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Christel Beltran, @chrisbel99

IBM Summercamp, Chamouille, 9 juillet 2015

Pour comprendre Watson nous devons comprendre l’informatique cognitive

Christel Beltran, @chrisbel99

This is how cognition works.

The making of an expert.

Watson scales expertise to expand what’s possible.


Watson is Cognitive Computing

En résumé

Watson au travail video – 8 min. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Xcmh1LQB9I)

“I don't need to know everything, I just need to know where to find it, when I need it”

Albert Einstein


“Medicine has

become too complex.

Only about 20% of

the knowledge

clinicians use today

is evidence-based.”

Steven ShapiroChief Medical & Scientific Officer

University Pittsburgh Medical Center

Why Watson in Healthcare & Life Sciences?Because those are “dying of thirst in an ocean of data”

Business problem:

Need better individualized cancer treatment plans


•Suggestions to help inform oncologists’ decisions based on 600K+ pieces

of evidence and 2M pages of text from 42 publications

•Analyzes patient data against thousands of historical cases and trained

through 5000+ Memorial Sloan-Kettering MD and analyst hours

•Evolves with the fast-changing field


the cause

of one in

four deaths

Oncology Advisor

IBM WatsonOncologyBuilt with Memorial Sloan Kettering


Watson @ DBS : Wealth ManagementAide les conseillers financiers de la banque à mieux servir leurs clients


Pepper RobotPowered by Watson

IBM apprend à Watson à penser et à parlerjaponais. SoftBank et IBM explorentde nouveaux usages pour Watson cognitif : interaction en langagenaturel à travers uneinterface humanoide


Christel Beltran, @chrisbel99

Watson: Hi Joe, how may I help

you today?

Joe: I want to go on vacation with

my wife and two young kids to a

warm place in January for a week.

What place do you recommend

that I have not yet been to?Watson: Based on the places

you’ve already been and your

request. I would recommend

Punta Cana. What dates are you


WayBlazerMaking travel a truly personal experience


Prototyperrapidement et construiredes applications cognitivesdans le Cloud

Watson services disponibles avec Bluemix


… le party boy Malaisien, le dinosaure vert et l’agent de call


• Jho Low, http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/on-leadership/why-this-former-


• Cognitoys, http://www.lemondeinformatique.fr/actualites/lire-cognitoy-un-jouet-relie-a-


• Call centers et service client, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Abb6pdyulSo

Watson et …

… et vous, que ferez vous avec Watson?

What will you do with Watson?

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