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Page 1: 2012-2013 KTC Issue 1

Key to Caring Issue 1

Page 2: 2012-2013 KTC Issue 1

Monthly Report Forms (MRF’s)

Monthly report forms are used to keep track of a club’s service hours, projects, communi-

cation with a sponsoring Kiwanis Club and also communication with their Lieutenant Governor.

We keep track of these report forms in our District so we can accurately record the number of

hours our wonderful WI-UM District has served over the past year. These forms are due to your

Lieutenant Governor by the 5th of every month, and they can now be submitted online at the

following link: http://wiumkeyclub.com/e_mrf.html.

New Officer Information Sheets (NOIS Forms)

New officer Information Sheets are crucial to the success of our District. Without these,

the Lieutenant Governors would not have a way of contacting any club officers about District

updates and events. Your LTG has now contacted you about the submission of these forms, but

if you have not yet submitted it, or if you have any questions regarding how to fill them out con-

tact your Division’s LTG. As with the MRF, the NOIS Forms can also be found on our District web-

site under the resources tab: http://wiumkeyclub.com/e_nois.html.

Divisional Council Meetings (DCM’s)

Divisional Council Meetings are held quarterly by your Lieutenant Governor. They are a

fantastic opportunity for your new club officers to be trained, and also a way to find out what

your club can do in the Division and District. DCM’s are an opportunity for both Club Officers

and Members to learn more about Key Club. At your DCM, you not only meet your LTG, but you

also meet with the other clubs in your Division! It is a great way to begin a relationship with an-

other club, and you can benefit from this by bouncing ideas off of each other, and holding

events together. If you have any questions regarding when the next Divisional Council Meeting is

being held, please contact your Lieutenant Governor.

Lieutenant Governor’s (LTG’s)

Over the course of the next year, your Lieutenant Governor will be a valuable resource

to help your club succeed and keep up on what is happening at the District level. They will also

provide you with many opportunities throughout the year whether it is an event happening in

another club in the Division, or a District event such as Fall Rallies or District Convention (DCON)!

If you have any questions, never hesitate to ask your LTG as they are more than willing to help

you with anything you need.

“Need to Knows”

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“Be the change you want to see in the world.“

- Mahatma Ghandi

Youth Opportunities Fund

The Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) is a fund established just for

Key Club International. This fund is used to help Key Clubs and Key

Club members continue their service by providing grants for all types

of service projects and opportunities. The YOF grant can provide

your club with $200 - $2,000 to help fund your club’s service project.

To apply for the YOF grant you can find more information at http://

keyclub.org/service/fund/yof.aspx. Applications for the YOF grant

must be in prior to October 15.


The Eliminate Project is a five year program established by Ki-

wanis and a partnership with UNICEF. Through a joint effort of the

nearly 600,000 Kiwanis volunteers and the help of the K-Family, Kiwa-

nis has set a goal to fundraise $110 million to eliminate MNT from the

remaining 40 countries in the world. As a Key Clubber, we have an

opportunity to participate as a K-Family member in this project. We,

as high school students can make a difference for mothers and their

children all around the world. Start a fundraiser at your local club,

school, or community for this great cause. Share your success with

the District by sending your story to the District Webmaster, Brandon

Li, at [email protected]. Let’s come together and ELIMI-

NATE MNT from the world!!!

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Service Project:

Serving our Troops

If you were asked which group of people you think deserves to be hon-

ored and recognized most, who would you say? Right away I think of the men

and women serving our nation, the soldiers of the United States.

To end the Key Club year with a bang, my home club (Berlin Key Club)

decided to send 32 care packages to troops who are stationed in Afghanistan.

The boxes are going to the troops in the 2nd platoon of the 1157 Transportation

Company, a unit based in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Not only is the unit so close to

our home town, but it also is my brother’s unit.

When I was talking with my brother I found out that his unit was in need of

supplies and cheering up from having to leave their family and friends. I began

to get the information of the names and supplies they needed and wanted. A

few weeks later I visited the post office to get an idea of what size boxes I

would need to use and the price of shipping all 32 of the boxes; they had a

special box that was specifically made for sending care packages to the

troops and you wouldn’t have to pay for the boxes either. In total it would cost

$450 to ship all the boxes. At first I was a little hesitant on our club being able to

raise enough money to mail them and fill them with supplies, but luckily our

Vice-President’s mom was behind me in line at the post office and overheard

what I had planned to do with the boxes; right away she wanted to help us

raise money for them and give us ideas on how to get supplies from the com-


The full price of shipping was raised in less than three hours by a simple

post on Facebook asking for the community of Berlin to come together and

support this great cause. Talk about how amazing that is and how happy and

STOKED we were! Two members volunteered to visit businesses and ask if they

would be interested in donating money or items to fill the boxes. From this, we

raised a total of $921 and we were able to ship out every package filled with

the items we both purchased and received. This project was a huge success,

and we plan on doing it again in the fall.

By: Maddy Bologna

LTG Division 13

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Website Update

WIUM Key Clubbers! WIUM’s District site just celebrated its first birthday!

While the website is a new addition to our District, it has already found its

importance through a plethora of accomplished goals such as bringing

up the recorded service hours to over 60,000 and registering all seven hun-

dred Key Clubbers for District Convention (DCON) online! I’m definitely

looking forward to the great year ahead we have together. Through the

website, communication of ideas and having a multitude of resources will

definitely benefit your clubs greatly. A couple of things to highlight on the

District website:

Governor Baylee and I will be updating our blogs frequently, so if you

want to quickly see any changes on the site, take a look at our blogs!

From International Convention (ICON) and DCON, to the Fall Rallies,

Key Leader, and K-Family Brewer Game, event information will be post-

ed as the dates get closer! Keep your club aware of all the great op-

portunities the K-Family has provided to learn how to lead, and create

new friendships in the K-Family, all while having fun!

The “Resources” tab is packed full of great ideas and helpful hints for

club boards, especially for presidents. The “Advisors” tab, is a new addi-

tion to the website, where a ton of advice and information has been

provided, from a Key Club 101 tutorial for an advisor that just joined Key

Club, to filing tax information for the IRS.

All District board members have their own emails, thus if you need to

contact your LTG or other board members, just click on “The Board”.

All the Key To Caring’s, our District newsletters, will also be updated

and posted under the “Newsletter” Tab. A KTC archive has also been

created, so if you want to check out WIUM’s awesome history, take a


By: Brandon Li

District Webmaster

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Upcoming Events


District Tour to Orlando, FL

July 2nd-8th


Fall Rally Locations

-Eau Claire -Iron Mountain - Waukesha

Watch for dates/registration/event information



-Early Bird-Before November 1st

-Due on or before November 30th


Key Leader

-September 21st-23rd Camp Wawbeek, Wisconsin Dells

Register now at: www.key-leader.org

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District Board

Welcome to the 2012-2013 Key Club year!

My name is Baylee Radke and I have the honor of

serving the WIUM Key Club District as Governor

this year.

I am currently a sophomore at Berlin High School,

and outside of Key Club, I am a member of a

group called Power Pals. It is a rather new group

at our school that I have come to love because we work with students who have

learning disabilities and help them to be able to take part in more activities in

school. If I am not babysitting or working, I love to kick back and read novels by my

favorite authors, and also spend time with my family.

Although K-Kids and Builder’s Club are not yet a part of my hometown’s K-

Family, I have been involved in the Kiwanis family since I was five years old. Even

though I was very young, I loved to help our Kiwanis Club every opportunity I re-

ceived. As a result of this, over the years Kiwanis has helped change who I am and

what I strive for. Most importantly, Kiwanis helped me to find my love and passion

for service.

Kiwanis Family relations will play a large role during my term as Governor, as I

aim to improve the communication between Key Club’s and their sponsoring club

as well as with the other K-Family in the area. I also have a goal of chartering at

least two K-Kids clubs and four Builder’s Clubs throughout the District as part of im-

proving K-Family relations in WIUM.

As always, communication will play a huge part in the success of our won-

derful Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District. I encourage you all to keep in close con-

tact with your Lieutenant Governor as they will be a resource for you and your club

throughout the year. Please remember that I will also be available to you whenever

you may have a question. I can be reached at almost any time of the day by

phone, email, and Facebook. I am very excited to meet many of you throughout

this upcoming year, and I hope that you will have a fantastic year.

District Governor

Baylee Radke

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“No act of kindness, no matter how

small, is ever wasted.”


District Secretary/Treasurer

Rachel Bath

Hello WI-UM Key Clubbers! My name is Ra-

chel Bath, and this year I am grateful to serve you

this year as your 2012-2013 District Secretary/

Treasurer. Last year I was fortunate enough to

serve you on the District Board, and through that

year I have witnessed an amazing amount of

growth within this amazing District. This year I will

work hard along with the rest of the board to con-

tinue to see this District live up to all of the poten-

tial it has.

This year I wish to help inspire the members of WIUM to continue their amazing

service and dedication to Key Club. I also hope to further recognize and celebrate

the many successes we can see in each and every club. To do this, I want to encour-

age clubs to consistently record and report their service projects and hours through-

out the year. With these reports I promise to give credit to those who have truly repre-

sented the core values of Key Club through their service.

I have been a dedicated Key Club member since my freshman year and I

have also been a part of K-Kids and Builders Club in years before. Some people have

asked me why I love Key Club so much, and so I tell them; Key Club is an amazing or-

ganization. But what I think is more amazing, is the people that make up this organiza-

tion and the incredible amount of service and compassion these members show eve-

ry day.

Although Key Club is a huge part of my life, it isn’t the only one. This past year I

have tried to become more involved in my school and community. I have participat-

ed in our high school’s varsity cheerleading and also in a competitive team. This year I

have also been accepted into National Honors Society, and I hope to become a Link

Crew Leader as well. And one of the most memorable things I have done this year,

besides being elected as Secretary/Treasurer, was participating in my first musical, I

love to dance and it was an incredible experience. I am very excited to start this new

year and can’t wait to serve you all!

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“The miracle is this - the more we share, the

more we have.”

-Leonard Nimoy

Hello my fellow Key Clubbers of WI-UM. My name is

Nick Lewicki. It is an honor to be serving on the District Board

as your new 2012-2013 Bulletin Editor! I started my Key Club

when I was a freshman in high school and may I say Key

Club has changed my way of life. I love to serve in my com-

munity and beyond just improving our way of life as a

whole. It has taught me to be a selfless, caring, servant lead-

er. I look forward to an exciting year filled with service op-

portunities, dedication, hard-work, and of course fun.

Here’s a little bit more about me. I am currently a

sophomore at Little Chute High School. I love going to

school and being with all of my friends, plus learning a thing or two is also enjoyable

and beneficial. When I’m not pursuing my passion for Key Club, you can find me hang-

ing out with my friends, working on cars and/or trucks, and being active. I love sports

whether it’s watching or playing them. I play football, basketball, and run track. I also

love the outdoors, and everything that comes with it.

This year, as excited as I am about the opportunity to serve on the District

Board, I am prepared to serve my fellow WI-UM community as a valuable resource. I

plan to keep communication a top priority in Key Club because we all contribute to

the success of this organization. Therefore, if you have any ideas, recommendations,

concerns, basically anything, I encourage you to talk to me in any means of commu-

nication, whether by phone, e-mail, etc. Think of me as a liaison between the District

and local levels, as well as our many other accessible District Board members. Collab-

oration is key! I also will make it my responsibility to create an informative, interesting,

factual, and fun “Key to Caring” article for our WI-UM District. Go Bulletin Editors!

I’m looking forward to a year full of commitment, service, and fun. I hope to get

to meet a lot of you and build some strong relationships. I can’t thank you enough for

giving me the opportunity to serve my community even more!

District Bulletin Editor

Nick Lewicki

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Lieutenant Governor Division 1

Erin Idler

My name is Erin Idler I am the new Lieutenant Governor for

Division 1. I am currently a freshman at Wilmot Union High School

and I am very involved in my school. I am in quite a few clubs includ-

ing our schools Relay for Life Committee. I was inspired to join this

club when my uncle was diagnosed with brain cancer when I was

12. I set myself a goal when I was quite young to “do everything with

a purpose and for a purpose”. I have yet to fail at this goal, and I do

not plan to either. I love what I do too much to even think about

missing a chance to do something because I did not think of the

positive outcome it would have. I hope you all have a great year as

part of our amazing WI-UM Key Club District, and I am always here

for any of you if you have any questions at all. Please never hesitate

to ask.

Lieutenant Governor Division 2

Stephen Lin

Hello, my name is Stephen Lin. I am currently a Junior at

Brookfield Central High School. When I am not busy with schoolwork,

you can find me playing varsity soccer for my school. I have been

playing soccer ever since I was a toddler and I have been enjoying

every moment of it! Aside from soccer, I am also an avid tennis play-

er since I have grown up with this sport as well. In addition to sports,

volunteering has always been something that I am ardent about. I

love serving my community and others; therefore, I spent a lot of

time at my local hospital as well as The Salvation Army. In my free

time outside of my extra curricular commitments, I enjoy spending

time with my friends. My friends always know how to make me laugh

and relieve a stressful high school student’s life.

Lieutenant Governor Division 3

Madison Springhetti

Hello Key Clubbers!

My name is Madison Springhetti and I am overjoyed to be serv-ing as your Lieutenant Governor for Division 3 this year! I am so excited to work with you all and make this your best year of Key Club yet. I am currently a sophomore at Kimberly High School where I spend most of my time involving myself in various aspects of my school and community. I am a part of the band and choir as well as theatre at Kimberly, and I also run Cross Country in the fall. I know this is going to be a fantastic year and I am so excited to work with all of you!

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Lieutenant Governor Division 4

Trent McKinnon My name is Trent McKinnon; and I am your new Division 4

Lieutenant Governor! I am a sophomore at Middleton High School

where I play soccer and golf. I am also a member of the varsity

Math Team and co-president of our Middleton FBLA club. When I am

not at school, I enjoy wakeboarding, snowboarding, spending time

my family and friends, and of course, my 9 year old yellow lab, Bai-

ley, who always keeps me entertained. I enjoy Key Club because it

is the best way for high school students to get involved, work togeth-

er, and make a difference in their community. I hope that everyone

is as excited as I am for this year of Key Club, and I’m sure that this

year will be a memorable one. I can't wait to meet the club officers

of Division 4 and begin our year of service together!

Lieutenant Governor Division 5

Connor Sawyers

Hello Key Clubbers, my name is Connor Sawyers and I am the

LTG for Division 5 and I am excited for the coming Key Club year. A

little about myself, I am a sophomore at Stoughton High School, I am

involved in multiple clubs like Life of a Viking and Student Senate,

and I’m a tri-sport athlete. Also I am an active member of my own

Key Club. I’m very enthusiastic about working with all of great Key

Clubbers in Division 5 and across the WIUM District.

Lieutenant Governor Division 6

Mitchell Roeske

My name is Mitchell Roeske and I am so happy to be able to

be your Lieutenant Governor for the 2012-2013 year. I am extremely

excited about this opportunity, and I am also looking forward to a

year full of success. To tell you a little bit about myself, I am currently

a sophomore at Marquette University High School, and service has

always been a huge part of my life. When I got into the Key Club at

Marquette, I loved that I got the opportunity to expand my service

to more people in more places. I am participating in cross country,

and possibly a play or two at my school, which will take up some

time, but I will be sure to put Key Club second, only to faith, school,

and family. I will work hard, and thank you all for this position.

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Lieutenant Governor Division 8

Julie Schweiss

Hi, my name is Julie Schweiss, and I am more than excited to

be serving as Division 8 LTG! A little bit about myself, I am a junior at

Menomonee Falls High School. Other than Key Club, I am on the

rock climbing team and varsity tennis team. I also enjoy biking, being

involved with my church, playing ultimate frisbee, and listening to

upbeat music. I can't wait to meet the board members of Division 8

and begin our year of service together!

Lieutenant Governor Division 9

Nikil Prasad

Hello WI-UM Key Clubbers! My name is Nikil Prasad and I

am the Division 9 Lieutenant Governor. I am very excited about

this upcoming Key Club year! I am a junior from Brookfield Cen-

tral High School, and I have been a member of Key Club since

my freshman year. My goals for this year are: to increase the

number of MRFs submitted, as well as participate in interdivisional

service projects. I hope that you all are as excited as I am for this

great upcoming year!

Lieutenant Governor Division 10

Charlie Thao I hope you’re as excited for the upcoming year as I am! I’m

Charlie Thao, and I will be your 2012-2013 Lieutenant Governor for

Division 10. If you don’t know me, I’ll be much obliged to introduce

myself. Currently, I am a junior attending Manitowoc’s Lincoln High

School. I’m very studious as well as actively involved around school.

In addition to that, I am currently employed in a part-time job at a

nursing home as a dietary aid, and I love talking to the residents;

they bring a smile to my face as much as I do to them. Whenever I

have free time, I love taking pictures, reading, discovering new mu-

sic on Pandora, and occasionally Skyping with my friends. I know my

way around Photoshop too, so I’d be happy to assist with any multi-

media creativity you might have!

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Lieutenant Governor Division 11

Jenna DeMoulin

I am Jenna DeMoulin, I am proud and excited to be

serving you as your 2012-2013 Lieutenant Governor. Let me tell

you a little about myself. I am currently a junior at DePere High

School and very involved in my school. I am a part of many

different activities as well as sports. I have a true passion for

making a difference in people’s lives. Together we can achieve great things!

Lieutenant Governor Division 12

Kelsey Connors

My name is Kelsey Connors and I am so excited

to have the opportunity to be Lieutenant Governor of Division

12. I am currently a junior at Kimberly High School, and I love

Key Club. I hope all of the members of Division 12 have an op-

portunity to enjoy all of the amazing events WI-UM has

planned this year. I know we can have an awesome year,

and I can’t wait get to know all Division 12’s amazing clubs

and members.

Lieutenant Governor Division 13

Maddy Bologna

Hello, my name is Madeline Bologna and I am the 2012-2013

Lieutenant Governor for Division 13. I am ready to jump into this 2012-

2013 Key Club year with devotion, leadership, creativity, and enthusi-

asm. I am currently a sophomore at Berlin High School where I am

constantly trying to go above and beyond the bare minimum that is

expected of me in Key Club. I enjoy Key Club because of the feeling

I get once I have finished a service project and know that the peo-

ple who I have helped will have a better life is like no feeling I have

ever felt before. When I am not serving my school and community I

am spending time with my family and friends, babysitting, or doing

crafts. I hope to have an exciting and successful year of service as

Lieutenant Governor for Division 13.

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Lieutenant Governor Division 14/Awards Chair

Kristen Rosen

Being on Key Club District Board is a big honor and a major

step in my life. I've fully served my club as Secretary and Vice Presi-

dent for the past 2 years and I'm excited to step it up another level!

A little about myself is that I'm 16 years young, I have 2 brothers and

1 sister and I am on my high school tennis team. I love to play sports

and I play multiple instruments including saxophone, acoustic, elec-

tric and bass guitar. Plus, I'm looking forward to being able to meet

new people this year while serving as Lieutenant Governor and 2012-

13 District Board Awards Committee Chair!

Lieutenant Governor Division 15/16

Melissa Falagian

I am Melissa Falagian and I live in Mauston. I have the honor

to serve as Lieutenant Governor. Key Club has always been my prior-

ity since my freshman year when I served as President, but I am in-

volved in a few other clubs. These clubs include FBLA, F.A.C.T.

(fighting against corporate tobacco) , Spanish club, and my church

youth group. I love listening/playing music, and meeting new peo-

ple. One goal I have for our division is to bring us all closer together

while we work on service projects. I will use Divisional Council Meet-

ings as a resource to do so. I’m definitely looking forward, to all of

the exciting things this Key Club year has to bring and working with

all of you!

No Photo


Lieutenant Governor Division 17

Molly Metzler

Hello Key Club! My name is Molly Metzler and I am your Divi-

sion 17 Lieutenant Governor. I am currently a sophomore at Green

Bay Southwest High School where I am involved in volleyball, track,

as well as a variety of other extra-curricular activities and of course

KEY club! I can't wait to start a new year dedicated to helping others

and developing leaders. My goal for the upcoming year is get even

more students involved in this incredible organization while strength-

ening our current members. I look forward to getting to know as

many of you as possible over the course of my term!

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Lieutenant Governor Division 18

Sam Leicht

Hello, I am Sam Leicht and I am a junior at Kimberly High

School. I have huge plans for this year, and I can't wait to start

meeting all of the amazing people in the WI-UM District. I am very

friendly and I am always interested in talking- whether it be

through text, email or Facebook. I have a good feeling about this

year, and I hope that you are all as excited as I am to start work-


No Photo


Lieutenant Governor Division 19

Caitlin Randell

Hello all Division 19 Key Clubbers and Advisors! I hope you’re ex-

cited for a fantastic year of service, because I know I am! My name is Cait-

lin Randell, and I have the honor of serving as the 2012-2013 Division 19

Lieutenant Governor. I am currently a sophomore at Baraboo High School

and I have been involved in Key Club since last year. Please don’t hesitate

to contact me with any questions, or just to say hello!

Lieutenant Governor Division 20/

New Club Building/Reactivation Chair

Ian McIntire

My name is Ian McIntire and I am Lieutenant Governor of

Division 20. This is my second year serving on the Key Club District

Board and I can't wait to get this year started! If we work togeth-

er we can make this our best year yet! I hope I can get to meet a

lot of you at some of our Fall Rallies this year!

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Lieutenant Governor Division 21

Megan Kelley

Hi, I am Megan Kelley. I shall be serving you as your Division

21 Lieutenant Governor for this year. I hope to meet everyone. I am

beyond excited to work with you to serve our communities. It will be

an amazing year and full of unforgettable memories. In my spare

time I like to read, ride my horse, or go for a run with my little brother.

I participate is cross country and in track. I am also a member in my

local FFA and I am Secretary for our Equestrian Club. I hope to have

a successful year and make many new memories.

No Photo


Lieutenant Governor Division 22

Phil LaMarch

Lieutenant Governor Division 23/24

Jenna Larson

Hey! My name is Jenna Larson. I am 15 years old (soon to be

16!), and Escanaba, Michigan is where I call home. I am only 5 feet

tall, but don’t let that fool you, I am one of the loudest people you

could ever meet! I have fire red hair that perfectly matches my per-

sonality; energetic, fun, outgoing, and bright! Things I like to do in my

spare time include riding my bike, rollerblading, running, longboard-

ing (still learning how), bowling, teaching Preschoolers and Kinder-

garteners at my church, singing, acting, dancing, hanging out with

friends and family, and overall just having fun! My motto in life is “If

you can’t have fun with what you’re doing in life, you aren’t living it

right”. I live by this motto every day! I believe that everything I do, I

should have fun. I definitely take things seriously when I need to, but

sometimes people need to just relax and enjoy this crazy rollercoast-

er we call life! I am so excited to get to share this 2012-2013 Key Club

adventure with all of you! I think this is going to be the best year our

District has ever seen!

Hi Division 22, My name is Phil LaMarch. I am 16 years old

and a sophomore at Escanaba High School. I am honored

to serve as your Lieutenant Governor for Division 22 for the

2012-2013 Key Club year. I would like to start off by saying I

am extremely excited for the new year and all of the opportu-

nities it will bring us. I've been in Key Club for two years, and

those two years have been wonderful, I've learned a lot of

things and have met many new people.

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Lieutenant Governor Division 25

Melissa Panetta Hey, my name is Melissa Panetta, and I am so excited to

serve as Division 25’s Lieutenant Governor this year. I hope all of you

are as energetic and enthusiastic with this coming year of Key Club

as I am. I am fully confident that this year of Key Club will be unfor-

gettable. I am currently a junior at Wausau West High School where I

am involved in a few different aspects of high school life. Although

Key Club is an amazing club to be a part of, it never hurts to broad-

en your horizon and have multiple different interests. This year and

last year I spent a majority of my time drawing and creating different

sculptures for art shows, and one of my pieces actually won first

place, which I am very thankful for. I also participate in sports. I am

on my school’s varsity tennis team and I play softball in the summer.

Along with that, I am also in National Honor Society and DECA, but

of course Key Club is a main priority. I can’t wait to meet all of you

throughout the year. Let’s all work together to make a difference in

the world.

Lieutenant Governor Division 26

Mitchell Sauder

My name is Mitchell Sauder and I am very excited for the op-

portunity to be the Lieutenant Governor (LTG.) for the newest Divi-

sion in the WIUM District, Division 26. I am currently a junior at Kimber-

ly High School, and have been involved in the Kiwanis Family since I

was in Builders Club in seventh grade. Through Key Club and other

organizations I am very involved in my school as well as my commu-

nity. I look forward to this Key Club year with great anticipation as I

know it will undoubtedly be the best one yet!

K-Family/Public Relations Chair

Alyssa Laird

Hello Key Clubbers, I’m Aly Laird. I am the K-Family Committee Chairperson for the

2012-2013 Key Club I am proud to be serving on the WI-UM District Board. I hope

that it will be a great year of service. I decided to join Key Club my freshman year of

high school, but I wasn’t very involved with it because I was really shy. This year, I

decided to be more involved and meet new people. So, that’s what I did. I was more

involved, and I had the opportunity to go to DCON. While I was at DCON, I realized I

wanted to run for a District Board position, but I wasn’t going to run this year. But, I

stepped out of my comfort zone, and ran for a position. I didn’t get that position, but

two weeks later, I was appointed as the K-Family Committee Chair.

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District Webmaster

Brandon Li

Hey everyone! My name is Brandon Li and I’m thrilled to be

your District Webmaster for the upcoming year. I’m sixteen years old

and a junior at Kimberly High School. Whether it’s performing piano

concerts for the elderly at local nursing homes, to playing tennis un-

der the sun, I love to keep my life active! Key Club has brought so

many wonderful changes to my life, and as your District Webmaster,

I’m striving to bring our district to the next level! Two of my main goals

for this upcoming year are to create easy communication pathways

between LTGs and Key Clubbers in their divisions, and to create a

digital library containing a plethora of resources for dedicated and

passionate key clubbers like you! I’m looking forward to the great

year of service and fun ahead of us!

District Administrator

To the Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District: it has been an honor

being able to serve, as your International Trustee, such an amaz-

ing group of individuals. I am incredibly thankful to have been

allowed to be a small part of such a huge loving family.

International Trustee

Somya Gupta

I joined Kiwanis in 1988. Since joining, I've served in many capacities

through my home club (in Little Chute) I've served at the Kiwanis

District Level as well holding the office of Lt Governor, Regional Trus-

tee, District Trainer, and Kiwanis Governor; and for the past year as

your Key Club District Administrator. I've thoroughly enjoyed working

within Key Club and will continue to work diligently to move this Dis-

trict forward. While we volunteer with Key Club, my full time job is

actually that of a Corporate Travel Consultant. This year's District

Board, under the leadership of your Governor, Baylee Radke, is com-

mitted to the goals set during their training session in April. WI-UM is

growing. The more interaction we have with each other; the bigger

the impact we will have in our communities. Have a great and safe


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District Assistant Administrator

Kim Wesley

Hello WI-UM District! My name is Kim Wesley and I am your Assistant Ad-

ministrator. I have been a member of the Kiwanis Family for 14 years with

membership in Key Club, Circle K, and Kiwanis. I love volunteering with

the WI-UM Key Club District Board of Officers. Beyond my commitment to

Key Club, I have a full time job in Human Resources at the University of

Wisconsin Milwaukee. I have the additional pleasure of being Faculty

Advisor to the UW-Milwaukee Circle K Club. I am incredibly excited for

the 2012-2013 Key Club year. The District Board has set some wonderful

goals and the WI-UM District is going to accomplish great things.

We are all looking for-

ward to serving WI-

UM this upcoming

2012-2013 year!

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Contact Us

[email protected] - Baylee Radke

[email protected] - Rachel Bath

[email protected] - Nick Lewicki

[email protected] - Brandon Li

[email protected] - Erin Idler

[email protected] - Stephen Lin

[email protected] - Madison Springhetti

[email protected] - Trent McKinnon

[email protected] - Connor Sawyers

[email protected] - Mitchell Roeske

[email protected] - Julie Schweiss

[email protected] - Nikil Prasad

[email protected] - Charlie Thao

[email protected] - Jenna DeMoulin

[email protected] - Kelsey Connors

[email protected] - Maddy Bologna

[email protected] - Melissa Falagian

[email protected] - Molly Metzler

[email protected] - Sam Leicht

[email protected] - Caitlin Randell

[email protected] - Ian McIntire

[email protected] - Megan Kelley

[email protected] - Phil LaMarch

[email protected] - Jenna Larson

[email protected] - Jenna Larson

[email protected] - Melissa Panetta

[email protected] - Mitchell Sauder

[email protected] - Alyssa Laird

[email protected] - Kristen Rosen

[email protected] - Ian McIntire

[email protected] - Kathy Gillis

[email protected] - Kim Wesley

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