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  • 7/23/2019 1st Meeting Consolidated Cases-SIIL


    1. Read R.A. 9851







    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the

    Philippines in Conress asse!bled"



    Se!"#$ 1.Short Title. # $his Act shall be %no&n as

    the "Philippine Act on Crimes Against International

    Humanitarian Law, Genocide, and Other Crimes Against


    Se!"#$ %.Declaration of Principles and State Policies.'

    (a) $he Philippines renounces &ar as an instru!ent of

    national policy* adopts the enerally accepted principles of

    international la& as part of the la& of the land and adheres

    to a policy of peace* e+uality* ,ustice* freedo!* cooperation

    and a!ity &ith all nations.

    (b) $he state values the dinity of every hu!an person and

    uarantees full respect for hu!an rihts* includin the

    rihts of indienous cultural co!!unities and other

    vulnerable roups* such as &o!en and children-

    (c) t shall be the responsibility of the State and all other

    sectors concerned to resolved ar!ed conflict in order to

    pro!ote the oal of /Children as 0ones of Peace/-

    (d) $he state adopts the enerally accepted principles of

    international la&* includin the Haue Conventions of 192*

    the 3eneva Conventions on the protection of victi!s of &ar

    and international hu!anitarian la&* as part of the la& our


    (e) $he !ost serious cri!es of concern to the international

    co!!unity as a &hole !ust not o unpunished and their

    effective prosecution !ust be ensured by ta%in !easures

    at the national level* in order to put an end to i!punity for

    the perpetrators of these cri!es and thus contribute to the

    prevention of such cri!es* it bein the duty of every State

    to e4ercise its cri!inal ,urisdiction over those responsible

    for international cri!es-

    (f) $he State shall uarantee persons suspected or

    accused of havin co!!itted rave cri!es under

    international la& all rihts necessary to ensure that their

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    trial &ill be fair and pro!pt in strict accordance &ith

    national and international la& and standards for fair trial* t

    shall also protect victi!s* &itnesses and their fa!ilies* and

    provide appropriate redress to victi!s and their fa!ilies* t

    shall ensure that the leal syste!s in place provide

    accessible and ender#sensitive avenues of redress for

    victi!s of ar!ed conflict* and

    ()$he State reconies that the application of the

    provisions of this Act shall not affect the leal status of the

    parties to a conflict* nor ive an i!plied reconition of the

    status of bellierency



    Se!"#$ &.For purposes of this Act, the term:

    (a) /Apartheid6 !eans inhu!ane acts co!!itted in the

    conte4t of an institutionalied rei!e of syste!atic

    oppression and do!ination by one racial roup or roups

    and co!!itted &ith the intention of !aintainin that rei!e

    (b) /Arbitrary deportation or forcible transfer of population/

    !eans forced displace!ent of the persons concerned by

    e4pultion by e4pulsion or other coercive acts fro! the area

    in &hich they are la&fully present* &ithout rounds

    per!itted under do!estic or international la&.

    (c) /Ar!ed conflict/ !eans any use of force or ar!ed

    violence bet&een States or a protracted ar!ed violence

    bet&een overn!ental authorities and oranied ar!ed

    roups or bet&een such roups &ithin that State" Provided*

    $hat such force or ar!ed violence ives rise* or !ay ive

    rise* to a situation to &hich the 3eneva Conventions of 17

    Auust 199* includin their co!!on Article * apply.

    Ar!ed conflict !ay be international* that is* bet&een t&o

    (7) or !ore States* includin bellierent occupation- or non#

    international* that is* bet&een overn!ental authorities and

    oranied ar!ed roups or bet&een such roups &ithin a

    state. t does not cover internal disturbances or tensions

    such as riots* isolated and sporadic acts of violence or

    other acts of a si!ilar nature.

    (d) /Ar!ed forces/ !eans all oranied ar!ed forces*

    roups and units that belon to a party to an ar!ed conflict

    &hich are under a co!!and responsible to that party for

    the conduct of its subordinates. Such ar!ed forces shall be

    sub,ect to an internal disciplinary syste! &hich enforces

    co!pliance &ith nternational Hu!anitarian :a&

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    (e) /Attac% directed aainst any civilian population/ !eans

    a course of conduct involvin the !ultiple co!!ission of

    acts referred to in Section ; of this Act aainst any civilian

    population* pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or

    oraniational policy to co!!it such attac%.

    (f) /

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    (!) /?on#defended locality/ !eans a locality that fulfills the

    follo&in conditions"

    (1) all co!batants* as &ell as !obile &eapons and

    !obile !ilitary e+uip!ent* !ust have been


    (7) no hostile use of fi4ed !ilitary installations or

    establish!ents !ust have been !ade-

    () no acts of hostility !ust have been co!!itted by

    the authorities or by the population- and

    () no activities in support of !ilitary operations*

    !ust have been underta%en.

    (n) /?o +uarter &ill be iven6 !eans refusin to spare the

    life of anybody* even of persons !anifestly unable to

    defend the!selves or &ho clearly e4press their intention to


    (o) /Perfidy/ !eans acts &hich invite the confidence of an

    adversary to lead hi!@her to believe he@she is entitled to* or

    is oblied to accord* protection under the rules of

    nternational Hu!anitarian :a&* &ith the intent to betray

    that confidence* includin but not li!ited to"

    (1) feinin an intent to neotiate under a fla of


    (7) feinin surrender-

    () feinin incapacitation by &ounds or sic%ness-

    () feinin civilian or nonco!batant status- and

    (5) feinin protective status by use of sins*

    e!ble!s or unifor!s of the nited ?ations or of a

    neutral or other State not party to the conflict.

    (p) /Persecution/ !eans the international and severe

    deprivation of funda!ental rihts contrary to international

    la& by reason of identity of the roup or collectivity.

    (+) /Protect person/ in an ar!ed conflict !eans"

    (1) a person &ounded* sic% or ship&rec%ed* &hether

    civilian or !ilitary-

    (7) a prisoner of &ar or any person deprived of

    liberty for reasons related to an ar!ed conflict-

    () a civilian or any person not ta%in a direct part or

    havin ceased to ta%e part in the hostilities in the

    po&er of the adverse party-

    () a person &ho* before the beinnin of hostilities*

    &as considered a stateless person or refuee under

    the relevant international instru!ents accepted by

    the parties to the conflict concerned or under the

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    national leislation of the state of refue or state of


    (5) a !e!ber of the !edical personnel assined

    e4clusively to !edical purposes or to the

    ad!inistration of !edical units or to the operation of

    or ad!inistration of !edical transports- or

    (;) a !e!ber of the reliious personnel &ho is

    e4clusively enaed in the &or% of their !inistry and

    attached to the ar!ed forces of a party to the

    conflict* its !edical units or !edical transports* or

    non#deno!inational* nonco!batant !ilitary

    personnel carryin out functions si!ilar to reliious


    (r) / Superior/ !eans"

    (1) a !ilitary co!!ander or a person effectively

    actin as a !ilitary co!!ander- or

    (7) any other superior* in as !uch as the cri!es

    arose fro! activities &ithin the effective authority

    and control of that superior.(s) /$orture/ !eans the intentional infliction of severe pain

    or sufferin* &hether physical* !ental* or psycholoical*

    upon a person in the custody or under the control of the

    accused- e4cept that torture shall not include pain or

    sufferin arisin only fro!* inherent in or incidental to*

    la&ful sanctions.

    (t) /or%s and installations containin danerous forces/

    !eans &or%s and installations the attac% of &hich !ay

    cause the release of danerous forces and conse+uent

    severe losses a!on the civilian population* na!ely" da!s*

    di%es* and nuclear* electrical eneration stations.




    Se!"#$ '.War Crimes.# =or the purpose of this Act* /&ar cri!es/

    or /cri!es aainst nterntional Hu!an Hu!anitarian :a&/ !eans"

    (a) n case of an international ar!ed conflict * rave

    breaches of the 3eneva Conventions of 17 Auust 199*

    na!ely* any of the follo&in acts aainst persons or

    property protected under provisions of the relevant 3eneva


    (1) illful %illin-

    (7) $orture or inhu!an treat!ent* includin bioloical


    () illfully causin reat sufferin* or serious in,uryto body or health-


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    (;) Arbitrary deportation or forcible transfer of

    population or unla&ful confine!ent-

    (2) $a%in of hostaes-

    (8) Co!pellin a prisoner a prisoner of &ar or other

    protected person to serve in the forces of a hostile

    po&er- and

    (9) n,ustifiable delay in the repatriation of prisoners

    of &ar or other protected persons.

    (b) n case of a non#international ar!ed conflict* serious

    violations of co!!on Article to the four () 3eneva

    Conventions of 17 Auust 199* na!ely * any of the

    follo&in acts co!!itted aainst persons ta%in no active

    part in the hostilities* includin !e!ber of the ar!ed forces

    &ho have laid do&n their ar!s and those placed hors de

    combat by sic%ness* &ounds* detention or any other cause-

    (1) iolence to life and person* in particular* &illful

    %illins* !utilation* cruel treat!ent and torture-

    (7) Co!!ittin outraes upon personal dinity* in

    particular* hu!iliatin and deradin treat!ent-() $a%in of hostaes- and

    () $he passin of sentences and the carryin out of

    e4ecutions &ithout previous ,ud!ent pronounced

    by a reularly constituted court* affordin all ,udicial

    uarantees &hich are enerally reconied as


    (c) Dther serious violations of the la&s and custo!s

    applicable in ar!ed conflict* &ithin the established

    fra!e&or% of international la&* na!ely"

    (1) nternationally directin attac%s aainst the

    civilian population as such or aainst individual

    civilians not ta%in direct part in hostilities-

    (7) ntentionally directin attac%s aainst civilian

    ob,ects* that is* ob,ect &hich are not !ilitary


    () ntentionally directin attac%s aainst buildins*

    !aterial* !edical units and transport* and personnel

    usin the distinctive e!ble!s of the 3eneva

    Conventions or Additional Protocol in confor!ity

    &ith intentional la&-

    () ntentionally directin attac%s aainst personnel*

    installations* !aterial* units or vehicles involved in a

    hu!anitarian assistance or peace%eepin !ission in

    accordance &ith the Charter of the nited ?ations*

    as lin as they are entitled to the protection iven tocivilians or civilian ob,ects under the international

    la& of ar!ed conflict-

    (5) :aunchin an attac% in the %no&lede that such

    attac% &ill cause incidental loss of life or in,ury to

    civilians or da!ae to civilian ob,ects or &idespread*

    lon#ter! and severe da!ae to the natural

    environ!ent &hich &ould be e4cessive in relation to

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    the concrete and direct !ilitary advantae


    (;) :aunchin an attac% aainst &or%s or

    installations containin danerous forces in the

    %no&lede that such attac% &ill cause e4cessive

    loss of life* in,ury to civilians or da!ae to civilian

    ob,ects* and causin death or serious in,ury to body

    or health .

    (2) Attac%in or bo!bardin* by &hatever !eans*

    to&ns* villaes* d&ellins or buildins &hich are

    undefended and &hich are not !ilitary ob,ectives* or

    !a%in non#defended localities or de!ilitaried

    ones the ob,ect of attac%-

    (8) Eillin or &oundin a person in the %no&lede

    that he@she is hors de combat, includin a

    co!batant &ho* havin laid do&n his@her ar!s or no

    loner havin !eans of defense* has surrendered at


    (9) >a%in i!proper use of a fla of truce* of the flaor the !ilitary insinia and unifor! of the ene!y or

    of the nited ?ations* as &ell as of the distinctive

    e!ble!s of the 3eneva Conventions or other

    protective sins under nternational Hu!anitarian

    :a&* resultin in death* serious personal in,ury or


    (1) ntentionally directin attac%s aainst buildins

    dedicated to reliion* education* art* science or

    charitable purposes* historic !onu!ents* hospitals

    and places &here the sic% and &ounded are

    collected* provided they are not !ilitary ob,ectives.

    n case of doubt &hether such buildin or place has

    been used to !a%e an effective contribution to

    !ilitary action* it shall be presu!ed not to be so


    (11) Sub,ectin persons &ho are in the po&er of an

    adverse party to physical !utilation or to !edical or

    scientific e4peri!ents of any %ind* or to re!oval of

    tissue or orans for transplantation* &hich are

    neither ,ustified by the !edical* dental or hospital

    treat!ent of the person concerned nor carried out in

    his@her interest* and &hich cause death to or

    seriously endaner the health of such person or


    (17) Eillin* &oundin or capturin an adversary byresort to perfidy-

    (1) Feclarin that no +uarter &ill be iven-

    (1) Festroyin or seiin the ene!y6s property

    unless such destruction or seiure is i!peratively

    de!anded by the necessities of &ar-

    (15) Pillain a to&n or place* even &hen ta%en by


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    (1;) Drderin the displace!ents of the civilian

    population for reasons related to the conflict* unless

    the security of the civilians involved or i!perative

    !ilitary reasons so de!and-

    (12) $ransferrin* directly or indirectly* by the

    occupyin po&er of parts of its o&n civilian

    population into the territory it occupies* or the

    deportation or transfer of all or parts of the

    population of the occupied territory &ithin or outside

    this territory-

    (18) Co!!itin outraes upon personal dinity* in

    particular* hu!iliatin and deradin treat!ents-

    (19) Co!!itin rape* se4ual slavery* enforced

    prostitution* forced prenancy* enforced steriliation*

    or any other for! of se4ual violence also constitutin

    a rave breach of the 3eneva Conventions or a

    serious violation of co!!on Article to the 3eneva


    (7) tiliin the presence of a civilian or otherprotected person to render certain points* areas or

    !ilitary forces i!!une fro! !ilitary operations-

    (71) ntentionally usin starvation of civilians as a

    !ethod of &arfare by deprivin the! of ob,ects

    indespensable to their survival* includin &illfully

    i!pedin relief supplies as provided for under the

    3eneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols-

    (77) n an international ar!ed conflict* co!pellin

    the nationals of the hostile party to ta%e part in the

    operations of &ar directed aainst their o&n country*

    even if they &ere in the bellierent6s service before

    the co!!ence!ent of the &ar-

    (7) n an international ar!ed conflict* declarin

    abolished* suspended or inad!issible in a court of

    la& the rihts and actions of the nationals of the

    hostile party-

    (7) Co!!itin any of the follo&in acts"

    (i) Conscriptin* enlistin or recruitin children

    under the ae of fifteen (15) years into the

    national ar!ed forces-

    (ii) Conscriptin* enlistin or recruitin

    children under the ae of eihteen (18) years

    into an ar!ed force or roup other than the

    national ar!ed forces- and

    (iii) sin children under the ae of eihteen

    (18) years to participate actively in hostilities-and


    prohibited under international la&* such as"

    (i) Poison or poisoned &eapons-

    (ii) Asphy4iatin* poisonous or other ases*

    and all analoous li+uids* !aterials or


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    (iii) Bullets &hich e4pand or flatten easily in

    the hu!an body* such as bullets &ith hard

    envelopes &hich do not entirely cover the

    core or are pierced &ith incisions- and

    (iv) eapons* pro,ectiles and !aterial and

    !ethods of &arfare &hich are of the nature to

    cause superfluous in,ury or unecessary

    sufferin or &hich are inherently

    indiscri!inate in violation of the international

    la& of ar!ed conflict.

    Any person found uilty of co!!itin any of the acts

    specified herein shall suffer the penalty provided under

    Section 2 of this Act.

    Se!"#$ 5.enocide# (a) =or the purpose of this Act* /enocide/

    !eans any of the follo&in acts &ith intent to destroy* in &hole or

    in part* a national* ethnic* racial* reliious* social or any other

    si!ilar stable and per!anent roup as such"

    (1) Eillin !e!bers of the roup-

    (7) Causin serious bodily or !ental har! to!e!bers of the roup-

    () Feliberately inflictin on the roup conditions of

    life calculated to brin about its physical destruction

    in &hole or in part-

    () !posin !easures intended to prevent births

    &ithin the roup- and

    (5) =orcibly transferrin children of the roup to

    another roup.

    (b) t shall be unla&ful for any person to directly and

    publicly incite others to co!!it enocide.

    Any person found uilty of co!!ittin any of the acts specified in

    pararaphs (a) and (b) of this section shall suffer the penalty

    provided under Section 2 of this Act.

    Se!"#$ (.!ther Crimes Aainst Humanit#.# =or the purpose of

    this act* /other cri!es aainst hu!anity/ !eans any of the

    follo&in acts &hen co!!itted as part of a &idespread or

    syste!atic attac% directed aainst any civilian population* &ith

    %no&lede of the attac%"

    (a) illful %illin-


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    la&* in connection &ith any act referred to in this pararaph

    or any cri!e defined in this Act-


  • 7/23/2019 1st Meeting Consolidated Cases-SIIL


    roup* &here such activity or purpose

    involves the co!!ission of a cri!e defined in

    this Act- or

    (ii) be !ade in the %no&lede of the intention

    of the roup to co!!it the cri!e.

    (b) A person shall be cri!inally liable as acco!plice for

    facilitatin the co!!ission of a cri!e defined and

    penalied in this Act if he@she aids* abets or other&ise

    assists in its co!!ission or atte!pted co!!ission*

    includin providin the !eans for its co!!ission.

    (c) A person shall be cri!inally liable for a cri!e defined

    and penalied in this Act if he@she atte!pts to co!!it such

    a cri!e by ta%in action that co!!ences its e4ecution by

    !eans of a substantial step* but the cri!e does not occur

    because of circu!stances independent of the person6s

    intention. Ho&ever* a person &ho abandons the effort to

    co!!it the cri!e or other&ise prevents the co!pletion of

    the cri!e shall not be liable for punish!ent under this Act

    for the atte!pt to co!!it the sa!e if he@she co!pletelyand voluntarily ave up the cri!inal purpose.

    Se!"#$ 9.$rrele%ance of !fficial Capacit#.# $his Act shall apply

    e+ually to all persons &ithout any distinction based on official

    capacity. n particular* official capacity as a head of state or

    overn!ent* a !e!ber of a overn!ent or parlia!ent* an elected

    representative or a overn!ent official shall in no case e4e!pt a

    person fro! cri!inal responsibility under this Act* nor shall it* in

    and of itself* constitute a round for reduction of sentence.


    (a) !!unities or special procedural rules that !ay be

    attached to the official capacity of a person under Philippine

    la& other than the established constitutional i!!unity fro!

    suit of the Philippine President durin his@her tenure* shall

    not bar the court fro! e4ercisin ,urisdiction over such a

    person- and

    (b) !!unities that !ay be attached to the official capacity

    of a person under international la& !ay li!it the application

    of this Act* nut only &ithin the bounds established under

    international la&.

    Se!"#$ 1*.&esponsibilit# of Superiors.# n addition to other

    rounds of cri!inal responsibility for cri!es defined and penalied

    under this Act* a superior shall be cri!inally responsible as a

    principal for such cri!es co!!itted by subordinates under his@her

    effective co!!and and control* or effective authority and control

    as the case !ay be* as a result of his@her failure to properly

    e4ercise control over such subordinates* &here"(a) $hat superior either %ne& or* o&in to the

    circu!stances at the ti!e* should have %no&n that the

    subordinates &ere co!!ittin or about to co!!it such


    (b) $hat superior failed to ta%e all necessary and

    reasonable !easures &ithin his@her po&er to prevent or

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    repress their co!!ission or to sub!it the !atter to the

    co!petent authorities for investiation and prosecution.

    Se!"#$ 11.'on(prescription. # $he cri!es defined and penalied

    under this Act* their prosecution* and the e4ecution of sentences

    i!posed on their account* shall not be sub,ect to any prescription.

    Se!"#$ 1%.!rders from a Superior. # $he fact that a cri!e

    defined and penalied under this Act has been co!!itted by a

    person pursuant to an order of a overn!ent or a superior*

    &hether !ilitary or civilian* shall not relieve that person of cri!inal

    responsibility unless all of the follo&in ele!ents occur"

    (a) $he person &as under a leal obliation to obey orders

    of the overn!ent or the superior in +uestion-

    (b) $he person did not %no& that the order &as unla&ful-


    (c) $he order &as not !anifestly unla&ful.

    =or the purposes of this section* orders to co!!it enocide or

    other cri!es aainst hu!anity are !anifestly unla&ful.


    P+#!e!"#$ # V"!"- /$0 W"!$eeSe!"#$ 1&.Protection of )ictims and Witnesses. # n addition to

    e4istin provisions in Philippine la& for the protection of victi!s

    and &itnesses* the follo&in !easures shall be underta%en"

    (a) $he Philippine court shall ta%e appropriate !easures to

    protect the safety* physical and physioloical &ell#bein*

    dinity and privacy of victi!s and &itnesses. n so doin*

    the court shall have reard of all relevant factors* includin

    ae* ender and health* and the nature of the cri!e* in

    particular* but not li!ited to* &here the cri!e involves

    se4ual or ender violence or violence aainst children. $he

    prosecutor shall ta%e such !easures particularly durin the

    investiation and prosecution of such cri!es. $hese

    !easures shall not be pre,udicial to or inconsistent &ith the

    rihts of the accused and to a fair and i!partial trial-

    (b) As an e4ception to the eneral principle of public

    hearins* the court !ay* to protect the victi!s and

    &itnesses or an accused* conduct any part of the

    proceedins in ca!era or allo& the presentation of

    evidence by electronic or other special !eans. n particular*

    such !easures shall be i!ple!ented in the case of the

    victi! of se4ual violence or a child &ho is a victi! or is a

    &itness* unless other&ise ordered by the court* havin

    reard to all the circu!stances* particularly the vie&s of the

    victi! or &itness-

    (c) here the personal interests of the victi!s are affected*

    the court shall per!it their vie&s and concerns to bepresented and considered at staes of the proceedins

    deter!ined to be appropriate by the court in !anner &hich

    is not pre,udicial to or inconsistent &ith the rihts of the

    accused and a fair and i!partial trial. Such vie&s and

    concerns !ay be presented by the leal representatives of

    the victi!s &here the court considers it appropriate in

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    accordance &ith the established rules of procedure and

    evidence- and

    (d) here the disclosure of evidence or infor!ation

    pursuant to this Act !ay lead to the rave endaner!ent of

    the security of a &itness for his@her fa!ily* the prosecution

    !ay* for the purposes of any proceedins conducted prior

    to the co!!ence!ent of the trial* &ithhold such evidence

    or infor!ation and instead sub!it a su!!ary thereof. Such

    !easures shall be e4ercised in a !anner &hich is not

    pre,udicial to or inconsistent &ith the rihts of the accused

    and to a fair and i!partial trial.

    Se!"#$ 1'.&eparations to )ictims. # n addition to e4istin

    provisions in Philippine la& and procedural rules for reparations to

    victi!s* the follo&in !easures shall be underta%en"

    (a) $he court shall follo& the principles relatin to the

    reparations to* or in respect of* victi!s*includin restitution*

    co!pensation and rehabilitation. Dn this basis* in its

    decision* the court !ay* &ither upon re+uest or on its o&n

    !otion in e4ceptional circu!stances* deter!ine the scopeand e4tent of any da!ae* loss and in,ury to* or in respect

    of* victi!s and state the principles on &hich it is


    (b) $he court !ay !a%e an order directly aainst a

    convicted person specifyin appropriate reparations to* or

    in respect of* victi!s* includin restitution* co!pensation

    and rehabilitation- and

    (c) Before !a%in an order under this section* the court

    !ay invite and shall ta%e account of representations fro!

    or on behalf of the convicted person* victi!s or other

    interested persons.

    ?othin in this section shall be interpreted as pre,udicin the

    rihts of victi!s under national or international la&.


    A2"/3"2"!4 # I$!e+$/!"#$/2 L/ /$0 O!6e+ L/

    Se!"#$ 15.Applicabilit# of $nternational +a.# n the application

    and interpretation of this Act* Philippine courts shall be uided by

    the follo&in sources"

    (a) $he 198 3enocide Convention-

    (b) $he 199 3enava Conventions #* their 1922

    Additional Protocols and and their 75 Additional

    Protocol -

    (c) $he 195 Haue Convention for the Protection of

    Cultural Property in the

  • 7/23/2019 1st Meeting Consolidated Cases-SIIL


    () Relevant and applicable international hu!an rihts


    (h) Dther relevant international treaties and conventions

    ratified or acceded to by the Republic of the Philippines-


    (i) $eachins of the !ost hihly +ualified publicists and

    authoritative co!!entaries on the foreoin sources as

    subsidiary !eans for the deter!ination of rules of

    international la&.

    Se!"#$ 1(.Suppletor# Application of the &e%ised Penal Code

    and !ther eneral or Special +as. # $he provisions of the

    Revised Penal Code and other eneral or special la&s shall have

    a suppletory application to the provisions of this Act.


    JURISDICTIONSe!"#$ 1).-urisdiction.# $he State shall e4ercise ,urisdiction over

    persons* &hether !ilitary or civilian* suspected or accused of a

    cri!e defined and penalied in this Act* reardless of &here the

    cri!e is co!!itted* provided* any one of the follo&in conditions

    is !et"

    (a) $he accused is a =ilipino citien-

    (b) $he accused* reardless of citienship or residence* is

    present in the Philippines- or

    (c) $he accused has co!!itted the said cri!e aainst a

    =ilipino citien.

    n the interest of ,ustice* the relevant Philippine authorities !ay

    dispense &ith the investiation or prosecution of a cri!e

    punishable under this Act if another court or international tribunal

    is already conductin the investiation or underta%in the

    prosecution of such cri!e. nstead* the authorities !ay surrender

    or e4tradite suspected or accused persons in the Philippines to

    the appropriate international court* if any* or to another State

    pursuant to the applicable e4tradition la&s and treaties.

    ?o cri!inal proceedins shall be initiated aainst forein nationals

    suspected or accused of havin co!!itted the cri!es defined and

    penalied in this Act if they have been tried by a co!petent court

    outside the Philippines in respect of the sa!e offense and

    ac+uitted* or havin been convicted* already served their


    Se!"#$ 18.Philippine Court, Prosecutors and $n%estiators. # $heReional $rial Court of the Philippines shall have oriinal and

    e4clusive ,urisdiction over the cri!es punishable under this Act.

    $heir ,ud!ents !ay be appealed or elevated to the Court of

    Appeals and to the Supre!e Court as provided by la&.

    $he Supre!e Court shall desinate special courts to try cases

    involvin cri!es punishable under this Act. =or these cases* the

    Co!!ission on Hu!an Rihts* the Fepart!ent of Gustice* the

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    Philippine ?ational Police or other concerned la& enforce!ent

    aencies shall desinate prosecutors or investiators as the case

    !ay be.

    $he State shall ensure that ,udes* prosecutors and investiators*

    especially those desinated for purposes of this Act* receive

    effective trainin in hu!an rihts* nternational Hu!anitarian :a&

    and nternational Cri!inal :a&.



    Se!"#$ 19.Separabilit# Clause. # f* for any reason or reasons*

    any part or provision of this Statute shall be held to be

    unconstitutional or invalid* other parts or provisions hereof &hich

    are not affected thereby shall continue to be in full force and


    Se!"#$ %*.&epealin Clause. (All la&s* presidential decrees

    and issuances* e4ecutive orders* rules and reulations or parts

    thereof inconsistent &ith the provisions of this Statute are herebyrepealed or !odified accordinly.

    Se!"#$ %1.ffecti%it#. # $his Act shall ta%e effect fifteen (15) days

    after its co!plete publication in the !fficial a/ette or in t&o (7)

    ne&spapers eneral circulation.

    %. O/-# . A3/$0#


    MEDINA, "$ 6e+ //"!4 / P+e"0"$: J;0:e # !6e Re:"#$/2

    T+"/2 C#;+! # M/$"2/, B+/$6 &%, /$0 !6e PEOPLE OF THE



    Dn 7; Auust 7;* a !ass rave &as discovered by ele!ents of

    the rd nfantry Briade of the Philippine Ar!y at Sitio Sapan

    Faco* Baranay Eaulisihan* nopacan* :eyte.1$he !ass rave

    contained s%eletal re!ains of ;2 individuals believed to be victi!s

    of /Dperation enereal Fisease/ (Dperation F) launched by

    !e!bers of the Co!!unist Party of the Philippines@?e& Peoples

    Ar!y@?ational Fe!ocratic =ront of the Philippines

    (CPP@?PA@?F=P) to pure their ran%s of suspected !ilitary


    P C@nsp. Al!aden of the (P?P) Reional Dffice 8 and Staff GudeAdvocate Captain Allan $iu (Ar!y Captain $iu) of the 8th nfantry

    Fivision of the Philippine Ar!y sent 17 undated letters to the

    Provincial Prosecutor of :eyte throuh Assistant Provincial

    Prosecutor Rosulo . ivero (Prosecutor ivero).$he letters

    re+uested appropriate leal action on 17 co!plaint#affidavits

    attached there&ith accusin 21 na!ed !e!bers of the

    Co!!unist Party of the Philippines@?e& Peoples Ar!y@?ational

  • 7/23/2019 1st Meeting Consolidated Cases-SIIL


    Fe!ocratic =ront of the Philippines (CPP@?PA@?F=P) of !urder*

    includin petitioners herein alon &ith several other unna!ed


    Also attached to the letters &ere the affidavits of 0acarias

    Piedad*:eonardo C. $anaid* =loro >. $anaid* ?u!eriano

    Berinuel* 3lecerio Roluna and eronica P. $abara. $hey narrated

    that they &ere for!er !e!bers of the CPP@?PA@?F=P.Accordin

    to the!* Dperation F &as ordered in 1985 by the

    CPP@?PA@?F=P Central Co!!ittee.Alleedly* petitioners

    Saturnino C. Dca!po (Dca!po)*Randall B.

  • 7/23/2019 1st Meeting Consolidated Cases-SIIL


    prayed for the unconditional release of petitioner Dca!po fro!

    P?P custody* as &ell as the issuance of a te!porary restrainin

    order@ &rit of preli!inary in,unction to restrain the conduct of

    further proceedins durin the pendency of the petition.

    Petitioner Dca!po arued that a case for rebellion aainst hi!

    and others (includin petitioners a%ati* Branch 15

    (R$C >a%ati).Puttin for&ard the political offense doctrine*

    petitioner Dca!po arues that co!!on cri!es* such as !urder in

    this case* are already absorbed by the cri!e of rebellion &hen

    co!!itted as a necessary !eans* in connection &ith and in

    furtherance of rebellion.

    hile the proceedins &ere suspended* petitioner anila.

    Petitioner :adlad and Baylosis filed an rent >otion to =i4 Bail

    and a >otion to Allo& Petitioner to Post Bail respectively.$he DS3

    interposed no ob,ection to the rant of aP1* cash bail to

    the!. $he Court ranted the !otions of petitioners :adlad and

    Baylosis and fi4ed their bail in the a!ount ofP1** sub,ect to

    the condition that their te!porary release shall be li!ited to the

    period of their actual participation in the peace neotiations

    ISSUEa,ority of the respondents did not sub!it their counter#affidavits

    because they could no loner be found in their last %no&n

    address* per return of the subpoenas. Dn the other hand*

    Saturnino Dca!po Satur* =ides :i!* >aureen Pale,aro and

    Ruben >anatad sub!itted their Counter#Affidavits. Ho&ever*

    icente :adlad and Gas!in Gerusale! failed to sub!it the

    re+uired Counter Affidavits in spite entry of appearance by their

    respective counsels.

    Section (d)* Rule 117 of the Rules of Court* allo&s Prosecutor

    ivero to resolve the co!plaint based on the evidence before hi!

    if a respondent could not be subpoenaed. As lon as efforts to

    reach a respondent &ere !ade* and he &as iven an opportunity

    to present countervailin evidence* the preli!inary investiation

    re!ains valid.

    n this case* the Resolution stated that efforts &ere underta%en to

    serve subpoenas on the na!ed respondents at their last %no&n

    addresses. $his is sufficient for due process. t &as only becausea !a,ority of the! could no loner be found at their last %no&n

    addresses that they &ere not served copies of the co!plaint and

    the attached docu!ents or evidence.

    Petitioner :adlad* throuh his counsel* had every opportunity to

    secure copies of the co!plaint after his counsels for!al entry of

    appearance and* thereafter* to participate fully in the preli!inary

    investiation. nstead* he refused to participate.

    ?either can &e uphold petitioner Dca!pos contention that he &as

    denied the riht to be heard. =or hi! to clai! that he &as denied

    due process by not bein furnished a copy of the Supple!ental

    Affidavit of 0acarias Piedad &ould i!ply that the entire case of the

    prosecution rested on the Supple!ental Affidavit. $he DS3 has

    asserted that the indict!ent of petitioner Dca!po &as based on

    the collective affidavits of several other &itnesses attestin to the

    alleation that he &as a !e!ber of the CPP@?PA@?F=P Central

    Co!!ittee* &hich had ordered the launch of Dperation F.

    B. ssuance of the arrants of Arrest

    Article * Section 7 of the Constitution provides that /no search

    &arrant or &arrant of arrest shall issue e4cept upon probable

    cause to be deter!ined personally by the ,ude after e4a!ination

    under oath or affir!ation of the co!plainant and the &itnesses he

    !ay produce./

    Petitioner Dca!po allees that Gude Abando did not co!ply &ith

    the re+uire!ents of the Constitution in findin the e4istence of

    probable cause for the issuance of &arrants of arrest aainst


    Probable cause for the issuance of a &arrant of arrest has been

  • 7/23/2019 1st Meeting Consolidated Cases-SIIL


    defined as /such facts and circu!stances &hich &ould lead a

    reasonably discreet and prudent !an to believe that an offense

    has been co!!itted by the person souht to be arrested./ Allado

    v. Fio%no* 3.R. ?o. 11;* >ay 5* 199.Althouh the

    Constitution provides that probable cause shall be deter!ined by

    the ,ude after an e4a!ination under oath or an affir!ation of the

    co!plainant and the &itnesses* &e have ruled that a hearin is

    not necessary for the deter!ination thereof. n fact* the ,udes

    personal e4a!ination of the co!plainant and the &itnesses is not

    !andatory and indispensable for deter!inin the aptness of

    issuin a &arrant of arrest.

    t is enouh that the ,ude personally evaluates the prosecutors

    report and supportin docu!ents sho&in the e4istence of

    probable cause for the indict!ent and* on the basis thereof* issue

    a &arrant of arrest- or if* on the basis of his evaluation* he finds no

    probable cause* to disreard the prosecutor6s resolution and

    re+uire the sub!ission of additional affidavits of &itnesses to aid

    hi! in deter!inin its e4istence. Felos Santos#Reyes v. >ontesa*Gr. 12 Phil. 11

    $he deter!ination of probable cause for the issuance of &arrants

    of arrest aainst petitioners is addressed to the sound discretion

    of Gude Abando as the trial ,ude.

    CRIMINAL LAW #2"!"/2 #e$e 0#!+"$e

    nder the political offense doctrine* /co!!on cri!es* perpetrated

    in furtherance of a political offense* are divested of their character

    as /co!!on/ offenses and assu!e the political co!ple4ion of the

    !ain cri!e of &hich they are !ere inredients* and* conse+uently*

    cannot be punished separately fro! the principal offense* or

    co!ple4ed &ith the sa!e* to ,ustify the i!position of a raver

    penalty./ People v. Hernande* 99 Phil. 515

    Any ordinary act assu!es a different nature by bein absorbed in

    the cri!e of rebellion.$hus* &hen a %illin is co!!itted in

    furtherance of rebellion* the %illin is not ho!icide or !urder.

    Rather* the %illin assu!es the political co!ple4ion of rebellion as

    its !ere inredient and !ust be prosecuted and punished as

    rebellion alone.

    But &hen the political offense doctrine is asserted as a defense in

    the trial court* it beco!es crucial for the court to deter!ine

    &hether the act of %illin &as done in furtherance of a political

    end* and for the political !otive of the act to be conclusivelyde!onstrated.

    REMEDIAL LAW A-e$0-e$! #+ S;3!"!;!"#$

    Dffice of the Provincial Prosecutor of 0a!boana Fel ?orte v. CA*

    1 Phil 95 if durin trial* petitioners are able to sho& that the

    alleed !urders &ere indeed co!!itted in furtherance of

    rebellion* Section 1* Rule 11 of the Rules of Court provides the

  • 7/23/2019 1st Meeting Consolidated Cases-SIIL


    re!edy of A!end!ent or substitution.

    $hus* if it is sho&n that the proper chare aainst petitioners

    should have been si!ple rebellion* the trial court shall dis!iss the

    !urder chares upon the filin of the nfor!ation for si!ple

    rebellion* as lon as petitioners &ould not be placed in double


    &. V"$;4/ . E>e;!"e Se+e!/+4


    $his is an oriinal Petition for Certiorari under Rule ;5 of the

    Rules of Court &ith an application for the issuance of a &rit of

    preli!inary !andatory in,unction aainst the Dffice of the

    A:AIA :D:AS* a non#stoc%*

    non#profit oraniation reistered &ith the S

  • 7/23/2019 1st Meeting Consolidated Cases-SIIL


    1.D? the

  • 7/23/2019 1st Meeting Consolidated Cases-SIIL


    ele!ents of prophecy. $hey are and should be underta%en only by

    those directly responsible to the people &hose &elfare they

    advance or i!peril.

    But not all cases i!plicatin forein relations present political

    +uestions* and courts certainly possess the authority to construe

    or invalidate treaties and e4ecutive aree!ents. Ho&ever* the

    +uestion &hether the Philippine overn!ent should espouse

    clai!s of its nationals aainst a forein overn!ent is a forein

    relations !atter* the authority for &hich is de!onstrably co!!itted

    by our Constitution not to the courts but to the political branches.

    n this case* the

  • 7/23/2019 1st Meeting Consolidated Cases-SIIL


    province of !unicipal la& and do not affect the position


  • 7/23/2019 1st Meeting Consolidated Cases-SIIL


    1. ?D.

    A petition for habeas corpus is i!proper &hen release of

    petitioner is not souht. t see%s no dischare of petitioner fro!

    confine!ent but !erely his restoration to his for!er status as a

    prisoner of &ar* to be interned* not confined. $he relative

    difference as to the deree of confine!ent in such cases is a

    !atter of !ilitary !easure* disciplinary in character* beyond the

    ,urisdiction of civil courts. Prohibition cannot issue aainst one not

    !ade party respondent. ?either !ay the petition for prohibition

    prosper aainst :t. 3en. ilhel! F. Styer. $he >ilitary

    Co!!ission is not !ade party respondent in this case* and

    althouh it !ay be actin* as alleed* &ithout ,urisdiction* no order

    !ay be issued in these case proceedins re+uirin it to refrain

    fro! tryin the petitioner.

    $he Court further ruled that it has no ,urisdiction to entertain the

    petition even if the co!!ission be ,oined as respondent. As it has

    said* in Ra+uia vs. Bradford (pp. 5* ;1* ante)* J. . . an atte!pt of

    our civil courts to e4ercise ,urisdiction over the nited States Ar!ybefore such period (state of &ar) e4pires* &ould be considered as

    a violation of this countryLs faith* &hich this Court should not be

    the last to %eep and uphold.K


    nder the la&s of &ar* a !ilitary co!!ander has an

    i!plied po&er to appoint and convene a !ilitary co!!ission. $his

    is upon the theory that since the po&er to create a !ilitary

    co!!ission is an aspect of &ain &ar* !ilitary co!!anders

    have that po&er unless e4pressly &ithdra&n fro! the!.

    By the Articles of ar* and especially Article 15* the Conress of

    the nited States has e4plicitly provided* so far as it !ay

    constitutionally do so* that !ilitary tribunals shall have ,urisdiction

    to try offenders or offenses aainst the la&s of &ar in appropriate


    @;+#0/ . J/2/$0#$", G.R. N#. L%((%, M/+6 %(, 19'9


    Petitioner Shienori Euroda* the Co!!andin 3eneral of

    the Gapanese !perial =orces in the Philippines durin the

    Gapanese occupation* &as chared before the Philippine >ilitary

    Co!!ission of &ar cri!es. He +uestioned the constitutionality


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