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  • 8/2/2019 12 Insurance 1 Basics 2283


    Personal Finance:

    Another Perspective

    Insurance 1: Basics

  • 8/2/2019 12 Insurance 1 Basics 2283




    A. Understand what our leaders have

    said regarding insurance

    B. Understand the importance ofinsurance

    C. Understand the key principles of


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    Your Personal Financial Plan

    Section X: Insurance

    A. Life, B. Health, C. Disability, D. Auto, and E.

    Home Owners/Renters Insurance

    Do you need it (answer for each section A-E)?Do you have it? How much should you have?

    What type is it? Costs and coverage?


    Include a copy of your CLUE report (if available) Include a summary sheet of health insurance

    coverage and TT29 (for Life insurance)

    Action Plan:

    What insurance and coverage should you have?

  • 8/2/2019 12 Insurance 1 Basics 2283



    A. Understand what our Leaders

    have said about Insurance

    Insurance is an important part of becoming financially

    self-reliant. Elder Marvin J. Ashton said:

    Appropriately involve yourself in an insurance

    program. It is most important to have sufficientmedical, automobile, and homeowners insurance

    and an adequate life insurance program. Costs

    associated with illness, accident, and death may be

    so large that uninsured families can be financially

    burdened for many years.(Marvin J. Ashton,Guide to Family Finance, Liahona, Apr. 2000,


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    Insurance (continued)

    President N. Eldon Tanner further commented: With rising medical costs, health insurance is the

    only way most families can meet serious accident,

    illness, or maternity costs, particularly those forpremature births. Life insurance provides income

    continuation when the provider prematurely dies.

    Every family should make provision for proper

    health and life insurance. (N. Eldon Tanner,Constancy Amid Change,Ensign, Nov. 1979, 80.)

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    B. Understand the

    Importance of Insurance

    What is insurance? Insurance is a legal contract between you and an

    insurance firm whereby the firm agrees for a

    premium (fee) to pay you compensation for certainkinds of losses or events, i.e., death, sickness,

    compensation for accidents, loss of ability to work,

    legal expenses, etc.

    What are the major types of insurance? Life, Health, Auto, Home, Disability, and Liability


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    Insurance (continued)

    What is the purpose of insurance? The purpose of insurance is to transfer the risk of

    certain types of losses or events from yourself toanother institution.

    By transferring risk, it can help you and thoseyou love achieve your specific goals if you die,get sick or become unable to work

    Specific goals may include:

    To take care of your spouse and children To raise children without working outside the


    To be able to go to college and on missions

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    Insurance (continued)

    What happens without Insurance (life, health,

    disability, or liability insurance)?

    If you live:

    Nothing changes If you die, get sick, or get sued without insurance:

    Your spouse may have to work

    Your children may not achieve important goals

    You may not be able to take care of your family

    You may be unable to work and lose your

    earning capacity

    You may lose everything you have ever saved

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    Insurance (continued)

    How do you eliminate risk?

    Avoid it. You can take care of yourself, avoid high

    risk occupations, eat well, and exercise.

    Reduce it. You can reduce some risks by addingfire extinguishers and burglar alarms, adding

    airbags, or getting regular medical checkups

    Assume it. You can retain the risk through self-

    insurance. If the costs are not too high, you can

    assume some risks yourself

    Transfer it. You can transfer the risk to others by

    purchasing insurance. You are paying premiums to

    transfer the risk to an insurance company.

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    Insurance (continued)

    Should you insure against all losses?

    No. Some losses are not as critical as others.

    Insure against the critical or serious losses

    Can you classify your risks? Yes. I like two thoughts:

    Frequency of loss

    How often does the loss happen?

    Severity of loss

    How severe are the results if the loss


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    Insurance (continued)

    Frequency of Loss


    of Loss











    Risk Options: Avoid, Reduce, Assume, or Transfer

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    Insurance (continued)

    What is the key to insurance? Balance the cost of reducing risk with the

    severity of the potential loss

    Insure against high severity losses that rarelyoccurthose that could have a major impacton your financial situation

    Reduce and avoid those other risks that youcan

    Self-insure against the smaller risks Use insurance for what insurance does best!

    Be careful in mixing insurance and investingproducts

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    Life Insurance and Your Investment Plan

    Cash value: with guaranteed insurability option paid up till age 65. Term: Five-year

    guaranteed renewable term in $50,000 and $100,000 increments; can add and drop as

    necessary. Investment: Includes individual and employer sponsored retirement plans

    Life Insurance and Your Investment Plan






    20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90



    Investments Term Permanent Total Protection

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    Insurance (continued)

    Any questions on insurance?

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    C. Understand the Key

    Principles of Insurance

    Insurance is an important part of your Personal

    Financial Plan.

    How do you build an effective insurance plan?

    Many take a products approach to insurance However, insurance products will change over

    time, as new products are being developed and


    How about a principles based approach? The principles should not change over time

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    Principles of Insurance(continued)

    How important are correct principles when teaching

    about a specific subject?

    The Prophet Joseph Smith said: I teach them

    correct principles and they govern themselves.

    (Messages of the First Presidency, comp. James R.

    Clark, 6 vols., Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1965-75,


    What are the key principles of insurance that can help

    us govern ourselves?

    If we understand those principles, we should be

    able to govern, i.e. manage our various insurance

    products wisely and cost efficiently

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    Principles of Insurance(continued)

    What are the key principles of Insurance? 1. Know yourself and your goals

    2. Know your budget and how much you can afford

    3. Understand in detail the costs and benefits ofeach insurance product. Read and understand the

    prospectus and illustrations carefully!

    4. Insure only against high-cost high-severity losses

    5. Work only with high-quality individuals andinstitutions

    6. Review your insurance needs annually and make

    changes as necessary

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    Principles of Insurance (continued)

    1. Know yourself and your goals Know what you want to attain out of life

    Understand that insurance is a tool to help youachieve your goalsit is not a goal in itself

    Goals may include salary replacement, litigationmanagement, inheritance planning, etc.

    Insurance is contingent financing

    Know which products can help with which goals

    Understand each insurance product clearly Recognize that your insurance needs will change

    Your need for insurance is not constant throughoutyour life.

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    Principles of Insurance(continued)

    2. Know your budget and how much you can afford Understand yourself and your budget.

    How much can you afford to spend on insurance

    needs? Be cost-effective in your insurance planning

    It makes no sense to begin an insurance

    program that you cannot continue

    Take into account the potential for job loss and itsimpact on your budget

    Certain insurance products have much higher

    premiums than others

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    Principles of Insurance(continued)

    3. Understand in detail the costs and benefits

    of each insurance product

    Know the costs and benefits of each type of

    insurance product. Read the documents carefully Read and understand the prospectus and

    illustrations carefully!

    Weigh the information carefully before purchase

    Many insurance products have high upfrontexpenses and are expensive to change

    Compare products across companies before you


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    Principles of Insurance(continued)

    4. Insure only against high-cost high-severity


    Be cost-effective in your insurance program

    Insure against events that would have a majorfinancial or economic impact on you and your


    Self insure against smaller impacts

    Balance your need for insurance with the cost ofinsurance

    In most cases, keep insurance and investment

    products separate

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    Principles of Insurance(continued)

    5. Work only with high-quality individuals andinstitutions Work with those you feel comfortable

    If you feel pressure in any way, find another agent

    Develop a long-term relationship based on trust

    Make sure they are licensed and know how agents arepaid

    Minimize the potential for conflicts of interest

    Make sure the company is financially sound

    Find companies that have been around for a longtime and which have the highest ratings: A.M.Best (A+, A++), Fitch (AAA), Moodys (Aaa),

    and Standard and Poors (AAA).

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    Principles of Insurance(continued)

    6. Review your insurance needs annually

    Your insurance needs may change over time

    Use wisdom in your changes

    Add or reduce coverage in the most cost-effective way possible

    Be especially careful ofallcosts in making


    Many insurance products, particularly cash-value life insurance, have high up-front costs

    and are expensive to start and cancel

    Be an informed insurance consumer

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    Any questions on the key principles of


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    Review of Objectives

    A. Do you understand what our

    leaders have said regarding

    insurance?B. Do you understand insurance?

    C. Do you understand the principles of


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    Questions to Ask

    Potential Insurance Agents

    1. Are you a full time insurance agent?

    Work with agents who work full-time at their

    business. This gives greater assurance that your

    agent is knowledgeable in the products you need

    2. How long have you been a full-time

    insurance agent?

    Work with someone who is experienced and

    established. While a new agent may be competent,an experienced agent will likely be competent and

    have experience.

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    Questions to Ask(continued)

    3. What life insurance companies do you


    Generally, it is better to work with someone that

    represents at least one company with a top ratingfrom A.M. Best for 10 consecutive years. If they

    work with multiple companies, they may be able to

    offer more competitive products

    4. Are you a CLU (a Chartered LifeUnderwriter)?

    A CLU is preferred, especially if you are seeking

    advice or considering insurance other than term.

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    Questions to Ask(continued)

    5. Will I be allowed to keep the insuranceproposal that you prepare for me? You should not consider an agent that doesnt allow

    you to keep the proposal. You should be able to

    take the proposal home and review it on your time.

    6. Would you be willing to inform me of thecommission youll receive on any policies thatyou recommend?

    You want to make sure that the agent is working onyour behalf. By knowing the agents commissionon various policies, you may be able to avoidpolicies that are more of a benefit to the agent thanto you. Beware the agency problem!

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    Questions to Ask(continued)

    7. Do you have any clients who are willing to

    recommend you?

    Your agent should either supply you with names of

    satisfied clients or share testimonial letters fromothers. You should not consider an agent without


    The basis for these questions are from Arthur J.Keown, Personal Finance, Turning Money into Wealth

    Student Workbook, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2007, p.


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