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  • 8/12/2019 135396001 Customer Relationship Management of Birla Sun Life



    Introduction to the projectstopic


    The project title is in the depth study of CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT incontext of BIRLA SUN LIFE INSURANCE LIMITED.


    In the present constantly developing scenario rapidly changing technology and consumers tastes

    and preferences have become order of the day .To survive in the market , a firm has not only to

    be constantly innovating for new process , designs and materials , but also keeping it well aware

    about the latest trend and tastes .Consumer behavior provides invaluable clues and guidelines to

    marketers on new technological and product frontiers , which they should explore for survival of

    their business with adequate profits .

    The heterogeneity among people across the world makes understanding consumer buying

    behavior is really a challenging task. The consumer identity, his beliefs, specific needs, attitudes

    and the kind of product and brands available in that product category influence his buying

    behavior .The marketing efforts of a firm have a profound impact on the buying behavior of

    customers .Therefore marketers attempt to obtain an in-depth knowledge of customers buying

    behavior .The success or failure of a product or service is directly related to the buying behavior

    of customer. Hence to understanding of the buying behavior of the customers helps marketerscome up with innovative product mixes.

    Finally, buyer behavior acts as an imperative tool in the hands of marketers to forecast the future

    buying behavior of the customers and device marketing strategies accordingly in order to create

    long term relationship with the customers.

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    What is CRM?

    CRM is a business strategy that aims to understand, anticipate and manage the needs ofan organisations current and potential customers.

    It is a comprehensive approach which provides seamless integration of every area ofbusiness that touches the customer- namely marketing, sales, customer services and field

    support through the integration of people, process and technology.

    CRM is a shift from traditional marketing as it focuses on the retention of customers inaddition to the acquisition of new customers.

    The expression Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is becoming standardterminology, replacing what is widely perceived to be a misleadingly narrow term,

    relationship marketing (RM).

    The term CRM is used to describe the whole business strategy oriented on consumerneeds.

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    Definition of CRM

    CRM is concerned with the creation, development and enhancement of individualised customer

    relationships with carefully targeted customers and customer groups resulting in maximizing

    their total customer life-time value.

    Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is to enable organizations to better serve its

    customers through the introduction of reliable processes and procedures for interacting with

    those customers

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    Why is CRM important?

    Todays businesses compete with multi-product offerings created and delivered bynetworks, alliances and partnerships of many kinds. Both retaining customers and

    building relationships with other value-adding allies is critical to corporate performance.

    The adoption of CRM is being fuelled by a recognition that long-term relationships withcustomers are one of the most important assets of an organization.

    To gain the competitive edge. To discover the new selling opportunities. To achieve an integral internal business system. To make the automation of routine tasks possible.

    Organizations are now trying to create wonderful experience for their customers and focusing

    more on what customer has than on what is being sold to them. This arises from the deep desire

    on customers part to have a good relation with the company. Organizations are now capitalizing

    this need and understanding the importance of CRM application.

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    What does CRM involve?

    CRM involves the following:

    Organisations must become customer focused. Organisations must be prepared to adapt so that it take customer needs into account and

    delivers them.

    Market research must be undertaken to assess customer needs and satisfaction.

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    Information Technology and CRM

    Technology plays a pivotal role in CRM Technological approaches involving the use of databases, data mining and one-to-one

    marketing can assist organisations to increase customer value and their own profitability.

    This type of technology can be used to keep a record of customers names and contactdetails in addition to their history of buying products or using services .

    This information can be used to target customers in a personalised way and offer themservices to meet their specific needs .

    This personalised communication provides value for the customer and increasescustomers loyalty to the provider .

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    Face-to-face CRM

    CRM can also be carried out in face-to-face interactions without the use of technology Staff members often remember the names and favourite services/products of regular

    customers and use this information to create a personalised service for them.

    For example, in a hospital library you will know the name of nurses that come in oftenand probably remember the area that they work in.

    However, face-to-face CRM could prove less useful when organisations have a largenumber of customers as it would be more difficult to remember details about each of


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    Benefits of CRM

    Benefits of CRM include :

    reduced costs, because the right things are being done (ie., effective and efficientoperation)

    increased customer satisfaction, because they are getting exactly what they want (ie.meeting and exceeding expectations)

    ensuring that the focus of the organisation is external growth in numbers of customers maximisation of opportunities (eg. increased services, referrals, etc.) increased access to a source of market and competitor information highlighting poor operational processes

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    Implementing CRM

    When introducing or developing CRM, a strategic review of the organisations currentposition should be undertaken

    Organisations need to address four issues:

    1. What is our core business and how will it evolve in the future?2. What form of CRM is appropriate for our business now and in the future?3. What IT infrastructure do we have and what do we need to support the future

    organisation needs?

    4. What vendors and partners do we need to choose?

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    Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is one of those magnificent concepts that swept the

    business world in the 1990s with the promise of forever changing the way businesses small and

    large interacted with their customer bases. In the short term, however, it proved to be an

    unwieldy process that was better in theory than in practice for a variety of reasons. First among

    these was that it was simply so difficult and expensive to track and keep the high volume of

    records needed accurately and constantly update them.In the last several years, however, newer

    software systems and advanced tracking features have vastly improved CRM capabilities and the

    real promise of CRM is becoming a reality. As the price of newer, more customizable Internet

    solutions have hit the marketplace; competition has driven the prices down so that even relatively

    small businesses are reaping the benefits of some custom CRM programs.

    In the beginning.The 1980s saw the emergence of database marketing, which was simply a catch phrase to define

    the practice of setting up customer service groups to speak individually to all of a companys


    In the case of larger, key clients it was a valuable tool for keeping the lines of communication

    open and tailoring service to the clients needs. In the case of smaller clients, however, it tended

    to provide repetitive, survey-like information that cluttered databases and didnt provide much

    insight. As companies began tracking database information, they realized that the bare bones

    were all that was needed in most cases: what they buy regularly, what they spend, what they do.

    Advances in the 1990sIn the 1990s companies began to improve on Customer Relationship Management by making it

    more of a two-way street. Instead of simply gathering data for their own use, they began giving

    back to their customers not only in terms of the obvious goal of improved customer service, but

    in incentives, gifts and other perks for customer loyalty.This was the beginning of the now familiar frequent flyer programs, bonus points on credit cards

    and a host of other resources that are based on CRM tracking of customer activity and spending

    patterns. CRM was now being used as a way to increase sales passively as well as through active

    improvement of customer service.

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    History of insurance

    Early methods of transferring or distributing risk were practiced by Chinese and Babyloniantraders as long ago as the3rd and 2nd millennia BCE respectively. Chinese merchants travelingtreacherous river rapids would redistribute their wares across many vessels to limit the loss dueto any single capsizing. The Babylonians developed a system which was recorded in the famousCode of Hammurabi, c. 1750 BC, and practiced by early Mediterranean sailing merchants. If amerchant received a loan to fund his shipment, he would pay the lender an additional sum inexchange for the lender's guarantee to cancel the loan should the shipment be stolen.

    Monarchs were the first to insure their people and made it official by registering the insuringprocess in governmental notary offices. The insurance tradition was performed each year inNorouz (beginning of the Iranian New Year); the heads of different ethnic groups as well asothers willing to take part, presented gifts to the monarch. The most important gift was presented

    during a special ceremony and when a gift was worth more than 10,000 Derrik (Monarchs goldcoin weighing 8.35-8.42) the issue was registered in a special office. This was advantageous tothose presented such special gifts. For others, the presents were fairly assessed by the confidantsof the court. Then the assessment was registered in special offices. The aim of registering wasthat whenever the one who presented the gift registered by the court was in trouble, the monarchand the court would help him or her.

    Jahez, a historian and writer, writes in one of his books on ancient Iran: and whenever the ownerof the present is in trouble or wants to construct a building, set up a feast, have his childrenmarried, etc. the one in charge of this in the court would check the registration. If the registeredamount exceeded 10,000 Derrik, he or she would receive an amount of twice as much." TheGreeks and Romans introduced the origins of health and life insurance c. 600 AD when theyorganized guilds called "benevolent societies" which acted to care for the families and funeralexpenses of members upon death. Guilds in the Middle Ages served a similar purpose. TheTalmud deals with several aspects of insuring goods.

    Before insurance was established in the late 17thcentury, "friendly societies" existed in England,in which people donated amounts of money to a general sum that could be used in case ofemergency.

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    Types of insurance

    Any risk that can be quantified probably has a type of insurance to protect

    it. Among the different types of insurance are:

    Automobile insurance , also known as auto insurance, car insurance and in the UK as motorinsurance, is probably the most common form of insurance and may cover both legal liabilityclaims against the driver and loss of or damage to the vehicle itself. Over most of the UnitedStates purchasing an auto insurance policy is required to legally operate a motor vehicle onpublic roads. Recommendations for which policy limits should be used are specified in a numberof books. In some jurisdictions, bodily injury compensation for automobile accident victims hasbeen changed to No Fault systems, which reduce or eliminate the ability to sue for

    compensation but provide automatic eligibility for benefits.

    Casualty insuranceinsures against accidents, not necessarily tied to

    any specific property.

    Credit insurancepays some or all of a loan back when certain things

    happen to the borrower such as unemployment, disability, or death.

    Financial loss insuranceprotects individuals and companies against

    various financial risks

    Health insurancecovers medical bills incurred because of sickness or


    Liability insurancecovers legal claims against the insured .Life

    insurance provides a cash benefit to a decedent's family or other

    designated beneficiary, and may specifically provide for burial,funeral and

    other final expenses.


    Total permanent disability insuranceprovides benefits when a person is permanently disabled

    and can no longer work in their profession, often taken as an adjunct to life insurance.

    Marine Insurance covers the loss or damage of goods at sea. Marine insurance typicallycompensates the owner of merchandise for losses sustained from fire, shipwreck, etc., butexcludes losses that can be recovered from the carrier.

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    Types of insurance companies

    Insurance companies may be classified as :

    Lifeinsurance companies, who sell life insurance, annuities and pensions products.

    Non-life or general insurance companies, who sell other types of insurance.

    In most countries, life and non-life insurers are subject to different regulations, tax andaccounting rules. The main reason for the distinction between the two types of company is thatlife business is very long term in nature coverage for life assurance or a pension can coverrisks over many decades. By contrast, non-life insurance cover usually covers a shorter period,such as one year.

    Insurance companies are generally classified as either mutual or stock companies. This is moreof a traditional distinction as true mutual companies are becoming rare. Mutual companies areowned by the policyholders, while stockholders, (who may or may not own policies) own stock

    insurance companies.

    Captive Insurance companies may be defined as limited purpose insurance companiesestablished with the specific objective of financing risks emanating from their parent group orgroups. This definition can sometimes be extended to include some of the risks of the parentcompany's customers.

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    The Insurance sector in India governed by Insurance Act, 1938, the Life Insurance Corporation

    Act, 1956 and General Insurance Business (Nationalisation) Act, 1972, Insurance Regulatory and

    Development Authority (IRDA) Act, 1999 and other related Acts. With such a large population

    and the untapped market area of this population Insurance happens to be a very big opportunity

    in India. Today it stands as a business growing at the rate of 15-20 per cent annually. Together

    with banking services, it adds about 7 per cent to the countrys GDP .In spite of all this growth

    the statistics of the penetration of the insurance in the country is very poor. Nearly 80% of Indian

    populations are without Life insurance cover and the Health insurance. This is an indicator that

    growth potential for the insurance sector is immense in India. It was due to this immense growth

    that the regulations were introduced in the insurance sector and in continuation Malhotra

    Committee was constituted by the government in 1993 to examine the various aspects of the

    industry. The key element of the reform process was Participation of overseas insurancecompanies with 26% capital. Creating a more efficient and competitive financial system suitable

    for the requirements of the economy was the main idea behind this reform.

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    Milestones in the life insurance business in India

    Year Milestones in the life insurance business in India

    1912 The Indian Life Assurance Companies Act enacted as the first statute to regulatethe life insurance business

    1928 The Indian Insurance Companies Act enacted to enable the government to collectstatistical information about both life and non-life insurance businesses

    1938 Earlier legislation consolidated and amended to by the Insurance Act with theobjective of protecting the interests of the insuring public

    1956 245 Indian and foreign insurers and provident societies taken over by the central

    government and nationalized. LIC formed by an Act of Parliament, viz. LIC Act,

    1956, with a capital contribution of Rs. 5 crore from the Government of India.

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    Milestones in the general insurance business in India

    Year Milestones in the general insurance business in India

    1907 The Indian Mercantile Insurance Ltd. set up, the first company to transact allclasses of general insurance business

    1957 General Insurance Council, a wing of the Insurance Association of India, framesa code of conduct for ensuring fair conduct and sound business practices

    1968 The Insurance Act amended to regulate investments and set minimum

    solvency margins and the Tariff Advisory Committee set up

    1972 The General Insurance Business (Nationalisation) Act, 1972 nationalised thegeneral insurance business in India with effect from 1st January 1973. 107

    insurers amalgamated and grouped into four companies viz. the NationalInsurance Company Ltd., the New India Assurance Company Ltd., the OrientalInsurance Company Ltd. and the United India Insurance Company Ltd. GICincorporated as a company.

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    India with about 200 million middle class household shows a huge untapped potential forplayers in the insurance industry. Saturation of markets in many developed economies has madethe Indian market even more attractive for global insurance majors. The insurance sector in India

    has come to a position of very high potential and competitiveness in the market. Indians, havealways seen life insurance as a tax saving device, are now suddenly turning to the private sectorthat are providing them new products and variety for their choice.

    Consumers remain the most important centre of the insurance sector. After the entry of theforeign players the industry is seeing a lot of competition and thus improvement of the customerservice in the industry. Computerization of operations and updating of technology has becomeimperative in the current scenario. Foreign players are bringing in international best practices inservice through use of latest technologies. The insurance agents still remain the main sourcethrough which insurance products are sold. The concept is very well established in the countrylike India but still the increasing use of other sources is imperative.

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    1. Financial soundness2. Large customer base3. Customer loyalty4. Continues growth5. Flexibility6. Good Image


    1.Lack of branches in rural areas.

    2. Because of non availability of electronic cash services the monthly premium facility cannot beprovided to the spoke branch customers.

    3.Non availability of cash deposit in spoke branches.

    4.Non availability of intranet facilities.


    1. Looking to establish their branches in small cities and villages2. Looking to cover large insured people3. Looking to launch new products in market to attract customer4. Looking to reach at first position.


    1. Mutual funds.

    2. LIC

    3. Max new York life insurance

    4. Share Market

    5.People are not Interested making investment in insurance sector

    6. Kotak Mahindra life insurance7. ICICI Prudential life insurance

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    2.1 CONCEPT

    Customer Relationship management is a comprehensive strategy and process of acquiring,

    retaining and partnering with selective customers to create superior value for the company and

    the customer. Before we begin to examine the conceptual foundations of CRM, it will be useful

    to define what is CRM? A narrow perspective of customer relationship management is database

    marketing emphasizing the promotional aspects of marketing linked to database efforts.

    Another narrow, yet relevant, viewpoint is to consider CRM only as customer retention in which

    a variety of after marketing tactics is used for customer bonding or staying in touch after the sale

    is made.

    As is implicit in the above definition, the purpose of CRM is to improve marketing productivity.

    Marketing productivity is achieved by increasing marketing efficiency and by enhancing

    marketing effectiveness. In CRM, marketing efficiency is achieved because cooperative and

    collaborative processes help in reducing transaction costs and overall development costs for the

    company. Two important processes for CRM include proactive customer business development

    and building partnering relationship with most important customers. These lead to superior value


    Selecting an interfaced best of breed approach for pure functionality or a front office application

    suite solely for integration limits enterprise choices. Enterprises need to start with a clear picture

    of the basic truths of integration, interfacing and functionality. An integrated application suite is

    a set of application that employs a common architecture, referencing a common logical database

    with a single schema. Some suites are more often interfaced application bundle i.e. a set of

    interfaced application from a single vendor containing more than one technical architecture or

    more than one logical database- frequently assembled by the vendor through the process of

    acquisition or partnership .

    An alternative approach to suites is an interfaced best of breed solution an approach whereby

    an enterprise selects from multiple vendors a set of applications that must be interfaced to work

    together, either by the enterprise, one of the selected vendors or a third party integrator.

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    The individual applications are not the best in any objective sense. Rather, some enterprises

    select the applications because they best meet the particular needs.

    The challenge of this approach is that, in some cases, the enterprise fails to complete the

    necessary interfaces to get the individual applications working together; consequently, the

    applications remain stove pipes. Best of cluster is similar to best of breed except that here best is

    chosen from the cluster and they are interfaced.

    The solutions for the verticals described above are discussed below:

    For Consumer goods: Consumer goods offers Business solution spanning the entiredemand chain from the end consumer, through the retailer and the wholesaler, to the

    manufacturer. It has robust trade promotions planning functionality allowing users to

    manage customer promotion plans and the funds to support them, while comprehensive

    route planning functionality enables integrated account targeting. Using Siebel e-Consumer

    Goods, organizations can also identify customer-buying behaviours and translate this

    understanding into new trade promotions and product offerings.

    For Financial Services: Finance enables banking, brokerage, insurance, and capital marketorganizations to establish and maintain long term profitable relationship with consumers,

    small businesses, and corporate customers. The organizations can capitalize on information

    captured during each customer interaction to more effectively cross-sell and up-sell

    additional products and services. Additionally, Siebel e-Finance provides a comprehensive

    view of the entire customer relationship across multiple product lines, enabling financial

    service organizations to provide a personalized experience across all channels.

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    For Healthcare: Healthcare gives organizations the ability to streamline and improve sales,member services, medical management, and network management services. By using

    multiple distribution channels, including the Internet, call Centre, home office staff and

    independent brokers, Siebel e-Healthcare provides organizations with a single view of their

    customers, thereby ensuring better service and improved quality of care.

    For telecom service providers:Communications helps wireless, cable, and Internet serviceproviders to target and win the right customers, accelerate service delivery, and provide

    service across all touch points. Siebel e-Communications embodies the industrys best

    practices for generating accurate service orders, managing billing inquiries and adjustments,

    and up-selling and cross-selling additional services. By using Siebel e-Communications

    integration technology, service representatives and salespeople can instantly access

    information such as billing, order management, and network management from Operation

    Support Systems (OSS), to deliver highly responsive customer support and significantly

    increase sales.

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    CRM is not a technology initiative. Many have confused CRM as a technology initiative, and

    assigned the CRM implementation project to their information system or information

    technology group. CRM conferences often equate to technology exhibits and demonstrations.

    Technology is needed in order to implement CRM particularly the customization part but

    technology is not the driver of CRM, or the solution to successful CRM implementation.

    CRM is not exclusively a marketing initiative. Many organization have merely equated CRMwith customer focused marketing, or data-driven/database marketing. CRM results in more

    effective, data driven marketing efforts; CRM requires marketing experience. But CRM is

    strictly not a marketing initiative.

    CRM is not exclusively a sales initiative. Similar to marketing, CRM is often lodged withinthe sales department. The sales-force, after all, is extremely close to their

    customersunderstanding their needs and wants. and trying to fulfill them. Sales, however, is

    just one functional area that can benefit from CRM, and that is necessary for effective CRM.

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    Some of the functional and technical requirements for CRM solutions are as listed below:

    Business intelligence and analytical capabilities

    Unified channels of customer interactions Support for web based functionality Centralized repository for customer information Integrated work flow Integration with ERP applications

    Functional Components of CRM solution

    CRM applications are a convergence of functional components, advanced technologies and

    channels. Functional components and channels are described below:

    Sales applications

    Common applications include calendar and scheduling, contact and account management;

    compensation; opportunity and pipeline management; sales forecasting; proposal generation and

    management; pricing; territory assignment and management; and expense reporting.

    Marketing applications

    These include web based and traditional marketing campaign planning, execution, and

    analysis;list generation and management; budgeting and forecasting; collateral generation and

    marketing materials management.

    Customer service and support applications

    These include customer care; incident, defect and order tracking; field service; problem and

    solution database; repair scheduling and dispatching; service agreements and contracts; and

    service request management

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    2.4 E-CRM

    What is e-CRM?

    In simplest terms e-CRM provides companies with means to conduct interactive, personalized

    and relevant communications with customer across both electronic and traditional channels. It

    utilizes a complete view of the customer to make decisions about messaging, offers and channel

    delivery. It synchronizes communication across otherwise disjoint-customer facing systems. It

    adheres to permission based practices, respecting individuals preferences regarding how and

    whether they wish to communicate with you and it focuses on understanding how the economics

    of customer relationship affect the business.

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    2.5 E-CRM Vs CRM

    CRM is essentially a business strategy for acquiring and maintaining the right customers over

    the long term. Within this framework, a number of channels exist for interacting with customers.

    One of these channels is electronic and has been labeled e-commerce or e-business. This

    electronic channel does not replace the sales force, the call Centre, or even the fax. It is simply

    another extension, albeit a powerful new one, to the customer. The thrust of e-CRM is not what

    the organization is doing on the web but how fully the organization ties its on-line channel

    back to its traditional channels, or customer touch points.

    Why employ e-CRM?

    Companies need to take firm initiatives on the e-CRM frontier to

    Optimize the value of interactive relationship Enable the business to extend its personalized reach Company-ordinate marketing activities across all customer channels. Leverage customer information for more effective e-marketing and e-business Focus the business on improving customer relationship and earning a greater share of eachcustomers business through consistent measurement, assessment and actionable cus tomer


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    The six Es of E-CRM

    1. Electronic channels2. Enterprise3. Empowerment4. Economics5. Evaluation6. External Information

    E-CRM Architecture

    The primary inputs to this module are mainly from the e-CRM Assessment and strategy

    alignment modules. During this stage the company will try and develop a Connected EnterpriseArchitecture (CEA) within the context of the companys own CRM strategy. The following is a

    set of technical e-CRM capabilities and applications that collectively and ideally comprise a full

    e-CRM solution:

    Customer Analytical Software Data mining software Campaign Management software

    Business Simulation A real time decision engine

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    Customer View can help CPG manufacturers build category/brand sales by using real retail data.

    Customer View can help them build their share of market by identifying customers buying a

    particular category of products, but not their brands. Customer View can show the CPG

    manufacturer how to increase multi-segment sales by identifying likely purchase behavior across

    divisions, departments or categories.

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    Summarizing CRM activities:

    The CRM cycle can be briefly described as follows:

    1. Learning from customers and prospects, (having in depth knowledge of customer)2. Creating value for customers and prospects3. Creating loyalty4. Acquiring new customers5. Creating profits6. Acquiring new customers

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    BIRLA SUN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITEDis a joint venture between Sun Life

    Assurance Company of Canada and Aditya Birla Management Corporation Limited. Birla sun

    life insurance is one of the top privately owned life insurers in the country.The company has a

    large number of insurance advisors who sell company products in branches across the country.Birla Sun Life markets a full array of individual life insurance, group insurance and group

    savings products throughout India. Instead of this Birla Sun Life Asset Management Company

    Limited (BSLAMC), the investment managers of Birla Mutual Fund, is a joint venture between

    companies of Aditya Birla Management Corporation Limited and Sun Life Assurance Company

    of Canada. BSLI strives to provide transparent, ethical and research- based investment and

    wealth management services.Birla Sun Life Distribution Company Limited offers investment

    advisory and financial product distribution through its network of agents located across the

    country. The products offered are mutual funds, Government of India Relief bonds, and bonds of

    public financial institutions, select fixed deposits and Initial equity and debt public offerings.

    The company also distributes the insurance products of Birla Sun Life

    Insurance Company Limited. Both these companies having their own status in all over the world,both these companies are most popular companies.

    As we know it is joint venture between Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada and AdityaBirla Management Corporation Limited. Aditya Birla group is very famous company in Indiathis company expand their business they having their cement factory and instead of this theyhaving many other works this detail we get after reading this project report. The Aditya BirlaGroup is a US $24 billion conglomerate with a market capitalization of US $31.5 billion (as on31st December 2007) and is one of the largest business houses in India. It enjoys a leadershipposition in all the sectors in which it operates.

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    BSLI Achievements

    BSLI known for best practices that were adopted by IRDA for the

    industry. BSLI pioneered ULIPs in India and is known for its innovative products.

    BSLI has the best claim ratio in the industry- An outstanding 0.32%

    BSLI is the 3rd largest in the group segment.

    BSLI has been considered a role model for Banc assurance in the

    industry & has 7 bank relationships.

    BSLI is rapidly developing its alternate channels, with 197+ relationships,

    includes premier relations like AR insurance, UTI securities & Reliance


    The information technology function at BIRLA SUNLIFE INSURANCE is committed to enable

    business through the use of technology .It is segmented in to four groups to enable highest level

    of delivery to the customer Web that provides real time information to the customers and is

    responsible for customer relationship management .This team works as an in house of research

    and development solution group , exploring new technological initiates and also caters to

    information needs of corporate functions in the organization.


    The marketing function at BSLI covers an array of activities brand and media management,

    channel support, direct marketing and corporate communication .The brand and communication

    team is in charge of advertising, consumer research, media playing and buying and public

    relations that help develop and nature BSLI Identity while effectively communicating its varied

    products to customers

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    Finance function in BSLI is committed to create an infrastructure that is aligned to shareholder

    expectations .Finance basically comprises of four functions .corporate planning and MIS provide

    feedback on strategies .This includes driving the budgeting process, providing strategic inputs fordecision making and management reporting and analysis.


    The people strategy of BSLI is To build a committed team with a culture of innovation ,

    learning and growth .The human resourse function at BSLI drives the people strategy of the

    business. HR is now committed to building capability through state of the art processes

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    The Aditya Birla Group was recently been adjudged The Best Employer in India and among thetop 20 in Asia by the Hewitt, Economic Times and Wall Street Journal Study 2007.India with

    about 200 million middle class household shows a huge untapped potential for players in theinsurance industry. Saturation of markets in many developed economies has made the Indian

    market even more attractive for global insurance majors. The insurance sector in India has cometo a position of very high potential and competitiveness in the market. Indians, have always seenlife insurance as a tax saving device, are now suddenly turning to the private sector that areproviding them new products andvariety for their choice.

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    Meaning of Research Methodology;-

    A research methodology defines what the activity of research is, how toproceed, how to measure progress, and what constitutes success.

    Methodology is defined as

    1. "the analysis of the principles of methods, rules, and postulates employed by a discipline"

    2. "the development of methods, to be applied within a discipline"

    3. "a particular procedure or set of procedures".

    Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be

    understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically. It is necessary for the

    researcher to know not only the research methods/ techniques but also the methodology.

    Researcher not only need to know how to develop certain indices or tests, how to calculate the

    mean, median, mode or the standard deviation or chi-square, how to apply a particular research

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    Research methodology to be adopted for the study is as follows:-

    Identification of the problem:- The research project relates to CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPMANAGEMENT TOWARDS BIRLA SUNLIFE INSURANCE LTD. In it the problem

    proposed is to be researched is find out; what is the behavior of the consumer towards thedifferent policies or the investment plans of the BIRLA SUNLIFE INSURANCE LTD.

    Planning the research design:- A suitable design has to be planned for any market research. It isthe market plan specifying the procedure for collecting & analyzing the needed information. Asper objective of the study mainly there are four types of research design viz: experimental,diagnostic, descriptive & exploratory.Here exploratory research design is proposed with focus ondiscovering of ideas &insight about the particular problem.

    Planning the sample design:- The target for the study was consumers of Ferozepur. Survey hasbeen done using questionnaire method, open and close- ended questions being included in thequestionnaire. The secondary data for the research study has been collected from variousmagazines, newspapers, journals, books and websites.Major market players in the products the

    relevant areas have also been consulted for the research.

    Sample size:

    The sample size of the research project has been taken 10 of the customers of


    Data collection:-

    The relevant data for the research project is hybrid of primary and secondary data.

    Primary data:-

    Using personal interview technique, survey, questionnaire & observation method the data hasbeen collected from targeted focus groups, which are customers. The primary data collection forjudgment sampling has done.

    Secondary data:-

    In addition to the reactions of the selected consumers segments, the factual information historic

    background including the sales volume by various manufactures of the product has been

    collected with the help of various trade/business journals, company magazines,questionnaires etc

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    The objectives of the research are as follows:-

    1. To access the awareness of the people about the policies of

    the sun life.

    2. To evaluate the performance of the BIRLA SUNLIFE


    3. To know about the view points of the customers towards the


    4. To access the level of satisfaction towards the policies of


    5. To know about the expectation of the customers towards thedifferent policies.

    6. To give suggestions how to improve the services of BIRLA


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  • 8/12/2019 135396001 Customer Relationship Management of Birla Sun Life




    Q1. Are you aware about BIRLA SUNLIFE INSURANCE LTD?

    YES ( )

    N O ( )


    YES 10 100%

    NO 0 0%

    TOTAL 10 100%

    CHART 1:


    The above analysis shows that all the respondents are aware about Birla

    Sun Life Insurance ltd













    Series 1

    Series 1

  • 8/12/2019 135396001 Customer Relationship Management of Birla Sun Life



    Q2. How do you come to know about BIRLA SUNLIFE INSURANCE?


    TV 4 40%

    AGENTS 2 20%

    NEWSPAPER 3 30%

    FRIENDS 1 10%

    TOTAL 10 100


    The above table shows that out of the 10 respondents 4 respondents came to know about Birla

    Sun Life from t.v, 2 from agents, 3 from newspaper and 1 from friends.





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    Q3. Are you aware about the ULIP products offered by BIRLA SUNLIFE



    YES 6 60%

    NO 4 40%

    TOTAL 10 100%


    The above analysis shows that out of 10 respondents 6 respondents are aware about ulip products

    of Birla Sun Life Insurance and 4 respondents are not aware about ulip products of Birla Sun

    Life Insurance. This shows that mostly people are aware about ulip products of Birla Sun Life




  • 8/12/2019 135396001 Customer Relationship Management of Birla Sun Life



    Q4. Are you satisfied with the policies provided by BIRLA SUN LIFE



    YES 7 70%

    NO 3 30%

    TOTAL 10 100%


    From the above analysis we came to know that out of 10 respondents 4 respondents are satisfied

    with the policies provided by Birla Sun Life insurance and 3 respondents are not satisfied with

    the policies provided by Birla Sun Life insurance. It means that mostly people are satisfied with

    the policies provided by Birla Sun Life Insurance ltd.



  • 8/12/2019 135396001 Customer Relationship Management of Birla Sun Life



    Q5.How you rate the policies provided by BIRLA SUNLIFE?


    EXCELLENT 3 30%

    VERY GOOD 4 40%

    GOOD 2 2%

    AVERAGE 1 10%

    TOTAL 10 100%


    The above analysis shows that out of 10 respondents 3 rate the policies of Birla Sun Life

    Insurance as excellent, 4 rate it as very good, 2 rate it as good and 1 rate it as average.





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    Q6. How you feel the behavior of BSLIs employers while interacting with



    EXCELLENT 2 20%

    VERY GOOD 3 30%

    GOOD 3 30%

    AVERAGE 2 20%

    TOTAL 10 100%


    The above analysis shows that out of 10 respondents 2 respondents feel the behavior of BSLIsemployers as excellent, 3 feel the behavior of BSLIs employers as very good, 3 feel the

    behavior of BSLIs employers as very good, and 2 feel the behavior of BSLIs employers as






  • 8/12/2019 135396001 Customer Relationship Management of Birla Sun Life



    Q7. Do you think that BSLI is reliable in the coming future?


    YES 8 80NO 2 20

    TOTAL 10 100


    The above table shows that out of the 10 respondents 8 respondents feel that the BSLI is reliablein the coming future and 2 respondents feel that BSLI is not reliable in the coming future.



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    Q8. Do you think that BIRLA SUNLIFE is working better than its



    YES 7 70%

    NO 3 30%

    TOTAL 10 100%


    The above table shows that out of 10 respondents 7 respondents think that BSLI is working

    better than its competitors and 3 respondents think that BSLI is not working better than its




  • 8/12/2019 135396001 Customer Relationship Management of Birla Sun Life



    Q9. Are you satisfied with the after sales services provided by BSLI?


    YES 6 60%

    NO 4 40%

    TOTAL 10 100%


    From the above analysis I came to know that out of 10 respondents 6 respondents are satisfied

    with the after sales services provided by Birla Sun Life Insurance ltd and 4 respondents are not

    satisfied with the after sales services provided by Birla Sun Life Insurance ltd. This means that

    mostly people are satisfied with the after sales services provided by Birla Sun Life Insurance




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    1.From the survey, we came to know that most of the people are


    .2.Most of the people came to know about the ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCELIMITED from the agents and newspaper media. This shows that other promotional mediaactivities like radio, hoardings and postures are missing which are on high these days.

    3.From the survey we came to know that mostly people are aware

    about the ULIP products offered by BIRLA SUN LIFE INSURANCE


    4.From the survey, we came to know that most of the people those

    who are insured are satisfied with the policies provided by BIRLASUN LIFE INSURANCE LIMITED.

    5.The survey shows that most of the people rate the policies of BIRLA

    SUN LIFE INSURANCE are very good but not excellent. This means

    that they want something extra in their policies.

    6.The survey shows that mostly people like low premium allocation

    charges and rate of return in the policies of BIRLA SUN LIFE


    7.From the survey, we came to know that most of the people like the

    behavior of the BSLIs employees as very good. This means that

    they treat their customers well.

    8.From the survey, we came to know that most of the people have


    9.From the survey, we came to know that BIRLA SUN LIFE INSURANCE LIMITED is

    working better than its competitors or in other words it is satisfying the customers.

    10. From the survey, we came to know that most of the people are satisfied with the after salesservices of the BIRLA SUN LIFE INSURANCE LIMITED.But there were some customerswho were saying that they are not getting proper information regarding their policies at righttime.

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  • 8/12/2019 135396001 Customer Relationship Management of Birla Sun Life











    Q1. Are you aware about BIRLA SUNLIFE INSURANCE LTD?

    YES -----N O ------

    Q2. How do you come to know about BIRLA SUNLIFE INSURANCE



    NEWSPAPER -----

    AGENT ----

    Q3. Are you satisfied with the policies provided by BIRLA SUNLIFEINSURANCE LTD?

    YES ( )

    N O ( )

    Q4.How you rate the policies provided by BIRLA SUNLIFE?

    GOOD ( )

    AVERAGE ( )

    VERY GOOD ( )


  • 8/12/2019 135396001 Customer Relationship Management of Birla Sun Life



    Q5. How you feel the behavior of BSLIs employers while interacting with


    GOOD ( )

    VERY GOOD ( )


    Q6. Do you think that BIRLA SUNLIFE is working better than itscompetitors ?

    YES ( )

    N O ( )

    Q7. Are you satisfied with the after sales services provided by BSLI?

    YES ( )

    N O ( )

  • 8/12/2019 135396001 Customer Relationship Management of Birla Sun Life







    ompany_Profile/abtus_com profile.aspx

    http ://www.birla sun life . com/birla sun life /in d e x . as p x







    Books: 1. Philip kottler, Marketing Management 2. Rajan saxena. Marketing Management3. Research Methodology by Kothari.

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