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Rogue Drone Escalations and You

The Essential Guide to Making ISK in Cobalt Edge

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10/10s What the fuck and How the fuck…

• A 10/10 is an escalation found by completing hordes and patrols in the drone regions.

• They are sites designed to be completed in small groups of complimentary ships

• They yield approx 400 mil in loot

• They can not be scanned down, however YOU can be once inside it

• A message pops up on your screen and a note will be added to your expeditions telling you where to go

• 10/10s expire after 24 hours however they can be refreshed by warping to it

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Ok, I Got one! Now, Where the fuck is it….

• 10/10s are always created 4 jumps from the system of origin

• Right click on your escalation and select “set destination”

Open your journal to the expeditions tab and you will see any active escalations.

If you allow the escalation to expire (24 hours) it will be lost forever.

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Can I tank it?

• There are two ways to tank: with or without logistics

• The most popular ships to tank without logistics are the Tengu and the Rattlesnake.

• A heavily tanked Ishtar, Dominix or even a Drake can handle it with logistics

• Ensure your fleet is either Shield or Armor

• The more DPS your fleet can bring to bear on the target, the easier it will be to tank

• The most important aspect of tanking a site is to know what your specific job is and how to do it in each individual room

• This includes knowing what to primary, which ships will web and scram, what ranges you will be neuted and how to mitigate damage.

• This information will be covered later in the presentation on a room by room basis

• Knowing the type of incoming damage is only a small piece of the pie

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The Way I Tank It

Gist X-Type Large Booster

Corelum C-Type 10mm AB

T2 Boost Amp

T2 Photon

T2 Invuln X2

Cap Flux Coil II X2


Nanofiber T2

T2 Heavy Missile Launcher X5

Medium CCC X3

Dissolution Sequencer

Amplification Node

Cap Regeneration Matrix

Accelerated Ejection Bay

Intercalated Nanofibers

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My DPS…Did It Died?

• The vast majority of Rats in a drone 10/10 are weak to EM damage and as a result, the Nightmare dishes out amazing DPS

• Other popular ships are T3 variants and the Machariel

• The Shinier your ships, the fewer of them you have to bring along, and the larger your overall cut will be

• The End boss (The Strain Mother) is weak to Kinetic damage. This is where your Tengus shine. Ensure to splurge on T2 ammo.

• The Elite Drone Parasites and Overseers are also weak to Kinetic Damage

• The Strain Mother requires an almost retarded amount of damage to kill and reps like she’s snorted a pound of coke. Trial and error will serve you here

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Show Me

• The Rogue Drone 10/10 consists of 7

main rooms and a bonus room that acts as a shortcut between room 2 and room 6.

• The shortcut can only be accessed by

pilots who have trained plasma physics to lvl 4 AND who are in possession of a Zbikoki's Hacker Card

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Room 1

• This room is fairly straightforward

• The strain decimator is the only web/scram

• The structure near the acceleration gate

contains the 9th tier overseer’s effects when destroyed

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Room 2

• This is the only room that contains two acceleration gates. The “Surging” gate is the shortcut and may only be used by pilots who have trained plasma physics to level 4. Only one key is required per fleet if the gate is activated within 10 seconds of initial activation however all pilots wishing to pass through must have trained the skill

• If using the shortcut, you may proceed directly to the surging gate without firing a shot. The majority of the room will not automatically aggress you.

• If not, primary any web/scram frigates and then proceed in any order you like

• The Kuari Drone is an Overseer and potentially has T2 salvage when salvaged.

• Tanks that are on the borderline will want to consider killing the Overseer Battleship immediately after the web scram frigates due to the amount of DPS it puts out

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Room 2 Overview

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Room 3

• Upon warp in, orbit the gate beacon @ 2500

• Primary all web/scram frigates

• Ensure that you do not move from the warp in until you have destroyed the neutralization tower in this room. It will decimate an active tank.

• Simply orbit the beacon at the warp in if you speed tank

• The structure contains the 11th tier Overseer’s effects

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Room 4

• Primary all web/scram frigates

• The Kuari Swarm Parasite has the potential to give T2 salvage when salvaged

• Nothing too terribly dangerous in this room

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Room 5

• Primary all web/scram frigates

• The Kauri Drone Defense Battery drops the 19th tier Overseer’s Effects when destroyed.

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Room 6

• Upon warp in from room 5, orbit the gate beacon @ 2500.

• Primary the web/scram frigs

• The Overseer Battleship drops the 19th tier overseer’s effects and has the potential to give T2 salvage when salvaged

• Ensure that the tank does not warp into room 7 until the rest of the fleet is at the gate, reloaded, with full cap and tank.

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Bonus Room

• This room acts as a shortcut between room 2 and room 6.

• Warning* If you use this shortcut you will miss out on the 11th and one of the 19th tier overseers effects (~55mil loss)

• This room has a 100% chance of spawning a Sentient drone battleship.

• Upon warp in, primary the web/scram frigates

• Take out the Sentient drone second

• The loot in the cans is worthless, don’t waste your time

• All rats must be cleared before proceeding

• When you exit the bonus room and warp into room 6 you will be deposited directly onto 2-3 scramming frigates. Be prepared to deal with them immediately.

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Room 7 Upon warp in, orbit the beacon @ 2500.

Primary targets are the web/scram frigates followed by the energy neutralizer tower.

The neut tower has a retarded amount of HP, hit it hard!

After clearing all rats, DPS that depends on missiles will want to close to within 0 meters of the boss as her Defender missiles won’t be able to intercept yours at that range.

The Mother is weak to Kinetic damage, pack T2 ammo or faction ammo to knock her down quickly. Mom begins to web @ 45km.

The Strain Mother drops the 23rd Tier Overseer’s Effects as well as a smattering of T2 Salvage.

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