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Page 1: 2011 - 3rd Quarter TCOYD Newsletter


People with any type of diabetes also struggle with dietary and weight issues every day and with every single meal. For a typical person with type 1 diabetes, even if body weight is not a problem, he or she must calculate the correct insulin dose for the food consumed. This calls for reading food labels, accurate carbohy-drate counting and portion estimates, in addition to knowing blood sugar levels and anticipating exercise after meals.

For a typical person with type 2 diabetes, the main issues include dealing with excess weight and controlling the appetite. Many of my type 2 patients tell me they can smell food and gain weight! For someone living with diabetes, it can be so frustrating and confusing to figure out what to eat.

Let’s first tackle the carbohydrate counting dilemma. I feel it is only a diabetic dietary fad and is seriously

Millions of people in the United States and other developed countries around the world constantly struggle with weight

problems. There are as many weight loss diets as there are brands of wines or cigars. In addition, the number of unregulated, unproven and ineffective over-the-counter and Internet accessible “diet pills and remedies” are too numerous to count.


Summer 2011 Volume 36

Carb Counting (continued on page 2)

Dr. Edelman’s CornerDr. Edelman’s Corner

Are We What We Eat,Or How Much We Eat?

Finding the Clinical Trial That’s Right for YouPage 3

Tradjenta: New on the Type 2 MarketPage 4

Feeling Low? A Hypoglycemia Pick UpPage 6

Pregnancy & Diabetes Page 8

5th Annual Diabetes Forum Is A Hit! Page 10

TCOYD in Motion: Latino Conference and Health FairPage 12

Are We What We Eat,Or How Much We Eat?

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flawed in many ways. Since I was diag-nosed with diabetes in 1970, there has been the Exchange System, Glycemic Index Scale and now it has transitioned into just plain “Carbohydrate Count-ing.” I do feel it is important to know the carbohydrate content of the foods we eat since they get absorbed more quickly compared to proteins and fats, however it is difficult for the average person to accurately measure carbohy-drates. In addition, proteins and fats also have calories in them and will eventually raise the blood sugar levels.

I wish a steak had no calories. A lean eight-ounce filet mignon has over 450 calories! Underestimation of calories also leads to insufficient insulin dosing and frustrating post meal hyper-glycemia. I feel we need to count calo-ries and not just carbohydrates and also learn how to deal with the different time/course ratio of absorption depend-ing on the composition of the meal. I realize this may be a big challenge, but relying on carbohydrate counting alone, and ignoring the calories of fat and protein, has contributed to the roller coaster of diabetes management in insulin users.

When it comes to dealing with excess weight, I am a big believer that we are not what we eat, but rather how much we eat. It all comes down to portion control. Most people who develop type 2 diabetes are over the age of 40 and have weight problems. Type 2 diabetes and central obesity go hand-in-hand

and are genetically and metabolically linked in a complicated and not fully understood way. It is unreasonable to ask someone who is set in their ways to give up their personal and cultural food preferences just because they now have diabetes. For example, getting your morning source of protein, as directed by a dietitian, in a scoop of cottage cheese or a tablespoon of peanut butter may not be something that you are accustomed to or that agrees with you. Cutting out sugars and fats completely or that occasional big juicy hamburger from the local joint down the street is unreasonable and, if enforced, can lead to a really bad attitude and resentment toward diabetes. This is surely a pre-scription for failure.

After dealing with my own diabe-tes and the diabetes of thousands of my patients and TCOYD conference participants, I am more convinced than ever that eating the foods you like (in moderation) is the key to blood sugar and weight control. Eating two to three well-balanced and proportioned meals a day, avoiding simple sugars and saturated fats (most of the time) and sticking to your personal preferences is the diabetes diet for long term success. There is no question that we are not what we eat, but rather how much we

eat. Bon appétit!

2 My TCOYD Newsletter, Vol. 36

Medical Advisory BoardChair: Ingrid Kruse, DPM Veterans Affairs Medical Center

Alain Baron, MD CEO, Elcelyx Therapeutics

John Buse, MD, PhD University of North Carolina

Jaime Davidson, MD Dallas, TX

Mayer Davidson, MD Drew University

Daniel Einhorn, MD Diabetes & Endocrine Associates

Robert Henry, MD Veterans Affairs Medical Center

Irl Hirsch, MD University of Washington

Board of DirectorsSteven V. Edelman, MD Founder and Director, TCOYD

Sandra Bourdette Co-Founder and Executive Director, TCOYD

S. Wayne Kay CEO, Response Biomedical Corp.

Margery Perry

Terrance H. Gregg President & CEO, DexCom, Inc.

Daniel Spinazzola President, DRS International

Contributing AuthorsChristopher AngellJulia BaronSteven Edelman, MDRyan Luce, PhD Kim LyonsKerri SparlingCandis Morello, PharmD, CDEOhannes Kandilian, PharmD Candidate 2012

TCOYD TeamSteven V. Edelman, MD Founder and Director

Sandra Bourdette Co-Founder and Executive Director

Jill Yapo Director of Operations

Michelle Day Director, Meeting Services

Antonio Huerta Director, Latino Programs

Roz Hodgins Director of Development

Julia Baron Manager, Public Relations and Outreach

Jennifer Braidwood Manager, Continuing Medical Education

Jimm Greer Administrative Assistant

David Snyder Manager, Exhibit Services MyTCOYD NewsletterEditor: Julia Baron Design: Hamilton Blake Associates, Inc.

MyTCOYD Newsletter is offered as a paid sub-scription of Taking Control Of Your Diabetes. All material is reviewed by a medical advisory board. The information offered is not intended to constitute medical advice or function as a substitute for the services of a personal physi-cian. On the contrary, in all matters involving your health, TCOYD urges you to consult your caregiver. ©2011 All rights reserved.

Steven Edelman, MDFounder and DirectorTaking Control Of Your Diabetes

Carb Counting (continued from page 1)

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Taking Control Of Your Diabetes 3

Clinical Trials (continued on page 11)

From the Desk of Ryan Luce, Ph.D.

Idon’twanttobealabrat. I’mworriedI’lljustgettheplacebo. Idon’twanttolosecontrol.


These are some of the common responses I get

when I talk to people with diabetes about clinical trials. In fact, most people have no interest in participating in research. Frankly, I don’t blame them. The clinical trials community hasn’t done a good job of educating the public about what clinical trials actually are. Here are a couple of key facts about clinical trial participation that most folks don’t realize:

u The overwhelming majority of clinical trial participants say they would recommend trials to others.

u More than 50% of research is strictly observational.

u You can always quit a clinical trial—at any time for any reason.

u Clinical trials are essential for improving diabetes care—and ultimately finding a cure.

Jeff’s StorySome months ago I met Jeff,

a casino dealer from Washington

State who had recently participated in a clinical trial. This particular trial was for people who had both type 2 diabetes AND high blood pressure. Novartis, the sponsor of the research, was trying to deter-mine if it made sense to add the drug Tekturna to the combination of drugs these patients were already taking—which included standard diabetes medications as well as another high blood pressure drug called Diovan.

When I asked Jeff about being in a clinical trial, he was incredibly positive. He said, “They were very nice. Are you kidding me? They were super cool.” He was sure he would try to participate in clinical trials again.

Jeff ’s experience with clini-cal trials is not unique. Late last year, Corengi surveyed people with diabetes who had previously been

in a clinical trial. The vast majority (89%) described the experience as positive. Additionally, 88% of these respondents said they would recom-mend other people with diabetes look into clinical trials. (The remaining 12% didn’t say they wouldn’t recom-mend them—only that they were unsure.

Types of ResearchThe standard definition of clini-

cal trials is any type of human-based research. Looking more closely, there are two types of clinical trials:u Interventional—testing the affects

of drugs, devices, diets, etc.u Observational—determining what

participants already do and track-ing the results

The vast majority (89%) described the experience as positive. Additionally, 88% of these respondents said they would recommend

other people...

Ryan Luce, Ph.D. is the primary founder of www.corengi.com — a website to help people with type 2 diabetes find clinical trials that are right for them. Previous to launching Corengi in 2010, he spent almost a decade at healthcare technology com-pany NexCura—which has educational tools for cancer, cardiovascular, and respiratory ailments.

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4 My TCOYD Newsletter, Vol.33

What are DPP-4 Inhibitors?Di-Peptidyl Peptidase-4 (DPP-4)

inhibitors decrease the breakdown of incretin hormones. These incre-tins (specifically GLP-1 and GIP…if you want to know the specifics!) are gut hormones that help the body increase insulin production in response to food that is eaten. They are able to control blood glucose without causing low blood glucose (hypoglycemia). Another benefit of DPP-4 inhibitors is they do not cause weight gain like many other medica-tions used to treat diabetes. They also come in a tablet formulation so thus can be taken orally.

How is Trajenta Different from Other DDP-4 Inhibitors?

One unique aspect of Tradjenta is that no dose adjustments are necessary if patients have reduced

kidney function, unlike the other DPP-4 inhibitor medications on the market. All patients who use Tradjenta start at the same dose and remain on that same dose.

Is Tradjenta Right for Me?

The hemoglobin A1c (A1C— a measure of long-term average blood glucose control over the preceding 2-3 months) is used to measure diabetes control. If you need a mild reduction in your A1C to control your diabetes, adding Tradjenta to healthy food choices and a good activity plan may help you achieve your A1C goal. Trad-jenta, as a 5 mg tablet, is taken orally once daily. Food or milk do not affect Tradjenta’s effective-ness so it can be taken with or without regard to meals or bever-ages. Although Tradjenta should

not be used by people with type 1 diabetes, it has been studied in people with T2DM alone as the only drug to treat T2DM, or combined with metformin, sulfonylureas (like glip-izde, glimepirede or glyburide) and/or piogiltazone. Before taking Tradjenta, be sure to provide your healthcare provider with your whole medica-tion list, including prescription and non-prescription medicines, vitamins as well as dietary and herbal supple-ments. Also remember to mention if you take other medicines that can lower your blood glucose, and if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant.

What Can I Expect from Tradjenta?

Most studies evaluated Tradjenta’s effectiveness after 3-6 months of use. By this time, you can expect to expe-

Ask Your Pharmacist

In May of this year, Tradjenta (linagliptin) was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration as a new diabetes

medication for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Tradjenta is the newest and third member of a family of oral diabetes medications known as DPP-4 inhibitors, adding to the treatment options available to help people with type 2 diabetes take control of their condition.

4 My TCOYD Newsletter, Vol. 36

By Candis M. Morello, Pharm D, CDE, FCSHP and Ohannes Kandilian, PharmD Candidate 2012

TradjentaA New Option to Control Type 2 DiabetesTradjentaA New Option to Control Type 2 Diabetes

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Taking Control Of Your Diabetes 5

rience a 0.7% to 0.9% decrease in your A1C level. It will also reduce your daily blood glucose concen-trations. Overall, Tradjenta is well tolerated by people who use it. The most common adverse effects include stuffy or runny nose, sore throat and hypoglycemia if the drug is taken with other diabetes medi-cations that cause hypoglycemia.

The Bottom Line With the addition of Tradjenta,

people with type 2 diabetes just got another treatment option. If you need a mild A1C reduction, Tradjenta may help you gain better control of your diabetes without causing hypoglycemia or weight gain.

Candis M. Morello, Pharm D, CDE, FCSHP, Associ-ate Professor of Clinical Pharmacy at UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Clinical Pharmacist at VASDHS

Ohannes Kandilian, PharmD Candidate 2012 at UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharma-ceutical Sciences

J ohn is a 63 year-old man who has been living with type 2 dia-

betes since 1991 and heart disease since 1997, when he experienced a heart attack. For his diabetes, he is currently on Lantus (45 units at night) and Novolog with each meal (~10 to 15 units). John also has abnormal cholesterol levels, high blood pressure and significant problems with his weight.

He recently received his latest blood tests from the doctor’s office and his A1c was 6.9 percent, which he was happy with. His lipid panel showed that his LDL cholesterol was 124mg/dl, HDL was 25mg/dl and his triglyceride level was 149mg/dl. John was asked to come in to his doctor’s office to discuss the results.

What is the goal for John’s

LDL level? LDL is the “bad cho-lesterol” primarily responsible for heart disease, which is common in the US population and especially in people with type 2 diabetes.

a. less than 160mg/dlb. less than 130mg/dlc. less than 100mg/dld. less than 70mg/dl

Do You Know Your LDL Level?

By Steven Edelman, MD

Know Your Numbers

Answer: The national recommen-dation from the American Diabe-tes Association and the American Heart Association is that all people with diabetes should have their LDL levels below 100mg/dl. However, if the person with dia-betes already has some evidence of heart disease, such as a heart attack or congestive heart failure, then the goal is less than 70mg/dl. For John, “d” is the answer.

On May 25th at 12:06 p.m., our very own Antonio Huerta,

Director of Latino Programs, and his wife Heather welcomed their first child, Sebastian into the world. The family is living happily in Corval-lis, Oregon and thrilled with their beautiful new addition!

It’s A Boy!

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6 My TCOYD Newsletter, Vol. 36

Feeling Low?

H ypoglycemia is one of the consequences faced by many

people with diabetes seeking tighter control over their blood sugar. According to ADA guidelines, anything under 70 mg/dl is con-sidered low, although some people may feel the symptoms at higher levels, especially if their fasting blood sugar levels are higher than average. If detected and treated early, hypoglycemia is usually just one of the many annoyances in the life of a person with diabetes, but it’s important to remember that it can be very serious, even fatal if untreated. The ADA’s recommen-dation for treating lows is to eat 15-20 grams of fast acting carbo-hydrate and to retest your blood sugar in 15 minutes and re-treat if necessary. I use glucose tablets for my lows, but anything with simple carbs and little to no protein, fat, or fiber should do the trick, like juice, regular soda or skim milk.

While frequent testing and CGMs help alert us when lows are coming, there are a few things that I do to help avoid them, and to be prepared if one happens. First, I try to eat with some regularity. An empty stomach is one of the

fastest ways to low blood sugar. Second, I make sure to always have some protein when I eat. Protein is converted to glucose much more slowly than carbohydrates, and so it helps prevent both spikes and dips. Third, I keep glucose tablets EVERYWHERE. I have them next to my bed, in my car, in my wife’s car, with my meter, in my gym bag, golf bag, wetsuit bag, computer bag...basically anything with a zipper and a handle. I use glucose tablets because they’re easy to measure (to prevent over-treating, a common problem), they work quickly, they’re easy to store, they never go bad, and when I spill them, they don’t stain my clothes. Also, I fly a lot, and there’s no trouble taking them through airport security.

Some of the “official” symp-toms of hypoglycemia are sweat-ing, shaking, unclear thinking and weakness or fatigue, but each person will experience it in dif-ferent ways. When I was newly

By Christopher Angell

diagnosed and tweaking my insulin doses, I had many lows in the middle of the night. One of my symptoms was a feeling that there

was a bottomless pit in my stomach that no amount of juice-guzzling or cookie/bread/candy devouring could ever possibly fill (believe me, I tried). My daytime lows, often brought on by poor carb-counting or overzealous correction boluses, felt like someone had decided to play a prank on me by replacing my blood with ice water. I have also heard people describe their low self as a kind of evil twin, and there

Get Glucolifted!

Some of the “official” symptoms of hypoglyce-

mia are sweating, shaking, unclear thinking and

weakness or fatigue, but each person will experi-ence it in different ways.

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Taking Control Of Your Diabetes 7

is even a diabetes blog called “Dr. Jekyll and Mrs. Low” that refers to that exact phenomenon.

At the end of the day, the line between well-controlled blood sugar and low blood sugar can be a fine one, and lows are an unfortu-nate part of our routine. An extra unit of insulin, a little unplanned exertion or a plate of food that you decide not to finish can all land you in lowville. The best thing to do is be aware of your own unique symptoms, test your blood sugar frequently and always be prepared.

Do you have a special name for hypos, or a unique way of describ-ing what it feels like to be low? What about a tip for avoiding it or catching it early? Leave a comment on TCOYD’s Facebook page, or mention it on twitter @TCOYD using the hashtag #beinglowfeels-like. Our favorite entry will win 3 bottles of all-natural glucose tablets from GlucoLift. GlucoLift™ is a TCOYD Approved Product and donates a portion of its sales to support diabetes patient education and empowerment.

Christopher Angell is a type 1 diabetic and the creator of GlucoLift All-Natural Glucose Tablets, the first glucose tablets made without artificial colors or flavors and certified by the Non-GMO Project as free of genetically modified ingredients. He lives in San Diego, and still occasionally does his best to fill the empty pit in his stomach with juice, cookies, and candy. He blogs, irregularly, at www.dontfeardiabetes.com.

1 Commitment is everything. Make a daily goal as simple as a 20-minute walk, and stick to it. This will help get you in the mindset of including exercise in your daily routine. The time commitment will come, just start small and get moving!

2 Put your exercise clothes out the night before. It will be easier to get up and brainlessly get dressed and get started!

3 Invest in a good pair of workout shoes. Not only is it important for your feet, it is also a good “get moving” reminder!

4 Ask a friend or a group in your neighborhood to join you on your workouts. You will be surprised how many people are looking for an excuse to get started.

5 Choose activities you enjoy and remember, sports are great exercise. Add a few extras such as crunches, pushups and stretches to complete your workout.

6 Subscribe to a good fitness magazine. It is a great motivator that will come to your door every month with new ideas and healthy advice.

7 Make a weekly or monthly goal chart and hang it where you have to look at it. We are never too old to break out the crayons, markers, and stickers!

8 Always start your workouts with a warm up and finish with a cool down. This is important for your body and will give you better focus and sense of accomplishment.

9 Exercise early in the day to give your metabolism a jump-start.

0 Take your workout outside to a park with a resistance band. Use benches for dips, pushups and/or step-ups. No excuses in the winter, rent some cross country skis or snowshoes!

For more information, tips, and videos visit www.KimLyons.com

Workout TipsBy Kim Lyons


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8 My TCOYD Newsletter, Vol. 36

Living Well

By Kerri Sparling

but it isn’t diabetes that makes it so tough. Diabetes adds a certain sense of urgency and pre-conception plan-ning, but it doesn’t remove the option of carrying your own child. There is a life to be had, and to be created, after diagnosis.

My medical team, knowing my history of struggling for an A1C under 7% without excessive hypoglycemic episodes, advised me to shoot for 7% flat before trying to conceive. After two months, I finally hit my goal, and my husband and I took that leap of faith. We were blessed with a positive

pregnancy test that very first month.

During the course of the next eight months, diabetes management was the focus of the majority of my life. I have never stalked my blood sugars with more rapt attention than I did when I was carrying my daugh-ter. Every fasting blood sugar was logged and analyzed and I wore my Dexcom continuous glucose monitor every day to help me keep tabs on my numbers. There were dozens of ultrasounds, two fetal echocardio-grams, bi-monthly lab work sessions and countless appointments with CDEs and my endocrinology team from Joslin, and the high-risk OB/GYN team at the pregnancy clinic.

Pregnancy & Diabetes

Oh G rowing up, I didn’t think much about

whether or not I wanted to have a family. Being a kid, I wasn’t too interested in having a kid. So when I was diagnosed with

type 1 diabetes just before I started second grade, and my doctor told my mother “Children may not be in her future,” that phrase didn’t resonate with me.

It wasn’t until I was in my early 20s that I realized I wanted to be a mom. Maybe it was because my brother had his first child. Maybe it was those “mom hormones” queuing up right on schedule. Whatever the case, becoming a mother became my goal. I started my research on a healthy diabetic pregnancy soon after.

When you look for information on diabetes and pregnancy, you don’t always find the most uplift-ing stuff. Lots of times you stumble upon these paragraphs that list the complications a woman with diabetes may encounter, or what may go wrong during the course of the pregnancy or statistics about all this stuff that makes you want to tuck your ovaries away in fear. These paragraphs always end in “But you CAN do this!” after they tell you a pile of reasons why you might not want to. It’s confusing and emotionally draining.

I hate all of the diabetes-related pregnancy information. I hate it with a passion! Pregnancy is tough,

hate all of the diabetes-related pregnancy information. I hate it with a passion!

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Taking Control Of Your Diabetes 9

Nothing mattered more than keeping myself healthy so that my baby would be healthy.

Like with any pregnancy, there were scary moments. For example when I was seven and a half weeks along, and I went to work only to experience a very scary episode of bleeding. I spent the day in the emergency room, praying for the safety of my baby while they scanned me with the ultrasound machine. Every high or low blood sugar gave me pause as I nervously worked to correct the numbers and protect my growing child. When my medical team advised me that a c-section delivery was best, due to my diabetic retinopathy, I felt defeated. Like any parents-to-be, my husband and I worried inces-santly, prayed constantly and loved our child-to-be intrinsically.

The last few weeks of my preg-nancy were very stressful. In addi-tion to managing pre-existing type 1 diabetes, I ended up with pre-eclampsia and spent the last month of my pregnancy on bed rest in the antepartum suites of Beth Israel in Boston. But despite the con-stant doctor’s appointments in the months leading up to and includ-ing my pregnancy, and despite the hospitalization at the end of my pregnancy, my eye was still on the prize. I wanted that healthy baby. I wanted to meet my daughter and feel that maternal mix of pride and love, knowing that I did it.

I think that pregnancy is dif-

very high or low blood sugar gave me pause as I nervously worked to correct the numbers and protect my growing child.

ficult and worrisome and inspiring and gorgeous, without diabetes. Adding in diabetes doesn’t make that experience any less worri-some…or any less inspiring or gorgeous. Women who have type 1 diabetes can have babies. Now, when I’m hanging out on the back deck and watching my 15 month old daughter toddle around in the yard, sniffing flowers and chasing the cats, watching the sun shine on her bouncy brown curls, I realize all that worry, planning and hard work is completely worth it.

Kerri Morrone Sparling has been living with type 1 dia-betes since 1986, and is the creator of www.SixUntilMe.com. She is a freelance writer and editor, and lends her voice to many diabetes-related publications, conferences and causes. Kerri lives in Rhode Island with her husband and their daughter.

TCOYD Corporate SponsorsPlatinum



Want to stay in touch with TCOYD all year

long? We are only a click or call away! Even if you haven’t attended a conference in a while or there may not be a conference in your area in the coming year, there are many ways to stay connected and keep up the diabetes motiva-tion and empowerment.

A great way to keep up with all things TCOYD is to join us on our social networks, Facebok, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn. Here you can share news, ask questions, leave feed-back or just say hello!

Also remember to visit TCOYD.org regularly for updates, new conferences, programs, online newsletters, current articles and more!


Page 10: 2011 - 3rd Quarter TCOYD Newsletter

10 My TCOYD Newsletter, Vol. 36

Giving Back

TCOYD and Close Concerns5th Annual Diabetes Forum Brings Fun and Education Together for a Great Cause

On June 27th, TCOYD and Close Concerns hosted a phe-

nomenal fundraising event complete with friends, fun and a panel dis-cussion featuring the nation’s top endocrinologists—all benefiting TCOYD’s educational conferences and health fairs.

The night began with a well-attended three hundred-person reception complete with food, drink and lively conversations between old friends and new acquaintances.

Following the reception, the professional panel discussion was held. Kelly Close, of diaTribe and Close Concerns, moderated an amazing group of diabetes pro-

fessionals including Steven Edelman, MD; Ann Peters, MD; Jay Skyler, MD; Robert Henry, MD; John Buse, MD and Ralph DeFronzo, MD. A multitude of topics were covered including the pos-sibility of inhaled insulin as a “chaser” to regular insulin for those who may be in need, the new cat-egories of GLP-1 and DPP-4 inhibi-tors and the preference to prescribe insulin or a GLP-1 for those living with type 2 diabetes.

At the end of the panel discus-sion, the audience was given the floor to ask some no-holds-barred questions of the professionals. “I think the discussion was very pro-

ductive and the questions asked by the audience were thoughtful and challenging,” says Dr. Edelman.

By Julia Baron

“I am very pleased with the turnout and the topics that were covered. The panel was amazing and we even got to add a little humor in our discussion,” Dr. Edelman adds.

TCOYD was able to raise approximately $20,000 from our generous donors and participants. All the proceeds will go toward the multiple annual conferences and health fairs we host in cities across the country.

We thank everyone who attended and we can’t wait to hold the event again next year!

From bottom left: the panel including Ralph DeFonzo, MD; Robert Henry, MD; Jay Skyler, MD; Kelly Close; Anne Peters, MD; John Buse, MD; and Steven Edelman, MD.

The panel begins their in-depth discussion with questions from Kelly Close.

The crowd looks on as they listen to the latest information in diabetes care.

Page 11: 2011 - 3rd Quarter TCOYD Newsletter

Taking Control Of Your Diabetes 11

While the majority of trials are interventional, it turns out that observational trials tend to need a lot more participants. As a result, in type 2 diabetes, there are actu-ally more participants needed for observational trials than there are for interventional.

Patient ProtectionsBefore enrolling someone in

a clinical trial, that person has to give his or her “Informed Consent”. This important term means that the patient has a good grasp of

what’s involved in the trial before agreeing to participate. Also, every single clinical trial is monitored by what is called an Institutional Review Board (IRB). This group of people studies the trial design to make sure that the risk to the patient is as low as possible.

Its also important to remember that you can always quit a trial— at any time and for any reason.

So Why Participate?There are a number of reasons

why you might want to participate in a clinical trial. It may allow you to get access to treatments that are not yet available. There may also be a financial reason. (For example, with Jeff—he got paid for each visit and didn’t have to pay for the medications.) Finally, however, this is how medical science improves.

Corengi surveyed over 300 people with diabetes and asked them the most important reason to consider clinical trials. While the most common answer was because they were interested in receiving better treatment, the next two answers involved helping advance

medical knowledge and others with diabetes.

Both of these websites ask you some questions about your diabetes as well as where you live—and help you find clinical trials that might be a good match. Both websites are free and are a good way to learn more about research.

Make sure to talk to your per-sonal physician as you’re exploring options. Most physicians are very supportive of clinical trials, but each situation is different.

Clinical Trials (continued from page 3)

Many people are worried about being a “guinea

pig” for drugs and medical devices. When they learn

that they can help research-ers by participating in an observational trial, they

often jump at the chance.

How Do I Find Out More?All clinical trials have criteria

for participation. The Internet is a great resource for finding trials for which you might be qualified—I want to highlight two websites in particular:

1) Type 1 Diabetes Clinical Trials—JDRF Clinical Connec-tion—www.trials.jdrf.org

2) Type 2 Diabetes Clinical Trials - Corengi – www.corengi.com

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12 My TCOYD Newsletter, Vol. 34

On June 25th, TCOYD held our 3rd Latino Conference and

Health Fair in San Ysidro, California.Session topics included Basic Con-

cepts of Diabetes, Myths and Truths about Salt and Kidney Disease and Staying Healthy as a Family. Attend-ees also enjoyed complimentary health screenings, specialty Latino entertain-ment and a buffet-style lunch.

A very special thank you to all of those who helped make this event possible, including our terrific speakers

Drs. Juan Pablo Frias, Rodolfo Batarse and Delores Rodriguez.

In addition to our Spanish language conferences, our renowned book, Taking Control of Your Diabetes, is being trans-lated into Spanish and will soon be available.

NonprofitOrganizationU.S. Postage

PAIDSan Diego, CAPermit No 1

TCOYD is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 charitable educational organization.

For schedules, bios, trailers and more, visit www.tcoyd.org

Latino Conference Educates Hundreds to Take Control

TCOYD in Motion

TCOYD Conferences & Health Fairs 2011-2012 Schedule

2011 September 10 Amarillo, Texas October 1 Tampa, Florida November 12 San Diego, California November 19 Latino Conf. Oceanside, CA

2012 February 11 Washington, D.C. March 3 Sacramento, CA April 14 Honolulu, HI April 15 Maui, HI May 19 Raleigh, NC September 8 Missoula, MT September 22 Des Moines, IA October 27 San Diego, CA November 10 Austin, TX TBA Native American

Taking Control Of Your Diabetes1110 Camino Del Mar, Suite “B”Del Mar, CA 92014 | www.tcoyd.org

Tel: (800) 998-2693 (858) 755-5683 Fax: (858) 755-6854

By Julia Baron

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