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  • 1. 2.0 much to do: how, when and why should library staff find out about web 2.0, and what does it mean for information literacy? Jenny Evans Liaison Librarian, Natural Sciences Ruth Harrison Team Leader: Learning Development Imperial College London
  • 2. Background Todays workshop Presentation and notes in SlideShare look under http://www.slideshare.net/learning20 Web 2.0, Learning 2.0 and 23 Things Programme opening workshop presentation http://www.slideshare.net/learning20/learning-20-introductory- workshop-presentation
  • 3. Web 2.0 and learning development Library staff Teaching staff Learning Technologists Students Non-academic staff Research staff
  • 4. Learning 2.0 admin wiki (hands-on) URL http://learning20imperial.wetpaint.com Username: lilac2009 Password: lilac2009 This logs you in as a registered user which means that you can view the site and post comments (known as threads) How we used our wiki to plan the programme
  • 5. Learning 2.0 programme blog (hands-on) URL to view blog: http://learning20atimperial.wordpress.com/ URL to log into blog: http://wordpress.com/ Username:lilacworkshop Password: lilacworkshp Programme highlights
  • 6. Evaluation of programme: from the Learning 2.0 team Time Learning 2.0 team and participants Content Factors outside our control What we got out of it!
  • 7. Evaluation of programme: the participants Self-assessment of knowledge as expert/good before and after Learning 2.0 Pre-course and post-course surveys Key results Statistics
  • 8. Future developments (RH) Incorporation to UG and PG teaching programmes Inclusion within general staff development programmes Continuation of library staff programme Use of web 2.0 tools and technologies at Imperial Libraries: Twitter, blogs, wikis (staff), podcasting, teaching ...

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