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Page 1: 13A Melissa Marriott
Page 2: 13A Melissa Marriott


CONTACTMelissa Marriott 503.258.0126 [email protected] www.gatestead.com

Table of contentsPrezi PresentationMontagePhoto DesignBusiness IdentityInfographicMagazine CoverCodingWeb MockupBrochure



Page 3: 13A Melissa Marriott


Prezi PresentationDescription: Prezi presentation on how to get rid of writer’s block.

Date: May 12, 2016

Course: Visual Communications 130 Section 13

Instructor: Sara Tranberg

Programs Used: Photoshop

Objective: Description: Prezi presentation on how to get rid of writer’s block.

Process: First I just started doodling anything that came into my head to get my creativity flowing. I came up with a few ideas and my favorite was a collection of doodles inside a head surrounding images. I selected images that have to do with the different steps of combating writer’s block and then I opened Photoshop and created a shape map of where I wanted the images to go. Then I arranged some of my doodles around this shape map. Once I had this done I placed the images. The images needed something to tie them in with the hand-made feel of the doodles so took a piece of paper and played around cutting out frames, tearing frames and folding back the edges of the frames. I finally came up with a scan of the piece of paper that made the images look stressed around the edges.

This Prezi can be found here: https://prezi.com/w7zmq5lhgha8/got-writers-block/

Page 4: 13A Melissa Marriott


MontageDescription: Montage featuring a spiritual message about my son.

Date: May 26 2016

Course: Visual Communications 130 Section 13

Instructor: Sara Tranberg

Programs Used: Photoshop

Objective: Create a photo montage

Process: First I selected the message I wanted to relate. The quote was “Stellar Spirits are often housed in imperfect bodies”. Then I selected an image of my finger next to my preemie son’s hand. I sketched some ideas around this and decided on the idea of having this image surrounded by clouds. I used Photoshop to meld these two images together using masks. Once I had these two images melded together someone suggested incorporating a “Stellar” image of stars or galaxies. I selected an image from nasa.gov of a field of stars. I used masking in Photoshop to place a field of stars behind the clouds. I added a sun flare above the quote but after a suggestion from my teacher I moved the flare to be behind the quote.

Page 5: 13A Melissa Marriott


Photo DesignDescription: PhotoDesign project about gardening featuring a color scheme.

Date: May 19, 2016

Course: Visual Communications 130 Section 13

Instructor: Sara Tranberg

Programs Used: Photoshop

Objective: Create a photo design with color scheme

Process: First I selected a quote I wanted my PhotoDesign to be about. I chose one having to do with two things I love, books and gardens. I sketched out a few ideas of things to do and selected one with one of my children reading in my garden. I took various photographs of my children reading in the garden and chose one that looked good. I looked for the predominant color in the photograph. The only color I couldn’t change was the green of the leaves in the garden. I also saw a bit of violet. I selected a color scheme that involved green and violet which ended up being a split complimentary color scheme. This required a brick color to be added to the photograph so I used a color replacement tool to change my daughter’s shirt from hot pink to brick. I added shapes to the photograph and used the pen tool to create colorful swoops on the right side of the photograph. This felt a little too boring so I changed the transparency of the inside swoop.

Page 6: 13A Melissa Marriott


Business IdentityDescription: Letterhead and business cards featuring a newly designed logo.

Date: June 2, 2016

Course: Visual Communications 130 Section 13

Instructor: Sara Tranberg

Programs Used: Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator

Objective: Design a logo then create a business identity.

Process: I chose to do a revamp of the logo for my dad’s business Arise Mentors. I talked to him about his logo and then I wrote down the messages he portrayed with the original logo and his company’s mission. The main theme of his work and logo is helping disabled people through support and improvement. I sketched several ideas that involved the spirit of his message and some of the original elements of his logo. I decided on a logo where the “I” in Arise Mentors was an icon of a person rising up. Once I had this selected I used Adobe Illustrator’s pen tool to manipulate the letter I to look like a person. I selected a base color that was close to the colors Arise Mentor’s website and selected a triadic color scheme to go with it. Once I had the logo designed I went with a circle theme on the letterhead and business cards to echo the circle on the person icon.

Page 7: 13A Melissa Marriott


InfograhicDescription: An infographic on the benefits of gardening.

Date: June 9, 2016

Course: Visual Communications 130 Section 13

Instructor: Sara Tranberg

Programs Used: Adobe Illustrator

Objective: Create an infographic with at least one graph

Process: First I brainstormed ideas around the garden theme. I selected a layout with a flower as the central image. My main color would be green so I chose a analogous color scheme to go with the green. I brainstormed ideas of how to incorporate my one required graph with the image and decided on a set of hills to show how much calories are burned when you garden. I used Adobe Illustrator to design everything from the banner to the blue ladybug. My teacher asked me to somehow incorporate soil to go with my soil fact. I made it look like a cross section of the dirt, giving my flower some roots and putting a worm next to the soil fact to give it more weight.

Gardening gets you out in

the sun where you can soak up some

vitamin D.

185 calories 165

calories 145calories

It’s really good for you

Calories burned per hour from cdc.gov at http://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/physical_activity/


Gardening givesyou fresh veggies

Soil contains a friendly bacteria that acts as an anti-depressant.

Page 8: 13A Melissa Marriott


Magazine CoverDescription: A magazine cover introducing me and featuring articles about my interests.

Date: May 5, 2016

Course: Visual Communications 130 Section 13

Instructor: Sara Tranberg

Programs Used: Photoshop, InDesign

Objective: Design a magazine cover to showcase yourself

Process: First I brainstormed what I wanted to say about myself. I knew I wanted it to be about more than just one of my interests. I taught myself most of what I know about my hobbies so I decided on a theme of growing. I sketched ideas that had to do with gardens. I decided on an image of me holding a plant or with a plant in front. I had some photographs taken of me with various plants. Once I had a photograph I liked I selected the predominant color in the photograph and added other colors to form a triadic color scheme. I then created a shape map of where the image and text of my magazine cover would look like. Using Photoshop I made a cut out around myself and my flowers. Then I put them on a colorful background to match the flowers.


Knit a scarf in one hour!

May 2016

Improve Everyday

Container Gardening with:MelissaMarriott

Learn how to make beautiful hand-bound journals.

Page 9: 13A Melissa Marriott


CodingDescription: HTML and CSS project on the process behind creating a logo.

Date: June 16, 2016

Course: Visual Communications 130 Section 13

Instructor: Sara Tranberg

Programs Used: Netbeans, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop.

Objective: Use HTML and CSS to create a webpage

Process: First I sketched out some ideas for the layout of my web page based on the logo from the Business Identity assignment. I designed a tiling background of overlapping circles in the colors of my logo in Adobe Illustrator and then adjusted the brightness in Photoshop to make them fainter so they would be less distracting in the design. To match the roundness of the circles I also rounded the edges of the main web page element. I used SVG to add the logo to the top of the web page.

Page 10: 13A Melissa Marriott


Web MockupDescription: Mockup of a webpage for gatestead.com

Date: June 23, 2016

Course: Visual Communications 130 Section 13

Instructor: Sara Tranberg

Programs Used: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop.

Objective: Create a mock web page design

Process: First I brainstormed ideas for my web page design using old drawings for characters I designed a while a go. Since the character drawings almost had a comic-book feel to them, I gave the web page mockup a comic-book layout. In Adobe Photoshop I created a shape map for the design. I used Adobe Illustrator to trace over my old drawings and color them so that the color would be crisp and neat. I designed the mockup in Photoshop using a clipping mask to drop my character images into the design.

Page 11: 13A Melissa Marriott


BrochureDescription: Brochure on FrenchGenTutorial.com

Date: July 8, 2016

Course: Visual Communications 130 Section 13

Instructor: Sara Tranberg

Programs Used: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, InDesign.

Objective: Design a brochure.

Process: After selecting a topic for my brochure I considered a few ideas geared to connecting with my audience. My audience would be primarily people interested in their French family history so I decided to use vintage images. I wanted to have a cutout. I decided on using the Cathedral of Notre Dame since it is the 2nd most recognized French landmark behind the Eiffel Tower and lent itself more to a cut out shape than the Eiffel Tower. For the cutout I chose the top skyline of the Cathedral and the East facade Rose window. I used Adobe photoshop to transform the rose window on the inside flap into a tree. On the inside of the brochure I selected other vintage images including a panoramic view that could sweep across the entire page and break the columns. My teacher asked me to break up the large open space left above the tree. This presented a challenge as anything I placed there could brak the skyline for the front of the brochure. After brainstorming I imagined a person climbing stairs and saw that it would fit perfectly without disrupting the cut out. For the Title font I selected an Oldstyle font to go with the vintage images.


Unfolded once

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