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2009.12.10 [email protected] 1

Application of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to

Persons Revived from Biostasis

Martine Rothblatt

5th Colloquium on the

Law of Futuristic Persons

2009.12.10 [email protected] 2

Why UDHR Applies to Biostased Persons

Article 2: “Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.”

2009.12.10 [email protected] 3

Biostasis Is An “Other Status”

2009.12.10 [email protected] 4

People In Biostasis Are Part of “Everyone”

2009.12.10 [email protected] 5

Is This What the UDHR Drafters Were Thinking?

2009.12.10 [email protected] 6

Just Like US Constitution Has No “Right to Privacy”

STOPNow It’s OneOf Our Most


2009.12.10 [email protected] 7

When In Doubt, Check Out the Intent


2009.12.10 [email protected] 8

Article 1: Human Is Someone “Endowed With

Reason & Conscience”Not WithinScope Intent

Well WithinScope of Intent!



2009.12.10 [email protected] 9

If Intended, Why Don’t Cryonauts & Cybernauts Have Rights Now?

“…shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance…”


2009.12.10 [email protected] 10

Human Rights for Cryonauts & Cybernauts Will Flow From

2009.12.10 [email protected] 11

So, the UDHR Does Apply to Biostased Persons

• Biostased Persons Are Immanent Within the Intent of the Document

• Today Few People Are Persuaded That the Biostased Can Be Revived

• Hence Few People Believe There Is a Potential for “Reason & Conscience”

• Once This is Shown, the Full Panoply of Human Rights Will Progressively Follow

2009.12.10 [email protected] 12

Pinnacle of Human Juridico-Moral Achievement

2009.12.10 [email protected] 13

Pinnacle of Human Techno-Moral Achievement

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