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15 Things Successful People Never Say At WorkSuccessful people are a class apart. Whatever they do, they set a benchmark and they do it with some style.

Mindsets are like viral infections. One of the best things you could do is surround yourself with successful people in your workplace. Their work ethic and style, the way they do things and why they do things is enviable and something one cannot feel bad about imitating. So what is it that we can copy paste in our lives?

Below are 15 things successful people never say at work. Let us all take some leaves out of their books and get going.

1. They never gossip about other peopleGossip is an exercise of the tongue. They don’t have time for such high school drama. They are focused on their work and on acing whatever they are doing. Successful people don’t gossip because they believe in spending their time and energies in much more productive work. If someone needs help, instead of gossiping, they talk to them directly. But talking behind their backs is a strict no-no for successful people! They clearly know that people who talk about other people because they cannot be heroes themselves. So they feel the need to create & identify villains around by gossiping.

2. They never make excuses“I got late because of this”, “I won’t be able to submit the report because of this”, “I won’t be able to…” – are words you won’t hear from successful people. Because they don’t ever make excuses. If they can’t do something, they generally don’t

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take it up. But mostly, they balance everything pretty well. They are on time with their arrivals and submissions. They are punctual. Successful people don’t let it reach a point where they will need to make excuses. They plan their hours in such a smart way that they are never found chasing their agendas. They look to be on top of them always.

3. They never say NoThey have this fearlessness written large on their faces. Alibis are not in sync with their personalities. They take charge and see to it that things get done. They don’t say a downright no to doing things. They give it all they have and try to succeed at multiple things; while knowing what is their real forte. Successful people are good at a lot of things because they don’t say no.

4. They never complain about the systemLet’s admit, even they have problems when the work system becomes a little restrictive. But what sets successful people apart is instead of cribbing, they find a way out. They try to understand the system. And if it is there for good, they change. And if not, they try to change the system. But complaining is something you won’t hear from them for sure! Most unsuccessful people could be found cribbing about system around.

5. They never complain about how much work they haveThey enjoy their work. They sign up for it. Because they like to have a lot on their plate and then achieve it all. It is a very good feeling. They over prepare themselves and then they go with the flow. That’s how they succeed. They don’t complain

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about the quantity of their work. They just try to set new quality standards.

6. They never talk too much about their personal livesSuccessful people believe in keeping the mystery around themselves. They also know how to communicate better in their workplaces. They know that at work, one should focus only on work related issues. That’s why, they talk the least about their personal lives. They like to keep it separate and balanced.

7. They never say mean things to their colleaguesBecause they are awesome people. They are never rude to their colleagues. If they don’t like something, they make polite confrontations. They don’t believe in rumours. They don’t believe in petty word exchanges. And they are also good at letting go. They simply know ‘How to avoid controversies’.

8. They never talk about their financialsSuccessful people don’t brag about the money they make because they know it breeds unhealthy competition. They want everyone to compete on equal footing on the basis of their talents and outcomes and productivity; not money. Also, they don’t like showing off to others. Successful people also know – money is not a good end result of every endeavour. Hence, they keep it out of their discussions.

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9. They usually avoid talking about their goalsSuccessful people rarely talk about their targets and what all they wish to achieve in front of their colleagues because they know it leads to added pressure. They like to take people by surprise with their achievements. They know that people have a habit of criticism. And in case their goals don’t get fulfilled for whatever reason, they can avoid a lot of heat by not sharing each and everything on their to-do list.

10. They never talk too much about themselvesSuccessful people are very good communicators. They know that the best way to win people over without even trying is to show genuine interest in them. That’s why, you won’t find successful people talking much about themselves unless specifically asked for. They have genuine conversations with their colleagues about what’s happening with them and whether the colleague needs any help. They win hearts very subtly. They have realized that ‘to near people; they need to hear them’.

11. They never talk about giving upThe thought never crosses their minds. If something isn’t working a particular way, they figure out some other way. They know there is always a way. And they don’t give up till they find it. This is one of the most prominent hallmarks of successful people. They never give up. They may rest for a while but you will never find them quitting.

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12. They never say no to a learning opportunityThey will practically latch on to it. And they don’t feel shy even in learning something from someone who is junior to them at work. Successful people know that learning and experience can be gained from anywhere, at any point. And that one should not let go of the opportunity. One reason why they don’t say No is because it helps them learn. And they have this unquenchable thirst for learning new methods and adopting new ideas. That’s what makes them successful.

13. They never say no when someone asks for helpBecause, successful people believe in growing with everyone else. If there is something they can do to help someone grow, they will selflessly do it. And the vice versa is also true. If they need help, they don’t feel ashamed to seek it. They believe in helping and taking help. That’s how successful people make such good work environments around them & that’s why people come to them. Because they give help without pretence. They know that networking is a very important career function & they fully leverage upon it.

14. They never say things to please others.Frankly, successful people don’t know how to. The only way they know of growing in life is doing excellent work. They don’t know of shortcuts like pleasing the boss to climb up the ladder / running around others. They know how to do their work with excellence and they know how to get ahead in life on the basis of that merit. They won’t sugar coat their words either. They call a spade a spade. They win hearts genuinely.

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15. They never make offensive comments even in jestSuccessful people think before they speak. They don’t make offensive jokes / rude comments on colleague under the influence of intoxicating bad habits. They are always in charge of their reputation. They are in control of their emotions. They don’t react to people. They speak only the right words that fit the work environment. That’s what makes them successful people.

14 Small Differences Between Ordinary People And Successful PeopleSuccessful people are the icing on the cake of any hot discussion. Success is inspiring and interesting to talk about.

The truth is, any successful individual is flesh and blood just like you. They are not born miracles, but it’s the small differences that help them stick out from the rest.

So, what are the key aspects that differentiate them from the crowd?

1. Ordinary people talk about other people, successful people talk about ideas.Gossiping and bagging others are popular among ordinary folks. They just can’t help but talk about people, often with a

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vein of jealousy. What successful people do is discuss various ideas that could improve their lives.

Plans, goals, aspirations and innovations — these are all the aspects of discussions between successful individuals.

2. Ordinary people set goals, successful people set detailed plans of actions.Your “Average Joe” will want to lose weight and give up smoking as a new year’s resolution. Though most likely, he won’t achieve either of these.

Successful people set their goals as well. More importantly, however, they create a detailed set of actions they need to perform in order to achieve their end goal.

Whereas ordinary people just set the goal, successful people determine the daily, weekly, monthly and yearly activities and habits which will lead to achieving their vision.

3. Ordinary people complain about life, successful people adapt to what life throws at them.How many times did you hear somebody groaning about their problems instead of finally taking responsibility and dealing with their lives? Sometimes, fate can be unfair and brutal.

You see people living better than you, with more chances and doors just waiting to be opened. How you act regarding this fact determines whether you’re just another person in the street or a successful individual.

The fact is, everybody experiences difficulties. Both, people at the bottom as well as the ones at the top, struggle with

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something. You can’t control the obstacles life throws at you, but you can control the way you react to them.

Whereas ordinary folks simply wish life was easier, successful individuals accept the way it is and find an alternative path.

4. Ordinary people stick to social norms, successful people create their own norms.Social norms were made to control the masses, not to help them. Normal people will be afraid to diverge from popular patterns. Often times, the only thing that stops them is the need for the approval of others. A successful person doesn’t seek that.

The fact is, if there would be a recipe for success, everyone could easily replicate it. In reality, however, creating and testing your own rules is required to walk an extraordinary path. It’s a path full of ups and downs, but more often than not, it’s the undiscovered route which leads to the superior results.

5. Ordinary people dream of a better future, successful people create a better future.We all want to live a better life: more happiness, more freedom, better health and more financial independence count to the most desired goals. To some degree, everyone tries to work on achieving them.

However, the average person will focus on dreaming ,while the successful one spares no effort to create that dreamy future. One step at a time: that person knows that acting, and not just dreaming, is what makes he fantasy a reality.

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6. Ordinary people let their thoughts influence them, successful people influence their thoughts.Everyone has doubts and negative thoughts once in a while. It’s just the human nature and the way our brains function. Many people accept these thoughts as ultimate truths and let them dictate their lives.

On the contrary, outstanding people are conscious of the impact their thoughts have, so they influence their thinking to make it work for, and not against them. You can just accept the presence of negative thoughts as a normal appearance, ignore it, and instead think about the more positive aspects.

7. Ordinary people prefer instant gratification, successful people choose long-term rewards.Do you know anyone who hates to be rewarded? Neither do we. But there’s a difference in how people respond to gratification.

In the era in which we are taught to praise comfort over anything else, it’s easy to settle for instant pleasure. However, successful people recognize that oftentimes, you need to wait to experience the true pleasure.

While the typical person can even get addicted to the short-term reward (overeating, smoking, procrastinating), the successful individual will use the long-term reward as a driving force to achieve any goal.

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8. Ordinary people praise overabundance, successful people praise limitation.A typical person loves to accumulate possessions. The more they have, the happier they believe they will be. Eventually, though, their stuff owns them and not the other way around.

A fancy car they have to pay off, tons of possessions they need to clean, store and rearrange. Inability to set limitations leads to plethora, which distracts you from your goals.

One of the features of truly successful people is that they can limit a lot of things in order to focus on ones that are actually important. Limit unnecessary spending, limit wasting unnecessary time, and limit negative people and thoughts. By limiting, they create an environment in which they thrive.

9. Ordinary people see a half-empty glass, successful people see a half-full glass.Your attitude undoubtedly influences your behavior. Seeing only the negative side of each thing is definitely a bad habit, but then again, it’s most people’s approach to life.

Plenty of them complain that they lack the determining factor which would make their lives better. Simply put, they believe the glass is half-empty.

When it comes to successful people, they always squeeze as much as possible from what they already have. In other words, they’ll work to find a joy in the half-full glass.

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10. Ordinary people judge others, successful people only judge themselves.Judging people is one of the most horrible habits people can have, yet many do that on a regular basis. As you can already guess, these are the average people. They waste their time judging others, instead of spending it by contributing value to the world.

It is true that successful humans judge as well, yes, they really do! However, they judge themselves — their behavior, their actions, and their attitude. They use judging as a tool to draw conclusions about themselves.

11. Ordinary people watch TV every day, successful people read every day.The thing that both ordinary and successful people have in common is that they enjoy having some free time. The difference, however, is in the way they spend it.

According to a research, a typical person will spend nine years of their life watching television. The fact is, TV hardly adds any value to your life — hot news, controversial reality shows, and fictional stories.

Generalizing, these are the three kingpins of television. Not to mention the countless ads trying to sell you stuff you don’t need.

Books are on the other side of the spectrum. Reading adds immense value to your life — it widens your horizons and teaches you a lot. Whatever your problem is, there’s already at least one book discussing it. Since successful people constantly seek to improve, they prefer getting lost in reading in lieu of mindlessly staring at a screen.

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12. Ordinary people buy things, successful people buy value.Another similarity between the two discussed groups is obviously spending money — they both do. Special offers, extra discounts, and bonuses are all designed to trick the typical person into buying things they don’t actually need.

Most of these things will add some value to their lives for a few moments, but that soon fades away, lost in the pile of other possessions. And in turn, so does the money.

Successful folks would rather exchange their money for value. This doesn’t necessary have to be a physical thing. Commonly, it’s value in the form of experiences, new opportunities, long-term ROI, or adventures.

13. Ordinary people want to be better than others, successful people want to be a better self.Oftentimes, people get lost in comparing themselves to others. As a result, they lose self-esteem and confidence. They base their wishes on other people’s achievements.

On the contrary, successful individuals pursue being a better person than they were yesterday. What’s more, they wish the same to others.

14. Ordinary people can’t say no, successful people often say no.“No” is among the most powerful words you can use to accelerate your success. Nonetheless, lots of people underestimate the risk of not using it enough. They say “yes”

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to whatever situation is thrown at them. Consequently, they end up saying “no” to the things that matter the most.

From a short-term perspective, saying “no” can be scary. But then again, considering the long-term view, it’s better to say “no” now, rather than regret the subsequent consequences of saying “yes”.

You have to say “no” to bad eating habits, smoking, and sedentary lifestyle so you can say “yes” to being more healthy.

The successful individual takes the advantage of saying “no” on a daily basis, while the ordinary one underestimates the power of this seemingly simple two letter word.

9 Things You Need To Stop Doing If You Want To Be SuccessfulEarl Nightingale, American motivational speaker and author, once said, “We become what we think about.” Perhaps truer words have never been spoken. The human mind is an incredible thing, and having the right attitude and mindset has routinely been stated by numerous successful people as being a pivotal key to success. Sometimes, however, it is easy to get side-tracked. Situations in life can get in the way of our goals, self-esteem, and personal well-being. Truthfully, success is a subjective term, and everyone will disagree over what constitutes being successful. Here are a list of guidelines, however, of some things to stop doing if you want to be or feel successful.

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1. Stop Expecting PerfectionOften, we get frustrated when things don’t work out the way we want them to, or as quickly as we’d like them to. We stress over small details, or beat ourselves up for getting one thing wrong, or forgetting to dot one I or cross one T. People are fallible. Mistakes and drawbacks are a fact of life. Nothing is nor will it ever be perfect, and that’s okay.

Stressing out over minute details or things that would have been impossible to get to is unproductive and unhealthy. Start saying that you will do your personal best, because at the end of the day, you’re not in competition with anyone but yourself.

Example: Jennifer Lawrence is someone who everyone seems to be talking about right now, but did you know she was rejected for the role of Bella Swan   in ‘Twilight ‘? She also didn’t take theater classes. She just trusted her instincts and worked as hard as possible to land acting roles. Obviously, she wasn’t perfect for every role, but she didn’t expect perfection. She takes her failures and rejections well, trying to learn from each situation.

2. Stop Saying Yes When You Want to Say NoIt’s always important to know your limits, and people will always try to test them. Human beings are social animals. We want to interact with others and feel like we are a part of something or like we are special to someone else. People also, for the most part, like to please others. Sometimes, however, it’s easy to be taken advantage of. Whether it’s helping a co-worker with something when you can’t really afford to, or loaning a friend money you can’t really afford to give.

Out of guilt, people often say yes to people and situations that they really should say no to. Don’t be afraid to trust your gut and say no. Sometimes you can’t stay a few hours later because you had other plans or important errands to run.

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Sometimes it’s okay to say no to that co-worker that keeps nagging you for help but is really just stalling because they don’t want to work and know you’ll help them.

Sometimes it’s okay to prioritize other things over work. Saying no is healthy. Saying no means that you know your boundaries and can demand respect.

Example: Margaret Thatcher is known as being tough. She was a powerful politician. She also knew during her career when she had to take a stand, and sometimes that stand meant saying no to bad political and economic policy.

3. Stop Negative Self-DialogueWe all can probably play back in our minds every negative or embarrassing thing we’ve ever done to ourselves, been subjected to, or done to someone else. Whether it’s tripping over one’s shoelaces in the fourth grade, or being fired from a job, wronging someone else, or overhearing someone speaking negatively about us, those thoughts are forever solidified in our minds.

Replaying those thoughts, however, and constantly punishing oneself for past mistakes, is counterproductive at certain points. At some point, it’s more important to learn from situations and move on, instead of psychologically beating yourself up.

The next time you find yourself saying, “I’m not pretty enough”, “I did this horrible thing once five years ago and I’ll never forgive myself”, or any type of statement along those lines, turn off that negative self-dialogue. Look in the mirror and say something kind to yourself. Read some inspirational quotes. Acknowledge that you are taking steps and making an effort to be a better person. Admit to yourself that everyone makes mistakes, and most importantly, that making mistakes is okay.

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Example: This article does a good job of listing Steve Job’s failures. We remember him anyway, and we remember him as a pioneer and someone who didn’t give up. When things go wrong, and they often do, it’s easy for us to remember every mistake we have ever made along the way.

Sometimes it’s easy to lose sight of our goals because of that lack of confidence. Don’t give up and attempt to stay positive. Train your brain to think of things in a new, more positive way. Most of all, keep working hard. Failure doesn’t have to be permanent.

4. Stop Focusing On Just TodaySuccessful people tend to understand the value of a good plan. They plan out their day, their goals, a budget and they plan how much to save for retirement. That doesn’t mean they don’t have fun, though. They most certainly do! They just make sure to plan when it is appropriate and inappropriate to have fun. They make time for productivity and fun, but still save and think about the future.

So, stop just focusing on today and having fun. Think about where you want to be in five, 10 or 15 years down the road! Having a good focus aids in success!

Example: Neil deGrasse Tyson has been in love with the universe and science since he was nine years old. Because of that love, he worked long-term to study the things he cared about. He was accepted into Harvard where he majored in physics, eventually moving on to advanced education. His list of accomplishments would take up another full article in and of itself.

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5. Stop Ignoring Your GoalsStop believing things will just work out for you because you’re a good person. Good things only happen to people who make an effort. A part of making an effort is setting goals for oneself. As evidenced in the previous point, it’s not enough to just focus on the day at hand. It’s important to manage time and set short-term and long-term goals in order to be able to track progress and have something to strive for.

Example: Alan Turing is considered the father of artificial intelligence and computers. He also broke the code to the Nazi encryption machine called Enigma. He faced many challenges along the way, such as the inability to identify with others and being charged with indecency, for which he was eventually pardoned. Despite his personal struggles, though, he managed to break the code for Enigma, saving approximately 14 million people from death and in turn helped end World War 2.

6. Stop Isolating PeopleSuccessful people understand that not everything is about work, church or similar obligations. Some things are about family, relaxation, and hobbies. It’s easy to get the impression that everyone who feels or defines themselves as successful probably has no spare time on their hands, and in some cases, that’s true.

However, it isn’t always. Social isolation can kill people. In fact, many successful people have mastered the art of balance. They don’t isolate the people they love because they have large goals or something they want to accomplish. Instead, they incorporate those they love into their goals and hobbies.

Example: According to a recent Forbes article, many leaders feel lonely. However, here are 25 examples of social business leaders who seem to thrive on relationships. It’s okay to know

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how to work alone and prefer that, but it’s also important to be able to rely on your staff, friends, and family for support.

Involving people in leadership or product processes makes them feel valued and provides valuable feedback. Successful people enjoy that relationship. They also enjoy their time away from their goals and work to spend time with their loved ones.

7. Stop Comparing Yourself To Everyone ElseSuccessful people understand that the only person they can compete with today is the person they were yesterday. They are too focused on themselves and their goals to worry about anyone else. They don’t want to compare themselves to others because it’s counterproductive. However, they do analyze where they have weak points and are able to genuinely admire people who have mastered things they have not.

There is no use to comparing yourself to someone else. It’s counterproductive and harmful to your self-esteem. It also helps to harbor negative self-dialogue.

Example: Taylor Swift is one of the most successful recording artists of our time, but before that, she was a struggling musician in Nashville playing at small venues and coffee shops. She would turn in demos to various studios, covering a variety of songs.

It was only when she started playing and writing her own music that she got noticed and became the celebrity she is today. She faced a lot of adversity as well. There were people who doubted her skills and told her she couldn’t sing. Her confidence and faith in herself overcame that.

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8. Stop Living In The PastSuccessful people learn from their failures, but they do not live in the past. They take the skills and lessons they acquired from their failures and apply them to the present and future. Don’t live in your own personal past. Don’t define yourself by who you were. Define yourself by who you are today and by who you’re working toward becoming.

Example: Would we even remember Thomas Edison if he gave up on his ideas before becoming successful? Can you imagine simply focusing on what happened yesterday? So what if yesterday was a failure? Try again! Failure teaches us about what doesn’t work, and helps us get closer to a process that does work. Choose your attitude and control it. Move forward. Remember, failure is feedback.

9. Stop Tolerating Dishonest PeopleSuccessful people appreciate other people for their unique traits and gifts. They do not attempt to harm, belittle, or in any way demean others for their own successes or ideas. They are open to relationships with others, but know when to cut the cord, so to speak.

People can be too forgiving when it comes to being wronged, and it’s important to know one’s limits. Successful people do not tolerate negative and dishonest people, because they are too busy loving honest, sincere people.

Example: Everyone. We have all had frenemies. We have all invested in people who did not return our investment in them. Successful people know how to weed these dishonest people out. No one wants unneeded negativity around themselves or around the people they love. Read this article for tips on how to deal with dishonest people.

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You Should Never Say These 7 Things If You Want To Be Successful At WorkEffective communication is a key instrument to leading a successful career. Communicating well has two parts: how you say it and what you say. In today’s article, you will discover some of the mistakes that can hurt your career advancement prospects. Do you see yourself in some of these comments? There’s no need to worry. We have all made mistakes and usually manage to work another day. The very fact that you’re reading this article means you are dedicated to improving and becoming more effective. That’s a fantastic trait! Here are 7 things you should never say at work if you want to be successful:

1. “That’s Not My Job”Job descriptions are written for a purpose. However, they are not weapons to be used against your manager! Saying this phrase or a variation of it suggests you are not interested in growing your skills and that you are not interested in going the extra mile to help the organization. When you say “that’s not in my job description,” you suggest that you are rigid and unwilling to adapt to the changing needs of the organization. Solution: Look for ways to accept new responsibilities. If you feel completely overwhelmed at work, learn how to say no professionally. For the best results, suggest an alternative when you say no (e.g. “No, I cannot create that report for you. However, Jane is outstanding at creating reports and I know that she is interested in learning more about financial reporting.”)

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2. “I Work Every Weekend”Professional success takes time. That’s one of the truths that Malcolm Gladwell explained in his best selling book Outliers. However, working longer hours yields less results after a certain point. After a certain point in the day, your ability to make good decisions and use your abilities declines. Solution: Setting limits on your working hours forces you to become productive and set priorities on your work. As author Laura Vanderkam explains in her book What the Most Successful People Do On the Weekend, successful professionals use the weekend for gaining perspective on their work, getting much needed rest and preparing for the week ahead. If you ever felt like you needed permission to relax on the weekend, you have it!

3. “I Can’t” (Frequently)What happens when you tell yourself “I can’t?” You prevent yourself from trying and looking for solutions. You start doubting your abilities. Even worse, saying this phrase over and over again, you will become discouraged. When unsuccessful people say, “I can’t improve my Excel skills,” they present themselves from attempting to learn. Solution: Instead of saying “I can’t” ask yourself: “How would I do this?” What if somebody offered me $10 million to find a way to do this? Would you learn a new skill? Would you call someone to ask for advice? Would you try one hundred ways and look for ways to improve each time? If you’re afraid of criticism from your boss, you can say, “I have never done that before and I will start now.” That’s how a humble attitude improves your work effectiveness.

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4. “I Never Read Books”Each year, we come across new statistics that show fewer people are reading. According to the  Pew Research Center , 24% of Americans read no books in 2013 (the typical American adult reads just five books). In a world of increasing complexity and knowledge, unsuccessful people suffer two problems when they talk about their lack of reading. First, they are actually falling behind everyone else – especially those who read in their fields. Second, they are suggesting they have no need for further knowledge about the world. Solution: Develop a reading habit and program to improve your knowledge. To get started, pick up one book this week and set a goal to read for at least 15 minutes per day. If you are working on getting ahead in your career, look for books that relate to your career goals (e.g. improve your productivity and organization with Getting Things Done by David Allen). To relax at night before you go to sleep, read a novel for fifteen to sixty minutes to relax – reading is an excellent addition to a successful bedtime routine. Restart Your Reading Habit With These Book Suggestions:

100 Must-Read Books: The Essential Man’s Library  (Art of Manliness)

25 Recommendations For Life Changing Biographies For The Voracious Reader In You (Ryan Holiday). This article inspired me to read a biography of John D. Rockefeller in 2014 and a biography of George Washington in 2015.

15 Best Leadership Books Every Young Leader Needs To Read.

5. “Let’s Wait Until Our Competitors Do That”The reactive habit of unsuccessful people is a recurring problem that comes up again and again. Adopting the “wait and see” approach has merit in some cases. Excessive reliance

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on this concept means being dependent on others to come up with new ideas and products. When we think about the most admired people and companies in business – Apple, Google and others – they set themselves apart by leading their industries and bringing new products to the market. Solution: You look for new ideas and ways to become more innovative at your organization. There are several ways you can develop an innovative mindset. Explore the following resources to improve your capacity for innovation.

Mental Models: How Intelligent People Solve Unsolvable Problems.

5 Ways to Get Ready for Innovation in 2015

How I Managed to Out-Learn the Competition

6. “I Don’t Need Your Input”Saying this to a manager or coworker is a career limiting move for two reasons. First, this statement harms relationships. When people say they have no need of input, unsuccessful people signal they do not value other people. Second, this statement suggests a complete knowledge of the world – an unfortunate type of arrogance.

“Feedback is the breakfast of champions.” – Ken Blanchard, leadership and management author

Solution: Instead, you can always find a way to seek and use input at work. You can obtain feedback in two ways to improve your results. You can directly ask people for their insight, ideas and opinions. You can also employ observation, reflection and active listening.

8 Ways To Receive Feedback And Turn Them Into Your Strengths

8 Ways Negative Feedback Can Lead To Greater Success At Work.

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7. “Let’s Get Together Sometime”They say “sometime” over and over again when it comes to their goals. They say “sometime” when their boss asks them to get work done. Over and over again, they take a vague approach to the opportunities they encounter at work. Their professional network becomes weaker each day because they keep saying “I’ll have lunch with that old client sometime” or “I’ll send that email to my college friend sometime.” Solution: Make specific plans to get work done. Plan the next step in your work. Constantly practice the two minute rule for your work on your agenda – if the action will take less than two minutes to complete, then simply get it done now.

You Should Never Say These Six Things If You Want To Be Successful At WorkWe all want to get ahead in the work place. Whether you’re working as a hostess at a restaurant or acting as the right-hand man to the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, there’s something more we’re always looking to attain from our positions; and that “more” is success (in addition to bonuses).

However, as much as we’d all like to think we’re impervious to the pitfalls of our work environments, the majority of us are prone to make a mistake from time to time. That being said, we all have the power to control how we behave and deal with certain less-than-ideal circumstances.

One of the ways in which we can achieve success in the work place is through effective communication. I’ve had to learn this the hard way with my first job (considering I had difficulty communicating with upper management), but ever since, I’ve

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grown to understand it’s one of the essential components of getting ahead in your career.

So if you think communication may be an issue hindering you from being successful in your work place, reflect on the following things you should never say while at work and make it a point to avoid these six verbal bloopers.

1. Curse words

It should be a no-brainer to understand it’s not professional to use foul language at work, but you would be surprised by how many seemingly successful people still do. While most of us do use curse words quite often (I’ll admit, I’m guilty of it), it’s a smart idea to leave the potty mouth at home when you’re headed off to the work place.

Not only does using curse words show a lack of regard for appropriate behavior, but it also diminishes the respect others have for you. I’m not wrong in saying we admire our authority figures more when they aren’t dropping F-bombs every five minutes.

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2. “I’m busy right now”

It’s not that you can’t be honest and tell your boss you’re too busy to do a project or task they assign you. However, that “I’m busy” should always be followed up by an offer to start the assignment later on.

“I’m busy at the moment, but I’ll do my best to finish up soon so I can get started on this job” sounds a lot better, doesn’t it?

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3. Your nightlife escapades

It’s no secret that we all like to have fun. Some more so than others, but most of us enjoy a good night out on the town with our girls, boys, or romantic partners – especially after a long workweek. But when Monday rears its ugly head around again, the “play hard” portion of our lives needs to be kept separated from the “work hard” aspect.

Saying things like “I’m so hung over” and “I got so wasted over the weekend” to your co-workers or, God-forbid, your bosses, is going to paint a negative image of you as someone who’s irresponsible and reckless even if you’re not. And who wants to give a raging party animal an upper management position? No one, that’s who.

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4. “That’s not possible”

I’m sorry, did you just tell me something is impossible? Cue the “Oh no she didn’t!” In my eyes, nothing is ever unfeasible. Things only seem that way when they require hard work and intensive research in order to complete the task at hand.

As harsh as it sounds, the idea of impossibility is a mark of laziness or unwillingness on the responsible party’s part to do the required work. It may be difficult and you may not like the task you were given, but that doesn’t mean it’s not do-able. It just means that you’ve got to roll up your sleeves and get crackin’.

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5. Gossip

Again, your personal life needs to act like your pet and stay the heck at home when you leave for work.

“Did you hear about Britney and Justin?” No and frankly my dear I don’t care.

Gossip is something we all need to disengage in, even outside the workplace. It’s tough, I understand, but just think of how it feels when you realize someone’s been gossiping about you. I bet you’d think twice before saying anything more if you saw yourself in that situation.

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6. Negative thoughts

As a reformed pessimist, I should know better than anyone that this is one of the worst things you can express at work. I used to think I was just being honest, but really I was being unprofessional when I would tell my co-workers how terrible my mornings were going. It sounds awful, but no one likes an Eeyore.

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That’s not to say be disingenuous, but be cautious about the way you act around others and the things you disclose to those you work with. After all, you never know who may be listening. I guarantee that adopting a positive perspective will bring you more opportunities for success than dragging about that persistent storm cloud.

25 Signs You are Already Successful and You’re Simply UnawareWe have all had that period in our lives where we feel, regardless of what happens, we simply have nothing positive going for us. It’s easy to criticize yourself in just about anything–from your competence in the workplace to how you deal with situations at home–and this can make it easy to become clouded to our own successes in life.

This kind of constant action and lack of clarity can make it easy to believe that you are a failure, even when all the evidence in your life–personally and professionally–points to other conclusions. If you are too busy in life fighting fires, you’ll likely never make the time to actually appreciate your own success and accomplishments. You could already be successful and just not realize it. Here are some signs that is the case:

1. You aren’t controlled by your income.Many people feel like they are tied to that next paycheque to make things work for them. If you are able to go day-to-day without the worry that you won’t have enough money to last

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until the end of the month, then you are most definitely a success! You might not be able to afford a Rolex, but if you aren’t living from week-to-week you are a success.

2. You don’t seek praise.Seeking praise from loved ones and colleagues is something that we typically grow out of in our teenage years. If you aren’t hanging around waiting to get the proverbial pat on the back at work or at home, you are a more successful individual than you might even know. Being able to do your part without looking for praise is a strong sign of mental security.

3. You suffer less drama.Look back even just a year in your life: are you finding that things are quieter? At home and at work? If this is the case then you can probably say that your life is pretty successful–a lack of chaos points to order and harmony.

4. You have a plan.Success is built on structure and having a long-term plan to get to where you want to be. If you actually have a framework to follow in your life to reach your life goals, you are already pretty successful. Most people don’t plan ahead!

5. You crave more.For someone who might feel like they aren’t doing well very in life, if you tend to look for more from any situation you are already on your way to success. Ambition and a desire for knowledge points to a determined individual who seeks to better themselves.

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6. You are an early bird.You know the old saying. The early bird catches the worm. If you are to make your life a success, you can’t be starting each day in the afternoon. When you find that you are jumping out of bed, ready to attack the day, you can probably point to a successful lifestyle and personality.

7. You are socially active.Success tends to come in many different ways, not just your rank or your pay packet. If you are able to get involved in many different situations with a variety of social circles you can point to a healthy and harmonious life–people don’t tend to stick around toxic personalities.

8. You offer mutual respect.Success tends to come from your own experiences in life, including going through stresses and difficulties. If you understand the value of treating others with respect, you already harness one of the most important aspects of success.

9. You wish to help others.Again, your success in this world goes far beyond the cost of your car. If you are able to provide people with a solid base to work with, and act as a pillar of strength for colleagues, success is not too far off.

10. You are driven.Anybody without an engine and a willingness to get through the hard times and the difficulties will struggle to succeed. If

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you don’t mind getting your sleeves rolled up and your hands dirty, you are better off than you think.

11. You possess confidence without arrogance.The big difference between a successful person and someone who believes they are successful is the way they conduct themselves. If you can show some genuine humility for others, whilst inspiring those who are struggling, you are already a successful individual

12. You have fought back.We have already touched on how failure can be the point needed to succeed. You need to hit the bottom before you can reach the top. Being able to battle back from a position of failure to success–any success–is a sign of an iron-willed individual with the nous to succeed in life.

13. You strive to improve.Many people fall into the trap of believing that they “made it”. When you always look to improve on the previous performance, even if it was spectacular, you are setting yourself up to be a long-term success.

14. You have discipline.Discipline can only come from being a success and seeing how things have gone in the past. Learning how not to make mistakes and how to make the right call is vital to being a long-term success.

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15. You preach patience.Patience is a virtue that the most successful people emit on a large-scale basis. Without patience, it can be hard to ever make the type of impact that you originally intended in any work or personal environment.

16. You can say no.We spoke earlier about the power of being able to avoid needing to be praised–this is the same ideal. If you are able to say no then you have already avoided the need to please everyone. This is the sign of a successful individual.

17. You manage time well.Time management is a sign of long-term success, and being able to use the time in any given day to be productive is the sign of a successful person. Capable of dealing with plenty of tasks in any given day? You are already a success.

18. You have successful friends.Success around you is the easiest way to inspire yourself. If you find yourself surrounded by those who are also doing well it can be easier to actually improve and develop yourself in the right manner.

19. You don’t blame others.You have reached a point in your life where you fully understand what it means to take ownership of your actions and not target others for your frustrations and failures. That comes about from being active rather than passive, and noticing your inner power to transform your life. It also speaks

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to your ability to prevent the environment from leading you down a direction you do not desire.

20. You don’t waste your time.Long gone are the days when you let others drag you along and make you invest your time in activities you deemed boring or even counterproductive to your self-development and self-esteem. Your greater sense of direction empowers you to know what you want without needing other´s approval.

21. You are assertive.You understand that simply saying yes or no is not enough. Explaining your reasons in a clear manner is essential for others to understand that you are an individual with your own thoughts and needs. This does not mean being inflexible, but while being understanding you should never let anyone bend your way.

22. You stay positive.You have learnt the hard way that being negative or skeptical to justify your potential defeats and failures does not serve any purpose. Not only it does make you feel unable and anxious, but also does affect the final outcome. By being positive and honest at pursuing your goals you will unleash the true achiever within you.

23. You take care of your health.Quitting harmful activities that stop you from working towards the brighter future you have always dreamt is a powerful step. Be it smoking, taking drugs, eating too much saturated fats and sugar, or not exercising, you understand that leaving all of

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those behind will turn you into a stronger individual with greater drive and willpower.

24. You don’t seek a relationship to solve your personal issues.It is easy to hide our failures behind someone who loves us. But, it is a bit immature for both sides in a relationship to stop tackling the real issues that harm each other’s lives. It is not a good idea to avoid helping the other towards becoming a better person just because it is easier not doing it or because “things are just fine as they are”.

25. You are mature.When bad situations unfold in the workplace, or you need to deal with the individual who you have a problem with. A sign of success is being able to put personal grievances to the side for professional gain.

It’s always important to remind yourself that success isn’t something that can be judged so materially. If you are able to look at your lifestyle and understand that you do things in a mature, social and effective manner then you are already far more successful than any slap on the back will ever make you feel.

Success comes from acceptance of your own skills and abilities, not what somebody you might never have met before tells you.

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2 Things You'll Never Hear a Successful Person Say at Work

You can’t build a strong professional network if you don’t open up to your colleagues; but doing so is tricky, because revealing the wrong things can have a devastating effect on your career.

Sharing the right aspects of yourself in the right ways is an art form. Disclosures that feel like relationship builders in the moment can wind up as obvious no-nos in hindsight.

The trick is to catch yourself before you cross that line, because once you share something, there is no going back.

TalentSmart has tested more than a million people and found that the upper echelons of top performance are filled with people who are high in emotional intelligence (90% of top performers, to be exact). Emotionally intelligent people are adept at reading others, and this shows them what they should and shouldn’t reveal about themselves at work.

The following list contains the 12 most common things people reveal that send their careers in the wrong direction.

1. That They Hate Their Job

The last thing anyone wants to hear at work is someone complaining about how much she hates her job. Doing so labels you as a negative person and not a team player. This brings down the morale of the group. Bosses are quick to catch on to naysayers who drag down morale, and they know that there are always enthusiastic replacements waiting just around the corner.

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2. That They Think Someone Is Incompetent

There will always be incompetent people in any workplace, and chances are that everyone knows who they are. If you don’t have the power to help them improve or to fire them, then you have nothing to gain by broadcasting their ineptitude. Announcing your colleague’s incompetence comes across as an insecure attempt to make yourself look better. Your callousness will inevitably come back to haunt you in the form of your co-workers’ negative opinions of you.

3. How Much Money They Make

Your parents may love to hear all about how much you’re pulling in each month, but in the workplace, this only breeds negativity. It’s impossible to allocate salaries with perfect fairness, and revealing yours gives your co-workers a direct measure of comparison. As soon as everyone knows how much you make, everything you do at work is considered against your income. It’s tempting to swap salary figures with a buddy out of curiosity, but the moment you do, you’ll never see each other the same way again.

4. Their Political and Religious Beliefs

People’s political and religious beliefs are too closely tied to their identities to be discussed without incident at work. Disagreeing with someone else’s views can quickly alter their otherwise strong perception of you. Confronting someone’s core values is one of the most insulting things you can do.

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Granted, different people treat politics and religion differently, but asserting your values can alienate some people as quickly as it intrigues others. Even bringing up a hot-button world event without asserting a strong opinion can lead to conflict.

People build their lives around their ideals and beliefs, and giving them your two cents is risky. Be willing to listen to others without inputting anything on your end, because all it takes is a disapproving look to start a conflict. Political opinions and religious beliefs are so deeply ingrained in people that challenging their views is more likely to get you judged than to change their minds.

5. What They Do on Facebook

The last thing your boss wants to see when she logs on to her Facebook account are photos of you taking tequila shots in Tijuana. There are just too many ways you can look inappropriate on Facebookand leave a bad impression. It could be what you’re wearing, whom you’re with, what you’re doing, or even your friends’ commentary. These are the little things that can cast a shadow of doubt in your boss’ or colleagues’ minds just when they are about to hand you a big assignment or recommend you for a promotion.

It’s too difficult to try to censor yourself on Facebook for your colleagues. Save yourself the trouble, and don’t friend them there. Let LinkedIn be your professional “social” network, and save Facebook for everybody else.

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6. What They Do in the Bedroom

Whether your sex life is out of this world or lacking entirely, this information has no place at work. Such comments might get a chuckle from some people, but it makes most uncomfortable, and even offended. Crossing this line will instantly give you a bad reputation.

7. What They Think Someone Else Does in the Bedroom

A good 111% of the people you work with do not want to know that you bet they’re tigers in the sack. There’s no more surefire way to creep someone out than to let her know that thoughts of her love life have entered your brain. Anything from speculating on a colleague’s sexual orientation to making a relatively indirect comment like, “Oh, to be a newlywed again,” plants a permanent seed in the brains of all who hear it that casts you in a negative light.

Your thoughts are your own. Think whatever you feel is right about people; just keep it to yourself.

8. That They’re After Somebody Else’s Job

Announcing your ambitions at work when they are in direct conflict with other people’s interests comes across as selfish and indifferent to those you work with and the company as a whole. Great employees want the whole team to succeed, not just themselves. Regardless of your actual motives (some of us really do just work for the money), announcing your selfish goal will not help you get there.

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9. How Wild They Used to Be in College

Your past can say a lot about you. Just because you did something outlandish or stupid 20 years ago doesn’t mean that people will believe you’ve developed impeccable judgment since then. Some behavior that might qualify as just another day in the typical fraternity (binge drinking, minor theft, drunk driving, abusing people or farm animals, and so on) shows everyone you work with that, when push comes to shove, you have poor judgment and don’t know where to draw the line. Many presidents have been elected in spite of their past indiscretions, but unless you have a team of handlers and PR types protecting and spinning your image, you should keep your unsavory past to yourself.

10. How Intoxicated They Like to Get

You might think talking about how inebriated you were over the weekend has no effect on how you’re viewed at work. After all, if you’re a good worker, then you’re a good worker, right? Unfortunately not. Sharing this will not get people to think you’re fun. Instead, they will see you as unpredictable, immature, and lacking in good judgment. Too many people have negative views of drugs and alcohol for you to reveal how much you love to indulge in them.

11. An Offensive Joke

If there’s one thing we can learn from celebrities, it’s to be careful about what you say and whom you say it to. Offensive jokes make other people feel terrible, and they make you look terrible. They also happen to be much less funny than clever jokes.

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A joke crosses the line anytime you try to gauge its appropriateness based on how close you are with someone. If there is anyone who would be offended by your joke, you are better off not telling it. You never know whom people know or what experiences they’ve had in life that can lead your joke to tread on subjects that they take very seriously.

12. That They Are Job Hunting

When I was a kid, I told my baseball coach I was quitting in two weeks. For the next two weeks, I found myself riding the bench. It got even worse after those two weeks when I decided to stay, and I became “the kid who doesn’t even want to be here.” I was crushed, but it was my own fault; I told him my decision before it was certain.

The same thing happens when you tell people that you’re job hunting. Once you reveal that you’re planning to leave, you suddenly become a waste of everyone’s time. There’s also the chance that your hunt will be unsuccessful, so it’s best to wait until you’ve found a job before you tell anyone. Otherwise, you will end up riding the bench.

7 Monday Morning Habits Of Highly Successful People

1. They Wake Up Early – Set Your Alarm For 5am

They wake up early to make sure that they have plenty of time to complete all of their tasks. Waking up early also ensures that they are not late for any of their scheduled events and

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they have plenty of time to take care of their personal chores prior to jumping into their work load.

In an interview with Oprah, Michelle Obama shared that she wakes up early to take care of herself before her day starts. “Well, I just started thinking, if I had to get up and go to work, I’d get up and go to work. If I had to get up to take care of my kids, I’d get up and do that. But when it comes to yourself, then suddenly, ‘Oh, I can’t get up at 4:30.’ So I had to change that.”

We are only allotted so much time in each day; sleeping the day away diminishes the chances of success.

2. They Meditate – Start With Just 5 Minutes

Monday morning meditation or prayer are great tools to envision success. It’s important to quiet the mind and let the positive energy in as soon as you wake up. If you start with meditating for 5 minutes and over time increase it to half an hour per session.

Such practices can also answer unanswered questions and lead the way to success.

Oprah meditates two times per day for 20 minutes, and she states, “I walked away feeling fuller than when I’d come in. Full of hope, a sense of contentment, and deep joy. Knowing for sure that even in the daily craziness that bombards us from every direction, there is — still — the constancy of stillness. Only from that space can you create your best work and your best life.” (HuffingtonPost)

Concentrating on silence and your heart beat is one way to do a meditation. Another way is to do a guided meditation. There are plenty of free guided meditation videos on YouTube that you can pull up. They range from positive energy meditation,

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to prosperity meditation, to weight loss meditation. Read 10 Steps to Meditate Anywhere to learn more about meditation.

3. They Get Motivated – Personal Development Is Key

Highly successful people get motivated first thing on Monday morning. They read personal development books, watch inspirational videos, listen to motivational speakers. Even 15 minutes of inspirational content on Monday morning can set up your day and your week for success. Check out Tony Robbins’ free motivational speech about a Power Hour.

Tony suggests the Power Hour to highly successful people such as Fortune 500 CEOs, legends in entertainment, and even athletes, including Chuck Liddell. (TonyRobbins)

Some of the books you may want to check out: 

Infinite Self by Stuart Wilde

The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle

Awaken The Giant Within by Anthony Robbins

Manifesting Change by Mike Dooley

The Success Principles by Jack Canfield

You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

4. They Fuel Their Body – Food Is Energy

It’s imperative that your body is fueled with nutritious foods first thing in the morning. Healthy food provides energy and gets the mind and body ready for the day. According to Business Insider, Richard Branson eats a fruit salad and

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muesli (a mix of rolled oats, fruits, nuts, seeds, and milk) in the morning.

Some ideas for a healthy breakfast: 

1 egg, 2 servings of egg whites, orange juice and a flax seed bread toast

Protein smoothie/shake

Fruit and greek yogurt parfait

Peanut butter and banana sandwich

Quinoa and fruit bowl

Apple slices dipped in peanut butter

Here’re even more ideas for a healthy and tasty breakfast.

5. They Get Active – No You Don’t Need A Gym Membership

Highly Successful people know that getting the body active is imperative on Monday mornings and throughout the week. Exercise helps the body wake up and oxygenate; by doing so, all of the cells become active and ready for the day.

Exercise is known not only to positively affect the physical body, but it also to keep the mind sharp.  Barack Obama shared with WebMD, “The rest of my time will be more productive if you give me my workout time.”

If you don’t have a gym membership or don’t own any workout equipment, no problem. All you need is your body and some space to do bodyweight exercises. With the right  type of exercises, all you need is just 20 minutes for a good workout in the morning.

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Performing high intensity exercises such as burpees, squat jumps, lunge jumps, and lateral jumps target multiple body areas at the same time.

Here’s an example of a 20 minute body weight exercise:

20 Minute AMRAP (as many round as possible) – Set your timer for 20 minutes and take about 30 second break between each exercise.

1. 10 Burpees

2. 10 Pushups

3. 10 Jumps Squats

4. 10 Chair Dips

5. 10 Lateral Jumps

6. 10 Wide push ups

6. They Connect With Their Team Face To Face

A lot of business decisions take place over email or other types of technology. Highly successful people connect with their teams face to face.

Steve Jobs used to have Monday morning meetings and believed that “in this digital age, when we think we can do things by email and Skype and online chats, it’s really important to bump into people face to face, to hash things out, to look them in the eye, to yell at them and scream at them, and then to hug them and to know emotionally what they’re thinking.”

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7. They Only Tend To Urgent E-mails

Most email accounts are bursting with emails on Monday mornings. Highly successful people have a way to tend just to urgent emails in the morning.

Going through a long list of random emails can waste a lot of time first thing in the morning. Tumblr’s David Karp shares, “I used to suck at e-mail. I’d let e-mails pile up, get overwhelmed, and miss important messages; or forget to reply. So I set up filters on my e-mail, and that’s been working pretty well. Now, my inbox gets e-mails only from people in my company and from my girlfriend.” (Inc.com)

You can set up filters in your email account just like David Karp did. Alternatively, you can get an email app for your smart phone. Apps like Boxer, Dispatch, and Hop can help you to quickly go through your email box to separate urgent and non-urgent emails.

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