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Page 1: 2 Types of Collaboration



2 Types of Collaboration & 10 Requirements for Using Them

Billy CripePrincipal BloomThinker - BloomThink

VP Marketing – DigitilitiBoard Member – AIIM Minnesota

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#1 Intentional

#2 Accidental

2 Types of Collaboration

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If I have seen farther, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.

-sir Isaac Newton, 1676

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1676 – Leibniz seeks to find the truth of any mathematical statement given a universal language.

Amazing (ly Slow) Accidental Collaboration

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1882 – David Hilbert hangs out with Hermann Minkowski and Adolf Hurwitz

1928 – Hilbert poses Entscheidungsproblem to challenge Leibniz

Amazing (ly Slow) Accidental Collaboration

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1936 – Alonzo Church creates Lambda Calculus to prove

Hilbert’s problem is unsolvable

Amazing (ly Slow) Accidental Collaboration

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1958 – John McCarthy designs LISP based on Church’s Lambda Calculus.

LISP includes mapping and folding…

Amazing (ly Slow) Accidental Collaboration

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2004 – Jeffrey Dean & Sanjay Ghemawat publish MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters

Our abstraction is inspiredby the map and reduce primitives present in Lisp“

Amazing (ly Slow) Accidental Collaboration

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2004 – Doug Cutting –reads the paper

2004-2006 - Hadoop created

December, 2011 - Version 1.0.0 of Hadoop released

Amazing (ly Slow) Accidental Collaboration

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Accidental Collaboration:The soul of an Idea Weaves Through Time

Forward pressure of the idea influences those who come next…

Building on the insights & data of the progenitors in ways they never imagined…

Wanted a way to find the truth of anything

Created a way to tease insight out of everything

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Modern Accidental Collaboration

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DATACollection | Aggregation | Tracking |Prediction | Delivery

Key Requirements for Accidental Collaboration

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we helping computers computers helping us

our goal is awareness and interaction with all kinds of information

Evolve Status Quo Strategies of Data Collection

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encourage voluntary participation interest & gamification create springboards for further collaboration aggregates reveal new meaning & insight

Automatically Aggregate Data

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Usage & Context Patterns DLP & GRC Digitiliti

Tracking Data & Data Tracking

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Agile Creation of Business Intelligence

Anticipate Demand, Need, Desire & Request

Proactively Predict

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Bring it all together

Enterprise Information Ecosystem

Deliver Insight Through Information

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An Army Of Davids

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Thank You

Billy CripePrincipal [email protected] +1 (612) 205-3762Twitter: @billycripeFacebook: facebook.com/bloomthink

AIIM Minnesota

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