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Page 1: 2011 Vol 1, April

God contains the very movement of Loving in which God created our soul, and that Loving is ever with us, waiting to guide us back Home. If we will just begin to follow the frequency that is in that Name, the pathway will be shown; we will find our footing and will see the direction we are to be going. We will also get the inspiration to come back tomorrow, and the next day, and the next, and so on, to continue our journey.

Now, there may be days when we are following the Loving in meditation and won’t have to begin at the base of the mountain; instead, we’ll go to a higher level right away, climbing ever higher. Other days, we might be caught up in the world, in our emotions, in our mind, and it may seem like we’re starting all over again, struggling with the journey from the beginning. In truth, we are ever clearing a pathway up that mountain. We are the ones that place the debris in the path to make it look like the path was never there. So it is for us to keep that pathway clear by ever loving God first and God only. Through loving God, and through taking responsibility for our thoughts, our feelings, our actions and reactions in our daily lives and on our inner journey, our efforts will keep the pathway clear. And then, we don’t have to do anything except be present in that movement of God’s Loving as He lifts us higher, away from this world, and above our attachments.

It’s a simple journey. God will get us to the top of the mountain very quickly but we have to allow it. When our focus is on our worries, our fears, our judgments, our anxieties, the problems of the world, or whatever it might be, we give them form, shape, consciousness and life. These worldly attachments stand between us and God, and can only dissolve when we stop feeding them energy. But, by holding our focus only on God, by holding our attention on the Sacred Name in meditation, we can pull our attention above what stands between us and God, and eventually these attachments of the world will simply drop away. And, if we do feed them anything, we just feed them the Loving.

Volume 23 Number 1 April, 2011

INNER LIGHT MInIstrIes JournalINNER LIGHT MInIstrIes Journal

limbing The inner mounTain

(from The True Journey, 12/6/09)

by Jim Gordon, President of ILM


The action of climbing the mountain in the Inner Kingdom, of walking through all these different realms and realities within ourselves, really is for us to walk.

We’re the ones who take the journey. The spiritual teacher is there to assist us on the journey but isn’t there to do the journey for us. We have to do the walk; we have to do the work. It is a daily action, a daily experience, of sitting down and doing our meditation. When we focus our attention inward and upward, we begin to move through the different levels of the realms, and can then begin to detach from those things that have held us in bondage for so long, looking up even higher.

Often times we think we’re gazing very high up into a realm or maybe into many realms, but in truth, we are looking just as high as we have the next attachment. All along this pathway in the physical, astral, causal, we have all kinds of attachments – conscious and unconscious, this lifetime and other lifetimes, and these attachments hold us in attention, in attraction, and in bondage. And it’s for us to release ourselves from those attachments. By holding the meditation practice on the Sacred Name, we begin to lift above many of our attachments so that we see them for what they truly are, and they can then be released.

The hardest part of the journey, of climbing the mountain, is in the beginning of the journey. It seems to be the hardest, the steepest, the most challenging. In the beginning we are cutting a pathway for ourselves to the top of the mountain, and it is this pathway that is going to take us Home to God. It’s the discipline of coming every day into meditation, going to the mountain, and beginning the journey upward once again.

At first, it may seem like it is impossible because there is no footing, no pathway, no clarity as to what direction to take, but the key that the initiate has that non-initiates do not have is the Sacred Name. The Sacred Name of

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(from Journey Of God’s Blessings, 11/1/09)

to control, or will try to put down others, or even put down our selves. But when the movement of Loving is present in our consciousness, our thoughts and feelings become more uplifting; we’ll have a more positive focus toward the greater good, toward our well-being, and toward mankind. Just by paying attention to our thoughts, our feelings, and our fantasies, we will get an indication of where our focus is in which we are participating.

Many of us wonder if we really know and understand when our thoughts, feelings, fantasies, and experiences are of Spirit, or when they are just of the mind, emotions or imagination playing a game on us. In this movement of awakening, we may not fully understand or know what that movement of Loving is for quite some time; but, if we can begin to pay attention to just those inner experiences through the mind, emotions, and imagination, we can begin to know the difference between when Spirit is moving through our consciousness and when we are really moving the ego through our consciousness. Simply by paying attention we’ll begin to know more of our unfoldment.

This is a world of reflection, so we’re going to see all kinds of things reflected back to us. It’s going to be a process – back and forth, inner to the outer, down and up, left and right, positive and negative. It’s a natural part of the journey. What we see out here in the physical will often stimulate this inner process of the imagination, emotions, and mind, but then it’s up to us to pay attention and see what is being stimulated, and to see how that moves in us. We then have a choice as to how we are going to move, or how we are going to create a different movement.

The soul is in this constant movement of allowing the blessings of Loving to unfold. We’ve been on this journey of Loving the whole time, even though there’s been a part of us that has been asleep to that greater truth of the Divine. Those of us who seek, who know that it’s time to return Home to that awakening, to that truth from which we’ve come and which we are, will begin to feel the longing. When we can look more through the eye of Loving, we’ll begin to live that greater level of neutrality and acceptance where we’ll open up and allow everything to unfold naturally.

by Brian Yeakey, Vice President of ILM


ur Soul’S awakening

The only true blessing is God’s Loving, and everything else unfolds from that. As we allow the greater action of Loving to unfold on every realm, we

then open to that greater fullness of God’s Loving. Even in the simplest, most mundane ways, the truth of Loving manifests, and this makes our physical lives a blessing.

If we really want to live the Loving and want the blessings to manifest in us and through us – then we must meditate. Our soul awakens through meditation. Initiation, on the Path of Sound and Light, is the doorway by which the soul begins to connect, to remember, to come to know that greater truth, that which already is. The soul then begins to live the freedom and the joy that comes from living the greater truth. Our soul’s awakening, as it comes into the knowing of who we are and into the oneness in which we are, is the blessing.

But, often on this journey, we are preoccupied with our physical, emotional, and mental lives. The mind is always busy trying to solve life’s problems, trying to figure out what the next steps can be to make our lives better, more fulfilling. We look to our physical lives hoping for change, wishing for change, thinking that, with Initiation and being on this journey, our lives will change for the better. The funny thing is our lives do change but often not in the ways we imagined. If we could really open our eyes to the simplicity of the manifestations of that movement of Spirit, we would begin to see how Spirit is working and moving in us and through us.

So pay attention to that frequency, that vibration, that action of Loving. Ask yourself, “What are the feelings that come with the fantasies? Is there joy or sadness? Is there happiness, or anger, or upset?” When we are focused down and out, our thoughts and feelings are uncomfortable. When we are not in our loving we are in reaction or we’re paying attention to the ego, or the lower mind. Often, the down and out focus will try


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I nner L ight M inistriesI L M

PreSenTed by Jim gordon and brian yeakey in Austin, Texas:For additional information, call 512-306-1056.


CalendarCLassEs & PRoGRaMs: sPRING – suMMER ‘11

Monthly classes include spiritual teachings, Q&A, and meditation. Jim and Brian assist participants to become

more deeply aware of the Spirit within. No charge.

onthly Classes:

(ILM Calendar continues on pages 4-10)

Jim and Brian’s class is held once a month on the following Sundays (see schedule below and please note time for each class),

at their home at 203 Buckeye Trail, Austin, TX.



MAR 20

APR 17

MAY 15

JUN 12

JUL 10

AUG 14


OCT 16

NOV 13

DEC 11

Potluck: (Bring a dish to share.) 12-1:30 pm & Class with Q&A: 2-6 pm*

Potluck: (Bring a dish to share.) 12-1:30 pm & Class with Q&A: 2-6 pm*

Class: 2-4 pm (Recorded meditation and talk.)

Potluck: (Bring a dish to share.) 12-1:30 pm & Class with Q&A: 2-6 pm*

Class: 2-4 pm (Recorded meditation and talk.)

Class: 2-4 pm (Recorded meditation and talk.)

Potluck: (Bring a dish to share.) 12-1:30 pm & Class with Q&A: 2-6 pm*

Class: 2-4 pm (Recorded meditation and talk.)

Potluck: (Bring a dish to share.) 12-1:30 pm & Class with Q&A: 2-6 pm*

Potluck: (Bring a dish to share.) 12-1:30 pm & Class with Q&A: 2-6 pm*

* Ending times are approximate.











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* Ending times are approximate.


Austin: New LocationApril 1-3April 1-3

facilitated by Jim Gordon and Brian Yeakeyfacilitated by Jim Gordon and Brian Yeakey

beginning Friday, april 1 from 6:15 pm-10 pm*, Saturday, april 2 from 9 am-6 pm*, and Sunday, april 3 from 9 am-1:30 pm.* (Timing of events are the same as below in Fort Wayne.)

at the renaissance austin Hotel, Sabine room, 9721 arboretum Blvd, 78759Donations appreciated to help cover costs.

To register contact: laura doggett at 512-306-1056 or e-mail laura at [email protected].

Fort Wayne: Choose one of two weekend workshops:

To register for one of these weekends contact: Steven Mcafee at 260-485-2167 or by e-mail at [email protected].



Saint anthony’s Cost: double Occupancy (per person) - $350

beginning Wednesday, July 13 at 6 pm thru Sunday, July 17 at 1:30 pm.*at Saint anthony’s retreat Center, Honolulu, Hawaii

To register contact: laura doggett at 512-306-1056 or e-mail laura at [email protected].

beginning Wednesday, October 12 at 6 pm thru Sunday, October 16 at 2 pm.*at earnley Concourse, earnley, Chichester West Sussex

Earnley Concourse’s Cost: Single Occupancy - £370, Double Occupancy (per person) - £335

To register contact: laura doggett at 512-306-1056 or e-mail laura at [email protected] more information contact: Susanne Cook at 01444 870838 or lynn Johnson at 01903 765928.

October 12-16

July 13-17July 13-17

October 12-16

Weekends: May 20-22 or May 27-29Weekends: May 20-22 or May 27-29#1 #2

Experiencing The Divine –A Meditative Retreat and Workshop

at the IlM Midwest Center, 220 Insurance dr., Suite F (donations accepted)

Time of events: Friday: arrival/Check-in 6:15-6:45 & Intro and sharIng 7-10 pm*Saturday: MedItatIon 9 am-12 noon, and teaChIng/Q&a from 2-6 pm*

Sunday: MedItatIon and sharIng 9-1:30 pm*

Experiencing The Divine –A Meditative Retreat and Workshop

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Fort Wayne:

in Michigan and in IndianaILM presents:

Fort Wayne:

* Ending times are approximate.* Ending times are approximate.


hawaiian luau aT kaThy STark’S

Time of evenT: 12-5 pm (Potluck)

Kalamazoo: Saturday, May 14, 2011

hawaiian luau aT kaThy STark’S

Time of evenT: 12-5 pm (Potluck)


Tuesday sTudy GrouppoTluck & sharinG

with Jim Gordon and Brian yeakey

Time of evenT: 5:30-8:30 pm* where: Judy Richards’s home, 4715 Thistle Mill Court, Kalamazoo

Tuesday sTudy GrouppoTluck & sharinG

with Jim Gordon and Brian yeakey

Time of evenT: 5:30-8:30 pm* where: Judy Richards’s home, 4715 Thistle Mill Court, Kalamazoo

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Tuesdays, May 24 & 31Tuesdays, May 24 & 31TueSday ClaSSeS with Jim and brian

Time of evenT: 7-9:30 pm*aT ilm midweST CenTer, 220 inSuranCe drive,

SuiTe f, fT. wayne

donaTionS aCCePTed

TueSday ClaSSeS with Jim and brian

Time of evenT: 7-9:30 pm*aT ilm midweST CenTer, 220 inSuranCe drive,

SuiTe f, fT. wayne

donaTionS aCCePTed

Tuesday, May 17Tuesday, May 17

For further information please contact Steven McAfee at 260-485-2167 or by e-mail at [email protected].

For further information, please contact Penny Miller at 269-664-3577 or by e-mail at [email protected].

Monday, May 30

For further information, please contact Penny Miller at 269-664-3577 or by e-mail at [email protected].

Monday, May 30

open meeTinG

with Jim and brian

Time of evenT: 1:30-6 pm* where: Kalamazoo Center for the Healing Arts, 6350 West KL Avenue

open meeTinG

with Jim and brian

Time of evenT: 1:30-6 pm* where: Kalamazoo Center for the Healing Arts, 6350 West KL Avenue

For further information please contact Steven McAfee at 260-485-2167 or by e-mail at [email protected].

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6Check out our recently updated http://www.ILM.org today!Check out our recently updated http://www.ILM.org today!

nitiates, remember to check out the Initiate’s Handbook that has been added to the Initiate’s Only section of the website.

Whether you are newly initiated or a long-time initiate, this most current version of the Handbook contains information that will be of special

significance to you on your daily walk on the Path.


Initiate’s Handbook

ILM.org — the inner lighT miniSTrieS WebsiteILM.org — the inner lighT miniSTrieS Website • Jim and Brian’s Spiritual Sharings – listen on-line or download to your computer or MP3 • ILM Journals – the most recent issue as well as archives • Calendar of Events – find out what’s going on by geographic location or by minister • Order CDs – you can get any and all of ILM’s CDs online • Open-ended Meditations – you can listen to or download edited meditations that allow you to continue meditating for as long as you desire • “Initiates Only” section – find out about Initiates events and listen to talks for Initiates

Saturday, July 23 Saturday, July 23

Saturday, July 9Saturday, July 9Sharing and Q&a

with Jim and brian

ILM presents:

in Hawaii

Sharing and Q&a with Jim and brian

For further information please call: Kate Muller at (h) 808-259-5282 or (c) 808-271-8772.For further information please call: Kate Muller at (h) 808-259-5282 or (c) 808-271-8772.

* Ending times are approximate.* Ending times are approximate.

Time of evenT: 1:30-6 pm* where: Kate Muller’s home

94 Niuiki Circle, Honolulu, HI 96821

Time of evenT: PoTluCk 12 noon-1:30 Pm

Sharing and Q&a 2-6 Pm*where: Mig Gaspar’s home, 59-250 Pupukea Road, Haleiwa

Please contact Mig at 808-638-8153 for information and directions.

Time of evenT: PoTluCk 12 noon-1:30 Pm

Sharing and Q&a 2-6 Pm*where: Mig Gaspar’s home, 59-250 Pupukea Road, Haleiwa

Please contact Mig at 808-638-8153 for information and directions.

Time of evenT: 1:30-6 pm* where: Kate Muller’s home

94 Niuiki Circle, Honolulu, HI 96821

PoTluCk and Sharingwith Jim and brian

PoTluCk and Sharingwith Jim and brian


6(ILM Calendar continues on next page)

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I nner L ight M inistries Calendar

IlM CoMMunIty MovIe & PotluCk nIghts:

oin the ILM community at Laura Kesten’s home on the 1st Saturday of every month for fun, laughter, great food, and an uplifting movie. If you have a favorite movie that speaks to you, we’ll add it to our list. Come early (5-5:30 pm). Bring a dish if you want to add to the potluck. Movie starts between 7-7:30 pm. Everyone is welcome.

APRIL 9 (2nd Sat.), MAy 7, JunE 4, JuL 2, Aug 6, SEPT 3, OCT 1, nOv 5, DEC 3

For additional information, call Laura Kesten at 512-323-2058 or 512-658-4117, or e-mail: [email protected].

13210 Calf Roping Trail, AustinPark on the street or at the pool/park and walk a short block


Later we’ll enjoy the Fireworks displayfrom the front yard.

(Please bring a folding chair if you have one.)

If you want to bring and shoot fireworks, or sing, play the guitar, do magic tricks, or come in costume — all is welcome!

RSvP by July 1st. Contact Bill at 512-388-7350 or be email at [email protected].



July 4Th CelebraTion

Monday, July 4th otluck beginning at 5:30 pm

at Bill Stratton’s home, 3124 Flinders Reef Lane, Austin.

It’s a weenie roast! Bring a side dish or dessert.

(ILM Calendar continues on next page)

in Austin:


e are sparks of the Divine that have gone out into god’s creation, and we are walking a particular pathway that god has destined for us to walk.

This pathway has taken us to all kinds of places, all kinds of experiences,

and has given us all kinds of opportunitiesof learning and growing,

so that god can become full in the knowing of Himself. – Jim gordon


Page 8: 2011 Vol 1, April

I nner L ight M inistries CalendarI L MPreSenTed by STeven mCafee, midweST CoordinaTor:

For additional information, call Steven at 260-485-2167 or by e-mail at [email protected].

uesday Class serIes: T

(ILM Worldwide Calendar begins on next page)

unday servICes:S Steven occasionally serves as a guest speaker for various churches and spiritual groups in the Midwest. The following is presently scheduled:

APR 24, Jun 12, Aug 21 11 am Service Brigade of Light, Fort Wayne Donation



Steven offers a series of weekly ILM classes in Fort Wayne on Tuesday nights from 7:00-8:30 pm at the ILM Midwest Center. Each class will begin with a meditation and then move into a period of spiritual sharing. The classes are open to anyone and are intended to awaken and inspire our loving devotion to God. Please call Steven for more information. There is no charge, but donations are welcome.

hIld at heart: C These programs are opportunities for children and the people who love them to come participate in fun activities together in ILM. Materials will be provided.

APR 23 3-4 pm EGG-stravaganza (egg dyeing) ILM Midwest Center No charge

sPeCIal Ideo ConferenCes:

I This program is to inform those who have more recently become involved with ILM, and to provide greater clarity about the Path of Sound and Light to those considering initiation.

APR 2, Jun 12 2-3:30 pm ILM Midwest Center No charge

ntro to IlM:

Live from Austin! Special live video presentations by Jim and Brian via the magic of technology!

APR 12, Aug 23 7-9:30 pm ILM Midwest Center Donation

alaMazoo PrograMs:K

For other events with Jim and Brian in the Fort Wayne and Kalamazoo areas see page 5.

alkIng the Path:W

teven sharIng:S

PIrItual Path In anCIent texts:S Steven will be augmenting his presentation and dis-cussion following the event at Judy’s on the next day at Mother’s Trust / Lakeshore Interfaith Institute.

MAR 27 2-4 pm Mother’s Trust Ganges, Michigan Donation

Join Steven for an afternoon of informal spiritual sharing and fellowship. For more information, please call Judy Richards at (269) 349-3943 or e-mail her at: [email protected].

MAR 26, JuL 9 Potluck 12:30 pm / Sharing 2-4:30 pm 4715 Thistle Mill Court Donation

This is a committed, year-long program for 2011 with a focus on different aspects of the Path of Sound and Light and the practical application of meditation, loving, acceptance, and forgiveness in our daily lives. The WTP program is intended to support initiates in their spiritual journey, yet will also provide inspiration and information for anyone seeking to make a deeper spiritual commitment in their lives.

APR 3, MAy 1, JuL 2, Aug 7, SEP 4, OCT 2, nOv 6 2-4:30 pm ILM Midwest Center Donation

Page 9: 2011 Vol 1, April

I nner L ight M inistries CalendarI L MCommuniTy ilm meeTingS and evenTS worldwide:

Each meeting will consist of a short meditation and the listening to a class CD by Jim and Brian. If interested please check with Jason for the most current date, time and location.




These groups supports our spiritual growth with a short meditation and the study of ILM books, CD’s or tapes. Come join us for an enriching experience of growing in our loving.

Tuesdays: APR 12, MAy 10, Jun 14 5-7 pm Judy Richards, 4715 Thistle Mill Ct., Kalamazoo No charge

Wednesday: APR 27, MAy 25, Jun 22, JuL 27 1-3 pm Carolyn Dailey, 2485 Brahms Ave., Portage No charge


S tudy grouPs:

Call Judy Richards at 269-349-3943 or e-mail [email protected].

ovIe nIght:M

ChiCago: Call Loretta Lassandro at 708-481-7751 or e-mail [email protected].

Join us for meditation. Call in advance so adequate space can be prepared for all participants.

MAR 20, Jun 26, JuL 17, Aug 21 3:30-4:30 pm 125 Warwick Street in Park Forest No charge


Call Teri Sandler at 719-359-9951 (home) or 719-661-0817 (cell).

dallaS: Call Jason Baker at 972-571-8511 for dates, times and directions.

Connect with community and listen to Jim and Brian’s weekly meditation and talks.

Alternate Sundays 2 pm (call for schedule and location) No charge

• eetIng:M

Colorado SPringS:

Call Victoria Eng at 310-980-2224 to RSVP and get directions.

eetIng:MloS angeleS:

The focus of each evening is on spiritual awakening and connecting to the Loving through listening to an ILM meditation and talk by Jim and Brian. These meetings will be held every other Wednesday at Victoria and Willard Eng’s home in Beverlywood.

Call for dates 6 pm Beverlywood, Los Angeles No charge

Call Nanna Brincker at 0207-485-0699 for directions.• eetIng:M

london, england:

(ILM Worldwide Calendar continues on next page)

Fun, enjoyable evenings with ILM friends, watching favorite movies having a spiritual message. Welcome all – yourself, friends and family members!

MAR 22, MAy 24 4:45-8 pm Judy Richards (see her address above) No charge

Join us for a short meditation and talk by Jim and Brian and share your favorite spiritual poetry, music and readings. Our ILM meetings are at 42A Montpelier Grove, London NW5, and start at 4 pm.

Sundays APR 17, MAy 8 & 29, JunE 19, JuLy 10 & 31, Aug 21 No charge

Page 10: 2011 Vol 1, April

I nner L ight M inistries Calendar

n this packet you will find ILM’s book love and loving,the CD: an inTroduCTion To ilm,

the CD: underSTanding The ‘inner’ PaThway, the CD: loTuS mediTaTion,ILM’s brochure: inner lighT miniSTrieS guidelineS

for iniTiaTion and iniTiaTeS, and a copy of our latest newsletter.

All of these materials have been selected to give a newcomera better understanding of who we are and what we’re about.

If you would like an Introductory Packet for yourself or someone else, just let us know.

Call us, email us, or write us! Feel free to take a look at our website too: www.ilm.org

(for more information see page 6). We are happy to do what we can to assist you

on your spiritual journey.

Blessings of Peace, Joy and Loving To You!

Jim Gordon, Brian Yeakey, and The ILM Staff

2. Call Mig gaspar at 808-638-8153 or Kelsie Muller at 808-638-0380 for information and directions.

Listen to Jim and Brian’s weekly meditations and talks.

Tuesdays 7 pm North Shore of Oahu No charge

3. Call Brian Samo Ross at 808-247-3305 or 554-3305 (cell) for directions. Listen to Jim and Brian’s meditations and talks followed by a potluck.

2nd Sunday 10 am Kaneohe, Oahu No charge




Share in a one-hour meditation and fellowship opportunity.

Mondays 6-7:30 pm Manoa Valley, Honolulu No charge

1. Call nadine Ferraro at 808-988-7509, or 551-3123 (cell) for directions.

CommuniTy ilm meeTingS and evenTS worldwide (ConTinued):

hawaii: Call the contact person for the following events.•


Welcome to Inner Light MinistriesIntroductory Packet


Welcome to Inner Light MinistriesIntroductory Packet

he longer we meditate, the more space we give ourselves to awaken. – Brian yeakey



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ILM Photo Picks of 2010


Shopping for coins for kids


experiencinG The divine Retreat

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ILM Photo Picks of 2010 continued




coins for kids wrapping party


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Q: What do I do to become an Initiate?

a: Jim and Brian: Meditate.

Q: What do I do after becoming an Initiate?

a: Jim and Brian: Meditate.

Q: You know, there are times I hate God. I get sooooo angry I just want to punch him out, but I know that ain’t gonna happen. Sometimes I just have trouble loving God. At times like these I just don’t know what to do.

a: Jim: Yes ... close your eyes and Meditate.

Q: I love you guys so much and appreciate all that you do for us. What can I do for you?

a: Brian: And the answer is ... Jim: Meditate.

Q: When I see all the negative things in the world I wonder if there really is a God. How can I get through that barrier and into the true knowing and understand-ing?

a: Brian: Simple ... Meditate.

Q: There’s so many things I would like to do in my life. I just don’t know where to start.

a: Jim: Easy ... Meditate.

Q: Sometimes I’m so afraid to take my next steps because my fear of failure. What can I do to handle my fears?

a: Jim and Brian (together): Meditate.

Q: I feel like I’m falling out of love with my partner, and I don’t know what to do about it?

a: Jim: First ... Meditate. Q: I can’t think of a question. What do I do now?

a: Jim and Brian (together): Meditate.

Q: I have difficulty with dealing with my mom. She bothers the heck out of me. What can I do?

a: Jim and Brian (together): Meditate.

Q: Sometimes I’m so wrapped up in my self judgments and guilt that it’s hard for me to take care of things around me. Ya know, it’s like I can’t see the forest because of the trees. Is there an easy solution?

a: Jim and Brian: Meditate.

Q: There’s so much going on in my life that its hard for me to make time for meditation. Can you help me?

a: Jim: Definitely! Simplify and ... Meditate.

Q: I have an addiction to chocolate. Do you know something that will help?

a: Brian: Yes! Meditate.

Q: Sometimes I feel like I’m from a different planet. I just don’t seem to mix well with others. Is there some-thing I can to do that will help?

a: Jim and Brian (together): Meditate.

Q: My spouse left me, my children are blaming me, my car payments are overdue, and my iron broke ... it just seems like my world is falling a part all around me. What can I do?

a: Jim and Brian: Meditate.

Q: There are times in the day that I have confusion, anger, and hurt feelings. Sometimes theses feelings arise from seemingly nowhere and pull me out of my loving. I have a sinking feeling and don’t know what to do with it.

a: Brian: Take a few minutes, if you can, and ... Jim and Brian (together): Meditate.

Q: I sometimes have difficulty focusing on loving, acceptance and forgiveness. Is there something I need to do first?

a: Jim and Brian: Meditate.

Q & awith JIM and BrIan

The Answer To All Your Questions (A Made Up Talk) - March 2, 2011

Page 14: 2011 Vol 1, April

“Creator,” “Divine Friend,” “Holy Spirit,” or many other names, and they all convey an idea. However, when we want to communicate directly with God, these “names” won’t suffice. The simple word, “God,” does not carry this energy. None of the worldly names for God do. These worldly names carry us into the belief systems, mental concepts, and emotional feelings we have about God. They can inspire and encourage us, or confuse and divide us, depending on how we relate to them. The vibrational source for all these names is here in this physical world, and following their vibration can only lead us to that source – the world. They cannot carry us Home to God. We want a “name” whose vibrational source is not of this world, but instead arises from deep within the Being of God. With such a Name, when we follow its vibration, we go directly to its source: the living heart of God.

That is what initiation has done for me. At initiation I received the Sacred “Name” of God to focus upon in mediation. This “Name” resonates with the same frequency as does the Holy Spirit, which is God’s Loving in active expression. By holding my inner attention upon this Name, I awaken more and more to myself as divine Soul. I am more awake to God’s living essence of Loving within me and am increasingly able to respond to it in my life. Make no mistake, God was with me before initiation, just as God is also with you, whether you have been initiated or not. I did not “become” Soul after getting initiated; I did not suddenly “find God.” I have had a longing for God all my life. I’ve even had inner experiences prior to initiation, which is what led me to initiation. I wanted more than just an occasional glimpse of God. I wanted to awaken fully into a direct knowing of God; to live my life experiencing and embodying the soul that God created me to be.

The power of the Name anchors my conscious attention in the Loving, and the Loving is leading me Home. When we call out in Loving, Loving answers. That simple truth is at the very heart of our Path. So, what’s in a Name? Do you want to know?

by Steven McAfee, ILM Minister


We all have names. We use them everyday without thinking. When we meet a person for the first time, one of the very first things we do is to

exchange names with them. When we apply for a driver’s license or marriage license, buy a house, make a dental appointment, almost anything – the first thing we are asked for is our name. We use our name for nearly everything, though we seldom give its importance a moment’s reflection.

We name our babies, our pets and sometimes even our cars. When we hear an inspirational quote, we want to know who said it. If we go to a doctor for diagnostic tests, we want the doctor to give a name to our ailment. We want it named, because we have an intuitive knowing that names are powerful – that they provide us with a connection, a way of relating with whatever it is we have named. And we inherently know that in naming something, we call forth a response.

Suppose I want to call you, but do not have your phone number. If I randomly dial numbers, what are my chances in reaching you? But, if I have your name, I can find you. In the phonebook, there are thousands of names, endless possibilities I could try, but only one that would actually connect me to you. Knowing your name allows me to focus upon you, only you. I can ignore all those other names on the page, even ones that might sound intriguing. Holding to your name, I am able to find your number. Your number is the exact frequency that allows me to transmit impulses from where I am to where you are so that a direct communication can take place between us. I could just talk out into the air, not use the telephone. The sound waves of my voice would go out into the universe just the same. But, the chances of you hearing me are pretty slim. So I use your name to find your frequency; I call you; you hear and respond. And it all began by focusing upon your name.

It does not matter what term we use to designate God when we speak about God. We can say, “God,” “Lord,”

haT’S in a name?W

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by Laura Kesten, ILM Minister

process in the Q & A. While in meditation, when his mind did not move into cooperation, he gave it permission to run until it tired itself, he says, “…until [the mind] became quiet. And then, all of a sudden, there I was, right there in Spirit.”

The key is to remember why we sit in meditation. If we focus on what the mind is doing, or what the body is doing, that’s where the focus will stray. If we focus on “I just can’t. Nothing is happening, so why bother,” or on the guilt or judgment that we aren’t disciplined enough or whatever it is our minds are telling us, that’s where our focus will stray. Our efforts get stronger and stronger the more consistent we are, the more we sit in Loving with God each day. For some, the experiences may come easy, but for others, it may take more time and more effort. This is not because we are doing something wrong. We cannot know the effects that are happening in our meditations, and they are happening whether we are having experiences or not. What we see and hear in meditation comes from the Holy Spirit, not us, and so we have to trust that we are indeed making progress.

As disciples, we are to sit, focus, be in the Loving. We can’t be in judgment and in the Loving at the same time. It’s impossible. But we can start to move the energy by loving the judgment, and eventually our focus will come back into alignment with God. You’ve got to choose, and you do choose. When we focus on remembering why we sit, that we are setting aside this time to be with God, to commune with Him, to share our Loving, to look for the Light, to listen for the Sound, then the mind and body will eventually come back into alignment with that focus and will eventually become obedient. Our love for God has dominion over our mind and body – we just don’t always know or believe this. No effort in meditation ever goes unnoticed by God. So sit in meditation in Loving. That’s really all we have to do, the only thing we have to choose, and God will meet us and will give us the experiences He wants us to have.

e, The diSCiPleS,SiT in mediTaTion



Ibought a house in September and I’m feeling more settled now in my new home. But in the past few months, meditation has been difficult. I’d sit

and my mind would wander like a two-year old. I’d try coaxing it back, bribing it with a treat, threatening it – nothing worked. Some days I wouldn’t even try. Other days, I’d give up. At first, I chalked it up to all the activity in my life but actually it was when the activity began to settle that I had the hardest time. Why? I decided it didn’t matter the reason. I needed to find a solution, a way back into the meditation. During this time I did very little judging of myself. Sometimes I would tease myself by saying, “I’m a mess,” and I would laugh. Knowing I was not doing my service to God made me begin to feel lost, and I was aware of being in the shuffle of the world. I’d observe what was going on in my mind during my trials and throughout the day. Finally the greater part of me, the one that recognizes what is good for me, that outranks the mind, that knows the source of the longing, took charge. “Today is the day,” it said. “Now sit and give this time to God.” Obediently, I’d sit and the greater part of me continued to bring me back whenever my mind wandered off, back into a one-pointed focus, and I began to relax into my meditation feeling God’s Loving surround and fill me. Back on track.

Everyone encounters a difficult stretch from time to time. I look at it as being students who are learning to be disciplined, and aligning with God. Discipline comes from the word disciple – one who is a student of God. Students or disciples watch their teacher as an example and listen to the teacher for direction. It takes time, love, perseverance, devotion, and being kind to ourselves when we’re not in alignment. And it takes not giving up, not having expectations, not comparing ourselves to other initiates, because the truth is everyone goes through this...more than once. In the December 2010 issue, Brian talks about his

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is a non-profit organization dedicated to teaching spiritual awakening through an inner practice of meditation. This meditation practice is an inner path through which the soul transcends the physical realms of creation to its true home in the spiritual realms within the heart of God. In spiritual teachings and literature this inner path is often referred to as “The Path of Sound and Light,” “The Path of The Holy Spirit,” “The Path of Love,” or simply as “The Path” or “The Way.” ILM offers initiation into this meditation practice enabling one to fully experience this inner journey of awakening.

To provide support for those individuals interested in this path, Inner Light Ministries offers numerous publications, materials, programs, and services, which encourage devotion to God and support a life-long practice of prayer, meditation, spiritual study, and service.

INNER LIGHT MInIstrIes Journal

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1. ILM events, production of CDs, the ILM Journal, and books.

2. Scholarships toward supporting members taking ILM retreats and workshops.

3. ILM’s Christmas time project: Coins For Kids.

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inner lighT miniSTrieS: Main Office: Jim Gordon, Brian Yeakey, P.O. Box 164332, Austin, TX 78716-4332; Midwest Office: Steven McAfee, P.O. Box 5139, Fort Wayne, IN 46895

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