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  • 8/11/2019 1.Making of Pakistan


    Making of Pakistan

    Political events from 1940-


  • 8/11/2019 1.Making of Pakistan



    The era from 1940 to 1947 is the era ofrapid changes. Many important events inthe most prominent among them. In the

    past, the demand of Pakistan was notraised clearly. It was due to Muslimachievements in this period that now weare living in a sovereign and independent

    state. The political events from PakistanResolution to the establishment of Pakistanare:

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    23rd March-Pakistan ResolutionThe attitude of the Hindus made it clear that theHindus and the Muslims were two separate nations.On March 23rd ,at the annual session of Muslim

    League at Lahore, the famous resolution, commonlyknown as the Pakistan Resolution was passed. It waspresented by Maulvi Fazlul Haq. Quiad-e-Azam said inhis address:"By all means Muslims are one nation and they need aseparate homeland where they could live their

    spiritual, cultural, economical, social and political livesindependently."

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    8th August -August OfferIt was proposed to enlarged governorgeneral councils to include membersfrom political parties. War AdvisoryCommittee was also launched. Bothleague and Congress rejected the


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    2th -15th April-Civil DisobedienceMovement28th session of League was held atMadras in which a resolution wasadopted on Civil DisobedienceMovement launched by Congress.

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    23rd March-Crisp MissionSir Stafford Cripps was sent by the BritishGovernment to India, to discuss with Indian

    leaders, the future Indian Constitutions. Hisproposal was rejected by both the Congressand the League. The CongressCharacterized them us "a post-dated checkon a failing bank. Jinnah said that if these

    were accepted "Muslims would become aminority in their majority provinces aswell."

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    8th August-Quit IndiaCongress initiated it against British, itwas "open rebellion" due to whichmany people were killed Leagueraised a slogan of "Divide and QuiteIndia".

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    27th December-Action CommitteeIt was formed to prepare andorganized Muslims of India for comingstruggle for achievements of Pakistan

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    9th September-Gandhi JinnahTalksGandhi held talks with Jinnah todiscuss about the future of India, butno fruitful results came out of itbecause Gandhi did not accept

    Muslims as a separate nation."The wall between Jinnah and Gandhiwas the Two Nation Theory."

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    25th June-Simla ConferenceLord Wavell called a conference atSimla. The conference failed toachieve any purpose due to one sidedattitude of Lord Wavell. In thisconference ,Quiad-e-Azam made it

    crystal clear that the Muslim Leaguecan represent Muslim of India.

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    2nd December General Elections

    Elections for the central and provincial assemblieswere held in 1945-1946 in which Muslim League won

    30 seats of central legislative meant for Muslims and430 seats out of 495 in the provincial legislative.Quiad-e-Azam said on this occasion:"I have no doubt now in the achievement of Pakistan.The Muslims of India told the world what they want.No power of world can topple the opinion of 10

    carore Muslims of India."

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    24th March-Cabinet MissionCabinet Mission visited India in 1946and submitted its recommendationsto the Britishers .As a result InteriumGovernment was formed butCongress and league couldn't co-

    operate amongst themselves.

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    24th March-Cabinet Mission

    The purpose of the mission was: Preparatory discussions with elected representatives

    of British India and the Indian states in order tosecure agreement as to the method of framing theconstitution.

    Setting up of a constitution body

    Setting up an Executive Council withthe support of the main Indian parties

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    24th March-Cabinet Mission

    The main points of the plan were:there would be a union of Indiacomprising both British India and the

    Indian States that would deal withforeign affairs, defense andcommunications. The union wouldhave an Executive and a Legislature.

    All residuary powers would belong tothe provinces.

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    24th March-Cabinet Mission

    All provinces would be divided intothree sections. Provinces could optout of any group after the firstgeneral elections.

    There would also be an interim

    government having the support of themajor political parties.

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    8th-9th April-Delhi ConventionQuaid-e-Azam called a convention ofall Muslims League members at Delhi.At the convention every member tookthe pledge to under go any danger forthe attainment of national goal of


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    16th August-Direct Action Day

    League withdraw its acceptance ofCabinet Mission and Direct Action Daywas observed peacefully throughoutIndia, except in Calcutta, where riots

    broke out in1947

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    3rd June -3rd June PlanLord Mount Batten prepared the planfor transference of power accordingto the wish of people. He emphasizedon the partition of country and toldthat it was the only solution of the

    Indian political deadlock. Both Leagueand Congress accepted the plan.

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    18th July-Indian IndependenceActIn July ,the British parliament passedthe Indian Independence act whichwas enforced promptly. The Muslimsof the Sub Continent finally

    succeeded in carrying out anindependent Islamic State forMuslims.

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    14th August -Transfer of PowerThe transfer of power ceremony was held inKarachi. On August 15,Quaid-e-Azam was

    sworn in as Governor General of Pakistanand Mr. Liaqat Ali Khan was appointed hisPrime Minister."That was the culmination of a long

    struggle which the Muslims of the SouthAsian Sub Continent had waged for aseparate homeland in the name of Islam."

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