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13 Insider Tips on Facebook Ads

Facebook Advertising is an awesome marketing tactic...

when done right.

But wouldn’t it be easier if you knew all the inside tricks that make some companies so successful with it?

We asked 5 world-class experts in Facebook Advertising for their top tips and we’re sharing them with you right here!

Their tips are short, digestible, and immediately actionable!

…You can thank us later :)

1 Make use of Unpublished Posts

Use Unpublished Posts to target more effectively without spamming all your fans. This can be great for testing, regional promotions, or new customer offers.

Laura Crimmons | Communications Director, BRANDED3 @LauraCrimmons

Power Editor

2 Power Editor is your friend

Power Editor has some really great features you won’t find in standard Ad Manager view. Here you can manage campaigns in bulk and be a lot more precise in targeting and budgeting.

Laura Crimmons | Communications Director, BRANDED3 @LauraCrimmons

3 Let Facebook do the work for you

When creating your ad, you can choose your actual business objective (website conversions, app installs, etc.) instead of trying to play bidding games.

Dennis Yu | Chief Technology Officer, BlitzMetrics@DennisYu

4 2016 is the Year of Video

Pictures are worth a thousand words. A video is a thousand pictures. Now where should you focus your content efforts with Facebook ads?

Dennis Yu | Chief Technology Officer, BlitzMetrics@DennisYu

5 Don’t Hire a Facebook AdsPerson

The biggest mistake in Facebook advertising is hiring a social consultant instead of a passionate, knowledgeable fan of your product who understands how to target content to the right audience.

Dennis Yu | Chief Technology Officer, BlitzMetrics@DennisYu

6 Use LookalikeAudiences

Get higher conversion rates by targeting users similar to your customers with Lookalike Audiences.

Isabelle Mathieu | Social Media and Digital Marketing Consultant, Trainer & Speaker


7 Embrace Carousel Ads

Get creative with Carousel Ads: showcase one or multiple products, tell your brand story, highlight customer testimonials, and create an immersive experience.

Isabelle Mathieu | Social Media and Digital Marketing Consultant, Trainer & Speaker


8 Use CustomAudiences

Website Visit

Custom Audience

Use Custom Audiences to target people who have visited a specific product or service page on your site.

Isabelle Mathieu | Social Media and Digital Marketing Consultant, Trainer & Speaker


9 Don’t Talk About Your Products

Instead of promoting product features, focus on the benefits your product has to offer.

Isabelle Mathieu | Social Media and Digital Marketing Consultant, Trainer & Speaker


10 Don’t think Facebook vs.YouTube

When it comes to social video, each has its strengths, and it’s not a zero-sum game.

Paul Herdtner | Director of Marketing and Communications, AdParlor, @pherdtner

11 All campaigns are not created equal

Target Facebook users appropriately, depending upon where they are in the marketing funnel. Adapt your content based on how much they know about your company already.

Paul Herdtner | Director of Marketing and Communications AdParlor, @pherdtner

12 Reuse and readjust images for testing

Zooming, cropping, adding filters or borders, and applying text overlays to your existing imagery are just small tweaks, but can make a huge impact.

Sandra Rand, Director of Marketing, OrionCKB @sandra_rand

13 Go mobile orgo home

Facebook routinely advises us to have 80% of our clients’ budgets on mobile. Some clients are even at 100%. So unless you are a desktop-only app or something of that nature, you need to think mobile first.

Sandra Rand, Director of Marketing, OrionCKB @sandra_rand

Want to learn more? Download the Science of Successful Facebook Ads.

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