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Page 1: 2012 ACTrees Day Advocacy Session

November  13  2012  Sacramento,  CA  

Page 2: 2012 ACTrees Day Advocacy Session

“Affec7ng  Public  Policy:  Opportuni)es  for  All”  

Moderator  ScoB  Fogarty,  Execu(ve  Director,  Friends  of  Trees    and  ACTrees  Policy  Commi<ee  Co-­‐Chair  

 •  Connie  Gallippi,  Sr.  Policy  Consultant  Conserva(on  Strategy  Group  •  Chuck  Mills,  Program  Mgr-­‐Grants,  CA  ReLeaf  and  ACTrees  Policy  

Commi<ee  Co-­‐Chair  

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Advocacy  in  your    Community  

Tips  &  Techniques  Toward  Becoming  an  Effec(ve  Advocate  

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Why  Advocate  

Garner  support    

Influence  Policy  

Secure  Funding  

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Characteris(cs  of  an    Effec(ve  Advocate  

Knows  what  he/she  needs  

Can  make  it  compelling  to  other  people  

Can  relate  it  to  other  issues  

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How  do  you  define  what  you  need?  


Start  by  understanding  what  stands  between  you  and  success.  Is  it:  

•  Permission  to  proceed?  •  More  people?    •  More  money?  Different  money?  (i.e.  do  you  need  a  

bigger  slice  of  the  pie  or  a  different  pie?)  •  Policy  or  legisla(on?  •  Equipment  (capital  v.  opera(ng)?    •  Access  to  an  appropriate  site?  

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How  do  you  describe  what  you  need?  

 •  Carefully  craX  your  language  •  Avoid  techno-­‐speak  and  acronyms  •  Keep  in  mind  your  audience  may  care  for  different  reasons    

•  Use  words  that  are  proven  to  be  effec(ve  

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How  to  be  Compelling  to  Others  

•  Know  your  audience  

•  Focus  on  benefits  of  your  project,  not  technical  details    

•  Use  their  language  

•  Solve  their  problem  

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Change  the  topic  sentence  Be  part  of  something  BIGGER  such  as:    

•  Climate  change    •  Stormwater    •  Sustainable  communi(es  •  Urban  greening  •  Energy  conserva(on  •  Air  pollu(on  reduc(on  •  Water  quality  improvement  •  Soil  reten(on  •  Pubic  health  

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Who  is  your  audience?  

Their  permission?   Their  money?  

Their  help?  A  policy  

change  or  new  legisla(on?  

Do  you  need:  

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The  Usual  Suspects  

Local  Mayor  and  City  Councilmembers  

and  Commissioners  

County  Supervisors  and  


Agencies  such  as  Public  Works,  

Parks,  Sanita(on  


Assemblymember  or  Senator  

Resource  /  Conserva(on  /  Public  Works  Agencies  


Member  of  Congress  

Agency  such  as  USDA  Forest  Service  or  EPA  


Business/corporate  partners  

Founda(ons  and  other  private  


Other  NGOs  

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The  Influencers  

Community  Groups  

Organized  Labor  

Chambers  of  Commerce  and  Business  Councils  

Environmental  Groups  /  NGOs   Others  

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The  OXen  Overlooked  


 Why  them?  

 •  Advocacy  begins  at  home.  

•  Ins(tu(onal  buy-­‐in  is  essen(al  to  success,  and  without  it  external  advocacy  is  oXen  for  naught.  

Your  boss   Your  board  

Your  boss’s  boss  

Your  coworkers  

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The  Effec(ve  Advocate…  


Cul(vates  rela(onships  before  he  or  she  needs  them    

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The  Effec(ve  Advocate  

Listens  as  much  or  more  than  he/she  


•  The  applause  meter  goes  up  when  they  are  talking  

•  The  more  they  talk,  the  more  you  learn  

Researches  his/her  audience  

•  Interests  •  Priori(es  •  Programs  

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Typical  Advocacy  Situa(ons  

Meet  with  agency  representa(ves  

Meet  with  elected  officials  

Build  coali(ons  

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When  is  the  best  (me  to  approach…  

     An  agency?  

Prior  to  and  during  an  agency  Request  For  Proposals  (RFP)  


When  agencies  are  preparing  budget  proposals  

Note  that  these  (mes  are  different  at  the  local,  state,  and  

federal  level  

   An  elected  official?  

Prior  to  a  Legisla(ve  Session  

During  the  Legisla(ve  Session  if  you  need  changes  to  a  bill  already  introduced  or  for  

budget  ac(on  

Timelines  are  different  at  the  local,  state,  and  

federal  level  

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Tips  for  working  with  agencies  

Do  your  homework  to  understand  the  agencies  and  individuals  

How  much  MONEY  do  they  have  available  ?  

What  OTHER  PROJECTS  are  they  involved  in?  

What  is  the  agency’s  AUTHORITY  and  jurisdic(on?  

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Tips  for  working  with  elected  officials  

Cul(vate  rela(onships  before  you  need  them  

Approach  ALL  elected  officials  who  represent  your  region  

Approach  those  that  serve  on  relevant  policy  or  budget  commi<ees  or  likely  allies  whether  or  not  they  happen  to  represent  your  area.  

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Typical  Advocacy  Situa(ons  

Start  with  program  or  field  staff  if  needed  

15  minutes  max  –  be  prepared  and  organized    

Show  how  your  needs/project  fits  into  their  vision  and  objec(ves  

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Tips  for  Pitching  your  Project  

Solid  project  

Community  support  

Complement  the  elected  official’s  priori(es  

Go  prepared  

Bring  a  concise  descrip(on  of  the  project    

Bring  a  map  if  appropriate  

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Tips  for  Pitching  your  Project  

•  Invite  them  to  a  project  visit  

•  Leave  behind  a  one-­‐pager  outlining  key  elements  of  your  project  

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Coali(on  Building  

U(li(es   Water  Agencies   Public  Works  Agencies  

Local  Nonprofits   Environmental  Groups  

Business  Associa(ons/  Individuals  

Working  with  coali(ons  and  other  partners  can  be  a  great  way  to  gain  and  build  support  for  your  project  


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Your  program  is  only  important  to  you  …    un(l  others  validate  your  work.  

A  coali(on  gives  you:  Credibility  Broad  support  Poli(cal  influence  A  be<er  story  to  tell  More  funding  opportuni(es  More  hands  to  do  the  work  

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 Connie  Gallippi  

Conserva(on  Strategy  Group  [email protected]  

(926)  558-­‐1516  

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Chuck Mills

Emerging Opportunities for Urban Forestry through Public Policy

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Emerging Opportunities at the Local Level:

Urban Forestry as a Mitigation Tool •  Sacramento Tree Foundation •  Sacramento Metro AQMD •  US Forest Service

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•  Revenue Stream •  Exportable Model •  Trees for Air Quality

The Goal: Develop an urban forestry protocol to fit within a greenhouse gas exchange for

emitters regulated under CEQA

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Emerging Opportunities at the State Level:

Urban Forestry to improve Water Quality

•  California ReLeaf Network •  Statewide Partners •  State Legislature

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The Goal: Add urban forestry to an $11 billion bond written in 2009 that will be trimmed by up to 50% in

order to pass it off the 2014 ballot.

•  Portfolio of related projects •  Coalition of Support •  In-District Visits

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Emerging Opportunities at the Federal Level: Urban Forestry as part of America’s Mosaic

•  Alliance for Community Trees •  U.S. Congress •  YOU!

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The Goal: Augment U&CF Funding within Farm Bill while Defending against Attacks

on Existing Levels

•  SUFC Support •  Coalition Building •  ACT Lobby Day

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The Result: Money for Urban and Community Forestry at all Levels for all Reasons

•  Engage! •  Use the Tools •  Build the Bridge

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