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Guilherme Junqueira COO ABStartups @gui_junqueira

Amure Pinho CEO Blogo @amurepinho

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How many leads, opportunities and leads we lost because we didn’t had enough time, metrics, vision or necessary tools to make it happen?

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Startups should focus on customers, product and traction. !

We decided to help sharing the tools that helped us doing that.

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Pipedrive30 days trial | Plans start at $ 14,00/monthwww.pipedrive.com

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Why we use it


• We need visual metrics • Email Integration • Customization and multiple pipes • Mobile app • Easy integration with other services • Import/Export Feature • Google Agenda Integration (call for example)

• Use Email Drop Box

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UnbounceFreemium | Plans start at $ 49,00/monthwww.unbounce.com

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Why we use it


• A/B tests made easy • You dont need to be a developer • Perfect for lead generation • Precises landing pages improves your SEO • Adwords cost reduced

• Don’t waste too much time with design. • Focus on conversion and A/B tests

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Many ContactsBeta Free | Plans start at $ 0,00/monthwww.manycontacts.com

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Why we use it


• Works like magic for mailing building • Good for quick visitors • Integrates with MailChimp

• Segment this leads from the qualified ones.

• Automated response emails works very well

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YeswareFreemium | Plans start at $ 5,00/monthwww.yesware.com

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Why we use it


• To know if VIPs opened our emails • Email templates for each pipeline stage • Email Reminders • Pipedrive email integration

• Go for the pro version • Track the VIPs

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Ecquire14 days trial | Plans start at $ 9,00/monthwww.ecquire.com

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Why we use it


• To add leads/vips that came from email • Easily add people to CRM/Mailling • Works with gmail, twitter, linked in • Never lost a contact again • Pipedrive integration


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RapportiveFree | Plans start at $ 0,00/monthwww.rapportive.com

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Why we use it


• Know your leads before they know you • Interact in social channels if you want • Check his position in company • Integrates with Gmail

• A must have for sales people

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MailchimpFree to 5000 email address | Plans start at $ 10,00/monthwww.mailchimp.com

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Why we use it


• Free email marketing tool • Fast, easy and intuitive • Integrates with everything • Segments your lists

• All text emails conversion is better

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ZapierFreemium | Plans start at $ 15,00/monthwww.zapier.com

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Why we use it


• To welcome users automatically • To connect Typeform with Mailchimp • Integrate and automate everything! • Saves a lot of time • Lets you create powerful workflows

• Very easy to get 450 tasks/month for free

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QuoteRoller14 days trial | Plans start at $ 9,90/monthwww.quoteroller.com

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Why we use it


• Save time with templates • Know your proposal's friction • Adds a professional looking • Pipedrive integration

• Use it if you write more than 5 proposals/month

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Blogo14 days trial | Buy from Mac Appstore $ 29,90www.getblogo.com

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Why we use it


• Content marketing is king • All you need to start blogging • You don't need to be a pro to blog

• Use the evernote integration • Good for managing multiple blogs

at the same time

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QuickSproutFree | Plans start at $ 0,00/monthwww.quicksprout.com

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Why we use it


• SEO will help you getting leads • Test your site speed, backlinks, errors • Competidors comparission • Step by step changes

• Start with the easy changes that doesn't require code and then the code ones

• Compare yourself with competidors

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Geckoboard30 days trial | Plans start at $ 9,50/monthwww.geckoboard.com

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Why we use it


• You just improve what you measure • We share it with stakeholders • Use it to motivate you and your team • Integrate with a lot of services • Very fast deploy

• Use it if you write more than 5 proposals/month

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BooksPredictable Revenue http://www.amazon.com/Predictable-Revenue-Business-Practices-Salesforce-com/dp/0984380213 !Spin Selling http://www.amazon.com/SPIN-Selling-Neil-Rackham/dp/0070511136/ !B2B Playbook http://www.amazon.com/The-B2B-Executive-Playbook-Sustainable/dp/157860446X/ !The Challenger Sale http://www.amazon.com/The-Challenger-Sale-Customer-Conversation/dp/1591844355/ !História do Sales Force http://www.amazon.com/Salesforce-com-Secrets-Success-Practices-Profitability/dp/0137140762/

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E-BooksSaaS Strategy https://www.dropbox.com/s/195vf3yvyp664yt/Software%20as%20a%20Service%20Pricing%20Strategies.pdf !KPI’s para BizDev’s https://www.dropbox.com/s/2866jg75fshqwhz/kpi-bizdev.pdf !Landing Pages A to Z https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/50444098/Landing%20Pages%20de%20A%20a%20Z.pdf !Pitch Workbook https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/50444098/Entrepreneurs%20Pitch%20Workbook.pdf

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CoursesFree Sales Course http://close.io/free-sales-course/ !Lean Marketing for Startups https://www.udemy.com/growth-hacking-lean-marketing-for-startups/ !User Acquisition for Startups https://generalassemb.ly/education/growth-hacking-and-user-acquisition-for-startups-online-class !Growth Hacking for Everyone http://thenextweb.com/academy/class/growth-hacking-for-everyone

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Blogs to followKissMetrics http://blog.kissmetrics.com/ !Pipedrive http://blog.pipedrive.com/ !Business Balls http://www.businessballs.com !Close.io http://blog.close.io/ !Startup B2B http://startupb2b.com/

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Productivity Tools!Email newsletter unsubscribe https://unroll.me/ !Email overload solution http://www.sanebox.com/ !Aprovação de layout/wireframes colaborativo https://redpen.io/ !Tracking de usuários https://www.intercom.io/ !Vender qualquer coisa rápidamente https://gumroad.com/ !

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