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    1100 Words You Need

  • 8/13/2019 1100 words You Need to Know www.world-language.blogfa.com 0263663872




    abound to exist in great numbers

    automaton the technique ofmakinganapparatus, a process, or a

    system operate automatically

    matron a married woman usuallymarked bydignified maturity or

    social distinction

    paradox a statement that at first seems tobe absurd or self-contradictory

    but which mayin fact turn out

    to be true

    realm special field ofsomething orsomeone; kingdom

    annals historical records, recordsarranged in yearly parts; history

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    tinge a trace, smattering, or slightdegree, a slight but appreciable


    drudgery unpleasant, dull, or hard work,hard monotonous routine work

    interminable unending, tiresomely long,endless, so long as to seem


    voracious desiring or consuming great

    quantities, excessivelygreedyand grasping

    indiscriminate choosing at random withoutcareful selection, choosing at

    random without careful


    eminent ofhigh reputation, outstanding,standing above others in quality

    or position

    steeped soaked, drenched, saturated

    replete completelyfilled or suppliedwith, fill to satisfaction

    laconic expressing much in few words,briefand to the point

    throng crowd, a large gathering ofpeople

    intrepid verybrave, fearless, unshakable

    accost to approach and speak to first;to confront in a challenging or

    aggressive way

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    reticent inclined to keep silent; reserved

    furtive stealthy, marked by quiet andcautionand secrecy

    plethora extreme excess

    hapless unfortunate; having bad luck

    pretext a false reason, deceptiveexcuse

    fabricate to lie; construct, make up,invent

    adroit skillful, expert in the use ofthehands or mind

    gesticulate show, express or direct through


    vigilant watchful, carefully observant orattentive

    avid eager, marked by active interestand enthusiasm

    cajole coax, influence or urge bygentle urging, caressing, or


    rudimentary basic; elementary; in the earlieststages ofdevelopment

    nuance slight variation in meaning, tone,etc.

    caustic sarcastic, biting, harsh orcorrosive intone

    wrest take by force

    infamous having an exceedingly badreputation

    jostle to make or force ones way bypushing or elbowing

    incipient only partly in existence,beginning; at anearlystage

    inadvertent heedless, not attentive,unintentional

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    ominous unfavorable, threatening, ofabad omen

    tremulous quiveringas from weakness orfear

    repudiate refuse to acknowledge, ratify,or recognize as valid

    cessation a stopping, either final ortemporary

    bristle to stiffen with fear or anger

    euphemism substitution ofan inoffensiveterm for one that is offensive

    mundane worldly, ordinary,commonplace

    incongruous inappropriate, not fitting in; outofplace

    condolence pity, an expression ofsympathy

    stipulate to specify a condition

    alacrity briskness, liveliness andeagerness

    disdain contempt, to refuse or reject


    belligerent warlike, characteristic ofanenemy or one eager to fight

    intimidate to overawe

    feint a false attack

    pugnacious quarrelsome

    promulgate to make known officially

    brash impudent

    scoff to sneer at

    tangible having actual form

    castigate to correct by punishing

    sordid dirty, base

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    octogenarian person in his or her eighties

    solace easingofgrief

    aspirant candidate for high position

    dregs most worthless part

    scurrilous coarse

    rampant goingunchecked, widespread

    inane foolish

    ethics code ofprinciples

    flagrant outrageous, glaringly bad (notegregious)

    admonish to warn, to reprove

    duress compulsion, force

    culprit the guilty person

    inexorable inflexible, unrelenting

    egregious remarkably bad (not flagrant)

    distraught mentally confused, crazed

    duplicity cunning, trickery

    acrimonious bitter

    paucity scarcity

    elicit to draw forth

    pernicious harmful, causing injury

    tolerate to put up with, to bear

    construe to make a deduction, to infer

    impunity freedom from punishment

    affluent rich

    feasible possible

    discern perceive

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    sally suddenly rush forth(not surge)

    consternation dismay

    precocious reaching maturity early

    perfunctory done without care, superficial

    chagrin feeling ofdisappointment,humiliation

    perverse contrary, persistingin error

    deride to ridicule, scoffat

    disparage to discredit, belittle

    laudable praiseworthy

    fiasco complete failure

    masticate to chew up

    eschew avoid

    quell put anend to (not terminate)

    voluble talkative (not gregarious)

    confidant one to whom you confide yoursecrets

    obsolescence process ofwearingout

    dubious doubtful

    implacable cannot be pacified, inexorable

    paroxysm a fit, sudden outburst

    reprehensible worthyofblame

    jurisdiction power, range ofauthority

    skirmish small fight, briefencounter (notfray)

    monolithic massively solid

    indigent poor, needy

    arbitrary based on whim, dictatorial

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    fray a fight (not skirmish)

    stymie to hinder, impede

    effigy a likeness (usually ofa hatedperson)

    flout show contempt, scoff

    cognizant aware

    turbulent unruly, agitated

    terminate to end (not quell)

    forthwith immediately

    emaciated abnormally thin, wasted away

    surge to rush suddenly(not sally)

    sanctuary shelter

    afflict to trouble greatly, to distress

    besiege to surround, hem in

    privation lack ofnecessities

    ubiquitous beingeverywhere at the sametime

    thwart to hinder, defeat

    harbinger a forerunner, advance notice

    malignant likelyto cause death

    excruciating agonizing, torturing

    respite an interval ofrelief, delay

    reverberating reechoing, resounding

    fretful worrisome, irritable

    impresario one who presents culturalseries, organizer

    extortion getttingmoneyby threats

    adverse unfavorable, harmful

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    asset a valuable thingto have

    bigot a narrow-minded, prejudicedperson

    blatant disagreeably loud, very showy

    entourage group ofattendants

    virulent full ofhate, harmful

    venom poison, spit, malice

    spew throw up, vomit, eject

    loath unwilling, reluctant

    solicit to beg, seek earnestly

    astute keen, shrewd

    advocate to be in favor of, to support

    ineffectual not effective

    scrutinize examine closely

    nefarious villainous, vicious

    amicable friendly, peaceful

    vexatious annoying

    malady disease

    inclement unfavorable, stormy

    peruse to readcarefully

    premonition forewarning

    desist cease

    recoil draw back

    pertinent to the point

    mastiff large dog

    doleful sad, melancholy

    wan sickly pale

    histrionics displayofemotions

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    elusive hard to grasp

    frustrate counteract, foil, thwart

    symptomatic having to do withsigns orsymptoms, indicative

    interject insert, interrupt

    inert without power to move

    salient outstanding, prominent

    imminent likelyto happen, threatening

    squeamish easily shocked, over sensitive

    engrossed absorbed

    inundate to flood

    fruitless useless

    poignant moving, painful to the feelings

    garbled confused, mixed up

    sanguine optimistic

    phlegmatic calm, hard to rouse to action

    corroborate confirm, support

    comprehensive thorough

    zealous enthusiastic

    coerce to force

    elapse to slip by

    meticulous careful

    domicile home

    lax careless, negligent

    sporadic occasional

    rash too hasty, reckless

    conjecture guess (not surmise)

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    obviate do away with, eliminate (notabrogate)

    lurid sensational

    quip joke

    diatribe bitter criticism

    inhibition restraint

    fortuitous accidental

    incoherent disjointed

    ilk kind, sort

    prestigious illustrious

    placard poster

    remuneration reward, pay

    expunge erase

    anathema something greatlydetested

    schism split

    timorous fearful

    truncated cut short

    jaunty sprightly, gay

    fractious quarrelsome

    ostentatious showy

    importune ask urgently

    incontrovertible undeniable

    surreptitious stealthy, accomplished bysecret

    subjugate conquer

    eventuate to result finally

    subterranean underground

    viable practicable, workable

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    premise grounds for a conclusion

    incredulous skeptical

    permeate to spread through

    propitious favorable

    surmise guess (not conjecture)

    curtail to cut short

    repress to put down

    cryptic puzzling

    inchoate inan early stage

    aspire to strive for

    inveigh attack verbally

    nettle irritate

    overt open

    supine lying on the back

    repulse drive back

    raze destroy

    lethal deadly

    incisive acute

    precipitate hasten

    stereotype unvarying pattern

    stentorian loud

    singular extraordinary

    sinecure soft job

    complicity partnership inwrongdoing

    liquidation disposal of, killing

    accomplice an associate incrime

    recant withdraw previous statements

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    culpable deserving blame

    abrogate abolish(not obviate)

    invalidate to deprive oflegal force, tonullify

    preclude prevent

    landmark historic, turning point ofaperiod

    extrinsic foreign, comingfrom outside

    declaim speak loudly

    fetter to hamper

    paragon model ofexcellence

    nomadic wandering

    asperity harshness oftemper

    epithet descriptive name

    controversial debatable

    indigenous native

    gregarious sociable

    cursory hasty, not thorough

    interloper an unauthorized person

    prolific producing abundantly

    bulwark protection

    sedentary largely inactive, accustomed tositting

    antithesis exact opposite

    altruistic unselfish

    embellish adorn, touchup

    cache secret hiding place

    coterie small group having somethingincommon

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    cupidity greed

    virtuosity great technical skill

    temerity foolish boldness

    amorous full oflove

    progeny descendants

    saturate soak, fill up completely

    perpetrate commit

    consummate complete, ofthe highest degree

    subterfuge ruse, trick

    concoct devise

    fallacious misleading

    manifold complex, many

    assiduous devoted, attentive

    impeccable faultless

    fraught filled

    resourceful able to meet any situation

    murky dark, obscure

    component element

    labyrinth arrangement ofwindingpassages

    evaluate appraise, find the value of

    exult rejoice greatly

    enigma riddle

    abortive fruitless, useless, failing(notprofligate)

    innate natural

    veneer thincovering

    urbane polished, witty

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    inherent inborn

    buff a fan, follower

    romp to move in a lively manner

    latent lying hidden (not remote)

    tortuous winding

    itinerant wandering (not nomadic)

    peregrination travel

    conjugal relatingto marriage

    barometer instrument for measuring change

    megalomania abnormal desire for wealth and


    profligate wasteful

    strife discord, disagreement

    legion a large number (not myriad)

    coup revolution

    amnesty a general pardon

    expatriate an exile

    exonerate to free from guilt

    fiat an official order, a decree

    mendacious lying, untrue

    parsimonious miserly

    pecuniary financial

    sumptuous lavish

    underwrite agree to finance

    restrictive harsh, confining

    balk to refuse to move

    nostalgia yearning for the past

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    rife widespread (not rampant)

    reviled scolded

    indict accuse

    nebulous unclear, vague

    redolent fragrant

    repose state ofrest

    omnivorous eating any kind offood

    disparate different

    abstemious moderate in eating or drinking

    extant still existing

    vicissitudes difficulties

    edifice a building

    sultry extremely hot and moist, torrid

    trenchant keen, incisive

    puissant powerful

    maudlin sentimental

    levity lightness ofdispostion

    lugubrious verysad

    scion child, descendant

    indoctrinate to teachcertainprinciples

    opulence wealth, riches

    obsequious seeking favor, fawning

    fulsome excessive, insincere

    lush luxurious, elaborate

    destitution extreme poverty

    ponder to consider carefully

    supplication earnest prayer

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    decadence decay

    penance atonement for sin

    ascetic one who practices self-denialand devotion (n.)

    desultory occurring by chance,


    disciple follower

    metamorphosis change

    bona fide genuine

    salvation deliverance from ruin

    materialism attention to worldly things and

    neglect ofspiritual needs

    nurture to nourish, support

    nirvana freedom from care and pain,Buddhist heaven

    juxtapose to place side by side

    plight predicament, dangeroussituation

    cope to be a match for, to be able tohandle

    incompatibility quality ofbeing mismated, lackofharmony

    incapacitated disable, made unfit

    connubial related to marriage (notconjugal)

    demur to object

    appellation a name

    escalation an increase, intensification

    cumulative accumulated

    recondite secret, hidden, obscure (notcovert)

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    palliate alleviate, relieve without curing

    delude to fool

    prelude introduction

    chimerical visionary, imaginary, fantastic

    acknowledge admit

    heterogeneous dissimilar

    gamut range

    perspicacious acutelyperceptive, shrewd

    analogous comparable, similar

    maladjusted poorly adjusted, disturbed

    neurotic suffering from a nervousdisorder

    pedagogue teacher

    enunciate to utter, proclaim

    inordinate excessive

    irascible irritable

    introspective looking into ones own feelings

    perpetuate to cause to continue

    mandate an authoritative order orcommand

    compensatory servingto pay back

    neutralize to counteract

    catastrophic disastrous

    anthropologist an expert inthe study oftheraces, beliefs, customs, etc. of


    artifact an object made by hand, ratherthan a thing as it occurs in


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    fetish an object that is thought to havemagic powers

    inanimate lifeless

    imperative urgent, necessary, compulsory

    imprudent unwise, not careful

    prohibition the act offorbidding certainbehavior

    taboo forbidden by custom orreligious practice

    taint contamination, undesirablesubstance that spoils (n.)

    abhor to detest, to despise

    bigot a person who is intolerant ofother people or ideas

    contemptuous expressing a feeling thatsomething is worthless

    vulnerable capable ofbeing injured

    entreaty appeal, plea

    inviolable safe (from destruction, etc.)

    awesome inspiring terror, weird

    debris ruins, fragments

    dispersed scattered, spread, broken up

    deplorable sad, pitiable

    conflagration great fire

    rue regret

    congenial sympathetic, agreeable

    hoard hid, store, accumulate (v.)

    sage wise man, philosopher

    aegis shield, protection, sponsorship

    detriment injury, damage, hurt

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    imbibe drink

    virile masterful, manly

    senile infirm, weak from old age

    doddering trembling, shaking

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