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I. Thì Hiện Tại Đơn:

1. Cách chia thì hiện tại đơn:

1.Affirmative:S + V(s/es) + O

I/ You/ We/ They + V

He/ She /It + V(s/es)

2. NegativeS + DON’T   + V + O      DOESN’T

I/ You/ We/ They -> DON’T

He/ She/ It -> DOESN’T

2. Interrogative:DO    + S + V + O?DOES

I/ you/ we/ they/ -> DO

He/ she/ it -> DOES


- I live in Hochiminh City.

- She lives in Hanoi.


- I don’t live   in HCM city.

- She doesn’t live in Hanoi


- Do you live in HCM city?

Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

- Does she live in Hanoi?

Yes, she does. / No, she



1. Children usually (ask)…… a

lot of questions.

2. Jane (love) ….classical


3. My father often (drink)

…..coffee after his breakfast.

4. I (learn)…..English and

French at school.

5. He never (listen)….to me.


1. Mary (not/work)…..very hard.

2. My mother (not/like)….a big


3. The plays (not/start)…..very


4. We (not/go)…..to school on


5. I (not/drive)……very fast.


1….you (like)….football?

2…..Daisy (live)….in Florida?

3. How….you (go)….to school


4……he (come)…..from Italy?

5……your sister often (go)


Plus “ES” when the verb ends


s/ sh/ ch/ x/ o/ z


Susan kisses…...

Susan washes…..

Susan watches…..

Susan fixes….

Susan goes…..

*Verbs ending in Consonants + “y”, change “y” -> “i” + “es”

e.g.: to carryI carryYou carryWe carryThey CarryHe CarriesShe CarriesIt carries

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Susan quizzes…..


Susan plays……

Susan studies.

2. Cách dùng thì hiện tại đơn.

USE 1: Repeated Actions - Những hành động lặp đi lặp lại


- I go to English class everyday. - Tôi tới lớp học anh văn mỗi ngày)

- The plane takes off every morning at 8 am. - Máy bay cất cánh mỗi buổi sáng vào lúc 8 giờ

- It rains a lot in the city in June - Trời mưa nhiều vào tháng sáu.

- My sister always gets up early. (Chị tôi luôn luôn thức dậy sớm.)

USE 2: Facts - Sự kiện sự thật hiển nhiên.


- The earth goes round the sun. (Trái đất xoay xung quanh mặt trời).

- Vietnam is in Asia. (Nước việt nam thì ở châu Á)

- The sun rises in the East. (Mặt trời mọc ở hướng đông)

- California is not in Europe. (California không ở châu Âu.)

USE 3: Scheduled Events in the Near Future - Những sự kiện lênh kế hoạch, lênh lịch sẵn trong

tương lai gần.


- The bus leaves at 6 o'clock this evening. (Xe buyt rời đi lúc 6 giờ chiều này)

- The party starts at 8 o'clock. (Buổi tiệc bắt đầu lúc 8 giờ)

- The train arrives at the station at 10:15 a.m. (Xe lửa đến nhà ga vào lúc 10:15 sáng.)

USE 4: Now (Non – Continuous Verbs)


- I am here now.( Bây giờ tôi đang ở đây)

- Elizabeth is not at home now. (Elizabeth không ở nhà bây giờ)

- Jack needs US$ 1,000 right now. (Jack cần 1000 USD ngay bây giờ)

* Adverbs of Frequency – Các trạng từ chỉ tần suất thường đi với thì hiện tại đơn.

S +


+ V + O




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- She often goes to school at 7 a.m. (Cô ấy thường đi học lúc 7 giờ sáng.)

- She doesn't often go to school at 7 a.m. (Cô ấy không thường đi học lúc 7 giờ sáng)

Exercise: Fill in the blank using Simple Present Tense.1. I........ in a bank. (work)

1. She ..... in Florida. (live)

3. It ..... almost everyday in Manchester. (rain)

4. We ..... to Spain every summer. (fly)

5. My mother ..... eggs for breakfast every morning. (fry)

6. The bank ..... at four o'clock. (close)

7. John ..... very hard in class, but I don't think he'll pass the course. (try)

8. Joe is so mart that she ..... every exam without even trying. (pass)

9. My life is so boring - I just ..... TV every night. (watch)

10. My best friend ....... to me every week. (write)

II. Thì Hiện Tại Tiếp Diễn: 

1. Cách chia thì hiện tại tiếp diễn:

a)Affirmative:S+ AM + V-ING + O     IS     ARE

b) Negative:S + AM + NOT + V-ING      IS      ARE

c)InterrogativeAM + S + V-ING + O?ISARE


- They are riding horses.

- Mary is singing.


- They aren’t riding horse.

- Mary isn’t singing.


- Are they riding horses?

Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

- Is Mary singing?

Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.


1. The students (study)….. now.

2. Maria (sing) …. an English


3. Jack and me (walk) …. to


4. People (look) ….. at him.


1.Sue (not/cook)…in the kitchen

2. My father (not/smoke)….now

3. He (not/look)…. at me.

4. The students (not/talk)……in


5. We (not/worry)….. about the


1 …..Susan (cry)……?

2. Why …. you (laugh) … at


3. What …… he (look) …… for?

4. …….it (rain) ….. outside?

5. ……they (work) …. now?

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5. They (discuss)……. test.

2. Sử dụng thì hiện tại tiếp diễn.

a. NOW (Bây giờ).

Sử dụng thì hiện tại tiếp diễn với những động từ thường để diễn tả ý tưởng 1 việc gì đó đang xảy ra bây

giờ. Cũng có thể 1 việc gì đó không xảy ra bây giờ.


- It is raining now. (Bây giờ trời đang mưa)

- She is not studying now. (Bây giờ cô ấy không đang học)

b. Longer Action in Progress Now. (Những hành động dài hơn đang tiếp diễn bây giờ)

- In English, "Now" can mean: this second, today, this month, this year, this century, and so on.

Sometimes, use the Present Continuous to say that we are in the process of doing a longer action which

is in progress, however, we might not be doign it at this exact time.

- Trong tiếng anh "Now" có thể có nghĩa là: giây này, hôm nay, tháng này, năm này, thế kỉ này, v.v.v. Đôi

khi chúng ta có thể dùng thì hiện tại tiếp diễn để nói rằng chúng ta đang ở trong 1 quá trình làm một hành

động gì đó dài hơn mà nó đang tiếp diễn, cũng có thể chúng ta không làm nó ởthời điểm này.Eg:- He is studying to become an engineer. (Anh ấy đang học để trở thành một kĩ sư)- I am working for an insurance company. (Tôi đang làm việc cho một công ty bảo hiểm)

c. Near Future (Tương lai gần)Dự đinh sẵn sàng sẽ xảy ra hoặc không xảy ra một sự việc ở tương lai gần.Eg: - David is taking an examination next Monday.(David sẽ tham dự kì thi vào thứu 2 tới.)- I am visiting my grandparents thí weekend. (Tôi sẽ thăm ông bà tôi vào cuối tuần này)

* Luyện tập thì hiện tại tiếp diễn:1. She......... in Florida now. (live)2. It .......... now. (rain)3. We .... ...our house. (build)4. The girl ....... on the floor. (dance)5. Keep silent, please. Anne........ (sleep).6. Look! Jack ........ to catch the bus. (run).7. We....... for the bus at the moment. (wait)8. They ......... French this semester. (study)9. My sister ...... in her room. (cry)10. The bird ........... on the branch. (sing)

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I. Thì hiện tại hoàn thành.

1. Cách chia thì hiện tại hoàn thành:

1.Affirmative:S + HAVE + Ved/C3 + O      HAS

* I/ We/ You/ They -> HAVE

* He/ She/ It -> HAS

2. Negative:S+ HAVE NOT+Ved/C3+O      HAS NOT

* I/ We/ You/ They -> HAVE


* He/ She/ It -> HAS NOT


3. Interrogative:HAVE +S + Ved/C3 + O?HAS

* I/ We/ You/ They -> HAVE

* He/ She/ It -> HAS


- I have lived in HCM City for ten


- Jane has been to Beijing.

- They have worked for the

company since 1975.

- Julia and Same have

known each other for a long



-I haven’t met him yet.

- Jane hasn’t done the exercise.

- The woman hasn’t cleaned the


- My sister hasn’t been to Tokyo.


-Have you painted your house?

Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.

- Has Paul completed his


- Have the kids seen a white

bear before?


1. Tom (just/repair)……. His


2. Fred (be)... a pilot since 1992.

3. We (know) … each other

since our childhood.

4. My car (break) … down three

times this week.

5. She (already/read)… the


6. My friend (have)… a cold for

two weeks.

7. Ms. Lan (study)…. English

since 1990.

8. I (already/finish) … my


1. My friends and I (not/take)

……. the exam.

2. The rain (not/stop) …..

3. People (not/travel) … to Mars

4. I (not/read) … the book yet.

5. Mr. and Mrs. Pike (never/be)

…..to France.

6. Richard (never/climb)

…….. that mountain.

7. Bill (not/arrive) …….. yet.

8. Mary (not/talk) ....to any


9. We (not/graduate) ….. from

the university.


1……your mother (buy)…..

a new shirt for you?

2……you (ever/be) …. to


3…….the students (hand)…. in

their papers?

4…….Jill and Jim (fix)…….the


5…..the girls (wash) …. their


6. Why ….. you (study)

…. English?

7. …… he (tell) … you the


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9. Mary (love) … chocolate

since she was a little girl.

10. This wine (be)…. In the

cellar for 15 year.

10. I (not/receive) …… my

friend’s letter.

8 …. You (ever/visit)….the


9. ……them (hear)….. anything

about their grandson?

10. ……. people (travel)…… to

the moon?

2. Cách dùng thì hiện tại hoàn thành.

USE1: Actions which started in the past and are still continuing.     - He has lived in Canada for five years.     (He started living in Canada five years ago, and he's still living there now.)     - She has worked at the University since 1994.     (She started working at the University in 1994, and she's still working there now.)

USE2: Action which happened at some unknown time in the past.     - I've already seen that film     (It doesn't matter when I saw it.)     - Have you ever been to Germany?     Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.     (It doesn't matter when you went - I just want to know whether you have been there or not)

USE 3: Actions which happened in the past, but have an effect in the present.     - I've lost my keys.     (I haven't found the keys yet - They're still missing.)     - She's broken her arm.     (The arm is still injured.)

USE 4: Actions which have just happened.     I have just come here.     Jack has just arrieved in San Francisco.     They have just had dinner.     We have just known each other.

3. Adverbs with Present Perfect tense:     just, already, recently, lately, ever, never, yet....

4. Prepositions with the Present Perfect:

since last week


our childhoodfor

two months

five years

Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks using Present Perfect tense of the given verbs

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1. Begin: We're late - The game....................2. Break: Sheley can't go skiing any more. She ..............her leg.3. Become: In the last few years, it ...............more and more difficult to get into college.4. Bring: Duncan's here, and he................ some sandwiches!5. Not/ Choose: She's getting married in a week, and she ........... her dress yet.6. Never/ Swim: She .................. in the sea befor.7. Drink: It's so hot that I .......... five cans of Coke already this afternoon.8. Eat: You ............. my lunch! How dare you!9. Fall: The price of oil .......... rapidly since January.10. Never/ Feel: I ............... so good!11. Hear: ..............you .................about the accident?12. Steal: Someone............... my bicycle!13. Teach: Gerry .............English for many years.14 Write: How many pages .............you ............?15. Close: The shop ............... for Christmas.

Exercise 2: Write complete sentences using Present Perfect Tense and SINCE or FOR.1. I / live / here / five years.2. Fred / be / pilot / 1992.3. We / know / each other / childhood.4. Ten years / Mayumi and Yoko / work / in the sameoffice.5. I / want / play / professional hockey / I was four.

II. Thì quá khứ đơn.

1. Cách chia thì quá khứ đơn:

1.Affirmative:S + Ved/C2 + O

2. Negative:S + DID NOT + V + O      (DIDN’T)

3. Interrogative:DID + S + V + O?


-My family moved to HCM City

in 1983

- Sue bought a new dress


- We went to Dalat last sumer.

- It rained a lot last week


-My family didn’t move to HCMC

in 1983.

- Sue didn’t buy a new dress


- I didn’t go on vacation last


- It didn’t rain a lot last week.


-Did your family move to HCMC

in 1983?

Yes, we did./ No, we didn’t.

- Did Sue buy a new dress


-Did they sell their old car last


- Did it rain a lot last week?


1. Last year I (spend)……...my

holiday in Ireland.

2. We (have) …… a great party.

3. I (travel) …. around by car


1. Yesterday, I (not/go) …. to the


2. He (not/do) ….. the exercise.

3. She (not/pass) … the last


1……you (receive)…….the letter


2. Why ……he (come)….to New

York last year?

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with two friends and we (visit)

…….. lots of interesting places.

4. In the evening we (go) … to a


5. One night we even (learn)

…. Some Irish dances.

6. We (eat) ….. a lot of Irish


7. It (not/ rain) …. A lot.

8. But we (see) …. Some

beautiful rainbows.

9. We (take) …. A lot of


10. Where (spend / you)

…. Your last holiday?

exam because she (not/study)


4. I (not/hear)…..anything about


5. Peter (not/come) …. to class

last Friday.

6. David (not/take)…. His

mother’s advice.

7. Last month, Sue (not/come)


8. We (not/see) ….. him at the

party last night.

9. They (not/arrive) …… at the

airport on time because of bad


10. Susan (not/hand in)……..the

reports last week.

3. How long ….. it (take)…. You

to come here this morning?

4. …. Elizabeth (finish)…..her

homework yesterday?

5. Last night, ……he (come)……

back home late?

6. What …. you (do)

….. yesterday?

7. When …….your family (move)


8. ……...Jack (visit)….his

grandparents last week?

9. ………the

government (reduce)………taxes

last year?

10………..you (meet)…………her

this morning?

2. Cách dùng thị quá khứ đơn.

USE 1: Completed Actions in the Pasteg:      I saw a movie yesterday.     He didn't see a play yesterday.     Last year, I traveled to Japan.

USE 2: A Series of Completed Actionseg.     I finished work, walked to the beach, and found a nice place to swim.

USE 3: Habits in the Past.eg:     I studied French when I was a child.     He played the violin ten years ago.     She worked here after school last year.

USE 4: Past Facts.eg:     He didn't like tomatoes when he was young.     People paid much more to make cell phone calls in the past.

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3. Adverbs with Simple Past tense:     Yesterday     Ago (two days ago: a week ago; ten years ago....)     Last week; ;ast month; last year; last Sunday........

4. Prepositions with Simple Past tens:     in (January; 1975 (time in the past))

Exercise1: Fill in the blank.1. Yesterday, I (go) ........ to the restaurant with my friend.2. This morning, we (drive)......  around the parking lot in order to find a parking space, but we couldn't find one.3. We (not/meet) ......... her yesterday.4. Columbus (discover) ...... America more than 400 years ago.5. They (com) ........to see me last week.6. Albert Einstein (die)........ on April 18, 1955.7. My friend and I (walk) ........ in the park this afternoon.8. What ..... you (buy) ....... yesterday?9. We (not/take)..... the bus to school last week.10. What time .......... you (get) ...... up this morning?

Exercise 2: There is 1 mistake in every sentence. Find it and write the sentence right:I didn't celebrated New Year's Eve.Yesterday, my friends organize a dress party,but they didn't invited me.So, I were very sad and lonely.My best friends didn't were with me.My cousin visit me in the afternoon,but then she go to a party,I didn't watched TV because there was a horrible program.Everybody laughed, sing and was very happy.But I were not happy, I didn't have a good time.

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I. Thì Quá Khứ Tiếp Diễn

1. Cách chia thì quá khứ tiếp diễn:

1. Affirmative:S + WAS + V-ing + O      WERE

* I/He/She/It -> WAS

* We/You/They -> WERE

2. Negative:S+WAS NOT + V-ing+O     WERE NOT

* I/He/She/It -> WAS NOT


* We/You/They->WERE NOT


3. Interrogative:WAS   + S + V-ing + O?WERE

* I/He/She/It -> WAS

* We/You/They -> WERE


- I was watching TV at 8:00

yesterday evening.

- When the phone rang, shewas

writing a letter.- Sam was waiting for us when we got off the plane.


- I wasn’t watching TV at 8:00

yesterday evening.- When the phone rang, shewasn’t writing a letter.


- Were you watching TV at 8:00

yesterday evening?- Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t.


1. She (cook)….at 7 o’clock this


2. Jim (study)…….when I came


3. Last week, we (play)……

football when it started to rain.

4. At 5 p.m. yesterday, we(fly)

….to Paris.

5. My parents (watch) …… a

movie at 12:00 last night.

6.  Mr. Pike (teach)…. In class

when the light went out


7. At 9 o’clock this morning,

Jill (wash) …. His car.

8. The students (talk) ….When


1. Last night at 6 pm, I(not/eat)

…… dinner.

2. Yesterday at this time,

I(not/sit) …… at my desk at


3. I (not/study) ……. when he


4. He (not/listen) ….. to me

when I told him to turn the radio


5. They (not/sleep) ….. when

the thief entered their house


6. Sue (not/do) …. Her

homework at 10 last night.

7. At this time yesterday,


1. What … you (do)…. at 7

yesterday morning?

2. ….. she (have)…. Breakfast

when you came?

3. ….they still (drive) ….

atmidnight yesterday?

4. …..Susan and her

friends(watch) …… a movie at this

time yesterday?

5. ….. you (come) …… back home

when the earthquake started.

6. At midnight yesterday,

…..Elizabeth (write)…. A letter to

her parents?

7. When he called you yesterday,

….. you (have) …a rest?

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the teacher came in.

9. Mary (shop) …….when she

saw Peter.

10. I (have) …… lunch at 11

a.m. yesterday.

we(not/work) …..

8. My mother (no/cook) …when I

came in the kitchen.

9. When I met her yesterday,

she (not/clean) ……. Her house.

10. They (not/play) ….. chess at

6 pm yesterday.

8. ……the students (take) ….An

exam at 10 yesterday morning?

9. …… he (repair) ……. his bicycle

when you saw him?

10. ….. your friend (sleep) …..at

11pm yesterday?

2. Cách dùng thì quá khứ tiếp diễn

USE 1: Actions happening at specific time in the Past.

(Hành động xảy ra ở thời điểm xác định rõ ràng trong quá khứ)


     Last night at 6 PM, I was eating dinner.

     Yesterday at this time, I was working in my office.

USE 2: Interrupted Action in the Past.

(Một hành động bị cắt ngang trong quá khứ)


     I was watching TV when she called.

     While we were having the picnic, it started to rain.

USE 3: Parallel Actions in the Past 

(Các hành động cùng đang xảy ra trong quá khứ)


     I was studying while he was making dinner.

     While Ellen was reading, Tim was watching television.

     What were you doing while you were waiting?

     They were eating dinner, discussing their plans, and having a good time.


"when" in most often followed by the verb tense Simple Past, whereas "while" is usually followed by Past  

Continuous. "While" expresses the idea of "during that time."

(Sau when động từ ở thì quá khứ, sau while động từ ở thì quá khứ tiếp diễn)


     I was studying when she called.

     While I was studying, she called.

Exercise: Fill in the blanks using Past Continuous.

1. What ....... you (do) .... when the accident happened?

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2. Daisy (arrive) ..... at Susan's house at 9:00 pm yesterday.

3. At this time yesterday, Jennifer (not/watch) .......TV.

4. The Titanic (cross) ......the Atlantic when it (strike) ..... an iceberg.

5. Last night, while I (do) .... my homework, Angela called me.

6. At this time yesterday, ......you (read) .... a magazine?

7. We (talk) ...... when the teacher came into the class.

8. I (not/have) .... dinner with them at 8 pm yesterday.

9. Last Sunday, while we (camp) .... it started to snow.

10. The lady (walk) ...... when she sudddenly fell on the floor

II. Thì Quá Khứ Hoàn Thành.

1. Cách chia thì quá khứ hoàn thành:

1.Afirmative:S + HAD + V(ed/C3) + O

2. Negative:S + HAD NOT+V(ed/C3)+O       (HADN’T)

3. Interrogative:HAD + S + V(ed/C3) + O?


- We had lived in Hanoi before


- I had finished my work before I

left the office yesterday.

- He had heard about her before

he met her last week.


- We hadn’t lived in Hanoi

before 1975.

- I hadn’t finished my work

before I left the office yesterday.

- He hadn’t heard about her

before he met her last week.


- Had you lived in Hanoi before


Yes, I had. / No, I hadn’t.

-Had he heard about her before

he met her last week?


1. We (have) …. that car for ten

years before it broke down.

2. The storm destroyed the

sandcastle that we (build) …..

3. By the time Alex finished his

studies, he (be) ….. in London

for over eight years.

4. Ms. Takemoto (study)

…..English before she moved to

New York.

5. The plane (take) …. off before

I arrived at the airport.


1.He (not/be) … to Cape Town

before 1997.

2. When she went out to play,

she (not/do) …. her homework.

3. The waiter brought a drink

that I (not/order) …..

4. She (not/ride) …. a horse

before that day.

5. I (not/meet) …. him before my

wedding last year.


1……he (phone) ….. Angie

before he went to see her in


2…..you (meet) ….him before

that day?

3……they (arrive) ….. at the

station before the train left?

4. …..she (know) … about him

before she met him?

5. ……the students (finish) ….

The exercise before the teacher

came in?

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2. Cách dùng thì quá khứ hoàn thành.

     USE: Completed Action Before Something in the Past


     - I had never seen such a beautiful beach before I went to Hawaii.

     - Kristine had never been to an opera before last night.

     - She only understood the movie because she had read the book.

Exercise: Fill in the blanks using Past Perfect tense

1. My brother ate all of the cake that our mother (make)........

2. I could not remember the poem we (learn) .... the week before.

3. .....you ever (visit) .... the U.S. before your trip in 2006?

4. .... Susan ever (study) .... Thai before she moved to Thailand?

5. The children collected the fruit that (fall) .... from the tree.

6. When I arrived home last night, I discovered that my wife (prepare) ... avery nice dinner.

7. We could not get a hotel room because we (not book)..... in advance.

8. I (never know) .... him before I met him yesterday.

9. We (be) .... to the U.S. before 1990.

10. She (never see) ..... a bear before she moved to Alaska.

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I. Thì Tương Lai Đơn

1. Cách chia thì tương lại đơn:

1.Affirmative:S + WILL + V + O      SHALL

I/ You/ He/ She/ It/ We/ They -


I/ We -> SHALL

2.Negative:S + WILL +NOT  V +O      SHALL

I/ You/ He/ She/ It/ We/ They -



3.Interrogative:WILL  + S + V + OSHALL

I/ You/ He/ She/ It/ We/ They -


I/ We -> SHALL


- I will send you the information

when I get it.

- A: I’m really hungry.

   B: I’ll make some sandwiches


- I shan’t do your homework for


- She won’t do all the housework


- We won’t go to school


- He won’t tell me the truth.


- Will they come here tomorrow?

Yes, they will. / No, they won’t.

-Will you join the meeting next


Yes, I will. / No, I won’t.


1. Jack (earn)…… a lot of

money next month.

2. Mr. Smith (travel) ….around

the world next year.

3. We (meet) ….. lots of

interesting people at he meeting

next week.

4. It (be) …….. cloudy tomorrow.

5. I (call) ……you when I arrive

at Toyo.


1. Tomorrow, it (not/be)


2. I (not/buy)…… the book for


3. We (not/come) …. back home

next week.

4. Maria (not/make) …. a cake

for her friend birthday next


5. I know he (not/take) ….your



1……you (help)…..me move this

heavy table?

2……she (make)…..dinner?

3…….they arrive at the airport at

8:00 a.m. tomorrow?

4…….Jimmy (take)…..an exam

next week?

5…..it (be)….rainy tomorrow?

2. Cách dùng thì tương lai đơn.

USE 1 “Will” or “Shall” often suggest that a speaker will do something voluntarily.

We also use “will” when we request that someone help us or volunteer to do something for us.

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A: I’m so tired. I’m about to fall asleep.

B: I’ll get you some coffee.

A: Will you help me pick up the phone?

B: Ok. I’ll get it.

USE2 “Will” to Express a Promise.

- I promise I will not tell him about the party.

- Don’t worry, I’ll be careful.

- I won’t tell anyone your secret.

- I’ll send you a postcard when I arrive at Paris.

USE 3 “Will” to Express a Prediction

- The year 2222 will be a very interesting year.

- John Smith will be the next President.

- The movie will win several Awards.

- I will rain heavily tomorrow.

- The girl team will win the game.

*** Adverbs with Future tense:


Next (week, month, year, Sunday, summer)   

3. Exercise: Use the Positive, Negative and Interrogative form of WILL.1.They/ share/ their candies.Positive:……………………………….Negative:……………………………..Interrogative:………………………2.He/ pay/ cashPositive:……………………………….Negative:……………………………..Interrogative:……………………….3.I/ close/ the door.Positive:……………………………….Negative:……………………………..Interrogative:……………………….4.Tina/ paint/ a picture for usPositive:……………………………….Negative:……………………………..Interrogative:……………………….

5.John/ dial/ the number for you.Positive:……………………………….Negative:……………………………..Interrogative:……………………….6.Ben/ buy/ a new car.Positive:……………………………….Negative:……………………………..Interrogative:……………………….7.They/ send/ us a postcard.Positive:……………………………….Negative:……………………………..Interrogative:……………………….8.She/ trust/ mePositive:……………………………….Negative:……………………………..Interrogative:……………………….

II. Thì tương lai tiếp diễn

1. Cách chia thì tương lai tiếp diễn

1.Afirmative:S + WILL + BE+V-ING +O      SHALL

I/You/He/She/It/We/They -

2. Negative:S+WILL+NOT+BE+V-ING+O     SHALL

I/You/He/She/It/We/They ->

3. Interrogative:WILL+S+BE+V-ING+O?SHALL

I/You/He/She/It/We/They -

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-This time tomorrow, the

children will be sitting in the


- They will be watching a movie


- I will not be meeting her this

time next week.

- Mr. Pike will not be working at

5 o’clock this afternoon.


-Will you be meeting her this

time next week?

- Will Mr. Pike be working at 5

o’clock this afternoon?


1. I (wait)…..for you at 4 o’clock

this afternoon.

2. This time tomorrow, they(fly)

…..to the U.S.

3. They (stay) …..with us again

this year.

4. If the weather is good,

we(swim)…..all day tomorrow.

5. I (take) …..the exam this time

next week.


1.Tomorrow, he (not/paint)….his


2. They (not/have)… a meeting

this time tomorrow.

3. My mother (not/make)……

dinner at 8:00 this evening.

4. They (not/have)….an

appointment at 12:00 this



1. Tomorrow, ….he (paint)…his


2…they (have)…..a meeting this

time tomorrow?

3…….your mother (not/make)

….dinner at 8:00 this evening?

4…….they (have)…….. an

appointment at 12:00 this


2. Cách dùng thì tương lai tiếp diễn.

USE 1: Use the Future Continuous to indicate that a longer action in the future will be interrupted by a

shorter action in the future.

- I will be watching TV when she arrives tonight.

- I will be waiting for you when your bus arrives.

- He will be studying at the library tonight, so he will not see Jennifer when she arrives.

USE 2: You can also use a specific time as an interruption.

Tonight at 6PM, I am going to be eating dinner.

I will be in the process of eating dinner.

At midnight tonight, we will still be driving through the city.

We will be in the process of driving through the city.

Exercise: Fill in the verbs in brackets in the Future Continuous.

1.Peggy (come)…..to the party next Saturday.

2. We (meet)…..him tomorrow.

3. This time next week, he (fly)…..to South Africa.

4. At 6 o’clock on Friday, they (sing)….the new song.

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5. It (rain)……when I reach Bangkok.

6. Tomorrow at nine, I (write) …. A test.

7. Andy (watch)….. a video when I arrive tonight.

8. You (eat) ….. pizza soon.

9. She (sleep)…..when you telephone her.

10. They (arrive)…..in Budapest just about next Monday.

III. Thì tương lai hoàn thành

1. Cách chia thì tương lai hoàn thành.

1.Afirmative:S+WILL+HAVE+Ved/c.3+O    SHALL

* I /You /He /She /It /We /They -

> Will

* I /We -> SHALL

2.Negative:S+WILL+NOT+HAVE+Ced/c.3+O     SHALL

* I /You /He /She /It /We /They -



3. Interrogative:WILL+S+HAVE+Ved/C.3+O?SHALL

* I /You /He /She /It /We /They-




-By noon tomorrow, they will

have launched the spaceship.

- The games will have finished

when we arrive.

-When you return next year, the

children will have grown much



-By noon tomorrow, they won’t

have launched the spaceship.

- The games won’t have finished

when we arrive.


-Will they have launched the

spaceship by noon tomorrow?

- Will the games have finished

when we arrive?


1. By the end of autumn, most of

the leaves (fall)…….from the


2. He (live)…..in this city for

exactly two years by next


3. In two years from now,

he(take)….his university degree.

4. By the end of the holiday,

Tom (recover)….his strength.

5. By this time next year,


1.By this time tomorrow,

you(not/finish)….the essay.

2. In two years from now,

he(not/take)….his university


3. By the end of the holiday,

Tom (not/recover)……his


4. He (not/pack)…..the suitcase

by tomorrow.

5. He (not/complete)….his work


1…..they (finish)…..the exercise

before the teacher comes in?

2. By the end of the holiday,

…..Tom (recover)……his


3…….they (rebuild)….the bridge

before the next flood?

4……he (take)……his university

degree by two years from now?

5……they (launch)….the

spaceship by noon tomorrow?

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you (forget)…..the trouble. by the end of the day.

2. Cach dung thì tương lai hoàn thành.

USE 1: The Future Perfect expresses the idea that something will occur before another action in the

future. It can also show that something will happen before a specific time in the future.

-By the time he gets home, she will have cleaned the house.

- By next November, I will have graduated from the university.

- I will have finished this test by 3 o’clock.

USE 2: Duration Before Something in the Future (Non-Continuous Verbs)

- I will have been in London for six months by the time I leave.

- By Monday, Susan will have had my book for a week.

Exercise: Fill in the verbs in brackets in the Future Perfect.

1.Anne (repair)…..her bike by next week.

2. We (do)…….the washing by 8 o’clock.

3. She (visit)……Paris by the end of next year.

4. I (not/finish)……this by 6 o’clock.

5. ……..Sam (leave)….by next week?

6. She (discuss)…….this with her mother by tomorrow.

7. ……the police (arrest)……the driver before noon tomorrow?

8. They (write)……..their essays by tomorrow.

9. Paul (manage)……the teams before the coming match.

10. I (finish)…….the work by this midnight.

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1.Thì Hiện Tại Hoàn Thành Tiếp Diễn:

1.Affirmative:S+HAVE+BEEN+V-ING+O    HAS

*He/ She/ It -> HAS

*I/ You/ We/ They -> HAVE

2.Negative:S+HAVE+NOT+BEEN+V-ING+O     HAS

*He/ She/ It -> HAS NOT=


*I/ You/ We/ They -> HAVE NOT



*He/ She/ It -> HAS

* I/You/ We/ They -> HAVE


- James has been teaching at

the university since June.

- They have been talking for the

last hour.

- She has been working at that

company for three years.


- James hasn’t been teaching at

the university since.

- They haven’t been talking for

the last hour.

- She hasn’t been working at

that company for three years.


- Has James been teaching at

the university since June?

- Have they been talking for the

last hour?

- Has she been working at that

company for three years?

 *** Cách dùng thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn:

Thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn.

USE 1: We use the Present Perfect Continuous to show that something started in the past and has

continued up until now.

- They have been talking for the last hour.

- She has been working at that company for three year.

USE 2: Recently, Lately

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- Recently, I have been feeling really tired.

- She has been watching too much television lately.

- Have you been exercising lately?

2. Thì Quá Khứ Hoàn Thành Tiếp Diễn:




3. Interrogative:HAD+S+BEEN+V-ING+O?


- Mike wanted to sit down

because he had been standing

all day at work.

- James had been teaching at

the university for more than a

year before he left for Asia last


- Ken had been smoking for 30

years when he finally gave it up

last month.


- Susan hadn’t been working for

the company before she left

New York last year.

- Mike didn’t want to sit down

because he hadn’t been

standing long at work that day.


- Had Susan been working for

the company before she left

New York last year?

- Had they been working before

they take a short rest yesterday?

*** Cách dùng thì quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn:

Thì quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn.

USE 1: Duration before Something in the Past. We are the Past Perfect Continuous to show that

something started in the past and continued up until another time in the past.

A: How long had you been studying English before you moved to London two years ago?

B: I had not been studying English very long.

USE 2: Cause of Something in the Past. Using the Past Perfect Continuous before another action in the

past is a good way to show cause and effect.

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- Jason was tired because he had been walking.

- Betty failed the final test because she had not been attending class.

3. Thì Tương Lai Hoàn Thành Tiếp Diễn:






-When you come back here next

month, I’ll have been traveling

around the world for a week.

- He will have been studying for

seven years when he gets his



- I won’t have been traveling

around the world for a week when

you come back here next month.

- He won’t have been studying for

seven years when he gets his



- Will you have been traveling

around the world for a week

when I come back here next


- Will he have been studying for

seven years when he gets his


 *** Cách dùng thì tương lai hoàn thành tiếp diễn:

Thì tương lai hoàn thành tiếp diễn.

USE 1: Duration before Something in the Future

- They will have been taking for over an hour by the time Thomas arrives.

- She will have been working at that company for three years when it finally closes.

USE 2: Cause of Something in the Future.

- Jason will be tired when he gets home because he will have been walking for over an hour.

- Claudia’s English will be perfect when she returns to Germany because she will have been studying

English in the U.S. for over two years.

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I/ Look at these sentences:

1.        1. Active: My father built this house in 1970.

           Passive: This house was built by my father in 1970.

2.        2. Active: Mr. Johnson explains the lesson.

           Passive: The lesson is explained by Mr. Johnson.

II/ Form:

*** Remember these things:      1. The active Object becomes the passive Subject.      2. The active Verb becomes the form of “BE + PAST PARTICIPLE”

      “BE” -> the same Form as the active Verb

                    -> in agreement with its Subject

      3. The active subject becomes “BY + AGENT (noun/object pronoun)”


a)        Mrs. Green cooks food every morning.


b)        The doctor examined the patients yesterday.


c)        These boys made that noise last night.


d)        Mary wrote that report yesterday.


e)       John will deliver the letter tomorrow.


f)         The fire has destroyed many houses in Australia.


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g)       The police are questioning John now.


h)       The engineers are going to build the bridge.


        4. BY + AGENT

          (by me/ you/ him/ her/ them/ us/ people/ someone..) is generally omitted from the Passive Sentence.


     They built this house in 1970.

     This house was built (by them) in 1970.

     People speak English all over the world.

     English is spoken all over the world (by people).

       5. If there are two object in the Active sentence, either of them may become the Subject in the

Passive sentence.

e.g.:            Mary gave me a nice gift yesterday.

                    S        V      O          O

è I was given a nice gift by Mary yesterday

     S (be + PP)        O             O

è A nice gift was give (to) me by Mary yesterday.

    S        (be +PP)          O        O


                They told me the truth yesterday.

                -> I was told the truth yesterday.

                -> The truth was told (to) me yesterday.

                He may give you the result soon.

                -> You may be given the result soon.

                -> The result may be given (to) you soon.

       6. The position of adverbs and preposition phrases in the passive sentences:

·   Adverbs of place stand before (by + Agent)

e.g.: Her children are carrying the table into the house

-> The table is being carried into the house by her children.

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·  Adverbs of time stand after (by + Agent)

e.g.: Dr.Kim will read this report at the conference at 8 a.m.

-> This report will be read at the conference by Dr.Kim at 8 a.m

Adverbs of place

by + Agent

Adverbs of time

·   Adverbs of manner usually stand between BE and the PP


     The manager has treated them badly.

-> They have been badly treated by the manager.

The cashier did not check these numbers carefully yesterday.

These numbers were not carefully checked by the cashier yesterday.

7. In the pattern: Subject + Verb + Object + infinitive without “TO” with verbs of

perception like: see,hear, watch, notice, etc., and the verbs make and know -> the infinitive without “TO”

becomes the infinitive with “TO”.


     I never hear her shout at her children

     ->She is never heard to shout at her children

     He made me do it.

     ->I was made to do it.

     She has never known that man lie before.

     ->That man has never been known to lie before.

8. Preposition that are closely connected with certain verbs and adverbial particles that belongs to two –

word verbs are not emitted from the passive sentence (Giới từ mà nó được liên kết chặt chẽ với động

từ nhất định và những trạng ngữ đi theo sau động từ 2 chữ thì nhớ là không được bỏ khỏi câu bị động)


     She prevented them from taking the medicine. (Cô ấy đã ngăn chặn họ uống thuốc.)

     ->They were prevented from taking the medicine. (Họ đã được ngăn chặn uống thuốc.)

     The nurse will look after their babies. (Cô y tá sẽ chăm sóc những đứa con của họ.)

     ->Their babies will be blocked after by the nurse. (Các con cai của họ sẽ được chăm sóc bởi cô y tá.)

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9. Special cases: There are two common passive constractions with verbs expressing opinion and rumors

like: say, report, think, believe, rumour….(Có 2 cấu trúc bị động chung với những động từ diễn tả cảm

xúc ý tưởng ý nghĩ và những lời đồn đại như: nói, báo cáo, suy nghĩ, tin tưởng, đồn….

Chúng ta sẽ có 2 cách đổi sau:

It + be + PP + that - clause


      People say that prevention is better than cure. (Người ta nói rằng phòng bệnh thì tốt hơn chữa bệnh)

     -> It is said that prevention is better than cure.

Subject + be + PP + infinitive with TO


     People say that prevention is better than cure.

     -> Prevention is said to be better than cure.


     People think that he works very hard.

     -> It is thought that he works very hard.

     -> He is thought to work very hard.

     Everybody believed that he had died in the battle.

     -> It was believed that he had died in the battle.

     -> He was believed to have died in the battle.

10. Active/Passive Overview. (Tổng quán về câu chủ động và câu bị động)

Active (Câu chủ động) Passive (Câu bị động)

Simple Present

(Hiện tại đơn)

Once a week, Tom cleans the


Once a week, the house iscleaned by


Present Continuous

(Hiện tại tiếp diễn)Right now, Sarah is writing the letter.

Right now, the letter is being writtenby


Simple Past

(Quá khứ đơn)Sam repaired the car.

The car was repaired by Sam.

Past Continuous

(Quá khứ tiếp diễn)

The salesman was helping the

customer when the thief came into

the store.

The customer was being helped by the

salesman when the thief came into the


Present Perfect

(Hiện tại hoàn thành)Many tourists have visited that house

That house has been visited by many


Present Perfect Cont Recently, John has been doingthe Recently, the work has been being

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(Thì hiện tại hoàn

thành tiếp diễn)work. done by John.

Past perfect


George had repaired many cars

before he received his mechanic’s


Many cars had been repaired by

George before he received his

mechanic’s license.

Past Perfect Cont


Chef Jones had been preparingthe

restaurant’s dinners for two years

before he moved to Paris.

The restaurant’s dinners had been

being prepared by Chef Jones for two

years before he moved to Paris.

Simple FutureWILL

(Tương lai đơn)WILL

Someone will finish the work by 5:00

PMThe work will be finished by 5:00 PM.

Simple Future


 Sally is going to make a beautiful

dinner tonight.

A beautiful dinner is going to be

made by Sally tonight.

Future Cont


At 8:00 PM tonight, John will be

washing the dishes.

At 8:00 PM tonight, the dishes will be

being washed by John

Future Cont


At 8:00 PM tonight, John is going to

be washing the dishes.

At 8:00 PM tonight, the dishes are

going to be being washed by John.

Future Perfect


They will have completed the project

before the deadline

The project will have been

completed before the deadline.

Future Perfect


They are going to have

completed the project before the


The project is going to have been

completed before the deadline.

Future Perfect Cont.


He will have been painting the house

for over two weeks by the time it is


The house will have been being

painted for over two weeks by the time

it is finished.

Future Perfect Cont


He is going to have been paintingthe

house for over two weeks by the

time it is finished

The house is going to have been being

painted for over two weeks by the time

it is finished.

USED TO Jerry used to pay the bills The bills used to be paid by Jerry.

WOULD ALWAYSMy mother would always makethe


The pies would always be madeby my


Future in the Past


I knew John would finish the work by

5:00 PM

I knew the work would be finishedby

5:00 PM

Future in the Past I thought Sally was going to makea I thought a beautiful dinner was going

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WAS GOING TO beautiful dinner tonight. to be made by Sally tonight.

Exercise 1: Put the following sentences into the passive voice.

*Simple Present Tense (am/ is/ are + PP)

1/ They paint their school every four years.


2/ Does the barking of the dog annoy you?


3/ They don’t sell fast food at that shop.


*Simple Past Tense (was/ were + PP)

4/ The police arrested two people yesterday.


5/ They didn’t send that report two days ago.


6/ Did he explain his lesson to you yesterday?


*Present Continuous Tense (am being/ is being/ are being + PP)

7/ They are building many house in our village now.


8/ She wants to know what sort of research you are doing.


*Past Continuous tense (was being/ were being + PP)

9/ The singer knew that they were praising her.


10/ Are you sure that no one was watching you at that time?


*Present Perfect Tense (has been/ have been + PP)

11/ The president has set up a committee to investigate the problem.


12/ No one has ever asked me that question before.


*Past Perfect Tense (had been + PP)

13/ My wife was very annoyed when she discovered that the cashier had cheated her.

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14/ The police noticed that they had not yet taken the wrecked                car away.


*Modal + infinitive without TO

(shall/ will/ can/ may/ must/ should/ could/….+ be + PP)

15/ We will announce the results of the examination on Tuesday.


16/ Can we use the indefinite article before an uncountable noun?


17/ You should water these plants twice a week.


*Modal perfect (should have/ would have/ could have…..+ been + PP)

18/ Someone must have dropped this book in his hurry.


19/ She could have seen you from the house if it had not been so dark.


* Verbs with two Objects:

20/ She sent me a message last night.


21/ He owed me 20 dollars last week.


22/ The bank will give a free gift to each new customer next week.


Exercise 2: Rewrite the sentences using Passive Voice .

1/ Julia rescued three cats.


2/ The students handed in the reports.


3/ Maria crashed into the blue car.


4/ Alex learned the poem.


5/ Steven has forgotten the book.


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6/ The mechanic has not repaired the DVD recorder.


7/ They play handball.


8/ Sue puts the rucksack on the floor.


9/ The girls had lost the match.


10/ The teacher is not going to open the window.


Exercise 3: Put in the correct form of the verb in Passive into the gaps. Use the verb and the tense given

in brackets.


A letter………………………by Peter. (to write – Simple Present)


A letter is written by Peter.

1/ The words …………………by the teacher today. (to explain – Simple Present)

2/ We………………………. A letter the day before yesterday. (to send – Simple Past)

3/ This car ………………………. It’s too old. (not/to steal – will – future)

4/ This street…………….because of snow. (already/to close – Present Perfect)

5. Anew restaurant……………..next week. (to open – will – future)

6/ He………………to the party yesterday. (to invite – Simple Past)

7/ The blue box ………………………. (can/ not/ to see – Simple Present)

8/ I………………..the book by my friend last Sunday. (to give – Simple Past)

9/ The dishes……………….by my little brother. (not/ to wash – Present perfect)

10/ I………………………by Robber. (not/ to ask – will – future)

Exercise 4: Decide whether the sentences are written in Active or Passive.

1/ They listen to music.


2/ She is reading an e-mail.


3/ These cars are produced in Japan.


4/ Alan teaches Geography.

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5/ German is spoken in Austria.


6/ Lots of houses were destroyed by the earthquake.


7/ Henry Ford invented the assembly line.


8/ You should open your workbooks.


9/ The bus driver was hurt.


10/ Houses have been built.



I/ Comparison of Equality: (So sánh bằng)

Use the positive form of the adjective if the comparison contains one of the following expressions: (Dùng

so sánh bằng khi ta gặp một trong những hình thức sau đây)


e.g.: Jane is as tall as John. (Jane cao như John)

     NOT AS……..AS…………./ NOT SO………………AS…………………..


     John is not as tall as Arnie. (John không cáo bằng Arnie.)

     John is not so tall as Arnie.

II/ Forming Comparative and Superlative Adjectives (Hình thức so sánh hơn và so sánh nhất của

tính từ)

a/ One-syllable adjectives: (Tính Từ Ngắn)

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     Form the comparative and superlative forms of a one-syllable adjective by adding –ER for the

comparative form and –EST for the superlative.

One-Syllable Adjective

(Tính từ ngắn)

Comparative Form

(So sánh hơn)

Superlative Form

(SO sánh nhất)

tall taller the tallest

old older the oldest

long longer the longest


     Mary is taller than Max.

     Mary is the tallest of all the students.


One-Syllable Adjective Ending with a Single

Consonant with a Single Vowel before It (Tính

từ mà tận cùng bằng 1 phụ âm mà trước đó là 1

nguyên âm thì gấp đôi phụ âm cuối lên)

Comparative Form Superlative Form

big bigger the biggest

thin thinner the thinnest

fat fatter The fattest

Mẹo: Có 5 nguyên âm e, u, o, a, i còn lại là phụ âm.

Có thể đọc thành ểu oải sẽ rất dễ nhớ hơn^-^

b) Two-syllable adjectives: (Tính từ dài)

     With most two-syllable adjectives, you form the comparative with MORE and the superlative withTHE


Two-Syllable Adjective Comparative Form Superlative Form

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Peaceful (êm đềm) More peaceful The most peaceful

Pleasant (dễ chịu) More pleasant The most pleasant

Careful (Cẩn thận) More careful The most careful


     This morning is more peaceful than yesterday morning.

     Max’s house in the mountains is the most peaceful in the world.

Two-Syllable Adjective Ending with –y (Tính

từ 2 vần nào tận cùng bằng –y thì được coi

như tính từ ngắn và nhớ đổi “y”thành “i”)

Comparative Form Superlative Form

happy happier the happiest

angry angries the angriest

busy busier the busiest

*Exceptions (Trường hợp ngoại lệ):

Irregular Adjective Comparative Form Superlative Form

good better the best

bad worse the worst

far farther the farthest

little less the least

many/much more the most

*Other comparative form. (Các hình tức so sánh khác)

1. Kém:



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e.g.: This car is less expensive than that car.

(Note: Hình thức này ít thông dụng bằng “NOT……..AS…..” đặc biệt là đối với tính từ ngắn.


- Với tính từ 1 vần:

Adj + ER and Adj + ER

e.g.: The weather gets warmer and warmer.

- Với tính từ nhiều vần:

more and more + Adj

e.g.: She becomes more and more beautiful.


Less and less + Adj

(không phân biệt 1 vần hay nhiều vần)

e.g.: My father becomes less and less strong.

4. CÀNG………THÌ CÀNG…………….

     - Với tính từu 1 vần: the + Adj + ER ….., the + Adj + ER

     e.g.: The richer he gets, the weaker he is.

     - Với tính từ nhiều vần: the more + Adj….., the more + Adj

     e.g.: The more beautiful she is, the more miserable her husband is.

     - Với động từ: the more……, the more……..

     e.g.: The more she hates him, the more he loves her.

4. CÀNG…………..THÌ CÀNG………

- Với tính từu 1 vần: the + Adj + ER ….., the + Adj + ER

     e.g.: The richer he gets, the weaker he is.

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- Với tính từ nhiều vần: the more + Adj….., the more + Adj

     e.g.: The more beautiful she is, the more miserable her husband is.

- Với động từ: the more……, the more……..

     e.g.: The more she hates him, the more he loves her.

Exercise 1: Fil in the correct form of the words in brackets (AS…..AS)

1.John is (tall)…………………..Glen.

2. Janet is (beautiful)……………………..Jenifer.

3. You are (crazy)…………………….my sister.

4. We can run (fast)………………………….they can.

5. My mom is (not/strict)………………..your mum.

6. Your mobile phone is (not/expensive)…………………mine.

7. This film was (not/interesting)………………..that film.

8. This cake (not/taste/good)………………………the one I bought yesterday.

9. I can make (many/breads)…………………you.

10. He (not/earn/much/money)……………..you do.

Exercise 2: Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative) (so sánh

hơn hoặc so sánh nhất)

1.My house is (big)…………….then yours.

2. This flower is (beautiful)……………..than that one.

3. This is the (interesting)……………..book I have ever read.

4. Non-smokers usually live (long)…………..than smokers.

5. Which is the (dangerous)………….animal in the world?

6. A holiday by the sea is (good)…….than a holiday in the mountains.

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7. It is strange but often a coke is (expensive)……than a beer.

8. Who is the (rich)……………….woman on earth?

9. The weather this summer is even (bad)……..than last summer.

10. He was the (intelligent)…………..thief of all.

Exercise 3: Fill in the correct form of the following adjectives:

1.Los Angeles is (large)……..than Chicago.

2. New York is the (large)…………………city of the United States.

3. The weather in Hollywood is (good)…………….than in New York or New Jersey.

4. Nestor Studios is the (old)……………..movie company in Hollywood.

5. Disneyland is (interesting)………………than any other park.

6. London is the (large)………….city in Great Britain.

7. No other British city has as (many)…………inhabitants as London.

8. The London subway is the (old)…………subway in the world.

9. The Tower of London is one of the (famous)………………..London sights.

10. London is one of the (wet)……………cities in the world.


I/ USED TO (Đã từng)




S + used to + V-infinitive

(-) S + didn’t + use to + V-infinitive

(?) Did + S + use to + V-infinitive?

*Use 1:

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We use “used to” for something that happened regularly in the past but no longer happens.


- I used to smoke a packet a day but I stopped two years ago.

- I didn’t use to drive to work ten years ago.

- Did Ben use to travel a lot in his last job?

* Use 2:

We also use “used to” for something that was true but no longer is.


- I didn’t use to like him but now I do.

- There used to be a cinema in the town but now there isn’t.

- She used to have really long hair but her hair is short now.

II/ BE USED TO (Quen với)


S + Be used to + V-ing


We use “be used to + V-ing” to say that something is normal, not unusual.


- I am used to living on my own. I’ve done it for quite a long time.

- Jack has lived in England for over a year so he is used to driving on the left now.

- They’ve always lived in hot countries so they aren’t sued to the cold weather here.

III/ GET USED TO (Thích hợp với)


Get used to + V-ing

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We use “get used to + V-ing” to talk about the process of something becoming normal for us.


- I didn’t understand the accent when I first moved here but I quickly got used to it.

- She has started working nights and is still getting used to sleeping during the day.

- I have always lived in the country but now I’m beginning to get used to living in the city.


1.When I was a student, I sued to (work)……in a bar.

2. I will never get used to (work)…….nights. I prefer working days

3. She isn’t used to (live)…..on her own. The house feels quite empty.

4. When I worked in the city, I used to (get up)…….really early.

5. Are you getting used to (live)……………in your new house yet?

6. We are not used to (live)……. In a cold climate. We’re used to a warm one.

7. I used to (be)……… a gardener. I’m not used to (sit)………….in an office all day.

8. Since I retired from my job, I can’t get used to (have)…………..nothing to do all day.

9. In my last job, I used to (wear)………….. a suite and tie. Now I wear jeans.

10. I was just getting used to (wear)……..glasses.



- Conditional Sentences are also known as Conditional Clauses or If clause (Câu điều kiện cũng được

biết như là các mệnh đề điều kiện hoặc là các mệnh đề If)

- They are used to express that the action in the main clause (without if) can only take place with a certain

condition (in the clause with if). (Chúng được dùng để diễn tả 1 hành động trong mệnh đề chính (không

có if) có thể xảy ra với một điều kiện cụ thể (trong mệnh đề có if)

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***There are three Conditional Sentences: - Có 3 loại câu điều kiện.

I) Type 1: Present or Future Real Condition - Câu điều kiện có thật ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai.


IF + Simple Present, will-Future


- If I find her address, I will send her an invitation.

- If I don’t see him this afternoon, I will phone him in the evening.

- If John has enough money, he will buy a new car.

II) Type 2: Present Unreal Condition - Câu điều kiện không có thật ở hiện tại.


IF + Pass Subjunctive, WOULD + Infinitive

*Note: Past Subjunctive is similar to the Simple Past, only that the verb “BE” becomes “WERE” for all

persons. (Past Subjunctive thì tương tự với thì quá khứ đơn, chỉ khác là  động từ “Be” luôn chia thành

“were” cho tất cả các ngôi)


- If I were you, I would not do this.

- If I had a lot of money, I wouldn’t stay here.

- I would send her an invitation if I found her address.

III) Type 3: Past Unreal Condition - Câu điều kiện không có thật ở quá khứ.


IF + Past Perfect, WOULD + HAVE + Past Participle


- Yesterday, if I had found her address, I would have sent her an invitation.

- Last year, if I had studied hard, I would have passed my exams.

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- If John had had enough money last week, he would have bought a new car.

Exercise 1: Complete the Conditional Sentences TYPE 1

1. If Daisy and Sue (prepare)………the salad, Phil (paint)…………the house.

2. If Sue (cut) …………..the onions for the salad, Caroline (wash)…………the mushrooms.

3. If Bob (tidy)………….up the kitchen, Anita (clean)…………….the toilet.

4. Mary (buy)…………..the drinks if somebody (help)………….her carry the bottles.

5. If Bob (cook)………..the barbecue, Sue (do)……………the dishes.

Exercise If: Complete the Conditional Sentences TYPE 2

1. If I (play)…………the lottery, I (have)………..a chance to win.

2. If I (win)………the lottery, I (be)…………rich.

3. If I (be)………….rich, my life (change) ……….completely.

4. I (buy)…………. A lonely island, if I (find)…………a nice one.

5. If I (own)………. A lonely is land, I (build)…………….. a huge house by the beach.

Exercise 3: Complete the Conditional Sentences TYPE I + II + III

1. If I (be) …….stronger, I’d help you carry the piano.

2. If we’d seen you, we (stop)…………………..

3. If we (meet)…………….him tomorrow, we’ll say hello.

4. He would have repaired the car himself if he (have)……… the tools.

5. If you drop the vase, it (break)…………….

6. If hadn’t studied, I (not/pass)…………….the exam.

7. I wouldn’t go to school by bus if I (have)………….a driving license.

8. I (fly)………… to London if I get a cheap flight.

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9. If I (come)………home earlier yesterday, I would have met him.

10. We’d be stupid if we (tell)…………him about our secret.

11. If you need the car in the afternoon, I (go)……………. Shopping in the morning.

12. If I (wear)……. A hat, I would look like an old woman.

13. I’ll buy this bag if they (have)………..it in blue.

14. If I didn’t have you, I (not/know) …………….what to do.

15. She wouldn’t pay cash if she (have)……….a credit card.


*Definition: (Định nghĩa đại từ quan hệ)A Relative Pronoun stands for the proceeding noun or pronoun (antecedent) and introduces an adjective clause.


-The man, who is standing over there, is my father.

- The table, which my mother bought yesterday, is beautiful.

1. General rubles:



Persons Things and Animals

Subject (Chủ từ)

Object (Túc từ)

Possessive (Sở hữu)







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1. Do you know the man who wrote these poems?


a) My employer, whom I dislike, works in the next room.

(WHOM: object of DISLIKE)

b) Is that the man of whom you have been waiting?

(WHOM: object of FOR)

3. Alex Cook is a man whose opinions I respect.

That is the girl whose father works in the foundry.

4. Swimming, which is a sport, makes people strong.


a) The flowers which you brought are beautiful.

(WHICH: object of BROUGHT)

b) That is the shop in which she works.

(WHICH: object of IN)

6. A tree whose branches (the branches of which/of which the branches) are dead should be cut down.

* It is much better to use a preposition phrase:

A tree with dead branches should be cut down.


1. WHOM, WHICH and THAT are usually omitted from restrictive (defining) clauses when they are

the object of the verb in the clause, or of a preposition that does not stand before them.

- Daddy, this is the man (who/that) I want to marry.

- The flowers (which/that) you brought are beautiful.

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- The men (whom/that) we voted for won the election.

2. WHICH may have a whole preceding clause as its antecedent. In the use,WHICH is equivalent


- He invited us to dinner, which (and this/that) was very kind of him.

- They won the medal at last, which (and this/that victory) delighted the school.


a) THAT may replace WHO, WHOM and WHICH in restrictive (defining) clauses (in the examples 1

and 5a above).

b) THAT is not used after the comma (,) in non-restrictive (non-defining) clauses or after


- Air, which we breathe, is made up of many gases.

- The man to whom you spoke is the manager.

(The man that you spoke to is the manager.)

c) THAT should be used:

* After a mixed antecedent (person + thing or animal)

- I met the people, cattle and vehicles that went to market.

- The dancers and landscapes that he painted were very vivid.

* After Adjectives in the superlative and THE FIRST, THE LAST, THE ONLY, THE VERY……

- He is the kindest doctor that I’ve ever worked with.

- The last words that he spoke were: “Long live Vietnam!”

- John was the only student that didn’t pass the examination.

* After most Indefinite Pronouns: ALL, MUCH, LITTLE, ANY, NONE, NOTHING, ANYTHING,


- Have you got all that you need?

- Much that I have ever read is untrue.

- I have never known anyone that is as lovely as our teacher.

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- I love everything that she makes for me.

* After the opening IT IS/ WAS…. And the corresponding interrogative form.

- It was John that I was just talking to.

- Is it I that will be sacked by the boss?



Gerund is a verb used as a Noun. Gerund is also called Verbal Noun. The form of Gerund and Present

Participle is the same. However, their uses are different. 

(Gerund is a verb used là một  động từ được dùng như là 1 danh từ. Gerund cũng được gọi là Danh

Động Tự. Hình thức của Gerund và hiện tại hoàn thành giống nhau. Tuy nhiên, cách dùng của chúng thì

khác nhau).

Examples of Gerund:

- Learning English is not too difficult.

- Reading is my hobby.


1. Gerund as Subject (Gerund dùng làm chủ ngữ)

e.g.: Swimming is good.

2. Gerund as Object (Gerund dùng làm tân ngữ).

e.g.: I like swimming.

3. Gerund as Subjective Complement (Gerund dùng làm bổ sung nghĩa cho chủ ngữ).

e.g.: His favorite sport is swimming.

4. Gerund after preposition (Gerund dùng sau giới từ)

e.g.: I am fund of swimming.

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5. Gerund after phrasal verb (Gerund dùng sau các động từ kép): care for (thích), give up (từbỏ),

leave off (thôi, ngừng), put off (hoãn lại), go on/keep on (tiếp tục)….


He gave up smoking last year.

I care for drinking coffee.

6. Gerund after: look forward to (trông mong), be used to/be accustomed to (quen, quen với), be worth

(xứng đáng), be busy (bận), there is no (chẳng còn cách nào), it’s no use/ no good (chẳng ích gì), Do you

mind/Would you mind (xin cảm phiền), can’t help/ can’t resist (không thể không, không khỏi)…..


I can’t help feeling sad.

7. Gerund after following verbs: admit, avoid, appreciate, consider, dislike, delay, enjoy, escape,

imagine, finish, hate, keep, mind, miss, prefer, practice, postpone, start, stop, suggest, try, understand…..


I finished doing my homework.

We stopped talking.

*** NOTES:

- Gerund cũng có thể đứng sau mạo từ “the” hoặc Tính từ sở hữu giống như danh từ.

e.g.: Do you mind my smoking?

- Bản thân Gerund cũng có túc từ riêng của nó.

e.g.: He gave up drinking alcohol.

- Nhưng khi Gerund có mạo từ “the” đứng trước thì phải thêm giới từu Of giữa Gerund và túc từcủa nó.

e.g.: The reclaiming of land.

** Verbs followed by Gerund of Infinitive:

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1. Begin, Start, Continue, Cease: sau các động từ này có thể dùng To-infinitive hay Gerund cũng được.

Nhưng nếu động từ đi sau là các động từ chỉ tri giác như Know, See, Think, Understand, Realize……

thì thường dùng To-infinitive.

It stopped raining.

He began to understand what I was saying.

2. Advise, Allow, Permit, Recommend: sau các động từ này nếu có túc từ thì động từ đi sau túc từ phải

dùng To-infinitive; nếu không có túc từ thì dùng Gerund.


- He allowed me to go out.

- He allowed going out.

3. Regret, Remember, Forget: nếu động từ đi sau các động từ này diễn tả   một hành động xảy ra trước

thì dùng Gerund; nếu xảy ra sau thì dùng TO-infinitive.


I regret spending so much money.

I regret to be unable to come tomorrow.

He will never forget living in prison.

I forget to bring my English book.

4. Stop: Nếu sau Stop dùng Gerund thì có nghĩa là thôi làm, ngừng. Còn nếu dùng To-infinitive thì có

nghĩa là dừng lại để làm một việc khác.


- We stop talking.

- Please stop smoking.

- We stopped to ask the way.

- Daisy stopped to have a shoat rest.

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5. Try: Nếu dùng To-infinitive thif cos nghĩa là cố   gắng , còn nếu dùng Gerund thì có nghĩa là thử.


- He tried to complete his work.

- He tried eating Chinese food. (He had never eaten it before).

6. Need, Require, Want: sau 3 động từ này có thể dùng Gerund hoặc To be + Part Participle đểdiễn tả ý

bị động.


- Your hair needs  cutting.

- Your hair needs to be cut.

7. Used to, Be/Get used to:

a) Used to + Bare Infinitive (diễn tả thói quen trong quá khứ nay không còn nữa)


- My brother used to smoke.

- She used to drink a lot of coffee.

b) Be/Get used to + Gerund (quen, quen với)


- My mother is used to getting up early.

- We get used to drinking tea after dinner.


Put the verbs in parentheses in their correct Infinitive or Gerund forms:

1. The children are busy (collect)……..shells on the beach.

2. I don’t much care for (go)……..to that restaurant.

3. Would you mind (answer)…….the phone when it rings?

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4. She had to ask the boys (stop)……..(make)………noise.

5. Our teacher has promised (help)……..us (prepare)……..for the exams.

6. I would like (have)………an opportunity of (meet)……you again.


Put the verbs in parentheses in their correct Infinitive or Gerund forms:

1. The children are busy (collect)……..shells on the beach.

2. I don’t much care for (go)……..to that restaurant.

3. Would you mind (answer)…….the phone when it rings?

4. She had to ask the boys (stop)……..(make)………noise.

5. Our teacher has promised (help)……..us (prepare)……..for the exams.

6. I would like (have)………an opportunity of (meet)……you again.

7. She love (eat)…….oranges.

8. Can you manage (finish)…….(write)…….these reports by yourself?

9. She stopped (talk)…….as if waiting for him (speak)………..

10. He advised me (consider)………al the facts before (decide)…….(accept)……..the job.

11. They refused (allow)……..us (go)….…..in.

12. Mary agreed (go)…..…..to the circus with Ann.

13. Mike is considering (buy)……...a new car.

14. Bill has promised (not do)……...it again.

15. Would you mind (not smoke)………here?

16. It’s no good (ask)……..his opinion.

17. He got used to (live)……… alone.

18. I like (go)……buy bus.

19. She suggests (hold)………..another meeting next week.

20. You had better (consult)…….your lawyer.

21. She expects (see)…….him tomorrow.

22. Mrs. Brown prefers (watch)………..television.

23. I regret (not be)……..able to attend your birthday party yesterday.

24. We begin (learn)……a language by (listen)…..to new sounds.

25. We should (avoid)…..(hurt)…..other people’s feelings.

26. Is there anyone (take)………care of the children?

27. His knowledge is so wide that we can’t help (admire)……..him.

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28. The soil needs (fertilize)……….

29. The land needs (be reclaimed)………

30. The Smiths postponed (pay)……….a visit to London.



We use the verb “HOPE” when something is very possible.

1.To say what you hope about the present, you use the Present:

-I hope he is all right.

- I hope he knows where the clinic is.

- I hope he is having a good time in Florida.

- I hope he likes Italian food.

2. To say what you hope about the past, you use the Simple Past:

-I hope she found   the restaurant.

- I hope he passed his class last semester.

3. To say what you hope about the future, you use the Simple Present (or the Simple Future,

although it is less common):

-I hope he  has  a good time in Florida next month.

(I hope he will have a good time in Florida next month.)

-I hope she comes to see us when she passes through New York.

(I hope she will come to see us when she passes through New York.)


We use the verb WISH about impossible things or things that are not likely to happen (thing that you don’t

really expect to happen.)

1. To say what you wish about the Future, you use WOULD:

-I wish Clinton would do more to help the poor.

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- I wish you would quit smoking soon.

2. To say what you wish about the Present, you use the SIMPLE PAST

(*Note: We use WERE for all subjects)

- I wish I had a good job.

(You have a bad job now.)

- I wish I had   a million dollars.

(You don’t have a lot of money.)

- I wish I knew how to speak Japanese.

(You can’t speak it.)

- I wish I could type.

(You can’t type.)

- I wish I were a god dancer.

(You’re a bad dancer.)

- I wish she were nicer to me.

(She’s not nice to you.)

3. To say what you wish about the Past, you use the PAST PERFECT:

- I wish I had passed my ESL class last semester!

(You didn’t pass)

- I wish she had   given  me her phone number.

(She didn’t give it to you.)


*Use WISH or HOPE and an appropriate verb

1.I wish I …………. a bigger house. I can’t have a party for a big crowd here.

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2. I hope she ……. a good job soon. She has three months behind in her rent.

3. I wish he ……. smoking. Those cigarettes have given him a terrible cough!

4. I wish you ……. at the party with me last night. It was so much fun!

5. I hope she ……….the stadium tonight with that map we drew for her.

6. I wish the teacher ……….things more clearly. I’m always confused in this class.

7. I wish I ……. some well-connected people who could help me with my problem.

8. I wish politicians…………more honest! It seems that they’re always lying.

9. I wish I………..the Pope when he came to New York two years ago.

10. I hope I………….the Pope when he comes here next month.

11. I hope everything …….well for you during your final exam next week.

12. I hope everybody ……..this course next month.

13. I wish there……more books about computers in this bookstore.

14. I hope there ……. A lot of good books on computers at the bookstore.

15. I hope he ……better soon. He’s been sick for two weeks!

16. I wish doctors…….cure cancer. It’s such a frightening disease!

17. I wish my grandfather…..last year. There are so many things going on in my life that I wish I could talk

to him about.

18. I hope Margaret ………..the present that we bought for her.

19. I wish Sam……….that girl. He got her into trouble and now his life is a mess.

20. I wish I ………Chinese. It’s impossible to go shopping here in Beijing.


BASIC PRINCIPLE: (Nguyên tắc cơ bản giữa sự hòa hợp giữa chủ từ và động từ)

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Singular subjects need Singular verbs; Plural subjects need Plural verbs. (Chủ từ số ít thì động tựsố ít,

chủ từ số chiều thì động số nhiều)


- My brother is an engineer.

- My sisters are dancers.


As a general rule, use a Plural verb with two or more subjects when they are connected by and. (Sử dụng

động từ số nhiều khi đề cập đến 2 danh từ khác nhau và nối với nhau bằng “and”)


-A car and a bike are my means of transportation.

*However, in case the two connected subjects refer to the same person or thing, we use a Singular verb.

(Khi từ add ở giữa 2 danh từ mà nó chỉ đề cập đến 1 người hay 1 điều gì đó thì ta dùng động từ số ít.)


- My classmate and best friend is   Mary. (Mary vừa là bạn cùng lớp và bạn thân của tôi) -> Chỉ đềcập đến

1 người nên ta chia động từ số ít.


The pronouns each, everyone, everybody, anyone, anybody, someone, somebody, no one, nobodyare

Singular and require Singular verbs. (Luôn chia động từ số ít với những từ trên)


- Each of the girls sings well

- Everyone is ready now.

*RULE 3.

When two subjects are connected by or, either/or or neither/nor, the verb agrees with the Second subject.

(Khi có 2 chủ từ kết nối với nhau bởi or, either/or hoặc neither/nor, động từđược chia dựa theo

chủ ngữ thứ 2)


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- Either Tome or Jerry has the tickets.

- Neither Jenny nor the others are here now.


When the Subject is either of or neither of plus a plural noun, we use a Singular Verb. (Khi chủ từlà either

of hoặc neither of cộng với danh từ số nhiều, chúng ta dùng động từ số ít.


- Either of these dresses looks good on you.

- Neither of the boys has finished his homework.


If two subjects are connected by words such as along with, as well as, no less than, besides, ornot, the

verb agrees with the First Subject. (Nếu 2 chủ từ nối với nhau bằng các từ along with, as well as, no less

than, besides, hoặc not, thì động từ chia dựa vào Chủ từ thứ nhất.


- The politician, along with the newsmen, is   expected to come shortly.

- The manager, as well as his assistants, has arrived.


Use a Singular verb with sums of money or periods of time. (Sử dụng động từ số ít với tiền, đơn vị đo

lường hoặc 1 khoảng thời gian)


- Ten dollars is   a high price to pay.

- Five years is a long time for me.

*RULE 7.

When the subject is one of the relative pronouns such as who, whom, which, or that, the verb agrees with

the Antecedent. (Khi chủ từ là 1 trong số các đại từ quan hệ who, whom, which hoặc that, thì động từ hợp

với động từ đi trước đó) (Nếu nó thay thế cho số ít thì động từ theo sau là số ít và ngược lại)


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- Mr. Brown is the scientist who writes the reports. (Mr Brown là một nhà khoa học số ít động từ ta chia

theo số ít ở thì hiện tại đơn He/She/It thêm s/es)

- He is one of the men who do the work. (The men là số nhiều I/You/We/They nên ta dùng Do)


With words that indicate portions – percent, port, the majority, the minority, some, all, none, a number –

look at the noun in your of phrase (object of the preposition) to determine whether to use

a Singular or Plural verb. If the object of the preposition is Singular, use a Singular verb If the object of the

preposition is Plural, use a Plural verb. (Với các từ xác định phần – phần trăm, 1 phần, đa số, thiểu số, tất

cả, …..- thì nhìn vào danh từ of phrase( danh từ của túc từ đằng sau) để quyết định xem sử dụng động

từ số ít hoặc số nhiều. Nếu túc từ của giới từ là số ít thì dùng số ít. Nếu túc từ của số từ là số nhiều thì

dùng động từ số nhiều.


- Fifty percent of the pie has disappeared.

- Fifty percent of the pies have disappeared.

- One-third of the city is unemployed.

- One-third of the people are unemployed.

- All of the pie is gone.

- All of the pies are gone.

- Some of the pic is missing.

- Some of the pies are missing.

- None of the garbage was picked up.

- None of the students were absent.


Collective nouns such as family, committee, team, crowd, staff…. May be Singular if it is thought of as a

single unit or Plural if it is thought of as individuals. (Những danh từ tập hơp như family, committee, team,

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crowd, staff Ta dùng số nhiều khi ngữ cảnh nó là số nhiều hoặc dùng số ít nếu ngữ cảnh nói đang là

số ít.


- The Jackson family is   a very happy one.

(The Jackson family is acting as a unit here)

-The staff are in disagreement about the findings.

(The staff are acting as separate individuals in this example.)

*RULE 10

The following subjects are plural and require Plural verb: People, Police, Cattle, Scissors, Trousers,

Pants, Shorts, Jeans, Glasses. (Gặp những từ trên luôn chia ở số nhiều)


- Police were coming when the thief tried to escape.

- My trousers are old.

- Her glasses are very expensive.

*RULE 11

The following words end with “s”, but they are singular and require Singular verb: News, Series, Physics,

Mathematics, Polities,…..(Khi gặp những từ tận cùng với “s” trên ta chú ý là chia ở số ít chứ không phải

số nhiều)


- The news is quite shocking to me.

- I think mathematics is very difficult.

*RULE 12

Some proper names always take as “s” ending, but they require Singular verb, such as: The United

States, The United Nations, The Philippines, The Netherlands……..(Một số danh từ riêng luôn luôn có

chữ “s” theo sau, nhưng ta phải chia ở dạng số ít)


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- The United States is in America.

- The Philippines is a country in Asia.

*RULE 13

The following nouns are always singular and require Singular verbs: Advice, Furniture, Equipment,

Knowledge, Luggage, Money, Homework, Housework, Information. (Những danh từ trên luôn luôn là số ít

và chia động từ ở số ít.


- The furniture of this house is nice and comfortable.

- The luggage over there is hers.

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