',' X. ll .\'l· r 11'f11·1· ;ll" li \·j; \· Th,· !.!'ii'! , 1111 11 dH·I' l'Hl ll//1il l"(' . Ii.i s h l' l'II a,s 111·l'd tl1t·

.\ ..-, •. :,11, ' !"'rt .. Ed1t11r

\\·. \ .\ X 11t• -

.l ,•ltn )l ail· r ' l' \• •lli .\·1· i~h 1·. l1ut th ,·r. · i;o,, , 1i ... 11 pp11 r1 11 1' 111a11 y of !lit• s e ltoo l Ul' -lbrul d Jlt l',!.!'I W 1'1• 1•fll (1q• 111 •1 1'1 ' ( '111!\t' 4+11 i!lld I I',\' !!'illliZal if 11l • ..; ill fii1• J11;1ki1tg' O f° lllt'

. )l axin ,· ) l inl'r ii. pa rad ,•. \\' ilh 1111• i11,pi l'a t io 11 a ~ .\"r\\, :--1:1 11

:;o,;i1 1y Editur l_,ronf lil·:t•I, r,


1-:alph .\ nilc r ... c, n . E1hd '.\l 1·Uonaltl . J im ) lur:1t 11 ,wk, ·,\· prat'ti\·,· i , l11•ld t• \·1•ry I hi' 1· ri 11•ri a f o r s111· 1· i·~s . th p fl oats

· · · · · ........ · ·· · Huth Xa-on '1' 11,· , da,· a11d T li 11 r ... la\· al !'our ar .. lo hc- j11d !!Pd a nti pr izp:,,; will LH· .... '.' · · ,J o.kph~1~'-' Ohl· r~~ ·.t .ik.:-n :\l arx r 1,\·!11\·k .· l: 1•!.::11lar h ·:1m ,· lt a\·t· 1101 awanlt·i l.

Kath ry n BN·kc r . )lan a nnc S tautlal'hcr. \ li 1rord T:11Lut h ,·l·ll l'ho,i ' ll a, ,\'l'I. , o )1•;11 ·11 lo · Game 'Begins At 2 :15 BUSINESS STAFF I pla>' h,,f.,,·, · th,, 11ott rn a 1n ,·111 h,·. Th ,• fl oa1, \\'i ll assi• rnh lt· c, 11

J:u-10,·,- .\l :111:t~l·r 1'1n· 11l:nion :\l :111:ig-c r

::i11 , . Ea,t ( 'o ll1\:,!t' .\ ,·t• 11 11 t•, s hor tl y a ftf•r E lle ry Fro:,.t Bas~le r, 9 12 Clark St. , Phonc-1 :!5-J F r11111 l\\'t11ll,\' t11 1liir1 y g- il' I , a r, • 11i111• o ·l· lnl· k . T ht• li n t• n l' niar<·h

l'in·ul:it i1J11 .\ ... -i ... t a nt;,

F:11· 11lt\\ .. \ ,h·i ,,·r

. . . . . . . ... . .. · .. . .... Ah- in Bucbolz,p,11· il'ipaiin!! in tt1 11ni ... and a n·h - will h1 · ( ' lc1rk :,,; l n '<' I , fr o m l•' rt· · ... . ... 1:ohl·rta )k\\' i llinms, Lohta \\'eek ery. T ht' r t' will l, e tu 11 rna 11H!' ll ts i1.1 rn o n t sfl'f'l' f to i nd s tt·t•e t. 2 nd

. . . Jbymo n1i :\l. R1 ghtSC' ll b 11tl1 11( t h,•, t· , p"1'1 " i r \\' t•a t l1t•r ·"'' l't't ' I l ( I I Ill· P n hi i~· :,-.;qlllll' t' and Point er Off ice Phone 1584 lpt11·mit , . D n y nu wan! lo joi n u :-: ! Z\l ai 11 ..; J n·,· 1 l o Iii ,• ( 'oll e~c Cnm

Colleie Office In form:1. tion. P hone 224 ,Jn, t 11111 k (i ltl Oil th , .. l'oolha ll JH l:O-. l'il•ld t• \'t·n· ~l ondav and ,Y ,•1l 11 t.'S· :-,,; ;it11rd .a \· al'1,•r11o nn lhl' :-: cP11 f•

da y if y u1; want tO.St'l' thL .. ho,·k,•y will sh i l'1° t o :--;d111t ,' l'l· ld c f ie ld

Calendar Of E vents

F riday. 1 IL·t. :!: i

!'at 1t l'da .,·. <kt. :!~ >' a11mla y. Ott. :!4 '1' 11('!-,d a y . Ot·t. :.!7 ... Tli11 r;o,,da .\. t •,·1. :!i1 ~a l 11rday . C >l·l. ,; J_ .... :--:.1 1urd,1y. Ol·t. :J t ~l o 11 d,1 .,·. ~ n \ ·. :! \'11,· . . -,. Ii. ~\ /

I ~ ;tl ll J'd:1,\. ~ f 1\·. -

.... . Phi ~igma Epsilon Da ne(' .. . l!omecom ing Game. Del\ ~lb

.. . . . . llomrc:0 111i11g DanCt.' .. . Ca rlos De\·ega \ 8 o'c loc k P. )l. )

.. .. .. ... BanJ Concen (morn insr ! C. :,; , T. t' . ,·s. S t. .\ orben 's !There)

... .\JI :,,chool Part y Hit hard ll all ihun on lo o'c loc k I'. ~I. J

T t.• a l' he r .... Con,· t·nti on at )I il wau kee c·. :,; , T . C. ,· , . ~l il\\' attkt-,• (T h,·r t·

tt·a m in act ion . )fo re play t1 rs, w ith wh,·r ,\ t il t' I) ,, Kalb pJ,, \' ,'11 will cn ­t 11· witho ut l" XpP ri l ' ll t f'. arr Hlwa y:-. !.!;q.!'1' Eddit• Ko ta l' :-: p ig-:-ik in s ta l w1'l1.:um P. war ts in I he bi g- g-a m r .

Ht·1111•mbcr that an.\' tw o u t' T hr \·ar io us rra ll' r11 ifi t•s and so t hr , e major sport s will :! i\' <' yo u t·o riti ps \\'i ll ho ld hanqtt l't's for the t ht• ll t'ct•:-i:-:ar,v cp rnlif ical ions l'or a lumn i. Th l• ~ra nd wind.up w ill bc-cnm..inu a n11.•mb(·1· ld' \ \ · . • \ . . \ . h C' th e danL·t• i11 t il l' 11 ('\\ ' µ- ,\·m . 'Ph t·

"Hot Dog" Sale nuy a ll Of \ 'O lli" Jt ot d OJ!'"i f n 1t11

th ,• \\" . . \ . . \ . ·at th e ll o111t•eo mi11sr !!am r. T li r \· will l> t• :-io ld duri1 q..r if,, . hall'. i h,,,.·11 1a,1~ ,r111 ,d 011 a t·(d d da,\·. d o,;·1 y ou th ink _,

l 'asl ilians h1H0 l' b, .. r 11 l' ll !.!'a ~r cl to pla ,\' fo r 1hC' a l'fair. and a lar~r l:J·nwd i:-: an t icipalt'd .

eomin~ :,.piri1 !

Get Tickets From W . A . A .

L I " Mums" For Homecoming lb=;;;;..;~:_,;'---"-----============-=. "' .. ;;;,=======l l! t•1ll (' 1Jii>t• 1· lrJ h 11 ,v .,·011r eli ry -

N . Y.A . CHECKS ·' . . , a 111 h,·m11ms . l'rc, ~11. t h,, \\" . . \ .. \ . En·n· ;o,, l 11d 1·nt tOllt.:•·t· n t· d ha :,. l 1t·1· 11 co 111 p la1nn1g abou t t hr d l:'l:t y m C' m lwr.; 1h1 :,; I· r 1day .. \ II l11yal

111 l l1t· ,q 1j)! •a1 ·a t1t·,• of th1 · ~ . Y . . \ . tl1t· t ks. T his d i· lny w ns c:a ust·d l' B· C. ~ - T . C. ;o,, l lld t• n t ..; , f'a, ·1111.\·, .1li 1m. 1i1·1·h · b \· , 1 ,·e ral :-. ltH I• 11 t... who t11 r 1h·d in th l' ir t i111t· ca rd r,. la te. T he I' l'· ni . lll l' lllbti r:-. a nd l'ri 1•1u l:.. \\' (' al' th e li1·f ~\·1,1:k1 r, w, ·r, · i11ftJr111 ,·d 0 11 :--: l· pt. :! :~ t hat th l .. cards Wt·re to hl' in "11ry:,,. a11th1·lllt1lll "i cl u 1· i 11 !.! t h11

11JJ lh·l. Ill . F t\,•., , :.. ix o f 1lu·111 d id 11 01 l 0 n1 11 1· in until t ill' 111 iddlt· c,( t he II ,, 111 1•L·1t111 in!.!' Wt'P k .c•11 cl. )) n y ou r -.,ut·1T1·d111 :,: w•·, ·k. :-,;. 11 1!011·1 h larn,· 1h1· ;.! 1,n ·rnm, ·11 1 or th, • ..;c:h<,ol au- part in krt•p i11 µ- u p thi) ll o 111 1•-

t 'a r lt •s and J) p \ · e g-a , n o lcd dan,· ,·rs. will ap p,•a,· on the C. S 'I'. l '. srnsrc. Oc1olh•r :!7th . W atc·h fo r t hr \\' .. \ . . \ . gi l'l s. T hey will hp 111 or e 1ha 11 w illi ng- to sp Jl you a:-. 111r111,· 1i t kt•ls a:-. \· 0 11 \\' an t for .,·o ur r, ,'1hrr. 11 1111!11•1·: and f' r i,•11ds ~ tu d ,• 111:,,; and f;1l'11l 1,· 1n t' 111b t·rs ar1· i11\'i 1,•d 111 a1 1.-1H I ,; 11 d no adm is ... i,u1 w ill 1, ,. ,·han! f•tl .

1!inri1i1·, . -~

$50 REWARD OFFERED ,·,·\,··,, r ,l i' .. r in lo r- l p OP ll fa T / t J l. ,1 , 1 "' ''' I; tl,i , fl il f) <' r ran a nnti,· ,· ,,f f' ,· rin:? .~:!.; I f you h« r( rcach«l t/11 • cli;:y hci y h l s

r11atiu11 l,·ad i11~ lo lh ,· a1T,·:,,.I tit' 11 11 · J) t· r.. 0 11 or p 1•r .., nn..; who trJO k a j Of pup11larity , lwwarC' .' ·•rtt 11 dn., k I, 1111 p fro111 th+· J•o111l t' I' ofi'ict·. ~ o i11lon 11 a ti u11 !ta."I yt:t b .... c-n I Rl m< mli<r hnw fl flyin y k it ,, ~ 1 n j\,•d . T h,• i·1•\\a r d i, r :1i:,,.,·tl to ~.) O 1lii:,,. w 1·1·k . ~linn ld 1h,· r ,·\\'tird IJ1 ·

1 / Jq,,m/.,; ,rpuu flu f i d d ,• air.

,·Ja; 111 , d th·· i ,·1 ipi,·111 \\ ill i11 1111 way iw <:C11111,•£·1'·d w ith 1 h1· afi'air. T iu w iud may thttllflt am/ /rt !/fJI( " " ll''ll. t )1 1\ i1it1 , !.,·. 1 ht· p1 i•·1· 01· ii i, · la1 1l p ;dc,11, · i:-. 1·,·rt;tinly 1101 II" !'1' ;1 ... <1 11 T r, <·n,mi,l< II/> IH y,,,i<I l'l'Jmir :

f111 · 11,,• 01!, r i11~ nf thi ... ri ·ward. T lii· Jl lll'f)"" (If this iitf,·r j ... • 11 f., n.::l ,Jy .-1u,/ irlu,1 y,,,,·n /1,st you r li11s.d crrnn, . llllJ'I., tli,1i 1lw.lt , 41 ' .111/ ki11,l J'r 11 111 t.lii ... ~~ !'fii·t· al,~ol ut,·ly \,·_ill 11 '' 1 111 · /l rt1c ;,rnt1!J s1,-ntll1 rl j~i1t1d,, will ,a rc ? 101, ·r;l\"I .\ II t h, • ,· q 111p1111·nt 11 1 thi.. ,.i tJC·, · ha , ht·,·11 l,,,u!..'11t 1,y i11•·

11r µ .i 11izc1 111111 it ... ,·lf. ;incl it i, tli,· Pni11t ,·r ·, iti t,·111 1011 1,, l'• · t ai11 \\iJa· it h,1 , w1,1·k ,·,I l• 1r

LET 'S HAVE SOME F IGHT ! Ea,·h , , ar ..;1·\ ,·r,il p, ·r..,.,11:,,; w ri t ·

lc• I lt•r, !~1 t 11!, p ,!Jh' I' 1'1·?!artli11!! I it,• l.i . J,: 111· pt>l11 i, ·al :-.pint ;•1 t 't·ntntl :,,.; : ;JI • \'11\\· j., I h,·il' Pi 1a ! It·•· I'• 1 1tl1 r , 111111· :!t·t 1, · p p1dJTw:d work ,,i 1! 1,· r 1,.\ .i •>111111 ~ th, n•·\\' pr, ,~r· :-. · ,j \ t• 1• J II J1 t •I' IIJ')Hi...ill :! ii

Marrs, College Physician, Evaluates Health Service

Ill : !! Iii Illa k t• IIJII J', · 11--· 11( · 11·· "Jt· p 1, r·1111i j, . .. wh:i ·lt ;.11'· · an1i!.:hl,•.

T 1:,· lw;,lii1 ... ,.n· i,·-· i, r,p1·n. :·r,·•· 11 1· ,·i1 a!'',!' ,·. ii, ;:JI r .. ._.. j,·,·r··d ,111-

,l,·11·, l ' p , .. ,!;1 ', • 111·•1', • · i.1111 :;(JI)

,· :1d,·1 1' , 11,1\' ,, }i; 1 J l•l!,\',)l•;il ,·X.t)r:i•

'1,1' !HI! , J!•,: i1;1·J 1.J II ':.! : .. ''l',1,l,, , 1· Ji110J

p1q11!, Fr,,111 .. · ,, !.-, ,· 1 l, ·11 · ... :···· I'"" ' daily w.11! ,1,111,· 1n i11,,r a:I. 111"1\1 I 1, i h,, 1•'.\,1111111::· ic,! ...... .. \ ·1· r td

,·a,•·, \\'•·r,· (111111.J 1,r ... ,,tn,· ina.ir,r iH11,·, ...

T li, · , 1·li •,1d lia"' ;1 ri !: lit 1,, f,·,·1 j•..,•!:· ,•·1·11r,• wli1·11 a-.k,•d ,dJr,11t it..

I f !Jfl ll (l,.,. .,,,,i,lf/ II// 'l Iii/; , . t· .,·Jn ,., ,-,, fl tri,11/ ,n,,/ ram ftHd .... ·now.

}',,11 '/l f·I,,.,"., f'tHr1/1t1ni;,,,.., t it,,/ y ,, 11 lik r• H' /,, ,, y,,;, hal'I tl ry jut l o fl" ·

I f !I'''' o n ld:r,/ l,!J t/11)11 , u,11,!Jlt . J:, ,.,,,,s, 1,j t o11,,l1 !I. w,11 know ,

Tiu !,.II I,, I,, !"' '' 11'/1111 !Ir , I ,·fl i l !I ' ts r rJ ur,h. ll' ilh U1l'. I / , J1i111 r/.s it 's a /1ca11s M>.

Th, rt 111,/; flu ,1,·iturl .,; that !fOll run lr us t, :\,11/ l t f ,n, 1,0 ..... <.; alr,n q t h is rw•·

IJ, // ,,11 <sl , f' r1ilhf11f. l{ iu1i au,{ .! us/. , , w,11 /l'f/lfl jt"lc ud .... /tlp to 01.'illl ' .

I /l'tJ11/r/ ,lf,l s, 11·,111 ltl!J /,;yal.fri,nds , T h, Its/eel / r i, ud s I kllllll' " '"' /rn,·

F 1,r 1/()S T S /l' h ,,.s , failhj11/11, .s., rl, pcud., ( ).\' / '() f' (jL_.\f/ f1'}', 11'// U/c/ l'!J/1?


' T hi~ poBm wa:; :-:c:nt in by l{ubf'rt Bis ho p, a fres hman ,,t hi.; toll egc. li e felt tha t it had somelh in i: which

"T h,~ li 1·,d1!1 , ,·n· i,·1· whi,·h t ' . ....; . !i,·;il •ii ra :in'.!'. :-.:• 11,l,·11 ·, ii a\·!' ihf· T . ( '. off,•r, i, of 111 11r,• ,·alu1• t11 1· l•a1w, , r11 di,•·11,:•·r a il 11Jl't1t, i11 JlH• ,1 11 df'J!f... 1!ia11 1111,,· 11r T!J, ·111 tJii·i J' 111 ·J11, r ,· a ~,· , iH!< J ifJ ban• r,·alizc·." ,aid l> r. I-' . . \ . )l arr·,. 1·1,l- rh,·111 1r1·at,•d .. \ II ,:11d,·11 , c.:.ri · r+•. l<• !,!p pliy, il·iall. i11 ;t l't' l' t•Jl t it1t 1' f · 1p11r,•d lo hav,, r1 p Jt .\·,j r•;.d f•Xarn

\' it .. \\' . li t· f11r tli1•r ,~a1,·d tli.,11 11111·1· , .s11d .ar1· n·•tu.r,if·1 t ti, dr, .... £, at t~I'' !

1h l' ::,t ud t' 11 l s rl'alizt>d tl11, · li, ·y ,·;1rli,·,t l" ' "l"'lJJ,, da i ,· ~--- ----------------------- ----· .,;hou ld appea l to eve ryone. )

Page 3: 10:00 THE POINTER Series III Vol. XI No. 6 Stevens Point ...10:00 Classes Today THE POINTER Welcome Al omni Series III Vol. XI No. 6 Stevens Point, Wis., October 22, 1936 Price 7 Cents

TllE l'O IKTEH I r I s O C ·, e t y I i\lu~ic Group:s


_ N e W S i Back 2-\Veek

Homecoming Dance Sn.t. Eve. l Home Ecs Give Dinner I T li,· "., ... ~ ,~~,:lj~111~~-~.~-:~~.~ ,· f Tl11• ,111 1111,il 11 11 1111•1·11111111:.! d.1111·,• , .\ d1111h·r \\lh :;i,t•11 al 1h1• ll o 111 t• ~ 11 , 1, Ill h I' 1· 11 1

1• h,•111·1 11- 11111,11·

I> will h1• lt, ·1 11 111 11!,, 111'\\ ;.:,,11111,1 - E ,·1.r101 11 H"•, t·ollil:!t' i11 lro11or 11! -,,·l·l'k.., for 1111, l 'oll,·~1• lta 11d. 1111•


s i11 111 :--;a111rd.i.,· 11i:.d11. l) t·111l11•1· ·.\J i,, .:\l1{1T .\ li1·1 · .\1111":-.. (:11 1•,1, al (:ir is (;lt' t' ( 'l11 li. ,11,d 1111' .\l,•n:,,. :!-4 th. th, , 1li1111t•~· wt•n• : .:\Ii,,.; B t•:-.:-.iP )lat> (;Jt,1, t' J11li . 1•1·,wt·c·d~ fnn 11 t lit'

l)a11t· i11~ w i 11 \'t1llli1111,· f1·0111 .\111 ·11 . E1t11 i1 ·1· I: 11 1t--t' . a111l f) ,1 ri -.: ,Ji,n ,·:,,; spo1t:,;o r t•d d11r i11;: lhi:-; 1i111 1• 11i111· 1111dl 1w1•h·t· .. \ ,·1•n· !.tl';.!t' l>111· t·kt· r . Tlit• ho,\(':,,.:-.1•s \\" t ' rt' \\'ill bt' di\'i1kd :1111011!! lht· thrt·t• t' J'O\\'cl i:-. t'~IH'l·lt•,I. Tht•. 11 11 1111 · - l.111t i.._,. l\i,, ill;.!l'I" .. \11i 1a )k\' 1•,\' . :,!l'IHl)lS .. \ II lltPIHh t• J' "' or ll1t.':-.t· Ol' ·

.- 0111i11 ;: l>a, u·p i, always a liilar- Hild J:11 1h ~1·ln\'al 111 . ~a11iza1io11" will .,,•II 1ic·kt•t:,,. li c· ro n• io us affair willi 1111u-h lia11dsliak- .\Ii,, .\111 1•:-: . \\'ho i:-; 1111\\' 11•a1·hin~ c111d d11ri11g- th r two \\'t'l'k:,,. . :,.;111 -i11µ- and 1•11tl111s i,hti1· ;.:T1•1•li 11g-"' for al ~lar,hJ'i1•ld , \\'ii:-. ;1 \\'t'l'k -,•1111 d <\ llts a1·1• 11i-µ- t.· d 1(1 palro11izP tlu\:-;p old friPlltl'>\. g111•:,,.I of .\I.iss l•'ay Yt.• J'kt•. rnc•111b<•rs. Till• rn1ntt•s of lhP ph·­

Tlu· l 'n:-.tilia11s. ·· 1"11 i \·1• rsi tr o r \ Viscu1tsi11 Fa\·o rit1•.._:· wi ll rur­nis h t hP 11111 s it· .

Jenkins Addresses Rurals .\ 11 atldn•ss l,y J>1·ofps:-;01· \r . U .

,Jt'11ki11s wa~ t i1t• l't·a l 11 n• of I lit• pro:.rra 111 al thp 1·1·µ-11lar 1th'Pli11;: of H11ral Lift• 011 ~l onda\· t ' \ ' t •11i11;!.

. \ s a l' l'Sllh of a 1·c•q111•.._i t'ro111 l ht• 1u·ug-ra111 ,·ornmillt•l·. '.\Ir. -l t•11 ki11 s tli st·u:,,.-sf><l tht• pri1H·ipl1•:,,. a11d or­g-anization ol" l·1 aM·is111. I I ,• drl•,,· 1:onipa r i.._ 011" and 1·0111 rn"'t"' with l'o 1111111111i:,,.111 a11d illustrat,•d w it h 111a11v it1l" id 1·11 t , fro111 IIH• hi"'lol'iC's of ,:a, ·ious 11.11 ion:-.. TIIP rn1•111b c•rs

Wt ' l"C' \·1·ry ;.!Ti1IP1"1tl for Ii i:-: t·lc•ar and i1111 •1· ,•,ti 11 :,! pr1•s1 •111a1i o11 t•f t his ti111,•ly subjer·I.

( )t li1•r 1111111h1•r" 1111 lhl• JH'Ul,!'l'i.llll

i1H·li11l 1•d a 1·1•at!i11;,.!' hy l·~il1•1•11 '.\ k ­(~ 11ir1· and a !.:Tollp of ,·ot·al ,o los II\· \\'i llia 11, l 'l .. 1111•11 1,. 111 11,,. a b­.... ;•111·1• 111' l\ irkwrn11! l. ik,·, . . \Ir . r1 , ·11 11 ·111, l1·d 1111· ,· 111 1i ,i11~i11:.:

wh ilt· l:11 1 Ii I\ 11111,011 pla.,·,·d 1 h ,• a,· 1·1 1111 11.111i 111,·111,

i I [_ Trouble Shooters J

\\"1111 d 1·r wh\· t• \·, ·1 ·\·0111· i-; r11:-.h ­i11µ- arn1111d ~;, al s~· ltou l ? Folk:-. St' t'III to ht• \'ai1tl,\' 11',\'ill~ fo J)l'O ·

,·111·,· 1 rn,·k,. \\' hy all t his I alk ah,,111 1·1·t· pt• pa1wr. :-.i;.tns. li o r,,'s . a11d 1·a r1"': 11 11111~1 ht• lio11H' t o m i11µ­i...; i1 t 1h11 a ir .. ... l,ots or forlur11 l"a1·1 ·~ 111' ;!al:-: ;111d i'<'ll11\\·s wlw°'l' "lwt t1·r lrnl\·p,·· lta\'1• ht>l'll \\'Ork ­in ;.: 0 1· a111·1uli11;: :-.t·hool 1•l"'l'\\' h1•1·1· will iil' ig-h11• 11 11p wh1•11 1h11 ul1111111i a11 p1 •;11'. \\' 1· hop,• lo :,,('t' :1 11 nr lht• old lllill'l'i1•d fnllh )1;u•k l"PI' Iii( •

w1•f' k -t\11d: F,•1·11 a11d J: ill: '.\l ar;.!1' ;1 11d Fi-a11k : }ly ra n11d }l i,·ky : a11 d Larr.\· J:i ... hnp a11d r,unily ... 11 1·1"1'·"' :1 Iii! It· 1·li1•t-'I' for ~or111 I li11ld,·.,·. TJ,,,1 li11 !,. s1w,·1·li h,· !!ii ,·i· 1 Ii ,• 1·ht·1·ri11µ- ( ~) ''' l' I io11 \\'1•1 11 110111,· a111l 1•\'t ' II tliu11µ-h ht• .ip11 lo!!iz,•d l'or Iii:,,. :d1ili1.,· ;i... :1

1·l11•1•r l1 •ad,·r . '11· 1·,·;il\ ., 111 ;1.Je I li,·n1 \' c·II. I ,11pp 11"'1' y1111·\·1 · 1101 i1·­:.,1 1h1· l11,·1 ·li!!h l ill '.\lit'k,\'·, 1•,\· 1·, .

· 11· .. ;di for a li11l1• Fr1•,li111;111 !!al.,;. Men Hold F ine D:tnce offi,·i •r 11 f \1,, 1: i·l.i..:, lt.\·" 1h,• wa .\'.

.\ lar;.:1· 1·rn,,d 1•11j11,\1•d 1Ji ,, j \' ,•,. ,h 1··, lri,li. Inn ... . l,ot, 1d' 11, •\\ :.!\lllt1<ht111 11 :.!'i\·, ·1 1 11.\ ilw!,.,d\ 1·~ 1• ,1111li-111, li.1\·1· IH 11•11 wo11-~T,·n.._· (;11•1· L'l11l, :--:a 111nl.1y 11 i;.!'111 .ll 1!,• 1·i11:! \\Ii.\· 1li1• ··1!011 ;.;1• nl' !);1\·id ..

Thi· t ·a,1ili;i11, 1'11r11i,li,·d 111, .... 1. 11, •I ,I\ tli,· !' hi ~i::. 11 1111"' wa, t·;dl­da rn·t•.ildl' 11111 ,i,· . . \ f;i11 ., ,ii 1\i1•l,·d 1dT. 1: ,·1111y 1· !.;1111,.._ 1\1a1 Ii,\· 11111-, I a 11 ,. 1· r, n•rn:irk,·,I i';i \'11r ,1li l~· 111:11 .1:.:T,•1•1111·111 11 "" ' 1l1·1·.l:1 r ,·1~ :~ alJ OI I I I 11,: ort•lt,·,l l'il· , pn:-.i.1 i1111 . i11 j '. Ira\\ . I i' :111,\· ".r ·' 1:11 1t:1tl -~ l 1,ll'lllt'.

l h l' l'•tl'llt'I' of th,• :,:y 111 11a,111 111 111· 111 .i ,·!;"'· .'"" d l\1111\\. \\ h111 th1

-;t,·ad nr i1, '"11.1\ p11,i 1i 1111 011 1li,· 1 li, ·a1·1I 11,· !.,":111 tu 1:1:;lt'li .. 1'1,· :iwk ~

11a11ei.i I <111·1·1•,,


.... 1:i~t· .


w.trd ,1;1::,· . p1111r "I 111·h l1111k1 ·d , i...

· · 1· if Ii,· \\·,•re• ,111'1'1·t·i11~ thl' ",,·, •11-!>1·:-.pllc· 1h,· d1,.1p p o1111111,•111 " . I "!' ! I II ! I I · ,·, •·1 r 111 · 1 11• , ,,, ·, ;1 1·1·l 11n11·1 n

!lit· ;1!'!1 ·r11111111. 1h1• da111·1· \\a:-. ;1 1. , . ·j· I . I t . I· hi~.d1-:,,.pirit1·d ,111T1',,. (; \1·, · . i·l1'.~' iii,· 1•1, i 11.1•1 ,ta!.!'1· a, ,,1·1· v

1111·111!tr-1·, a l"' t' n11wl1i·d 1'11r 11' I 1- •


t 11rt.•s will ht · 1111 11011111·1·'1 i11 1 Ii,· la -t C' 1· iss\ll'.

l' IHI . . Tlios(' ( )meg'as h a \ ' t.• l111·1H·d 11111 10 h,, qui lf' 1!1t• ".\ ppl r·­l'olislif'rs." llan•1i'1 till·.,· '. . ... 'l'h ,• minds nt' lh(' ;!ills st•t.• 111 to IW\' t\ a ~r ,, ,.,.ill 111rn . t· o111<1 i1 1, ,. 1h,· ,. ,._ 1·1•111 j1111iol' l'iass prrsitl e 111 ial t.• lt> l"-1io11 ? I i 111i ;.d1t lw 1hos(' otli,•r l"iu,· }T ,•1.,- ill prndntl, al th r• samr l1<>11,,•--1,•l ,•pllf11lf• :!7DI . l'oli­ti\·s s,•1•111 t<, he s\\'l 1 l•pi tl;! th<• st hool. .\ s l'as1 a s L a11do11 hadg-t'S app<'nr lliP.Y di s:q,1,r•ar iulo Don .Joh nston's :,-:.a r -k(•rp i11µ- . '!'he ~­Y. .\ . st udl'nl s ,11·,• loyal!.,· s11ppor1 · in;: "Our 1,!alla11t leacl c•r. ' ' hut ) I 1· . ~r·hmeccklr lias b1•c•11 , c,' 11 with un flowers of variou s s iu·~- ( l'. S.

H e g rew 'cm! ) Ed Lig-hlhorl,· al ­tcmpleu a rc ,·o l11tion ol' lh,• tlass r lrclion . y " t c111 -but it fpll s li n r l. ~r\·crth C' less Ed's :,rot t l11• 1·i ~.d1t irh~a I hat mnrc• Ol'l l t'1·ly t• lt·t·l io11~ an· in d<•11w1ul. Th ,, lit• ,,· s1 11-dl·11 t din·1·lon· c·a11t1· 0 111 F'rida ,· a11d ii ,11n·h: i:-. ha1uh·. n(' ,111:i' \'1111 ol11a i11 c;11t· for a ~la !t• n 1 f,·r ­; .111 ·1· 111· ;111.,· ulht•r pr:ltlit·al lht' .

( :11i11' :-,1(•;111~·. l'i ,·ld,·:-: .'


Day and Nile

Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Wallpaper & Glass .


l'rof. :-.r1 :1iJ,!h1: · • \\' li:it tl1n•,· \\ 11J1! ..

;tr1• u-.,·d 11111~1 J,y hi,:!h ~,·hool ~111oll'11; .. ! ''


Shop "'f ~" I/,.,

rf' ( l' I ' ,1 iry ;{

111'//1' IN ,.J,,.

,j' ,1f'J" 1t:rf11 '

lhrJt' / ~ / ! JN - .


Featuring sleek

narrow taffetas,

transparent velvets,

slipper satin,

moire, lame, rough

crepe, lace gowns.

Smart Shop Tiu: Stvl,• Cmter

424 Main St. s'ti:vens Point , Wis

\ 'o lh ·J,!t' lad :1rn·~1i:d I or ' 111 ·1·1li11g :

•• H111 ~·11111 lh 111or. I :1111 a ""111·;..:1· l,i,.,. ' ·

.l 11 d,:!• · : · · l:;1111 1:11 ,., ,I"''"" ·, ,.,, . 11 ~,·

:111 yhnil~. ·'

Use Camfo-Pine Oil Rub Fo, Colds, Aching Joint\ and Pheumdti sm



Men·, and Boy,· _C loth mg

N J . KNOPC & 50N5 FISHER'S .~u~;•;AvM \. Quart 25c Pints 13c I

Phone 186

•· :\ S I OR l: MA"! CH ING !"HE USUAL WI rH ·1 Ht UNUSUAL AND CONCEN I RA rING 0 QUALi I Y. V:\LUF ,\ D IN· 11-.LLl<.;tN I Sl: RVICE. . . .

S111d('UI: '' I ,1111, '1 kun\\', ' r'III•············~ l ' 1of. '' ( 'o r 11 · ·I.'' I

11 1•: • · \\'li:1 1 wuul,I I h:1, ,. 1" !..!''' ,. ~ 1111 1

ln1 _111..;I 11111• !ill I•· ki,,; .. 10'

i"lw : '' I 'hln111ln1111' · '

Trade at

SHAFTO NS and sa1T on up-to-date S u i t s , 0 1· c r c o a t s , Furnishings and Shoes.

405 Main St.

We Handle The Following Items:

. . .. . ...... .... Groceries

. . .. . ......... Stationery

....... ~-.Off~e Supplies I ... Delicatessen Specialties I · .. . .. China and Glassware

.. . . ...... Paint Products

.......... . . . . Wall-Paper

.1 Prof. '' Whi d 1 is corrcc·t; a h1.·nl ul I

c•:lllil' I-. 01' ; 1 drt)\' 1• 11r' (•:1i11;•J-. ! ., :--111-!1 ·11 1: •• ( :1h\:1y-. 1liu11:_::J11 ll1t y

FC)R ,·:1111 1• i11 p:11·J, ... • '

BEl'l'ER Vogu e GBootery EAl'S

La1i"ies and Mens at th e SHOES

al Popular Prices GBelmo11t Cafe

Page 4: 10:00 THE POINTER Series III Vol. XI No. 6 Stevens Point ...10:00 Classes Today THE POINTER Welcome Al omni Series III Vol. XI No. 6 Stevens Point, Wis., October 22, 1936 Price 7 Cents

TIIE l'Ul:S:'1' 1-:1, /

Oshkosh Holds Pointers To 7- 7 Tie Pointers, Superior, !Pointers Outgain Oshkosh

~,:.~~, ~~~~~.~ , 11~~~,d,i.!i~~: In Yardage, First Downs c l,ld,ci:-.li. rl'l :i i 111 ·d ii, liold 011 l'i r :-.I Winn tug Touchdown Called Back On Offside Penalty ; l'i,11 ·" i11 1111· ~n11l l11·r11 I >i,·i,i 11 11 11 1' Olsen, McGuire, Johnston St.and Out 1 li1· l',·d ·, t 't111f .. r, •1w,· . wliil1· S11 . p,·1·io r. h1·it1;! idl, · !11s1 ,,·,•t·k. "as ,Iii! 1i ,·d witli I.a f ' tu-..,1• for Iii,• J,: a, l,·1·sli ip i11 1111· \'11rt li, ·r11 I )i vi ­..;1011 .

Th,· :-.la11di11i,:- ai-1· as follnw, : Southern Div ision

11· I. 'I' l'l"I.

0 :-.hkn:-:h':-. l111sk,· l'uothall l1•a111 -------

r, ·f11,t·d lu l,1· p11,i11·t! 11111 of 1h1· I fi;.d11 fn1 · 1.l.11· t·lia11.1p101.1s!1i_p uf .1!1t· ~011lh1·r11 I t'i1t · lit •1· s 1>1,· 1s1n11 :,.;.;il -

111·da\'. :i11d a:-. a l"PS11lt ;1 l.11·~1 '

·,·1·0" -'d nl' l'ai1lif11I <",·1111·,d S1,;\\' S11 •\1 · 11 , l'ni111 (l :,;ld, n,h \\' lli1,•1\' :1t ,·r


" II

1.111111 SIIJIJ)Ol"IPrS :-;;t\\' Jh1•il' l"a\'IJ!'ilt'S

:~:~:~ play sixl.v 111i11111l·s lo a 7 t,1 7 t i1• . \lilw:111k1·,· l 'l:1111·,ilh· II

Northern Divi~ion

~tqwrinr I ,:, t 'rt ...,:-1 · l•::1 11 l 'bir,· 1:i , ,·r F:db ="111111 • )

\\' I. 'I' 1 0 0 I II

" "


Don ~ ohnston

" 1

Pd. 1.000 !Jllltl .tlihl .11110 .tltltl

- ------------'

Point High In Title Running

Sixty-Two Yard M arch Falls Short

( f g'Ulll l'S \\'l' l' (.' dccidl·d 011 first downs o r 011 l1 Hul y;1l'tls ~ai11t•d. th,• l'oinh·1·s w1111 ld ha ,·e had a n o ,·,·r \\· l1t·l111i11ir vict111·y. 1· 11 fo r -11111a1 ,• ly , t h,·y s1ill pa,,· off 011 101H•lido \\'11 s and, al'l:Ording- to nil i11di1•atio 11 s. tl1t•y will 1'01· a ·lo11g lit1 1t• tO COIIH'.

111 th,· Parlr n,i1111trs of 1111• ~alll\'. al'l,·r O~hkosh had hootrd t h,· 01w11 in i:r kirkofl'. th,, Point ers slaril'd a mard, I hal mndr onr think tlH·\' w, •r1• watehinc, a Bi ~ 'l' Pn h'am · in al'li11n. With ,J oh 11 -stor1 and )Jd:11 irl' 1·,•,•li 11 !! oft' c·on­sis1t•11 1 ~ains. II H· P oi11t1 •1:s <.:hulked 11p th r f'l' 1·011st•e t1 ti,·1· first down:-. 1111d ,·an·i,•d 1h,• hall from 1h c• ir n \\'11 t,·n \'l11"d l i111• 10 th e• Oshkosh twp11 ty ,:i::rht. !I O\\' l' \'1•r . this long 111a1·l'h \\'ilS stnpp,•d and \\'ill'n O,h kosh ~·ll ,·n11trol of th,, !.,all th,•.,· i11111H•;liak ly p1111l<•d.

·,? Oshkosh Scores

Ted Menzel

Olh.' to f Ja ut cuschlagcr who ('a u g-ht t Ji,, ba ll in th e ,• nJ zo ne l'or t hr fi rst Sl'O l' t' of thl' ~a11u• . Tlw p ass fo r 1he ,•x tra point, from Den to ,\ rsC"11ra11 , was guud a11d the l'ui111r1·s 1r11 iled b.1· th,· sco r e of 7 10 U.

.:\ft1•r n'el'i \' ing- Oshkosh 1s ki<.:k ­ol'f o n t h,, l\\'l'lll_,.• fiv ~. the ba ll was rdurn ed h' ll yards nnd Hll­otltt.•r stt•ath · Point dri\"C' ,,·1.1s on . ll n11C"k to r ,." 1hro11id1 th(• crnter of t hr li 11 c for 1" ·,•h·1• yards: ll o11 ck ,

Sl\•,·l· ns Point •q!ai11 foilt ·d to· again gai 11 ed six yards r ight mak,• IIH· yardai:r,• for a firs t down 1h1·ouf?h th<' 111iddlr: a pass r,·om und \\'f'rt' forL·C'd to ki c·k ng-a ins t )il l•(; uii·,· 10 Ols,•n wa s f!'ontl fo r a IIOl'th wind. Tht• hall was dow11- l\\" l' llt,· Yard:,; :111d a first do w n on ,

1d 011 t hl' oppt111t•11t 's thil't,\" thl'C't' Oshkt;sl;·s t wr111,· st• ,·(•n: 011 a sr­_, ·a1·t! 111.il'k t'r aft<·r bot111 l'i 11~ nim- l'i ('s of line pla_,:s the· hall w as

t '11:1,·h IL11-r,· l:i11!!dalil':,. ll il-!'h I,•:-..:-.\ ,· al"n1111d th,· t'it•ld and Osh- l'a r1 ·i('d to tlH• fif1,•1·n and anothC'r :-,. 1-lh,,,1 :..:r iild ,·;·, W 1'r,• lr1•all•d 111 kc)..;.Ji nn,\· had a ,·ha 11t·t· to O))l'll first down: two l i1H' plays nnd a a11 111,...,• 1 ti_,. l: lii11t·l a11,Ji.r, ll nd - its ha;.r of tril'k:,; . ()11th,• first pl:iy JHhS fail,·d 10 l,!'ai11 and tht· fourlh a~:-. la,1 :--;;i 111r, l.1., ll1 1rl' th1·,·w a pa..::-. tn .\ 1·s,•111·a11 d11\\' II pas, wns i11t,·1T1·pll·d hy Hu f

T i111 .\ld~ 11ir1• . 111·,q lt, •1· nf ,,111· 1 wJi,, 1·a11g-ht tl1t• hal l i11 tli,• 111i tl dlC' ,1 11 t ht· t'i ,·1,, .\ 11otlH·r :-.ixi,· ,·a n ! ,,,,11 .l i111 ,,,1 , ,•a, ih · th,• 11111:-. 1:t ntl- <'I th,• fit•ld ;11111. lh·hi11d :-.11111t· !!ri11d lirnl fail1·11 :-.horr oi' 1i11-'1 ,r t·-111:.:· pla _,·,.,. l"nr 1 i1I' !11,·;i\ ll i!.!' l1 [ •111i t·ld .,· l'nr111t•d i11 t,•rf,·r,·1w~·· l'.ll' · \·in1i... :-. ix pni111~ . !"1·:, , ... 1 ,•d 111 tlh· t\\· ,·111,· -11111 · ,·an! l11tt• h,• . Inttrcepted Pass H alts Threat

T h,• ,k1,·: tl clropp1·d P11 i1n .d. t'nr,• ht•in ~ ,to1;11t·d 11; l:1·rart!. It ) I k I .1 .. , . , . ·I ·

" I . I 1 · 11· t '1 I):,. I, 11111 t.1 \ 111!... ,I. I\ ( 1, 111 · 11 ,,, , , ·11· ii··' .' "11: ,it' 1·ha 111 pi.,11 , 11 q 1 wa , I T ,t I p\\· 11 111r I 1t• \ t • 111t·11 . . I I 1

· i· ,11 , td1-1-;1 · t,,i li,·c:111,,• u f ii1\· i1· ;1 11.J tll, · l'ni111,• r , lln\\ h· I 'X , ,.,., OIi a 111 111 • ,. • ,·,·p i 11 tlt1·i 1· O\\ 11

Parker Gives Honor Pens

TIit' .\l l-.\ 1111·ril·a11 (: n a rd 111' 1-'11nlltall a11111111 1H· t•d th;it !ht• P ar '°), k1•r \ 'a1·11111at il' l 't·11 lw:-. bC'l'II ~t·

l,•,·lt'd a:-. .i 'lh't·ial aw.ird lu Iii· ;.!i,·t·n 1·a,·li Wl't'k for flit • n in, · \\'c•1•k:-. ,,r I hi· l'll l"l"t'III 1"011( hal I :-.i •a ,011 to !It,• 11·11 011hl1t11di11g- t·oll11g1•

play,•r, in .\ 11 11•r it·a Ea 1·h (WII

awal'd,•d wi ll J,., i1i...,·1·ih,•d wit h 1!11· w111· t1 ~ ··. \ ll . . \rn t•!'i,•a 11 l: ati 11t('

Frum 1 !11• !)() play,•1·, n•t·l'ivin ;.:-1 h is trophy p,•11 . 1h,· .\ll -. \ 111, •1·i,·a11 J\oard \\'ill sc•IPcl 1h,• .\ ll-.\ nl\• ri ea11 T1•a111 of l !l:H.i.

Tli,• pr P..; 1• 11 t .\l l-.\11u•r ir·a11 Board is rompo,rr! or Chris t.,· \\' alsh. :-.porl:-. t·dilnl' a nd sy11di cal,' \\'l'ii<'r. a11d ih(• r,, ll uw i11 ,: fa 111 0 11, t·t,at.•h1•:-.: Uli·1111 ~ - "Pop .. \\" 111 ·1 11•r, T 1• 111pl,' ; ll ,11rnnl J one,, Su111l11•1"11 ('alii'nl'llia; l•:l m1•r !,a" drn. X ot rc• l ht 111t•: anti l·' ra ,;k rl'h t)ma~ .• \ litba ma . 'l' hp H oard ':,; Sl'lt·el ion:-, arl' 1i-..11a lly a1·1·Ppled a,

oft'icial by co:u·hes. sporls writt·r::., and !ht\ :·oot hall p11hli t· in g' t1 11 rral

on th L•i r o w11 l\\'1•11ly five. L11 ut1·11 s<· lllngr r mnd e a l'irst d ow11 0 11 tl11· thirt ,· S(•,·e11 lint \\'IH'11 a series of line• j, lays Jid 1101. g-11i11. 1hc hall \\'as p1111 lrd lo th(• l'oi11 l 's thirt y Aftt•r lwi 11~ p<'rntliz,·d to I hei r own t wt•JII,"' .. \l1·{:1iir,• Sho t a pass tu :\ i111z 1'01· a l'i rst """'" 011 the for . 1.,· fi\'l·. ,\11 01h,·r pass l'rom ~le ­Unin· I" :\i11iz hrn11;.d1t lh~ bull to lhl'ir rinil 's [ \\' (•111 ,· fi \' e and CL'll · tral St att• was wi1i1i11 Ncori nf.! dis

· · · I c',"11 ' ·1 · 11,·rr i1,11·,· . k il'k ,· d ,11,d 1L1, • hall r.,11 -1 pi·~., :, ,11 ... •:,• \\ 1 ,;1 \",•k ,,,,,a . T it, · t·I at~ ~i·d JH1,1111,11, \\"JI I , 1.:;os 1 · , I I I · I 111 ;1, i1 :..: 1

, 1·'. o1,,J. !111\\\'YtT. ,· ill ;1n,l L.i d i l1 , ·i r 11\\ll h;1d,~ to 1li1 • 1:d 11111 111 111 11 111 s 1111 1.,11 · 11 • 1'. \\ II I I,;: ... t•t 1, , 1 ·i~:.· i.·;d , -'i:: l!h·,· w;dl i111·t.· .. l\\'11 y.ird 111,1rk ,• i-. I lit· 1'11 1:_lf .

, I I \ I · 1 i 1··r, l1 r ,1 p l;1,· w:1-.; ,1111,!l11·n·, I l11r ,._ \\i1 111 11 .~ 1\11 · p,·'. 111:1 111 , i fll't' 1:a . '\ 11,?' !1: 1,~ ,· .:;. r ... , th'illl • 1THt•1 a It ' ll , :: rd (n ,:,.. \111.111!, · 11 .\l1·t : 11i r, ,! . .

Al Bucholz

i' , :,. · ·1,· pr1• , ,·11· :1•,, !1 ·:·,. La,·,, !,1 1n· .1 li11t· p L1, .111 1!. ,111 tlit· I -1 1


, ,.1111· 1· l11r 11 1,· l 1111r1 li 1i1111· 111 t i.• · · J 1t·a ,·t·, ;i p;i,..; 11, 1:1rl ..- 1· , \· no .. .

'\\,• :....;11111 ·, Ii·' · :.i 1••a.,. ,'111- pl !_. r .. · , 1111• :ti ,•111 1: 1··, I. i) , rr 111 :1,~,· a . \Y; i... la i·kl;·,l 1111

,It,· l\\i · llt\· fi, ,· J i r :-. 1 hal l. ll 11\\1•\' 1•r. a pa:,;s w:i , 1!.,• , 1• li,·111;..: \\i:=1 l ',,i•Jt ,1

1 1 1t,··p h,·r Lr, · i\1•\\11 1111 111,· !1 · 11 ,art! l111e.,. 1

.. 1-

1 1111,.,.,·,·p l, ·, I 1111 1 11 1· l\\' 1•! , ·11 var1I

.. 1 . I · ll p1 ,1 :i... I 1 .. 11r,1 •111 a rl1·1· , 11, ,·1


. 1 1 1

· ·:1 I Ii, 1 11 ! 11\\ 111~ pa, , ,J \ \ ,• rr tos:-. · \\" I l I I · I ltl l' ;111, I ls 1k11., 1 l1a d ~loppt·d 111:

. It 1 I Ii· ii · i•;! ;, , :t!!.t!ll,I t ,,. 011 11 1· 1 !11·1· ·11 '°'~- ,"!- .'--• · , !1,)i111 at 1'1,· ,Jal"I 111' tlw ,11·1111d ·

~... ,111 ;11'; r : i i'i1· 1, ., . 11 y.ird p, •n;di.\ r" r l . . Point.crs Kn?t Score

I i1 nlt! i11~ :- 1111, ,·d 1 \i,• 1,::1 1 1,,,,·k 111 1 I hi· n·111;i :11,! ,·r 11 1 I It,• :-;P1·1111d JW I l, !1!::11-.;lt·:-. 1'11 r1, .\ 1·1 ,·1 · ,, ·, ,·1·; 11 i11 -1 ri11d ·- .1\ \ IH.t li t,· a1 11s 1li ro,,:i11 " 1·1111q,)111' p;1 ,..,, ·, .. \J1·li 11i1·,· f !lfltl(•d pa :- ,1•., i 11 il ll ;:II, 11qt1 In S l' O f (' h1 ·


11,\II pf ''~.lll111J, /11} JIJ,, J\\'1•l\"1• ,\;1J"d f or1• I.li t• Jialf t•f 1d1 •1I. 'f'lin•t• f)iit;SI',"'.

!111, • .\ ll\c· y;il'd 11( ·11 ,t! 1.,·. 11 11 111 ,· 1 \\ • r,· llt l1 · r1· ,· J1l t· •l. t\\·o h_, . () , hk oi...l l 1

n i111 (1,r \ !1111 l1o ·,11~ 11t'i', id,• ;111- ·.1 11d 11rw hy th,· l 1o i11I. and lilf' \ il!:t·,•d !ht• h:iJ I 111 ;iw S1•\ 1' 1l i t• 1•11 I fir·:-..t h.r l f 111d1· d \\ ilh 11 , Ji kns h sti ll h111 1111 1li ,• 11,•:x1 pla .,· \" 11 11 1 r ,•. I, ad111 !..." l1y \ \ li:tl app1•;1 r1•d to h1 d, ·,' 1111•d hi111,1·lf 1,,- 1·r.i ,h in ~ : 1 1·111 11111;111,l irt ?.!' IPa,I o f 7 lo 0 . 1.h r1111!!~1 :111d th row i.11!! 11 , lil,11,hj t 'n:i, ·!~ h:11 1.il 11111s1 lin,·1· ··talk1·d 1111" ;1 ,1, , ;1rd In,,. ('11;J1·il l\ 11!!" :,: l 11rk1·., lo il11• h11,·:,; 111'1\\'t' I II t'l",· ,·11 Pll~l1 1•d 1111t. o f d:tl l t!t 'I' l,11t I h,1h .1•-. h1·1· ;~11s1• 1.'11• Po.i11~ 1·r~ wa:-:1 011 an ,•x1·h:111?.!' ,· ot ptlHh th,· pig-- ,·d l1itl1 · 111111· 111 st·n r111g tlu·1r ,kin w ;i... i11 Os hkosh·._ pn,,, ·~~ion (Contin11l'il on pago 5, col. I )

Page 5: 10:00 THE POINTER Series III Vol. XI No. 6 Stevens Point ...10:00 Classes Today THE POINTER Welcome Al omni Series III Vol. XI No. 6 Stevens Point, Wis., October 22, 1936 Price 7 Cents

Tim P(>I:S:TEn ,77~----- .- = =====---· ------~-~~=

T,ough Game Saturday (l ' 11111 i1111t·,! i'r11111 l';q.: 1· I . 1·111. I 1

Wliit c·ll'at, •1· d .,•1'1 · 11lc·d l >, • halh ,·arli,·r 111 lilt• :-..1·.1~1111. tli,•r,• i:-: 110

11,·,•d to 1hi11k t l111t I> ,· Kall, ll'i ll of. f1· r a S<>l · IIP l"or tit ,· Po i1tt1 ·rs.

\ \ 'i l h •1 lint• ;in ·r-:i ~ii1µ' 11 \·t· r 1,'-\(1

pout1ds and a ha,· ki'it· ld a,·,·ran·i11u· 17:-, Jllllllld:,,;. 1 ht• 1)1' (\ ·1tlh l l'ilt''i\t• I~

:,;hou ld p1·1·M'll1 qu it,• a rormidalill' 11u tfi1. Thi· 1·1•1it,• r position is fill, •d h_y \ \ ' i11sl11w. a l'irst -.,·1•;11· 111a11 who plays 'l ll it ,· :I ll H'..,!'g'l'('SS i\'t• g'alllt' . .\ f ~uard. l>a Ha11 µ- o ;111d Saud ar­~ai,:, lio1 It n•tt·1·a11s and l'a ch \\ ' 1•i1 rh .

iu~ 1~11 pounds. Yl'IT 11 i1·t'h· fill < :t 1\.H· h E ,·aw,." g-ua1·d ;,x-pt•t·l a


l ions. \\ h ilt· I l1•i 11 . :!().i p111111d s. a 11tl t: 111·1.i ­,•n bar h. 17:i p o u11ds. a lso ,·" l <' l'al). s. ar~ at t h,· ta ,·klt- posts. l l<"i n. a fo ur yf'at' 111,111. is a trat"!, st,11· i11 th,• rn idd I.: dist a ncl's. I.a 1·sn11 a 11d Allen. with a <·0111bi11 cd wei ,,ht of :~f,O pounds. ,·ompl cl(• t 111.1 Jinl' at ends.

In th ,· ba, ·kf'ield t he ontstantli n;.r rnan is th l' q11al't c rhack. l>aYis. Da­vis, 1111 extt'c111elr shift y 1·111rnN has seen two Hil t'~ o f actio n a11d i~ pla/, ng his t i1il'd y pur th is s t•aso n. T he rest c,f th e bac kfi e ld eompris­~8 t lH· I \\'11 Jud f'bac ks, L11ncl ,•cp anti l,cntz, a nd Hat'lic r. t h t' fullba ck.

Ac ,:ol'di ng to th,· l)c Kalb Ch ronil'le . the hi ;.r fa11l t with Coach J.:l' a 11 s' 1,o r s is t he lack uf' c harge fl'om t lw · line. l [o \\'C\'1'1-.

t he fault " ' ''"'' to ha,·t· bel'n t'CIII : ,•diccl lwc1111sc De Kalb d efeat ed Wheaton, !:-i11l11l'tla,· hy th,, .co1·e of 1!J lo U, a nd th~; u,:c spending this wrl•k on polishing- t hei r plays fo r t h t· Cc11trnl ~tat, · 'l\ •111·he ,.-s Co llt•gt• I lomceo111i11g.

The Probable Line-ups Are: Allen L. E. Olsr n l~ochc11h:1d, !,.'I'. E. S lot wiu!iki

' !Ja Rang,J L.Li. B. 81otw in~ki Win~luw l' ,\Yt• in::,:artfft't. Rauda q.: u:-- IU .. : . };p:irhawk Hein H.T. ~l t· 11zt·I Lar~ou H. K Hl' rard !Ja v i~ Q. lhu· hol~ Lentz f..11 . J ohnsto n Lu ndt:l'II H. 11 . i\l r(iuirc Burht•r F. ll ouck

Small Stuff '!'ht· ~at 1H' 1"11i, ~ al11n l;i \· wil l ht•

tl1t• thil'd 1· <•111,•s l that th,: l'oi111 .. 1·s 11.1\·,, had \\'ith 1,itll<"- 1!1 tc•1 1111s. 111 1 Ii <• t \\'o JH'l' \'i1111s eo11t1•s1s. lint Ii \\'ith ll li11 ois \\' r•s lt·,·,111 tl11• l'oi11 t­t•1 ·s \\'l' l't ' d 1· f1i. af Pl l.. h11i 1ilis \\·c•pk

tht• fans itl 't' ('X JH'L'ti11g- ii dil'l'l'l' ('II I nul1·0111 t·. '!'h t• l>t• .Kalb T t•aeh(•J':-. hoa!'it ol' a µ-ia11t-111idg1 •1 1·0111l,i11a­t io11 1·01111 H1s1.•1l ol' l 'lta 1·l1 ·s ('ouch 20;, 1«11111tl t11t·kl,· a11d J:ill H,•zi ·k'. 1:iU l""""I q11a 1·t(·rli:1t·k. ,\ 11ulhrr fa il' sil.L'1. I 111a11 OJI tl11· so1111ll is :!-Li

Sl1ri0lis scorin~ bids Wf' 1·e conce rn ­ed althon~h th l' play was Pntil'(•ly co11finecl to Oshkosh 's terri to ry. Osh kosh, however. h11tl co11trol n [ th e ball n1ost o[ the pe!'iod and played t he o ffc ns il' e sick, whil e l'oint upheld t he defense. Statistic8 Show Point Supremacy

During th e f'inn l ciuartcr , the g-amc \\'Us pluyrd bct wre n t he th irt y yard ma r kt·t'S with th (• ex­cept ion of th e [ i11al m inut e w hen th <· Pointers 11111u c their last dcs­p ernt c bid . With th e ball 011 the Oshkosh thirt y l'il'c ya rd l in e and with less t hnn twenty seconds t o ~o. )l cG 11i!'e s kirt ed end for w hat appcarrd to be a touchdown hu t :-lirnz was oJ'J'si,le and the play \\'as 1·,•calletl J'or II five yard pena l­ty. Th cr owd wns on th e fi r ld, thinking' th f' ga·mc was over , bu t. th e ir high ho pes " ·e ,·c short Jived . A J't e t' th e oJ'f'sitl e penalty the l'oinl ,• rs had tim e for bu t one mor l' play and McGu ire again ca!'­t'i etl th e ball bu t, after ga ining t t• n yanls. he \\'!I S stopped. Th e gu n w l J1t o ff and thf' gnmc was 0 \'<'1".

From a ll sta t is ti cal in forma t ion Osh kosh was ratht' I' fortnnatP in holdini:: Centra l Sta te to a ti r, but, as has bern m,•ntioned hPforr. tn11chdtnr11f.: dPtr rmin<' grid i1·01l

O shkosh, Point Meet

g-anws. so probably Oshk os h d e­For T ie sen·,,c1 tl1t' il' hard J'o11;.rh1 -for 1i,·.

Eddi, • Ol sc· n. Miel,e ,· ;\J<:(:11i1·p . (l'untirnlt'd t'r,,m p:q..::,· 1, ,·ul. ·I ) Don ,Joh11sto 11. ('lial'li / tro 11 r k. ,111d

1n11 c hd,nu1. l'ni n t ki ck<'cl nrr at Tr ,l ~l,•nzl'i play t·d ;.rood hall l'or t he~ hr~i n11in~ of tin· st·co nd hal f tJ111 Po i11 t whilP l> crr. L:1uf r n­a 11d. \\' ht· 11 th e hall roll<·d into lit\• :•a·liln :.r1•r aud Al'SC'J1C'a 11 Wl'rt' out­c11d ZO ii<' ror a to nch l,;i (·k. Osh- standill!! ro,· Oshkosh. k ush took posst':...~io 11 011 tli1•ir o\\' 11 Line-ups I. w ent\'. 1·nah l1• lo mak1• anv n1nl· Stevens Point Oshkosh ,Lg-P c) ... Jikosh was t'nn:ttd t,; 'i.:iek. ()J..,,•11 1..1·:. J. :1111• ·11 :,11·lil:q.:1• r On a s,· ri1 ·!'-i 111' lin ,· plays. 111 ix,•d :'-.l ill,·r I. .T. l':11d:,w:,;ki

fHHt nd .\ rt l\o\·r11. ·t·1·ril'11 . al:-:o a 1c1('kl1· w l10 :-:lands O 1'1 •1•t 7 i1w lu;s :all.

It's About Time 'l'h ,· l'mfs l't"n111 D,· !, all> I lli -

11 oi ...... ha v1 • rH·\·t·r los1 a ho11;t-rrn 11 -i11;.! :,!Hll11 · si1H·t· t 'o:wh E,·;111s has h,•,·11 at th,• hPIIII. ~a l1 11·tl11,· is a ~noel clay to r11i11 a J1t•1-l'1•l't ,:,.t·ord .

The Triple Thr eat Boy l ' lws l(•1· l>al'is. I) (' hall, •11111rt1•1·­

hatk fr o 111 Aurora. has :-:o lv t•d t 'na l· h En111s· pl'oid l' m or l'intli11 •" a J"t•liab lt· 111a11 lo 1·, tll t il t• s i.rnal; Aµ-ainsf ( 't1 1· ho 11 dah•. l>a\·i s ,.;tttl'll ~ .. .i II l<ickofl' !1(1 Yard s l'or a to11d1 -d ow11 and in all ~lf th (• g-a 1111•s pl a,\' . (•d so f.i 1· IH• has 111 •1' 11 a 1·01i-.isl 1·11t g-rou11d-µ-ai111•r.

He Has A Lot Of "Wait" 'I' ll(' n ,• h all, ( 'h!'oni,•l,· eriti, ·i z­

t•d th,• playin!! ol' ('c,:fl'h. t h,· giant 2ti5 pu1111d li11 r ma11 . h1•ca 11sr he plays ,1 waitinJ.! g-arn r instrad ol l"lrnrgi ng- thl'u ug h t'or· a 1:wkle. I' ll bet any c·oach would op••n his arms to a few of thc' Sl'. hiJ.! ho.rs 1lven il' thc•y d id pla~· a wa itin;.; g-Hmc. F11rth l•t mo1·l•. it takt1s u lot or ''Wheat ies·• to k r•pp a se,·e 111h or n ton ?'unni n~.

"Fluke" Quarters In Demand ,\ econ l i11g t o t ill' Pla t tevi ll e Ex ­

po11 ent. St c ,·ens P oi nt tl <'J'P at cd Platte,:ill e two weeks ago in a }'lu­ky second (,l11al'tcr. ,\ny tram wo uld be sat isfi d i J' t l! cy <·01 ,ld sco r e rn points iu a so-c·a ll Pd " l'lu­ky' ' quarte r . J t looks lik e the Ex­pou~n t used th e \\'!'OIi;! adjecti,·c in desc ri hi ng th e st•c·o11d perio,l be­ca use, personally , J wo uld n't cal l a th l'CC touchdow11 d ,. i,·c in fi fteen min utc.s anyth inir co1H' c r ncd w it h a f luke. · ~

Five Months Late, Swede E ddi e Olsen . on e o f t he hat'<lest

f'ig-hti ng players on Coa ch Kotal's squad. p layed a mi g hty swc,•L ~a m,l against Oshkosh. T he 0111.v eomplaint this tl epartm cnt lwa ,·d of his p laying ,ras t he manner in ll'h ich Eddi e tried to ta ck le De,.,· \\·hiJ,, th e latt e t' wa s 11·,·i u" to tl11·ow a pass. " ()Jc" grnhhel the pas!<c r 's al'm 111Hl in att r mpting to down th t 111an. :,.!a \'t .. a g-ood illlila­t io n ol' a ~l ay-pol c danel'.

A Rough Game :-; t• ,·1• f'al oJ' th <• pla~·p1·s lnok

S ' I' I ' I) E :S: 'l' ,; Disto11n t 10% on ( ' lolhi11~ a11d F11r nishi 11 µ-.,

ED. RAZNER 306 Main Street

with a l' il't1•p 11 ya rd p1 •11;i\ly. lh t• 1' 41 1•11:d \ '._; . /t1·1:~~\~ na il Wa!'-. 1 ak 1·11 h.\· ( \· 11 1 l'al ~ I aft· ~~;;;,\~



11··r i: .t: . :,.-

1,,.,·h l .?.O~®®®.V_1)Cb:•.QOO:O<:tv0.,:•000(:•Qt:•

fro111 tlwi r ow n l'or l\' l'ive to th,· .\lt-111,·I !LT . 1,u, l,:tl, ~ A. L. SHAfTQN & CO. ~ Oshkosh fo ur \'il l'd 1(11 e . \ t' l tT sv\'- l :n:1rd ILi·:. \\'url Ii 'O I 1· I . ·1 . . ./.,lin,1 1111 I 11 l;r;t111·url,i 11. Z., DISTR l dUTORS OF i.)

,· ra 11 1•· I' 111 •;.r,·s fa, "'i. )I,-l:n 11·•· '1,-,;uir.· ,:·1i' 1:u r d F1'nest Canned Foods and ,.., WC III c,rr la ck lt· !'or lilt· otil\· Poi111 ll 11111·k 'j.·_. ~~wi :,1tn u .:, ~ lo ;ic:hdow11. ( ' li;1 r li t• r ('11;1\l' l" "'d :--111''tti1111i1111:-. S1, ·\'1· 11, l' nint t 'l1:1r ~ Fresh Produce $ t he ki1·k for th r t•xl r a po111t :ind t 11 ·r . ~1111z. Sp, rha \\k . ll 11.d1r. I'. ~IC1t ·, ~ ,. _ ..., .,.? ·~ _ .,- ,..... . . , o,6 t li P. si ·on• sloi,d :ii 7 lo I. \,111sk1 . 11 Slntnrn •l.i , L111d u \\ !!,•111 •J , . _. C·'- •• • ,.~ .. JOOO-.O .Olj"'OC.000-0 t

~It 1u, '\11rl ,H1, l : n·111t1l\ r . Bru11 11t•r () s h · WIS 0 'f'l11·.n:s t ol'_tl1t: .. thin! q11art-·1 l,nsli - 1>, •rr , t'l111s, 1•:1111Jl•rt:,1111 , .\1.1111 C NSIN SHOE SHOP w;u; <d I it 11,· Sll,! 111 I wa 111·1· a :-: l. 1r ,I S 1 ,,·1:.!, C.u,· l h•r. "1 k .

St:l.tistics S. P.

Ya rd, fr11111 l:11 ,lti 11;..: ::oi ·,•.i. rd ..: fru111 l' :1 ...... 1•-. 11.11

I ol:.1.1 , -;1r .J ... g:1i11<'d :,11 £7i rHL ;,11\\' I):,, I~

o~b. ;,1; ;,..,

11 ·1 ·I


\\" ,· cl rc youl' sho<'s tu Illa tr:lt ! ·0 11 l' go\\' 11

121 Strongs Ave. Tel.116

qni 11• a pltysit:a l h t•a1i11~ ~af11rday . ~I i<·kt',\" ~ti l'f, ·ri.•d 11111s,·l1· pai11s in his I(·~, " ·hilt• J: 11<·hulz. al th ,• li111C" ol' 1h is \\T it i11;.!. was c· tlltfi1i <'d to his 11,•d wil h a torn 11111 :•w l t•. Bo! Ii should h(' i11 c·ondit inn. ho w,·,·c·r. tu st' l ' a l'l ion this wc·Plc

Hello "Mommie" Jf' tht• JH' ('S(' ll t piarrs g o t h rnu ; .. d1 ,

1he honH.•co111ing· J.! illllt' will he h1·oad castr•d on,· \\' LJ:I , di1·1·ctly frn111 ~chnl(' (•c· klt• fi,• ld. :-;e1 J'at' t'\, ;s ~·ci a1·. s u11111 {;i ri l'S of 1 ht• Point g'Hlllt'S ha\:t' ht•1• 11 µ-ini. n ht•lWt' l' II 1 h<• haln·s nJ' th e \\' is ,· onsi 11 bruad ­ta!',t and th,• la :-.t ft •\\· 111i1111tPs of 1 ht• 101·,d t·o 11f c•s ts ha \ · p also 111·<' 11 St'nt ovc1· t hP a ir wan.•s. t:l'rhardt \\' il le,·k,• a111l H,•11 l,as.· l1kPw itsch haYe hee n ha11dli11;.r the d,·s(' rip­t ion O f t h<• g'Hlll('S.

Is There No Justice ? \VPI I. \\'r took a s.•,·c i·r joltin).:

la s t wrck in our p1·,•di1·t ions dui, to t he many upsets Lhl'onghout tht· eonntr,v. ll o wt•\·f'r. 0 11 r ~ood old rrliablcs ·a 111t• t hrnui; h for us and ou r ra t in:;: IHI \\' is 11t .840.

We'll Try Again-Here Goes: C. S. T. C. O \' C r De Kn lh . Ouq11e:,1n c on!r W. V:1. \Vc:-: l r,y311 I'it.t shnrgh o\·c r :'\ otn• ll1111l(•

l ' e nn ~y h-a nia OVl' r Urown l'rincc tou o ve r Ka,·\· 'l'ulanL' o,·c r North <''arolina Duk e O\'C r T t•11nl':-l:-it..•1• Yale ove r Jtu tg-C' rs Arm.,· ovC'r Spring-f io ld . G eo rgia 1.'cdt o,· t• r Vand erLilt Alub.uua on•r Lcwola o r the South lt i('c on•r 'l'cx a!i · 'I'('x a s A. & M. O\' C' r ffa \' )o r !\larq11c•t 1c o ve r ).1ichiian Stale N ebraska o ve r Okl:1ho111:1 ).l is~ouri O\'C'r J owa Sta t r­K an ~as , t n t c o ,•t• r Kan sa :-t i\ o rthwc!'it Prn O\'C'r lll i11o i1-C O h io S1:1t c O\'Cr I ndiana :\ l inu t•;,,;ot a oq.•r l'u rtl 11 t• .\I id1i A":1 n O\'l'r Col u m liia \\':1sh i11gto11 on• r C':difornia (; . <;. J. . A. o,·c r Orc~on ktal c U. S C. m ·P r Sl:infurt.l \\' :1sh i11i::-t on Star e u ,·l·r Oregon C' n•igli1 011 on·r Jl a n li11 -:,j i mmo n :1 f>hiu l i ni \' ers il \' O\'cr ~1i a111i l 'o lJ.!a l t• o,·t..• r J.'a fan•tl\· KI'. ll ig- h o\·,·r A,it il,!o Carrull O\'t• r J.:1 w rc 111·t·

fin r· watches and jewelry of a l l ki11ds.

\\"c• ~pt• ·ializ ,, in watl"h an d jewf' lry 1·f'pa ir in}!

FREEMAN- Jewele-r -Opposit 1st Nat. Bank

JIFFY COFFEE POT <: t· t \·0111· :)• · lfa111h11 1·$! ~· 1·~ n11d H,•d · ll ots J,,. ,· ,·. 0pt"11 day an rl

ni tc. 112A Strongs Ave.

'N_ormington's LAUN o· R Y



I 'ar..~,·~ .\ llt · J11pl1 iJ !!I tc,

l' a.l' ?-!'S l 't111q1lt•t,· 1l ·I

l'a.111~1 S l 11 t1•n·t>pl 1•d l"ao t!- (.\ \'1 r:1g,·J '..!1 v:i r di,1 :::t \':,rds

i~clu rn ,,r JIii iii ~ ::1·\' a r ,I:-. '..!!I .\'artl..:

lt c tu rn of 1, idrnff~ I ti ~·:tr1 li,1 :! I ~·:1rtls

l'c aal lit•:,,t ~ti ~·a r tl r1 .1n ·v:,rd-i

tl O 'ya rdl'l ~ to r ~5 )·a rds

il(REMBSHA~~!~!IBCOMPAN}' ~irkoff~ • .. f,,r

Page 6: 10:00 THE POINTER Series III Vol. XI No. 6 Stevens Point ...10:00 Classes Today THE POINTER Welcome Al omni Series III Vol. XI No. 6 Stevens Point, Wis., October 22, 1936 Price 7 Cents

1 I ',1111 iuai, I t , .. 11 1•:1:.:• I. , ,I. I

Ea,·li da1w, ·r ,p ,· ,·i:d i1 ,·, 111 dir l1·r1•111 IYJ" '' ,d i l1 11,•r;11i, ,. d. 111,·,·, . T h, ·,, · 1·a11~,· fr11 111 .l ,111,·,·, "f ;111 1·i, ·111 p,·opl,·, ln i111 ri1·; 1l ,· 11111il,·r11

, L1111· 1•,. t ·11,l 1111n·, ;pl, 1 1,1 I lit• r,·: 1 Ii -1 y , ii· 1Ji,. p, ·r!'11n11a11,:,·~ ,111.I 1·:i,1,·

111 ·1, .111d 111·,·I 1;1p, 11,·lp 111 p,1r1 ra.,· th,· 11,,·,1,•ri1111--- 1• !, •1111 ·11·1 1•111·!11, in'...!" 11 1a 11,· .Pl' 1h ,• ... ,·1·11•·..:. Thi, i, 1h,• fir:-.1° 1i 111 1· 11,i..; 1r111qw ha, 111u1·1·d rh,· 1·. s .

T h ,· p11ltli,· 1, i11,· i11·d In all1·11d 1hi~ 111111,11;!1 and 11111,1a11di11;,!' pn• ­'...!"ra111. .\11 ad111i,, i11 11 pr i1·1• 111' l'if1y 1·1·111..: will Ii,· 1·l1.11·;,!'1 ·d 111 11111:,..id,•r, .

:-,:_111d1•111 ... will h t• ad111i1t1•d 11po11 JH'1•:...1·11lal i1111 11f I llf'il' a1·t i,· it y I ic· ­k1'I:,,, .

Til l·: 1'111\'J'J-:I:

------------;I' !Paddle - Swinging , College News Briefs ' Pledge-Baiting Period

I I I ,;,,_,---------1 Begun Enthusiasrically 1 ~ i .:!11 ... ,,r th, · r.111 plPd;.ri11 !.,!' :-.1·.i F . Rogers Constance, " r,,,.,,, ,. ,. I ,,11111·111 of t '1·11lral ~ l:il1 • \\ '1, 1 i, j 11n\\ 1,·;H·lii 11!.!· al \\· ,, ,11,,11·0. \\" i,. I 1·1111'i 11. h;1, had :11101 h,•r pn,·111 ot'

I Iii, p11hli,l1,·, I. i1 ~ tht' ~:1:a; l_';wh:11: .\ 111 h11l11g-,, · ol \ l'l';o,, t'. 1111• 11111· 111 1J1i , JHh'III i, " Ill !ht• 11 1\a!·I nr 111 · d iil ..

J in1 Murat, ,,· 1111 had ;111 ;1p111•11 -

tli1·i1i, ltlH'l°illion a w,•, ·k a;:11 la:-.t .\1 1111 da.,·. j.,. ,·,111,·;d1•:•a· i 11 ,!.!' 11i l·1•I .,·. altl11111~.d1 Ii,• wa , . n·r~· ill al l'ir:-.1. li t• illlt' llii~ IO ht• li ;H· k ill ,1•h11,,I ill a ~1ior1 I illlt'.

l1111k i11:.!' ,• , p,•,· iall.,· 1'1·i; .. d1!1•111•1l. h11 l·

1wrli•1J" !lit• l:i,·k or 111:1k1' · llf1 '1;1,

... 01111•1hi t1'...!" lo d o wilh ii . 'l'h ,· t'a111ili,11· paddl ,·, or r,·ai. •r

11i1 i.1·..: ;tl't' "i11 1'1111 .,\\'illg-." ~ 111111 ·

,l ow 111 01 io11 pi 1·t 111·1•,.., ot' I lit• pa d di,•.., i11 :t <·l it111 \\"t ' l't ' 1ak,•n 011 th,·

l"alllplh l:1 ... 1 :\ lo11d:1.,·. Tltt• i·lh'."''' t1!' lht· l'nlll'l'itil,\" H1·1h·ps pnff 0111

wli,·11 !11,·y ;1n• addn·s:-:Pd as .. :-:ii-·· ut· " :\ Ir.: ·. whil,• lh1• sororil i,•:-. ar,·

MariluZ I Th,• t lslil«»li Slat,• Tt•:u·h ,·r~ al l 111aki11;: 1114' 111 0s! ol' tht• a 11s1 1•ri-

' I NOTICE ( \,11,,,.,.,, ll a11d. d i,· ,·,·l<'d l, v l' ru-ALUl\lN l Ir,'"";. Jl n •,•,,•. a,,i,1,·d h,•,·t: al th,·

~11h:-.1..-r i ptin11 l tl tlh· l'oiJtt,•r now /.,!'illlll' last S;1111rday . T lH•.v 1·ha11µ-­$ l t'o r th,· r,•:--t 111' tli,• .,·1..• a1· . S1• t• ,·d 1lff wi t h th ,• t 'o ll1 •}.!'1• hand i 11 Fru"'l Ba:-. ... h•r . pl a yi11;: 111an·lu•, .

r- -For Fint' Furs Sec


1 'TR UESDELL'S Manufacturing Furriers


Factory At Berlin.

.\Ir-:. n. : '• \\' Ju·n· i11 thl' \\ 11rl,I h: I \ ,.

Th,• ,,,. JJ,,,.,. ,. ba11d has Ji,•,•11 d,1-i11 '...!" t• x,· t· ll,, 11·, work at all 111,• ho 111 l• 1'11~Hhall ;:a111t•..:. :\l an·hinl,! a11d lt'l ­lt•r f1l r1 11:1ti,111 h t•t \\'('t' ll llaln•s nl' 1h1• µ- a 111 ,• ~ pro ,·idt•s 1•11tf'1·tai11 -

111,•11 1 thal lht• sp ttator:-. t · ll.i t iy.

T h,• t'll l'1dlrut• 111 1°11r 1Jii.,. Sl'll11·~tt· r

ha , J' l'l,i,;1hJ.,· r, •1i,·h1•d th ,• t'i11al f'i!!'lll 't' of (i7:!. lia\'ill~ i11l'1·,•:1.,.1•1l II\" q11i 11 • a Jar}.!'t' 111111dwr 11 \' 1•1· ti;,. fi1·, 1 l'i;:u r ,• , . Th,· addi1 it•11:1I 17:-i 1•11rnll1111•11t fu 1· 11i ; .. d 11 .,.,.li110J h1·i11:::-. 1111• fnlal 11p 111 :<lO.

t t· 1·11 1 ·· ~I i~s.·· ll a,·in;!' p kd::1·:-. aro1111d Is a

w11111 lt•r 1' 11! 1lti11µ- . and a ll a,·ti r t':-­will ha ,·,, a l, •t do w11 w lll•11 i11itia ­t it111..: a 1·1· ,,,·,•r :111d l}11•y liav,• 1, ,

l'llll t'l' l' illH I..: ro r lla1•1t1Sf'h·1•s.

.\ 11 1 h,· plt•d;..:-1•..: 0 11 l'illll JIIIS t lti:-­"'t..'lllt'Sl t ' l' apJH·ar lo lip :-.w,•11 spo r t, :i11tl t·,·t· r .,·1lii 11!.!' po i11I !'- tn a :-.al\1 i­

at1d ,;1111•r ll ,·11 \\" 1·1•k. with lot..:. or !!11t11l. ,·l1·a11 1' 11 11 .

SCHAFTNER'S MASTERCRAFT SHOE SHOP Shoe Repairing, Foot Comfort Service

Sh1 N.'~ l .1·m.: rhc11l·d , \\"i,IL·nt·,I :111d ( ;:tp:- l~ t ' lll fl\ t·il

Carlo~ De Vc!,!a I 1 1 , ·,

.-------- ·'"~,.:···;;:," .' ;·;-;·i'.'.'.'~;"; .. , .. · I COLLEGE SUPPLY STORE /J_,·,·i11g and 'J'i111i11:::

1·"111,t \ l· . \ g l·/ll"~ f11r Rul Cn 1 .. , .11111

Fr,·1.·111:111 Sh1 1l':-


MAIN ST. MARKET Formerly Bartig's No. 3

Main Street Store

Fr,· ,-h F.-11 i 1,­


Cold ,I,·al :<

Ouality M e rchandis e

Dep e ndabl e Se rv ice

Phone 289

CITY FRUIT EXCHANGE Fruits anti Yt>l,!t·lahll':<

457 Ma in St. Phone 51

M e n's Furnishings Shoes

Your Film Developed 8 Prints and Enlargment fo,


Nul To Th• Libra ry

.\\, ... 1:.: ··Y,111 h;1,·,, . ,·h~ Y1111 111u .. , 1 ).,, 111:1 ,I, · t•I ;1,.J.,·,t "" • f,q .' •:I~ r .,fl i,·1•

\,11111,· 0 ! ,ln1, 11 ; hr,·,· l,uur .. :t;,!11,

H1·eryt /1 i11 .f! /11 Student Supplies

Wo C• II • nd Doliver

Phone 196 513 Strongs Ava.

·- ·FORD V-8 ,·------Mention The Pointer CARS & TRUCKS COMPLETE I

One Stop Sales & Service Station Good Year Tires







10('; Discount to all

students on clothing



Phone 688

The Sport Shop Shotgun Shells 65c and up

McAULIFFE CORSET SHOP I Lrnga1c , l-los tc.:n, H.rndkaclucf s ---- Inf.ml \ Wt·.tr --- -Phone 999-W 117 Strongs Ave.





I ( ;"'"' I' /11(" Fm Stu,f, ,u/.c '/"(J / •.'nt

~1 414 Main Street

~ .

Page 7: 10:00 THE POINTER Series III Vol. XI No. 6 Stevens Point ...10:00 Classes Today THE POINTER Welcome Al omni Series III Vol. XI No. 6 Stevens Point, Wis., October 22, 1936 Price 7 Cents

T Ill·: 1'1 ii \"J .. E I~

Personnel Of Girls Political Gr o u PI g111111111111111111111111,11 11,111111111111111~ 11~


Glee Club Determined ~-~.~~,~~~~~ ,~,~:~~~:i ROCK GARDEN-INN -Ti1 ,· U irl:-. (i lt·1· l 'l11h is \\l•II 1111· al 1· 0 111•::1• J.i ... t w,• i• k i, k11on-11 a, ---

•!1 •1 w a, i 11 I ii, • 11111 ... 1 adi,·1• , · ,·Hr in iii,• y 111111 µ- ,, ,.0 ; .. •Tt'"i:..in· t'lnli. Th, -ils his,;.,., .. l '1·adin· ho urs ,i'r,· l11·ld · Plate L1111che .... · · JJtll'J)P"i,· ot' I ills 1·l11lt i, I u i1111•r1·st

Regular Dinners

0 11 •·:ic·h Tth·sda,· a nd Thtil·:-.d.i,·. s111d 1•111:-. i11 tlti11µ-..; lh\ l'lai11i11:..r 111 -Th,· :.! ir·l s ha,·,· h~·::1111 work 011 11 ,:w ·· .•mn~s whi~·li i111·lud1•: " ~11nri s,• :111d IIH·ii· µ-,,,·p r J1 11t+ ·iy alld 10 aid i 11

1 lit· 111·p...;1•11t ,·a 111 p.1 iµ- 11. .\l ,• 111 l1t·r

Delicious Sandwiches \ 11_11 ... ~,t 1111 :, "Al~_a1i·.-. I_l nlid:iy". ship is op,·11 lo all ... 111dt•11r -. a11d l• 1·1111: ·· 1 ht• hosa i·,· , ~ t·nn: '"l.o~t IIH'Jlll11•r,liip hla11ks 111a.,· lit• had ('hord ... ~nlli\':tll· : ··( · ( 't, u ldn 'I h.,· 1·alli11;.:- 1'01· 1111t1 frorn lht> t·lrni 1· l l,•.11· ~oliudy Pl'a y··. llt·~ru s pir i- 111.111. Ed J,iµ-hthocl .,·. or fro m a11,·

ttia!: " Bn•ak FJ1rt li. () l: i•a 11t i·o11s 0111· wl10 will han• hi:-. 11a1111· fH1 ~1 J E SCHLICE JJ ,•:t\·' 11h· Li cr h l" . 1:al'11: and " Last <·d "" lh,• h1Jil ,·1i 11 board r, ... !h i, • • ' Prop. .\Ji~ht".


hy Kj ,•1 ·11 11'. Tl,,· JWJ'Slllllll'I ur t Ji ,. ,·11111 has Jllll'JHJ"'· 125 So. 2nd St.

CENTRAL ~'l '.\.'l'E ' l'EA C lll<: IU;

COLLEGE l:asi ly Accessible·. Expense R ela tivel y Lo w . L ocJtion Unsurpassed for H e.11th ­[ u I m·ss. A II In fl ucncc 3s we ll .1s a School. C rcdi 1s /\ cccp1cd at . all Univers i­ties. D eg ree Courses fo r .111 Teachers. S pc c i J I Training fo r H o me Eco­no mi cs and Rural l:duca-1io 11 . Send fo r l.itcrJlurc.


I I ( I Ill t I , 1. 1 11,-,... To Have S tr_aw Vote - _ 8'.l'EVEN ' POIN'I', '\VI . .'','a·''

0I ;ti'.',,' ,' I C l ' l. ., <' Ill J,•r, ' 7111flJfllllllllfllJIJflllllJfllflJlllflflllflllllr. , '-----------'------1

, - 1111,• of lh,• J'irsl ads uf lhP 11 1·11 ·

First Soprano H .... rn in.• .\ I k i 11:-, 1.t·da B:1~sla. I.u•·i ll,·

( :rumt•, 1,a 1hry11 l h1 :-.k1·;·. ) loris lil.'org1•.

'Thelma. Kuut :,,011 , l :c nc\· i1•\'c Krcp:-.ky, l 1hylli, M\l 11r;.:atroyd . ll11ro1hy Ot•,!Prh: , (i il r:1hlim· 11:1~ .,;koff, l. :1 Pt•ar l l'uw· Ii·:;~, ,J:111\'111· , ·:uu•t1a. i) ,Jrl'tl:a Wa 11t•k

.unJ i.\l i lclrt•d \\' t'rlll.'r.

Second Soprano l ,u,·i llt• Bh· t·k, \' :tlnia lh·ru h:'11·h. Po

ri~ U1u•1·k,·r, .1t.~:11 1111•l ll' Il.1 g1•11 •. \11i ta

)fod!"t'II . J:ohc•rta ).l(-\\'illi:1111~. S:tr:1

~bi11la11d 1 :\l :1xi11c )l i111·r, ,Jmwphith' Obcr:,;t, Flort•1n·c Qua:,it, J 1>:111 II,·,l1•11ta1111, llclcn lh•zin , Eslll('r SJwi,·h. )1ary Lou ise '1\.•nlt·y. Sh irl1·y Wd1:,1ta, ,h·:111 -ncltt.· W i11:1r:-ki .

First Alto Lo r r:1i111• .\11m11,b1111, Ali 1• 1· !l,•1111.1

l,cont.' C'rd1•111:1n , ~l:t ri,· Eil1t•rg1•11 . . \ flp.

lirll! (;Ot'l!'l1·h 1 Hulh l\11111 ~un, E:.11H·r l\11:-1h111a11 . . \ 1111 ~l :1 i11J :111d, c:ra,·l· Okray . lra•z Ul:o:t•11, ll d,•n P rt·~lo11 , ~1 avi:-: J'rc·

· vi llt., :-i:ira . !'\d1 11til•(l1 i11, 11 ,•lt.•n Tylk, .\n n Willi:1111,, ~ ·

Second Alto Eth,·! Bu,·hol;,, Eilt.·t.•n l>1• !111rn, l>urn·

hy Jl1•rnl1:11·h .. 11•:111 t•1.11•p . ~l:1 ry ll ,1p· pcu, )l :iriun ~l ar:-1 h: tll. .\l yrnd ~lar1i11. J-:il cl'II )Ia n . Huby 0111·111, .\l at.· Hl'im:111.

I ~f•nc St:111ff:wh,•r, / El,·:rnon• Tlt, •i .. 1•11,

.\1aq,!;:irt•I T urkt.· l:-1111, l't•lia \\"ohlr,·rt.

Pianist l.11(',•lt· 1:, ·p plt·r.

' 1 l1ur11tlly j-. gl'lli11g :i 111:1 11 ' -. \\":t'.!•· ... ' •

' ' Y t'', I )11•:1 rd ,lit• w:i , 111:t rri1·1!.''




Siln·1· J,iol 1;uJd J,id

W hi11· ( ti11lahl,• ) F,iiJJ ,. J\l ;1<·k l·'ailJ,.



IR II ~J~~~E §§ - 1,

:,.!'l'IJIIP was lo t•xtc nd its µ-oocl will to 1 lit• prl·si1h·11 t a 11d to l'J1d o1·st hi, ,·;J11dida cy fo l' n •r lc<"I io11. '!'h e lol'al a s•;,• 111 l>lyrna11. )Jr. J, ost u ck ll'a, th" ma in speaker of th e ('\'P ll

ing- al t hf' fir:-; t II H"Pf in;! . lli s a c.l cl n•ss was of rs prc ial i11tt"·1·rst and was w1• ll n•l'riYr< l. J IP s pok e on " \\'hy I .\ 111 .\ J> roi: ressi,·c".

.\ t tht.' 11 1t•c• t i11 ;.t th i:-i w erk it was dPt·idPd lo is, 11 ,• a Sll'il\\' ball ot 0 11 ll'hil'h I h,• 1'11oic,· of l he st utl enl body co11J tl h 1• n•µ-ist1• r rd 0 11 th r oft'ict•s or ;!n ,·enwr and p1·rsi d e11t Thi s hall o! is 10 li r 11 011 -poli t ic-a l and ll'i ll lH· so disirihutcd as In mak ,• it f1·pr o f pol it ic-a l ,·nntrol by Oll t' g-rnup or a11ot h r r . TIil fi nal s l (•ps in clistribuling" t hC' lwl ­lois has 11oi h ,, ,. n c:o mpl rtc- ly ll'nrkrd 011 1 h11 I ll'ill h .. hr the firs! or 111 •x t wf•Pk . This wili g-ive lhP si 11ol,•111 s Oil<' 1'11 11 11·rpk in whic h to 111ak 1· tht• il' t· hoi t·(' 1'01 t h,·il' n•sJH'cli\'r car1cl idat <'s. Th r l·om111 il1 1· l' hnp 1•:,,; tn 111akt' ii as a<·-1·111·atc• as p n:,,; si bJr. ::-o th~ · .. 11'<.' ask­ing- all 1 o l'OO JW ra·tt· i11 rilling- 0 11 1 thl• hallnts and l'Pt u rni n!! lh l• m as s11n11 a, po:,,;sihl<•. H<'s u fts of I hr hallot -1·011111ing- w i 11 h r postt•d 1'1'0111 1imr to ti ml' an d lh f' t· n 111 -

plPl1• rt's11 J1, \\'ill h,• p 11hlishrd 1hc clay h,·fnrt• lhP µ't'llt'ral f'l<' t tio 11 .

T li,• µT111tp ht'lt! :i sho r t busi11(':,o.:,., ll lt't·I i11µ- '1'11 P .... dn .\' 11i :.d11 anti ad ­_ju11n11·d t·a r ly in ord <·r to a ttrnd Iii,• H1•p11 hli,·a 11 llll'Plillg- a t thr .\ r 11 1111T. T l1t·.,· tl1•1 · idPd lo hold 1l11· il' ,;,. xi 11H't'fi11µ- 0 11 \\' 1•d 1t C'sd ay 01' llt'X\ \\"t•t•k.

.\ .. k,·r: · • .\ r,· yuu .. ;l\ ill).! :111y ltl'IIII'~·

-.111n• .' 011 .. 1:1rt,•, I yu111' l,11d;.:1 •t :-.' ,t,·111 ! ·' \\"j.,,•hoy : .. ~11r1•. I:~· till' ti 11n• \\C

!,:,,,. l,:1b11 ,·,·,I ii 111• ,., ,.,y 1·\'1· 11i·u g, ii ·:-,.

11111 1:11•• 11• ;!to :11;_,-,, l11·tt'. ''


Students! i"1


!'1111III IN A PPRECIATION OF 11 :111l1'1i 11 j THEIR SUPPORT 11 I

PATRONIZE '1111:111 111111111

POINTER 111111111 111111

ADVERTISERS 11 1111111111111111111111:1111111111111111111111~11111111111111

HERE is one of the reasons why the rank and file of Wis ­consin school teachers want a Progresive administration:

\\' i!--c·o nsin·:-. lu1d:,!t'1 . und C'1' t: o\'1·r11<ir 1,a Foll l· l tC'. is hala,u;Ptl­l,111 not ai th (• C'X pen~e of \V isconsin l~tllll llHHt st'hool:,,;. Prog- res· si vcs fight 1·01· Eq11al ily nf Oppo1·t1111it.,· l'M W is,·n11si11 Youth , , and that lll l':lllS fi;.rhl i11cr fo1· lwl 11•1· si·h ools. · ~tat(' aiu lo l'O lll<Hl si·hools- d11l'i 11 1,: ill(• fis,·al y,•a1· o f l!): j:,.: lG r. ( u11d c l' Gnn rn<>I' I.a F oll ett.. ) a111u11111,•tl tu :j;.",.f~J:!. l:!:U,-1, a11 J :'\CH E ,\ S J·: of $7:!fj_7;j:lA!l u,·.-1· I h<• allo1 t n11 •11 L 111 arl (' 1, v lhP Schmcdcman ad111i11istl'alio 11 whi c h had s lash ('d t h· aid . · ~l o l' l.'.l ~tat l' aid to <.:0 111m o 11 Sl..' liool s ;.ti\'eS sc·hoo l l,nards a ch anc t· to write


Vote Progressi';e. These Candidates Will Serve You


Lieutena nt Governor­HENRY GUNDERSON

Secretary of State­THEODORE DAMMANN

Attorney General­ORLAND S. LOOMIS

State Treasurer ­SOLOMON LEVITAN

Member of Congress­BERALD BOILEAU

Member of A ssembly­JOHN T . KOSTUCK


Coun ty Treasurer-A . M . WROLSTAD


Clerk of Circ1.1it Court­MYRON C. OWEN

District Attorney-R. L . GROVER

R egister of Deeds-DE FOREST DAVIS




~ I ,.


Phone 30


Wilson Floral Co~ (Next to the Fox Theatre)

Flowers For All Occasions

Reasonobl y Priced



TIIE p11r1·lia,Pr Hf i11n.....;t -

11 11·111:-i frt1111 ;,; I I' a II g <' r S

agai1J:-. l t lH· ad ,·i 1·1' 1d' hi s ha11k1•r !'rrq1u·11tly · pla.ys :,..;a11la <' Jaus lo a c·rook .

FIRST NATIONAL BANK Copilal end Surplus S260,000.00

Page 8: 10:00 THE POINTER Series III Vol. XI No. 6 Stevens Point ...10:00 Classes Today THE POINTER Welcome Al omni Series III Vol. XI No. 6 Stevens Point, Wis., October 22, 1936 Price 7 Cents

T ll 1·: 1•111 \TEI~ .--. -~ ---

Training Teachers Listed; Junior High Has Majority 1

The P111plc and the Gold 1 i Greek Mythology,- Art


11,1:.i;:{~;:7:~~i~-~~:~~~t::~ ~111d 1•11 1:-. \\ '111 :11'1' 1.i k i11~ p1' ;11 ·- l 1

l in• \\'11 rk ;11'1' :-. t·I tlt·d i 11 1 l11•il' po:-:i­tions i'nr th 1· 't ' llll ' "'ll'I '. Th ,· ,· 11 111 -

1 1

plt• t 1•d li ... t 111' t ra iu i11~ .... -li11 11 l 1,·;wh - \ 1·rs is as follows :

Junior High :\l :1r;:'-• ry \t \·l "u llo1·h. l',· 11·1 !'111 ith.

Mildr,•d l .:1r .. u11 . J.loy.J 11:1 .,·l'"· .\l a ti l•II

(: :d fu, ·y. :\ l;ir;:a n:t () \\ ,·11 . l.1·11 ua1, I 01 -.. o n , (: 1·rl 111 sl 1· l'\ o,h,1llt·k. Ectn:.:,, •l iu, ·

.fuhn ..10 11. \\"ifli:1111 .\h1•11 d-.1•lwi11 •. \1lt-h: ll ,111k. E va Ha, • l;u l' ri 11 , ('i•1·1•li:1 l-':11 -kow:-k i. :\l:irk ).l ,·liuin·. ' Kirk\\l JOd

IJf/i, ,· 8d1t,u/ ... 11 / ral 11r l, 1111,,,:. I . t) f rid" rlf ... f/f l/on: (Jf iourd,,,:. ll( l' 1 r l11 . ..: 1

, , n t ,-i,nnJlh"' h!f t fu q·m ,. !., I I li t 111 / 1 fl ll"l' pl I ht i r 11r,,tr, ,,,: . ..: , 0.1 1carri 11 r s . ..:/ l'Olt fl a nd bold. J: ul t h , ir c1,/ 11 ,.- , ,., r lu•r, r . To thf / )urp/1 1111 d t lu (,'u/d .

U tu 11/f ii 11r, u i/ 1· 1dn , i o 11 • ..: . l 11 t l't 1' 1/ • ..:f(l / 1 <fl 0 11H d.

Our a t h/('fu.: <t11<f di /1(1/ t r .. .. -l 1 f w i n.11i11 !1 jt1il' n 1ww11 T hour1h ll'f.l'i pro,,d Pf all ll' i...: ct,11:.: iu. lJ' hos c fame·...: in stur!J told U11r /11ar/', lt'i l h .\ Ima .1/at , r . ..1 111/ t h, / 111rpl, ""ti fill' (;o/cl.

T 1, /il1 · iw uk...: of old lJ' i...:n•n .-.i ,1. lrht H u,ars lw re pa...:.-.1d nud !llllll ' , .-\...- . ..: ri;,,olmafc.,,:. 1n hn n po rted. Our l,s . ..:uus all a r f d,111t·, H·, ·u n t ur n a11d .-.how our co m1 atl1 /'/ , 1r,,·rr a...: loyul as oj old, , I lle/ chc, I'"" Ill till / 11 l'icl ory . ·x, llfll t h,· 1'11rvl,· (Ill{/ //1, Gold.

J. ikt..~. ).l i hlr1 •d Wl'f111•r. ll:tn.,ltl Hl·irh · I If ~:,:i:.~"~:~;::;:t:'.1i,'.·~;\':::~~::.::: .. ~.:.//:l:;;;: Debate . Meeting Band Concert Next Shirl,·y 11',·1,ster, .l li,· e Olk , .Tuhn ~!:ii cr. Well Attended I Thursday Morning ~~1~.



1,"~,'.'.·i;'.~7,\:,c 1;~\~:i'.:~~t~':,·:: Imp;~: ~o;~':~~~~!:i:retled Th" ,.,.11,·;!,· hand ,l'ill l"'''" ' '" t a l:t )1 c- \ 'c•y •. \ ,h·h.• l1011!t.•1 \\"illiam Knox, · E(.lw:ard

011111kt..•, :\bri:rn :\t,,,


111._v. L•H· A larg-l' tll l lllbt•r ol st11d t.•11t~ 111- 1.·0 11 1.'l'l"l t ill Thur:-itlay. L)(•tolwr

ra~·n,· .\ ntl t: r:-o u . . \ ldn Bu,-hul1.. Ebha dicated tlll'ir int l'n·st in dt.' batinµ '.!!1 . at th1.• l'l';.!Hlat· mor11in:,: asSt.'111· b,,· at t,' nJ ing a forl' 11:i._. lllt.T tin~ li ly hour. Thi ... j.,. tlh' first <:olll'i'rt

nahlbt·r~. Huth l'aul, 11 11, \\":i ltcr ("nllin:- 1

IJon:dd l.d-<t·r ) Elh•ry H:1"l ..: l1·r1 \\'illiam T lu•i:,,C'll, .\rnol,I tl,11,·,·1 lt. <'ar roll Sw,·11 -

Sixth Grade

last Thurscln.,· n ft,•1·uoou. ~1 r. Hur- .. r I h,• ,..lwt•I .,·,•111·. ruug-hs. hC'ad or th ~ ~lh't' l' h d .. -pa rt - Tl1t· prnµ-1·a 11 1 will ht• ot' sJll't·ial 111 r 11t. ca ll C'd th1· 111t·,·till!! to nrga ~1 - in l1.' l' l''I to t ho,1, wlto t• Jlj o_t· hand izc• tht• dt'hn1e1·s and to il ' l' t' l' t i\ 111 mn,i t·. T!J 1, hand will rt' nd C'r I hr th" u11111lw1· uf stnd,•111s """ a r,'l "~lan·h ,.f Youth" h,· ()li,·adoti·

t;,.,,rµ; ,· ()..t N h: n:.-.. ·1l' 111 •111- ll .. u~h ly. d1•s iro11;<\ of t·OlllJ>t'tinµ- thi :-: >·(·ar. "l'ahi11,.. II\· 1:ill 1·t·t,• · "~1111 ,,·: ~1:1r~:u t·l .1 11 --1. 1. .. " i-. 1,rnt.11 h·k . Th.·1111:a Kuui ,.

111, • • \ , - j .. 1 :t•hrk,•. lfr t n i,· i· 1,;: 1111 j 1,1,1, . T hos1• whu ha \'t' ind i,·a tt•d 1 hi'i r Fla k t> :,;." ;i 11ot·,·I t ~· xyloplio 11l' s~)IO

koJ , Hi· rni,· ,· 1;u1lt .. \ rd , ·11:t :--1i ,•h :- , , : , . .. ,. d1·l1.il1 · i11 t P11 li t,lls 11~· att c1uli11µ- tlie l hy l-:\' 1· l.n1 ~l·h\\'ill!.d,•. h~· l'h:1r1·0-vi1.• ,,· ll :11111 i,· h . :-- 1:1 11 1, ·~· Zi, ·la11 1-. 1111·t'li11µ- nr h,\' notifyiu~ .:\Jr~ 1;11r- , i11 : ·· t: io Hi1a". l'rn 111 Zi t';!l'Pld. hy

Fifth Grade 1·011i.d1s ar,· : 1 'J'it"l'll <' Y : .. :-,;l-hl'l"i'.o -- ~\\'allo\\' s

.\d\'liin · :--. i·h !il'lll' k • • \i l ,· l b Thi i· li:.:- . (;ra1· l· .:\lo l'ga11. Hut li ;-,;111ith. Bo - Fli:.d1t" hy l.a11~p11iu:--. d11t•I h.,· 1-:rih·-- t l\, •,. ,...,, .. ki . H, ,

11 l 'iiq.:,·I. 1-: miiy sali1 · Ti111111. Ka1h1·yn lh'l'hl'I'. Ka- K1·11 ~ 101·a11d1. 1.: la1·int•I . .ind Frt•d

.fa k ,·u . . \l :ir., ~l: tl,·l, ,· .. l.:i , l·:it ,·,·n .\l:i 1h,·ri11P ll n11g-. Phylli s (;il'kling. Parfrl'~·. rl11t,•: ··Ti-i11111pli ot' .\ lt•x­g ui r ,·. ~l:t t ..:: ,il'l 1',· lwll, -,. c; , a ,·•· \\" :wh il. .\ ,·i , t:1•ilrk1· . .:\ l .-tq_!t 1t·ri1,· ~ Hl'!.!' t·nt.' illlll,·r · · liy l:il'l :arcl..;: and thl' .. , ·, •.

1\' :u ll'y 1: 1 .. i1 .. -1, i. \ 'i,d :i Zill. l': . ul 11 ,·in . J) al'l,·1·11 Lon111i:-- . Elt•a1111r I: 111 -li ti. 1J1•1ia11 FP,11\'al" h~· Olinidoli . li \ ,11:..:-1· \ ' : ir 11 ........ 11 . 1·1:i,,,r,,·,· 1:11r1 / , (:id ( 'ar ... \\·PII. l\i1·k l.i kP,. I. a l:111• :--:11rn 1• w1·1•k, ;1!.!o .:\Ir. \'i elnr F :,y, lh ,, d a. \ l:urnn ~I:,.,, I'. l-: l i1!11·tli ~ 111itli . 1~1·11 ~th11 C' idt·I' . \\"ard (;r;1h1•I ,·1111111n•111i-d 11po11 Iii,• t'X ·

~ \\' i lli:111, ... . 1:,-11bh :-- ,·ld , -: ,· h..i . .l , ·;111 ,· :t1· \ \"hi 1t.1 k1· r . 1~1·11 l.a,1· h k1·w; 1sth . 1·,·l l , •1 11· 1• n i' 11li, t1l'!.!illli z.11io11 . lf is 1-: ii , l,, .. u, 1. u, 11!,· \ c,:.:,·,J., .,. I. ii. I,\ l' n ' "'" :\1 ik,,Ml!"'/.fi k,1. Buh I lol'l'111a 11 . '1'0 111 appn,,·.i l ,!io11ld ,·, •r1;iinh· IH' ' " \\, O li ,,· 1; .-, . :..: .. 1., . t i r:,,· , )1 ,· 11 11'..! h , l-'a11 1·1·IT. 1! ;1 1'111\\' l11 •1111i t1 !!1 · r. l\ 1· ilh wo r t h 1•11 01q.d 1 111 i11d1w 1• ail i-1•;11

t '!:t i a J.:, ,l\\i :_:. ;iu d 1: w t. I., i h,·t i--: 111 " · 1 .\ 11lik . . J111 • P plt ;n 1·11. B, •1· 11 ard 11111, it · l11,·1•r, !,1 all1 ·ntl 1\i i!'- t'ir,\

~rapliil·al l.1youl . JH"OllllS(';<\ t o h, olll' of tilt• 11tosl h<'a11til'11J a111111a l, ,,,·4•1· p111 0111. E\·i>r.,· a1t1•111p1 i..; ht· i11~ 111.t lh· h\' 1 Ill· t•di10 1· anti la\ out staff to . ~in• lh<· book a l i~.d1 i and a rt is1i,·:ill.,· 111 •rl'1•1·I appPa r U ll l't ' .

Thl' t lil'IIH' for I IH' hook is ( l r,•t·k 111.rtholoµ-y, a11d 10 t·a1'l'., . vut th1 · idt•a 1.•xa inpl1•s ul' l;l'l'l' k art awl an·h it,·"1111·,, \\'hid, """ J'() un d i11 011 1' OWll h11ildi11g- will lw US{'II

t hl'lll!i!h t h,· 111 Nlium 111' phot" g" l'ap hy. Ir Jll' ('St' ll l p I H II s :.,:-, , t l11·,,11;!h. I h<•1·e will al st, hr beau tif ttl eo lur pll(IIO;!t'llJJhs ot' th,· S(·lwu l :111cl l 'illllj)tl S fhl'Ull }.dlO ll t

1hr l.Jm> k.

.\ " ""' 1'1•11tu1·,• thi s y,•n1· will l.J ,· a ,·o mpl et r st ud rnt iudrx. 'I'h,• 01w11i1 q.!' sf'l't io 11 will bl' 1a 1·~c> r and li;.d1tC'r. and a spC'l'ia l i' l'al urr sC'c· ti t, 11 will he dt•\·1•l u p r•d apart t'ro111 t I,,, 1·r, 1 of t h <· book .

j Katherine Jerzak · l II Dress Shop !·

Dresses for all Occasions I



I Phone 372J 804 N 2rid St. ! L _______________ _:

TRE'S CANDY SHOP I f<1t11 ( i\f.1,lc Cm.la. , J rn h /).11lv


113 Strongs Ave. Prbnary 1-l11li11,011. 1;,., 1.ic11 11 i11 l\ortl11!'- . -ln111 1•s l 1·11n1·,•r t 11 1' ,Ii(• , 1, ; i... 0 1t .

1:, ·;.::1 11:1 :-- ,· 11 ,, ,.Jd". I .. l '1a1! !'11 1,\ l 11ra 1. t; 1·0 1·~1 · 11 ~·,·r. j I .\ 1111 \\" il11.111 1, , .\ l. ,, 11., T n \.1,,, 1:il •·•·U . T it .• l' ir, 1 d 1•lta1 •. ..._ or 1111 · .,· , ·; 11' .---------------~ '1'111· 1•11>(1• .. -.11 1' \\ ;\:-, t1, • \1\1 •l' ill!.! Iii• · l: i ~l

F l,• 1,· lwr. l ., .,l;i l:a .. .. l,· 1 . . l , ·:111 , ; , , \ \ '•1 .. 1111, , \\'ill h1 •!.! i 11 CIII .\lo 11 dc1,\·. \'11,·,· 11 1h1•r r-"--!) l11·t 11n• 11f 1h1· 1,•n11. 11,· 11,ld 1h1· ,1 11

11 .. n ,1hy \ 11 ,l,• 1 .... 11. \':\1 :111 1..;1 1; -..:, \ -..:111·- :! . wh1·11 a p1·, ·li 111i11df'\' t u11r:w - r-j'/ ,l1•u1-. \\i lli 111 11 ,·h 1·11 ,ph:1.-.i-. th:it lw ,., l'\i 1·'..!•·l. l. ;111 1;1 ,l :1 111 1; ,. .. , ,:, 11 ·., . l '.di d, · 111t · ll l . \\li i,·h is !lt'ill~ 1°1la1111 t• d h.v Only Sheaffer H.. 111•,· fi ·d 1lw 111 111 d1 •\ol 1· ;di ll ll' i r 1i 111 ,· t,

1 ·:, r l ,,.11, :111,I \ ':d,·ri :1 .\L1, · ·1 1, · j•f,. 1. !{1111 llol't'!llall. will Jw M'IH·dul ed. AUS.wen of Today ' • pn·11:1ri111,! for 1h1· rin:d 4• \ :1 111 111:iliu u . W1Lnted Pen F ea ture•

I Material Is ' ·cornered·'

!'Fri ===============;ii This to1 11"11 a111 1·1 11 wi ll Ii,· 011•· of he r's ;P~l~T; 1

,11 •. 1,11·)!··~, •. ,.,. ,. 1i..i.i "' c·. s. T. ( . ;111d .\ I r . H111T •rng-hs !i,1, a sk1·d th.ii

t,\DY··I 0-v\lEAR !wt h st 11d,·ut, "11d t mn1,JJ•·•1plt· M1llrnay - Accl·ssor1cs l all1·111!. TJ11· .iud~, ·-.; ha\', • 1101 as

H otir l Whilins Blocl, Phonir 1073 J I J I ' [!;;===========;;i,:;;i,:~~ ,"i:I l+'t'll. l' ltlSt ' II. . l)\\"1' \ 'l 'I'. I llf'.\' \\'Ill h,· tro111 111 11 s1d1 • IIH· ,t·hoo l.

Mentl·on "The p • ,;I 111 ,111ti,·ipatiou nl' this l'ill'I,\'

' ' l: ,1;-l 11,,

p : 1111. ' '

01nter IOIJl'llil ll Jt ' lll a11d l11t• I. a ( '1·t1SSC

1 tt,111·na1111·11t whi1·h \\'ill pl'ol,a!Jl.v

, , ·, ·u , , lu \ ., . t Ji,. Lit" first n111sid1· 1·1111t1 •..;f of 1hr

y1 ·a r . ;ill nialt·ri,il:,; a,·ailahl,· in th1• <·11l lq! l' al'I' h1·i11g- !.!afh•·i·rd a nd

··~ .. . .. u h. h, · : 11 11 ·1 ,11 1';1:11 . II ,· 111 , ; <'ill ;dog-w•d . l: t•f1·n·1w1· hoo k :-. and l:t/.y . · · otl11· 1· 1wrli111·11t lit1·ralt1l'I' lias

. . l-:111 h1· rnu:-t 1,, . .. 11 fl1 · ri11;.! , ,, Ill' ~w, ·11 ordt·r<'d and \\'i ll h,• plae<•cl \\ouldu't hl· l,uwlin:.: Jikt· th :,1 ·· 111 1'1 1• lia11ds of tli,· ilt-hat1·rs :is

,11011 as it ar1·iv1 ·s. :\l 1•l'ti11g-.... \\'ill ht • ''.Jp:,,. 1'1111111, l:11.iu,•:- -. . IL, · ·.-. .. 11 1 111:.! nu I li,·ld i11 lh,• 1'11l11r,• lo di .... ,·11ss 1111•

: 1 (hi:-11••, 1 • I lfllt ' :O.tiO!I ,


eo.:nmemorat• all gift oc­caaiona, Birthday,, Anni-, veraarica, with the ono sift guaranteed to laat ae Iona aa your sentiment itaelf-a Sheaffer Llf etime pen!

Sh .. ffer P•­

$2.25 and Up

Taylor's Drug Stores Strongs Ave. South Side



• 'Tl1t· ,•-.:1111i 11 :d iu11 p:qwr:-. ;in• 11 0 w 11

1h1 · h :t ud .... 11 1' 1lw 1•1 i 11 !1 •1, •· II" 1·11 11, · lnd, •,

' ' ~11 \\ . • ~ l lwn· :111 .\' •1111 • .. 1 i 1111 \ 1111 \\ f1nl, 1

I i i. ,· :111..; \\t •r"d!''

:--:t11 ·11, ·,· l'r,· ,:1i l•·d f u r ;1 111111111 ·111 , 11, ,

l''I" '" •q• : ·' \\' ho 1 .. 1111• l'rl /11



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501 Moin St Phon• ~8l!



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