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Page 1: 16 ss beware of the beguilers

Beware of the Beguilers

Colossians 2:8

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Written by Paul

Written to believers in Colossae

Written from Rome

Written in 61 AD

Written because of the Colossian heresy

Written to show the supremacy of Christ

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Have a focus that is futuristic Hope laid up for you, 1:5

Share in the inheritance of the saints in Light, 1:12

Believers are transferred to the “Kingdom of His Son,” 1:13

Believers will be “presented” to Christ, 1:22

Christ is Supreme Creator and sustainer, 1:15-17

Head of the Church, 1:18

Fulfiller and completer of God’s eternal plan to deal with sin, 1:19-20

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Christ is sufficient for our lives He contains all the wisdom we need, 1:28; 2:3

He is the foundation and stability of our faith, 2:5

Believers walk in Christ through faith, 2:6

Walk in Christ, 2:6-7 Live our lives through faith

Rooted and built up in Christ

Establishing our faith with overflowing gratitude

“A grounded, growing, grateful Believer will not be lead astray!” Warren Wiersbe

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The Warning, Colossians 2:8a

The Weapons, Colossians 2:8b

The Way, Colossians 2:8c

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See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ. Colossians 2:8

Βλεπετε – βλεπω (blepo) see; be able to see; look at, observe; notice; beware of

Present active imperative: a command to watch out, or beware.

Watch out like a soldier… with good discipline and steadfastness, Col 2:5

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See to it; βλεπω; beware

Mark 13, Olivet Discourse “See to it that no one misleads you.” Mark 13:5

“But be on your guard…” Mark 13:9

“But take heed; behold I have told you in advance” 13:23

“Take heed, keep on the alert…” Mark 13:33-37

Luke 8:18 – not paying attention can lead to loss of reward

Ephesians 5:15-21, beware how you walk in these evil days

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See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ. Colossians 2:8 συλαγωγων sylagogon (present active participle)

See to it that no on will be taking you captive…

Who could take us captive? Philippians 3:2

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False teachers never emphasize the sufficiency of Christ, 2 Peter 2:1

They are sensual and greedy, 2 Peter 2:2-3

They are wolves in sheep’s clothing, Matt 7:15

They pretend to be something they are not, 2 Cor 11:13

They are full of fraud and deceit, and they make straight paths crooked, Acts 13:9-10

They bring people into bondage, Gal 2:4ff

They are numerous, 1 John 4:1

They divide the brethren, and they deceive the unsuspecting Rom 16:17-18

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See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ. Colossians 2:8 συλαγωγων sylagogon (present active participle)

See to it that no on will be taking you captive…

Who could take us captive? Philippians 3:2 False teachers are persistently attacking us, so we have to

be ever vigilant.

Take every thought captive, 2 Corinthians 10:5

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See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ. Colossians 2:8

Philosophy φιλοσοφιας, only use of this term Man-made religion, vv 16-17, 23

Teaching does not have roots in theology Postmodernism, mysticism

Christ is the source of all wisdom and knowledge, 2:3

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Empty deception: vain, empty, foolish, futile Appeals to our sin nature, Eph 4:22 Don’t be deceived by empty words, Eph 5:6-7 Being deceived can lead to loss of reward, Col 2:18

Tradition of men: philosophy and empty deception Mark 7:1-23, the value of the traditions of men? Our traditions come from the Word, 2 Thess 2:15

Elementary principles of the world The ABC’s, Hebrews 5:12 Earth, wind, fire and water, 2 Peter 3:10 Angels and emanations, the Colossian heresy was the

beginning of this idea

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See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ. Colossians 2:8

Colossian heresy was an unchristian, man-made, empty philosophy.

Be taken captive by Christ, Romans 6:17-19

Live in light of our position in submission to Him

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