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Page 1: 1975/06/19 HR4700 NASA Appropriations Authorization (1) · Appropriations Authorization ... is included in NASA's views letter, ... I commend. the Congress tor its quick action on

The original documents are located in Box 26, folder “1975/06/19 HR4700 NASA Appropriations Authorization (1)” of the White House Records Office: Legislation Case

Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library.

Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald R. Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Exact duplicates within this folder were not digitized.

Page 2: 1975/06/19 HR4700 NASA Appropriations Authorization (1) · Appropriations Authorization ... is included in NASA's views letter, ... I commend. the Congress tor its quick action on


i AR.d Je~

'f ;23


WASHINGTON Last Day: June 21




June 17, 1975



Enrolled B 1 H.R. 4700 - NASA Appropriations Authorization

Attached for your consideration is H.R. 4700, sponsored by Representatives Teague and Mosher, which authorizes appropriations of $3,562,310,000 for the activities of NASA for FY 76 and $925,150,000 for the transition period July 1 to September 30, 1976.

The enrolled bill's authorization is $23,310,000 above the Administration 1976 budget request and the transition period authorization is $33,750,000 less than requested.

A discussion of the differences between the Administration's request and H.R. 4700 is provided in OMB's enrolled bill report at Tab A.

OMB, Max Friedersdorf, Phil Buchen (Lazarus), NSC and I recommend approval of the enrolled bill.


That you sign H.R. 4700 at Tab B.

Digitized from Box 26 of the White House Records Office Legislation Case Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library

Page 3: 1975/06/19 HR4700 NASA Appropriations Authorization (1) · Appropriations Authorization ... is included in NASA's views letter, ... I commend. the Congress tor its quick action on




JUN 1 4. 1915


Subject: Enrolled Bill H.R. 4700 - NASA Appropriations Authorization

Sponsor - Rep. Teague (D) Texas and Rep. Mosher (R) Ohio

Last Day for Act~on

June 21, 1975 - Saturday


Authorizes appropriations of $3,562,310,000 for the activities of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for fiscal year 1976 and $925,150,000 for the transition period, July 1 to September 30, 1976.

Agency Recomm:endations

Office of Management and Budget

National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Science Foundation Department of State



Approval Approval No comment (Informally)

The enrolled bill's authorization of $3,562,310,000 .for 1976 is $23,310,000 above the Administration's budget request. The transition quarter authorization of $925,150,000 is $33,750,000 less than requested. The bill does not include a requested appropriations authorization for 1977.

The differences between the Administration's request and H.R. 4700 for 1976 are as follows:

Research and Development

- testing the effect of pollutants in the upper atmosphere

{Millions of: $) ·

Page 4: 1975/06/19 HR4700 NASA Appropriations Authorization (1) · Appropriations Authorization ... is included in NASA's views letter, ... I commend. the Congress tor its quick action on

- practical application of space technology

- dissemination of space technology to the public

- manned space flight and satellite tracking

Construction of Facilities

- initial funding for modifications of the wind tunnel at Ames Research Center, Calif.

-.planning and design of wind tunnels

- upgrading of lunar sample facility at Johnson Space Center, Texas

net increase


+ 6.5

+ 1.0

- 5.7


+ 4. 5

- 2.5


The $33,750,000 reduction in the requested authorization for the transition period is predominantly in research and development.

A more detailed analysis of the differences between the Admin­istration's proposals and the amounts provided in this bill is included in NASA's views letter, attached. Those differ­ences, from a programmatic viewpoint are not of major signifi­cance. Moreover, in recent years, Congress has reduced only slightly the total appropriations requested in the Budget. If that pattern is followed this year, the changes contained in the enrolled authorization bill are unlikely to have a significant budgetary impact.

In addition to changes in the amounts authorized, H.R. 4700 adds in section 8 a new Title IV to the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 to authorize and direct NASA to develop and carry out a comprehensive program of research, technology, and monitoring of the phenomena of the upper atmosphere. To the degree that this new title, added by the Senate Com­mittee, purports to give NASA a lead role in this area, it sets an undesirable legislative precedent in expanding NASA's activities beyond its basic mission. However, as NASA points out in its views letter, the authority in Title IV is essen­tially redundant and such a program is being initiated by

Page 5: 1975/06/19 HR4700 NASA Appropriations Authorization (1) · Appropriations Authorization ... is included in NASA's views letter, ... I commend. the Congress tor its quick action on

NASA and other agencies under the coordination of an inter­agency task force created by the Federal Council for Science and Technology and the Council on Environmental Quality. The new Title IV will not restrict executive flexibility in assigning responsibilities for research and other activities concerning the upper atmosphere.

/::--~·~~ Assistant Director for Legislative Reference



Page 6: 1975/06/19 HR4700 NASA Appropriations Authorization (1) · Appropriations Authorization ... is included in NASA's views letter, ... I commend. the Congress tor its quick action on
Page 7: 1975/06/19 HR4700 NASA Appropriations Authorization (1) · Appropriations Authorization ... is included in NASA's views letter, ... I commend. the Congress tor its quick action on

The attached statement was initiated too late to issue signing statement. Glenn Schleede advised Pat O'Donnell of this fact.

Judy Johnston, 6/21/75

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Date: June 20, 1975

FOR ACTION: Jim Lynn Max Friedersdorf KenLLazarus Paul Theis Glenn Schleede


DUE: Date: June 21


Time: 6:45pm

cc (for information): Jim Cavanaugh Jack Marsh

Time: ll:QDp

Signinq Statement for National Aeronautices and Space Administration Authorization Act of 1976


-- For Necessary Action _x_ For Your Recommendations

-- Prepare Agenda and Brief -- Draft Reply

~For Your Comments -- Draft Remarks


Please return to Judy Johnston- Gmuund Floor West Wing


If you have any questions or if you anti~te a delay in submitting the required · ' s

telephone the Staff Secretary immediately. K. R. COLE, JR. For the President

Page 9: 1975/06/19 HR4700 NASA Appropriations Authorization (1) · Appropriations Authorization ... is included in NASA's views letter, ... I commend. the Congress tor its quick action on





Statement by t:.1.e President upon sig.tU.ng the bill,. H. R. 4700 into law.

It is with a great deal of satisfaction that I approve and sign

into law H. R. 4700, the National Aeronautics and Space Adm.i.n.istration

Author.ization Act, 1976, to continue the NASA programs which have

provided so ma.n.y benefits fo the people of this country and to others

aro~d the world. This bill authorizes appropriations for the National

AeronalJ.tics and Spa.ce Administration of $4, 487,460, 000 for fiscal .

year 1 976a~e transition period to fisc_~ year 1977 .~passing this

bill the Congress approved with small modifications the program requested J

by the Administration but added an important amendment.. ~

Ciiis .. a.nleDdmeJ'.lt .is directed to the serious concern that has ~ .

arisen during the past year~.-ee certain chemical compounds,. such . : · c.~~

as nitrous oxides and chlorofluorocarbons,Areleased into the atmosphere~ ~ ~ ·

~""'1lre su~p;cted of causi.ng a reduction in stratosph.eric oz.one. Without

. . this ozone life could not exist on earth and any modification of it will

. .) . . .

affect life;.. ~a:J.Pisa. So it is a concern that demands immediate attention.

A few days ago) an Executive Branch Task Force on the Inadvertent

Modification of the Stratosphere (L.VfOS) issued a summary report calling

attention ·to this concern and made some suggestions as to a course of


Page 10: 1975/06/19 HR4700 NASA Appropriations Authorization (1) · Appropriations Authorization ... is included in NASA's views letter, ... I commend. the Congress tor its quick action on



that a program of research, technology and monitoring directed to

U..."'l.derstanding the physical and chemical processes of the upper atm.osphere

be car.:ried out b,- t:lae #'tad~ Goo e.; ~~me;rt under the direction of the

National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The bill~ provides

$14 million for this program for 1976.

L For some time I have been urging the Congress to move faster

I { ,(li.!!: ~ · ctai;../ ,:{ in a number oprea.~ortan_) te ,.=; I had not -~ quick CJ!7 __

. . --*-R~,~rt't'-U ~ ~ .. L ~ ~ ~ction by the Congress on this matter~*h:3Fi ai5 lC l!():%e:e-had nOb,compl!:ted -"

~ --:: . ~~ -:-:;::-!-- ::.--" . (;,J,-,~t._; ;;:1--;;;rrt,W ~/ ---- -·- - -~ • I __.

i't~<>de, ·a.ft.~ full repottwil-.1:-not--be-p":~bl-i:s-hed---tmti:-1:-next mor.tt-h.

(~ 11..-\,~ ~ ~_/ - •

·--H~Qr, under £initiative taken by the Senator from Utah. ~. Frank . ..a. ...vP.tlJI!ll t . a $6 _j.., • ~ ~"tA ~ ~ -:O:u 1.( 2 §,..) n; _

- E. Moss, *e-.Co.aga-ess hae enacted time.J..y--legislation in response- to

th~;dous cocce:c.a o£ our J;leOpl.e....

Not only did the Congress move quickly, but it wrote good

legislation. The ru;nendment is wisely directed not only_to the immediate

concern with the stratosphere but recognizes the need to tackle the

broader problem in a cooperative efiort with our centers of learning, our

industry and with other people around the world. The legislation clearly

states that the purpose is "to provide for an understanding of and to maintain "

the physical and che~ical integrity of the Earth's upper atmosphere". I

U..'1.derstand that the IMOS Task Force agrees that a research and

Page 11: 1975/06/19 HR4700 NASA Appropriations Authorization (1) · Appropriations Authorization ... is included in NASA's views letter, ... I commend. the Congress tor its quick action on

-3- •

monitoring pr.ogra..">D is needed to obtain the facts with respect to this

77_ d1. "'T'A(JJ A1AL. --L. wtiL ~ ~-~. . ~;_·~-important problem~ (;#V- ,.,..-. .J-N< ·--:-r-~ ,-- ~~~ ~ ,r~n.. _

I commend. the Congress tor its quick action on this matte-r

~~ad••Jaip of I'ft.,.'a ie•lll811' Meea. .I will see that the . -- . ~

program is carried out as directed by this· iaw.


Page 12: 1975/06/19 HR4700 NASA Appropriations Authorization (1) · Appropriations Authorization ... is included in NASA's views letter, ... I commend. the Congress tor its quick action on



Date June 20, 1975




X For appropriate action


Please staff.

Page 13: 1975/06/19 HR4700 NASA Appropriations Authorization (1) · Appropriations Authorization ... is included in NASA's views letter, ... I commend. the Congress tor its quick action on



Date 6/20

TO: Jim Cannon


Attached is a proposed draft signing

statement for the NASA authorization.

What think?

Page 14: 1975/06/19 HR4700 NASA Appropriations Authorization (1) · Appropriations Authorization ... is included in NASA's views letter, ... I commend. the Congress tor its quick action on



Statement by the President upon signing the bill, H. R. 4700 into law.

It is with a great deal of satisfaction that I approve and sign

into law H. R. 4700, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Autho.rization Act, 1976, to continue the NASA programs which have

provided so many benefits to the people of this country and to others

around the world. This bill authorizes appropriations for the National

Aeronautics and Space Administration of $4, 487, 460, 000 for fiscal

year 1976 and the transition period to fiscal year 1977. In passing this

bill the Congress approved with small modifications the program requested

by the Administration but added an important amendment.

This amendment is directed to the serious concern that has

arisen during the past year because certain chemical compounds, such

as nitrous oxides and chlorofluorocarbons, released into the atmosphere

are suspected of causing a reduction in stratospheric ozone. Without

this ozone life could not exist on earth and any modification of it will

affect life on earth. So it is a concern that demands immediate attention.

A few days ago an Executive Branch Task Force on the Inadvertent

Modification of the Stratosphere (IMOS) issued a summary report calling

attention to this concern and made some suggestions as to a course of


Page 15: 1975/06/19 HR4700 NASA Appropriations Authorization (1) · Appropriations Authorization ... is included in NASA's views letter, ... I commend. the Congress tor its quick action on



However, before the issuance of the IMOS report, the Congress

completed action on H. R. 4700 and sent it to the President for his

signature. The section added to the bill by the Congress, Section 8, requires

that a program of research, technology and monitoring directed to

understanding the physical and chemical processes of the upper atmosphere

be ca;rried out by the Federal Government under the direction of the

National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The bill also provides

$14 million for this program for 1976.

For some time I have been urging the Congress to move faster

in a number of areas important to our people. I had not urged quick

action by the Congress on this matter, as the Task Force had not completed

its work; and, its full report will not be published until next month.

However, under an initiative taken by the Senator from Utah, Mr. Frank

E. Moss, the Congress has enacted timely legislation in response to

this serious concern of our people.

Not only did the Congress move quickly, but it wrote good

legislation. The amendment is wisely directed not only to the immediate

concern with the stratosphere but recognizes the need to tackle the

broader problem in a cooperative effort with our centers of learning, our

industry and with other people around the world. The legislation clearly

states that the purpose is "to provide for an understanding of and to maintain

the physical and chemical integrity of the Earth1 s upper atmosphere". I

understand that the IMOS Task Force agrees that a research and I

Page 16: 1975/06/19 HR4700 NASA Appropriations Authorization (1) · Appropriations Authorization ... is included in NASA's views letter, ... I commend. the Congress tor its quick action on



monitoring program is needed to obtain the facts with respect to this

important problem.

I commend the Congress for its quick action on this matter

under the leadership of Utah's Senator Moss. I will see that the

program is carried out as directed by this law.

Page 17: 1975/06/19 HR4700 NASA Appropriations Authorization (1) · Appropriations Authorization ... is included in NASA's views letter, ... I commend. the Congress tor its quick action on



Statement by the President upon signing the bill, H. R. 4700 into law.

It is with a great deal of satisfaction that I ~~'piove and sign:

into law H. R. 4700, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration

· Authorization Act, 1976, to contill.ue the·NASA programs· which have

·· provided ~o m~y -ben~fit~ · to the.-~e~ple of this ·~ountrt'and to others

around the world. · This bill authorizes appropriations for the National c

Aeronautics and Space Ad.niinistration of $4, 487, ~60, 000 for fiscal

year 1976 and the transition period to fiscal year 1977. In passing this

·.bill .the Congress approved with· small modifications the program requested

by tbe Administration but add~ ~portant amendrneJlt. . A· , . .

This amendment is directed to the serious concern that has

.. arisen during the :~~.'st yea~us;:S:~ain emical . coxnpounds, such . " ·. ·~~ . ·.. ··. . uA as nitrous oxides and chlorofluo ons released into tlie atmosphere

'A " ·. are suspected of ~ausing .a . reduction in stratospheric ozone. Without

this ozone life could n~t exist on .earth and any modification of it'_will . ~- .... •.

affect life on earth • . Se ·i, is ·a concer~ ~emands immediate attention. -- -r:~- '·. . ' '. . ... . .

A few days ago?an Executive Branch ~ask Force on the ~dvertent . ' \.!.../ . . . . ..

Modification of the Str~osphere (IMOS) . issued a summary. report calling

· ·atte.ntion to this . concern .. and ~a~ ~gg~~~ong.·cou~se of :~· ~au . . . A,


;..-. . •,.· - .

Page 18: 1975/06/19 HR4700 NASA Appropriations Authorization (1) · Appropriations Authorization ... is included in NASA's views letter, ... I commend. the Congress tor its quick action on

·:.' ~ ~•>t'' ·-, ~ .. ' • ,,· .,: • ..0 • '~, ._ • :. - " ~-: ':" ~~-~~ I":''; "•



~+o I::Igweyer, &e£g£~ the issuance of the IMOS report. the Congress

completed action on H. R. 4700 and sent it to the President for his . .

signature. The sectioD: added t~ the ,bill by the con{~essLsection ~ requires that a progran1 of research, technology and monitoring directed to

understanding the physical and chemical processes of the upper atlnosphere 1

be carried out by the Federal Government under the dtrection of the Y National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The bill also provides

$14 million for. this program for 1976.

orce had liot completed

onth •

• Mr. Frank

this serious

/j ~.~~ leeisla tiga. The an1endment is wisely directed not only to the immediate

concern with the stratosphere but recognizes the need to tackle the

broader problem in a cooperative effort with f!9 c~nters · ~£ learnin~ industry and "W 'FOe£ people around the world. The legislation clearly

states that the purpose is 11to provide for an understanding of and to maintain

the physical and chemical integrity of the Earth's upper atmosphere". lJ' -'Mfti~natf 1M6S Task Force agrees that a


Page 19: 1975/06/19 HR4700 NASA Appropriations Authorization (1) · Appropriations Authorization ... is included in NASA's views letter, ... I commend. the Congress tor its quick action on

..,..-. • I fil



monitoring program is needed to obtain the facts with respect to this

important problem~ ·.· .

. ..r-· I commend the Congress for its quick action on this matter

c;;; ... /

npder the leadel'shlP of Utah's Senator Moss. I wW see tba• the 1\

proglam is carR:eli ••t as dbected ..,, ems taw. ... .: . ·..:.- ~:.:. - , .... . . --~ ·~ .·· r -..


Page 20: 1975/06/19 HR4700 NASA Appropriations Authorization (1) · Appropriations Authorization ... is included in NASA's views letter, ... I commend. the Congress tor its quick action on



Director Office of Management and Budget Executive Office of the President Washington, DC 20503

Attention: Acting Assistant Director for Legislative Reference

Jll 13 1875

Subject: Enrolled Enactment report on H.R. 4700, 94th Congress

This is an Enrolled Enactment report on H.R. 4700, "To authorize appropriations to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for research and development, construction of facilities, and research and program management, and for other purposes. 11 It is submitted in accordance with OMB Circular A-19 and Mr. J. F. c. Hyde, Jr.'s request of June 11, 1975. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is the agency in the Executive Branch of the Government with the principal interest in enactment of the legislation.

Fiscal Year 1976

The Authorization bill submitted to Congress by NASA supported the President's Budget for fiscal year 1976 which recommended appropriations for NASA totaling $3,539,000,000, of which $2,678,380,000 was to be for "Research and development," $84,620,000 for the "Construction of facilities," and $776,000,000 for "Research and program management." In addition, the Authorization bill submitted by NASA would authorize appro­priations totaling $958,900,000 to be available July 1, 1976.

The Enrolled Enactment would authorize appropriations for fiscal year 1976 in the total amount of $3,562,310,000. The authoriza­tion for "Research and development" would be $8,800,000 more than recommended by the President, and total authorizations for "Construction of facilities" would be $14,510,000 more than recommended by the President. The amount requested by the President for "Research and program management" would remain unchanged. ·

Page 21: 1975/06/19 HR4700 NASA Appropriations Authorization (1) · Appropriations Authorization ... is included in NASA's views letter, ... I commend. the Congress tor its quick action on


The net increase of $8,800,000 in the "Research and development" funds that would be authorized for fiscal year 1976 compared to the amounts included in the President's Budget reflects the following changes:

1. The Space Flight Operations request is reduced from $207,100,000 to $203,100,000.

2. The Advanced Missions request is increased from $1,500,000 to $2,000,000.

3. The Physics and Astronomy request is increased from $155,800,000 to $162,800,000. The Conference report indicates that this increase is to support an enhanced and aggressive upper atmospheric research program.

4. The Space Applications request is increased from $175,030,000 to $181,530,000. The Conference report indicates that this increase is to augment and strengthen research and development programs in the areas of severe storm research, earth resources development, and Space Shuttle payload studies.

5. The Tracking and Data Acquisition request is reduced from $243,000,000 to $240,800,000.

6. The Technology Utilization request is increased from $7,000,000 to $8,000,000.

The net increase of $14,510,000 in the "Construction of facilities" funds that would be authorized over the Presidential recommenda­tion consists of the following changes:

1. Deletion of the request for $2,490,000 for an addition to the lunar sample curatorial facility at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center.

2. Addition of a $12,500,000 authorization for initiating modifications of the 40' x 80' sub­sonic wind tunnel at the Ames Research Center.

3. An increase of $4,500,000 in the $9,275,000 requested for Facility Planning and Design activities for initiating design work on certain aeronautical facilities.

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Transition Period

The Authorization bill submitted by NASA would have authorized appropriations totaling $958,900,000 for the transition period (July 1, 1976 through September 30, 1976), of which a lump sum amount of $730,600,000 was to be for "Research and development," a lump sum amount of $14,500,000 for the "Construction of facilities," and $213,800,000 for "Research and program manage­ment."

The Enrolled Enactment would authorize appropriations for the transition period in the total amount of $925,150,000. The authorizations for "Research and development" would be $30,000,000 less than recommended by the President, and the authorizations for "Construction of facilities" would be $3,750,000 less than recommended by the President. The amount requested by the President for "Research and program management" would remain unchanged.

The Enrolled Enactment provides ceiling amounts for each of the 12 programs constituting the "Research and development" transition period authorizations, and would allow NASA the flexibility to apply the funds appropriated pursuant to the authorization to the various programs provided that the stipulated ceiling for any program is not exceeded. For "Construction of facilities" the Enrolled Enactment would establish ceiling amounts for each of three line items for the transition period; rehabilitation and modification of facilities, minor construction, and facility planning and design.

Fiscal Year 1977

The proposed Authorization bill as submitted to Congress by NASA includes authorizations totaling $3,625,000,000 for FY 1977, in compliance with OMB Bulletin No. 75-8. This proposal was not addressed in the Congressional actions leading to the Enrolled Enactment. The Enrolled Enactment makes no reference to Fiscal Year 1977.

Legislative Provisions

The Enrolled Enactment contains a new Section 8, which would amend the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, as amended, to authorize and direct NASA to develop and carry out a compre­hensive program of research, technology, and monitoring of the

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phenomena of the upper atmosphere so as to provide for an under­standing of and to maintain the chemical and physical integrity of the earth's upper atmosphere. The new Section 8 is similar in many respects to two bills previously introduced, S. 851 and H.R. 4652. As pointed out in our reports and testimony on those bills, additional legislation is not required to provide authority for the programs necessary to develop an understanding of the chemical and physical properties and related problems of the earth's upper atmosphere; in fact, such a program is currently being initiated by NASA and other agencies under the coordina­tion of the Interagency Task Force on Inadvertent Modification of the Stratosphere (IMOS) established by the Federal Council for S·cience and Technology and the Council on Environmental Quality. Although in some respects Section 8 in the Enrolled Enactment is, therefore, redundant from a legal standpoint, it would not unduly constrict the flexibility of the Executive Branch to assign responsibilities for dealing with various aspects of the problems of the upper atmosphere to the various agencies in the most appropriate manner.

With the relatively minor differences discussed above, the Enrolled Enactment provides legislative authority for the NASA fiscal year 1976 program and for the transition period (July 1, 1976 through September 30, 1976) as recommended by the President in the FY 1976 Budget. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration recommends its approval.

~£4/A.~ 1_ James C. Fletcher

I'" Administrator

Page 24: 1975/06/19 HR4700 NASA Appropriations Authorization (1) · Appropriations Authorization ... is included in NASA's views letter, ... I commend. the Congress tor its quick action on




JUN l6. 1975


Subject: Enrolled Bill H.R. 4700 - NASA Appropriations Authorization

Sponsor - Rep. Teague {D) Texas and Rep. Mosher (R) Ohio

Last Day for Act~on ·

June 21, 1975 - Saturday


Authorizes appropriations of $3,562,310,000 for the activities of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for fiscal year 1976 and $925,150,000 for the transition period, July 1 to September 30, 1976.

Agency ~ecommendat~ons

Office of Management and Budget

National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Science Foundation Department of State


. Approval

Approval Approval No comment {Informally)

The enrolled bill's authorization of $3,562,310,000 for 1976 is · $23,310,000 above the Administration's budget req1.1est. The transition quarter authorization of $925,150,000 is $33,750,000 less than requested. The bill does not include a requested appropriations authorization for 1977.

The differences between the Administration's request and H.R. 4700 for 1976 are as follows:

· Research and Development

- testing the effect of pollutants in the upper atmosphere

(Millions of $)

+' .7. 0

Page 25: 1975/06/19 HR4700 NASA Appropriations Authorization (1) · Appropriations Authorization ... is included in NASA's views letter, ... I commend. the Congress tor its quick action on



Date: June 16, 1975 '

FOR ACTION: Glenn Schleede ~ NSC/S 'J)o\A~ 6.._ Max Friedersdorf Ken Lazarus,._......


DUE: Date: June 17


Time: 607pm

cc (for information):


Jim Cavanaugh Jack Marsh


Enrolled Bill H.R. 4700 - NASA Apppopriations Authorization


-- For Necessary Action --For Your Recommendations

-- Prepare Agenda and Brief


--Draft Reply

-- For Your Comments Draft Remarks


Please return to Judy ~hnston, Ground Floor West Wing


If you have any questions or if you anticipate a delay in submitting tha required material, please telephone the S~a££ Secretary immediately.

K. R. COLE, JR. For the President

Page 26: 1975/06/19 HR4700 NASA Appropriations Authorization (1) · Appropriations Authorization ... is included in NASA's views letter, ... I commend. the Congress tor its quick action on






June 17, 1975



Enrolled Bill H.R. 4700 - NASA Appropriations Authorization

The Office of Legislative Affairs concurs with the agencies

that the subject bill be signed.



Page 27: 1975/06/19 HR4700 NASA Appropriations Authorization (1) · Appropriations Authorization ... is included in NASA's views letter, ... I commend. the Congress tor its quick action on




Mr. James M. Frey Assistant Director for

Legislative Reference

June 13, 1975

Office of Management and Budget Washington, D. C. 20503

Dear Mr. Frey:

This is in reply to your communication of June 11, 1975, requesting the comments of the National Science Foundation on Enrolled Bill H. R. 4700, the 1'National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act, 1976."

The Foundation recommends that the President approve the Enrolled Bill.

Sincerely yours,

./· /~· ? ~;?";/; ~ ~ /;;J..___

'-/'/ '/; ~ fi';{-f~ H. Gu ord Stever


Page 28: 1975/06/19 HR4700 NASA Appropriations Authorization (1) · Appropriations Authorization ... is included in NASA's views letter, ... I commend. the Congress tor its quick action on



Daf~): June 16, 1975

FOl( ACTION: Glenn Schleede NSC/S Max Friedersdorf Ken Lazarus


DUE: Date: June 17


Tirr.G: 607pm

•cc (for !nforno.a~ion);

.... ·"'

.,... ... 1me:.

Jim Cavanaugh Jack !•!arsh


Enrolled Bill H.R. 4700 - NASA Appropriations Authorization



. --- For Necessa::y Action

--·Prepare Agenda and Brie£

X ---For Your Comments


__ For "·{our Recom1nendaiions

D:w.H Reply

Dro.H Remarks

j •

Please return to Judy Johnston, Ground Floor West Wing

No objection -.- Ken Lazarus 6/17/75


I£ yc!.l have any qut•s!iorts or i£ you ar,ticipaie a dda:.t in subm:t~ing ilt~ re~p.li:ed m-Jeria!, ki;;.r,hc·!1~ th~ Si:t:tf! S-!:.;rclcuy irnrnediatolJ.

' ;.a!~.i\:S H. Cav~I:t~L:-;:i Yor tne Presideu~

Page 29: 1975/06/19 HR4700 NASA Appropriations Authorization (1) · Appropriations Authorization ... is included in NASA's views letter, ... I commend. the Congress tor its quick action on

TI-l [. \ '. J i.1 .! T J.:I U 1_, .'-> F

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June 16 1 1975

I'CR )l.Cr;:'IOS: Glenn Schleede NSC/S Max Friedersdorf Ken Lazarus

F::!Ol\-1 Tl-I'C f:YrAFF SEC::':cLTi-\RY

June 17

'T'ir .... L.:..·

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"cc (£or ir~fo.rrn.ation):

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Jim_ Cavanaugh Jack Harsh


Enrolled Bill H.R. 4700 - NASA Appropriations Authorization


-----For }>bcesso.ry .i\d~.on

------- Px(':-'o.re Ag:::mda a.nd Brief

X ----For Your Comme.,ts ... ___ D:o.ft. R~m.o.r!(s


Please return to Judy Johnston


l~ y~JU l~c~~.:;; o.ny c;Ltt::=:tic\_~1;_-:. ~-~:-: :::. y~'..t 0.!"1.~.:~~~;-.n~t n

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June 1 7, l 9 7 5





Jeanne W. Da~ Enrolled Bill H. R. 4 700 NASA Appropriations Authorization

The NSC Staff concurs in the proposed Enrolled Bill H. R. 4 700 -NASA Appropriations Authorization


Page 31: 1975/06/19 HR4700 NASA Appropriations Authorization (1) · Appropriations Authorization ... is included in NASA's views letter, ... I commend. the Congress tor its quick action on


DATE: 6-17-7 5

iO: Bob Linder

FROM: Jim Frey

Attached is the Commerce views letter on H.R. 4700 and the Conference Report on the same bill. Please have included in the enrolled bill file which was forwarded to you yesterday. 'Thanks.


Page 32: 1975/06/19 HR4700 NASA Appropriations Authorization (1) · Appropriations Authorization ... is included in NASA's views letter, ... I commend. the Congress tor its quick action on

JJ~ 161975

Honorable James T. Lynn Director, Office of Management

and Budget Washington, D. C. 20503


Attention: Assistant Director for Legislative Reference

Dear Mr. Lynn:

This is in reply to your request for the views of this Department conc'erning H. R. 4 700, an enrolled enactment

"To authorize appropriations to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for research and development, construction of facilities, and research and program management, and for other purposes,"

to be cited as the 11 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act, 1976. 11

H. R. 4 700 authorizes appropriations to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for fiscal year 1976, and for the transition period, July 1, 1976 through September 30, 1976. It would also amend the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 by adding a new title IV entitled, Upper Atmospheric Research. The new title would authorize and direct NASA to develop and carry out a comprehensive program of research, technology, and monitoring of the phenomena of the upper atmosphere so as to provide for an understanding of and to maintain the chemical and physical integrity of the earth 1 s upper atmosphere. NASA is to carry out this program in cooperation with other Federal agencies and with the participation of the scientific and engineering community.

This Department would have no objection to approval by the President of H. R. 4 700.

Enactment of this legislation will not involve any increase in the budgetary requirements of this Department.


General Counsel

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Washington, D.C. 20520

Honorable James T. Lynn, Director, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D. C.

Dear Mr. Lynn:

JUN 16 197S

This is in answer to the communication from Mr. Hyde requesting State Department views and recommendations on H. R. 4700. The Department has no comments on this bill and defers to NASA on recommendations for signature.


Jt:et~c~~!e';f Assistant Secretary for Congressonal Relations

Page 34: 1975/06/19 HR4700 NASA Appropriations Authorization (1) · Appropriations Authorization ... is included in NASA's views letter, ... I commend. the Congress tor its quick action on

H. R. 4700

RintQtfourth <rongrtss of tht tlnittd ~tattS of 9mcrica AT THE FIRST SESSION

Begun and held at the City·of Washington on Tuesday, the fourteenth day of January; one thousand nine hundred and seventy1ive

5ln 5lct To authorize appropriations to the National Aeronautics and Space Administra­

tion for research and development, construction of facilities, and research and program management, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Arnerica in Congress assernbled, That there is hereby a.uthorized to be appropriated to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration:

(a) For "Research and development," for the following programs: ( 1) Space Shuttle, $1,206,000,000; (2) Space flight operations, $203,100,000; (3) Advanced missions, $2,000,000; ( 4) Physics and astronomy, $162,800,000; ( 5) Lunar and planetary exploration, $259,900,000; ( 6) Launch vehicle procurement, $166,900,000; (7) Space applications, $181,530,000; ( 8) Aeronautical research and technology, $175,350,000; (9) Space and nuclear research and technology, $74,900,000; ( 10) Energy technology applications, $5,900,000;

~1) Trackmg and data acquisition, $240,800,000;

12) Technology utilization, $8,000,000; (b) or "Construction of facilities," including land acquisition, as

follows: (1) Modification of 11- by 11-foot transonic wind tunnel, Ames

Research Center, $2,695,000. (2) Addition for composite model and metal finishing shops,

Langley Research Center, $1,940,000; (3) Space shuttle facilities at various locations as follows:

(A) Modifications to launch complex 39, ,John F. Kennedy Space Center, $13,110,000; ·

(B) Construction of Orbiter processing facility, John F. Kennedy Space Center, $8,160,000;

(C) Modifications for solid rocket booster processing facil­ities, John F. Kennedy Space Center, $5,240,000;

(D) Modifications for hypergolic checkout and refurbish­ment facilities, John F. Kennedy Space Center, $6,940,000;

(E) Modifications for launch equipment test facilities, John F. Kennedy Space Center, $1,960,000;

(F) Construction of Orbiter approach and landing test facilities, Flight Research Center, and Air Force Plant #42, Palmdale, California, $1,680,000;

(G) Construction of Shuttle/Carrier aircraft mating facilities, Flight Research Center, and Air Force Plant #42, Palmdale, California, $3,890,000;

(H) Modifications for crew training facilities, Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, $830,000;

(I) Modification of the vibration and acoustic test facility, Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, $2,410,000;

( J) Modifications for solid rocket booster component manu­facturing and assembly facilities (location to be designat~d), $3,000,000;

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( 4) Modifica.tion of 40-by-80 foot subsonic wind tunnel, Ames Research Center, $12,500,000;

( 5) Rehabilitation and modification of facilities at various loca­tions, not in excess of $500,000 per project, $16,000,000;

( 6) Minor construction of new facilities and additions to exist­ing facilities at various locations, not in excess of $250,000 per project, $5,000,000;

(7) Facility planning and design not otherwise provided for, $13.775,000.

(c) For "Research and program management," $776,000,000, and such additional or supplemental amounts as may be necessary for increases in salary, pay, retirement, or other employee benefits author­ized by law. · (d) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection 1 (g), appropria­tions for "Research and development" may be used (1) for any items of a capital nature (other than acquisition of land) which may be required at locations other than installations of the Administration for the performance of research and development contracts, and (2) for grants to nonprofit institutions of higher education, or to nonprofit organizations whose primary purpose is the conduct of scientific research, for purchase or construction of additional research facilities; and title to such facilities shall be vested in the United States unless the Administrator determines that the national program of aeronau­tical and space activities will best be served by vesting title in any such grantee institution or organization. Each such grant 'shall be made tmder such conditions as the Administrator shall determine to be required to insure that the United States will receive therefrom benefit adequate to justify the making of that grant. None of the funds appro­priated for "Research and development" pursuant to this Act may be used in accordance with this subsection for the construction of any major facility, the estimated cost of which, including collateral equip­ment, exceeds $250,000, unless the Administrator or his designee has notified the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate and the Committee on Science and Technology of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences of the Senate of the nature, location, and estimated cost of such facility.

(e) When so specified in an appropriation Act, (1) any amount appropriated for "Research and development" or for "Construction of facilities" may remain available without fiscal year limitation, and (2) maintenance and operation of facilities, and support services con­tracts may be entered into under the "Research and program man­agement" appropriation for periods not in excess of twelve months beginning at any time during the fiscal year.

(f) Appropriations made pursuant to subsection 1(c) may be used, but not to exceed $35,000, for scientific consultations of extraordinary expenses upon the approval or authority of the Administrator and his determination shall be final and conclusive upon the accounting officers of the Government.

(g) Of the funds appropriated pursuant to subsections l(a) and 1 (c), not in excess of $25,000 for each project, including collateral eqmpment, may be used fo-e construction of new facilities and addi­tions to existing facilities, and not in excess of $50,000 for each project, including collateral equipment, may be used for rehabilitation or modification of facilities: Provided, That of the funds appropriated pursuant to subsection 1 (a), not in excess of $250,000 for each project, mcluding collateral equipment, may be used for any of the foregoing for unforeseen programmatic needs.

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H. R. 4700--3

SEc. 2. Authorization is hereby granted whereby any of the amounts prescribed in paragraphs (1) through (6), inclusive, of subsection 1

(b)-(1) in the discretion of the Administrator or his designee, may be varied upward 10 per centum, or

(2) following a report by the Administrator or his designee to the Committee on Science and Technology of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences of the Senate on the circumstances of such action, may be varied upward 25 per centum,

to meet unusual cost variations, but the total cost of all work author­ized under such paragraphs shall not exceed the total of the amounts specified in such paragraphs.

SEc. 3. Not to exceed one-half of 1 per centum of the funds appropri­ated pursuant to subsection 1 (a) hereof may be transferred to the "Construction of facilities" appropriation, and, when so transferred, together with $10,000,000 of the funds appropriated pursuant to subsection 1 (b) hereof (other than funds appropriated pursuant to paragraph (7) of such subsection) shall be available for expenditure to construct, expand, or modify laboratories and other installations at any location (including locations specified in subsection 1 (b)), if ( 1) the Administrator determines such action to be necessary because of changes in the national program of aeronautical and space activi­ties or new scientific or engineering developments, and (2) he determines that deferral of such action until the enactment of the next Authorization Act would be inconsistent with the interest of the Nation in aeronautical and space activities. The funds so made avail­able may be expended to acquire, construct, convert, rehabilitate, or install permanent or temporary public works, including land acquisi­tion, site preparation, appurtenances, utilities, and equipment. No portion of such sums may be obligated for expenditure or expended to construct, expand. o.r modify laboratories and other installations unless (A) a period of thirty days has passed after the Admi.:pistrator or his designee has transmitted to the Speaker of the House of Representa­tives and to the President of the Senate and to the Committee on Science and Technology of the House of Representatives and to the Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences of the Senate a written report containing a :full and complete statement concerning (1) the nature of such construction, expansion, or modification, (2) the cost thereof including the cost of any real estate action pertaining thereto, and ( 3) the reason why such construction, expansion, or modification is necessary in the national interest, or (B) each such committee before the expiration of such period has transmitted to the Administrator written notice t? the effect that such committee has no objection to the proposed actiOn. .

SEc. 4. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act-( 1) no amount appropriated pursuant to this Act may be used

for any program deleted by the Congress from requests as origi­nally made to either the House Committee on Science and Tech­nology or the Senate Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences,

(2) no amounts appropriated pursuant to this Act may be used for any program in excess of the amount actually authorized for that particular program by sections 1 (a) and 1 (c) , and

(3) no amount apJ.>ropr1ated pursuant to this Act may be used for any program which has not been presented to or requested of either suCh committee.

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unless (A) a period of thirty days has passed after the receipt by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Sen­ate and each such committee of notice given by the Administrator or his designee containing a full and complete statement of the action proposed to be taken and the facts and circumstances relied upon in support of such proposed action, or (B) each such committee. before the expiration of such period has transmitted to the Administrator written notice to the effect that such committee has no objection to the pr~posed action. ·

SEC. 5. It is the sense of the Congress that it is in the national inter­est that consideration be given to geographical distribution of Federal research funds whenever feasible, and that the National Aeronautics and SJ?ace Administration should explore ways and means of distrib­uting Its research and development funds whenever feasible.

SEc. 6. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is authorized, when so provided in an appropriation Act, to enter into a contract for tracking and data relay satellite services. Such services shall be furnished to the National Aeronautics and Space Administra­tion in accordance with applicable authorization and appropriation Acts. The Government shall incur no costs under such contract prior to the furnishing of such services except that the contract may provide for the p!iyment for contingent liability of the Government which may accrue in the event the Government should decide for its convenience to terminate the contract before the end of the period of the contract. Facilities which may be required in the performance of the contract may be constructed on Government-owned lands if there is included in the contract a provision under which the Government may acquire title to the facilities, under terms and conditions agreed upon in the contract, upon termination of the contract.

The Administrator shall in January of each year report to the Committee on Science and Technology and the Committee on Appro­priations of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences and the Committee on At~ro_»!"i­ations of the Senate the projMted' aggregate r>on inl! n tfa1'5fli y Mnie Government under termination provisions of any contract authorized in this section through the next fiscal year. The authority of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to enter into and to maintain the contract authorized hereunder shall remain in effect as long as provision therefor is included in Acts authorizing appropri­ations to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for subsequent fiscal years.

SEc. 7. In addition to the amounts authorized to be appropriated under section 1 of this Act, there is hereby authorized to be appro­priated to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, to be available no earlier than July 1, 1976:

(a) For "Rese~~;rch and development," for the programs speci­fied m the followmg paragraphs, $700,600,000, of which no more shall be available for any such program than the amount stipulated (for that program) in the applicable paragraph:

(1) Space Shuttle, $321,000,000.;

!2 Space flight operations, $55,100,000; 3 Advanced missions, $500,000; 4 Physics and astronomy, $46,600,000;

( 5 Lunar and J?lanetary exploration, $73,300,000; (6 Launch vehicle procurement, $40,400,000; (7 Space applications, $54,700,000; · ( 8 Aeronautical research and technology $46,800,000; ( 9) Space and nuclear research and technology, $22,300,000;

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~10) Energy technology applications, $1,500,000; 11) Tracking and data acquisition, $66,400,000; 12) Technology utilization, $2,000,000.

(b) For "Construction of facilities," including land acquisition, as follows:

( 1) Rehabilitation and modification of facilities at various locations, not in excess of $500,000 per ~roject, $7,000,000;

(2) Minor construction of new facilities and additions to existmg facilities at various locations, not in excess of $250,000 per project, $1,250,000;

( 3) Facility planning and design not otherwise provided for, $2,500,000.

(c) For "Research and program management," $213,800,000, and such additional or supplemental amounts as may be necessary for increases in salary, pay, retirement, or other employee benefits authorized by law.

All of the limitations and other provisions of this Act which are applicable to amounts appropriated pursuant to subsections (a), (b), and (c) of section 1 of this Act shall apply in the same manner to amounts appropriated pursuant to subsections (a), (b) , and (c), respectively, of this section.

Soo. 8. TheN ational Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, as amended, is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new title:



"SEc. 401. (a) The purpose of this title is to authorize and direct the Administration to develop and carry out a comprehensive pro­gram of research, technology, and monitoring of the phenomena of the upper atmosphere so as to provide for an understanding of and to maintain the chemical and physical integrity of the Earth's upper atmosphere.

"(b) The Congress declares that it is the policy of the United States to undertake an Immediate and appropriate research, technology, and monitoring program that will provide for understanding the physics and chemistry of the Earth's upper atmosphere.


"SEc. 402. For the purpose of this title the term 'upper atmosphere' means that portion of the Earth's sensible atmosphere above the troposphere.


"SEc. 403. (a) In order to carry out the purposes of this title the Administration in cooperation with other Federal agencies, shall initiate and carry out a program of research, technology, monitoring, and other appropriate activities directed to understand the physics and chemistry of the upper atmosphere.

"(b) In carrying out the provisions of this title the Administration shall-

"(1) arrange for participation by the scientific and engineering community, of both the Nation's industrial organizatiOns and

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institutions of higher education, in planning and carrying out appropriate research, in developing necessary technology and in making necessary observations and measurements;

"(2) provide, by way of grant, contract, scholarships or other arrangements, to the maximum extent practicable and consistent with other laws, for the widest practicable and apl?ropriate par­ticipation of the scientific and engineering commumtyin the pro­gram authorized by this title; and

"(3) make all results of the program authorized by this title available to the appropriate regulatory agencies and provide for the widest practicable dissemination of such results.


·"SEc. 404. In carrying out the provisions of this title, the Adminis­tration, subject to the direction of the President and after consulta­tion with the Secretary of State, shall make every effort to enlist the support and cooperatiOn of appropriate scientists and engineers of other countries and international organizations.".

SEc. 9. This Act may be cited as the "National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act, 1976".

Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Vice President of the United States and President of the Senate.

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MARCH 19, 1975.-Committed to the Committee of the Whole House of the State of the Union and ordered to be printed

Mr. TI·~GUI"' from the Committee on Science and Technology, submitted the following


[To accompany H.R. 4700]

In compliance with clause 2(1) (3) of rule XI of the Rules of the House of Representatives, the foll9wing supplemental information is provided concerning budget and oversight requirements.


No oversight findings and recommendations pursuant to clause 2(1) (3) (A), rule XI, by the Committee on Science and Technology under the authority of rule X, clause 2(b) (1) and clause (3) (f), of the Rules of the House of Representatives have been prepared since the conven­ing of the 94th Congress.


No information pursuant to section 308 (a) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 has been provided to the committee by the Con­gressional Budget Office. Under a separate section of this report, a five-year current programs cost estimate is provided in response to the requirement of section 308 (a). No funds for State or local financial assistance are included in H.R. 4700.


No report has been submitted to the committee from the Congres­sional Budget Office pursuant to clause 2(1) (3) (C) of rule XI of the Rules of the House of Representatives.

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No findings or recommendations on oversight activity pursuant to clause 2(b) (2), rule X, and clause 2(1) (3) (D), rule XI, of the Rules of the House of Representatives have been submitted by the Committee on Government Operations for inclusion in this report.



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JUNE 4, 1975.-0rdered to be printed .~:'?:.--fz,:v , ..

' l,~ -

Mr. TEAGUE, from the committee of conferencJ-

. submitted the following \'-----·

CONFERENCE REPORT [To accompany H.R. 4700]

The committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendment of the Senate to the bill (H.R. 4700) to authorize appropriations to the National Aeronautics and Space Ad­ministration for research and development, construction of facilities, and research and program management, and for other purposes, hav­ing met, after full and free conference, have agreed to recommend and do recommend to their respective Houses as follows:

That the House recede from its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate and agree to the same with an amendment as follows:

In lieu of the matter proposed to be inserted by the Senate amend­ment insert the following: That there is hereby authorized to be appropriated to the· National Aeronautics and Space Administration:

(a) For "Research and development," for the following programs: (1) Space Shuttle, $1~06,000,000; (93) Space flight operations, $9303,100,000; (3) Advanced missions, $93,000,000; . (4) Physics and astronomy, $162,800,000; . (5)Lunar and planetary ewploration, $259,900,000; ( 6') Launch vehicle procurement, $166,900,000; (7) Space applications, $181,530,000; , .. ( 8) AeronauticalreseariJh and technology, $175,350,000; (9) SpaiJe and nuclear re{Jearch and technology, $74,900,000; (10.) Energ'!/ technolo'gy applf:e;t~ions1 $5,900,000; · _.. ..

_ (11) Tracking a:nd t:!~ta ~qvliKttum, $9340,800,000; ~ ,_ (193) Technowg'!{ ut'tlu~atwn, $8/)00,000 •. · · · ~,

(b) For "Oonstruct'ton of facilities," i;;;;;;ding land acnnisitirm as ~~: . . ~- -·~


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( 1) Modification of 11- by 11-foot trO!fUJonio wind tunnel, Ames Research Center, $~,695,000.

(~) Addition f01' composite model and metal finishing shops, Langley Research Center, $1/)fiJ,OOO;

(3) Space shuttle facilities at various locations as follows: (A)ModifiaatiO'ft8 to launch complew 39, Jooo F. Kennedy

Space Center, $13,110,000; (B) Constnuetion of Orbiter processing facility, John F.

Kennedy Space Center, $8,160,000; ( 0) Modifications for solid rocket booster processing facil­

ities, Jolvn .._Ti'. Kennedy Space Center, $5~40,000; (D) Modifications for hypergolic chetJkout and refurbish­

ment facilities, John F. Kennedy Space Center, $6/)fiJ,OOO; (E) 111 odifications for launch equipment test facilities,

John F. Kennedy Space Center, $1,960,000; (F) Construction of O'rbiter approach and landing test

facilities, Flight Research Center, and Air Fo-rce Plant #4~, Palmdale, California, $1,680,000

(G) Construction of Shuttle/Carrier aircraft mating facil­ities, Flight Research Center. and Air Force Plant #~, Palmdale, California, $3,890,000;

(H) M oddfications for crew tmining facilities, Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, $830.f)OO;

(/) Modification of the vibration and acoustic test facility, Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, $'2,410,000;

( J) Modifications tor solid f'()()ket booster component manu­facturing and asse1n ly facilities (location to be designated), $3,000fJOO;

(4) Modification of 40-by-80 foot subsonic wind tunnel, Ames Research Center, $1'2,500,000,·

( 5) Rehabilitation UIIUl modification of facilities at va'l"iousloca­tions, not in e~cesiJ of $500,000 per p'I'Oject, $16,000,000;

(6) Minor construction of new facilities a/ltd additions to ewj8t­ing facilities at various locations, not in ea1cess of $~50,000 per projeat $5/)00,000; ·

(?') Facility planning and design not otherwise provided for, . $13§?'5,000.

(c) Jf'or "Research and program management," $?'?'6/}00,000, and 8'1.Wk additional or supplementril amownts as may be necesMry for increases in salary, pay, retirement, or other employee benefits (JJUtlior­ized by law.

(d) Notwithstanding the provisions of sulJsection 1 (g), approp:ria­tions for "Resea:rah and development" may be used (1) for any ~tems of a capital nature (other tlurJn acquisition of land) which may be required at looatiomJ other than instrillations of the Administration for the performDifl,ce of research and development contracts, and (~) for grants to nonpr-ofit institutions of higlier edt«Jation, or to nonprofit organizations~ prlma:ry purpose i8 tM condoot of scientiffi.l. re­search, for purchase or comtruatio1'1, of rulditi()IIW}, reaeareh facilities; aruJ ti;tk·to suohjffeilities shaU be 'I!Uted in tiM United StaUB Wlless the Administrator @terrn.ines that the national progratm of ae1'01UVU'­tical and 8pace activities will best be served by vesting title in any 8'1.Wh grantee institution 01' organization. Each such grant shall be made



under such conditions as the Administrator shall deter"ff''line to be re­quiTed to ingure that the United States will receive therefrom benefit adequate to jwstify the making of that grant. None of the funds appro­priated for "Research and development" pursuant to this Act may be used in accordance with thils subsection for the const1"UCtion of any majo1' facility, the estimated cost of which, including aollateral eqwip­ment, exceeds $1350,000, wnless the Administrat01' 01' his designee has notified the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate and the Committee on Science and Technology of the !louse of Representatives and the Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences of the Senate of the nature, location, and estimated aost of such facility.

(e) TV hen so specified in an appropriation Act, p> any amount appropriated f01' "Research and development" or f01'' Construotion of facilities" may remain available without fisoril year limitation, and (~) maintenance and operation of facilities, ~ support services con­tracts may be entered into unde-r the "Research and program mmnage­mmd'' appropriation for periods not in excess of twelve months be­ginning at any time during the fiscal yea:r.

(f) Appropriations 'ITUide pursuant to subseotion 1 (e) ma:y be used, but not to excee,1 $36,()()0, for scientifio constdtations of extraordina:r?j expenses upon the approvril 01' authority of the Ad'l111ini8trat01' and hi8 dete'l'mination shall be final ~ conclu8ive upon the aocounting of­ficers of the Govern'J1'1$11,t.

(g) Of the fwnds appropriated pursuant to subsections 1(a) and 1 (c), not in ewce!l8 of $~5,000 for each pro_ject, including collateral efjuipment, may be used f01' aomt'rUCtion of new facilities and addi­t~ons to ewisting facilities, and not in ewcess of $50/)00 for each project, including collateral equipment, may be used for rehabilitation or modi­fication of facilities: Provided, That of the funds appropriated pur­~uant ~o subsecti0fl1(a}, not iJn. ewcess of $1J50,000 for each projeot, ~ncludtng collatervil equtpment, may be used for amy of the foregoing for unforeseen progratmJnUJ,tW need8. 1

S&o .. !J. AU;thorization is hereby granted wher_eby ar;y of the amounts presc~bed ~n paragraphs (1) through (6), 1/Mluswe, of subseotion 1(b)- .

(1) in the discretion of the Ad'ITIIinutrator 01' hi8 designee, may be 1'arifld 1tp1Ntrd 10 per cf'ntum, 01'

(!J) following a rep01't by the AdmilniiJtrator 01' hi8 designee to the Oomrrvittee on Science and Technology of the HO'UIJe of Representatives and the Committee on AerO'fUIIUtioril and Space Sownaes of the Senate on the ci1'cwmJJfanc6fl of8'UCh action may be varied upward 135 per centum,, '

to meet unusual cost va'riationa, but the total C08t of all WO'I'i OIU­th01'ized unde'l' suoh parogmphs shall not e0ceed the toto}, of tAB amownta specified in 8'UCh pqgvzgraphs.

S&c. 3. Not to ewceed one-half of 1 per centum of the funds appropri­ated pursuant to IJ'Ubse~tion 1 (a) hereof fM1!1 be 'brvlllu!ferred to the "Oonstruction of facilities" appropriation aild, when so tr0/n8ferred together with $10,000,000 of the ftiii'UbJ apimJprirded pursuant to aulJ~ sectwn 1 (b) hereof ( othe'l' than fum.ds appropriated purs?M/nt to para­graph (?') of such subsection) shrill be a'Vail<ible for ewpenditur-e to const'I'UCt, ewparnd, or modify laborat01"ies and other installations at any location (including locations specified in subsection 1 (b) ) , if ( 1)

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the Administrator determines 8UCh action to be necessary because of changes in the natio'fiAil program of aeronautl~cal and space activities or new scientific or engineering developments, and (S) he determines that defe1'r'al of 8UCh aotion until the enactment of the newt A1J,thoriza­tion Act would be inconsistent with the inteTest of the Nation in aero­nautical and spaoe activities. The funds so made available may be ew­pended to acquire, construct, convert, rehabilitate, or install perma­nent or teu~poraTy pUblic works, including land acqu:lsition, site J!l'ep­aration; (tppurtenance.~, utilities, a.nd equipment. No portion of 8'uch sums may be·obligated for ewpenditture or erJJpended to conj]truct, ew­pand, or modify laboratories and other imtallations unless (A) a period of tkirty days has passed after the AdminlstTator or hi:~ desig­·nee has trawmitted to the Speaker of the House of Representat~ves (JJnd to the President of the Senate and to the Committee 011- Science and Technology of the. House of Representatwes and to the Committee on Aerona:utioal and Space Scienoes of the Senate a written Teport con­taining a full and complete statement concerning (1) the nafture of such construction, ewpamion, or modification, (S) the oost thereof vn­chuling the cost of any 'real estate action pertaining thereto, anil ( 3) the reason why suoh construction, ewpansion, or modification is 'neoes­sary in the natio'fiAil interest, or (B) each 8UCh corri/Tfl;ittee before the ewpiTation of8UCh period has trammitted to tluJ Administrator written notice to the effect that such COrri/Tfl;ittee has no objection to the proposed action.

SEO. 4. N ot1.oithstanding any other provision of this Act,.....; . {1) no amount appropriated pu1'suant to thiJJ Act may be used

for any pTogram deleted by the Oongress frmn Tequesta as orirf_i· nally miule to either the House C()rri/Tfl;ittee .On Science and Tech­nology or the Senate Committee on Aeronautical and Spaoe Sciences, .

( S) no amounts appropriated pillrsuant to thia.Act may. be used .fo1' any prorrram in ewce88 of the amount actually autll.urized for that paTtieular pTogmm by 8ections 1 (a) and 1 (c), and

(3) no amount approp1iated pursuant to this Act may be 'USed joT any progTam 'wldeh has not 'been presented to or 'requested of either' such committee. .

'ltnless (A) a perlod of thirty days has passed after the receipt by the Speake'l' of the House of Represe;ntatives and the PTesident of the Sen­at~ and each such f!ommittee of notice gi;ven by the Administrator or his designee. containing a full and complete statement of the action pToposed to be taken and the facts and oiroitm,stanees Telied upon in support of 8UCh proposed action, or (B) each 8UCh committee before the e;JJpiTation of 8UC'h, perio¢ "kas. transmi;tted to the A</m~nistrator w:ritten notice to t.he effect tha.~ such commzttee has no obyeotwn to the pToposed action.. ' ·. . · . . · . . .. . S1w. 5. It is the sense. of the CMig'ress that.it is in the natio'fiAil imteT­

est that consideration be given to geographioal dist~?Yution of Federal TeseaTch fund8 '1vhene1J'er feasible, and that the National AeronaMfi.es and Space Administmtion should ewplore ways anu1 meant? of dist'l'ib~ uting it8 researoh and development funds whenever feasible.

SEo. 6. The Natio'fiAil Aeronaut~cs and Space Administration i8 au­thorized, when so pTovided in an appropriation Act, to enter into a contract for tracking and. data relay satellite services. Such services


.shall be furnished to the National AeTonmdics and Spaee AdndnistTa­tion in accordance with applicable autho'l'ization and appropriation Acts. The f!m:,ernment shall ~neuT no costs under such contmct prioT to the fwrnwhtng of such ser1Ju:es ewcept that the contTaet may provide for the payment joT contingent liability of. the Gove·rnment wll:ich may acm"Ue ~?'· the e1Jent the Go?,eNtment should de&ide for its con1)enience to tm"ln;tnate the contract before the end of the period of the contract. Fac-ilities whteh may be requiTed in the peTfoTmanqe of the contract "JJ'IZY be constructed o~ (Jovernment-~wned lands if theTe is included t"!' the oontr~ct .a.P_Tomswn nnder whwh the povernment may acquire tdle to the tamllfzes, uruler teTms and conddzons agreed upon in the contTact, upon termination of the contract.

The .Adtninistr_ator shall in January of each year Teport to the Oo.~~ttee on Smence and Technology a"fd the C()rri/Tfl;ittee on Appro­p~aturns of the /louse of RepTesentatzves and the Committee on Aerona.utieal and Space Sciences (J;nd the Committee on Appropri­ations of the Senate the ~r-oj~cted agfl.r~gate contingent liability of the (jove~ment_ undeT termznatwn pl'Ovtswm of any oontTact au,thorized Z"J' t~zs seotton thT~mgh the newt fisoa_l .year .. The authority of the l'ratwnal Ae1'onautzos and Space Adrnzmstratwn to enter into and to mainta,in the. c~tract (l;Uth~ri~ed heTeu.nder shall Tem.a~n in effect Ofl lor:g. as provwwn ~herefor 2s znoluded ~n Acts a:utho'f'zzzng app. rop~­atzon!! to the Natzona( Aeronautics and Space Admini8tration for subseqttent fiscal years. ·

SEo. 7. ~n addition. to the am1Ju11;ts authorized to be approprirtted uru:jeJ' sectwn 1, of. thzs Act, ther~ UJ hereby authorized to be apJYrO· p~a_ted to the llliftwnal Aeronautzos and Space Administmt-ion, to be avatlable no earlwr than ,July 1,1976: · .

· (a~ For "Rese&oh and development," joT the p'l'ograms specified in the following paragmphs, $700,600 000 of which no rru;re shall be amailable for anY. such prof!Tam 'tha}, the amount stzpulated (foT that progmm) zn the applicable paTagraph:

; ''4:

(1) Space Shuttle, $3'£1,000,000; (2) Space flight operatiom, $55,100,000; (3) Advanced missiom, $500,000; (4) Physics and astronmn,y, $4B,600,000; (5) I:unaT. and planetary exploration $73,300,000; ( 6) Launch vehicle proouTement, $40,400 000 · (7) Space applieations,.$54,700,000; ' ' (8) AeTonautioal research and technowgy, $4B,800,000;

. (9) Space and nuclear 'research and teahnowg1' $SfJ- ' 300,000/ · · .:n '

( 10) EneTgy technology applications, $1,500 000 • (11) TTacking and data acquisition, $66,¥)0 o'oo ·' (1S) Technology utilization $1J,OOOOOO. ' '

(b) For "Construction of facilities," inciuding land acquisiton, asfollo1.DS:

(1~ Rehabil~tation and modification of facilities at various • .looat~,. not zn ewcess of $500,000 peT project $?' 000 000 · . . {S~ Mznot; .cc;n-.<?tructio:" of new.faeilities ar?d ;ad£ti~ to

ewwtzng fac;lztws at vnrwuslocat~, not in ewcess of $1J50-000 ]Jer proyect, $1,13150,000; · '

( 3) F aeility planning anil design not otherwise provided for, $'8,500,000.

Page 45: 1975/06/19 HR4700 NASA Appropriations Authorization (1) · Appropriations Authorization ... is included in NASA's views letter, ... I commend. the Congress tor its quick action on


(c) For "Resea:rcl1 and program management," $213,800/}00, and 8UCh additi<rnal or supplemental amounts as may be neeesaary fQ1' inareases in salary, pay, retirement, or other employee benefits authrized by law.

All of the limitations and r;tkfr provi8ions of this Aet ;»hwh a.re ap­.plieable to amounts approprtated pursuant to su'bsectwns (a), (b), and (c) of section 1 of this Act shall apply in the same manner to amown.ts appropriated purs-uant to subsections (a) , (b) , and (c) , reJJpectively, .of this section.

Suo. 8. TheN ational Aer011,autics and Space Act of 1958, Gl! amended, is amended by adding at the end thereof the follutving new title:



"SEc. J,fJ1. (a) The purposte of this title is to authorize an4 direct the AdministratiQil to de1Jelop and carry out a comprehenswe pro­qram of researah, technology, and monitorinq of the phenomena of 'the upper atmosphere so as to provide for' an underst(l;'l'l,ding of and to maintain the chemieal and physical integrity of the Earth's upper' atmosphere. ,

"(b) The Oongr'ess declares that it is the policy of the Unzted States to ~tndertalee an immediate fftnd appropriate research, technology, and monitoring program that will provide for' understanding tlu; physics and chemistry of the Earth's uppe'l' atmospher'e.


"SEc. J,JY2. FQ1' the pwrpose of this title the term 'upper (JJ;tmo8plu;re' means that portion of the Earth's sen.tJible atmosphere above the tropo8phere.


"SEc .. 1,0,,. (a) In order to carry out the pu1'poses of this. title the Administration in coope'l'ation with other Federal agencua, shall initiate and car'l"'t out a program of research, technology. monitoring, and other appropriate acti•nities directed to unileratand the physics and chemistr"!J of the upper atmosphere.

"(b) In oatrying out the pr'ovisitm..s of this title the Administration shall-

"(1) a1'1'ange for participation by the scientific and enf!ineering community, 'of both the Nation's induatrial organizatiom and institution8 of highe1• .education~ in planning and Ca:T"f"!'ing O'lft appropriate research, tn develo;nng necessary technology and ~n nwking necessary observations and measurements; •

"(2) provide, 011 way of grant, contract, scholarsh~ps or other arrangements, to 'the mazimum emtent paoticable and consistent tvith other la11)8, for the widest practicable and appropriate pa:r­tioipation of the scientific and enflineering eomtrr~Jt~~nity in the pro­qram authorized by thi)J title: and .. " ( 3) make all results of the program, authorized by tltis title avaflable to the appropriate regulatory agencies and provide fQ1' the widest practicable dissemination of such results.



"SEc. ¥J4. In carrying out the provisimta of thia title, the Adminis­tration, subject to the direction of the Presidtmt and after o0118Ulta­tion with the Se01'etary of State, ahall make every ejfQ1't to enlist the support and cooperation of appropriate scientists and engineers of other cmtnMies and internatiMid Q1'ganizations.".

SEc. 9. This Act may be cited as the "N ati<rnal Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act, 1.976".

And the Senate agree to the same. OLIN E. TEAGUE, DoN FuQuA. THOMAS N. DowNING, J. w. Snt:INGTON, WALTER FLOWERS, DALE MILFoRD, RoBERT A. RoE, C. A. MosHER, LARRY 1-VINN, Jr., JOHN w. WYDLER,

lJI anager8 on the Part of the House FRANK E. Moss, JOHN c. STENNIS, HowARD W. CANNON, BARRY GOLDWATER, PETE V. Do:MENIOI,

lJI anagers on the Part of the Senate.

Page 46: 1975/06/19 HR4700 NASA Appropriations Authorization (1) · Appropriations Authorization ... is included in NASA's views letter, ... I commend. the Congress tor its quick action on


The managers on the part of the House and the Senate at the confer­ence on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendment of the Senate to the bill (H.R. 4700) to authorize appropriations to the National Aeronautics a:nd Space Administration for fiscal year 1976 and for the transition period, July 1, 1976 through September 30, 1976, for research and development, construction of facilities, and research and ,Program management and for other purposes, submit the follow­ing Joint state~e:nt to the House and the Senate in explanation of t~e effect of the actiOn agreed upon by the managers and recommended Ill the accompanying conference report:

The NASA request for fiscal year 1976 totaled $3,539,000,000. The House authorized $3,585,873,000 and the Senate amendment author­ized $3,544,710,000. The committee of conference agrees to a total au­thorization for fiscal year 1976 of $3,562,310,000 as follows:


Budget Committee of Fiscal year 1976 request House Senate conference

Researc~ and development: $1, 206, 000, 000 $1, 206, 000,000 Space Shuttle •• _________________________ $1,206,000,000 $1, 206, 000, 000

Space flight operations.------------------ 207,100,000 203, 100,000 203, 100, oog 203, 100, 000 Advanced'missiont~--------------------- 1, 500,000 3,000,000 2, 000,000 Physics and astronomy__________________ 155,800,000 156, 800, 000 162, 800, 000 162, 800, 000 Lunar an!l planetary exploration__________ 259,900,000 258., 900, 000 259, 900, 000 259,900, 000 Launq& vehicle. procurement..____________ 166,900,000 166,900, 000 166,900 000 166, 900, 000 Space applications _________________ "---- 175,030,000 181,530,000 183, 930: 000 181,530,000 Aeronautical research and technology______ 175,350,000 175, 350, 000 175, 350,000 175, 350, 000 Space and nuclear rnsearch and technology. 74,900,000 76,900,000 74,900,000 74,900,000 Enerff, technolc:g applications____________ 5, 900,000 5,900,000 5 900 000 5, 900,000 Trac mg and d a acquisition_____________ 243,000,000 240, 800, 000 240: 800: 000 240, 800, 000 Technology utilization___________________ 7, 000,000 9,000,000 7, 000,000 8, 000,000

TotaL ______ :_------------------ _____ 2, 678, 380,000 2, 684, 180, 000 2, 6~~· ~~g. ggg 2, 687. 180, 000 Construction of facilities _____________________ 84,620,000 . 125, 693, 000 99 130,000 Research and program management_ __________ 776, 000, 000 776, 000, 000 776: ooo: 000 776: 000, 000

Grand totaL ____ ., _________ -------- __ 3, 539, 000, oOO 3, 585, 873, 000 3, 544, 710, 000 3, 562, 310, 000

The NASA request for the transition period totaled $958,900,000. The House authorized $922,450,000 and the Senate amendment author­ized $929,900,000. The committee of conference agrees to a total author­izatiqn of $925,150,000 as £~lows : ..


Committee of Budget reguest House Senate conference

Research and development_ __________________ 730, 600, 000 700, 600, 000 704, 600, 000 700, 600, ooO Construction of facilities_. ______________ • ___ 14,500,000 8,050, 000 11,500,000 10,750,000 Research a11d progratn ·management_ __________ 2!3, 800, 000 213, 800, 000 213, 800, 000 213, 800, 000

Total,~ ________ ~ _____ ·_. ______ • _______ 958, !!_00; 000 922, 450, OQO 929, 900, 000 925, 150, 000

H. Rept. 94-259--2 (9)

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The points in disagreement and the conference resolution of them are as follows :


1. The House al!lthorized $3 million for the Advanced missions pro­gram, adding $1.5 million to the NASA request.

The Senate did not include this line item in its bill. The conference substitute authorizes $2 million for the Advanced

missions program. The confetees agreed that overall advanced missi.on planning is a

vital function within NASA. However, such plannmg should be an integrated function encompassing all aspects of the Agency's space responsibilities, particularly in v~ew of th~ a~ve~t of the.space tran~­portation sys~m. Since presentatiOn of this ~me Item proJects an a.rti­ficial distinction between activities which 1s :no longer appropnate the Conferees agree that, beginning with the fiscal y~a~ 197~ hu?get, NASA should discontinue the use of the Advanced MISSions lmfl Item.

2 NASA requested $155,800,000 for the Physios and astronomy pro~ram. The House authorized $156,800,000, adding $1 million ~o this program for additional investigations of chlorine compounds m the atmosphere. . . . .

The Senate authorized $162,800,000 for th1s program, $7 milhon above the request and $6 million above the amount authorized by the House to support an enhanced and aggressive upper atmospheri<?re­search program. The. Senate ~ddition is compleme~t~ry to the_legi~la­tion included in SectiOn 8 of Its amendment authorizmg and directmg NASA to develop and carry out a comprehensive program of research, technology and monitoring of the phenomena of the upper atmo~phere.

The conference substitute adopts the Senate amount for the P.hysics and astronomy program. '

3. The House authorized $258,900,000 for the Lunar and planetary program, a reduction of $1,000,000 in the NASA request . . The Senate authorized $259,900,000, identical with the NASA

request. The committee of conference adopts the Senate position. 4. The House approved $181,580,000 for the Space applications pro­

gram, an increase of $6,500,000 in the NASA request. The Senate authorized $183,930,000. . . . . The committee of conference adopts the House position authori~mg

$181,530,000, emphasizing that the additional $6,500,000 authonz~d is to augment and strengthen research and development programs m the areas of severe storm research, earth resources development and Spfl~e Shuttle payload studies.

The conferees ·alsO note the need for timely actions to assure con­tinuity of remote sensing of earth resources data from space.

5. The House authorized $76,900,000 for Space and nuclear re­search and technology.

The Senate authorized $74,900,000, the originalN.A:SA request. The committee of conference adopts the Senate position authoriz­

ing $7'4,900,000. 6. The House authorized $9,000,000 for the Technology utilization

program, an increase of $2,000,000 in the N .ASA request, $1,000z000 of which was to provide additional support for NASA applicatiOns


teams and $1,000,000 of which was to ac?elerate dO<?ument~tion and dissemination activities including expansiOn of serviCes to mdustry.

The Senate authorized $7,000,000, agreeing with the NASA request. The conference substitute authorizes $8,0q<l,OOO. . The conferees agree that in the ex-:pans10n .of the networ~ of. In-

dustrial applications centers through the estabhsh.ment .of apphca.t}ons divisional offices NASA should assure that serviCe will be pro':lded to the numerous industrial areas of the nation th~t. are. now :r;elati!ely remote from any N~SA Cente!-' ,or technology utihza?ons diSBellll:J?-a­tion center and that no new fac1hty should be located m an area whiCh can reasonably be serviced by an esta;blished .NA~A Center. .

7. The House authorized $6,8031000 for modificatiOns for hypergohc checkout and refurbishment facilities for the SJ?ace Shuttle program at the .John F. Kennedy Space Center, a reduction of $637,000 in the NASA request for this facilities project.

The Senate authorized the full amount of the NASA request, $6,940,000.

The conference substitute adopts the Senate position. 8. The NASA requested $1,680,000 for the construction of orbiter

approach and landing test facilities at the ~light Research Center .and Air Force Plant No. 42, Palmdale, Cahf. The House authonzed $1,380,000, a reduction of $300,000 in the NASA request.

The Senate authorized $1,680,000. · The Conference substitute adopts the Senate position. 9. The House authorized $12,500,000 to initiate the first phase of a

three-phase program to upgrade the capability of the 40' x sq' aer<?'" nautical research wind tunnel at the Ames Research Center. ThiS proJ­ect was not included in the NASA budget request.

The Senate did not include this facility project in i.t~ amendmel?-t: The conference substitute adopts the House pOSition authorizmg

$12,500,000 for this facilityjroject. 10. The House authorize $27,500,000 to initi~te the first phase of a

two-phase program to construct a. new transomc research tunnel for advanced aeronautical research at the Langley Research Center. NASA did not include this facility project in Its budget request:

The Senate did not include this item in its amendment to the bill. The conference substitute adopts the Sen~t~ position: . 11. NASA requested $9,275,000 for Facility P!anning and Des1Wl

activities for fiscal ~ear 1976. The Hous~ authorize?- $13,775,~, In­creasing the request by $4,500,000 to prpv1de for design and engmeer­ing services for expanding the 40' x 80' wind tunnel at the Ames Re­search Center and for a new transonic research tunnel at the Langley Research Center, both of which are advanced aeronautical research facility projects.

The Semite authorized $9,275,000, identical with the NASA request. The conference substitute authorizes $13,775,000, recognizing that

design work on a third leg for t?e 40' x 80' tunnel is :equired and t~~t the NASA and Air Force reqmrements for transomc research faCili­ties require redefinition in order to provide advanced transonic aero­nautical research capability.

The conferees agree that reprogramming authority is available for NASA to make the most appropriate use of funds available to assure adequate national aeronautical research facilities.

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12. NASA requested a lump sum amount of $730,600,000 for re­search and development for the transition period, July 1,1976, through September 30, 1976. The House authorized .$700,600,000 for research and development, establishing ceiling amounts for the twelve programs constituting the research ~r.id development appropriation. Inasmuch as the total of the program.ceilmgs equated to the original NASA re­quest, the House authodzed NASA to fund the several programs within those ceilings up to the tota~ ()f $700,600,000 except .that the en­tire amount stipulated for the Aeronautical research and technology program was to be available only for that program.

The Senate authorized $704,600,000 for research and development for the transition period and established identical ceiling amounts as the House for all programs except advanced missions which was not included as a specified program. The Senate did not provide any re­striction on the amount to be used for the Aeronautical research and technology program. Further, it was the intent of the Senate that $4,000,000 of the total amount authorized for Research and develop­ment be applied to the upper atmospheric research activity which would be an addition to those amounts already included in the budget request for such activity during the transition period.

The conference substitute authorizes $700,600,000 for Researeh .and development for the transition period, stipulatin~ eeiling amounts for the twelve research and development programs meluded therein, and allows NASA the flexibility to apply the authorized funds to the various programs provided that the stipulated ceiling for any program is not exceeded.

13. NASA requested a lump sum of $14,500,000 for the Construc­tion of facilities for the transition. period. The House authorized a total of $8,050,000 stipulating that $4,000,000 was. for the rehabilita­tion and modifications of facilities, at various locations, not in excess of $500,000 per project, $1,250,000 was for the minor construetion ·of new facilities and additions to existing faeilities at various locations, not in excess of $250,000 per project, and that $2,800,000 was for fa-cility planning and design activities. ,

The Senate authorized $11,500,000 for the Construc6on of facilities for the transition period stipulating that $7,000,000 was for the reha­bilitation and modification of facilities at various locations, not in ex­cess of $500,000 per project, $2,000,000 was for minor construction of new facilities and additions to existing facilities at various locations, not in excess of $250,000 per project, and that $2,500,000 was for fa­cility planning and design work:

The conference substitute authorizes three line items for the Con­struction of facilities for the transition period with amounts as fol­lows: (1) rehabilitation and modification of facilities at various locations, not in excess of $500,000 per project, $7,000,000; (2) minor construction of new facilities and additions to existing facilities at various locations, not in excess of $250,000 per project, $1.250,000; and (3) facility planning and design not otherwise provided for, $2,500,000. .



H. The House inserted in Section 6 the following language : "The contract shall include a provision under which the Government may acquire title, upon terminatirm of the contract, to facilities, equipment, and spacecraft which have been acquired in the performance of the contract, under terms and conditions agreed upon in the contract."

The Senate deleted this language from the Bill. The committee of conference adopts the Senate position on the basis

that wording in the request for proposal associated with the project will facilitate the intent of the House language.

15. The Senate amendment added a Section 8 to the bill, amending the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, as amended, through the addition of "Title IV-Upper Atmospheric Research", author­izing and directing the NASA to develop and carry out a compehen­sive program of research, technology, and monitoring of the phenom­ena of the upper atmosphere so as to provide for an understanding of and to maintain the chemical and physical integrity of the earth's upper atmosphere.

The House bill did not contain such a provision. The conference substitute adopts the Senate amendment except that

Section 405 of Title IV requiring a special report on activities carried out pursuant to Title IV is deleted.

The conferees agree that a complete and comprehensive report on the activities being carried ou~ under the upper atmospheric research program provided for under this new Title IV should be included in the Aeronautics and Space Report of the President submitted annually to the Congress.


Managers on the Part of the House. FRANK E. Moss, JOHN c. STENNIS, HowARD W. CANNON, BARRY GoLDWATER, PETE V. DoMENici,

Managers on the Part of the Senate.


Page 49: 1975/06/19 HR4700 NASA Appropriations Authorization (1) · Appropriations Authorization ... is included in NASA's views letter, ... I commend. the Congress tor its quick action on

JUDe 101 1975

Dear Mr. Director:

The followiDg bills were received at the White Bouse on June lOth:

S.J. Res. 92 s. 818 B.R. 3109 H.R. 4700

Please let the President have reports and recommen1.at1oos as to the approval of t.bese bills as soon as possible.


Robert D. Limler Chief Executive Clerk

~e Honorable James T. Iqnn Director Office of Management a.Di Bu:lget Washington, D. c.


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