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Page 1: 2006.pdf · On resume of play the Association ... Martin Hogg, Geoff Link, Jean Tricker, (and for the dinner invitation - Cindy Crouch, Simon and Fiona Woolcott, Sheila Morris, Mike

www.grenvilleassociation.co.uk Dear Friends Thank you for entrusting me with the presidency, I look forward to fulfilling my duties over the next three years. I would like to thank Fo Edmonds and Matt Norris for their speed and efficiency in producing our new Association website for us all now to use. I encourage all members to register on the forums page so that we can share information and to help us in gathering old friends together at the reunions. I am also hopeful that the forum pages will be a good platform for discussing ideas for the development of the Association. A good topic to begin with would be the format of our annual dinner, as mentioned in the AGM notes and the note from your Hon Sec. I look forward to meeting you all at the next reunion, With all good wishes Ashley Clements President

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The November Reunion 2005 Sports Results

RUGBY There was no match this time – a match between two of the School teams against Mark College had been organised but the visiting teams had pulled out at the last minute.

HOCKEY 3 -2 to the Association

For the first time the Association fielded a mixed team against a School mixed team. Conditions were no better for the hockey match; at times it appeared the teams were playing on a lake instead of a hockey pitch. The Association goal-keeper, Meg Edmonds, reported that one of the saves she made was swept out by the wave from her foot, as she slid towards it, rather than by her stick. Fifth former, Will Trythall, was a victim of the foul weather as the slippery surface allowed Association forward, Charlie Richards, to snatch the ball away; taking Will out with it!

NETBALL 33 – 32 to the Association

After a very hard fought match, during which both teams managed to struggle on through some very heavy downpours, the score stood at 32 all. In the last minute Jess Allin fell and badly twisted her ankle, causing a tension filled pause to the action. On resume of play the Association managed to score the final winning goal!

Some of the Hockey Team celebrate their victory in a local hostelry!

Netball Team, with Jess nursing her ankle.

ROWING To the School by a canvass

It was good to see so many supporters standing along the quayside for this event. It was a close race with the Association crew giving the School crew something to think about.

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AGM REPORTAGM REPORTAGM REPORTAGM REPORT The AGM was held at the Royal Hotel on Saturday 12th November 2005, the President, Mr Shaun Gundle

took the chair. Nine members were present.


Apologies were received from members, Richard Brayne Nicholls, Martin Hogg, Geoff Link, Jean Tricker, (and for the dinner invitation - Cindy Crouch, Simon and Fiona Woolcott, Sheila Morris, Mike and Alison Rhodes, Martin and Sue Fishleigh, David and Wendy Lea.)

The Chairman introduced Anne Cadd to the meeting who has taken over as Secretary from Cindy Crouch.


Copies of the Minutes of the 2004 Annual General Meeting were circulated to the Meeting. It was proposed by Dawn Lister, seconded by Kathryn Gundle and unanimously agreed that this was a true statement of that Meeting.

Matters Arising.

A letter is to be written to David Lea, ex Bursar, inviting him to become an Honorary Member of the Association. It was proposed by Kathryn Gundle and seconded by Kerry Lumsden that a gift be organised to the value of no more than £125 to be presented to David. A cut glass, engraved decanter will be purchased by Anne Cadd on behalf of the Association.

Financial Report.

As Grenville College is without a Bursar at the moment, it has not been possible to provide a financial report for this meeting. A full report will be available for the meeting in 2006.

AROPs Report.

The current representative was unable to attend the meeting. Bruce Marshall felt it was worthwhile to still have a representative in order for our Association to keep up to date with other schools and their Associations. He suggested that the representative not be a particular nominated person but for the Hon. Sec. to contact members who live close to the meeting to be held, to see if they would be willing to attend. Proposed by Philip Bell, seconded by Ashley Clements and carried unanimously.


Sports Prize. The Hon. Sec. has spoken with the PE staff who felt that there was no girl suitable this year. It was felt, however, that a prize of £100 be gifted to Matt Short, a member of the Lower Sixth. Matt has represented the school on many occasions as a member of the rowing team and was actually a member of the GB team that beat France earlier this year. Matt is almost at the stage to receive his black belt in judo and is finding it expensive to travel to find suitably matched opponents for his age.

Book Prizes: These go to: Nicole Travers-Wakeford who is studying journalism at Falmouth College and Matt Payne who was a prefect and always willing to take on extra work in School. Matt is going to Nottingham to study Architecture. These nominations were accepted unanimously by the members. Stephen Hill suggested it would be good PR if a member of the Association could be present at the Annual Prize-giving Ceremony held in September to actually present these awards. Proposed by Fo Edmonds, seconded by Dawn Lister and carried unanimously. Kathryn Gundle asked if there were any requests for funding this year. Hon. Sec. – none received.

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Members have been disappointed that the website has not been kept up to date. After much discussion it was decided that the Grenville College ICT Department be asked to take on the responsibility. £500 will be set aside to redesign and revamp the website. It is most important that the website be updated and kept current at all times. A vote of thanks was proposed to Ian for all his hard work in the past and we look forward to seeing him at the Reunion next year. Proposed by Stephen Hill, seconded by Philip Bell and carried unanimously. It was agreed that Fo Edmonds should write to Ian Brown to thank him for all his work and pass on the meeting’s good wishes and hopes to see him in the future. (See “Note from the Hon. Sec”)

Jubilee Postcards.

Fo Edmonds showed the meeting some postcards representing the Jubilee Artwork which are available for purchase.


As the numbers of members attending the weekend vary year by year, it was suggested that members of FRoGs (Friends of Grenville) be invited to join the meeting. FRoGs enjoyed the chance for the two groups to meet at the Jubilee Ball last year. The meeting were very happy for this to happen in future and this led on to a general discussion about how to work at improving numbers attending the weekend. Several ideas were discussed and it was decided that the forum on our new website would be a good place for people to discuss ideas for making the weekend more attractive to members.

Election of President and Vice-President.

As Kathryn is about to give birth she feels unable to commit to the role of President at the moment. She would, however, be keen and willing to take on this role at some point in the future. Ashley Clement’s name has been put forward to be the new President. Proposed by Fo Edmonds, seconded by Bruce Marshall and carried unanimously.

Dawn Lister proposed as Vice-Chairman by Kathryn Gundle, seconded by Georgina Collett and carried unanimously. Shaun expressed his congratulations to both Ashley and Dawn on these appointments.

Any Other Business.

A new Bursar has just been appointed and a new Headmaster will be appointed before Christmas.

Bruce thanked Shaun on behalf of the members of the Association for the wonderful job he has done during his time as President.

Shaun asked if the seat in memory of Bryan Morris had been erected in School. Fo Edmonds confirmed that the seat is actually in place in front of the Jubilee Artwork.

Kerry asked if a plaque to remember Stella Maris could be erected within the housing development on the site of Stella. The meeting agreed the funding of this plaque. Paul felt application could be made to a Historical Association (blue plaque) for funding. Fo Edmonds to follow this up. Kerry asked if the unveiling of this plaque be organised during the weekend next year. Perhaps Sister Mary could be invited to unveil the plaque.

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A note from yourA note from yourA note from yourA note from your Hon. Sec. Hon. Sec. Hon. Sec. Hon. Sec.

We always knew the Reunion following the big Jubilee Celebration was likely to be a quieter affair but I don’t think any of us were prepared for just how quiet it was! Nevertheless those of us who did attend enjoyed a lovely evening and we look forward to seeing many more of you next year.

Many ideas were put forward at the AGM to make our annual get-together more attractive and to encourage more members to attend. After the success of the joint FRoGs/Association Jubilee Ball, one of the suggestions was that we invite them to join us for the social part of our evening, i.e. the dinner and dance. This was agreed and I shall, therefore be sending the FRoGs committee an open invitation for their members to join us at the same ticket price as paid by our members. It was decided that other ideas for changes to the format of the evening should wait until we have a larger AGM attendance.

Following our discussion and decision at the AGM to move the website forward I have written to Ian Brown to thank him for all the sterling work and dedication he has put in to get the whole idea of a website off the ground. A new website has now been set up at www.grenvilleassociation.co.uk

It is still “under construction” but the most recent newsletters are available there and a members’ forum is up and running. We hope to have the photo gallery ready very soon. In order to protect members using the forum we have decided to use a simple registration process; this will also help to ensure that our members’ database is kept up to date with current e mail addresses etc. Anyone browsing the site will be able to read the forum message boards but will not be able to post messages or send private messages until they have registered. E mail addresses supplied will not be made public but you will receive an e mail notification when there is a new message in a thread to which you have contributed or if anyone sends you a private message. Then it is up to you to decide if you wish to respond by e mail to the individual concerned.

The codeword for registration is: ****** (removed from this online version for security reasons)

(N.B. You have to enter the code BEFORE you can tick the “I agree” box on the left of the screen)

Please do not give this codeword to anyone who is not an ex-pupil of either Grenville or Stella Maris.

Finally, I have to express my heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Cindy Crouch, who served as School Secretary for 25 years and retired last summer. She has been the public face of the School, greeting visitors with a smile and being on the end of the phone to many Association members who ring up for a chat or to find an old school chum.

Cindy has been the mainstay of the Association for almost as many years and has ensured the smooth running of both the reunion weekends and the communication of news to our members. It is almost impossible to contemplate a reunion weekend without Cindy to guide us and keep us under control! We had to survive, however, as Cindy, and husband, Mike, were on the other side of the world on November 12th, enjoying a well deserved holiday with their family. We hope they will be able to join us at a future reunion when we can properly thank Cindy for all that she has done for the Association and let her know just how much she will be missed.

Wishing you all a (belated) Happy New Year

With best wishes

Fo Edmonds,

Hon. Sec.

E mail: [email protected]

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�������� NEWS ��������

59 – 62 Alston, David David contacted us with an update of his details. He is now living in Brisbane, Australia. He works in palliative care, specialising in secure dementia; he is also an ordained minister. He is happy to include his e mail for anyone who would like to catch up with the old days. [email protected]

73 – 77 Baker, Tim Tim contacted us after seeing DOUG THOMSON's name in the last issue. He caught up with Doug over Xmas. Since leaving Grenville he did a very short stint in the Army and then left for the sunny climes of Fiji. Tim spent a couple of years there as a reporter / sub editor and fled fearing “mango madness”. He finally settled in New Zealand, “got married, changed jobs, had two fine sons and then got divorced”. He is currently a grocer –“well Group Merchandise manager” - for the largest food retailer in NZ. Tim says life is pretty damn good. He would like to try to track down a couple of good mates - ANTHONY ROWAN ex Kenya and Romney and MARK WOOD - ex Bermuda and former study mate. Also has anyone heard from ALFRED BANYAN ex Uganda and Romney?

School NewsSchool NewsSchool NewsSchool News

Two appointments were made during the Christmas term:

Mr Andy Waters – currently Headmaster at The Friends School, Saffron Walden, has been appointed as Headmaster from Sept 2006.

Mrs Marilyn Sena – has been appointed as Bursar for March 2006.


Mr Don Wilson – Rugby coach, has moved with his family to start a new life in New Zealand. We wish them all good fortune and thank Don for all his support and help with Association matches in past years.

A very oldA very oldA very oldA very old “Old Girl” “Old Girl” “Old Girl” “Old Girl”

We received this fascinating e mail from Mrs Sue Collins; unfortunately we were unable to offer any information about her mother’s contemporaries!

“My mother attended the Ursuline Convent in Bideford and I'd like to confirm that this became the Stella Maris Convent and was then absorbed in to Grenville College. She was born in 1909 and went there, as a boarder in about 1919. She is still alive and pretty well - living in Bexhill, East Sussex. She has some old post cards of the school. Is the present school in the same grounds? She has very fond memories of the nuns, hitching up their habits to play tennis!

Are any of her contemporaries still with us?! Are there any records from that era? Her name was Ellen Margrethe Eirlert . She was a Danish Lutheran and has always been mystified as to why she was sent there!”

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62 - 64 Bohanna, David David was going through his photographs and came across this one of himself (3rd from left) and would be interested to have the names of the other three. He remembers they played tennis on the town courts. David also did cross country in the winter months and believes he represented North Devon at some event. Basketball was another one he enjoyed but they used to travel to Exeter to play in an old Bedford van. He seems to remember the master that took them had a good night out too which caused problems and the trips were discontinued!

77 – 80 Cookman, Martin Martin wrote in with a change of address. He and his wife, Sarah, daughter, Abigail and son, Morgan are now enjoying a change in lifestyle in beautiful Cumbria.

60 – 64 Cummings, Ian Ian contacted us to express his appreciation of the newsletters; also to express his regrets at not being able to attend the reunions. “My commitments locally - as a Churchwarden and recently Chairman of the local branch of the Royal British Legion - have precluded me from getting away at week-ends especially on Remembrance Sundays.”

87 - 93 Cusack-Pass, Mike Mike remembers that he started in Kipling House, along with ADAM WARNER and ROY WALKER . He has lost touch with everybody since then but still cherishes those formative years as some of the best in his life, never to be forgotten. He is now head of sales and marketing for an electronics/tech manufacturer in Southern China but spends most of his time with girlfriend Cat in Macau. From reading the latest update he noticed that ANTHONY DEAN is in Shanghai. He would be happy to contact him through email He spent half term with Anthony in Cambridge, and many years in Crabbe. E mail: [email protected] Mike also sends his regards to MR. LANE and MRS. STEWART – Mrs Stewart is now Mrs Scott-Archer and is living in Powys, Wales. Mike’s younger brother JUSTIN now lives in Cape Town and has started a degree in physiotherapy.

89 - 94 Davis, Nicholas Since leaving Grenville did an Apprenticeship in Aircraft Avionics and qualified in 1998. He is currently working for the national airline, Air Zimbabwe, as a First Officer on a Turboprop aircraft doing domestic and regional flying around southern Africa. He was sent to China for two months to train on the new turboprop Air Zimbabwe acquired from the Chinese. He should be moving up onto the Boeing 737 and Boeing 767 in the near future. Nicholas is married, to Terri and they have two children, son Matthew (5) and a daughter Samantha (3). He would love to hear any news from other old boys who were at school at the same time, e-mail address provided. He would also like to get in contact with FREDDIE CHOI and ANDREW WINKLER .

E mail: [email protected]

83 - 88 Day, Andy Moved to the USA in February 2005 and got married on the 4th of March to Susan .They are living in Georgia, USA.

47 - 53 Duke, Josephine (now Carter) Josephine wrote recently to express her disappointment that not many old girls send in their news. She says: “I would like you to include, in the next magazine, the sad news that JANET CHIESA nee MEARS who was at the Convent from 1949 - 1954, died in February. I don't know if you were at the wonderful reunion of many old girls a few years ago. Janet was asked to speak from the stage during the celebration. I am sure there are many who will be saddened by the news. If there are any 'local' old girls who may remember me, please let them know I am hale and hearty and enjoying my retirement from teaching!! I am in touch with the following old girls - MARJORIE


85 - 92 Ellacott, Damian Damian is a pilot in the RAF and was featured in the Western Morning News in October last year, when he was chosen to be part of the famous Red Arrows display team. After leaving school Damian went to the University of Bath to study Physics on an RAF bursary, during which time he spent a year at the Pennsylvania State University.

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Damian says: “It has been a life-long ambition. I joined the team in September 2005 and straight away started the training for the 2006 display season. It's been hard work, very busy and tiring but it will be well worth it as it is the most amazing flying I have ever done. We go to Cyprus for 2 months of training from mid March (so that we are guaranteed good weather) and then return to the UK for the 2006 display season which will involve approximately 75 displays and 50 flypasts throughout the UK, Europe and probably the Middle East and India this year.

We are based at RAF Scampton near Lincoln and I will have 3 years on the Team here. At some point I will be in touch with Grenville and try to arrange a Red Arrows flypast for the school.”

87 - 91 Garside, David David contacted us looking for contact details of old friends and told us that he recently met up with GUY

COXETER who has been married. Also he had just returned from a skiing trip with MARK BRODIE , JULIAN

MORRIS and RUSSELL KENRICK who were also in Tallis.

90 – 95 George, Russell We heard from Russell in February last year, he recently ran into EDWARD J CLARK in London. Russell is looking for news of MR JOHN PRICHARD (House master of Scott) & family.

70 - 75 Gillespie, Alan Alan was encouraged to write when he saw that some of his long lost mates have contacted us; namely EWEN

MCLEAN , ALISTIAR MCLENNAN , COLWYN THOMAS, RICARDO SHEDID , JON FOGG and others whose names he remembers but is struggling to put faces to. He also notes that he seems to appear in a large number of the photos! He still lives locally having qualified in Food Technology at Seale Hayne college. Since then he has been busily involved with Cheese Manufacture. He married Mandy some 23 years ago and they have two sons Simon 19 and Scott 17 both of whom are keen cricketers, both have represented the County at different age groups. He would like to hear from any that knew him especially those above. "Cobber I have a son wanting a ticket(s) for the Ashes next winter when we hope to whoop the Aussies again, can you get your hands on some?”

77 – 83 Gray, Ashley We were sent a cutting form the Taunton Times in March last year, which featured Ashley signing a contract with Somerset CCC on behalf of Sri Lankan, Sanath Jayasuriya. Ashley is a joint founder of an organisation set up to link UK schools with those in Sri Lanka which were affected by the Tsunami..

91 – 98 Hallgate, Kylie Sent in her change of contact details.

80 – 85 Kfouri, James

James sent us this update: James, his wife, and daughter left Jeddah, Saudi Arabia in Sept 03 as a result of the growing terrorism threats and moved back to Melbourne, Australia.

Along with a business partner he set up the Asia Pacific office providing international sales and marketing services to companies looking to break into new & dynamic markets. The areas they look after are in the Pharmaceutical, OTC and FMCG categories and geographically in Asia, Middle East, Africa and Eastern Europe. With the way business is going he will be spending more and more time in India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. All in all life seems to be treating them well. He has no plans to be in UK in the near future but has said to his wife that he will one day show her Devon and Grenville College. It has been 15 years since he was last in Devon.

“When we do visit we will be bringing a new member of the family as my wife is pregnant with number two.”

At the beginning of March 05 he bumped into MARK JACKSON another GC old boy while transiting through Dubai Airport, a mere 25 minutes opportunity, as he was transiting from Bali to the UK and James was Pakistan - Singapore. “Small world. He seems to be well.”

James was in Sri Lanka in March, on business and as well was delivering 30kg of toys donated by his daughter and her friends to a local orphanage. He offered to help with contacting St Mary’s for us as he is usually there every three months on a business trip.

66 - 71 Lasham, Chris Chris and his wife, Christine have moved to the French riviera, near Nice.

64 - 68 Leakey, Nigel Nigel stumbled across the Association website and was surprised to find mention of his name in 4 old news letters. He has spent the last 4 years sailing a catamaran from the UK to New Zealand trying to keep off the beaten track; exploring Morocco, The Amazon, The Falklands, Patagonia and some remote Pacific Islands. He plans to stay in New Zealand for 2 years and will then do a tour of the Indian Ocean.

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98 – 00 Leung, Wilbur Wilbur contacted us recently for a copy of his Business qualification which he needed for his new job in Hong Kong.

96 - 99 Li, Eric Eric recently contacted an ex staff member with his news. He went to Australia after leaving Grenville and wishes he had kept more in contact with his friends in Britain. On his return to Hong Kong he found he did not like the new regime and he is now hoping to return to England to find employment.

57 – 62 Lynch, Mike Mike and his wife, Liz, came to visit us all the way from Australia last Summer. They spent a happy few hours touring around the school and finding out which bits had changed. Mike retired from Australian Public Service about 6 years ago. He has had occasional part time jobs since then and has continued to teach dog obedience classes, something he has been doing for the past 20 years. His recent interest in family history was the reason for his visit. “I have, however, found to my dismay that family history investigations seem to generate more paperwork than during my Public Service days!” Mike also sent us a photo of the Grenville Scout troop and a short piece about his own arrival at Grenville for the first time. This latter is re-printed further on in this newsletter. (pages 9-10)

57 – 59 Matzer Van Bloois, Herman Herman was in Marlow and was a House and School Prefect. He remained a Dutch National but has mainly lived and worked in England. Herman retired in 1999 from his position as European Business Development Manager for his company, which started out as IDV (International Distillers and Vinters Ltd), part of the Grand Metropolitan Group. In retirement he enjoys giving more time to his hobbies of golf, shooting and gardening. He is sad that he is no longer in touch with anyone from his school days. He wonders what happened to M ICHAEL PATE and PETER


79 - 85 Sanderson, Hugh Currently working for a US investment Bank in London and Hugh lives in Balham. He got married to Jane on 10th July 2004 where MARK SANDFORD ex-Grenville 79-85 was best man, ushers were SHAUN GUNDLE , JEREMY

PALMER , STEVE BIRD and LAWRENCE LEACH all ex Grenville, other Grenville attendees were KATHRYN GUNDLE


80 -87 Singh, David David called in March last year to tell us that he is now living in Vancouver. He says his days at Grenville were the happiest of his life so far.

75 – 81 Stacpoole, Robin Robin e mailed with an updated address – he is now working for Shell in Holland.

84 – 88 Thornton, Michael Michael called in to school in May last year with a change of address. His mother has recently moved to Bishops Tawton, so he hopes to come to reunions in the future. He is currently working in the construction industry.

60 – 67 Welch, Paul Paul contacted us recently with a change of address and the sad news that his brother, JEM passed away in December 2000.

97 - 04 Williams, Nicole Nicole e mailed in March to thank the Association for her book prize, which was well used and much appreciated. She has settled into university life in Cardiff, and is very busy with meeting coursework deadlines! Nicole has joined Llandaff Rowing Club as, unfortunately, UWIC don't have a rowing club. She has also played for UWIC's 1st tennis team and is in training with them. Nicole told us how she and some friends ran a mini Olympics which was held at NIAC for 6 schools; over 300 children took part, it proved very successful. Three of the Welsh rugby team and Matt Elias helped with the event and she was lucky enough to be able to meet with them and help them out. She was hoping to be able to send some photos. Nicole would like to pass on her regards and thanks to all at Grenville.

61 – 65 Yeats, Mike Mike is still working in Plymouth hospital as a senior medical technician and with interests in developing country anaesthesia and maintenance of medical equipment.

96 – 98 Yeung, Sheila Sheila came in June to visit the school and was very pleased to see the places she remembered and also to meet some of the staff who taught her.

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IN MEMORIAM Jem Welch, School from 1958 to 1965 We were sad to hear, in June last year, from Jem’s brother, Paul, that Jem died in December 2000. He was living in Rochester, Kent and passed away after a long battle with cancer. Our condolences to Paul and the rest of the family.

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Grenville Days - Christmas Term 1957

The letter from Walter Scott, Headmaster of Grenville College, advised that the Christmas Term for 1957 would be delayed by a week due to alterations being undertaken to Moreton House. The term would now commence on Tuesday, 24 September with boarders returning the previous day, and end on Saturday, 21 December with boarders leaving on Monday, 23 December.

And this on top of a previous letter of 24 July 1957 from the Headmaster advising, "we are being obliged to raise the fees by five guineas per term from September next." Fees would now be 70 guineas per term which included the concession of five guineas per term for being the son of a Serving Officer. Other sons who were also granted this concession were those of Schoolmasters and Clergy. The Headmaster went onto to suggest that; "you should budget for an expenditure of £240 per year." This amount would not only cover the school fees but also expenditure in relation to, "text books, stationery, pocket money (1/- a week), haircutting, boot repairs, etc."

Thus the commencement of my school days at Grenville College had not only been delayed a week, but had also increased by five guineas a term. Being only eleven and a half years old at the time I was oblivious to all this and even more oblivious as to what lay in store for me as a boarder at Grenville College. To go back in both time and circumstances:

Dad was a Wing Commander in the Royal Air Force and in 1957 he was working at the Air Ministry in London. The family was stationed at RAF Hornchurch (of 1940 Battle of Britain fame) just outside of London. As Dad's next posting was going to be overseas it was decided that I should continue my education as a boarder at a Public School. Numerous entrance examinations to Public Schools followed all to no avail. Then in early July a school prospectus arrived from Grenville College - An Independent School for Boys. The prospectus informed that "Grenville stands on high ground facing the south west on the outskirts of Bideford, a pleasant town situated on the River Torridge, two and half miles from the sea, in the centre of “charming country" in North Devon.

The prospectus also outlined the philosophies of Grenville: a boy's character is the first responsibility of his masters; the ideal schoolmaster is one who combines a genuine love of his subject with the technical ability to convey this enthusiasm to the boys; the principal academic aim is to prepare boys for the General Certificate of Education; physical training and games are an important part of school life and the essentials of health are a happy atmosphere, hygiene and good food. And most importantly of all there was no entrance examination! The only requirement was an interview with the Headmaster.

Bearing these sentiments in mind, in mid July Mum and I journeyed to Bideford for an interview with the Headmaster. I must admit that I have little recollection of that interview except that the Headmaster seemed to smile a lot and had a good head of hair which was very wavy in the front. I have no real recollection of looking round Grenville or of Bideford itself. In a subsequent letter the Headmaster commented that I "was painfully shy and lacking in self-confidence, but it is one of the main purposes of Boarding School education to remedy such things." And yes he did indicate that there would be a vacancy for me in the term commencing in September.

Following my acceptance to Grenville there then came the business of being outfitted with all necessary clothing and accessories: 2 pairs grey flannel trousers, 1 school suit, 2 grey pullovers with Eton collar, 1 cap, 2 ties, 1 pair Cambridge slippers, 1 pair of Wellingtons, 1 shoe cleaning outfit and polish. All in all there were over sixty items all of which needed either a Cash’s name tape sewn in them or for some items my school number, 169, engraved on them.

Then came the day when my school trunk had been packed and dispatched to Grenville. All that remained was my small overnight suitcase and me. Of my final days at home I have little recollection. On the Sunday before the Monday departure date of 23 September I stayed out playing until the evening light faded. It was then into the bath before having an evening of TV watching which included "Highway Patrol" (an American cops and robbers show) starring Broderick Crawford and "Sunday Night at the London Palladium" a variety programme which always opened with the high kicking Tiller Girls chorus line and ended with a "top of the bill" act.

The departure date of 23 September was also Mum's birthday, so I can only assume that we had some sort of birthday celebrations on my final Sunday at home.

Waterloo Station the next day. The platform from where the train to Exeter and Bideford was departing from at 11am was choked with parents and small and not so small look-alike boys all dressed in their Grenville "Sunday suits." What I felt at this juncture who knows, but I would suspect the realization of my imminent departure from the family was sinking-in rapidly. Having said my good-byes to my sister at home, Mum and I had travelled up to Waterloo Station on the Underground. Dad was already at the Station having taken time out from the Air Ministry.

In the final moments before boarding the train I was given final instructions - make sure you eat your pack lunch; don't lose your suitcase; write and let us know how it all is. A final hug and kiss from Mum and a handshake and pat on the back from Dad and I was on the train.

Page 12: 2006.pdf · On resume of play the Association ... Martin Hogg, Geoff Link, Jean Tricker, (and for the dinner invitation - Cindy Crouch, Simon and Fiona Woolcott, Sheila Morris, Mike

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As the train pulled out I was no doubt feeling thoroughly miserable. On the platform there was frantic waving from parents. Then in an instance the train had gone round a gentle curve and the platform and ones link with the family had been broken. All around me other boys were ragging and having a wonderful time or so it seemed to me. Many of them would have been new boys like me, but it was hard to tell. I sat in my corner looking out the window wondering what it was all about.

The train journey to Bideford must have taken between five and six hours. After the stop at Exeter, where over the years of travelling this route, I now have the impression that carriages were dropped from the train and perhaps even the locomotive was changed, the speed of the train dropped dramatically. Winding its way across the Devonshire Moors and that charming countryside mentioned in the School Prospectus, the train reached Barnstaple just minutes from Bideford.

The Barnstaple stop was the signal for all my fellow travellers to burst into chaotic action with repacking of their overnight bags, losing and finding articles of clothing and ultimately squeezing into the corridor to be one of the first out of the train. I, no doubt, was more then content to stand quietly in the background. I had not lost my overnight suitcase, but I had eaten very little of the pack lunch that Mum had made. Invariably the majority of this lunch was thrown away. This scenario continued for a number of term starts - I was always too unsettled to eat anything on the journey to Bideford. I have the impression that Mum always made me bacon sandwiches for the journey. What a waste to have thrown them away!

To greet us all at Bideford in the late afternoon were two Masters, Mr Young and Mr JolI. I wonder what comments they made as they waited for their trainload of unruly boys to arrive. The masters were well organized. There were two vans, (one a Bedford Dormible?), to carry all our overnight suitcases to the School. As for the boys, we had to walk from the station across Bideford's historic river bridge and up through the town to the School. In later years this walk always provided the opportunity to have a final puff on a cigarette.

With the commencement of the September 1957 term the number of boarders at Grenville, if my interpretation of fading school documents is correct, was some 130 being divided between School House (40), Dryden (28), Marlowe (12) and Moreton (50). I was in School House which was located in the main school building. The upper two levels were primarily devoted to dormitories, the rooms of the two Housemasters, Messers JolI and Young, the matron and the sick bay and the linen and clothing storage room. There were two baths on the first floor. On the ground level was the Headmaster's study, dining rooms and kitchen areas plus showers and toilets.

I was in dormitory No. 6 with C. Daniel as the dormitory monitor with other members of the dormitory being D. Wright, W. Ford, Hay, and Hendy. I must admit I have very little recollection of any of these people, except I think that Hay was a rather large boy and that Daniel had a younger brother in a different dormitory. Looking at the list of fellow members of School House in that September-term there are only a few names that I can put faces to: the Kingwill brothers, the older Oldrini, the younger Bond, and Schonfeldt, James and Scott.

That first evening at Grenville was totally confusing for me. It probably would have seemed to me that all the other boys knew each other, knew what they were doing, where everything was in the school and on top of all that they were totally oblivious to the fact that they had left their families far behind and were feeling quite unperturbed by this fact. Was I the only one feeling a bit miserable?

For some reason I have in my mind that the first meal I had at Grenville was sardines on toast. Perhaps this was just a light snack before dinner? What ever the meal was, afterwards there was a film show and then it was to bed. Tiredness and the events of the day found me a sleep in moments only to be woken by the loud ringing of a hand-bell. The morning monitor was telling us all it was time to get up and start a new day. School was in!

M J Lynch

Canberra, Australia

March 2005

Page 13: 2006.pdf · On resume of play the Association ... Martin Hogg, Geoff Link, Jean Tricker, (and for the dinner invitation - Cindy Crouch, Simon and Fiona Woolcott, Sheila Morris, Mike

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Name University/College Course Upper Sixth 2004 – 2005

Fares Bashiti Greenwich International Marketing

Charlotte Brown Bath Natural Sciences

Daniel Chan Hong Kong Polytechnic Building Engineering & Management

Bryony Chave-Cox Wales, Bangor Psychology

Meg Edmonds Nottingham Trent Forensic Science

Timothy Huxtable Bath Spa History

Ceileidh Jago Lincoln Forensic Science

Alan Lee Jinan Business Administration

Jonathan Lock Bournemouth Business & Finance

Alex Maggs-Wellings Staffordshire Music Technology

Matthew Mills York Genetics

Ben Oke North Devon College Art & Design: Foundation Diploma

Jocasta Nicholson U. of Central England Art & Design: Foundation Diploma

Matthew Payne Nottingham Architecture

Oliver Poole West of England Business & History

Jennifer Pope Staffordshire Forensic Science

Edward Scott Northampton Journalism

Marylee Scott Wales, Cardiff Architectural Engineering

Carol So Hong Kong Polytechnic Design

Thomas Smith Oxford Brookes City & Regional Planning

Oliver Standford Lancaster Music Technology

Thomas Tam Hong Kong Business Management

Nicole Travers-Wakeford Falmouth College of Arts Journalism

Vic Ye Queen Mary College Maths & Business Management

Alan Yung Southampton Aerospace Engineering

Entry deferred until 2006

Katie Moore Bristol Chemistry

Elizabeth Shortridge Wales, Cardiff Genetics

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