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  • 8/7/2019 2 - Challenges for Enabling Cloud Computing Over Optical Networks


    Scuola Superiore SantAnna

    Challenges for enabling Cloud

    Piero Castoldi, Barbara Martini, Fabio Baroncelli

    Workshop Grid vs Cloud Computing and Why This Should

    OFC/NFOEC 2009 March 22-26, 2009 - San Diego, USA

  • 8/7/2019 2 - Challenges for Enabling Cloud Computing Over Optical Networks



    Challenges Resource virtualization

    erv ce s rac on User-driven service deliver



    2009 Scuola Superiore SantAnna


  • 8/7/2019 2 - Challenges for Enabling Cloud Computing Over Optical Networks


    The network as a service paradigm

    Cloud Computing is a general paradigm ofoperat on w ere t e capa t es o an

    infrastructure (e.g., computation, storage, servers,


    Users are able to access ICT capabilities from the

    n erne .e., e c ou w ou now e ge o ancontrol over the technology infrastructure that.

    According to the network-as-a-service (NaaS), -

    oriented capabilities

    2009 Scuola Superiore SantAnna


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    User-oriented network capabilities

    Cloud computing will require dynamic complex service set-up and tear down withstrict requirements (e.g. content streaming are with adequate bandwidth, delayan er an per ormance o s ream ng server

    Tri erin of network services in



    Disney,WallE (Session,ServerLocation)

    HDMovie (Bandwidth)

    transport network is available vianetwork technology-dependentinterfaces (e.g. the User to Network

    GoodQuality (QoS) ,

    network has a different grain inservice description with respect to an


    ?? ??NetworkDirectivesFormat:




    intimate knowledge of the networktechnology is required

    no mechanism is available fore





    coordinating set-up of complex privatenetworks

    2009 Scuola Superiore SantAnna


    What is needed: a provisioningframework operating at a level of abstraction suitable for being invoked

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    Concepts (1)

    Network resource a network ca abilit of su ortin set-u confi ure monitor tear-

    down) the forwarding of data, possibly across multiple nodes,

    according to a certain encapsulation (e.g. a MPLS L2 LSP)- a data processing capability over the payload of a data flow, realized

    in software or in hardware in a network node (e.g. a random access

    Network service a service, described in a technology-independent way that,

    leveraging on network resources, offers connectivity capabilities,directly or indirectly, to the customers applications (e.g. a L2 VPN)

    Non-network service a service, described in a technology-independent way, that

    leveraging on an IT resources offers a data manipulation capabilitye. . a stora e service .

    2009 Scuola Superiore SantAnna


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    Concepts (2)

    Virtualization of resources


    Service abstraction capability to map the set of high-level parameters specified by an

    application, into a set of specific parameters used by the networkfor the provisioning of that service.

    The process of service abstraction requires virtualization ofresources:

    services that can be accessed without knowledge of theirunderlying technical implementation.

    their composition.

    Semantic rules can be defined to compose or orchestrate services

    2009 Scuola Superiore SantAnna


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    Cloud computing and optical networks

    Cloud Computing can benefit from ultra high-capacity,

    adapted to support user-oriented capabilities:

    , . .,session control among end-user applicationsincludin messa e exchan e for session state

    monitoring, resource negotiation and mediatransfer control.

    Resource control signaling, i.e., signaling for

    resource control for the purpose of a consistent- -the Control Plane, serving for:

    2009 Scuola Superiore SantAnna


    network attachment functions (e.g., auto-discovery ofborder network topology)

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    Resource virtualization

    Network resource discovery and virtualization at

    Service abstraction:

    erv ce expos on or r g ng app ca ons anCP-enabled Optical Network


    On-demand service triggering Security

    AAA in multi-operator scenario and distributed

    2009 Scuola Superiore SantAnna

    8/20environment Advanced mechanisms for user access control

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    Network resources

    Grid computing Cloud computing

    Service concept Capability to transfer a specific type ofdata traffic generated by a customer


    Capacity to match application requestto network resource availability and

    accordingly affect network resource

    QoS support

    Advanced mesh connectivity (e.g.L1/L2/L3 VPN, VPLS)

    Traffic enforcement on per-flow basis

    QoS guarantees

    End-to-end resource control



    E-science applications

    TE/Management application (OSS)

    Multimedia applications

    Virtual terminal applications

    - -WAN context


    Service Coarse rain GB u to TB Fine rain 100s MBgranularity

    2009 Scuola Superiore SantAnna


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    Non-network (IT) resources

    IT Resources are more difficult to be described thannetwork resources

    IT resources are more heterogeneous and may

    lack of a relation of hierarch Some virtualization efforts exist but solutions are

    heterogeneous (e.g. naming for addressing:

    Universal Unique Identifier, Universal ResourceIdentifier, etc)

    n a equate, typ ca y comp ex, n ormat onmodel is needed to handle IT resource (discover,


    Some applications, e.g. grid, already have a well

    2009 Scuola Superiore SantAnna


    that do not involve provider networks at all.

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    Virtualization of resources and service abstraction1

    Control Plane-enabled optical transport networks Approach based on the introduction of a Service Plane:

    t e n ormat ona -gap etween t e pp cat on- ayer erv ce ontroFunction) and the Network-Layer

    Decouples network technologies from future evolution of the network services

    boundary of the Transport Network via CMI (Control-Plane ManagementInterface)

    Defines a technology-independent network service definition at a level ofa s rac on su a e or e ng nvo e y an app ca on v a ser- o-

    Service Interface).F. Baroncelli, B. Martini, V. Martini, P.

    Castoldi, "A distributed si nalin or the

    provisioning of on-demand VPN services in

    transport networks" Proc. of IM 2007, May

    2007, Munich, Germany.

    . , . , . , .

    Torkman, P. Castoldi, Application-driven

    Resource Management in Multi-Service Optical

    Networks, Journal of Optical Communications

    and Networking, June 2009, to appear

    2009 Scuola Superiore SantAnna


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    Virtualization of resources and serviceabstraction (2)

    Fully distributed and technology-independent approach based on a Service Plane thatsupports on-the-fly invocation of services

    Po ulated b a set of distributed entities that inter-communicate via dedicate si nallin usin

    The Service Control Function (SCF)

    Acts as a gateway

    XML messages

    Request Network services

    The Centralized Service Element (CSE)

    Verifies the SCF identity (Client

    Controls the access (Service Authorization);The Distributed Service Element (DSE)

    Handles multiple service requests

    Composes the Network-Services

    Performs technology-specific configurationson controlled PEs using the BNS module

    Performs configuration of devices viaControl Plane Management Interface (CMI)

    Two main procedures are envisioned:

    2009 Scuola Superiore SantAnna


    The Background Signalling

    The Service Provisioning Signalling

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    Network topology virtualization

    Background Signalling:

    Collects and abstracts Network status

    Update the NR-DB within the DSEs

    Is Continuously repeated in background at regular intervals

    1 - Network Resource Discovery phasearrow 1 2 : DSEs athers at re ular intervals

    the information

    2 - Service Abstraction phase: DSEs map- -

    independent information and stores it in theNR-DB

    3 - Information Distribution phase (arrow3, 4): DSEs distribute information to CSE

    module(CSE acts as a Database Reflector of the

    2009 Scuola Superiore SantAnna


    overall knowledge of Network)

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    On-demand service triggering

    The Service Provisioning Signalling

    is responsible of the actual service provisioning

    is triggered by a service request issued by a SCF to aDSE

    1 - The DSE-master receives a Network-Service re uest from an SCF

    [Authorization] A messages exchangeoccurs between DSE and CSE

    2 - The DSE elaborates and distributesdirectives to the relevant DSEs

    [*] DSEs-slave execute service commandscoming from a DSE-master.

    3 - Each DSE map directive in a set of CMINetwork primitives to its controlled PEs(3).

    response from the PE

    [Ack] DSEs-slave send a reply-message toreport the established service

    2009 Scuola Superiore SantAnna

    14/20[Ack] to SCF

  • 8/7/2019 2 - Challenges for Enabling Cloud Computing Over Optical Networks



    security at application layer pro ec on aga ns unau or ze access o app ca on p a orms e.g.,

    server, data base or web portal) for corruption of information,

    interruption of service

    security at service (control) layer protection against unauthorized access to service control element (e.g.,

    SIP rox HSS to subscriber information e. . user and service

    profiles for identity theft), network provider information (e.g., repositorywith routing, numbering and addressing information)

    protection against unauthorized access to network elements (e.g., IP

    routers, MPLS nodes), to transport control information (e.g., OSPF,e , to transport user pro e n ormat on e.g., su scr pt on atarepository, user location information)

    2009 Scuola Superiore SantAnna


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    Authorization mechanisms are categorized as: Authentication-based mechanisms which assi n a set of ri hts

    based on the (authenticated) user identity

    Credentials-based (a.k.a. role-based) mechanisms, which. .,credentials) being held by the user

    Role-based Authorization process is composed of twop ases: Based on user credentials, the resource provider deduce the

    level of trust it can place in him and consequently assign a (setof) role(s)

    Based on the role, the authorization engine identifies and

    enforces a policy determine the set of actions the user is allowed to perform

    verify if the user is allowed to perform the required action on theresource

    2009 Scuola Superiore SantAnna


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    Traditional vs. advanced access control

    In traditional access control The decision process is based on the identity or the role of users

    t at are reg stere w t t e m n strat ve oma n

    The policy rules are static, i.e., changed only through administrative

    actions, typically performed by human operator

    In a multi-domain scenario the user may be unknown in the Administrative Domain of the

    resource access rights may be revoked or may expire

    Role-based Access Control Traditionaltechniques

    Role-basedUsa e CONtrol

    Advancedtechni ues

    2009 Scuola Superiore SantAnna


  • 8/7/2019 2 - Challenges for Enabling Cloud Computing Over Optical Networks


    Trust management

    Trust definition:

    Trust of a art A in a art B for a service X is the measurablebelief of A in B behaving dependably for a specified period within

    a specified context in relation to X... [Dimitrakos, 2001] rus anagemen e n on:

    Technique to make decisions about the dependability of

    Role-Based Trust Management: A sub ect has a set of roles in each Administrative Domain to

    which he belongs

    A set of access rules define the relations among Administrative

    roles for the same subject in Administrative Domain to which hedoes not belong.

    2009 Scuola Superiore SantAnna

    18/20[Blaze96] M. Blaze, J. Feigenbaum, J. Lacy. Decentralized Trust Management. In 17th

    Symposium on Security and Privacy (pp. 164-173). IEEE Computer Society. 2006

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    Usage Control Model

    The decision process is based on:


    Subjects: entities that perform actions onObjects



    after checking subject/object

    Identity; Role; Reputation; Credits;

    Objects: entities that are used by Subjects.attributes

    Value; Role permission;

    pre-decision ongoing-decisions

    before usage ongoing usage after usage

    pre-updates ongoing updates post-updates

    Mutability of attributes time

    2009 Scuola Superiore SantAnna


    J. Park, R. Sandhu. The UCON Usage Control Model,ACM Trans. On Information and System

    Security, 7(1), 2004.

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    Re-use of many concepts coming from grid for

    enabling cloud computing

    cloud computing

    Optical networks can be good candidatebecause the are CP-enabled

    From security to trustworthiness

    2009 Scuola Superiore SantAnna


  • 8/7/2019 2 - Challenges for Enabling Cloud Computing Over Optical Networks


    Thank you

    - .

    2009 Scuola Superiore SantAnna


    ola Superiore SantAnna, CNR research area, Via Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa, Italy

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