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  • 7/31/2019 16. Group Cohesiveness


  • 7/31/2019 16. Group Cohesiveness











  • 7/31/2019 16. Group Cohesiveness


    EXTERNAL CONDITIONS1. Organizations overall strategy2.Authority structures-who reports to whom, who makes

    decision, what decisions individual and group empowered tomake.

    3. Formal rule, procedures, policies-limits individuals behavior4. Resources-amount of resources limits group capability of

    accomplishment.5. Performance evaluation and rewards-group objectives rewarded.

    6. Organization culture-expected/not expected behaviors, values-honesty, integrity. Teams/groups to follow same.

    7. Physical work setting-workspace equipment, acoustics

  • 7/31/2019 16. Group Cohesiveness


    GROUP RESOURCES1. Knowledge, skills, abilities2. Personal characteristics3. Interpersonal Skills:

    Examples-1.Members recognize type and source of conflict confronting thegroup to implement conflict resolution strategies.

    2.Identify situation requiring participative group problem solvingand utilize the proper degree and type of participation.

    3.Develop listening qualities of non evaluative and active listeningtechniques.

    PERSONALITY CHARACTERISTICS:Traits like sociability, initiative, openness and flexibility lead to

    group productivity ,morale and cohesiveness

  • 7/31/2019 16. Group Cohesiveness


    GROUP STRUCTURE4. ROLES1. A set expected behavior patterns attributed to someone occupying a

    given position in a social unit. To understand behavior one has to grasprole that a person is currently playing.

    2. Role identity: certain attributes and behaviors consistent with the role.3. Role perception: an individuals view of how he or she is supposed to act

    in a given situation from friends, books, movies and other personalvalues, experiences etc.

    4. Role expectation :how others believe a person should act in a givensituation.

    Example: Psychological contract: what management expects fromemployee and vice versa.

    WORKERS :expect good work condition, give feedback etc.

    MANAGEMENT: expect good attitude, follow direction, loyaltyIf any one party doesn't keep its behavior according to role there isproblem. Workers: Discipline, Management: Motivation of Employeesproblem: .

    6.Role conflict: situation in which individual is confronted by divergentrole expectations. Relating to work and personal life.

  • 7/31/2019 16. Group Cohesiveness


    GROUP STRUCTUREII.NORMS: Certain Acceptable Standard of Behavior

    Performance norms: level of output, how to get job done Appearance norms: loyal to group Social arrangement norms: these norms come from informal

    group works and primarily regulate social interaction. Allocation of resources norms: pay, assignment, allocation of

    new tools and equipment.2)Conformity

    Adjusting ones behavior to align with the norms of the group.3) Deviant workplace behavior:

    Antisocial actions by organization members that intentionallyviolate established norms and that result in negativeconsequences for organization, its members or both.

  • 7/31/2019 16. Group Cohesiveness



    A socially defined position or rank given to groups orgroup members or others.

    Status and norms: high status members more freedomto deviate from norms.

    Status equity: it is important for group members tobelieve that status hierarchy is equitable-when

    inequity perceived results in corrective behavior.Status culture: importance vary across culture.

    FRANCE: highly status conscious.

  • 7/31/2019 16. Group Cohesiveness


    GROUP STRUCTUREiv) Size: Smaller group faster in competing task Larger group better in problem solving

    If goal is fact finding-larger group more effective, Smaller group productive in implementing. Group performance increases with size but with addition of

    new member productivity decreases. IMPLICATION ON O.B: When managers use collective

    work situations to enhance morale and team work, theymust also provide means by individual effort can beidentified .If this is not done ,management must weigh thepotential losses in productivity from using groups againstany possible gain in work satisfaction.

  • 7/31/2019 16. Group Cohesiveness


    GROUP STRUCTUREv) Composition

    1. Diverse in terms of personality, gender, age, education,functional specialization and experience. Diversity

    promotes conflict, stimulation, creativity.2. Racial /cultural difference it takes 3 months to understand

    how to work through disagreement, different approach toproblem solving.

    Group demography: degree to which group share commondemography attribute such as age, sex, race, education,length of service in organization and impact of thisattribute on turnover

  • 7/31/2019 16. Group Cohesiveness


    GROUP STRUCTUREvi) Cohesiveness:The cohesiveness of a group refers to the degree to which its

    members are attracted to the group are motivated to remain inthe group and mutually inf luence one another.

    Relationship between cohesiveness and productivity depends onperformance related norms established by the group.For group cohesiveness: Make group smaller Encourage agreement between group goals Increase time member spend together increases cohesiveness of

    group Stimulate competition within groups Give rewards to groups Physically isolate group

  • 7/31/2019 16. Group Cohesiveness


    GROUP PROCESSES Communication patterns used by members for information


    Group decision process

    Leader behavior

    Power dynamics

    Conflict interactions

    Synergy: The work of 2 or more person done jointly morethan summation of individual performance

    Social facilitation effect: The tendency for performance toimprove or decline in response to the presence of others

  • 7/31/2019 16. Group Cohesiveness


    GROUP PROCESSES The research indicates that the performance of simple,

    routine tasks tends to increase by the presence ofothers.

    Therefore process gains can be made by trainingpeople for simple tasks in groups, and training forcomplex tasks in individual training sessions.

  • 7/31/2019 16. Group Cohesiveness



    Tasks that have higher uncertainty ,those are complexand interdependent require more informationprocessing puts more importance on efficient groupprocesses.

    Therefore there is emphasis on communication,leadership and conflict handling in the above tasks butif tasks are simple ,require less interdependence thendespite problem in above areas group can performreasonably well.

  • 7/31/2019 16. Group Cohesiveness


    PERFORMANCE AND SATISFACTION Role Perception-High congruence between boss and

    employee-more satisfaction

    Role conflict leads to job induced tension and increasejob dissatisfaction.

    Communication between peers and higher levels moresatisfying.

    Group Size:Large groups- lower satisfaction becauseopportunities of participation and social interactiondecreases.

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