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Page 1: 2009 June Act!on Newsletter






The JNBS Foundation through its Small Grants Scheme continues to highlight JNBS Corporate Social Responsibility and commitment to its members by having them lead the way in the development of their communities.

Now in its third year, the JN Branch Advisory Council (BAC) allocated over $8 million dollars this year to fund p r o j e c t s t h a t b e n e fi t t e d t h e i r communities in sustainable ways. The Projects were varied, reflecting the d i v e r s i t y o f t h e n e e d s o f t h e commun i t i es f rom wh ich JNBS members are drawn.


With the attack on our children from all angles Youth Development was in the forefront of BAC members as the majority of the projects concentrated on equipping and refurbishing Skil ls Training, Homework, Conflict Resolution and Parenting Centres as well as Children’s Home, Schools, Places of Safety, Libraries and Churches.

SUSTAINABLE PROJECTSEnsuring that recipients did not lose sight of the need to have sustainable projects going while at the same time tackling the need for food security; Branch Advisory Councils across the i s l a n d i n v e s t e d i n c o m m u n i t y enterprises.

These included Port Antonio’s poultry-rearing, school gardening and cassava production programme, Hanover’s liquid curry enterprise, Savanna-la-Mar’s healthy bag juice project, Santa Cruz and August Town’s chicken rearing initiative and May Pens pig and poultry community projects all of which got kudos for community entrepreneurship.


In Morant Bay the BAC, reflecting the theme of Environmental Preservation and Restoration, committed its entire fund to a massive restoration of the Park, which holds the remains of the martyrs of the Morant Bay rebellion.

Standing in the shadow of the statue of National Hero Paul Bogle and the burnt

in this issue: branch advisory council projects1 branch advisory council projects2 FEATURE, BAC member 2 the source, treasure beach 3 resolution project 2009 3 resolution project 2009 4 jamaica partnership for education 4





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Jamaica National Building Society Foundation

32 1/2 Duke StreetKingston CSO

Phone: 876 922 4931Fax: 876 922 4452

E mail: [email protected]: www.jnbs.com


Page 2: 2009 June Act!on Newsletter

out remains of the famed Morant Bay Court House; residents and visitors alike are once again drawn to this hub of St. Thomas’ history. On a daily basis they can be seen enjoying the site with its repainted cannons, newly installed stone tables and benches, restored brick steps and walls and the manicured landscaping with its the numerous plants.

Straw is back and Trelawny Basket and Tings Association got a boost to pass on the skill of basket and straw making to a new generation and revive this dying art form. The excitement of the veterans and the eagerness of the young ensure that when the cruise

ship pier is opened there will be baskets galore in Falmouth.


“Critically needed” according to Hospital Administrator at the Annotto Bay Hospital and now they are the recipient of two state-of -the art blood pressure machines; one of which is dedicated to the Maternity Ward. The BAC felt the need to concentrate on ensuring that the residents and users maintained a healthy lifestyle through this donation.

BAC members assisted the Rollington Town and Ocho Rios Health Centres

whilst Junction gave a foot care machine to the Diabetic Association and Santa Cruz Red Cross got a boost to its operational needs.


Safety and security have seen the pol ice gett ing assistance from Members in Junction through the donation of a fax machine; Linstead a renovated bathroom and Portmore Pines purchased & renovated a container for the Portmore Community & Security Office for the St. Catherine South Police Division, Community Safety & Security Section.

Jamaica National Building Society FOUNDATION NEWSLETTER, JUNE 2009

“Everywhere I go, every meeting I attend, I make people know what the Jamaica National Foundation’s Branch Advisory Council (BAC) is doing,” states Estella Grant, chairman of the Falmouth BAC.

Mrs. Grant, who has been a member of the BAC since its inception three years ago, added, “I am so proud to be a part of this wonderful community outreach.”

This busy retiree, who was recently elected president of the Returning Residents Association of Jamaica, said she was one of the first members to join the branch when it opened its doors in Falmouth four years ago.

A major highlight of her membership was attending the last AGM in Kingston and having a project from Trelawny selected.

She pointed out that she had always wanted to be a member of JN as she had friends and family who were such satisfied members. She did not need any persuasion to join when the opportunity presented itself. Although she lived in England, it was in the West Midland and therefore it was geographically not practical for her to save with any of the branches there.

Her major disappointment is that “many communities have good projects but they just want to call and get the donation they don’t want to fill out the forms.”

“I am thinking that the BAC members need to go out more into the communities and help these groups,” she added.

FEATURE Our Branch Advisory Council members(This is the first in a series of features on some of our Branch Advisory Council members.)

ESTELLA GRANT, Falmouth“Wonderful community outreach” Mrs. Estella Grant, chairman

of the Falmouth BAC

In addition to all the conveniences available at the newly opened Breds Source in Treasure Beach, visitors to the centre also have the opportunity to view and purchase photographs by renowned Jamaican photographers, including Sally Henzell, Cookie Kincaid, Jeremy Francis and Franz Marzouca who kindly donated their work for permanent exhibit at the Centre.

To find out about pieces for sale, please visit the Breds Source or call 876 965 3297. Profits from the sale of pieces go towards the Breds Source.

The Breds Source Treasure Beach

Photo Gallery

Page 3: 2009 June Act!on Newsletter

The launch of the Resolution P ro j e c t 2 0 0 9 m a r k e d t h e beginning of a new era for the Jamaica National Foundation’s 5 y e a r- o l d c o m p e t i t i o n a n d w o r k s h o p p r o g r a m m e i n Advocacy and Photography. The competition, formally known as ‘Youth Zoom’ is open to students aged 13-18 who attend schools outside of the Kingston and St. Andrew Metropolitan area. It asks students to cr i t ica l ly examine their communities, identify issues of import to them and use the powerful tool of photography as a catalyst for positive change.

This year’s competition was launched on the 3rd of March 2009 at the Bloomfield Great House in Mandeville under the theme “Youth Advocacy through the Arts : Human Rights”. The

launch was in and of itself an exe rc i se i n c rea t i v i t y and innovation as the Bloomfield Great House was transformed into a representat ion o f Jamaica’s dichotomous state. It was an in your face, interactive presentation of our nation’s good and bad, showcasing past Youth Zoom photographer’s critique of t h e i r c o m m u n i t i e s - t h e i r portrayals of problems they faced, and their complimentary highlights of the things we are doing right. Guests ranging from students to JNBS Genera l Manager Mr. Earl Jarrett and featured speaker Dr. Carolyn Gomes of Jamaicans for Justice, enthusiastically exercised their Human Right to ‘freedom of expression’ as they graffitied their thoughts on the walls of the exhibition.


The fishing communities of Treasure Beach, St. Elizabeth and Ocho Rios in the garden parish of St. Ann are the newest locations for the four-centre chain of all-inclusive resource facilities. Both centres had their “soft opening” to the public last month.

The Breds Source, Treasure BeachIf you have ever read ‘Bali Style’, ‘Spaces’ or watched HGTV then you can recognize and appreciate the design style and creative influences that were involved in the creation of the Source Treasure Beach.

As you approach King Fisher Plaza there is no escaping The Breds Source…the rich blue that drapes the exterior is complimented by beautiful signage including the Breds logo and that of the JNBS Foundation. A step inside reveals what I am talking about, this Source is Zen by design and very tastefully done. Modern office furniture is integrated with local elements such as bamboo and driftwood and all this is wrapped in an interesting colour palette of tranquil greens, calming blues and a soft crème that ties it all together. All this creates an inviting and relaxing experience for residents and tourists who have used the Source so far.

Providing residents with access to a wide-range of business and information services, “The Source was developed to serve as a platform for sustainable economic development in underserved communities,” according to Saffrey Brown, General Manager of the JNBS Foundation.

She noted that since the April 2007 launch of the pilot in August Town, St. Andrew, and the opening of the second centre in the Kingston 20 community of Maverley in February 2009, some 70 adults have found gainful employment. And, “many students now occupy their after school hours with productive and creative activity,” she pointed out.

The general manager projects that participating residents in the two new communities will benefit from use of the available amenities and service offerings—including a state-of-the-art Internet Café, meeting and homework rooms, computer and literacy classes, as well as small business financing through JN Small Business Loans Ltd.

These features and services have become standard in all of the four established locations.

Speaking to the Treasure Beach and St. Ann Centres, Ms. Brown pointed out that they were made possible through collaborative efforts with the BREDS Treasure Beach Foundation and the St. Ann Chamber of Commerce, respectively.

“The Source franchise relies on partnerships with concerned private and public stakeholders within their respective community because it is they who are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the centres to ensure sustainability,” Ms. Brown adds.

“Hotelier Jason Henzell and the other Founders of BREDS started the movement in Treasure Beach in 1998 with the establishment of the BREDS computer centre in 2005, and they will assume management of the centre after one year of operations.” Similarly, the St. Ann Chamber of Commerce will run the St. Ann location.

The Treasure Beach location in Calabash Bay, St. Elizabeth was officially opened on Saturday, May 9 under the patronage of Hon. Dr. Christopher Tufton, Minister of Agriculture and Member of Parliament for South Western St. Elizabeth.

Speaking to plans for further expansion of The Source initiative, Ms. Brown said that the “tangible and measurable outcomes we see everyday have val idated the effectiveness of the ventures in improving the lives of community members,” she said, adding, “We will officially open the St. Ann centre in July and Savanna-La-Mar, Westmoreland is our next stop.”

Source Centres: August Town by JN, Maverley by JAA, Ocho Rios by JN Foundation, Treasure Beach by JN Foundation.

Jamaica National Building Society FOUNDATION NEWSLETTER, June 2009

RESOLUTION PROJECT 2009Ready, Aim, Inspire

Students explain installations at the 2009 launch of Resolution Project to Mr. Earl Jarrett, General Manager of JNBS, and Dr. Carolyn Gomes, Executive Director of Jamaicans for Justice.







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Page 4: 2009 June Act!on Newsletter

The JPE is an exciting collaborative venture between the Jamaica National Building Society Foundation and the USAID that does not seek to reinvent the wheel but rather to assist the sector in providing resources to strengthen improvements already made.

Under the guidance of the JPE’s allocation committee, donations will be effectively distributed. This means that every project funded will lead to improvements to the system. Communal knowledge, expertise and diversity guarantees a powerful decision making body. Experts from the Ministry of Education, the JN Foundation’s own Centres of Excellence, the Jamaican Diaspora, Jamaican Affiliates, USAID and of course the Jamaica National Foundation will collectively determine the best use of funds collected.

Launched at the JN Money Transfer Miramar Branch on May 12th, the JPE campaign has gotten off to a fine start. Customers have responded well to the programme especially once given the JN Foundation Newsletter “Action” which highlights other successful projects implemented by the Foundation. People are proud of the fact that they are customers of a company that has a soul and a vision for Jamaica’s development.

The JN Money Transfer team in Florida are also hopeful that this project shall bring about change for Jamaica. They see

this as a core part of their contribution to Jamaica and as one of their main Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives.

Jamaica National Money Transfer locations in the USA, CANADA, UK and CAYMAN will continue to be equipped on a phased basis to accept contributions from customers, starting in May 2009.

The campaign’s tagline “your small change = my big chance”, highlights that everyone can make positive contributions to a different and a better Jamaica, no matter their personal circumstances.

“Education is simply the soul of society as it passes from one generation to another.” G.K. Chesterson. Let’s ensure that what we pass on is wholesome and empowering.

If you could be part of the solution, would you?

To donate to the Jamaica Partnership for Education visit any JN Money Transfer Location in New York and Florida and leave a donation. Cheques can be made payable to "JAMAICA PARTNERSHIP FOR EDUCATION" and sent via post to 2464 White Plains Road, Bronx, New York 10466 or for more information email [email protected]



Jamaica National Building Society FOUNDATION NEWSLETTER, June 2009

Richard Garth, 1st JNMT Customer to donate to JPE

Advocating for ACT!ONOver 50 schools island-wide answered the call to make a difference and sent upwards of 350 students and teachers to take part in 7 Resolution Project workshops around the island. Each school received an entry kit consisting of the tools and information they would

need to be effective Human Rights Advocates, from information on Human Rights provided by Jamaicans for Justice, Advocacy Tips by the UNFPA, and of course brand new digital cameras. The students and their teachers (who often displayed as much enthusiasm as the teenagers) received training in creative writing and in photography from some of Jamaica’s most vibrant and talented authors and photographers, who sought to teach them to transform their passion and their zeal into positive, productive action. At the close of each workshop day the students, accompanied by their dynamic photography t ra ine rs , ven tu red ou t i n to the s t ree ts , brandishing their official Resolution Project “All Access” passes and armed with their cameras, began the process of putting the theory of Human Rights, Advocacy and Photography into practice.

Simon Mitchell of JNMT donates to the JPE

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