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  • 2013 Joyce Ooi SY, Founder & Chief Of 101 Priceless Values of Life, http://AddValueBooks.com/

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  • 2013 Joyce Ooi SY, Founder & Chief Of 101 Priceless Values of Life, http://AddValueBooks.com/

    101 Priceless Values Of Life

    By Joyce Ooi SY

    http://AddValueBooks.com/ http://AddValueBooks.com/101PricelessValuesOfLife/

    The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this eBook, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet. While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, the Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organizations are unintentional. In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of income made/results. Readers are cautioned to rely on their own judgment about their individual circumstances and act accordingly. This eBook is for informational purposes only and is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting and finance fields. You are encouraged to print this eBook for easy reading!


    Because my passion in life is to motivation a million lives, Im granting you fair use rights to give away this special eBook (worth US$47) to other potential readers as long as you do NOT alter the content in any way!

  • 2013 Joyce Ooi SY, Founder & Chief Of 101 Priceless Values of Life, http://AddValueBooks.com/

    Table of Contents Acknowledgement Introduction My Story How I Found The My Value That Affect My Life? How To Find And Built Right Value For Your Life? Things That Are Priceless Things We Could Stand To Do More Things Relating To Your Spirituality Things That Enhance Your Identity Our Abilities And Capacities Things Relating To Your Rights Things That Boggle The Mind Things Relating To Your Senses Things We Have And Lose And Find Again The Basics Resources Free Bonuses

  • 2013 Joyce Ooi SY, Founder & Chief Of 101 Priceless Values of Life, http://AddValueBooks.com/


    To my parents, Ooi Seng Beh and Chong Yoke Siew, I am grateful to the sacrifices and

    unconditional love, I love you both!

    To my first two mentors: Ken Chee, Clive Tan and The Support Group of '8 Investment', I

    have finally found ways and directions of what I should do in my life.

    To my next mentors: Yee Shun Jian and Catherina of Affiliate Superstar, to let me

    understand to right value I should build on my learning journey.

    I am grateful to all of you, because of the priceless knowledge all of you share, Im not wasting my life anymore.


    My name is Joyce Ooi, founder of award-winning personal development blog http://AddValueBooks.com/ and author of 101 Priceless Values Of Life.

    First of all, Id like to congratulate you for downloading this eBook. You now have before you an amazing, powerful resource for personal transformation.

    I see a problem in the way many people define the value of life. They imagine it to be something irrational, and so they throw reason to the wind and try to base their views on feelings and wishful thinking. Truth does not depend on how we feel about it. If the value that we perceive is real, we can find a rational explanation.

    Before we try to correct each others views, we need to understand how we form our views in the first place. Each of us is a painter trying to make a picture of reality, our pictures look different, because we have different perspectives, but our pictures look similar, because were all human, living in the same world.

    Now, you may be wondering why is Value of Life important to you? How can it possibly help me and change my life?

    In order to answer that question and show you the effects of using these value diligently, let me share with you my personal story


  • 2013 Joyce Ooi SY, Founder & Chief Of 101 Priceless Values of Life, http://AddValueBooks.com/

    My Story

    I named myself Joyce because I want to find joy and happiness but I don't know how! So I told myself not to worry and just wait and hope that all this will come naturally. But nothing changed! I finally realized that I have never set a dream, a dream that is big enough to scare me; I have not found what I am living for. I was born in 1974 in Singapore. I have 2 sisters and 1 brother, my parents both are low educated my mum have to work part time at home to take care of us because they can afford to pay for child care. We stay in a one room flat, our family never have chance to travel at all at that time because of house lone, my parents is traditional they will never said I love you or any encouraging words to me. This doesnt mean they dont love me, they just dont know how to express it like most Chinese family. I easily get hurt, and I don't put in enough effort into most of the things in my life. This gives the impression that I will never achieve anything big and important in my life, and I alway been asked by my family: "Are you sure you can do this?" Inside I am yelling: I JUST NEED A BIT OF ENCOURAGEMENT! I started working fulltime when I was 19, I am not very good at studying, thats why I received my education at a Technical Institute after my Primary School, I dont even have my Secondary School (High School) education, my first jobs were a Mechanical Machine for 2 years, I deal with machine to cut and drill metal not an easy job for most woman, I am too careless, I always worry I will lost my finger one day by an accident and I am not precise enough to machine each metal accurate, so I quit my job. I was lucky I found my next job as a Machine and Electrical (M&E) Cap Drafter, as I didnt have any experience. So I started with very low paid position. Because I am good at looking at different dimensions on drawing and I took a programming course related to my work. I have a better salary as my job performance improve, my mum is so proud of me. I am already satisfied with what I achieve, but I am still not happy. I stupidly think that happiness is just about finding a life partner. However, I thought that because I am 80Kg it is not easy to find love, and I spent almost of about $30k in 20 years time on and off trying different slimming programs, but I only reduced myself to 60Kg at the most. After my weight loss program stopped, the weight came back.


  • 2013 Joyce Ooi SY, Founder & Chief Of 101 Priceless Values of Life, http://AddValueBooks.com/

    I am so upset, I try extreme ways to lose a few pounds, I used this 16cm metal spoon to

    help me vomit the food that I eat, and by accident I swallowed the spoon. Luckily I did not choke to death from this, I remember when I was taking the X-ay the nurse asked: Did you Forget To Remove Something Under Your Clothes? I had to have an operation to remove the spoon in my stomach the next day in the hospital. The doctor made arrangements for me to see psychologist, as they thought I suffered from some depression. I went twice but then I stopped because I felt that they couldnt help me at all. After year of hard work on taking care of my diet on appearance I see some improvement.

    I did try some matching program, but I am too shy and fussy, I miss out a lot of chances,

    I should learn to be more natural and be myself when I am with new friends.

    I finally found my first two relationships unit I turned 36, but both ended badly, its so painful, I had waited so long for a relationships I really treasured it. I cant eat and sleep well, I can cry like crazy in front of pubic, but I just dont want to tell to my family or friends how bad I am, know I will not be able to stop crying if I tell anyone. I go through that Period Feeling I am So Useless, Like Fool, Good For Nothing... I start to understand why some people commit suicide after broken relationships, but I remind myself why should I die for a man and be a wondering soul for eternity? Not Worth It! And so on in my next two Years I have others two relationships but all dont work out, I start to become numb about broken relationships, wondering if I will find anyone in my lifetime? The main reason is I am lack of confidence, I wish to find someone who I can depend on, but not knowing that my life is belonging to my own, I can only depend on myself.


  • 2013 Joyce Ooi SY, Founder & Chief Of 101 Priceless Values of Life, http://AddValueBooks.com/

    How I Found The My Value That Affect My Life!

    Obstacle in life not happen for no reason, I can feel different with my mind set, I realize love is not the only thing I need in my life, I Need To Find the Value For Myself, I Need To Build Confidence and Success That I Can Be Proud Of, thats why I made up my mind to gain more knowledge to achieve this.

    I signed up for a Value Investment Program call the Millionaires Investment, conducted

    by a Company Name 8 Investment Pte Ltd. My mentor, Ken, shared a strategy with the class which encouraged me a lot. He said: 'We Should Not Be Score From 0 to 100% like what in school thought us. We Should Score Ourselves for Every 1% Of Knowledge We Learn Each Day, Like That Our Score Will Be 365% Each year, thanks to my mentor, Clive, who shares all his knowledge with us on Value Investment, Ive learned the important on Paid Myself First value each cent I earn, compound it with proper knowledge on Value Investment. Ive started to understand the power of knowledge and Ive more confidence to achieve my goals.


  • 2013 Joyce Ooi SY, Founder & Chief Of 101 Priceless Values of Life, http://AddValueBooks.com/

    I want to learn more! Thats why I signed up for the Affiliate Superstar Boot Camp by

    Yee Shun-Jian. He shares about 'The Way To Be Happy In Our Life Is Not Total By How Many Money We Have, Is The Right Value We Built For Ourselves And This Value Can Be Priceless.

    I was inspired by how they become successful despite all difficulty they have been through, continually they are here to help others and add value for more life. BIG THANKS To All Of Them! Its easier for my learning journey and I will continue to learn.

    Is better to give then take, those who willing to give are almost all who will make achievement in life. I may not be as great as them, But I Take Action I Want To Make a Difference In My Life And A Difference In A Million Life!

    How To Find And Built Right Value For Your Life?

    1) Find One or More Mentors To Guide You 2) Set The Right Mind Set To Learn And Continue To Lean 3) Walk away from people that discourage you (This doesnt mean you hate them),

    Encouraging things will not happen when you always are with discouraging people. 4) TAKE ACTION ON WHAT YOU LEARN, EVEN IF YOU THINK YOU ARE NOT READY,


    'Don't think of what we don't have, think of what we have. If you havent found something worth dying for mean you havent found something worth living for. If a man without arm and leg is dreaming big WHY CAN'T WE?'

    Set Big Dreams, Boldly Go After Your Dreams And Never Let Your Fears Hold You Back!


  • 2013 Joyce Ooi SY, Founder & Chief Of 101 Priceless Values of Life, http://AddValueBooks.com/

    List of 101 Priceless Value Of Life

    Things That Are Priceless

    101 This moment right here right now 100 The horizon that promises another day

    99 The rain that follows a drought 98 The light that follows darkness

    97 Sunlight and moonlight 96 Mother Earth and the fierce, yet nurturing qualities of nature; those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. ~Rachel Carson 95 Our very special place on earth 94 Our history and memories

    93 The seasons within and in nature. In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer. ~Albert Camus 92 Our future 91 The good in you. Be not simply good be good for something. ~Henry David Thoreau


  • 2013 Joyce Ooi SY, Founder & Chief Of 101 Priceless Values of Life, http://AddValueBooks.com/

    Things We Could Stand To Do More

    90 Play 89 Rest/Sleep 88 Dream/Daydream 87 Care less about matters of superficial value 86 Care more about others

    Things Relating To Your Spirituality

    85 Grace 84 Meditation/Prayer 83 Inner Peace 82 Faith 81 Soul


  • 2013 Joyce Ooi SY, Founder & Chief Of 101 Priceless Values of Life, http://AddValueBooks.com/

    Things That Enhance Your Identity

    80 Your character. Character is much easier kept than recovered. ~Thomas Paine 79 Your words. Words are more treacherous and powerful than we think. ~Jean-Paul Sartre 78 Your thoughts. The ancestor of every action is a thought. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

    77 Your knowledge. Perplexity is the beginning of knowledge. ~Kahlil Gibran 76 Your actions. The great aim of education is not knowledge but action. ~Herbert Spencer

    75 Your humility. Humility is attentive patience. ~Simone Weil 74 Your talents 73 Your story 72 The fire within you 71 Your worth to yourself


  • 2013 Joyce Ooi SY, Founder & Chief Of 101 Priceless Values of Life, http://AddValueBooks.com/

    Our Abilities And Capacities

    70 Our ability to solve problems, make decisions and be innovative 69 Our capacity for intimacy and connecting with those like us and different from us 68 Our capacity for growth, exploration, learning and enjoyment at the halfway point of whatever path or destination we may so choose 67 Our ability to co-exist and get along with others

    66 Our capacity for grace under pressure 65 Our capacity for rising above mediocrity 64 Our ability to become vessels for brilliance 63 Our ability to awaken and thrive 62 Our ability to inspire and liberate ourselves and others 61 Our ability to love and be loved


  • 2013 Joyce Ooi SY, Founder & Chief Of 101 Priceless Values of Life, http://AddValueBooks.com/

    Things Relating To Your Rights

    60 Your right to sit anywhere on the bus 59 Your right to start a revolution 58 Your right to vote 57 Your right to fail and succeed as often as youre willing to put yourself out there 56 Your right to seek answers 55 Your right to ask questions

    54 Your right to equality 53 Your right to make mistakes 52 Your right to buck the system 51 Your right to choose 50 Your right to pursue happiness 49 Your right to speak your mind 48 Your right to dance and laugh at the edge of darkness

    47 Your right to chase the blues away

    46 Your right to care for yourself and those you love


  • 2013 Joyce Ooi SY, Founder & Chief Of 101 Priceless Values of Life, http://AddValueBooks.com/

    Things That Boggle The Mind

    45 The plethora of beautiful and wondrous creatures in the universe 44 The solar system 43 The universal laws 42 The human body 41 The seven wonders of the world

    Things Relating To Your Senses

    40 Music. Music in the soul can be heard by the universe .~Lao Tzu 39 Mindfulness 38 Sense of pride 37 Sense of adventure 36 Sense of community 35 Sense of purpose

    34 Sense of belonging 33 Sense of humor 32 Sense of self 31 Common sense


  • 2013 Joyce Ooi SY, Founder & Chief Of 101 Priceless Values of Life, http://AddValueBooks.com/

    Things We Have And Lose And Find Again

    30 Compassion: Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty. ~Albert Einstein

    29 Creativity 28 Enthusiasm 27 Loyalty 26 Trust

    25 Confidence 24 Dreams 23 Hope 22 Wisdom: A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.~William Shakespeare 21 Your originality. Whether or not you strive for it, there is only one of you and there will never be another you.

    Lofty Notions

    20 a) Integrity: One of the truest tests of integrity is its blunt refusal to be compromised.~Chinua Achebe 20 b) Values: Open your arms to change, but dont let go of your values. ~Dalai Lama 20 c) Principles: Rules are not necessarily sacred, principles are. ~Franklin D. Roosevelt


  • 2013 Joyce Ooi SY, Founder & Chief Of 101 Priceless Values of Life, http://AddValueBooks.com/

    19 Your essence that is impossible to define, capture or replicate

    18 Body 17 The beating heart 16 Time 15 Truth 14 Mind/Rational thought 13 Freedom

    12 Peace

    11 Love


  • 2013 Joyce Ooi SY, Founder & Chief Of 101 Priceless Values of Life, http://AddValueBooks.com/

    The Basics

    10 Gratitude 9 Resilience 8 Kindness

    7 Laughter 6 Intuition 5 The five basic senses 4 Peace of mind 3 The people who love you/The people you love

    2 The air you breathe 1 Your life as your art Information by Belinda Munoz


  • 2013 Joyce Ooi SY, Founder & Chief Of 101 Priceless Values of Life, http://AddValueBooks.com/

    Resources Did you enjoy 101 Priceless Values Of Life? I bet you did... and youre probably wondering Where do I go from here? Well, 101 Priceless Values Of Life is just the start.

    In the following pages, youll find resources that are more focused on the specific areas you might want to work on for example, self-confidence, inner peace and financial abundance. Feel free to check them out and get them if you need specific help on that area of your life.

    Id also highly encourage you learn how special you are dont under estimates yourself , dont be shy to ask help from the right person, software like Miracle Mind Method together with 101 Priceless Values Of Life for maximum effect. However, thats entirely optional Get it only if you want to speed up the manifestation process.

    The difference between a successful man and a failure is not one's better abilities or ideas, but the courage that one has to bet on his ideas and taking action. Remember that ACTION is key to making Law of Attraction work for you.

    So dont just learn the knowledge but DO NOTHING else at all Because NOTHINGs likely will happen

    Personally Ive invested over $10,000 on personal development seminars and products relevant topics related to my business, still learning the knowledge, resources and opportunities I desire into my life. You dont necessarily have to follow in my footsteps but do remember that continual investment in your education, whether in the area of learning how to better use the law of attraction to your favor or specific business/life skills is going to pay off handsomely in the long run.

    With that, Ill leave you to explore the resources on the following pages Hope you enjoyed this eBook & may the universe bring you everything you desire!


  • 2013 Joyce Ooi SY, Founder & Chief Of 101 Priceless Values of Life, http://AddValueBooks.com/

    Resources On Mind Power

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  • 2013 Joyce Ooi SY, Founder & Chief Of 101 Priceless Values of Life, http://AddValueBooks.com/

    Resources for Social Success, Confidence and Relationships

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    If You Lack Self Confidence Out Of Fear, Then This Will Keep You From Believing

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    Partner And Having A Healthy Relationship!


    Relationship Advice for Women - Why dont men open up? Why they lose

    interest? How to skyrocket your love life? Dont miss this Video !


    Relationship Advice for Men - Go watch this short video, its packed with amazing

    tips on how the female mind works, and how to talk to women.



  • 2013 Joyce Ooi SY, Founder & Chief Of 101 Priceless Values of Life, http://AddValueBooks.com/

    Resources On Health Care

    FREE Health Secrets Video:


    Forget pills, diets and exercise plans, unless your mind is PROGRAMMED to

    eliminate unwanted body fat, youre wasting time and shedding fewer pounds

    than you could be, using this secret weapon,

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  • 2013 Joyce Ooi SY, Founder & Chief Of 101 Priceless Values of Life, http://AddValueBooks.com/

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    To Your Success, Joyce Ooi SY Founder & Chief 101 Priceless Values Of Life http://AddValueBooks.com/ http://AddValueBooks.com/101PricelessValuesOfLife/


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