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1Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005

OCL3 Oracle 10g:SQL & PL/SQLSession #10

Matthew P. Johnson


January, 2005

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2Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005

Agenda Security & web apps

RegEx support in 10g

Oracle & XML

Data warehousing

More on the PL/SQL labs

Any more lab?

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3Matthew P. Johnson, OCL3, CISDD CUNY, June 2005

Review: Why security is hard It’s a “negative deliverable”

It’s an asymmetric threat

Tolstoy: “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” Analogs: “homeland”, jails, debugging, proof-

reading, Popperian science, fishing, MC algs

So: fix biggest problems first

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DB users have privileges SELECT: read access to all columns INSERT(col-name): can insert rows with non-

default values in this column INSERT: can insert rows with non-default values in

all columns DELETE REFERENCES(col-name): can define foreign keys

that refer to (or other constraints that mention) this column

TRIGGER: triggers can reference table EXECUTE: can run function/SP

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Granting privileges (Oracle) One method of setting access levels Creator of object automatically gets all

privileges to it Possible objects: tables, whole databases, stored

functions/procedures, etc. <DB-name>.* - all tables in DB

A privileged user can grant privileges to other users or groups


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Granting and revoking Privileged user has privileges Privileged-WGO user can grant them, w/wo GO Granter can revoke privileges or GO Revocation cascades by default

To prevent, use RESTRICT (at end of cmd) If would cascade, command fails

Can change owner:

ALTER TABLE my-tblOWNER TO new-owner;

ALTER TABLE my-tblOWNER TO new-owner;

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Granting and revoking What we giveth, we may taketh away mjohnson: (effects?)

george: (effects?)

mjohnson: (effects?)


GRANT SELECT ON my-table TO laura;GRANT SELECT ON my-table TO laura;

REVOKE SELECT ON my-table FROM laura;REVOKE SELECT ON my-table FROM laura;

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Role-based authorization In SQL-1999, privileges assigned with roles For example:

Student role Instructor role Admin role

Each role gets to do same (sorts of) things

Privileges assigned by assigning role to users

GRANT SELECT ON my-table TO employee;GRANT SELECT ON my-table TO employee;

GRANT employee TO billg;GRANT employee TO billg;

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Passwords DBMS recognizes your privileges because it

recognizes you


Storing passwords in the DB is a bad idea

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Hashed or digested passwords One-way hash function:

1. computing f(x) is easy;

2. Computing f-1(y) is hard/impossible;

3. Finding some x2 s.t. f(x2) = f(x) is hard/imposs “collisions”

Intuitively: seeing f(x) gives little (useful) info on x x “looks random” PRNGs

MD5, SHA-1 RFID for cars: http://www.rfidanalysis.org/

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Built-in accounts Many DBMSs (and OSs) have built-in demo

accounts by default In some versions, must “opt out”

MySQL: root/(blank) (closed on sales) http://lists.seifried.org/pipermail/security/2004-February/001782.html

Oracle: scott/tiger (was open on sales last year)

SQLServer: sa/(blank/null) http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;31341


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Query-related: Injection attacks Here’s a situation:

Prompt for user/pass Do lookup:

If found, user gets in test.user table in MySQL http://pages.stern.nyu.edu/~mjohnson/dbms/php/loginph

p.txt http://pages.stern.nyu.edu/~mjohnson/dbms/php/login.php

Apart from no hashing, is this safe?

SELECT * FROM usersWHERE user=u AND password=p;

SELECT * FROM usersWHERE user=u AND password=p;

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Injection attacks

We expect to get input of something like: user: mjohnson pass: secret

SELECT * FROM usersWHERE user = u AND password = p;

SELECT * FROM usersWHERE user = u AND password = p;

SELECT * FROM usersWHERE user= 'mjohnson' AND password = 'secret';

SELECT * FROM usersWHERE user= 'mjohnson' AND password = 'secret';

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Injection attacks – MySQL/Perl/PHP

Consider another input: user: ' OR 1=1 OR user = ' pass: ' OR 1=1 OR pass = '

SELECT * FROM usersWHERE user = u AND password = p;

SELECT * FROM usersWHERE user = u AND password = p;


WHERE user = '' OR 1=1 OR user = '' AND password = '' OR 1=1 OR pass = '';


WHERE user = '' OR 1=1 OR user = '' AND password = '' OR 1=1 OR pass = '';


SELECT * FROM usersWHERE user = ''

OR 1=1OR user = ''AND password = ''OR 1=1OR pass = '';

SELECT * FROM usersWHERE user = ''

OR 1=1OR user = ''AND password = ''OR 1=1OR pass = '';

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Injection attacks – MySQL/Perl/PHP

Consider this one: user: your-boss' OR 1=1 # pass: abc

SELECT * FROM usersWHERE user = u AND password = p;

SELECT * FROM usersWHERE user = u AND password = p;


WHERE user = 'your-boss' OR 1=1 #' AND password = 'abc';


WHERE user = 'your-boss' OR 1=1 #' AND password = 'abc';


SELECT * FROM usersWHERE user = 'your-boss'

OR 1=1 #' AND password = 'abc';

SELECT * FROM usersWHERE user = 'your-boss'

OR 1=1 #' AND password = 'abc';

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Injection attacks – MySQL/Perl/PHP

Consider another input: user: your-boss pass: ' OR 1=1 OR pass = '

SELECT * FROM usersWHERE user = u AND password = p;

SELECT * FROM usersWHERE user = u AND password = p;

SELECT * FROM usersWHERE user = 'your-boss' AND password = '' OR 1=1 OR pass = '';

SELECT * FROM usersWHERE user = 'your-boss' AND password = '' OR 1=1 OR pass = '';


SELECT * FROM usersWHERE user = 'your-boss'

AND password = ''OR 1=1OR pass = '';

SELECT * FROM usersWHERE user = 'your-boss'

AND password = ''OR 1=1OR pass = '';

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Multi-command inj. attacks (other DBs)

Consider another input: user: '; DELETE FROM users WHERE user = 'abc'; SELECT FROM users WHERE password = '

pass: abc

SELECT * FROM usersWHERE user = u AND password = p;

SELECT * FROM usersWHERE user = u AND password = p;


WHERE user = ''; DELETE FROM users WHERE user = 'abc'; SELECT FROM users WHERE password = '' AND password = 'abc';


WHERE user = ''; DELETE FROM users WHERE user = 'abc'; SELECT FROM users WHERE password = '' AND password = 'abc';

SELECT * FROM users WHERE user = '';DELETE FROM users WHERE user = 'abc'; SELECT FROM users WHERE password = ''

AND password = 'abc';

SELECT * FROM users WHERE user = '';DELETE FROM users WHERE user = 'abc'; SELECT FROM users WHERE password = ''

AND password = 'abc';

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Consider another input: user: '; DROP TABLE users; SELECT FROM users WHERE password = '

pass: abc

SELECT * FROM usersWHERE user = u AND password = p;

SELECT * FROM usersWHERE user = u AND password = p;


WHERE user = ''; DROP TABLE users; SELECT FROM users WHERE password = '' AND password = 'abc';


WHERE user = ''; DROP TABLE users; SELECT FROM users WHERE password = '' AND password = 'abc';

SELECT * FROM users WHERE user = '';DROP TABLE users;SELECT FROM users WHERE password = ''

AND password = 'abc';

SELECT * FROM users WHERE user = '';DROP TABLE users;SELECT FROM users WHERE password = ''

AND password = 'abc';

Multi-command inj. attacks (other DBs)

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Consider another input: user: '; SHUTDOWN WITH NOWAIT; SELECT FROM users WHERE password = '

pass: abc

SELECT * FROM usersWHERE user = u AND password = p;

SELECT * FROM usersWHERE user = u AND password = p;


WHERE user = ''; SHUTDOWN WITH NOWAIT; SELECT FROM users WHERE password = '' AND password = 'abc';


WHERE user = ''; SHUTDOWN WITH NOWAIT; SELECT FROM users WHERE password = '' AND password = 'abc';


AND password = 'abc';


AND password = 'abc';

Multi-command inj. attacks (other DBs)

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Injection attacks – MySQL/Perl/PHP

Consider another input: user: your-boss pass: ' OR 1=1 AND user = 'your-boss

Delete your boss!

DELETE FROM usersWHERE user = u AND password = p;

DELETE FROM usersWHERE user = u AND password = p;

DELETE FROM usersWHERE user = 'your-boss' AND pass = ' ' OR 1=1 AND user = 'your-boss';

DELETE FROM usersWHERE user = 'your-boss' AND pass = ' ' OR 1=1 AND user = 'your-boss';


DELETE FROM usersWHERE user = 'your-boss'

AND pass = ''OR 1=1AND user = 'your-boss';

DELETE FROM usersWHERE user = 'your-boss'

AND pass = ''OR 1=1AND user = 'your-boss';

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Injection attacks – MySQL/Perl/PHP

Consider another input: user: ' OR 1=1 OR user = ' pass: ' OR 1=1 OR user = '

Delete everyone!

DELETE FROM usersWHERE user = u AND pass = p;

DELETE FROM usersWHERE user = u AND pass = p;


WHERE user = '' OR 1=1 OR user = '' AND pass = '' OR 1=1 OR user = '';


WHERE user = '' OR 1=1 OR user = '' AND pass = '' OR 1=1 OR user = '';

DELETE FROM usersWHERE user = ''

OR 1=1OR user = ''AND pass = ''OR 1=1OR user = '';

DELETE FROM usersWHERE user = ''

OR 1=1OR user = ''AND pass = ''OR 1=1OR user = '';

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Preventing injection attacks Ultimate source of problem: quotes Soln 1: don’t allow quotes!

Reject any entered data containing single quotes Q: Is this satisfactory?

Does Amazon need to sell O’Reilly books?

Soln 2: escape any single quotes Replace any ' with a '' or \' In Perl, use taint mode – won’t show In PHP, turn on magic_quotes_gpc flag in .htaccess

show both PHP versions

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Preventing injection attacks Soln 3: use prepare parameter-based queries

Supported in JDBC, Perl DBI, PHP ext/mysqli http://pages.stern.nyu.edu/~mjohnson/dbms/perl/loginsafe.cgi http://pages.stern.nyu.edu/~mjohnson/dbms/perl/userssafe.cgi

Very dangerous: using tainted data to run commands at the Unix command prompt Semi-colons, prime char, etc. Safest: define set if legal chars, not illegal ones

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Preventing injection attacks When to do security checking for quotes,

etc.? Natural choice: in client-side data validation But not enough!

As saw earlier: can submit GET and POST params manually

Must do security checking on server

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More Info phpGB MySQL Injection Vulnerability


"How I hacked PacketStorm“ http://www.wiretrip.net/rfp/txt/rfp2k01.txt

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SQL*Plus settings



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New topic: Regular Expressions In automata theory, Finite Automata are the

simplest weakest of computer, Turing Machines the strongest Chomsky’s Hierarchy

FA are equivalent to a regular expression Expressions that specify a pattern Can check whether a string matches the pattern

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RegEx matching Use REGEX_LIKE Metachar for any char is . First, get employee_comment table:


Now do search:

So far, like LIKE

SELECT emp_id, textFROM employee_commentWHERE REGEXP_LIKE(text,'...-....');

SELECT emp_id, textFROM employee_commentWHERE REGEXP_LIKE(text,'...-....');

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RegEx matching Can also pull out the matching text with


If want only numbers, can specify a set of chars rather than a dot:

SELECT emp_id, REGEXP_SUBSTR(text,'...-....') textFROM employee_commentWHERE REGEXP_LIKE(text,'...-....');

SELECT emp_id, REGEXP_SUBSTR(text,'...-....') textFROM employee_commentWHERE REGEXP_LIKE(text,'...-....');

SELECT emp_id, REGEXP_SUBSTR(text, '[0123456789]..-...[0123456789]') textFROM employee_commentWHERE REGEXP_LIKE(text, '[0123456789]..-...[0123456789]');

SELECT emp_id, REGEXP_SUBSTR(text, '[0123456789]..-...[0123456789]') textFROM employee_commentWHERE REGEXP_LIKE(text, '[0123456789]..-...[0123456789]');

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RegEx matching Or can specify a range of chars:

Or, finally, can state how many copies to match:

SELECT emp_id, REGEXP_SUBSTR(text, '[0-9]..-....') textFROM employee_commentWHERE REGEXP_LIKE(text,'...-....');

SELECT emp_id, REGEXP_SUBSTR(text, '[0-9]..-....') textFROM employee_commentWHERE REGEXP_LIKE(text,'...-....');

SELECT emp_id, REGEXP_SUBSTR(text,'[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}') text

FROM employee_commentWHERE REGEXP_LIKE(text,'[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}');

SELECT emp_id, REGEXP_SUBSTR(text,'[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}') text

FROM employee_commentWHERE REGEXP_LIKE(text,'[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}');

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RegExp matching Other operators:

* - 0 or more matches + - 1 or more matches ? - 0 or 1 match

Also, can OR options together with | op Here: some phone nums have area codes, some

not, so want to match both:

SELECT emp_id, REGEXP_SUBSTR(text,'[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}|[0-9]{3}-

[0-9]{4}') textFROM employee_commentWHERE REGEXP_LIKE(text,'[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}|[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}');

SELECT emp_id, REGEXP_SUBSTR(text,'[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}|[0-9]{3}-

[0-9]{4}') textFROM employee_commentWHERE REGEXP_LIKE(text,'[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}|[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}');

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RegExp matching Order of ORed together patterns matters:

First matching pattern wins

SELECT emp_id, REGEXP_SUBSTR(text,'[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}|[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-

[0-9]{4}') textFROM employee_commentWHERE REGEXP_LIKE(text,'[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}|[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}');

SELECT emp_id, REGEXP_SUBSTR(text,'[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}|[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-

[0-9]{4}') textFROM employee_commentWHERE REGEXP_LIKE(text,'[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}|[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}');

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RegExp matching There’s a shared structure between the two,

tho Area code is just optional Can use ? op

SELECT emp_id, REGEXP_SUBSTR(text,'([0-9]{3}-)?[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}') text

FROM employee_commentWHERE REGEXP_LIKE(text,'([0-9]{3}-)?[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}');

SELECT emp_id, REGEXP_SUBSTR(text,'([0-9]{3}-)?[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}') text

FROM employee_commentWHERE REGEXP_LIKE(text,'([0-9]{3}-)?[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}');

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RegExp matching Also, different kinds of separators:

dash, dot, just blank Can OR together whole number patterns Better: Just use set of choices of each sep.

SELECT emp_id, REGEXP_SUBSTR(text, '([0-9]{3}[-. ])?[0-9]{3}[-. ][0-9]{4}') textFROM employee_commentWHERE REGEXP_LIKE(text,'([0-9]{3}[-. ])?[0-9]{3}[-. ][0-9]{4}');

SELECT emp_id, REGEXP_SUBSTR(text, '([0-9]{3}[-. ])?[0-9]{3}[-. ][0-9]{4}') textFROM employee_commentWHERE REGEXP_LIKE(text,'([0-9]{3}[-. ])?[0-9]{3}[-. ][0-9]{4}');

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RegExp matching One other thing: area codes in parentheses

Of course, area codes are still optional Parentheses must be escaped - \( \)

SELECT emp_id, REGEXP_SUBSTR(text, '([0-9]{3}[-. ]|\([0-9]{3}\) )?[0-9]{3}[-. ][0-9]{4}') textFROM employee_commentWHERE REGEXP_LIKE(text,'([0-9]{3}[-. ]|\([0-9]{3}\) )?[0-9]{3}[-. ][0-9]{4}');

SELECT emp_id, REGEXP_SUBSTR(text, '([0-9]{3}[-. ]|\([0-9]{3}\) )?[0-9]{3}[-. ][0-9]{4}') textFROM employee_commentWHERE REGEXP_LIKE(text,'([0-9]{3}[-. ]|\([0-9]{3}\) )?[0-9]{3}[-. ][0-9]{4}');

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And now for something completely different: XML XML: eXtensible Mark-up Language

Very popular language for semi-structured data

Mark-up language: consists of elements composed of tags, like HTML

Emerging lingua franca of the Internet, Web Services, inter-vender comm

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Unstructured data At one end of continuum: unstructured data

Text files Stock market prices CIA intelligence intercepts Audio recordings “Just one damn bit after another”

~ Henry Ford

No (intentional, formal) patterns to the data Difficult to manage/make sense of

Why we need data-mining

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Structured data At the other end: structured data

Tables in RDBMSs Data organized into semantic chunks

entities Similar/related entities grouped together

Relationships, classes Entities in same group have same structure

Same fields/attributes/properties

Easy to make sense of But sometimes too rigid a req. Difficult to send—convert to tab-delimited

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Semi-structured data Not too random

Data organized into entities Similar/related grouped to form other entities

Not too structured Some attributes may be missing Size of attributes may vary

Support of lists/sets

Juuust Right Data is self-describing

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Semi-structured data Predominant examples:

HTML: HyperText Mark-up Language XML: eXtensible Mark-up Language

NB: both mark-up languages (use tags) Mark-up lends self of semi-structured data

Demarcate boundaries for entities But freely allow other entities inside

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Data model for semi-structured data Usually represented as directed graphs Graph: set of vertices (nodes) and edges

Dots connected by lines; not nec. a tree!

In model, Nodes ~ entities or fields/attributes Edges ~ attribute-of/sub-entity-of

Example: publisher publishes >=0 books Each book has one title, one year, >=1 authors Draw publishers graph

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XML is a SSD language Standard published by W3C

Officially announced/recommended in 1998

XML != HTML XML != a replacement for HTML Both are mark-up languages

Big diffs:1. XML doesn’t use predefined tags (!)

But it’s extensible: tags can be added2. HTML is about presentation: <I>, <B>, <P>

XML is about content: <book>, <author>

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XML syntax Like HTML in many respects but more strict

All tags must be closed Can’t have: this is a line<br> Every start tag has an end tag Although <br/> style can replace both

IS case-sensitive IS space-sensitive

XML doc has a unique root element

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XML syntax Tags must be properly nested

Not allowed <b><i>I’m not kidding</b></i> Intuition: file folders

Elements may have quoted attributes <Myelm myatt=“myval”>…</Myelm>

Comments same as in HTML: <!-- Pay no attention… -->

Draw publishers XML

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Escape chars in XML Some chars must be escaped

Distinguish content from syntax

Can also declare value to be pure text:

> &lt;

< &gt;

& &amp;

" &quot;

' &apos;

<aRealTag> <![CDATA[<notAtag>jsdljsd<neitherAmI<“'><>>]]></aRealTag>

<aRealTag> <![CDATA[<notAtag>jsdljsd<neitherAmI<“'><>>]]></aRealTag>

<elm>3 &lt; 5</elm><elm>3 &lt; 5</elm>

<elm>&quot;Don&apos;t call me &apos;Ishmael&apos;!&quot;</elm>

<elm>&quot;Don&apos;t call me &apos;Ishmael&apos;!&quot;</elm>

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XML Namespaces Different schemas/DTDs may overlap

XHTML and MathML share some tags Soln: namespaces

as in Java/C++/C#

<book xmlns:isbn="www.isbn-org.org/def">





<book xmlns:isbn="www.isbn-org.org/def">





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<persons> <row><name>Michael</name> <ssn>123</ssn></row> <row><name>Hilary</name> <ssn>456</ssn></row> <row><name>Bill</name> <ssn>789</ssn></row></persons>

<persons> <row><name>Michael</name> <ssn>123</ssn></row> <row><name>Hilary</name> <ssn>456</ssn></row> <row><name>Bill</name> <ssn>789</ssn></row></persons>

row row row

name name namessn ssn ssn

“Michael” 123 “Hilary” “Bill”456 789



From Relational Data to XML Data

Name SSN Mailing-address

Michael 123 NY

Hilary 456 DC

Bill 789 Chappaqua

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Semi-structured Data Explained List-valued attributes

XML is not 1NF!

Impossible in (single, BCNF) tables:

two phones!

name phone




<persons> <row><name>Hilary</name> <phone>202-222-2222</phone> <phone>914-222-2222</phone></row> <row><name>Bill</name> <phone>914-222-2222</phone> <phone>212-333-3333</phone></row></persons>

<persons> <row><name>Hilary</name> <phone>202-222-2222</phone> <phone>914-222-2222</phone></row> <row><name>Bill</name> <phone>914-222-2222</phone> <phone>212-333-3333</phone></row></persons>

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Object ids and References SSD graph might not be trees! But XML docs must be

Would cause much redundancy Soln: same concept as pointers in C/C++/J

Object ids and references

Graph example: Movies: Lost in Translation, Hamlet Stars: Bill Murray, Scarlet Johansson


<movie id="o111">

<title>Lost in Translation</title>


<stars idref="o333 o444"/>


<movie id="o222">



<stars idref="o333"/>

</movie> <person id="o456">

<person id="o111">

<name>Bill Murray</name>

<movies idref="o111 o222"/>




<movie id="o111">

<title>Lost in Translation</title>


<stars idref="o333 o444"/>


<movie id="o222">



<stars idref="o333"/>

</movie> <person id="o456">

<person id="o111">

<name>Bill Murray</name>

<movies idref="o111 o222"/>



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What do we do with XML? Things done with XML:

Send to partners Parse XML received Convert to RDBMS rows Query for particular data Convert to other XML Convert to formats other than XML

Lots of tools/standards for these…

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DTDs & understanding XML XML is extensible Advantage: when creating, we can use any

tags we like Disadv: when reading, they can use any tags

they like Using XML docs a priori is very difficult

Solution: impose some constraints

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DTDs DTD: Document Type Definition

You and partners/vertical industry/academic discipline decide on a DTD/schema for your docs Specify which entities you may use/must understand Specify legal relationships

DTD specifies the grammar to be used DTD = set of rules for creating valid entities

DTD tells your software what to look for in doc

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DTD examples Well-formed XML v. valid XML

Simple example: http://pages.stern.nyu.edu/~mjohnson/dbms/xml/note.xml http://pages.stern.nyu.edu/~mjohnson/dbms/xml/badnote.xml http://pages.stern.nyu.edu/~mjohnson/dbms/xml/badnote2.xml Copy from: http://pages.stern.nyu.edu/~mjohnson/dbms/eg/xml.txt

Partial publisher example rules: Root publisher Publisher name, book*, author* Book title, date, author+ Author firstname, middlename?, lastname

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Partial DTD example (typos!)<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8” ?><!DOCTYPE PUBLISHER [<!ELEMENT PUBLISHER (name, book*, author*)><!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT BOOK (title, date, author+)><!ELEMENT AUTHOR (firstname, middlename?,

lastname><!ELEMENT firstname (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT lastname (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT middlename (#PCDATA)>

<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8” ?><!DOCTYPE PUBLISHER [<!ELEMENT PUBLISHER (name, book*, author*)><!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT BOOK (title, date, author+)><!ELEMENT AUTHOR (firstname, middlename?,

lastname><!ELEMENT firstname (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT lastname (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT middlename (#PCDATA)>

DTD is not XML, but can be embedded in or ref.ed from XML Replacement for DTDs is XML Schema

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XML Applications/dialects MathML: Mathematical Markup Language


VoiceXML: http://newmedia.purchase.edu/~Jeanine/interfaces/rps.xml

ChemML: Chemical Markup Language

XHMTL: HTML retrofitted as an XML application

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XML Applications/dialects VoiceXML:

http://newmedia.purchase.edu/~Jeanine/interfaces/rps.xml AT&T Directory Assistance http://phone.yahoo.com/

Image from http://www.voicexml.org/tutorials/intro2.html

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XML equiv. of FIX: Financial Information eXchange

swiftML XML equiv. of SWIFT: Society for Worldwide Interbank

Financial Telecommunications message format

Apache’s Ant Scripting language for Java build management http://ant.apache.org/manual/using.html

Many more: http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-stand4/

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More XML Applications/Protocols RSS: Rich Site Summary/Really Simple

Syndication News sites, blogs… http://slate.msn.com/rss/ http://slashdot.org/index.rss Screenshot

http://paulboutin.weblogger.com/pictures/viewer$673 More info: http://slate.msn.com/id/2096660/

<channel><title>my channel</title><item> <title>story 1</title> <link>…</link></item>// other items</channel>

<channel><title>my channel</title><item> <title>story 1</title> <link>…</link></item>// other items</channel>

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More XML Applications/Protocols SOAP: Simple Object Access Protocol

XML-based messaging format Used by Google API: http://www.google.com/apis/ Amazon API: http://amazon.com/gp/aws/landing.html Amazon light: http://kokogiak.com/amazon/ Other examples:


SOAP envelope with header and body Request sales tax for total

<SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="urn:schemas-xmlsoap-org:soap.v1"> <SOAP:Header></SOAP:Header> <SOAP:Body> <GetSalesTax> <SalesTotal>100</SalesTotal> <GetSalesTax> </SOAP:Body></SOAP:Envelope>

<SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="urn:schemas-xmlsoap-org:soap.v1"> <SOAP:Header></SOAP:Header> <SOAP:Body> <GetSalesTax> <SalesTotal>100</SalesTotal> <GetSalesTax> </SOAP:Body></SOAP:Envelope>

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More XML Applications/Protocols<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">

<soap:Body> <gs:doGoogleSearch xmlns:gs="urn:GoogleSearch"> <key>%(key)s</key> <start>0</start> <maxResults>10</maxResults> <filter>true</filter> <restrict/> <safeSearch>false</safeSearch> <lr/> </gs:doGoogleSearch> </soap:Body></soap:Envelope>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">

<soap:Body> <gs:doGoogleSearch xmlns:gs="urn:GoogleSearch"> <key>%(key)s</key> <start>0</start> <maxResults>10</maxResults> <filter>true</filter> <restrict/> <safeSearch>false</safeSearch> <lr/> </gs:doGoogleSearch> </soap:Body></soap:Envelope>

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New topic: XML in Oracle - purchase-order e.g

<?xml version="1.0"?><purchase_order> <customer_name>Alpha Tech</customer_name> <po_number>11257></po_number> <po_date>2004-01-20</po_date> <po_items> <item> <part_number>AI5-4557</part_number> <quantity>20</quantity> </item> <item> <part_number>EI-T5-001</part_number> <quantity>12</quantity> </item> </po_items></purchase_order>

<?xml version="1.0"?><purchase_order> <customer_name>Alpha Tech</customer_name> <po_number>11257></po_number> <po_date>2004-01-20</po_date> <po_items> <item> <part_number>AI5-4557</part_number> <quantity>20</quantity> </item> <item> <part_number>EI-T5-001</part_number> <quantity>12</quantity> </item> </po_items></purchase_order>

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Storing XML data As of 9i, has XMLType data type

By default, underlying storage is as CLOB

CREATE TABLE purchase_order( po_id number(5) not null, customer_po_nbr varchar(20), customer_inception_date date, order_nbr number(5), purchase_order_doc xmltype, constraint purchase_order_pk primary key(po_id));

CREATE TABLE purchase_order( po_id number(5) not null, customer_po_nbr varchar(20), customer_inception_date date, order_nbr number(5), purchase_order_doc xmltype, constraint purchase_order_pk primary key(po_id));

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Loading XML into Oracle First, log in as sys:

Now scott can import:

connect sys/junk as sysdbacreate directory xml_data as '/xml';grant read, write on directory xml_data to scott;

connect sys/junk as sysdbacreate directory xml_data as '/xml';grant read, write on directory xml_data to scott;

connect scott/tiger

declare bf1 bfile;beginbf1 := bfilename('XML_DATA', 'purch_ord.xml');insert into purchase_order(po_id, purchase_order_doc) values(1000, xmltype(bf1,


connect scott/tiger

declare bf1 bfile;beginbf1 := bfilename('XML_DATA', 'purch_ord.xml');insert into purchase_order(po_id, purchase_order_doc) values(1000, xmltype(bf1,


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Loading XML into Oracle Not just loading raw text

XMLType data must be well-formed Parsable as XML

Try modifying customer_name open tag

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Accessing XML in Oracle Now can look at raw XML:

Can also use XPath to extract particular nodes and values, with extract function:

SQL> SELECT purchase_order_docFROM purchase_order;

SQL> SELECT purchase_order_docFROM purchase_order;

SQL> SELECT extract(purchase_order_doc, '/purchase_order/customer_name')FROM purchase_order;

SQL> SELECT extract(purchase_order_doc, '/purchase_order/customer_name')FROM purchase_order;

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XPath in Oracle Can also extract all nodes of one type, underneath some

node, with double-slash // All purchase order items

NB: this is not valid XML No unique root Can request just one with bracket op Numbering starts at 1, not 0 Wrong name/number no error, no results

SQL> SELECT extract(purchase_order_doc, '/purchase_order/po_items/item[2]')FROM purchase_order;

SQL> SELECT extract(purchase_order_doc, '/purchase_order/po_items/item[2]')FROM purchase_order;

SQL> SELECT extract(purchase_order_doc, '/purchase_order//item')FROM purchase_order;

SQL> SELECT extract(purchase_order_doc, '/purchase_order//item')FROM purchase_order;

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extract v. extractvalue extractvalue returns value, not whole node:


extractvalue applies only to unique nodes:

SQL> SELECT extractvalue(purchase_order_doc, '/purchase_order/customer_name')FROM purchase_order;

SQL> SELECT extractvalue(purchase_order_doc, '/purchase_order/customer_name')FROM purchase_order;

SQL> SELECT extract(purchase_order_doc, '/purchase_order/customer_name')FROM purchase_order;

SQL> SELECT extract(purchase_order_doc, '/purchase_order/customer_name')FROM purchase_order;

SQL> SELECT extractvalue(purchase_order_doc, '/purchase_order/po_items')FROM purchase_order;

SQL> SELECT extractvalue(purchase_order_doc, '/purchase_order/po_items')FROM purchase_order;

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existsnode function Can check whether node/location exists with

existnode function Returns 1 or 0

Also applies to bracketed paths:

SQL> SELECT po_id FROM purchase_orderWHERE existsnode(purchase_order_doc, '/purchase_order/customer_name') = 1;

SQL> SELECT po_id FROM purchase_orderWHERE existsnode(purchase_order_doc, '/purchase_order/customer_name') = 1;

SQL> SELECT po_id FROM purchase_orderWHERE existsnode(purchase_order_doc, '/purchase_order/po_items/item[1]') = 1;

SQL> SELECT po_id FROM purchase_orderWHERE existsnode(purchase_order_doc, '/purchase_order/po_items/item[1]') = 1;

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Moving data from XML to relations To move single values from XML to tables, can

simply use extractvalue in UPDATE statements:

SQL> UPDATE purchase_orderSET order_nbr = 7101,customer_po_nbr = extractvalue(purchase_order_doc, '/purchase_order/po_number'),customer_inception_date =

to_date(extractvalue(purchase_order_doc,'/purchase_order/po_date'), 'yyyy-mm-dd');

SQL> UPDATE purchase_orderSET order_nbr = 7101,customer_po_nbr = extractvalue(purchase_order_doc, '/purchase_order/po_number'),customer_inception_date =

to_date(extractvalue(purchase_order_doc,'/purchase_order/po_date'), 'yyyy-mm-dd');

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Moving data from XML to relations What about moving set of nodes

The two item nodes

Use xmlsequence to get a varray of items Use TABLE to convert to a relation

SQL> SELECT extract(purchase_order_doc, '/purchase_order//item')

FROM purchase_order;

SQL> SELECT extract(purchase_order_doc, '/purchase_order//item')

FROM purchase_order;

SQL> SELECT rownum, item.* FROM TABLE(SELECT xmlsequence(extract(purchase_order_doc, '/purchase_order//item'))FROM purchase_order) item;

SQL> SELECT rownum, item.* FROM TABLE(SELECT xmlsequence(extract(purchase_order_doc, '/purchase_order//item'))FROM purchase_order) item;

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Moving data from XML to relations Result is a two-row relation with XMLTypes Can use extractvalue to extract this data First, create destination table:



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Moving data from XML to relations Then insert results:

SQL> INSERT INTO line_item(order_nbr,part_nbr,qty)SELECT 7109, extractvalue(column_value, '/item/part_number'),

extractvalue(column_value, '/item/quantity')FROM TABLE(

SELECT xmlsequence(extract(purchase_order_doc, '/purchase_order//item'))

FROM purchase_order);

SQL> INSERT INTO line_item(order_nbr,part_nbr,qty)SELECT 7109, extractvalue(column_value, '/item/part_number'),

extractvalue(column_value, '/item/quantity')FROM TABLE(

SELECT xmlsequence(extract(purchase_order_doc, '/purchase_order//item'))

FROM purchase_order);

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XML Schemas and Oracle By default, XML must be well-formed to be read into

the XMLType field XML is valid if it conforms to a schema To use a schema with Oracle, must first register it:

declare bf1 bfile;beginbf1 := bfilename('XML_DATA',

'purch_ord.xsd');dbms_xmlschema.registerschema('http://localhost:8080/home/xml/schemas/purch_ord.xsd', bf1);end;

declare bf1 bfile;beginbf1 := bfilename('XML_DATA',

'purch_ord.xsd');dbms_xmlschema.registerschema('http://localhost:8080/home/xml/schemas/purch_ord.xsd', bf1);end;

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XML Schemas and Oracle With schema registered, can apply it to an XMLType field

CREATE TABLE purchase_order2 (po_id NUMBER(5) NOT NULL, customer_po_nbr VARCHAR2(20), customer_inception_date DATE, order_nbr NUMBER(5), purchase_order_doc XMLTYPE, CONSTRAINT purchase_order2_pk PRIMARY KEY (po_id))XMLTYPE COLUMN purchase_order_doc XMLSCHEMA "http://localhost:8080/home/xml/schemas/purch_ord.xsd"

ELEMENT "purchase_order";

CREATE TABLE purchase_order2 (po_id NUMBER(5) NOT NULL, customer_po_nbr VARCHAR2(20), customer_inception_date DATE, order_nbr NUMBER(5), purchase_order_doc XMLTYPE, CONSTRAINT purchase_order2_pk PRIMARY KEY (po_id))XMLTYPE COLUMN purchase_order_doc XMLSCHEMA "http://localhost:8080/home/xml/schemas/purch_ord.xsd"

ELEMENT "purchase_order";

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Importing to schema field Try to import xml file, get error:

declare bf1 bfile;begin bf1 := bfilename('XML_DATA', 'purch_ord.xml'); insert into purchase_order2(po_id, purchase_order_doc) values (2000, XMLTYPE(bf1, nls_charset_id('WE8MSWIN1252')));end;

declare bf1 bfile;begin bf1 := bfilename('XML_DATA', 'purch_ord.xml'); insert into purchase_order2(po_id, purchase_order_doc) values (2000, XMLTYPE(bf1, nls_charset_id('WE8MSWIN1252')));end;

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Importing to schema field Root node of XML must specify the schema Change root to the following:

Now can import Also fails if extra or missing nodes

Modify company_name node Add new comments node

<purchase_order xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://localhost:8080/home/xml/schemas/purch_ord.xsd">

<purchase_order xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://localhost:8080/home/xml/schemas/purch_ord.xsd">

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Can check to see whether schema is used Can call isSchemaBased(), getSchemaURL()

and isSchemaValid() on XMLType fields:

SQL> select po.purchase_order_doc.isSchemaBased(),po.purchase_order_doc.getSchemaURL(),po.purchase_order_doc.isSchemaValid()

from purchase_order2 po;

SQL> select po.purchase_order_doc.isSchemaBased(),po.purchase_order_doc.getSchemaURL(),po.purchase_order_doc.isSchemaValid()

from purchase_order2 po;

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Updating XMLType data Can update XMLType data with ordinary

UPDATE statements:

Replaces whole XMLType object with new one

SQL> UPDATE purchase_order poSET po.purchase_order_doc = XMLTYPE(BFILENAME('XML_DATA', 'purch_ord_alt.xml'), nls_charset_id('WE8MSWIN1252'))WHERE po.po_id = 2000;

SQL> UPDATE purchase_order poSET po.purchase_order_doc = XMLTYPE(BFILENAME('XML_DATA', 'purch_ord_alt.xml'), nls_charset_id('WE8MSWIN1252'))WHERE po.po_id = 2000;

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Updating XMLType data Can also modify the existing XMLType object

By writing node values updateXML() function does search/replace

But searches for node, not value

SQL> SELECT extract(po.purchase_order_doc,'/purchase_order/customer_name') FROM purchase_order poWHERE po_id = 1000;

SQL> UPDATE purchase_order poSET po.purchase_order_doc = updateXML(po.purchase_order_doc,'/purchase_order/customer_name/text()', 'some other company')WHERE po.po_id = 1000;

SQL> SELECT extract(po.purchase_order_doc,'/purchase_order/customer_name') FROM purchase_order poWHERE po_id = 1000;

SQL> UPDATE purchase_order poSET po.purchase_order_doc = updateXML(po.purchase_order_doc,'/purchase_order/customer_name/text()', 'some other company')WHERE po.po_id = 1000;

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Updating XMLType data Can also write whole node, using XMLType:

Validation/well-formedness is still checked

SQL> UPDATE purchase_order poSET po.purchase_order_doc =

updateXML(po.purchase_order_doc,'/purchase_order/customer_name',XMLTYPE('<customer_name>some third

company</customer_name>'))WHERE po.po_id = 1000;

SQL> SELECT extract(po.purchase_order_doc,'/purchase_order/customer_name')

FROM purchase_order poWHERE po_id = 1000;

SQL> UPDATE purchase_order poSET po.purchase_order_doc =

updateXML(po.purchase_order_doc,'/purchase_order/customer_name',XMLTYPE('<customer_name>some third

company</customer_name>'))WHERE po.po_id = 1000;

SQL> SELECT extract(po.purchase_order_doc,'/purchase_order/customer_name')

FROM purchase_order poWHERE po_id = 1000;

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Updating XMLType data And can update items in a collection:

SQL> SELECT extract(po.purchase_order_doc, '/purchase_order//item')FROM purchase_order poWHERE po.po_id = 1000;

SQL> UPDATE purchase_order poSET po.purchase_order_doc = updateXML(po.purchase_order_doc, '/purchase_order/po_items/item[1]', XMLTYPE('<item><part_number>T-1000</part_number><quantity>33</quantity></item>'))WHERE po.po_id = 1000;

SQL> SELECT extract(po.purchase_order_doc, '/purchase_order//item')FROM purchase_order poWHERE po.po_id = 1000;

SQL> UPDATE purchase_order poSET po.purchase_order_doc = updateXML(po.purchase_order_doc, '/purchase_order/po_items/item[1]', XMLTYPE('<item><part_number>T-1000</part_number><quantity>33</quantity></item>'))WHERE po.po_id = 1000;

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Converting relational data to XML Saw how to put XML in a table Conversely, can convert ordinary relational

data to XML XMLElement() generates an XML node

First, create supplier table:CREATE TABLE SUPPLIER( SUPPLIER_ID NUMBER(5) NOT NULL, NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (SUPPLIER_ID));insert into supplier values(1, 'Acme');insert into supplier values(2, 'Tilton');insert into supplier values(3, 'Eastern');

CREATE TABLE SUPPLIER( SUPPLIER_ID NUMBER(5) NOT NULL, NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (SUPPLIER_ID));insert into supplier values(1, 'Acme');insert into supplier values(2, 'Tilton');insert into supplier values(3, 'Eastern');

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Converting relational data to XML Now can call XMLElement function to wrap values in


And can build it up:

Don’t concatenate! Turns to strings, escapes < > Error in book

SELECT XMLElement("supplier_id", s.supplier_id) ||XMLElement("name", s.name) xml_fragment

FROM supplier s;

SELECT XMLElement("supplier_id", s.supplier_id) ||XMLElement("name", s.name) xml_fragment

FROM supplier s;

SELECT XMLElement("supplier",XMLElement("supplier_id", s.supplier_id), XMLElement("name", s.name))

FROM supplier s;

SELECT XMLElement("supplier",XMLElement("supplier_id", s.supplier_id), XMLElement("name", s.name))

FROM supplier s;

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XMLForest() More simply, can use XMLForest() function:

SELECT XMLElement("supplier", XMLForest(s.supplier_id, s.name))FROM supplier s;

SELECT XMLElement("supplier", XMLForest(s.supplier_id, s.name))FROM supplier s;

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XMLAgg() Can use XMLAgg() to put nodes together

inside another node:

SELECT XMLElement("supplier_list", XMLAgg(XMLElement("supplier", XMLElement("supplier_id", s.supplier_id), XMLElement("name", s.name) ))) xml_documentFROM supplier s;

SELECT XMLElement("supplier_list", XMLAgg(XMLElement("supplier", XMLElement("supplier_id", s.supplier_id), XMLElement("name", s.name) ))) xml_documentFROM supplier s;

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New topic: Data Warehousing Physical warehouse: stores different kinds of items

combined from different sources in supply chain access items as a combined package “Synergy”

DW is the sys containing the data from many DBs OLAP is the system for easily querying the DW

Online analytical processing front-end to DW & stats

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Integrating Data Ad hoc combination of DBs from different sources

can be problematic

Data may be spread across many systems geographically by division different systems from before mergers…

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Conversion/scrubbing/merging Lots of issues…

different types of data Varchar(255) v. char(30)

Different values for data ‘GREEN’/’GR/’2

Semantic differences Cars v. Automobiles

Missing values Handle with nulls or XML

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Federated DBs Situ: n different DBs must work together

One idea: write programs for each to talk to each other one How many programs required? Like ambassadors for each country

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Federated DBs Better idea: introduce another DB

write programs for it to talk to each other DB

Now how many programs? English in business, French in diplomacy

Warehousing Refreshed nightly

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OLTP v. OLAP DWs usually not updated in real-time

data is usually not live but care about higher-level, longer-term patterns For “knowledge workers”/decision-makers

Live data is in system used by OLTP online transaction processing E.g., airline reservations OLTP data loaded into DW periodically, say nightly

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Utilizing Data Situ: each time manager has hunch

requests custom reports direct programmers to write/modify SQL app to produce

these results on higher or lower levels, for different specifics

Problem: too difficult/expensive/slow too great a time lag

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EISs Could just write queries at command-prompt

But decision makes aren’t (all) SQL programmers

Soln: create an executive information system provides friendly front-end to common, important queries basically a simple DB front-end your project part 5

GROUP BY queries are particularly applicable…

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EISs v. OLAP Okay for fixed set of queries But what if queries are open-ended?

Q: What’s driving sales in the Northeast? What’s the source cause? Result from one query influences next query tried

OLAP systems are interactive: run query analyze results think of new query repeat

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Star Schemas Popular schema for DW data

One central DB surrounded by specific DBs

Center: fact table

Extremities: data tables

Fields in fact table are foreign keys to data tables

Normalization Snowflake Schema May not be worthwhile…

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Dates and star schemas OLAP behaves as though you had a Days table,

with every possible row Dates(day, week, month, year, DID) (5, 27, 7, 2000)

Can join on Days like any other table

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Dates and star schemas E.g.: products x salesperson x region x date

Products sold by salespeople in regions on dates

Regular dim tables: Product(PID, name, color) Emp(name, SSN, sal) Region(name, RID)

Fact table: Sales(PID, DID, SSN, RID) Interpret as a cube (cross product of all dimensions)

Can have both data and stats

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Drill-down & roll-up Imagine: notice some region’s sales way up Why? Good salesperson? Some popular product


Maybe need to search by month, or month and product, abstract back up to just product…

“slicing & dicing”

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OLAP and data warehousing Could write GROUP BY queries for each

OLAP systems provide simpler, non-SQL interface for this sort of thing

Vendors: MicroStrategy, SAP, etc.

Otoh: DW-style operators have been added to SQL and some DBMSs…

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DW extensions in SQL: ROLLUP (Oracle) Suppose have orders table (from two years), with

region and date info:

Can select total sales:

Examples derived/from Mastering Oracle SQL, 2e (O’Reilly) Get data here: http://examples.oreilly.com/mastorasql2/mosql2_data.sql

SELECT sum(o.tot_sales)FROM all_orders o join region rON r.region_id = o.region_id;

SELECT sum(o.tot_sales)FROM all_orders o join region rON r.region_id = o.region_id;

SQL> column month format a10SQL> @mosql2_dataSQL> describe all_orders

SQL> column month format a10SQL> @mosql2_dataSQL> describe all_orders

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Can write GROUP BY queries for year or region or both:

SELECT r.name region, o.year, sum(o.tot_sales)FROM all_orders o join region rON r.region_id = o.region_idGROUP BY (r.name, o.year);

SELECT r.name region, o.year, sum(o.tot_sales)FROM all_orders o join region rON r.region_id = o.region_idGROUP BY (r.name, o.year);

DW extensions in SQL: ROLLUP (Oracle)

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ROLLUP operator Extension of GROUP BY Does GROUP BY on several levels, simultaneously Order matters

Get sales totals for each region/year pair each region, and the grand total:

SELECT r.name region, o.year, sum(o.tot_sales)FROM all_orders o join region rON r.region_id = o.region_idGROUP BY ROLLUP (r.name, o.year);

SELECT r.name region, o.year, sum(o.tot_sales)FROM all_orders o join region rON r.region_id = o.region_idGROUP BY ROLLUP (r.name, o.year);

DW extensions in SQL: ROLLUP (Oracle)

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Change the order of the group fields to get a different sequence of groups

To get totals for each year/region pair, each year, and the grand total, and just reverse group-by order:

SELECT o.year, r.name region, sum(o.tot_sales)FROM all_orders o join region rON r.region_id = o.region_idGROUP BY ROLLUP (o.year, r.name);

SELECT o.year, r.name region, sum(o.tot_sales)FROM all_orders o join region rON r.region_id = o.region_idGROUP BY ROLLUP (o.year, r.name);

DW extensions in SQL: ROLLUP (Oracle)

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Adding more dimensions, like month, is easy (apart from formatting):

NB: summing happens on each level

SELECT o.year, to_char(to_date(o.month, 'MM'),'Month') month, r.name region, sum(o.tot_sales)FROM all_orders o join region rON r.region_id = o.region_idGROUP BY ROLLUP (o.year, o.month, r.name);

SELECT o.year, to_char(to_date(o.month, 'MM'),'Month') month, r.name region, sum(o.tot_sales)FROM all_orders o join region rON r.region_id = o.region_idGROUP BY ROLLUP (o.year, o.month, r.name);

DW extensions in SQL: ROLLUP (Oracle)

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If desired, can combine fields for the sake of grouping:

DW extensions in SQL: ROLLUP (Oracle)

SELECT o.year, to_char(to_date(o.month, 'MM'),'Month') month, r.name region, sum(o.tot_sales)FROM all_orders o join region rON r.region_id = o.region_idGROUP BY ROLLUP ((o.year, o.month), r.name);

SELECT o.year, to_char(to_date(o.month, 'MM'),'Month') month, r.name region, sum(o.tot_sales)FROM all_orders o join region rON r.region_id = o.region_idGROUP BY ROLLUP ((o.year, o.month), r.name);

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DW extensions in SQL: CUBE (Oracle) Another GROUP BY extension: CUBE

Subtotals all possible combins of group-by fields (powerset) Syntax: “ROLLUP” “CUBE” Order of fields doesn’t matter (apart from ordering)

To get subtotals for each region/month pair, each region, each month, and the grand total:

SELECT to_char(to_date(o.month, 'MM'),'Month') month, r.name region, sum(o.tot_sales)FROM all_orders o join region rON r.region_id = o.region_idGROUP BY CUBE (o.month, r.name);

SELECT to_char(to_date(o.month, 'MM'),'Month') month, r.name region, sum(o.tot_sales)FROM all_orders o join region rON r.region_id = o.region_idGROUP BY CUBE (o.month, r.name);

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DW extensions in SQL: CUBE (Oracle) Again, can easily add more dimensions:

SELECT o.year, to_char(to_date(o.month, 'MM'),'Month') month, r.name region, sum(o.tot_sales)FROM all_orders o join region rON r.region_id = o.region_idGROUP BY CUBE (o.year, o.month, r.name);

SELECT o.year, to_char(to_date(o.month, 'MM'),'Month') month, r.name region, sum(o.tot_sales)FROM all_orders o join region rON r.region_id = o.region_idGROUP BY CUBE (o.year, o.month, r.name);

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DW SQL exts: GROUPING SETS (Oracle) That’s a lot of rows Instead of a cube of all combinations, maybe we just

want the totals for each individual field:

SELECT o.year, to_char(to_date(o.month, 'MM'),'Month') month, r.name region, sum(o.tot_sales)FROM all_orders o join region rON r.region_id = o.region_idGROUP BY GROUPING SETS (o.year, o.month, r.name);

SELECT o.year, to_char(to_date(o.month, 'MM'),'Month') month, r.name region, sum(o.tot_sales)FROM all_orders o join region rON r.region_id = o.region_idGROUP BY GROUPING SETS (o.year, o.month, r.name);

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Next Final evals

More lab…

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That’s all, folks! Selected solutions to exercises:

sqlzoo ~ “Answers” on sqlzoo.net

PL/SQL ~ http://pages.stern.nyu.edu/~mjohnson/oracle/archive/fall04/plsql/


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