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    Contracting Authority: Joint Managing Authorityhosted by the National Development Agency in Hungary

    Call for Proposals title:

    Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-UkraineENPI CBC Programme


    Grant Application Form

    Name of the Applicant: Repedea commune

    Budget lines numbers: General budget articles 19 08 02 01 and 19 08 02 02

    Reference number: HUSKROUA/1101

    Deadline for submission of application: 31 January, 2012

    For economical and ecological reasons, we strongly recommend that you submit your files on paper-based materials(no plastic folder or divider). We also suggest you use double-sided print-outs as much as possible

    Dossier No

    (for official use only)

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    If processing your application involves the recording and processing of personal data (such as names,addresses and CVs), such data will be processed pursuant to the principles of personal data protection andconfidentiality.

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    I. THE ACTIONto be submitted by all Applicants


    - General information


    (in Romanian: Valorificarea patrimoniului cultural ucrainean)Number and title ofthe Programme


    Priority 4: Support people to people cooperation

    Number and title ofthe measure2:

    Measure 4.1: Institutional Cooperation

    Location(s) of theAction:

    I.Romania. Northwest Region, Maramures County, Repedea and Poienilede sub Munte localities, under the Ruscova valley and Micro-region located inthe Ruscova Valley of Maramures Mountains Natural Park. These localitiesare placed in Maramures Depression Ruscova valley river and its tributaries.Ruscova Valley region is located in the central-northern Maramures county, onthe border with Ukraine (Verchovena districts and Rakhiv). It is a mountainousarea (including the highest peak Maramures Mountains), in proportion of 98%

    populated by ethnic Hutsul (Ukrainian) - about 20,000 inhabitants.

    II.Ucraina: District Verchovena, Ivan Frankivsk Region is located in theSouthern Region (Ivan Frankivsk, bordering the western TranscarpathiaRegion (district Rakhiv) at Chernivtsi region east and south of the Romanian-Ukrainian border. This territory is mountainous , forested, including thehighest peak. highlands of Ukraine (Hoverla, Petros, etc.) In the district ofVerchovena live 32.000 inhabitants, the vast majority are Ukrainians.Throughout this district, and even in the neighboring area of Ruscova Valley islocated the Reserve Carpathian Biosphere.In terms of ethnographic both territories, Romania and Ukraine are part of theethnographic area of Hutsul, being some of the most remote isolated regions oftheir countries and Europe.

    Nature of theproject3:


    Full legal name ofthe Applicant:


    Country ofregistration of theApplicant:4


    1Point 1.3 of the Guidelines for the Grant Applicants

    2Point 1.3 of the Guidelines for the Grant Applicants

    3Point 2.1.3 of the Guidelines for the Grant Applicants

    4 The statutes must make it possible to ascertain that the organisation was set up by an act governed by the national law ofthe country concerned (Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and Ukraine). In this respect, any legal entity whose statutes have been

    established in another country cannot be considered as an eligible local organisation.Page 3 of 75

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    Legal status:5 Public institution

    Total duration ofthe Action:

    12 months

    Partner(s)61. Ivan Krevan Local Development Association form Repedea commune,Maramures County (Romania)2. Local Council of Poienile de sub Munte from Maramures County (Romania)3. Raional Council of Verchovina from Ivano-Frankivsk Regione (Ukraine)

    Total eligible costof the Action (A)

    Amount requested from theContracting Authority (B)

    % of total eligible cost of Action(B/Ax100)

    429839,00EUR 386855,10 EUR 90 %

    Please mind that Co-financing shall amount to at least 10% of the total eligible costs of the Action.Please note that the cost of the Action and the amount requested from the Contracting Authority have to

    be expressed in EUR.

    Applicants from Suceava (Romania) and Chernivetska (Ukraine) filling in the above mentioned sectionsmust keep the rules of the limited participation (see point 1.2.2 of Guidelines for the Grant Applicants)

    Applicants contact details for the purpose of this Action:

    Postal address: Street. Principala, no. 98, Repedea commune, Maramures county,postal code 437240, Romania

    Telephone number: Countrycode + city code + number

    +40 262366011, +40 262366065

    Fax number: Country code +city code + number

    +40 262366 011 +40 262366065

    Contact person for thisAction:

    Mr iudic Pavel

    Position of Contact person Mayor

    Contact persons emailaddress:

    [email protected]

    Website of the Organisation http://www.primariarepedea.ro www.turismHutsul.roAny change in the addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers and in particular e-mail, must be notified in writing to the Contracting Authority. The Contracting Authority will not be held

    responsible in case it cannot contact an Applicant.

    - Summary (max 1 page)

    Objectivesof theAction

    The project goal is Hutsul local architectural heritage improve in the Romanian-UkrainianbordersProject objectives:1. Increasing use of the architectural heritage (wood) of ukrainian Hutsul from MaramuresMountains, in a period of 10 months;

    5e.g. non-profit making, governmental body

    6Add as many rows as Partners

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    2. Architectural Restoration of Civic Center in the village of Repedea, in a period of 10 months3. Hutsul of Maramures Mountains specific cultural heritage revaluation, in a period of 10months.


    1. Raional Council of Verchovina from Ivano-Frankivsk Regione (Ukraine


    1. Ivan Krevan Local Development Association form Repedea commune, Maramures County(Romania)2. Local Council of Poienile de sub Munte from Maramures County (Romania)



    The target group: is represented by at least 30 people who annually start to build ahouse in this border micro-region (Ruscova Valley-Verchovina), inhabitants of protected areasfor sustainable development of local communities and are currently building their homeswithout complying with architectural elements typical of Maramures Mountains Hutsul


    Final Beneficiaries: The beneficiaries will be all local communities in the area ofmicro-region cross-border Verchovina Ruscova Valley, the three local governments inRomania, a district government in Ukraine and in the first year at least 10 interested citizens to

    build a housing respecting local architectural elements specific to Ukrainians (Hutsul) in thisarea.


    - A local community center of a local community (Repedea) rehabilitated and modernizedwhile retaining the architectural specificity of Hutsul (Ukrainians living in the CarpathianMountains);- A cultural house rehabilitated - respecting local traditional architecture based on wood;- Architecture organized a camp for 7 days in micro-Verchovina-Ruscova Valley region;- 10 Romanian and Ukrainian architects participating in the camp;- 20 homes plans / layouts made by architects respecting local architecture;

    - Six permanent exhibitions with plans / layouts of houses proposed by the architects of thecamp that meet specific architectural elements of Hutsul ul;- A regulation endorsed by local governments to use local architectural elements in newconstruction in the area;- Increasing the number of tourists visiting the area;- Reduce the number of houses built that are not complying to erratically and local architecturalelements;- Attracting locals to use wood as a building material - specifically the Hutsul population in theCarpathians;- Develop and approve a set of rules needed to maintain the architectural development and

    perpetuation of traditional architectural elements;- Establishment of a Media Center of the Hutsul (mini TV studio) to harness local culturalheritage of Ukrainians (Hutsul ululs) on both sides of the border;- Developing an Internet portal of the Hutsul living in Carpathian Mountains


    A 1.1 Advertising the projectA 1.2. - Preparation of traditional architecture border campA 1.3. - Organizing the camp of traditional architecture;A 1.4. - Organization of exhibitions with the results of campA 1.5. - Develop and approve a set of rules needed to maintain the architectural developmentand perpetuation of traditional architectural elements

    7All projects shall be submitted by Applicants representing partnerships consisting of at least one Partner from a

    Member State participating in the Programme and at least one Partner from Ukraine. 8Point 2.1.2 of the Guidelines for the Grant Applicants

    9Point 2.1.2 of the Guidelines for the Grant Applicants

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    A 2.1. - Rehabilitation works were carried out outside of the Cultural House in Repedeavillage.A2.2. Completion of the development of Civic Centre Repedea village, Maramures CountyA 3.1. - Establishment of a Media Center Hutsul (TV studio) valuing cultural heritage of

    Hutsul on both sides of Romanian and Ukrainian borders;A3.2. - Making a movie to promote traditional architecture Hutu elements in micro-Verchovena Ruscova Valley regionA 3.3. - A portal to promote cultural values of HutsulA 3.4. - Final report

    Applicants from Suceava (Romania) and Chernivetska (Ukraine) filling in the section 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5must keep the rules of the limited participation (see point 1.2.2 of the Guidelines for the GrantApplicants)

    - Objectives (max 1 page)

    Describe the overall objective to which the Action aims to contribute towards and the specificobjective(s) that the Action aims to achieve.

    Background: According to the LACE Study on EU Initiative Interreg and future prospects -"Cross border cooperation is direct cooperation between the neighboring regions along the border, in allareas of local and regional authorities, involving all stakeholders." (Association of European BorderRegions)

    Both target areas in Romania and Ukraine are placed on both sides of the border face similarsocio-economic problems that lead to greater poverty, chaotic creation of constructions, withoutcomplying with the minimum elements of traditional architecture although this area can be a "piece ofheaven" for eco-tourism development activities by exploiting the tourism potential in the area - turningnatural organic products.

    The aim of this project is Hutsul local architectural heritage revaluation from the Romanian-Ukrainian border zoneAs we follow the preservation of language, customs, traditions and lifestyles of Hutsul (Slav

    population living on both sides of the border between Romania and Ukraine, in the Carpathians) resultingin promotion, development and perpetuation of local cultural values - such as specific architecture ofwooden houses in this area. From the experience of other regions I understood that is the mostadvantageous cross-border approach to this problem (by sharing experience, organizing joint events,cooperation has to solve common problems) than the efforts made by their own institutions for eachregion.

    And with access to funding from the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENPI Cross-BorderCooperation Programme 2007-2013 for Priority 4: Supporting cooperation "people to people", Measure4.1 Institutional Cooperation, we have an opportunity to capitalize on and promote the architectural

    heritage and cultural Hutsul in the Romanian-Ukrainian border areaThis will be achieved through the following objectives: O1. Increasing use of the architectural heritage (Wood) of Ukrainian Hutsul in MaramuresMountains, in a period of 10 months:- Preparation of traditional architecture border camp- Organizing the camp of traditional architecture;- Organizing public exhibitions, with permanent character designs resulting from the camp organization- Developing and approving a set of rules needed to maintain the architectural development and

    perpetuation of traditional architectural elements 02. Architectural Restoration of the Civic Center in the village of Repedea, in a period of10 months- Rehabilitation works were carried out outside of the Cultural House in Repedea by using the local

    architectural elements (wood products);- Completion of the development of Repedea village Civic Centre, Maramures County (to become amodel of good practice for other local governments in the area - in the public consciousness of Hutsul

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    from Carpathian Mountains - is the community center where they gather, a once or twice a week,exchange views, to inform, finalize business deals and find work. O3. Hutsul of Maramures Mountains specific cultural heritage revaluation, in a period of10 months.

    - Establishment of a Media Center Hutsul (TV studio) valuing the cultural heritage of Hutsul a side of theborder between Romania and Ukraine because I noticed that every year we go away from old habits,traditions, songs, traditional carols of Hutsul disappear with them.- Making a movie to promote traditional architecture of Hutsul elements in micro-Verchovena RuscovaValley region being designed to popularize showing the locals the opportunity to build beautiful anddurable houses using local products (wood, stone) and local architectural elements and not Mediterraneanarchitectural elements that are currently used;- A portal to promote cultural values Hutsul where they can post videos, photos, songs, information oftheir life in the Romanian-Ukrainian region.

    - Relevance of the Action (max 4 pages)

    Please provide the following information: Provide a detailed presentation and analysis of the problems and their interrelation at alllevels.

    States and border regions in the Transcarpathian region, including Romania and Ukraine arecharacterized by a wide variety of both natural and geographical conditions, as well as a number offeatures common economic, social and cultural as well as the existence of which is sparsely developedeffect of lack of jobs, migration of working-age population, of the young and the aging population andhow is the situation of our target area eventually neglecting Hutsul specific local language and customs.

    The territory we want to implement the project is located at the Romanian-Ukrainian border,extending from one another: micro-Verchovena-Ruscova Valley-region. Both territories are part of the

    ethnographic area Hutsul (Slav population, situated in the Carpathian Forested Mountains).People do not really know too much detail about the Hutsul. In history they have left no writtenrecord. Some theories see Hutsul (also called humane) Slavicized Dacians; others assume that they areSlavs who came in Bucovina and Maramures, before the Eighth Century. Although their origins remainunclear, Hutsul are linguistically group of Ruthenias. Language of Hutsul (an old Slavic language) isspoken in Romania in the west of Northern Bukovina and Maramures, Ruscova Valley, and inmountainous parts of the Ukraine.

    On these populations in the northern Carpathians Hutsul mystery hovers over their originsbecause they differ in physiognomy, the spiritual traits, port, customs, traditions or architectural glory andRomanian mass that they live in. They live mainly on the ridges of the Carpathians in the Ukraine andnorthern Romania. These areas are separated by valleys and mountains, noticing a higher density in some

    places, or even common living areas.

    One of the elements of community identity of the Carpathians is Hutsul is the traditional woodenhouse. But the pacts in recent decades, due to national and local policies inconsistent and unenforceableon the ground, built a disorderly, chaotic space, constructible development has eliminated the traditionalelements of wood and construction in favor of Mediterranean-type houses, with more floors, while theywho built huge houses they live in a dark little house behind it. At the legislative level, there is no legal

    protection to old buildings or the imposition of general management plans - urban law of any place - tobuild homes that meet local architecture and traditional architectural elements of Hutsul. All these factorshave led to a vacuum of authority and legislation that allowed owners to "do what they want theirmoney."

    We believe that at this time because of the fast pace of new housing lifting Hutsul inhabited areamust be taken to the recovery of traditional architectural elements to:- create a local framework for protection and conservation of the landscape piles interaction of human

    activities and nature over time has created a separate area with significant landscape value and / orculture, often with great biodiversity;- creating models of good practice (as will be the rehabilitation of cultural center of Repedea village);

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    - maintaining harmonious interaction of man with nature by protecting habitats and landscape diversity,promoting traditional practices and culture of the local population.- provide public recreation and tourism opportunities in communities which are very different just like arethose of the Carpathians Hutsul (with a culture, traditions, customs, ports, single language throughout


    Provide a detailed description of the target groups and final beneficiaries and estimatednumber.

    The target group: is represented by at least 30 people who annually start to build a house in thisborder micro-region (Ruscova Valley-Verchovena), inhabitants of protected areas for sustainabledevelopment of local communities and are currently building their homes without complying witharchitectural elements typical of Maramures Mountains HutsulFinal Beneficiaries: The beneficiaries will be all local communities in the area of micro-region cross-

    border Verchovena Ruscova Valley, the three local governments in Romania, a district government inUkraine and in the first year at least 10 interested citizens to build a housing respecting local architecturalelements specific to Ukrainians (Hutsul) in this area.

    Identify clearly the specific problems to be addressed by the Action and the perceived needs andconstraints of the target groups.Problems faced by this area

    Romania: Ruscova Valley micro-region is composed of three localities that are situated in thecentral-northern Maramures County, on the border with Ukraine (and Verchovena Rahiv districts). It is amountainous area, isolated (including the highest peak. Maramures Mountains), 98% inhabited by ethnicUkrainians.- Ruscova Valley isolation from the rest of the country;- Lack of jobs;- Training lack and population migration - especially the young in Western Europe;- Establishment in the city and young families moving into more developed areas of western Romania;- Lack of local initiatives to promote local cultural values;- Realization of chaotic constructions without observing traditional local architecture;- Buildings constructed by people who work in the EU with two or three floors that badly damaged citylandscape;- Dyeing tacky houses;- Construction of wrought iron fences or other items that do not involve traditional products (wood orstone);- Reduce the number of houses built in a year to zero.

    Ukraine: District Verchovena Ivan Frankivsk Region is located in the Southern Region,bordering the Transcarpathian region and Chernovtsy and Romanian-Ukrainian border to the south(including Ruscova Valley). This territory is mountainous, wooded, including the highest peaks ofMountains of the Ukraine (Hoverla, Petros, etc.)

    Problems faced by this area:- Isolation from the rest of the country (it is considered the most isolated corner of Ukraine);- Lack of jobs;- Population migration training, especially the young in other regions of Ukraine or Europe;- Establishment of the city and young families moving into more developed areas Ukraine;- Existence in the area of business travel agencies which are not very well promoted;- Low financial resources to promote local cultural values Hutsul;- Very strong impact on the prevailing the denationalization from USSR;- Realization of chaotic construction without observing traditional local architecture;- Construction of wrought iron fences or other items that do not involve traditional products (wood stone);

    - Reduced number of houses built of wood

    In conclusion we can say that both regions face the same problems, people must cope with thetransition from a socialist to a capitalist economy, failing to promote their local cultural values, traditionsand customs. In pursuit of the most solid looking homes to consult with architects building houses

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    without good taste which in time will lead to refusal of tourists to our region passing our borders (notethat this territory is located in Central Europe in the Carpathian Mountains part of protected natural areas- natural parks). But, when changing attitudes and promoting their cultural values is not yet over passedwe believe that by hand to hand, through mutual support and the resumption of ties between the two sides

    can transform our region into a prosperous place. Thus the Ukrainian, who already have more experiencein promoting cultural values of Hutsul can learn how to take new actions and promote cultural recoveryand perpetuation of cultural values inherited from generation to generation-ancestry

    It should be remembered that between these two areas there have been both economic and sociallinks (there are families who are drawn to one side or another of the mountains), links with theestablishment of communist regimes stopped and were eradicated with difficulty after 1991. We mustremember that until the Second World War under the Poienile de Sub Munte village there were organizedfour exhibitions per year where they met Romanians that came from Iza Valley, Bistrita-Nasaud, ClujCounty, even with the Ukrainians in the Carpathians (Verchovena). Romanians and Ukrainians grain andlivestock were offered for sale (sheep, cows, oxen and derived food). Although in this corner of centralEurope Ukrainians / Hutsul have kept the identity of nation, language and customs, now came time torenew socio-cultural ties that once existed.

    Although separated by mountains and the border between the states the Hutsul from MaramuresMountains continued to speak and to respect local customs and traditions. But for the continuity of suchsupport we need external impulse.

    Demonstrate the relevance of the Action to the needs and constraints of the targetcountry(ies) or region(s) in general and to the target groups/final beneficiaries in particular andhow the Action will provide the desired solutions, in particular for the targeted beneficiaries.

    States and border regions in the Transcarpathian region, including Romania and Ukraine arecharacterized by a wide variety of both natural and geographical conditions, as well as a range ofeconomic, social and cultural features common areas such as the existence of cultural interference, suchas Historical Maramures region (located on both sides of the Romanian-Ukrainian border on the TiszaRiver).

    It should be noted that both areas are part of the region "Historical Maramures" - "Land ofMaramures, part of the Hutsul Ethnography. And although in different historical moments were part ofthe both Kingdom of Hungary, Principality of Transylvania, the Habsburg Empire, Austro-Hungary,Czechoslovakia or the corner of communist regimes in Central Europe the nation kept its identity,language and traditions - those of Hutsul now came the time to resume the socio-cultural ties from the

    past.Today this territory is facing a process of abandonment of local cultural legacy specific to Hutsul

    Residents have started to enjoy the benefits of "industrial era", forgetting / and abandoning at the sametime, language, customs and traditions of Ukrainian architecture of wood and stone legacy for centuries.So it was that nowadays young Hutsul people in Romania talk to each other in Romanian language (onlyto mention of language families and in young families Hutsul only speak Romanian language) folk are

    left aside almost entirely (only a few at Christmas and Easter still wear old traditional clothes), no longerhold traditional weddings and about garments of old - just old people talking. Elders who disappear eachyear, with them disappear with and our cultural heritage. We no longer build homes that meet anyelement of traditional architecture - for example in the village Repedea since 2009 has not been built ahouse to meet specific elements of traditional architecture of Hutsul.

    All these issues affect the maintenance and perpetuation of authentic local architecture, customsand traditions of Hutsul in the area (both from Romania and Ukraine), although whether it would be well-worth might be a tourist attraction and would implicitly contribute to sustainable rural communitiesallocated on both sides of Maramures Mountains and protected natural areas that attract millions oftourists annually throughout Europe.

    Therefore, we consider that the results of this project will:- Will eliminate differences and obstacles in the development of collaboration across borders;

    - Will jointly undertake new activities to preserve local cultural heritage (local architecture);- Will create new institutions (Hutsul Media Center)- Will initiate recovery and promoting of common cultural values (e.g. local architecture) in the target

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    region;- Will help harness local customs and traditions using one of Hutsul Media Center;- Will perpetuate Hutsul local cultural heritage in this part of Europe.

    All results will lead to a favorable meeting, promoting common cultural values and specifics.

    Another outcome is that it will create conditions for strengthening the links between citizens of the twomicro-regions at the border, thus promoting the elimination of differences / barriers caused by the state


    Demonstrate the relevance of the Action to the priorities and measures of the Call forproposals.

    This project falls under Priority 4 Support people to people cooperation institutionalcooperation and it meets Measure 4.1 because it will be:- Organizing a camp architecture involving architects from Romania and Ukraine;- Will take actions to protect, promote and popularize the common local cultural heritage;- Will revitalize the center of the local communities in Repedea - 5000 people will be rehabilitated andmodernized while retaining the architectural specificity of Hutsul (Ukrainians living in the Carpathian

    Mountains), as well as having good practice model for other communities;- Will conduct 20 house plans / layouts to the architects participating in the camp of the local architectureof Hutsul to be popularized by the permanent exhibition at the premises of local authorities in the area.These model homes will meet the specific architectural elements of Hutsul;- Will develop a regulation endorsed by local governments to use local architectural elements in newconstruction in the area;- While the results of this project will lead to construction of houses with good appearance, keepingelements of architecture Hutsul will lead to an increase in the number of tourists visiting the area;- It will reduce the number of houses built without complying erratically and local architectural elements;- I hope I manage to attract the locals to use wood as a building material - specifically the Hutsul

    population in the Carpathians;- Developing an Internet portal of the Hutsul living in Carpathian Mountains- Will take actions for setting up a Media Center of Hutsul for the recovery and revitalization oftraditions, local songs and common identity of Hutsul from Maramures Mountains (on both sides of the

    border between Romania and Ukraine);- Will revive cultural activities in the Ukrainian minority on Ruscova Valley (Romania);

    Demonstrate the relevance of the Action to the cross-cutting themes of the Programme:EQUAL Opportunities, Sustainability Development, And Territorial Cohesion.

    Attributing acquisition contracts necessary to project implementation will be realized inconformity to Emergency Governmental Ordinance nr. 34/2006, with ulterior additions andmodifications, and by respecting the following principles:

    - Indiscrimination- Equal treatment- Mutual reconnaissance- Transparency- Proportionality- Efficiency of public funds usage- Taking responsibility

    There will be kept in mind that within all public acquisitions, indiscrimination at hiring bementioned as a primary responsibility of the providers, which will hire workforce from the localmarket and not only.Project advertising will also respect equality of chances and treatment between men and womenand will not contain, promote or provoke any forms of discrimination based on sex, ethnicorigin, race, religion or belief, disabilities, age, or sexual orientation.

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    Territorial cohesion: recent years have brought a significant dynamic in the EuropeanUnion area in an still undergoing consolidation: territorial cohesion. Under the Treaty ofLisbon's territorial cohesion became the third dimension of cohesion policy, in addition to social

    and economic components.Assigned objective of territorial cohesion adds the dimension of the political process, especiallythe cross-sectoral and trans-regional (cross-border, trans-regional, etc..): It allows policy makersto look across Europe from a new perspective - not regional or national but to a cross-borderintegrated and macro-regional - which can help build their future territories under territorialcapital by providing the best opportunities in various geographical levels.Through this project we aim reducing development disparities between geographical regions inRuscova Valley from Romania and Rakhiv in Ukraine, the project is so constructed that bothterritories to benefit from long-term outcomes of the project - the development of cycling cross-

    border joint tourism promotion, creating new jobs and work in tourism improving quality of lifeof citizens in the two regions.

    Equal Opportunities:For writing the project we involved diverse social groups disadvantagedby direct consultation (people who live along the future trail biking, craftsmen, owners of houses thatcould accommodate tourists) and representatives of the applicant and partners.Management team and the

    project implementation team will ensure that the principle isequal opportunities in the development ofproject materials, training programs and events that will be organized.Representatives of groups anddisadvantaged populations which are at risk or vulnerable (ethnic Ukrainians in Romania), poor rural

    population, with many children or living in isolated hamlets, etc..) will be invited and encouraged toparticipate in project activities. In order to ensure access by persons with disabilities in the trainingcourses conducted in the project, courses will be held at locations equipped with access options for thistarget group.

    The target group of the project was chosen so that there is not any discrimination among potentialbeneficiaries.Promoting equal opportunities was an important objective for the project team, being pursued in a

    transparent selection of people from target groups and their involvement at all levels of projectimplementation.Project activities do not allow discrimination in access to training target groups. This project proposes anintegrated approach to entrepreneurship development, as evidenced by the structure of the target groups,each of which can also contribute to the sustainable development of local communities from RuscovaValley.

    We mention that we comply with legislation on equal opportunities and treatment betweenwomen and men in employment and labor law, equal opportunities and non-discrimination, and we willtake into thoughts implementing all policies and practices of project which is not to make any distinction,

    exclusion, restriction or preference, regardless of: race, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, socialclass, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, membership in a disadvantaged category, and any othercriterion which has the purpose or effect the restriction, removal of recognition, use or exercise, on equalterms, human rights and fundamental freedoms and rights recognized by law.

    We try to respect non-discrimination and social inclusion of large masses of the population asfollows:- The target of the project consists of four towns with over 30,000 inhabitants;- Access to personal development will be made without any discrimination for ethnic groups in the area;Any person of any ethnic group with a focus on people targeted by the project, will have equal acces inthe project team.- There will be no discrimination between beneficiaries in urban and rural areas;- Among the beneficiaries will be both women and men;

    This project will create the premise for the development of entrepreneurial skills of individuals in thetarget area, to increase labor market access for vulnerable people socially or economically inactive in the

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    area by offering consulting services, job skills even in their locality without making these people to doefforts in moving to other locations. We mention that such a program - with support from both the directtarget groups has not yet been developed in the area.

    A. Sustainable Development This project was developed considering the EU Sustainable

    Development Strategy. The project activities follow the principles of sustainable development duringvarious stages of implementation, so as to ensure environmental protection, resources and bio-diversity.By the end of this project we aim that Ruscova Valley micro-region (Romania) - Rakhiv district(Ukraine), to have people better prepared to face current and future challenges and to act responsiblytowards future generations.For this purpose, for example,cyclo-tourism development in the area will beable to attract tourists to visit these places located in natural parks and so will help increase local revenues(provide accommodation and meals) and will reduce pressure on natural resources area (eg. exploitationof wood).The implementation of this project also means the implementation of sustainable regionaldevelopment strategy Ruscova Valley provides socio-economic development in the area takingconsidering the need to protect and perpetuation of natural resources.

    In terms of cross-cutting issues this project will have positive effects:

    - Hutsul minority (Ukraine) on Ruscova Valley in Romania through the promotion and revitalization ofthe promotion, will recover and perpetuate the cultural elements (architectural) specific to Hutsul living inCarpathian Mountains;- Raising cultural cooperation relations between the Valley Hutsul Ruscova and Hutsul RayonVerchovena which although will be part of the same ethnic group, the Hutsul have had cultural contactsfrom more than 50 years since the end of the Second World War since Romania and the Soviet Union

    border was drawn, so that a significant population of Hutsul remained on its territory;- Sustainable development of the region - through this project we will contribute to sustainabledevelopment of micro-communities-Verchovena and Ruscova Valley region through preservation andconservation of local landscape - local communities are situated in the Natural Parks - combined with ahigh landscape value - and daily activities for the Hutsul (they are recognized as the very best craftsmenin woodworking - having brought them the news to the capitals of two countries)So while the area will not just be gross timber manufacturer to be carried by trailer but in other areas thewood will be processed locally by craftsmen in wood and young apprentices, adding value to local

    products.Following the implementation of this project a regulation will be done - as a recommendation for thedevelopment and construction of housing must comply with the sustainable development of localcommunitiesAlso, by creating inside the Association Ivan Krevan a Media Center of Hutsul will lead the institutionalmaking of films, features, interviews on life of Hutsul from the area, thus contributing to the promotion,development and perpetuation of customs, traditions, songs, Christmas carols that we now know onlyfrom the elderly.All these activities from the project will lead this area to develop small business and agro-tourism, eco-

    tourism, processing of higher value-added wood (houses, vacation homes, furniture, etc.)

    Demonstrate the relevance of the Action to the selected project nature: symmetrical orintegrated. Justify your choice of the project nature.

    This project has an integrated character because cross-border activity will take place both inUkraine and in Romania, as follows:

    1. Advertising the project design will be done in the county of Maramures (Romania) and thedistrict Verchovena (Ukraine)

    2. Organizing the camp of traditional architecture and organization of exhibitions, traditionalarchitecture with the results of camp will be in every locality of the project target area

    3. Developing and approving a set of rules needed to maintain the architectural development andperpetuation of traditional architectural elements will be done jointly with local government

    representatives in the target area of the project and experts in the field, setting up a Media Center of TheHutsul (TV studio) to promote recovery of cultural heritage of Hutsul of one side of the Romanian-Ukrainian border and a portal to promote cultural values of Hutsul to congeal the collaboration between

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    the two micro-regions (to create a common cultural communication bridge), relationships that willcontinue after completion of the project - multimedia site will be accessed by Hutsul in Romania andUkraine - creating a feeling of belonging, even after 50 years of separation between the same people(ethnic group);

    4. Making a movie to promote traditional architecture Hutsul elements in micro-VerchovenaRuscova Valley region and its free distribution is intended to stimulate and guide local people to buildhouses in traditional style of Hutsul;

    Demonstrate the relevance of the Action to the main cooperation criteria.We believe that by implementing the project area will be touched by the cross-border partnership

    the following principles:1. - joint development project: to write this project partners have taken into sight the needs and

    constraints of the project target area: the local architectural heritage of Hutsul abandonment, lack of toolsfor promoting and explaining the locals about the importance of promoting the recovery and perpetuationof local architecture, poor promotion of local cultural values, lack of a media center for the promotion,

    recovery and perpetuation of local cultural values of Hutsul in Romania (Ruscova Valley micro region)and Ukraine (Verchovena district), lack of best practice models in the development of new construction .Each partner has contributed on writing the grant application ideas, materials research, statistics, etc.

    2. - joint implementation of the project: each partner will participate in the smoothimplementation of the project by making it available to the various resources available: human resources,financial resources, material resources, facilities, etc. These partners are interested in local factors (policymakers) who understand the need to promote material and cultural patrimony of the Hutsul in CarpathianMountains because only thus can develop and perpetuate the local cultural heritage of Hutsul contributingto the sustainable development of poor border area while rich in natural resources (forests, pastures,meadows, magnificent landscape).

    3. - joint financing: the project partners will contribute by commitment, each in proportion to theinvolvement and financial resources available to ensure co-financing of these projects. Because each

    partner understands that if you intervene at this point in the promotion and popularization of traditionallocal architecture will lead to multiplication of the money invested while bringing prosperity to the borderregion-Verchovena Ruscova Valley.

    4. common personnel: architectural organization of the camp, exhibitions camp results in thecreation of the Media Centre and Site of Hutsul and multimedia to promote local cultural values, peoplewill participate in both Romania and Ukraine. Also, the project team will be composed of representativesof both organizations in Romania and representatives of organizations from Ukraine.This project is thus thought that it involves all partners in project implementation, so that in futureeveryone would have enough experience to ensure project sustainability for new cross-border projects.

    Description of the Action and its effectiveness (max. 12 pages)

    Provide a description of the proposed Action including, where relevant, background informationthat led to the formulation of the Action. This should include:

    Expected results (max 3 pages). Indicate how the Action will improve the situation of targetgroups/final beneficiaries as well as the technical and management capacities of target groupsand/or any local partners where applicable. Be specific and quantify results as much as possible.Indicate notably foreseen publications. Describe the possibilities for replication and extension of theAction outcomes (multiplier effects).

    Following the implementation of this project in micro-Ruscova Valley border region (Romania)-Verchovena (Ukraine) we will show the following results:- Architecture organized camp for 7 days in micro-Verchovena Ruscova Valley region;- 10 Romanian and Ukrainian architects participating in the camp;

    - 20 homes plans / layouts made by architects respecting local architecture;- Six permanent exhibitions with plans / layouts of houses proposed by the architects of the camp whichmeet specific architectural elements of Hutsul;

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    - A regulation endorsed by local governments to use local architectural elements in new construction inthe area;- A local community center (in Repedea) rehabilitated and modernized while retaining the architecturalspecificity of Hutsul (Ukrainians living in the Carpathian Mountains);

    - A cultural house rehabilitated - respecting local traditional architecture based on wood;- Increasing the number of tourists visiting the area;- Reduce the number of houses built without complying erratically to local architectural elements;- Attracting locals to use wood as a building material - specifically the Hutsul population in theCarpathians;- Develop and approve a set of rules needed to maintain the architectural development and perpetuation oftraditional architectural elements;- Establishment of a Media Center of Hutsul (mini TV studio) to harness local cultural heritage ofUkrainians (Hutsul) on both sides of the border;- Developing an Internet portal of the Hutsul from Carpathian MountainsThe situation of target group:

    The implementation of this project will create conditions for the promotion and enhancement of

    cultural material (local architecture) of the Hutsul from Maramures Mountains.By the materials made (models, house plans) locals will realize that a modern and beautiful house

    can also be using elements of local architecture, inherited from ancestors and old-men and the worldaround us will learn the tradition of timber in the Hutsul culture. They will understand that if they build ahouse with local architecture, particularly, will increase the value of house and living area and cancontribute, each in its own way to promote and preserve cultural heritage of Hutsul for centuries. Also,this, by the uniqueness of the houses in the area will attract tourists to make expenses they will help createnew jobs (restaurants, lodging, guides) and thereby to sustainable development of our land borders whilelocals will start to build green houses, wooden ones, like their ancestors did and which will lead to thedevelopment of local economy in timber construction. Wood forests in the area is now led by machineryin the form of logs, but if in the future we will build a house of wood, processed wood will be higher inthe area, creating new jobs and in time why not companies to make wooden boxes for export or otherareas of the country.

    We believe that an activity with amazing results will be the Media Centre for Hutsul part of IvanKrevan Association pole which will be in the continuous development and promotion on various mediachannels (TV, radio, online) promoting cultural values of the Hutsul in Carpathian Mountains andespecially in Romania. The material base will be the means to promote and perpetuate traditional valuescommon in this part of Europe.

    We estimate that after the project we will significantly increase the number of cultural activitiesin the towns of the project target area.

    This series of concrete actions to develop and promote local cultural values will be a model ofgood practice for other local and regional government, which will take the idea and will replicate in theirown community, because information travels in this area and spreads from man to man and the power of

    example is crucial.

    Describe the possible stakeholders (national, local government, private sector, etc.), theiranticipated role and/or potential attitudes towards the project.

    Factors that could influence performance, implementing and ensuring the sustainability of theproject would be:

    1. Romania's Government through the Department for interethnic relations will be a strongfinancial support for the development of new cultural events to promote cultural values of Hutsul fromRuscova Valley.

    2. Union of Ukrainians in Romania could support new cultural activities in the area. Unionrepresentatives could make cultural Romanian authorities lobbying for funding of actions to perpetuatethe local cultural heritage.

    3. Department for Culture, Cults and National Cultural Heritage Maramures which could promotethe project results to the whole county of Maramures in various ways: exchange of experience,

    presentation of the cultural circular draft to all homes in Maramures etc.Page 14 of 75

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    4. City and town council of Ruscova, Repedea, Bistra, Poienile de Sub Munte from Romania andZelene Town Hall and Verchovena District Council would support in Ukraine the cultural act in theirlocalities and could financially support the implementation of local cultural events;

    5. Maramures Mountains Natural Park in the area whose role is to preserve environmental

    conditions and local cultural heritage could support some cultural events: festivals of Christmas carols,Hutsul culture camps, collection of traditional Ukrainian songs etc.

    6. Maramures County Council and Verchovena District Council could take action to supporthousing construction and traditional architecture by organizing exchanges of experience to contribute tothe promotion and proliferation of project in other areas of our region.

    7. Traders in the area could be attracted to conduct business in the woodworking, building housesand other wooden products opening minds and roads to the local community through sustainabledevelopment of natural heritage (forests) and cultural (elements of traditional architecture) and with itthey could earn some money for sponsorships could make a partial financial support of culture of Hutsulin rural areas.

    8. Personalities coming from the project's target area, which already hold key positions inadministration, business, and culture might be a cultural association to support Hutsul cultural act.

    9. Romanian National Television (TVR) in Cluj-Napoca television station in cooperation withIvan Krevan can make a regular show on the life of Ukrainians (Hutsul in this part of the country).

    Describe the estimated added value of the cross-border cooperation in the Action (Whatmeasurable impact will be generated by the project on both sides of the border?)

    We believe this project will occur with the following value-added results in the relationshipbetween border communities in Romania and Ukraine:- We will hold a camp of organized architecture for 7 days in micro-region of Verchovena RuscovaValley, to be attended by 10 Romanian and Ukrainian architects participating in the camp which willmake plans for homes 20 / models made by observing architecture local architects (Hutsul)- Six permanent exhibitions with plans / designs proposed by the architects of the camp houses andHutsul that meet specific architectural elements - the model for the locals who want to build a housecausing a fashion among the communities. We know very well that in this area exchange of experienceand assumption of existing models has very great influence on Hutsul (locals)- Rules will be appropriated by a local government use of architectural elements of Hutsul in newconstruction area so that both government partners from Romania and Ukraine will recommend peoplewho want to build a home the opportunity and advantages of a house built of wood;- In the village we will soon arrange a civic center - Hutsul venue for the area - preserving thearchitectural specificity of Hutsul (Ukrainians living in the Carpathian Mountains), which will become a

    best practice model for other rural communities and citizens;- Will reduce the number of houses built without complying erratically and architectural elements byattracting local residents to use wood as a building material - specifically the Hutsul population in theCarpathians;

    - Will increase the number of tourists who will visit this border area helping increase local revenues;- Locals will focus on wood construction - thereby creating jobs for carpenters and joiners andprofessional schools in the area will not produce unemployed carpenters, but young people as soon asthey leave from school will be able to practice the profession of worker wood. While policies are good

    business that will refine wood by its processing and direct sale of logs as we do today.- Hutsul will establish a Media Centre (mini TV studio) to harness local cultural heritage of Ukrainians(Hutsul) on both sides of the border and through the internet portal Carpathian Mountains - will anyone

    be able to access the Internet find stories, histories, stories about life, culture, traditions, economic andtourist activities of this population. Ivan Krevan Association will strengthen its position as a pole ofinvolvement and promotion of cultural values, traditional and natural Ruscova Valley micro-region, thuscontributing to sustainable development of natural communities in parks where they belong.

    Expected environmental impact:Does your project have a positive effect on the environment and does it regard the aspects ofenvironmental protection?

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    We believe that by promoting and preserving local cultural values in this corner of the world wewill be able to motivate them to understand that local people can get income from the promotion ofcultural local heritage (traditional houses, local architecture, songs, performances, costumes), stimulatingthe development of tourism, not only from deforesting in the area. Our action falls within the objectives

    of Maramures Mountains Natural Park which is actively involved in sustainable development of thesemicro-regions and local natural and cultural heritage is a prerequisite for sustainable development. At this

    point in the area are very many poor families who walk in the woods and stealing wood from the forestand sell logs, without being processed, no added value is in time but we hope that by targeting localtimber for construction and preservation of local architecture - local people to have a job helping in theconstruction of houses and thus decrease the human pressure on existing natural resources. Alsoaccording to research wood is one of the most organic materials (increasing by absorbing carbon dioxide,

    processed using minimum energy and is very durable - a wooden house can take 200 years), whilecement, reinforced concrete bricks are obtained by heat treatment with high consumption of energy(electricity and heat) and often using renewable energy sources. Also, the project's target area iscomposed mostly of forests so that there is less CO2 emissions during the transportation of constructionmaterial, knowing that a big factor is the pollution trucks (e.g. brick on Ruscova Valley today is brought

    from Hungary - from more than 400 km from Satu Mare sand - from more than 200 km, iron concreteCluj county - over 200 km).

    So wood, with stone building is one of the elements friendly and healthy environments to live inwooden houses.

    Does the project has an influence and in what rate for the emission of pollution or harmfulenvironmental impact (increased border crossing traffic, number of the tourists, inhabitants)?

    We cannot say that this project would not impact on the environment. Every human action hasnegative repercussions. But we recommend that residents use the local housing natural products (woodand stone) and the fact that we create local events that residents will get some revenue will lead to lowerhuman pressure on nature.

    Does your project contribute to the reconstruction of natural heritages?The local cultural heritage will contribute measurably to the preservation of natural conditions in

    the area. Hutsul elders say its a god sin to dirt water or recklessly throw some objects that could berevalorificated (recycled). Using top of the timber in the area will help create jobs and promote a healthylifestyle as recommended by the policy of Maramures Mountains Natural Park.

    Do the actions of your project have an effect on the NATURA 2000 areas and otherVulnerable Zones and natural assets?

    This project will be implemented in Maramures Mountains Natural Park which has submitted aproject to implement the Nature 2000 program. We believe that this project has no negative effects onflora and fauna of the area. Even through our actions we perform tasks of which we could demonstratethat in this area Hutsul love nature and especially mountain which they feel very attracted to it (this

    results from local songs and stories).

    Does your project decrease the use of non-renewable energies?We do believe that when local people will understand the advantages of building houses keeping

    the local architecture and construction in the area using materials (wood and stone) will decrease thepressure on non-renewable energy use. For example, cement production is one of the major sources ofcarbon dioxide in the world and increasing demand for this product. Unlike other industries, cementsuffers from a problem of chemical reactors which creates and releases large amounts of CO2 into andout of the product. 60% of the total emissions from cement production only occur in the chemical

    process. The same happens in the production of brick, BCA, etc. While it is known that the timber israised to at least 60 years until it is exploited and in this period retains a huge amount of CO2 (greenhousegas effect). We know that forests provide many important benefits everyone. Forests are home to over

    half the species living on earth, are also helping to slow global warming by storing and sequestration, aresources of wood products, help regulate rainfall, are essential sources of food and water and bring thesame enormous advantages for aesthetic, spiritual and recreational to millions of people. As an important

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    global carbon deposits, forests play a fundamental role in influencing the Earth's climate.And through our project we want to mark in this area Hutsul a good relationship with nature - to

    consume natural resources only as needed and use them with head and in a sustainable way.

    Does the project enhance the preservation of biodiversity?We believe so. Because the project contributes to sustainable development of our part of the

    Maramures Mountains Natural Park. This institution was founded to contribute to local biodiversityconservation taking into account the specific site and the preservation and promotion of local culturalvalues. Through this project we made a step forward in promoting eco-tourism in the area (cultural eventsalways attract tourists who will enjoy activities such as local cultural and natural beauties of the area andthe final result will be that these tourists will leave money in the community - for accommodation, meals,local transportation, handicrafts - and changing the behavior of residents in this shift to offer touristservices.

    Does your project have an aim to raise the awareness of the population regarding theenvironmental and nature protection issues? Describe the actions planned.

    The project is one with a cultural impact (changing local attitudes) but with it we will rememberthe events that created it, and those that it is important to have good behavior to the environment.

    By organizing thematic exhibitions with models of traditional wooden houses we want to realizethe locals that they live in protected areas (parks) and is important both for themselves and for theirchildren's future to build houses using local resources (natural, healthy and less polluting) and providelocal architectural elements in their future home. The Multimedia Center of Hutsul and web site willmake local public awareness campaigns on environmental issues and nature protection.

    Planned actions:- Local architectural achievement camp;- The achievement of permanent exhibitions with plans, traditional house designs proposed by architects;- Development of public meetings on local awareness on the use of local building elements (wood, stone)- Carrying out awareness campaigns on local environmental issues and protection of nature throughMedia Center and Site of Hutsul

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    The proposed activities and their effectiveness. Fill in the table below 10(max 9 pages). In this respect, the detai led description of activities must not repeat the Actionplan to be provided in section 1.7 below

    Number and Title of theActivity

    Describe in detail each activity to be undertaken to produce the results Justify the choice and effectivenessof the activity indicating its sequenceand interrelation

    Describe briefly where applicable theplanned procurement procedure(specify works, supply, services) inthe frame of each proposed activity

    Specify the role of each Partner(or associates) in the frame ofeach proposed activity whereapplicable

    A 1.1 Promoting

    the project

    Through this activity we will seek to popularize the project

    by publishing, in the entire duration of the project, pressreleases in newspapers in the county of Maramures(Romania) and Ivano-Frankivsk (Ukraine).Initially the project team will determine the action plan thefollowing months and the tasks for each person. In the firstmonth of the project they will hold a consultation withrepresentatives of the partners for submission of projectmilestones and ways to resolve any problems.Period: 1-12 months projectResources: computer, printer, telephone / fax, Internetaccess, payment for the project team.Responsible: Project Manager.

    Results: 5 press release in Romanian and Ukrainian,and 10 county press articles, an article in minoritynewspapers, the determination and presentation of project

    work plan for partners based on months.


    - This activity will promote theproject in the target region so wecan also promote partnershipscreated, the project results and ofcourse the financier.- This activity will promote eachactivity undertaken in the project,increasing the target group andconfidence in our efforts.Relations with other activities inthe project: all activities - Allactivities will be reflected in themedia by issuing press releases.

    Not applicable. Press

    releases will be sent tolocal press without theseservices being outsourced.The experience of otherprojects, the media presspublishes free publicpress releases on thepursuit of activities in thetarget area of project.

    Ivan Krevan Association

    designing press releasePoienile de Sub Muntevillage and VerchovenaDistrict Councils will

    promote local mediapress release.

    A 1.2. - Preparationof traditionalarchitecture bordercamp

    Training camp is aimed at identifying potential crossborder traditional architecture architects of the Romanian-Ukrainian culture and architecture students interested instudying specific elements of local architecture in theHutsul Carpathian Mountains. In this respect we will

    Relations with other activities inthe project: all activitiesA 1.3. - Organizing the camp oftraditional architectureA 1.4. organization ofexhibitions with the results ofcamp

    Not applicable. Ivan KrevanAssociation will organizethe event

    Ivan Krevan Associationwill deal with theorganization of trainingcamp with support fromall partners

    10Add as many rows as activities planned

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    contact the universities of architects and architecture in thearea.We will also prepare the conditions of staying,accommodation, meals and transportation of architects.Each Participant in the camp will conclude a contract underwhich it agrees to cede copyright of Hutsuls houses withtraditional architectural elements designed to be exhibitedand offered for free to local Hutsul in the project's target

    area.Period: 2-4 months projectResources: computer, printer, telephone / fax, internetaccess, money, venue of meetings, transportation, salariesfor the project team.

    Responsible: Project Manager.Results:

    - 10 architects and architectural students identified toparticipate in the camp;- 10 contracts signed for copyright transfer;- 10 contracts for the participation of architects at the camp.

    A 1.5. Develop and approve aset of rules on the developmentand perpetuation of traditionalarchitecture and maintainingtraditional architectural elementsA2.2. development of RepedeaCivic Centre, Maramures CountyA 3.1. establishment of a HutsulMedia Center (TV studio) whichpromotes cultural heritage ofHutsul on the side of the

    Romanian-Ukrainian borderA3.2. Making a movie topromote traditional architectureelements of Hutsul in VerchovenaRuscova Valley micro region

    A 1.3. - Organizingthe camp oftraditional


    This activity will be held for 7 days in Verchovena-Ruscova Valley border micro region. The event will be

    attended by 10 architects and architecture students. Therole of the camp is to identify the architectural elements oftraditional architecture of Hutsul and to transpose them inan attractive form to the citizens who want to build a house.Each camp participant will be paid according to his service.Period: 4-8 months project;Resources: accommodation, meals, transport ofparticipants, computer, printer, telephone / fax, internet

    Relations with other activities inthe project: all activities

    A 1.2. - Preparation of traditionalarchitecture border campA 1.4. organization ofexhibitions with the results ofcampA 1.5. Develop and approve aset of rules on the developmentand perpetuation of traditionalarchitecture and maintainingtraditional architectural elementsA3.2. Making a movie to

    Ivan Krevan Associationwill organize the eventWe will subcontract theservices of architects tocreate homes

    Ivan Krevan Associationwill deal with theorganization of trainingcamp with support fromall partners

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    access, money, venue of meetings, project team salaries.Responsible: Project Manager.

    Results:- An architecture camp of seven days;- 10 participants at the camp (architects and architecturestudents from Romania and Ukraine);- 20 plans / layouts of houses proposed and presented byresidents of the project's target area.

    - Promoting and enhancing local architecture in theCarpathian Mountains, in the zones inhabited by Hutsul

    promote traditional architectureelements of Hutsul in VerchovenaRuscova Valley micro region

    A 1.4. organization ofexhibitions with theresults of camp

    Through this work we aim to popularize the results of camparchitecture by organizing permanent exhibitions at localgovernment offices or centers at different locations of localevents, etc.For this activity we will need specialized materials formaking models, multiplying housing plans, presentingthem in an attractive format, etc.Period: 7-12 months project;Resources: exhibition spaces (hallways of the hospitalhalls, town halls, locations near schools, churches andcultural centers, computer, printer, telephone / fax, internetaccess, money, venue for meetings, project team salaries.

    Responsible: Project consultant (architect)Results:- 5 permanent exhibition of local traditional architecture,- Five temporary exhibitions (mobile) of local traditionalarchitecture- At least 5 people interested to build house after atraditional model house

    Relations with other activities inthe project: all activitiesA 1.2. - Preparation of traditionalarchitecture border campA 1.3. - Organizing the camp oftraditional architecture

    A 3.3. Making of a website topromote the cultural values ofHutsul

    Ivan Krevan Associationwill organize the event

    Ivan Krevan Associationwill deal with theorganization of trainingcamp with support fromall partners

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    A 1.5. Developand approve a setof rules on thedevelopment andperpetuation oftraditionalarchitecture andmaintaining


    With the support of the architect - consultant of the projectwe will develop a set of rules needed to maintain thearchitectural development and perpetuation of traditionalarchitectural elements in the area inhabited by Hutsul. Thisset of rules will be submitted for approval / attributed tolocal governments issuing building permitsPeriod: 7-11 months project;

    Resources: computer, printer, telephone / fax, internetaccess, money, venue for meetings, project team salaries.Responsible: Project Manager.

    Results:- A set of rules for the development and perpetuation oftraditional architecture necessary for maintaining thetraditional architectural elements;- Campaigns to lobby local authorities to approve a plan tobuild homes that meet a minimum set of traditionalarchitectural elements

    Relations with other activities inthe project: all activitiesA 1.2. - Preparation of traditionalarchitecture border campA 1.3. - Organizing the camp oftraditional architectureA 1.4. organization ofexhibitions with the results ofcampA 2.1. Rehabilitation workscarried out outside of the Cultural

    House in RepedeaA2.2. development of RepedeaCivic Centre, Maramures CountyA 3.1. establishment of a HutsulMedia Center (TV studio) whichpromotes cultural heritage ofHutsul on the side of theRomanian-Ukrainian border

    Not the case The public partners willhandle the preparationof a regulation

    A 2.1. Rehabilitationworks carried outoutside of theCultural House in


    This work is entitled to promote local architecture based onwood and use natural building materials in the area (wood)with the final result of a pattern of good practice for localpeople - to see that using wood as a building architecturalelement can regain visual pleasant appearance. This

    activity aims to:- Reduced slope in the new frameworks reintroduce humanscale property withoutsublime vicinity;- Given the height of two storeys, the building has asimple outfit receives a horizontal development, planningrelated to building focus and attention not just good at theexpense of neighborhoods.

    Relations with other activities inthe project: all activitiesA 1.4. organization ofexhibitions with the results ofcampA 1.5. Develop and approve aset of rules on the development

    and perpetuation of traditionalarchitecture and maintainingtraditional architectural elementsA2.2. development of RepedeaCivic Centre, Maramures CountyA 3.1. establishment of a HutsulMedia Center (TV studio) whichpromotes cultural heritage ofHutsul on the side of theRomanian-Ukrainian borderA 3.3. Making of a website to

    Effective work will besubcontracted to craftsmenfrom the area in compliancewith national legislation on

    public procurement

    The village Repedearepresented by the CityCouncil will deal withsubcontracting work

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    - Urban planning facilitates social contact and unfolding incivilized conditions, providing a modern but perfectlycompatible and integrated context. It enhances the imageand the quality of life and this is beneficial to sustainabledevelopmentEffective work will be subcontracted to craftsmen from thearea in compliance with national legislation on publicprocurement

    Dates: 1-12 months project;Resources: computer, printer, telephone / fax, internetaccess, money, venue for meetings, project team salaries.Responsible: Project consultant (architect).Results: promote local architecture based on wood and usenatural building materials in the area (wood)Rehabilitation works carried out outside of the CulturalHouse in Repedea

    promote the cultural values ofHutsul

    A2.2. development ofRepedea CivicCentre,MaramuresCounty

    With this we propose to create the community centerRepedea while maintaining a modern civic center of localarchitectural elements. Hutsul Carpathian Mountains areknown as mountain men regularly (1-2 times a week downin the village center for shopping, to conclude agreements,contracts or simply to change a word. These meetings aredesigned to maintain links within the Hutsul community

    and help to facilitate relationships between people with thefinal result - sustainable local community.Landscaping works for Repedea Civic Centre in the village,Maramures county will be made around the Cultural HouseRepedea City Hall.Effective work will be subcontracted to craftsmen from thearea in compliance with national legislation on publicprocurement

    Relations with other activities inthe project: all activitiesA 1.3. - Organizing the camp oftraditional architectureA 1.4. organization ofexhibitions with the results ofcampA 1.5. Develop and approve a

    set of rules on the developmentand perpetuation of traditionalarchitecture and maintainingtraditional architectural elementsA 2.1. Rehabilitation workscarried out outside of the CulturalHouse in RepedeaA 3.1. establishment of a HutsulMedia Center (TV studio) whichpromotes cultural heritage ofHutsul on the side of the

    Effective work will besubcontracted to craftsmenfrom the area in compliancewith national legislation on

    public procurement

    Ivan Krevan Associationwill deal with theorganization withsupport from all


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    Period: 2-11 months project;Resources: computer, printer, telephone / fax, internetaccess, money, venue for meetings, project team salaries.Responsible: project consultant (architect).

    Results:- A landscaped civic center;- Creation of common spaces for meeting for the Hutsulinhabiting Repedea Village;

    - Creating a model of good practice for other local publicadminsitrations that could make themselves a civic center;- Use of local materials during construction (wood, stone)that will in time be taken over by local people which willbuild their own homes.

    Romanian-Ukrainian borderA 3.3. Making of a website topromote the cultural values ofHutsul

    A 3.1. establishment of aHutsul MediaCenter (TVstudio) whichpromotes culturalheritage of Hutsulon the side of theRomanian-

    Ukrainian border

    This activity is an approach focused on promoting the areaas Hutsul media programs and products will highlight thehistory of the villages small daily happenings of the tworegions. It will also demonstrate some of the culturaldifferences between local, specific Hutsul, thuscontributing to strengthening the regional identity andinforming on local and regional socio-cultural issues.Media Center of Hutsul will contribute significantly toinformation on local and regional culture, history and

    development problems. This center may be considered ameasure of communication for rural development in theregion.The basic idea of setting Hutsul Media Center is topromote habits, traditions, local culture, history andactivities taking place in rural areas in the target area usingthe media through TV, online postings (on site). It's awonderful opportunity to involve a number of people and

    Relations with other activities inthe project: all activitiesA 1.4. organization ofexhibitions with the results ofcampA 1.5. Develop and approve aset of rules on the developmentand perpetuation of traditionalarchitecture and maintainingtraditional architectural elementsA3.2. Making a movie topromote traditional architectureelements of Hutsul in VerchovenaRuscova Valley micro regionA 3.3. Making of a website topromote the cultural values ofHutsul

    We will subcontractprocurement services forgoods needed at HutsulMedia Center

    Ivan Krevan Associationwill deal with theorganization withsupport from all


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    contribute to raising awareness about the various localgroups in the area Hutsul, artists, cultural associations,local history, etc. All villages are unique, different andvaried and their cooperation in producing materials on thesubject, the idea of "Chronicles of the village can bedeveloped in series.During monthly online TV shows, various organizationsand individuals in the region will be invited to submit their

    village on a number of different scenarios. For example,they can discuss local idiom, specific lifestyles, customs,etc. Media workshop will travel to the territory of theregions, equipped with specialized equipment purchasedfrom the project, and will visit various institutions, foodproducers, arts and crafts enterprises, local schools etc..There will also be interviewed older citizens as part ofrevealing the history of villages, such as the type ofcostumes they wore, old crafts, people and daily activitiestaking place in villages.The program will be designed so as it has a stimulatingcontent, rich and diverse, attracting considerable interestthroughout the region.Hutsul Media Center will also develop networks of peopleliving in the border area of Hutsul and a sense of ownership

    among community groups. Residents will get to know theirarea from a fresh perspective and their identity with theirregion will deepen this being particularly important foryounger members of the community.Time: 5-8 Project;Resources: equipment to operate a mini TV studio,computer, printer, telephone / fax, internet access, money,venue for meetings, project team salaries.

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    Responsible: Consultant (journalist)Results:

    - A mini TV studio set up and equipped with specializedequipment Hutsul Media Center;- 1 site (portal) created to promote in multimedia the Hutsulcultural values on both sides of the Romanian-Ukrainianborder- One issue per month made on the life, culture, history,

    traditions of Hutsul from Carpathian Mountains;- Involvement of five volunteers from Ivan KrevanAssociation the promotion and exploitation of local culturalheritage Hutsul ulul

    A3.2. Making amovie to promotetraditionalarchitectureelements of Hutsulin VerchovenaRuscova Valleymicro region

    Film to promote traditional architecture Hutsul elements inmicro-region Verchovena Ruscova Valley will beconducted by a team of volunteers from the AssociationIvan Krevan Hutsul Media Center who supervised theproject architect will make a movie about 20 minutes tospread architectural elements among local residents.The film will be made by the project staff with experiencein television and with the support of partners andvolunteers from the Association Krevan Ivan.Period: 7-11 months project;

    Resources: equipment for filming, computer, printer,telephone / fax, internet access, money, space to conductmeetings, project volunteers team salaries.Responsible: Project Manager.

    Results:- Involvement of five volunteers from the AssociationKrevan Ivan in the film to promote domestic architecture;- Making a movie of 20 minutes;

    Relations with other activities inthe project: all activitiesA 1.3. - Organizing the camp oftraditional architectureA 1.4. organization ofexhibitions with the results ofcampA 1.5. Develop and approve aset of rules on the developmentand perpetuation of traditionalarchitecture and maintainingtraditional architectural elementsA 2.1. Rehabilitation workscarried out outside of the Cultural

    House in RepedeaA 3.3. Making of a website topromote the cultural values ofHutsul

    Not the case the moviewill be made by the projectteam

    Ivan Krevan Associationwill deal with theorganization withsupport from all


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    - Multiplying the movie CDs in 1000 copies;- Presentation of film in the halls of local councils,teachers' rooms in community centers- Site promoting the film created in the project

    A 3.3. Making of awebsite to promotethe cultural valuesof Hutsul

    To promote the project, the home of Hutsul teritoritory(both institutions from Romania and Ukraine) willpurchase the service of creating a website (portal). This

    will be given to the subcontractor under the relevantlegislation.Will be conducted in Romanian, Ukrainian and when wecan in Hutsul language. On site we will post promotionalmaterials in the project as well as other information aboutHutsul. After completion of the project the site will bemanaged by the Ivan Krevan Association and throughoutHutsul Media Center will produce promotional materials,recovery and perpetuation of the old traditions, customs,and traditional carols of Hutsul in this region. This site willbe free and any of the Hutsul will access it from anywherein the world, so that those who are left to work abroad ormoved can keep in touch with loved ones in VerchovenaRuscova Valley micro regionPeriod: 7-11 months project;

    Resources: computer, printer, telephone / fax, internetResponsible: Project Manager.Results:

    - Web site created with posts about life, culture, civilizationof Hutsul from Carpathian Mountains (photos, articles,studies, reports, videos, etc.).

    Relations with other activities inthe project: all activitiesA 1.5. Develop and approve aset of rules on the development

    and perpetuation of traditionalarchitecture and maintainingtraditional architectural elementsA 3.1. establishment of a HutsulMedia Center (TV studio) whichpromotes cultural heritage ofHutsul on the side of theRomanian-Ukrainian borderA3.2. Making a movie topromote traditional architectureelements of Hutsul in VerchovenaRuscova Valley micro region A3.3. Making of a website topromote the cultural values ofHutsul

    Will be subcontracted to afirm specialized in websitecreation

    Association will dealwith the organization oftraining camp with

    support from allpartners

    A 3.4. Finalreporting

    So this project doesnt become a single target in the Relations with other activities inthe project: all activities

    Not the case

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    territory, the planning and project team will conduct aninternal evaluation of the project to determine strengths,weaknesses, opportunities and threats during itsdeployment, which could improve the work, lessonslearned etc.. We want the whole experience to besynthesized that can be used in the following programs andfunding that we access.We believe that an important stage of this project is seen by

    an accurate final report of activities undertaken during theconduct of activities.Period: 12 months projectResources: computer, printer, telephone / fax, internet,money (salary of project team).Responsible: project manager, accountant;Results: - final project report, material selection procedureson whether or not repeating the experience, what we wouldchange and what we would not.

    A 1.2. - Preparation of traditionalarchitecture border campA 1.3. - Organizing the camp oftraditional architectureA 1.4. organization ofexhibitions with the results ofcampA 1.5. Develop and approve aset of rules on the developmentand perpetuation of traditionalarchitecture and maintaining

    traditional architectural elementsA 2.1. Rehabilitation workscarried out outside of the CulturalHouse in RepedeaA2.2. development of RepedeaCivic Centre, Maramures CountyA 3.1. establishment of a HutsulMedia Center (TV studio) whichpromotes cultural heritage ofHutsul on the side of theRomanian-Ukrainian borderA3.2. Making a movie topromote traditionalarchitecture elements of Hutsulin Verchovena Ruscova Valleymicro region A 3.3. Making ofa website to promote the culturalvalues of Hutsul

    Repedea village willcoordinate the activitywith the help of all


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    - Methodology (max 4 pages)

    Describe in detail: the methods of implementation and reasons for the proposed methodology;

    Technical implementationThe project will go through the classic stages of project management.The planning phase will determine the operational setting details of the project related to establishing

    accurate data gathering, project logistics etc.In the implementation phase will be carried out effectively the activities described in the project, based on thedetails set out in the planning phase.Controlling activities will be based on interim and final project using output indicators and sources ofverification specified above. End of the project will mark the end of the activities described, with a finalevaluation and dissemination of results within the target group and partners involved.

    Information, Recruitment and TrainingAt the beginning of the project we will arrange an advertising campaign with micro-regional and local role to

    promote the project.The organization of all events (exchange of experience, organizational architecture camp) will make

    preliminary assessments, interim and final results will serve as support for any ongoing improvements inproject implementation.

    Questionnaires applied at the beginning of the target group activities are designed to assess, withgradual awareness of beneficiaries and to determine the exact information needs for the group of beneficiaries.

    Establishment of the Cultural House Repedea under a Hutsul Media Center and the Cultural HouseRepedea serves the role to create optimal conditions for the promotion of future cultural values in the areaPromotion of project resultsFor cross-border cooperation actions dont get to have an ephemeral character we wanted to achieve

    information materials and promote the project both in the local community and among rural communitieslocated on the border with Ukraine (especially in areas populated by ethnic Ukrainian people).In this sense advertising firms will be subcontracted to carry out promotional materials (site on theinternet). Selecting the advertising firm will comply with legislation on public procurement.

    Where the Action is the prolongation of a previous Action, explain how the Action is intended tobuild on the results of this previous Action. Give the main conclusions and recommendations ofevaluations that might have been carried out;

    Between August 2008 and August 2009 Poienile de Sub Munte Town Hall, in partnership with localcouncils and municipalities from Repedea and Ruscova in Romania and the District Council and Local

    Council Zelene and Verchovena implemented the project "ROUTE POIENI- Cross-border cooperation toopen a border crossing point over Ruscova Valley" financed by the European Union PHARE CBC 2006Romania and Ukraine. Under this project one of the results was making a sustainable development strategy ofthe border micro-regions Ruscova Valley (Romania) and Verchovena Region (Ukraine). In the strategy we

    proposed actions which lead to a sustainable development of this area in the Carpathian Mountains.

    Where the Action is part of a larger programme (national, regional, EC or other donors), explainshow it fits or is coordinated with this programme or any other possibly planned project. Pleasespecify the potential synergies with other initiatives, in particular from the European Commission;

    Not applicable

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    the procedures for follow up and internal/external evaluation;

    Project evaluation will be done mainly by the implementation team, being involved in these activity

    experts from companies that implement technical solutions as well as seminar participants. The evaluationprocess will also take into account the views expressed by employees, partners and representatives ofbeneficiaries. Evaluation of implementation team will be based on team members activity in compliance with thetasks specified in job descriptions, which include the responsibilities of each member. Evaluation activities and results:

    Throughout the project we will make intermediate reports, mileage reports, organize regular meetingsbetween the implementation team and project partners to consider whether the work is done, what changes arenecessary, what improvements can be achieved, but also to address potential problems coming.

    In terms of time, the project will be checked by meeting deadlines on the calendar project.At the same time there will be assessed the degree of satisfaction with the project in general. In this respect,we will distribute to participants and partners questionnaires to complete on assessing the conduct of various

    activities.Evaluation of attaining the project is a long process and requires consideration at governmentstatistics, as well as evaluating the changes of reaction partners.In conclusion we can say that will be evaluated following six broad categories of activities:

    What is being evaluated: Evaluation methods: Whos evaluating:

    1. Compliance with work plan Group discussi

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