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Annual Report 2015

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1BA 2015 Impact Summary

Here are the number of people impacted through

our various projects and activities in the year 2015

632 through 1BA Projects

5,300through 1BA Advocacy

770through 1BA Support

Content3. Acknowledgment6. Foreword & Messages8. The Year in Review10. About 1Billion Africa14. Projects Report26. Advocacy Report30. Support services Report35 Support & Partnerships36. Team 1Billion Africa38. 1BA’s Contribution to SDG’s 39. 1BA & Agenda 206340. 2016 in Projection 42. Financial Report

Saying 1 billion thanksWe give thanks to the Almighty God for the given Grace

and Favour and how far 1Billion Africa has come. Next, our

heartfelt appreciation goes to our;

International Advisors1BA is growing and reaching higher heights because you take time off your busy schedules to provide us with price-less counsel and directives.

Country AmbassadorsYour passion and desire to see change modeled in your communities is what Africa needs to see the dawn of our transformation.

Partners & SponsorsWe appreciate your immense support and kind gestures through various forms of collaboration for change in communi-ties in Africa.

VolunteersYour zeal, commitment and dedication to 1BA projects and administrative activities is truly inspiring.The 1billion Africns, fans, follower

The 1billion Africans, fans, followers and anyone who shares in the vision of turning problems in Africa into projects. Together we are creating a better Africa.

Our heart-felt appreciation goes to all who have believed in the 1BA Vision and contributed in various ways to bring the journey of impact this far.

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Some Problem

FACTS Resulting in the creation of

1Billion Africa

30% 51.5% 10 countries with the highest proportion of residents living in extreme poverty are in Sub-Saharan Africa. (Gallup World/

World Bank, 2010)


Adjusted net enrolment rate, primary, both sexes. (World Bank Data, 2013)

In sub-Saharan Africa, if all women

completed primary education, maternal

deaths would be reduced by 70%, saving

almost 50,000 lives. (UNESCO, 2013)

only of women in Africa have access to education. (Jordanna Packtor, 2013)

In sub-Saharan Africa, women with no

education have 6.7 births, on average.

The figure falls to 5.8 for those with

primary education and more than

halves, to 3.9, for those with secondary

education. (UNESCO, 2013)

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Chairman’s ForewardTeam 1Billion Africa has never been more convinced that we can solve our own problems as Africans. This conviction has been fueled by our results in 2015. The year began with much expectations for growth and impact. The team understood the need to work harder to move many steps further to fulfilling the 1BA vision.

Organizational and team resolutions such as; building capacity, solidifying commitment and developing strong internal and organizational structures to handle both opportunities and challenges in a better manner echoed the walls of our meetings.Also, the excitement of visiting communities to turn problems into projects, the readiness to visit platforms to advocate for the 1BA cause and the gladness of meeting youth who would be inspired and empowered by our actions/projects heightened our anticipation of a great year, 2015.

As 1BA is entering the growth phase as an organization, we have desired to strengthen or create organizational structures and systems to help manage and run the organization sustainably.

Nora AgyemanBusiness Intelligent Manager, CCTC, Ghana

Transforming a whole continent by solving its problems, who thinks of that? What makes a group of young Africans decide to dedicate their lives to uplifting themselves, their commu-nities, countries and continent from poverty and seemingly impossible situations by turning problems sometimes seemingly hopeless and abandoned situations into projects?

For me it speaks of a cry from the soul of the African child, an anguished cry from the depths of his heart because he fails to understand why in the midst of a mineral and resource rich continent, poverty surrounds him. For me, it is also a clarion call to the leaders of Africa that a generation is rising who will not perpetuate the wrongs of their fathers but will stand up for Africa and say enough to the pillage, we are for building, we are for sustaining, we are for lifting, we are for creating opportunities and we are for empowering Africans, we are for Africa. A worthy and noble cause which all Africans must get involved in for the realization of this dream would mean true emancipation for Africa.

This is the heartbeat of the 1BA team whose core values raises the standard and is bound by a shared commitment to long lasting improvements in the lives of the people for whom they are working. The 1BA team exhibits accountability and transparency and thus have set professional standards for their work. This is shown in their achievement of impacting 6,702 people this year; a remarkable achievement for such a young organization with little or no external support.

Looking into 2016 and beyond; sustainable growth and impact is imperative and achieving this would mean a focus on capacity building with respect to the 1BA core team, volunteers, supporters, partners and donors.

I would like to congratulate the entire 1BA team; the executive committee, international advisors, country ambassadors, volunteers and partners, for their progressive thinking, dedicated work, and their endless passion for the rise of Africa. God Bless You!!!

Sincerely,Gordon TredgoldCEO, Leadership Principles, USA

As I look back on 2015, I look back in awe. I am continually amazed at how quickly our organisation is growing and how many people we impact and how many lives we have helped to improve.

Everyone involved in 1BillionAfrica should be proud of themselves, their colleagues and what has been achieved in another record breaking year. It fills me with so much pride to be associated with 1Billion Africa.

It also gives me great encouragement for 2016 and the things that we will achieve in the next 12 months, as I never imagined we would be where we are now. This inspires me to wonder where we will be and what we will achieve within the next 12 months.

Congratulations on our best year so far, and wishing everyone the best for 2016.

Chairman & Founder, 1Billion Africa

Africa is a continent on the move. This is the time for

Africans, especially the youth to roll up their sleeves and get themselves involved in matters

relating to community and national development. This

is our time to help create and shape the African dream.

Messages from International Advisors

Empowering a New Generation of Problem Solvers in Africa

Special thanks goes to our International Advisory Board, Supporters and Partners, Executive Team, Country Ambas-sadors and Volunteers across Africa and the entire world who back this vision with a purpose in heart – to help transform lives in Africa.

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In March, the Chairman of 1BA and members of

JCI Accra Royale visited Benin to join the commu-nity project dubbed ‘’Pro-jets Vert and Rat Race’’; an education, health and sanitation project to im-pact Hinde Primary school in Benin. He also joined a JCI workshop in Cotonou. On their way back to Accra, they visited 1BA Country Ambassador, Mr. Jeremies Pimzi, in Lome for a brief meeting on 1BA Affairs in Togo.

In November, 1BA Team began planning for 2016, on the theme “Gear-ing Up for 1BA 3.0“

The team also joined reachout World Missions Outreach and partners to plan Love Fair 2015; A project that sought to gather orphans and street children in Ghana to im-pact them through edu-cation and fun games.

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In February, 1BA Gate-way Project brought students from Agbogba Anglican School for empowerment in the University of Ghana.

During this month, a project survey was conducted for Go Empower School Project with a trip to Agyemanti DA School to meet the headmas-ter, teachers and inter-view some students.

In September, a 7-hour bus trip was made by 1BA Team to the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana for the second edition of the Go Empower School Project in Subriso Com-munity. On arrival, meet-ings were held between the team members, community leaders and district executive leaders.

In July, 1BA Community Day Project was held at the Dagara Music Center in Medie in collaboration with Awareness Through Dance team from the UK, World Merit Nigeria and World Merit Ghana. The project gathered over 250 youth and chil-dren of Medie commu-nity to empower them.

Tech 2 Orphans Proj-ect at Potters Village orphanage in Dodowa kickstarted, during which 52 Orphans were trained and empowered.

In January, 1BA Team held the early year Strategic meeting to set tones right to ex-ecute laid down plans.

In June, meetings were held by 1BA Team and 1BA Community Day Project Partners. Plans were executed and educational materials for the project secured.

In April, 1Billion Af-rica was given the platform by TEDx Accra at the National Theatre in Ghana to share the story of the revolutionary idea.

In May, a Project Survey was conducted at the Potters Village Orphanage in Dodowa for the Tech 2 Orphans Project. Through an ICT test, the students were examined to know their levels of ICT knowledge.

The Year2015in REVIEW

In August Tech 2 Or-phans Project continued with 4 more weeks of ICT and Computer Coding Training to equip orphans of the Potters Village Orphanage.

In December, Love Fair was held. The proj-ect impacted over 700 orphans and street children in Ghana.

1BA Team Training and Brainstorning Re-treat was held to final-ize plans for 2016.

Indeed 2015 was rightly tagged the year of IMPACT.

In October, Go Em-power School Project was held in Agyemanti District Assembly School in Agyemanti Community, Eastern Region of Ghana. The project was success-ful and graced with the presence of Agyemanti Community Leaders, Head Teacher, Teach-ers and Parents. Over 120 children were empowered and 40 parents were sensitized on quality education. » p.18

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What 1 Billion Africa Does

How we Work




OverviewThe initiative was brought up as one means to help eradicate the many problems of the African continent. Often, many are quick to identify problems of the continent but stop at the problem -level by only talking about the problems.

When one is asked; “How many problems are in Africa?” One is likely to answer;” Uncountable!” or “1 Billion!” We believe the 1 Billion problems can be 1 Billion Projects tackled by the 1 Billion Africans.

This organization has been created to help turn the only-talked-about-African-problems into projects that the whole world and especially Africans would help solve. The motto of 1 Billion Africa is “turning problems into projects”. Join us. Together we can help transform Africa.

MissionTo help turn the “1billion” problems in Africa into “1billion” projects and solutions, to empower and to create opportunities for deprived Africans.

VisionTo see the “1 billion” problems in Africa turn to “1 billion” projects and solutions, to transform individuals, homes, communities and nations in Africa. Our vision is to see you turn a problem in your community in Africa into a personal project.

ValuesService, Commitment, Passion, Innovation, Efficiency, Discipline & Unity

Project Services1BA identifies problems in deprived communities in the areas of Leadership, Education, Agriculture, Technology, Health and Environment, and turn these problems into projects to alleviate poverty and to empower youth and children in Africa.

Our projects give us the opportunity to interface or meet with people living in deprived communities, especially youth, children and women, to empower them.

Advocacy ServicesWe empower young Africans to help raise changemakers or problem solving leaders through our innovative Advocacy such as 1BA Talks, Online and Social Media Campaigns and Events.

Our advocacy gives us the opportunity to reach our target audience to inspire and empower them.

Support ServicesWe provide Project Consulting, Training services, Inter-national Internships, Exchange Projects and Branding support for youth, social entrepreneurs, startups and nonprofit organizations.

This gives us the opportunity to directly provide the needed support within our power to Africa’s youth.

1Billion Africa is an international NGO that seeks to gather great potentials and

great minds in Africa to help turn the “1 billion” problems or uncountable problems

in Africa into “1 billion” projects and opportunities in Africa

5916,627 3,066 5,173610 8,4145,869

1BA FactsTeam Members

Overall Website Views

Facebook Likes

Facebook PeakImpressions

Twitter Followers

Twitter PeakImpressions

Google+ Views

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If the “1 billion” Africans develop the victor’s mentality

instead of the victim’s, Africa’s transformation would

be quicker

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Country Ambassadors Affiliate Organizations

Img Src: Your Vector Maps


United States

Gambia, Togo, Tanzania, Nigeria, Namibia, Uganda, South Africa, Senegal, Morocco, Zimbabwe

United Kingdom

Our Reach Starting in Ghana, 1BA currently has Country Ambassadors in 10 other African countries as well as representatives

and affiliate organizations in Asia, Europe and North America. Together we are helping to alleviate poverty and

empowering young people in Africa.

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“Our 2015 projects have been very inspiring; 5 Projects were run in 3 regions in Ghana and 2 Projects were ran in Namibia. The projects span across the areas of Leadership development, Education & Technology.”

Projects Report

How 632 Youth & Children were impacted in 2 countries.

1BA Office of Projects Services

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The 1BA Go-Empower School Project (GESP) is an initiative aimed at empow-ering the youth to puruse their passions and dreams. The project seeks to use varying activities such as trainings and donations to inspire the young ones.

This year, one of the GESPs was embarked on in a remote town in Brong Ahafo region named Subriso. The 1BA Team met with the various heads ranging from the District Head to the Unit Committee members.

The team’s interaction with the leaders revealed the high levels of illegal mining activities that were being carried out by people outside the town. But due to poor supervision over the years, reports

revealed that many of the youth no longer took interest in school and that teenage pregnancy has predominantly increased in the community. Donations worth over GHC1100.00 were given to the community school as a way of inspiring the children to take education seriously.

Not only were the district head and the unit committee members present for this project but also the assembly man, teachers and other reputable individuals in the community. Aside the already-stated groups, the youth of the community constituted the majority of those present for the Go-Empower School Project.

In summary, the project helped the commu-nity leaders to reaffirm the challenges being faced by the community and the bold decision to take the necessary actions to help curb the problem.

We strongly believe that Go-Empower School Project would help strengthen schools to help solve the high illiteracy rate in the country and continent.

In another version of the GESP, 1 Billion Africa partnered with Africa Eat Now and JCI Accra Royale to put smiles on the faces of students of Agyementi L/A School on 3rd October, 2015 through innovative activities aimed at empow-ering them, feeding them and donating books to them.

This was 1Billion Africa’s flagship educa-tional project, dubbed “Go Empower Schools” project. The major objective of this project was to imbibe into the students confidence and a sense of ethical leader-ship skills in order to shape their career and simultaneously impact their various communities through social activities.

In Subriso Community

In Agyemanti Community

The “Go Empower Schools” project holis-tically tackles challenges that students face in Africa as far as their education is concerned.

The project began with interactions with the chief and elders of the Agyemanti community on the importance of educa-tion. The project coordinator of 1 Billion Africa, on behalf of the team gave a talk on how education can transform the community. In his speech, Mr. Samuel Boadi highlighted on the children’s appearance, nutrition and the general welfare of children. According to him, when a child’s educa-tion and needs are well catered for, it increases their motivation and attitude towards school. He urged both parents to play equal roles in bringing up children and not leave the responsibility to only one parent.

Hammamat Montia, founder of “Africa Eats Now” who were partners to the project also talked about the nutrition of the children in details. She hinted that proper diet and good eating habits influ-ence the intelligence of a child as well as increases his or her ability to think and be active in class.

The community members were excited by this enlightenment given them and how their children will also be empow-ered to become notable persons in the community and the country as a whole.

Time with the students commenced whilst parents and elders were being engaged in the discussion and sensitization on education. Various divisions in Lower Primary, Upper Primary and Junior High School level were made. All groups were taken through innovative activities in topics and subjects like leadership, time management, ethics, morals and values, positive attitude, focus and information about Africa. These activities had positive impact on the students as most said they were able to understand the various topics very well.

What makes 1 Billion Africa’s project outstanding is the fact that, the students are involved in activities which depicts the topics and are essential for their academics and careers. After going through series of these innovative and life-changing exercises, all the various groups took turns to be nourished by the kind courtesy of the “Africa Eats Now” project. As partners, they believed providing students with

nutritious meal will increase their brain power and motivate them to go to school and achieve their goals.

The headmaster of the school, Mr Bapuni Saeed Danladi, lauded the works of 1 Billion Africa in bringing the “Go Empower Schools” to Agyementi District Assembly School. “It has really brought the commu-nity together, and the discussions with the elders has shed light on the critical issues in the education of their children”, he stated.

Mr. Bapuni also added that, this program has really made the students excited and motivated and will make their work easier in shaping the children for the future. He revealed that, he will be happy if the project comes off again on their school premises.

Go-Empower School Project

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The 2015 Gateway Programme which took place on the 25th of April ended successfully by God’s grace. Participants left being motivated and determined to cause change first in their schools and then in their communities, country and the world at large.

1BA seeks to extend the impact of the project to more underprivileged students in the country. In the near future, 1BA envisions to organize camps and seminars and build partnership with other individuals and organizations in order to impact the lives of more students.

Empowering students from

deprived communities to overcome low

self-esteem, widen their

visions, inspire them to pursue

dreams and mentor them. The Gateway

encounter creates

community changemakers.

The 1Billion Africa Gateway Programme seeks to train, inform and inspire the younger generation to be the Change Makers in their communities. The programme picks inspiration from the fact that many great people today began from deprived backgrounds and had some encounters that became their “defining moments”.

It is necessary to lead not only in sharp-ening those with distinguishable talents but also guide and inspire those without such and in remote locations to believe in themselves. The 1BA Gateway Programme is an eye-opener for young deprived students who have no hope of a brighter future, to believe in themselves, to dream big in

this world and live beyond mediocrity.

Selected students are brought from various communities to the Premier University, University of Ghana, for an educational tour. Gateway Programme this year selected ten (10) students from the Agbogba Anglican Schools and took them through a one-day intensive training.

They were sent around and shown certain key sites of the university especially places of historical significance like The Balme Library, Statues of the Past Vice-Chancellors and The Great Hall. After this, they were taken through an intensive, educative and inspirational session on various topics ranging from Leadership, Ethics and Values, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Academic Success to Career Develop-ment and other relevant subjects needed for their sustainable growth. They were inspired to dream bigger and dared to follow their passions.

Agbogba Anglican JHS

The best students were given educational materials and souvenirs from the team based on their level of participation and contributions.

Participants for this year’s Gateway Programme included ten (10) students and two teachers from the Agbogba Anglican Schools and the vibrant 1BA Team members.

Gateway Project

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In Medie Community

In collaboration with Awareness Through Dance from UK and World Merit Ghana, hundreds of children and youth were inspired and motivated to become change makers in their community through the 1BA Community Day at Medie on 6th June, 2015.

This project was a joint initiative by the aforementioned organisations to raise change makers in communities across the continent. As part of these organisations’ mission and vision lies similarities between them which is to help solve problems at the community level to cause a ripple effect in the general well-being of people across the world. Empowerment, inspiration, change and transformation are some of the major taglines of the problem-solving acts of 1BA, ATD and World Merit.

The Community Day event as stated earlier was to train the community members on how to solve their basic problems themselves and receive support for coming up with designed strategies for solving specific problems in the community.

This event also sought to introduce the people of Medie to 1 Billion Africa and to start youth-led conversations of the challenges facing them and to empower them to make small commitments towards social change. The program began with taking members through various activities to inspire them to cause change. The activities depicted leadership, teamwork, determination, spotting opportunities, goal-setting and problem-solving.

There were various stations for different sessions including Education, Career Choices & Women Empowerment, Personal and Leadership Development, Entrepreneurship and Business Creation, and Community and Social Projects. Under these stations, members were taken through innovative activities in

such areas to train and inspire them concerning a particular field of interest. For instance, the Career Choices and Women Empowerment Station sought to teach the people about the essence of believing in oneself as a girl and the need to put education first as a priority. This was done innovatively through a designed game where the girls played and followed the paths

to girl-child success in these contemporary times. Other stations also employed innovative ways of tackling issues in their respective topics.

The community day also saw youth and social activists like Sampson Oboh, World Merit Ghana President, Prince Louis Adekola of World Merit Nigeria and founder of Ambassadors of Africa, Megan Preston and Claire Hardy who took turns to inspire participants for social and leadership development.

About 250 youth and children were impacted at the event, with 60% being females. Most pledged commitments for change for community devel-opment after being inspired and empowered. One of such commitment-pledged projects shall be selected and funded by Awareness Through Dance and given further support by 1BA. Much emphasis was laid on the belief in young people and their roles in community development.

1 Billion Africa believes the African youth can start small and make commitments towards positive change in their communities to contribute towards transformation. There is therefore the need to inform, inspire and empower the youth to be able to solve problems in their own communities. That was the mission of the 1BA Community day.

The Youth were informed, inspired and empowered to suggest solutions

to problems in the community.

Community Day Project

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Tech 2 Orphans is a flagship education and technology project by 1 Billion Africa which seeks to help bring up the next generation of computer programmers in Africa by teaching them basic programming and computer skills. The target group were orphans who after a certain age (usually 18-20) are left to fend for themselves and to be independent after acquiring some vocational skills. Some end up not being equipped fully because of lack of logistics and so on.

Research confirms that, these kids who leave the foster homes have difficulty adapting to the abrupt changes in their independence. A large percentage also end up on the streets as a result. Therefore, our major objective was to empower the children with the prerequisite skills in Information and Communication Technology also which affects all of us in this digital age. In view of that, 1 Billion Africa saw the need to leverage on technology to help these young ones in the area of computer technology and in the process help them learn how to build software and applica-tions which can solve some basic problems that bedevils our society.

Empowering orphans to

develop 21st century ICT & Computer

Science skills to inspire

entrepreneurship or increase their

chances for employment.

Tech2orphans hopes to help

build resilience of orphans

against poverty.

As part of the process, these young ones were given opportunities in volunteering and internships. This was made possible through strategic partnership with key industry players as far as technology and education was concerned. Our major vision is to create a generation of technological

entrepreneurs and corporate leaders in technology who will drive Africa forward with development and innovation on the continent. Moving forward, we are looking at empowering thousands of orphans in Ghana across all the ten regions of the country and beyond.

Potters Village Orphanage

So we empowered them with IT skills with emphasis on basic Microsoft applications, computer program-ming and the use of Google tools. At the Potters Village Orphanage, these orphans were taken through intensive HTML coding, Microsoft Office suite training, the use of Google and their educational products.

The orphanage was also given ten (10) computers to enhance the teaching and learning of computer in the orphanage and help them go practical daily on what we taught them.

Tech2Orphans Project

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Go Empower School Project

Windhoek, Nambia

Go Empower School Project in Windhoek,

Nambia empowered

hundreds of school

children. For about 4 hours,

the children were inspired, informed and

empowered through team presentations, empowerment activites and mentorship.

1Billion Africa – Namibia supported an Open Data Innovation movement in Windhoek, Namibia by partnering the Southern Africa Innovation Support (SAIS) Programme, Namibia Business Innovation Institute (NBII) and Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA) to help organize an Open Data Innovation Hackathon on 20th – 21st February, 2015.

The Hackathon event took place in 2 days; first, at the Polytechnic of Namibia (PoN) Auditorium 2, Science Building near PoN Library, and on the second day, at NBII Mobile Lab, Innovation Village, Gluck Street.

The focus of the event was to provide a platform to learn about and discuss current global trends towards Open Data. The event focused specifically on the opportunities within the innovation

landscape and how they could benefit the Namibia’s economic and social welfare. The NBII mobile lab developers’ community assisted in developing the suggested projects by using open and crowd-sourced processes.

Regular volunteer meet-ups and hackathons forms the basis towards creating a sustain-able infrastructure in Namibia.

1BA Namibia is headed by the Country Ambassador Lameck Amugongo, a passionate young African who is leading the movement in Namibia to help turn problems into projects. ‘Opening public data unleashes a new world of endless opportunities that can potentialy solve most of our problems in Africa and generate the much needed revenue for families and governments’, says Lameck Amugongo.

“We believe that this is just the beginning of the Open Data Movement and that it will hopefully gauge the civil society aspect of Open Government/ Open Society, helping to solve problems innovatively leveraging Technology. “ – Silas Newaka, Country coordinator SAIS programme

Open Data Hackathon

The Focus of the project

was to provide a platform to learn about and discuss

current global trends towards

Open Data

1BA Namibia Projects

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“Throughout the year, advocacies were ran to reach and inspire Africans, especially the youth of the continent, to turn problems in their communities into projects. 1BA created platforms such as 1BA Talks and was also granted platforms such as TEDx Accra. Thankfully, many people were reached.”

Advocacy Report

How over 5,300 people were reached and impacted.

1BA Office of Advocacy

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TEDX ACCRA TALK“Do you know there are 1billion problems in Africa?“ was the topic 1BA addressed at TEDx Accra 2015 . How 1BA started, projects imple-mented, and “The Next Chapter“ of the move-ment was shared

1BA TALKs APRIL EVENT1BA organized a Google Hangout event dubbed “The Role of the African Youth in promoting Commu-nity Development“. This event featured 6 dynamic African youth speakers from across Africa to share their perspectives on the topic.

ECONOMIC IDEAs FEsTIVAL1BA story was shared at EIF 2015 in reference to the topic “1Billion Challenges + 1Billion Opportunities“. This event was organized by Young Professionals Economists Network.

MFA TOAsTMAsTERs CLUB1BA was invited to give a presentation on the topic “Gearing up the Youth for dynamic leader-ship “. This event was organized by Ministry of Foreign Affairs Toastmasters Club.

AFs sAWA sAWA PROJECT1BA was invited to Sawa Sawa Changemaking Project 2015 to facilitate a workshop on the topic “Turning Challenges into Opportunities”. Participants were from Egypt, Ghana and Kenya.

YOUNG PROFEssIONALs DIALOGUEThe 1BA Story was shared at the Young Profes-sionals Dialogue 2015, organized by the Young Professionals Economists Network. The theme discussed was “How do we create the leadership for the Africa we want? “, which was in connection with the 1BA Vision.

GENA WEsT sHOW1BA Chair was interviewed on “A Different View with Gena West“ show to have a discussion on the topic, “The Power Game: from the point of view of different economies - The power dynamics between Africa and the West and how it is important for us as Africans to take ownership of our own problems instead of looking to the West for aid.“

CAMPUs TOUR EVENT This event was organized at Kinbu Senior High School by Start Up Gh to empower the students and help them harness their potentials. 1BA was invited to lead a session on the topic “Creative Problem Solving.”

1BA was hosted on various platforms in Ghana, Gambia and Nigeria to advocate.

Platforms span from events, radio and tv shows, youth group meetings, media

publications and online paltforms.

ON THE sPOT RADIO sHOW1BA was hosted on the show in The Gambia on the role the organization is playing in curbing challenges in Africa and why it is important for the youth of Africa to develop the problem solving mindset. Challenges were discussed and project experiences shared.

1BA Advocacy

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“In 2015, many problems were posted to 1BA through our “Report Problem“ platform. Consulting services were provided to the potential change makers. Youth startup organization were also supported to maximize impact.”

Support Services Report

Young people were inspired and supported to turn a problem into a project to impact over 770 youth and children.

1BA Office of Support Services

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CHILD 2 SCHOOL PROJECT1BA has helped us through mentorship and

consultancy on how to go about some projects.

UTC CHANCELLOR FELLOWSHIP1Billion Africa helped us to unlock potentials of

the next generation of Gambian Leaders through networking and empowerment presentations.

ROLE MODEL AFRICA1BA helped us build upon the concept of

mentorship that RoleModelAfrica is about.

Chadwick Atanga, Founder & CEOChild 2 School

Jimmy Hendry Nzally, Founder & CEOChancellor Fellowship, Gambia

Samuel A. Prempeh, Founder & CEO Invents Foundation

LOvE FAIR 20151BA partnered the Love Fair Project in December

to help empower and show love to orphans in Ghana through educational activities.

ON THE SPOT SHOW1BA has provided tremendous support towards scal-ing our leadership and networking platform for the African Youth. The time spent on air to discuss 1Bil-

lion Africa was enlightening and inspiring

BEADUCATION PROJECTOur meeting with 1BA for consulting in our project was highly informative & inspiring .

REOTHEN FOUNDATIONThrough mentorship and consulting from 1BA,

we have shaped our project and are ready to kick off! 1BA also exposed us to a rich project

experience through volunteering

Naa Aklerh Okantey, Founder & CEOReachout World Missions, Ghana

Jimmy Hendry Nxally, PresidentGlobal Hands Gambia

Sedinam, Founder, Beaducation

Haruna SulemanaThe African Child, Ghana


1BA Support Services Young people were provided with consulting services to help shape their ideas

and projects. Youth startups were also supported through various forms of

partnerships to scale up and impact more people.

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Support & PartnershipsSponsors/Donors, Project Partners, Promotional Partners & Others Support

Sponsors- Pneuma Technologies- 5 Star Engineering- Sweet Music- Jeshurun Okyere Global Outreach

Project Partners- Awareness Through Dance- World Merit- MindShift Foundation- Africa Eats Now, Ghana- Ghana Stammering Association- JCI Accra Royale- LiveOn Campus- Global Hands, The Gambia- University of Ghana- Startup Gh- HAC Foundation- AFS Ghana

Promotional Partners- Association of Women in Business, Ethiopia- TEDx Accra- Me Firi Ghana- Future of Ghana Project

Media/Online Features- Edufrica- Modern Ghana - Konnect Africa- Development Diaries- Youth- Time Magazine

Other Support- Leadership Principles- Aiesec Legon- Economic Business Group Africa- Tebah Education Initiative- Africa Asia Education Fair-Young Professional Economists Network- JCI Ghana- The Akaa Project

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• Nora Agyeman, Ghana• Gordon Tredgold, UK

• Nour El Din Hussein, Egypt• Aaron Grant, Switzerland

• Alexina Arthur, Ghana• Al Cole, USA

• Nehu Girma, Ethiopia• Adriaan G roenewald, South Africa

EXECUTIVE TEAM• Prince Adu-Appiah, Chairman

• Pearl Ahadzi, Executive Sec.• Charles Mensah, Media & Director

• Israel Fugah, Public Relations• Sarah Naa Adjorkor Adjei, Logistics Director• Nathaniel Amoh Boateng, Projects Director

• Frank Narh, Photography• Samuel Boadi, Project Manager

• Benjamin Adu Hayford, Project Manager• Lawrence Ansah Addo, Finance, Admin

• Kodwo Oduum, Project Counselor

INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD• Mosimiloluwa Koye-Ladele, Nigeria

• Aaliyah Imaan Khatib, Tanzania• Jeremies Pimzi, Togo

• Agnes Kelly Nabacwa, Uganda• Kine Diop Diop, Senegal

• Atika El Orch, Morocco• Lameck Amugongo, Namibia

• Tshepo Tatum Seloane, South Africa• Anesu Masube, Zimbabwe

• Jimmy Hendry-Nzally, The Gambia


Some Teamsuccess stories1BA Media Director, Charles Mensah, attended Global Media Forum, Bonn, Germany

1BA Finance Director, Lawrence Ansah-Addo, Interns with UN in Denmark

1BA Secretary, Pearl Ahadzi, successfully enrolled in Law School, her passion.

1BA Chair, Prince Adu-Appiah, was listed in Top 20 Outstanding Young People in the World

1BA Project Director, Nathaniel Amoh Boateng, joined Tonys Chocolonely annual fair in Netherlands

1BA Int. Advisor, Gordon Tredgold, launched FAST Leader Book

1BA SA Country Ambassador, Tshepo Seloane, was shortlisted in Space Competition

1BA Executive Member and Public Relations Officer, Israel Fugah, was awarded the Most Distinguished Christian Leader in the University of Ghana by LeadRight Foundation

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Youth Skills DevelopmentOur projects engage youth volunteers who discover hidden abilities and get opportunities to develop their full potentials. This shapes them into future leaders. Most of our projects lead to direct human capital development, and our Health and Women Empowerment projects focus on empowering girls to realize their full potentials whilst meeting some health needs.

Community DevelopmentOur community based projects help to address key challenges in deprived communities in areas of Education, Leadership, Agriculture, Technology, Health and Environment.

Peace BuildingOur project, advocacy and support services gather Africans from various ethnic backgrounds who come together to work with a common goal of turning a problem into a project. This promotes Unity and Cultural heritage. Values and ethics are also strengthened in the process. 1BA believes in a United Africa and the passion of Pan-Africanism is instilled and inspired in all stakeholders.

No PovertyZero HungerGood Health Quality EducationGender Equality

1BA Focus: the F5G’sFor the next 15years, 1Billion Afica shall be contrib-uting to solving Africa’s biggest challenges in line with the Global Goals adopted by the United Nations and World Leaders. Our focus is running projects on the first 5 Sustainable Development Goals

In May 2013, at the 50th Anniversary of the Organization for African Unity, African Union Heads of State and Heads of Government made a solemn declaration to advance the continent through a 50 Year Agenda to realize the vision of; an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in the global arena.”

Here are ways 1BA is contributing to realizing Agenda 2063;

Contribution to meeting the SDG’s

1Billion Africa &

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» p.12

2016 in Projection - Projects, Advocacy & Support

Community Youth Development Project

Tech 2 Orphans Project Simply Health Project

Gateway Project Mother FarmerGo EmpowerSchools Project

Support Services

AdvocacyProject Overview:A skill-development, entrepreneurship and mentorship workshop for the youth in deprived communities.

Problems tackling: Unemployment, Poverty, Gender Inequality

Target: Young people between the ages of 15 – 25years

Project Overview:Equipping orphans with 21st century IT skills through training and mentoring.

Problems tackling: Unemployment, Poverty, Gender Inequality

Target: Young people between the ages of 12 – 18years

Project Overview:An educational project that empowers children in less privi-leged schools to access quality education whilst building in them the problem solving and leadership mindset.

The project sensitizes parents and teachers and provides educa-tional materials where needed to promote quality education.

The children are empowered through innovative development activities.

Problems tackling: Lack of quality education, Gender Inequality

Target: Young people between the ages of 6 – 15 years

Project Overview:Empowering selected students from less privileged communities an educational tour, training and mentoring programme

Problems tackling: Low self-esteem

Target: Young people between the ages of 12 – 16 years

1BA shall run advocacy

in 2016 on the following

theme areas;

• Preserving Electricity

• Clean Energy

• Youth Innovations in energy

1BA shall provide the

following support services;

• Consulting

• Useful Online Links

• Branding & Multimedia

• Personalized Training

• International Internships/

Exchange Programmes

Project Overview:Helping to curb an endemic disease in a community through health sensitization

Problems tackling: Poor health and disease outbreaks.

Target: Children, Youth and Adults

Project Overview:A skills development, entre-preneurship and mentorship workshop project

Problems tackling: Unemployment, Poverty, Women Empowerment

Target: Young people between ages 15 – 25years

A Year of Sustainable Growth & Impact

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Become a SPONSOROur projects are in the areas of Leadership development, Education, Agriculture, Technology, Health and Environment and also focus on the First 5 SDG’s; No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Good Health, Quality Education and Gender Equality.

To sponsor a project, kindly email [email protected] or call +233245762288/ +233242866040

Become a PARTNERThrough collaborations, we have achieved awesome results. You can become our next partner, for a project or an advocacy.

To partner kindly email [email protected] or call +233245762288/ +233242866040

Become a VOLUNTEER“1 billion” Africans obviously suggests we cannot do this all alone. We need your passion, expertise and time on board.

It’s exciting to be a part of this problem-solving movement. To volunteer, kindly email [email protected] or call +233245762288/ +233242866040


impact more people

Financial Statement

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1Billion Africa is an international NGO helping to alleviate poverty in deprived communities in Africa by turning problems into projects.

OUR VISIONTo see the “1 billion” African problems turn to “1 billion” projects, solutions and social actions that would transform individuals, homes, communities and nations across the African continent.

OUR MISSIONTo help transform Africa through the alleviation of poverty and the uplifting of communities in Africa by identifying problems and turning them into projects, to empower and to create oppor-tunities for the deprived African.

OUR VALUESService, Commitment, Passion, Innovation, Efficiency, Discipline and Unity.

A: 1Billion Africa, P. O. Box LG 207, Legon-Accra, Ghana.T: +233245762288 / +2233547118941 E: [email protected]


turning problems in African communities into projects

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