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15.4 & 15.5 Class Test

Mr. Hearty and Mr. Bellisario

Question #1

What or who tried to make China a Japanese protectorate?

• Twenty-One Demands

• Guomindang

• Hirohito

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Question #2

What was the name of the reform movement begun by student protesters?

• May Fourth Shootings

• May Fourth Movement

• May Fourth Demands

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Question #3

What is the name of the party begun by Sun Yixian?

• Guomindang

• Kai-Lin

• Red

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Question #4

What was the flight of Mao Zedong and his followers from the Gumindang called?

• Great Wall March

• Yellow River March

• Long March

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Question #5

___________ won control over German possessions in China at the Paris Peace Conference.

• Japan

• United States

• Great Britain

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Question #6

The goal of the May Fourth Movement was to ______________________.

• Attack the Japanese

• Strengthen China

• Free China from colonial rule

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Question #7

Partly because __________________, Sun Yixian decided that Soviet Russia was China’s only friend.

• Western powers offered financial help to the Guomindang.

• Western powers ignored his efforts to build a democratic China.

• The Communists murdered supporters of the Guomindang.

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Question #8

__________________ believed the Communists should seek support among the peasants in china.

• The Guomindang

• Mao Zedong

• Sun Yixian

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Question #9

During the Long March, the Communists enforced _________________.

• Strict discipline

• Food rationing

• The Chinese class system

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Question #10

___________________ ultimately prevailed in China’s civil war.

• The Communists

• The Japanese

• The Nationalists

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Question #11

____________ was the emperor of Japan from 1926 to 1989.

• Akihito

• Hirohito

• Mikado

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Question #12

During the 1920s, elected members of the ________________ exerted their power.

• Parliament

• Shoguns

• Diet

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Question #13

The ___________ pushed for policies to favor international trade.

• Zaibatsu

• Meiji

• Mitsui

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Question #14

In 1931, the Japanese army conquered Manchuria and called the new state they formed ___________________.

• Manzhouguo

• Yasuda

• Matsushita

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Question #15

By 1925, all adult men in Japan had won

• The right to vote

• Membership to the Diet

• Prosperity

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Question #16

Factory workers were attracted to socialism because they

• Were interested in western ideas

• Earned low wages

• Distrusted the younger generation

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Question #17

Conservatives, especially the military, rejected

• Ancient values

• Imperialism

• Western ideas

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Question #18

One reason that Japanese nationalists were determined to seize Manchuria was it

• Was rich in natural resources.

• Had destroyed a railroad line.

• Attacked Japan first.

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Question #19

The league of Nations reacted to Japan’s actions in Manchuria by

• Ignoring Japanese movements

• Applauding Japanese efforts

• Condemning Japanese aggression

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Question #20

Under the militarists, the Japanese government taught schoolchildren

• Independent thinking

• Communist ideology

• Service to the state

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