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Twenty Second AnnualMarin County High SchoolOutstanding Student Athlete

Awards Banquet

Embassy Suites Hotel, San RafaelMay 5, 2008

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Marin Athletic FoundationProviding Financial Support

For Interscholastic and Intramural Sports

The purpose of the Marin Athletic Foundation is to save and maintainhigh school sports programs in Marin County through communityfundraising.

The Board of Directors of the Marin Athletic Foundation believes that:

- High school sports are a vital part of the high school experienceand provide important and positive educational and develop-mental outcomes for students.

- School districts need community support to keep athletic pro-grams from being eliminated. Declining enrollment and statefinancial support often make it necessary for school boards to cutback in almost all school programs.

- To insure broad participation by all students both interscholasticand intramural programs should remain available.

- An aware community will make a commitment to provide theresources necessary to help the schools keep these programs inplace.

Selection Criteria

The student athletes being honored were selected by their schools inaccordance with the following criteria, developed with the involvement

of school athletic directors and adopted by the Board of Directorsof the Marin Athletic Foundation:

Athletic InvolvementLeadershipScholarship

School-Community InvolvementDeportment

These elements embody values that the Marin Athletic Foundationbelieves are vital in a comprehensive education for all young citizens.

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6:00 p.m. Reception

7:00 p.m. Dinner

WelcomeMichael Daly

President, Marin Athletic Foundation Board of Directors

Student IntroductionsChris Weber

Master of Ceremonies

Marin Athletic Foundationgratefully acknowledges:

Program PreparationGary Burns

Decorations Provided bySan Marin Florist - Steve Munson

The Marin Independent Journal

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Tommy RyanThe Branson School

Look out Hoover Tower. Make room on the Farm.Branson’s Tommy Ryan is headed to Palo Alto andStanford University. It’s going to be “All RightNow” because this two-time, first team All-MCALsoccer player will surely make an impact when hehits the pitch for the Cardinal next fall. Tommywon’t just be bringing his soccer skills to Stanford hewill also be bringing a 3.5 GPA and a wealth of vol-unteerism. At Branson, Tommy served as a juniorcounselor at the school soccer and basketball campsand a counselor for the making waves program. Healso participated in the summer enrichment program for underprivileged youth. Notto be overlooked on Tommy’s resume is the fact that he was a part of the back-to-backState Basketball Championship teams. Tommy’s athletic and academic career atBranson is exemplary and will no doubt continue at Stanford. “I could not be moreproud of Tommy and what an outstanding young man he has become,” his father andsoccer coach Tom Ryan says of his son.


Michela BestwickThe Branson School

It could be passing out sandwiches to the homelessin San Francisco, doing stem cell research at theBuck Institute, heading home a game-winning goalor knocking down a pressure packed free throwwith the game on the line. But somewhere, some-how Branson’s Michela Bestwick is going to makesomeone’s life better. Although she is holding outfor Harvard University, UCLA or Brown could bethe recipient of this 3.84 GPA student-athlete. Whileat Branson Michela was a four-year varsity soccerplayer playing a large part in the 2007 championshipseason. She was also a member of the two-timeDivision V California State Championship girls bas-ketball team, being named to the All-MCAL team this year. Along with her athleticexploits Michela was a member of Branson’s math club and participated in theHomeless Sandwiches Program. Michela was also a summer scholar at the BuckInstitute in 2007 where she was involved with human embryonic stem cell research.She hopes to continue with her career in math or chemistry in college but willdefinitely be involved in the sciences.

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Louis BartoliniDrake High

With his playing days more than likely behind him,Drake’s Louis Bartolini can look back on his trackand football career and see a whole trophy cabinetfull of most valuable player trophies. With no planson continuing in athletics next fall at San FranciscoCity College, Louis will press on academically. In hisfour years as a Pirate gridiron star, Louis was namedfootball team MVP in his freshman and sophomoreyears, Most Valuable Back as a junior and MostValuable Offensive Player his senior year when hewas also selected as a second team All-MCAL freesafety. As a track standout, he was named the Most Outstanding New Track & FieldAthlete as a sophomore and Most Valuable Runner as a junior. While athletics took upmuch of Louis’ time he did manage to get involved in student politics. He is current-ly serving as senior class president. He also is involved in the Athletes as Alliesprogram at Drake. With a strong foundation established both academically andathletically Louis will most assuredly continue his success at the collegiate level.


Alyssa Suk-Han LoDrake High

If you didn’t get a chance to see Drake’s Alyssa Suk-Han Lo play water polo you really missed some-thing special. So dominant was Alyssa in the poolthat she was twice named the MCAL’s Player of theYear and was selected to the first team All-MCALteam all four years. Her talent and 4.24 GPA earnedher an athletic scholarship to Stanford University toplay water polo for the number two-rankedCardinal. Alyssa has been a part of the USANationalYouth water polo team and has her eye on the 2012Olympic Games. In 2007 she was one of only 15players to be selected to travel to Australia and compete against the Australian andCanadian National Youth teams She also excelled on the Pirate swimming teamearning team MVP honors in 2005 and 2006. When not in the pool, Alyssa hasvolunteered at the St. Vincent Dining Hall and has been active in Drake’s Save DarfurClub. She also has been giving private water polo lessons hoping to perpetuateDrake’s strong showings in the pool.

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Maxum BruscheraMarin Catholic High

Although undecided on where he would like toattend college, the Wildcat’s Maxum Bruschera doesknow one thing and that is that he will continue hissuperlative lacrosse career. While at Marin CatholicMaxum was twice named first team All-league inlacrosse and is probably headed for a third selection.He was also designated as team captain this season.Maxum matched his accomplishments on the fieldwith his accomplishments in the classroom. Hecarries a 3.58 GPA, is a lifetime honor roll memberand has been on the dean’s list for five semesters.Maxum has also been the recipient of several scholar-athlete awards. He is a memberof the Associated Student Body and does volunteer work at St. Anthony’s DiningHall, the Novato YMCA and Rec. Inc. His parents echo the sentiments of those atMarin Catholic and the community at-large when they say it is “quite an honor tobe recognized for your athleticism, academics and involvement in school andcommunity. It’s been our pleasure rooting for you in all aspects.”

Marin Catholic

Jennifer DurighelloMarin Catholic High

It’s probably not surprising that a girl with aspira-tions to play water polo would be looking to U. C.Santa Cruz and U. C. Santa Barbara as college choic-es, being close to the water and all. It’s also no shockthat with a 3.9 GPA and more than 100 hours ofcommunity service work under her belt she willprobably get her wish. That’s the hope for MarinCatholic’s reigning homecoming queen JenniferDurighello. Jennifer received All-League recognitionfor water polo in both her junior and senior years,being named first-team as a senior. She also receivedthe St. Sebastian Sportsmanship Award as a senior. Not just a one-sport star, she wasnamed team captain of the Wildcat soccer team as a junior and received the coachesaward. Active in many school activities, Jennifer was a member of the student councilfor three years, was a Link Crew leader and was a leader on many class retreats. Hercommunity service hours were split between the YMCA, Meals of Marin, Hospice ofMarin and the Marin Abused Women’s Center.

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Kasey ConklinNovato High

A leader in the classroom as well as on the playingfield, Kasey Conklin hopes to continue to lead as hepursues a career in medicine or biology next fall incollege. Just playing sports was not enough forKasey, he sought out a leadership role. In his varsitycareer in golf and basketball he was named captainof both teams. Outside school he found a void forteens in Novato. Not one to sit back and except thesituation Kasey founded and served as president ofthe Teen Steering Committee, designed to coordi-nate and implement activities for teens in Novato.Kasey’s 4.5 GPA has him at the top of his class of 262 at Novato and earned himvaledictorian honors. He is a CSF lifetime member and is an AP Scholar with Honor,which acknowledges high achievement on four AP tests by the College Board. Alongwith his community work with teens Kasey has served as an intern at Kaiser Hospitaland been a participant in the National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine. He hasalso been active in his church serving as a group leader for four years and a churchlector for three. Kasey hopes to attend Cal, Santa Clara or Harvard.


Kathryn (Kato) HinesNovato High

How does this sound? Play some high school soccer,pick up some MVP, All-league and scholar-athletehonors, move on to play some college soccer and geta degree and then move into the business world andmaybe run a professional soccer team or any otherbusiness. Novato’s Kathryn (Kato) Hines hasalready passed step one and is on her way tocompleting the journey. Her varsity soccer career atNovato has netted Kato MVP awards in both hersophomore and junior years, an All-MCALHonorable Mention award as a sophomore and her3.5 GPA earned her scholar-athlete awards every season. Next fall Kato will be head-ed to Chico State University where she plans to play Division II soccer and major inbusiness management. In between soccer games, Kato is active with the MarinHumane Society and was a four-year camp leader for the Marin 4-H. Kato’s parents,Dave and Carol, feel it’s her big heart that leads to her success. “She never gives up,”they say. “I think that if there is one thing in her life that makes her happy it’s sports.”

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Doug ArnesonRedwood High

In his time at Redwood High School, Doug Arnesonmanaged to play four different varsity sports – foot-ball, wrestling, baseball and track & field, intern atthe Smithsonian Environmental Research Center,volunteer at the Aegis Assisted Living Center andcarry with him a 4.39 GPA. It’s no great shock that heexpects a great deal from himself in the future. Doughas set some lofty goals: obtaining a college degreein bioengineering, followed by a post-graduatedegree. All the while Doug plans on remainingactive athletically in college, at the very least, at theintramural or club level. Based on his high school career you have to like Doug’schances of reaching his goals. During the 2006-07 school year Doug took a seniorresearch class. As part of the class he entered a national science competition(Exploravision) and finished in the top five percent, garnering honorably mentionrecognition. Awards came his way in sports as well. Doug was named as the captainof the wrestling team this year and also won the coaches’ award. Although undecid-ed on where he will go to college, success is right around any and every corner.


Jacqui SnellRedwood High

A two-sport All-league selection, with a penchantfor picking up academic awards like they were somany loose pennies on the street, Redwood’s JacquiSnell will be packing her bags for GeorgetownUniversity. At Redwood Jacqui was a National MeritScholar, a CSF member every semester, a member ofthe Redwood Honor Society every semester tookfive AP courses and five Honors courses and attend-ed the Harvard University Summer School Program.The result of all her hard work is a stunning 4.18GPA. Equally skilled in athletics as she is in academ-ics, Jacqui played three years of varsity basketball and four years of varsity lacrosse.She was named the MCAL player of the year in lacrosse and was also a second teamAll-leaguer in basketball, where her shot blocking ability became know as “beingJacqueesed.” Jacqui was also a dynamic member of the Model U.N. serving astreasurer before becoming president this year. Active in many community programs,Jacqui has spent most of her time volunteering with Special Olympics where she hascoached everything from bocce to floor hockey.

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Christopher SangsterSan Marin High

This UC Berkeley bound tennis and water polo staris leaving a big hole to fill at San Marin High. Forfour years Christopher Sangster has been a mainstayof the Mustang’s tennis and water polo teams andhis shoes are going to be hard to fill. He was votedthe MVP of the water polo team in both his juniorand senior seasons. He was also the MVP on thetennis squad as a junior. This 4.18 GPA student-athlete took home All-league honors in both sports.Christopher’s move to Berkeley will have anequally devastating impact on the San Marincommunity in general. His volunteerism has been widespread including working fora third grade ELL summer school class working one-on-one with Spanish speakers.He has also earned scouting’s highest honor -- Eagle Scout. His Eagle project wasbuilding a brick labyrinth in the yard of the St. Francis of Assisi Church. At San MarinChristopher is a seven-semester CSF member and was a volunteer counselor at theWalker Creek Outdoor Education project. Although he doesn’t see himself as aDivision I athlete, Christopher hopes to participate at the club and intramural levels.

San Marin

Melanie GauciSan Marin High

One of three universities is going to hit the lotterynext fall. Be it the University of Maryland, PurdueUniversity or Gonzaga University the winner will bethrilled to be receiving San Marin’s Melanie Gauci asan undergraduate. Melanie has narrowed her posthigh school choices to those three institutions andplans to major in biomedical engineering. At SanMarin, Melanie was an outstanding basketball andsoccer player and team leader. She was named MVPand team captain of the basketball team in both herjunior and senior years, receiving All-league recog-nition. Her love of basketball and soccer has led herto coach both sports at the youth level. When the Mustangs had difficulty finding afreshman basketball coach for summer league she stepped up and took the job. Shewas an NCS, CIF Scholastic Athlete award winner all four years. Melanie maintains a4.08 GPA despite a tough workload, which includes Honors English and Spanish andAP Biology, Physics, Statistics, Chemistry and Calculus. Her parents, Ken and Sue,are proudest of the fact that Melanie has been able to be totally committed to herathletics while maintaining her GPA.

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Bradford ChinSan Rafael High

Like his counter part, Bailey Tucker of Tomales,Bradford Chin is that rare athlete that plays all threemajor sports; football, basketball and baseball. He isadept at balancing all three sports while maintaininga 3.19 GPA. His grades have set him on a coursetoward becoming a doctor in the future. “I plan toattend a four-year university for pre-med followedby graduate school,” Brad says. All the while he hashis sights on continuing to play baseball. Althoughhis time was split between the three sports and theclassroom, Brad also found time for many hours ofvolunteer work. He was active with the Marin Community Food Bank, Sunny HillsServices (orphanage) and the Marin Humane Society. At San Rafael, Brad was amember of the Peer Assistance Leadership (PAL) class. In his three years of varsitybaseball, Brad was named team MVP and took home All-league recognition. Hewas also a two-year captain of the team. His parents, Ted and Joanna, are quick torecognize his juggling act with sports, school and community service and commendhim for “never sacrificing his grades while participating in sports.”

San Rafael

Kelsey RippSan Rafael High

If ever there were a quintessential scholar-athlete, itwould have to be San Rafael High’s Kelsey Ripp.With a 4.68 GPA Kelsey is at the top of her class of221 students at San Rafael. She has earned sevenvarsity letters in cross-country and track and fieldand threw in an eighth in diving. She posted thesixth best time ever by an MCAL runner at the StateMeet in 2007 earning her All-State honors in cross-country. 2007 also saw Kelsey become the MCALmile and 2-mile champion. Not just a face in thecrowd, Kelsey was voted Homecoming Queen. Herconcern for her fellow students well-being is manifested in the Health Club at SanRafael High where she was co-founder and currently serves as co-president. Kelsey’sattention to health spills over into the community as well where she volunteers at theMarin Farmers Market and is part of the Healthy Empowered Youth Team. Kelsey isalso a gymnastics coach for Gymworld, volunteers at the Marin Humane Society andhas spent six years helping with the Italian Street Painting Festival sponsored byYouth in Arts. As yet Kelsey has not chosen a college to attend, but wherever she goesshe will be a great catch.

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TamalpaisJay“J.D.”RiegerTamalpais High

The only three-sport athlete at Tamalpais High, Jay“J.D.” Rieger played four years of football, basket-ball and baseball for the Red-tailed Hawks. J.D. isdescribed by Athletic Director Gene Ng as a “bloodand guts” player, meaning he gives everything hehas to the game. In J.D.’s case that also meant play-ing through many injuries during his career. Becauseof his determination and leadership J.D. has beennamed captain in every sport he played. J.D. is alsoan outstanding student as well as giving of himselfto the community. He is a 4.0 student whom histeachers describe as exceptional. J.D. volunteers at the Marin Community Clinicwhere along with his brother and a friend, he designed a book drive for their literacyprogram that netted over 1300 volumes. He has also lent his time to theLeukemia/Lymphoma Society, volunteering for the “Light the Night” program sincemiddle school days. If he isn’t playing or practicing baseball at Tam, he is coachingyoung boys and girls on the little league level.. J.D. has narrowed his college choicesto Cal or UC Davis where he plans to play intramural sports.

Katie SchlueterTamalpais High

Katie Schlueter is quite an exceptional person. Katiehas a 4.31 GPA and has taken every AP class atTamalpais High School. She is ranked in the top 10in her graduating class. Her teachers have describedher as a highly motivated student who will alwaysput in extra time and work into her academics.Along with her academic achievements, she is aterrific athlete. She is a four-year member of both theswimming and water polo teams and captainedboth teams this season. Katie is a three-timeAll-league selection in water polo being named firstteam this year. Along with her academics and sports, Katie volunteers her time tutor-ing students at Tam, helping with the Special Olympics in swimming and assists at theRedwoods Retirement Home. She is also a member of Link Crew helping incomingfreshman adapt to high school life. Katie plans to continue her water polo and/orswimming career at the collegiate level. She has not yet finalized her college choice buthas in narrowed down to Northwestern, Cal, UC Davis, Pomona, Occidental andBoston College.

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John BuccheriTerra Linda High

Encouraged by his parents to “swing for the fencesboth athletically and academically” John Buccheridid just that in his four-year career at Terra LindaHigh. At home on the baseball field as well as in thepool, John earned six varsity letters in water poloand baseball. During his four varsity years of waterpolo John was named team captain and received All-league recognition in his junior and senior years. Hewas named as a scholar-athlete in both sports allfour years maintaining a 4.60 GPA. Excelling off theplaying fields and pools as well, John is a CSFmember, participates in Link Crew and student government and was also a mathlete.Outside school John is a Junior Statesman of America Symposium graduate and is amember of the California Association of Student Leaders. He also volunteers fourdays a week in the High School and College Career Center and works as a SeniorLifeguard at the Terra Linda Community Center. John hopes to attend one of the UCcampuses or USC next year majoring in political science while playing club waterpolo.

Terra Linda

Christina ClaiborneTerra Linda High

It looks like a quick trip across the Bay next year forswimming and water polo standout ChristinaClaiborne. At least she won’t have to change herwardrobe too dramatically as she trades in her TerraLinda blue and gold for UC Berkeley’s slightlydifferent shades of blue and gold. In Christina, Calwill be getting a 4.5 GPA student with seven years ofvarsity swimming and water polo experience. TheBears will also be getting a student-athlete with anattitude and drive to excel. “Christina has the bestattitude of any high school athlete that I havecoached in over 30 years,” lauds swimming coach Scott Williams. “Her work ethic isamazing.” At Terra Linda Christina has been All-MCAL in both sports as well asgarnering MVP and team captain awards. She intends to pursue both sports at Cal beit at the NCAA level or as a club participant. When not in the pool, Christina foundtime to be a member of the Associated Student Body, a member of the Student Senateand a three-year participant in the French Honor Society. She has also served as avolunteer coach for the Terra Linda Orcas swim team.

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Bailey TuckerTomales High

Tomales’ Bailey Tucker stands out as a rarity – athree-major-sport star. Although his passion andfavorite sport is baseball, Bailey excelled in footballand basketball as well, earning All-league honors inall three sports. As a senior he was named captain ineach of the three sports. Sports are not nearly whatBailey is all about. It can be argued that his achieve-ments in the classroom and the communityoutweigh his formidable athletic achievements.“Bailey has always given his all to be the best insports and academics,” say his parents. This 3.57GPA student received Awards of Excellence in World History and Chemistryas a sophomore and continues as a member of CSF. He has been active in studentgovernment serving as junior class vice-president before assuming the role of StudentBody President this year. Outside of school Bailey has been a valuable volunteer forthe Tomales Founders Day activities throughout his high school career. Bailey planson attending Sacramento State University or College of Marin next year, pursuing hislove for baseball and a career in construction management.


Jodie MazzucchiTomales High

There must be more than 24 hours in a day. That isthe only possible way to explain how JodieMazzucchi accomplished all that she did at TomalesHigh. For starters, Jodie is a 4.0 student. In her fouryears at Tomales she accumulated Awards ofExcellence in english, world geography, agriculturalleadership, world history, chemistry and physics.But don’t for one minute think this girl is just abookworm. She was also a prolific athlete for theBraves. Jodie earned varsity letters in volleyball,basketball and tennis. She won All-league and MVPhonors in each of her chosen sports, as well as being selected a North Coast SectionScholar Athlete every year. Jodie has also been an integral part of Tomales Highstudent government, serving for four years. In her senior year alone. Jodie played allthree sports, served as senior class president, is president of the FFA, was part of thehomecoming court and served on the homecoming float committee and was part ofthe Sacramento Leadership Experience. Jodie plans to attend Sonoma State Universitymajoring in biology.

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The Local School Teams

School Principal(s) Athletic Director

Branson Woody Price Tom Ryan

Drake Don Drake Chad Stuart

Marin Catholic Don Ritchie Rick Winters

Novato Rey Mayoral Jessica Peisch

Redwood Nancy Neu Wendy Stratton

San Marin Robert Vieth Keith Bergman

San Rafael Judith Colton Tony Bulter

Tamalpais Chris Holleran Gene Ng

Terra Linda Lars Christiansen Steve Farbstein

Tomales Dino Battaglini Leon Feliciano

Master of Ceremonies


Chris Weber, a recent inductee into the Marin County High School Hall of Fame, wasborn and raised in Novato. After graduating from Novato High School he accepted ascholarship to play football at Stanford University. He has been a mortgage broker inMarin County for the past 17 years. He lives in Novato with his wife Leslie and theirchildren Sam, age 10 and Claire, age 7.

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Marin Athletic Foundation

Board of Directors Advisory BoardMike Daly, President Sharon Adams

Joe Ayoob Peter ArrigoniLinda Broderick Gill Sandy Boyd

Jeff Brusati Mary Jane BurkeGary Burns Joan Capurro

Carney J. Campion Eugene ClahanKasey Childs Briare Kit M. Cole

Judith Colton Dan ColemanWilliam L. Cope Peggie Daly

Carl Cox William DanielsKen Donaldson Mario GhilottiGary Frugoli John S. Graham

John Heilmann Jim KingVicki McDill Thomas KnopfRichard Nave Walter Kosta

Lori Saia-Odisio Kenneth MacDonaldRobert E. Spain Matt MacPheeNata Tuatagaloa Terrel Mason

Chris Weber Marie McCarthyPeter MitchellJeff Pottorff

Robert TeasdaleSharon ValentinoJamie Williams

Executive Director: Patty Brusati

Join Us! We Need You!

Individual gifts are the backbone of our fund-raising to support high schoolathletics. Marin Athletic Foundation is pursuing, but has not yet attained, an

ambitious goal each year - to have 1,000 donors each giving $100.Please help us to make a truly significant difference in high school sports

programs by sending your tax-exempt donation in any amount to:

Marin Athletic FoundationP.O. Box 150930

San Rafael, CA 94915

For additional information, call (415) 472-1165.

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