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2012 IAS Q4 ExecBoard Meeting

Meeting Minutes December 3, 2012

IEEE Offices Piscataway, New Jersey USA

02-03 December 2012

Action Agenda

# Time Type Presenter Agenda Item Supporting Documents

Sunday December 2 Board Discussions

1 8:00 Info Bernstein Breakfast, Sunday 2 December 2012 Location: Kelly Room, Heldrich Hotel, New Brunswick, NJ

2 08:30 Discussion Lequesne New Logo Design – IEEE Marketing Department will redesign society logo as part of an institute wide initiative (part of which is aimed at integrating “IEEE” within societies logos). The board agrees in principle to take advantage of this initiative to update the society’s logos. The first round of design choices should be available mid-January 2013.

Logo discussions.pdf

3 09:00 Discussion Durocher Follow-up - Society Survey Discussion about preparing a society survey – Dave will formulate questions and distribute survey to the Board before next meeting to finalize questions. Dave Durocher received input from ExecBoard, Survey is to be strategic in nature to assist ExecBoard in long range planning. At this time survey is expected to go out late January/early February 2013. IEEE was considered to administer survey, but was notified that IEEE will only send the survey out to a sampling of society members, not the entire membership, as we were originally led to believe. Action items: Lynda – get Dave Durocher contact information for Bullseye Marketing – complete 12/11/12 Dave to research other marketing companies.

VP PPT_October 2012 (1).ppt

4 10:00 Info Zinger/Sottile Zucker Fund Discussion The IEEE Foundation will meet with available board members on Monday 12/3 after the board meeting. General discussion of the background and issues.

IEEE Foundation overview ppt to IAS 3

5 10:30 Discussion All PCA/IAS Cement Industry Conference discussion

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Portland Cement Association (PCA) announced that by 2015 they are interested in owning 100% of the CIC Conference. Discussion on how to proceed with PCA and to help them understand how much IAS (IEEE) does assist them with the conference. IAS to evaluate all possible scenarios and determine the best way to proceed with discussions. One way to help this conference further is to increase student funding (for this and other committees expressing an interest). Need to establish a liaison between the IAS board and PCA is recommended. This is to assist the PID Dept chair, and elevate any discussion with PCA t the appropriate level. Rod Simmons is recommended and agrees.

11:30 Executive Session

6 12:00 Info Bernstein Lunch -

7 1:00 Discussion Lequesne Preparation of Consent Agenda

8 2:00 Discussion Reports

9 5:00 Info Lequesne Adjourn for evening

10 6:00 Dinner

Monday December 3 Board Meeting

11 7:45 AM

Breakfast –IEEE operations Center, Piscataway, NJ

12 Procedural Lequesne Welcome and Opening Remarks - Monday, 3 December 2012 ROOM: IEEE Operations Center ADA A/B

13 8:30 AM

Procedural Bernstein Attendance - using roster: B. Lequesne, J.Ojo, T. Nondahl, D. Zinger, A. Cardoso, G. Zissis, B. Lloyd, M. Nelms, A. Bagley, T. Ruzsanyi, A. Rubaai, J. Sottile, R. Simmons, P. Magyar, T. Sebastian, D. Mills, D. Durocher Guests: IEEE Staff: R. Sumner, T. Monaco, R. Warnick, A. Temple, J. Barbato IAS Administrator: L. Bernstein

14 8:40 AM

Motion Andrew Bagley/Awards Dept.

Motion to Approve Consent Agenda Seconded: Blake Lloyd Approved unanimously

Q3 -2012 Meeting Minutes posted to the IAS Community Site

15 Motion Joe Sottile/Education Dept.

Motion to change the travel reimbursement to the IEEE IAS Annual Meeting that is included as part of the Myron Zucker Travel Program from “up to $600 for actual travel expenses used to attend the IEEE IAS Annual Meeting” to a travel grant consisting of a

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“$600 grant to be used for travel expenses to attend the IEEE IAS Annual Meeting.”


The current Myron Zucker Travel Program Award includes free lodging (two students per room) at the IEEE IAS Annual Meeting for the nights required to attend the meeting, typically, Saturday through Thursday, plus a complementary full student registration, plus up to $600 reimbursement for actual travel expenses to attend the Annual Meeting. This motion would change the award to include free lodging (two students per room) at the IEEE IAS Annual Meeting for the nights required to attend the meeting, typically, Saturday through Thursday, plus a complementary full student registration, plus a grant of $600 that can be used for travel expenses to attend the Annual Meeting. As with the current Travel Program the receipt of any, and all, parts of the award require the student to attend the IEEE IAS Annual Meeting.

Passed unanimously

16 Procedural various Reports

17 Procedural TBD Old Business - None

18 Procedural TBD New Business - None

19 Procedural Lequesne Closing Remarks

21 Andrew Bagley Motion to adjourn Seconded: Mark Nelms Meeting adjourned 9:30 AM local time

Monday December 3 Discussions

22 Discussion Karen Galuchie (IEEE Foundation)

Presentation by Karen Galuchie – IEEE Foundation, IAS, and Zucker Fund K. Galuchie gives an overview of the Foundation, its operation, and goals (see presentation). The Foundation can provide grants. Any IEEE entity (such as a society) can make a proposal and apply for a grant. This is for programs that would not otherwise be funded, and fit the IEEE humanitarian and technical mission. Societies can set up a fund, but this is very difficult and is designed for very specific, extraordinary purposes.

IEEE Foundation overview ppt to IAS 3

Memorandum from Dorsey and Whitney.

Zucker Funds Summary.pptx

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Discussion on the Zucker Fund: The language of the first Zucker Fund (“Student-Faculty Grant Program”) was set up under the laws of New York in 1987 and the provisions of the original grant cannot be changed by anyone, even Zucker’s heirs. This is because it was written while Mr. Zucker was alive (since then, the Foundation usually suggests to include language in the donation on how to make modifications in the future, but that was not done back in 1987). After some discussion, it was agreed to : 1) find the original guidelines (in the 10/1987 IAS board meeting, when this fund was established, with Mr. Zucker then present as a board member); 2) see if IAS current programs fit these guidelines, or can be modified to fit these guidelines (Action item for Joe Sottile, Don Zinger, and Karen Galuchie); 3) if IAS current programs are deemed to not fit, then the IAS board will discuss starting a new program to use this fund. The meeting minutes from October 1987 were located and distributed to the group of people that are working on this project on 12/11/12. The first Zucker Fund (“Student-Faculty Grant Program”) is not an endowment, so it is possible to spend it down. The other Zucker Fund, for which there is more freedom because it came after Mr. Zucker’s passing, is a partial endowment with limitations on yearly spending so as to preserve the capital. Suggestion is made and agreed upon to have regular meetings during the IEEE Treasurers’ Workshop between the society treasurer and the foundation.

Foundation to IAS (Hudgins).pdf


23 Discussion Mark David (ieee.tv)

Presentation by IEEE.tv to the ExecBoard: Mark David, Steve Esker IEEE.tv is an on-line media effort that is available to ieee entities, and whose content can be streamed by anyone. Most of ieee.tv content is conference based, with some coming from NIC (New Initiatives Committee). In the future, there may be some member-only or fee-based content, for instance tutorials, perhaps in 2013. Societies can develop their own channel on ieee.tv, where they have society-specific content. Cost is about $500 to set a channel up. The content on an IAS channel may be self generated, or can be generated by ieee.tv staff. In the latter case, the cost can range from $5k to $8k (1 day coverage) to $12k (multiple days) to possibly $20k for high end, such as live streaming, etc. Location of the event can affect cost as well. The board members present agree to go ahead and

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have an IAS channel, using content already on ieee.tv (particularly APEC, ECCE, and possibly ITEC), and look at developing more.

24 Action items


Action items 2012 Q4 12-03.docx

Consent Agenda

201 Motion Nelms/Meetings Dept.

Motion to approve technical co-sponsorship of the 9th International Symposium on Linear Drives for Industry Applications to be held 7-10 July 2013 in Hangzhou, China pending approval of an MOU by all parties. Background: This symposium began in 1995 and is typically held every two years. The IAS has never been a technical co-sponsor of this meeting before. There is significant overlap between this symposium and the IAS Electric Machines Committee.

202 Motion Nelms/Meetings Dept.

Motion to approve technical co-sponsorship of the 2013 9th IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electric Machines, Power Electronics and Drives (SDEMPED 2013) to be held 27-30 August 2013 in Valencia, Spain. Background: The IAS has been a technical co-sponsor of this meeting in the past. The Power Electronics Society is a 100% financial sponsor, and the Industrial Electronics Society is a technical co-sponsor.

203 Motion Nelms/Meetings Dept.

Motion to approve technical co-sponsorship of 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Sensorless Control for Electrical Drives and Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (SLED/PRECEDE) to be held on 17- 19 October, 2013, in Munich, Germany. Background: The IAS was a 100% financial sponsor for SLED 2012, while the Power Electronics Society was a technical co-sponsor. These roles are reversed for SLED 2013. The IAS and PELS Presidents negotiated this arrangement.

204 Motion Nelms/Meetings Dept

Motion to approve a conference loan of $25,000 for the 2013 IEEE IAS Annual Meeting to be held 6-11 October 2013 in Orlando, FL USA. Background: The budget has been reviewed and approved at it satisfies the IEEE 20% surplus requirement.

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205 Motion Nelms/Meetings Dept

Motion to approve financial co-sponsorship of 2014 International Transportation Electrification conference (ITEC) Asia conference to be held in 2014 in Beijing, China pending approval of an MOU by all parties involved. Background: ITEC was started in North America this year. The IAS has taken the lead in developing ITEC Asia. The financial sponsorship breakdown is as follows: IAS (36%), PELS (12%), PES (12%), and local organizations (40%). Local Chinese partners are expected to be the Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT), the Institute of Electrical Engineering Chinese Academy of Science, and the China Electrotechnical Society (CES). More details are available in the Meetings Department report.

# Time Type Presenter Agenda Item Supporting Documents

301 --- Report Nelson Division II Director's Report No report

302 --- Report Lequesne President's Report

President 2012 Q4 report - revised.pdf

303 --- Report Lloyd President Elect's Report

304 --- Report Durocher Vice-President's Report

305 --- Report Zinger Treasurer's Report

Treasurer’s Report Q4-2012.pptx


# Time Type Presenter Agenda Item Supporting Documents

401 --- Report Simmons Process Industries Department Report


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402 --- Report Zissis MSDAD Department Report


403 --- Report Mills I&CPS Department Report

ICPS Board Report 121202.ppt

404 --- Report Ojo IPCS Department Report

IPCSD Report Q4_2012.pdf

# Time


Type Presenter Agenda Item Supporting Documents

501 --- SD Report Bagley Awards Department Report

2012 Q4 Awards Dpt Rp (1).doc

502 --- SD Report Magyar CMD Department Report

2012 Q4 IAS EB _ CMD Report _ PMagy

503 --- SD Report Sottile Education Department Report

Education Department Report D

504 --- SD Report Nelms Meetings Department Report

Meetings Dept Report December 201

505 --- SD Report Rubaai Publications Department Report

2012 Publications Q4 Report (1).doc

506 --- SD Report Halpin Standards Department Report

Standards Department Report Q

507 --- NC Report Nondahl Nominating Committee Report

508 --- FF Report Zinger Financial Planning Report

509 --- LRP Report Durocher Long Range Planning

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510 --- C&B Report Nondahl Constitution & Bylaws Report

511 --- IC Report Sebastian Inter-Society Cooperation Report

512 --- EC Report Oertli Electronic Communication Report

2012-11-26 IAS Electronic Communica

Agenda Sections

199 Action Agenda

299 Consent Agenda

399 Reference:Committee / Forum Reports

499 Reference:Reports from Representatives

599 Reference:Supplemental Reports

Submitter (column 3 of agenda)

C & B IAS Constitution and By-laws

EC IAS Electronic Communications

FF IAS Financial Planning

IC International Ad Hoc Committee

IC IAS Intersociety Cooperation

IEEE TA IEEE Technical Activities

IEEE TA IEEE Technical Activities

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LRP IAS Long Range Planning

NC IAS Nomination Committee

OD IAS Operational Departments

Pres IAS President

Pres ComSoc President

Pres Elect IAS President Elect

SD IAS Staff Departments

Treas IAS Treasurer

Treas ComSoc Treasurer

VP IAS Vice President

Supporting Documents (column 7 of agenda)

### Number Assigned to supporting document file

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IEEE-IAS Board Meeting

IAS Logos New Brunswick, NJ ,USA, December 2012

IAS Logo

Bruno Lequesne December 2012

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IEEE-IAS Board Meeting

IAS Logos New Brunswick, NJ ,USA, December 2012


• By 2015 IEEE is going to insist that all logos are IEEE compliant (meaning that IEEE appears within the logo)

• IEEE offering (for a limited time only!) free redesign of society logos

• “Creative group” within the IEEE marketing department will work with societies

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IEEE-IAS Board Meeting

IAS Logos New Brunswick, NJ ,USA, December 2012

IAS official logos (current)

IAS letterhead

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IEEE-IAS Board Meeting

IAS Logos New Brunswick, NJ ,USA, December 2012

Example: IYCE • Conference locally organized, technically co-sponsored by IAS

• They should have an IEEE logo • Having IEEE inside the IAS logo would satisfy requirement • Keep IAS more prominent

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IEEE-IAS Board Meeting

IAS Logos New Brunswick, NJ ,USA, December 2012



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IEEE-IAS Board Meeting

IAS Logos New Brunswick, NJ ,USA, December 2012

Electrification Magazine History

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IAS Board Meeting Las Vegas, NV

October 7-8, 2012 David B. Durocher, Senior Member IEEE

Vice President IEEE Industry Applications Society

Eaton Corporation 26850 SW Kinsman Road

Wilsonville, OR 97070 Phone: 503-582-2714, Fax: 503-582-2814

Cell: 503-780-6062, Email: [email protected]

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IAS Member Survey

Blake Lloyd Survey Oct 2009 (total 12 questions)

• Demographics (4) – Member status, Region

• Involvement (3) – Conferences, Committees, Chapters

• Benefits/Value (2 - multiple) – Knowledge, Standards, Professional

relationships – Level of satisfaction: Cost, information access,

• Additional Technical Needs (3) – Seminars, tutorials

Proposed Survey Oct 2012 (total 26 questions)

• Part A Personal Demographics (7) – Age range, Gender, Country, Education, Years in

industry, Type of employer

• Part B Professional Demographics (3) – Organizational focus, Professional interests, Function

• Part C Professional Memberships (13) – IAS (Y/N), How long, Other Societies, Free Society,

Reasons/Motivation/Satisfaction and other affiliations – Participation last 36 months, Publications, Methods of

communication, – Other comments – Ten $50 Amazon Gift Certificates

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Presented to: IEEE Industry Applications Society Board of Directors 3 December 2012 By: Karen Galuchie, Director, IEEE Foundation Operations

Presentation Notes
Thank you for letting me come and speak with you today about the IEEE Foundation
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About the IEEE Foundation


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Mission of the IEEE Foundation


Further the Scientific & Educational Purposes of


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About the IEEE Foundation Established by IEEE in 1973 as a US public charity

Governed by laws of State of NY

Board of 12 Transnational Directors

Dedicated to providing philanthropic services in support of IEEE

Presentation Notes
Established in 1973 during the short time IEEE was a 501(c)(6) organization. IEEE Foundation is classified by the US IRS as a 501(c)(3) public charity (as is IEEE). In 2013 – we will be celebrating our 40th anniversary. Incorporated in State of NY and governed by a Board of 12 with transnational representation from Regions 8, 9 and 10. In addition, has ex-officio (non-voting) members from IEEE Canadian Foundation, IEEE History Committee, IEEE Awards Board, IEEE-HKN, and IEEE Life Members Committee Primary role is to provide philanthropic services in support of IEEE (next slide shows how we do this)
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Provides philanthropic services in support of


Raise & manage funds

Award Grants to innovative projects

Support IEEE programs with donor


Encourage spirit of

charitable giving


Presentation Notes
Each square with an arrow represents a way the IEEE Foundation performs its main role of Providing Philanthropic Services in support of IEEE
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Balance of the 150+ Donor Designed Funds by Program Area

Balances as of 30 June 2012





Dollars in Funds # of Funds





Presentation Notes
IEEE Foundation breaks down the donor dollars entrusted to it to support IEEE into the four primary philanthropic areas listed here Funds can be set up to 1) receive annual support, 2) be spent to deplete for an unspecified time, 3) serve as a term endowments for a specific amount of time, 4) be a quasi-endowment (last long time) or permanent endowment Grantmaking = IEEE Foundation General, Life Members, Humanitarian Technology, Haiti, Pakistan, and IEEE Community Solution Initiative for Affordable Energy Funds Education = Scholarships, fellowships, student travel grant programs bestowed by IEEE and its many units (3 of 4 IAS funds here) Historical Preservation = History Center Funds and a small fund that helps to maintain the Glenlair House (home of James Clerk Maxwell) Peer Recognition = Awards presented by IEEE and its many units (many of which are partially or fully endowed – thus the large balance)
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Raising Funds

Presentation Notes
IEEE Foundation depends upon charitable gifts to sustain and expand its efforts to support philanthropic activities of IEEE
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Ways to Give IEEE Dues Renewal Online giving – ieee.org/donate Corporate Matching Gifts Tribute Giving Appreciated Securities Cash prize/honorarium Legacy Giving – Bequest in Will or Trust – Name as beneficiary of retirement

plan or life insurance


Presentation Notes
There are a number of different ways that a gift can be given to the IEEE Foundation. Most members give through their dues renewal – there is an option to give to 9 different funds Online giving is an secure online system that offers an alternative to giving through the dues renewal and/or IEEE shop Corporate matching gifts allows a donor to have their gift doubled by their employer. Donors should check with their HR dept to find out if there company matches gifts. List of companies known to match to the IEEE Foundation is available on our website Tribute gifts are given in honor or memory someone special. This coming Mother’s and/or Father’s Day, consider asking your family to make a gift in your honor to the IEEE Foundation instead of giving you another gift you don’t need Appreciated Securities are gifts of appreciated marketable stocks, bonds, mutual funds. Some donors find that this type of gifts provides a tax advantages over cash. Development Office would be happy to help explain the pros and cons Cash prize/honorarium gifts are when a donor directs all or a portion of the cash prize/honorarium/stipend they receive from winning a peer recognition award, speaking at a conference, participating in a panel, etc. The donor does not receive a tax deduction for this type of gift, but they also don’t receive the taxable income. Legacy Giving - Bequest in will or trust and naming as beneficiary of retirement plan or life insurance are all ways to include the IEEE/IEEE Foundation in your estate plans. Gifts of this type provide the critical resources needed to support the next generation of engineers and make you eligible to join the IEEE Goldsmith Legacy League – elite planned giving donor recognition of the IEEE Foundation
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Ways Donors are Recognized


• Advocates Association (US$100 to $999)

• Leadership Association (US$1,000 or more)

Annual Giving

• IEEE Goldsmith Legacy League Forever Generous

Planned Giving

• IEEE Heritage Circle Honored Philanthropists

Cumulative Giving

Presentation Notes
Every donor who makes a gift to the IEEE Foundation makes a difference. The IEEE Foundation recognizes ours donors in three different ways. Annual Giving – donors (includes all donors) who give $100 or more in a year are distinguished in one of the eleven giving categories. Full program is explained in the orange “Annual Giving” brochure Planned Giving – individuals who arrange to leave a planned gift to IEEE or IEEE Foundation are invited to join this elite donor recognition group. (This is the group Don Heirman is being recognized as a member of). Benefits of membership include keepsake coin and certification, recognition in the Honor Roll of Donors and on the wall of honor, and invitation to the annual IEEE Honors Ceremony. Full program is explained in the blue “IEEE Goldsmith Legacy League” brochure. Cumulative Giving – philanthropic spirit among our donors reflects a strong desire to give back. Individuals whose donations total $10,000 or more since 1995 (when our data goes back to) are automatically recognized in one of the five giving levels. The levels are named for great science and technology innovators - Tesla, Bell, Edison, Maxwell, and Faraday. (order of the names is based upon when they lived – most recent to longest ago). Benefits include a keepsake coin and certification, and recognition in the Honor Roll of Donors and on the wall of honor. Full program is explained in the green “IEEE Heritage Circle” brochure.
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Grants Program

Presentation Notes
Foundation runs a grant program
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Provide seed money to IEEE units and other charitable organizations

for innovative projects in electrotechnology and related fields that will make a lasting impression on communities


Presentation Notes
this slide shares the primary goal of the Grants Program
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Areas of Interest

• Expand and enhance engineering, science and technology education opportunities for teenagers through mid-career professionals


• Increase awareness of the impact and influence of early technology on the present and future

History of Technology

• Implement or disseminate replicable, sustainable, technology-based solutions for humanitarian causes in underserved areas

Applying Technology for Humanitarian



Presentation Notes
Working cooperatively with the IEEE Life Members Committee the IEEE Foundation awards grants in these three areas of interest. During 2011 a total of $660K was awarded to 41 different grants
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Important Considerations

Innovative Well-defined need Impactful Measurable outcomes Outside of normal operations of applicant Related to IEEE fields of interest


Presentation Notes
All grant applications are evaluated based upon these criteria. The evaluation is a multi-step process. Foundation staff pre-screen all applications against the Foundation’s guidelines to identify any that do not “fit” IEEE Foundation/Life Members Committee reviews the remaining applications to identify the top application to recommend for funding IEEE Foundation and the IEEE Life Members Committee makes the final determination regarding the applications to be funded Additional information is available on the IEEE Foundation website at www.ieeefoundation.org – click on the How to Apply button. The next application deadline is 24 July 2012 at 11:59 PM ET
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Support of IEEE Programs with Donor Designated Funds

Presentation Notes
In addition to the grants program, the IEEE Foundation administers funds entrusted to it that support programs of IEEE
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Donor Designated Funds

Established to accept, acknowledge, invest, and manage donations that support IEEE programs

IEEE Programs can be for a specific activity or general in scope

Requires an initial commitment of at least US$20,000

IEEE unit that runs the supported program is allowed to spend against the Fund


Presentation Notes
These funds are: Donor designated funds are typically set up in one of two ways: At the request of a donor to support an IEEE program of interest to the donor By an IEEE units that want to raise funds for a specific program Funds can be established to support the program until depleted or to provide long-term support
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Investment of Funds


Assets are commingled and invested based upon the expected duration of the Fund and gift(s) received

• Short-term interest bearing account Less than 10


• IEEE Long Term Investment Fund with at least one year’s worth of expenses in short-term interest bearing account

10 Years or Longer

Presentation Notes
Less than 10 years – investing in only short-term ensures the gift doesn’t lose value. Typically gifts intended to spent until deplete are kept in this category. (Kliman) 10 years or longer – must focus on the long-term and take advantage of the power of the market. Typically gifts intended to provide long-term support are kept in this category – with one year held in short-term to allow the IEEE Foundation to fulfill its immediate cash needs. (EMCS Society President’s Award Fund – about ½ here and ½ in less than 10 years) (Rooks – because of balance; and both Zuckers) The IEEE Foundation’s Investment Operations Manual is available on our website. The IOM provides transparency to the IEEE Foundation’s investment policy..
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Establishment of a Donor Designated Fund


IEEE unit submits a formal request to IEEE Development Office (template available)

Development Office reviews/modifies request as needed and forwards for approval

IEEE Foundation Board of Directors considers request

Presentation Notes
This slide shows the steps to request that a fund be established. The Development Office works closely with the IEEE unit that will manage the program to be supported by the Fund to prepare the request IEEE Foundation manages four funds on behalf of Industry Applications Society
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Funds held on behalf of IAS

IAS Industrial Power Conversion System Department Gerald Kliman Innovator Award Fund – Donor = General Electric – Supports the prize items associated

with the annual awarding of the IEEE IAS Industrial Power Conversion System Department Gerald Kliman Innovator Award Thru 2014 US$1000 2015 to 2024 US$2500


Presentation Notes
F#1066 Fund was established in 2005 and supports the program prize items for the award. GE provides an annual gift - contingent upon selection of a recipient. IEEE Foundation solicits and acknowledges this gift on behalf of IAS. First gift agreement concludes in 2014. Renewal was negotiated in 2011 for the years 2015 to 2024 and increased the annual support to $2500. As of the 31 Aug 2012 has a balance just over $1,000 Classified as Peer Recognition
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Funds held on behalf of IAS

IEEE James A. Rooks Memorial Fund – Donor = Family and friends of James A.

Rooks along with the IEEE Industry Applications Society

– Supports attendance of up to four student interns at the annual IEEE-IAS Pulp and Paper Conference Each receives maximum of $2,000 and a



Presentation Notes
F#1087 Fund was established in 2007. Supports attendance of up to four student interns at the annual IEEE-IAS Pulp and Paper Conference – each can receive maximum of $2,000 and a certificate. The fund can be spent until depleted. As of the 31 August 2012 has a balance of just over $125K IAS needs to begin actively using this fund. Classified as Education
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Funds held on behalf of IAS Myron Zucker Student Fund – Donor = Myron Zucker – Supports reasonable costs of engaging

student or student/faculty in IAS-sponsored activities. Expenditures may not exceed 5% of the

average of the Fund’s ending balance for the three preceding years

– Override with IEEE Fdn Board approval

Being used for: – IEEE IAS Myron Zucker Undergraduate

Student Design Contest – Zucker Travel Program

Presentation Notes
F#1316 – Fund usage is defined in the delegation of expenditure authority agreement signed by IEEE Foundation and IAS in 2003. Allows expenditure of ~$27K per year. Fund may not be used for overhead expenses, bricks and mortar, or capital equipment. As of the 31 August 2012 has a balance of just over $560K Classified as Education
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Funds held on behalf of IAS

Myron Zucker IEEE-IAS Student-Faculty Grant Program Fund

Donor = Myron Zucker Supports on an annual basis up to two $25,000 Myron Zucker IEEE-IAS Student Faculty Grants and up to $5000 for reasonable costs incurred by IAS to administer the program

Presentation Notes
F#1317 Fund usage is defined in the delegation of expenditure authority agreement signed by IEEE Foundation and IAS in 2003. The Myron Zucker IEEE-IAS Student Faculty Grant is to be run consistent with guidelines approved by IAS Executive Board on 12 Oct 1987. As elaborated in the Guidelines, each grant proposal must be submitted by a faculty member and the project must directly involve graduate or undergraduate students in significant activities. Guidelines also makes IAS choice of grant recipients subject to final approval by Foundation. As of the 31 August 2012 has a balance of just over $310K. Last time money was spent from the Fund was 2006. Classified as Education
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Contact Information

Karen Galuchie, Director, IEEE Foundation Operations Voice: +1 732 562 3860

E-mail: [email protected] Email Aliases: IEEE Foundation Office –

[email protected] IEEE Development Office –

[email protected]


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Opening Remarks -Purpose of Council Meeting

Robert B. Voller

The meeting was called to order by President Voller at 4:30 pm. He explained that the Executive Board was not happy with the format of previous Council meetings and decided to institute a new format on a trial basis this year and if successful, it would be repeated or improved on in future years.

Council meetings in previous years were really abbreviated Executive Board meetings.· They were not satisfactory for the Board since they attempted'to squeeze what normally is an eight hour session into a three hour time period. The Board felt that they were not satisfactory for non-board council members since they were not familiar with the items under discussion and they had no real opportunity to bring up matters which are of concern to them as technical committee or chapter chairmen.

For that reason the trial format for this year was structured to include a number of prepared discussions by various officers, and department chairmen on the operations of their units during the past year and an open forum to allow non-Executive Board Councii members to bring up subjects which are of interest to them.

Introduction of Executive Board Members and Council Members

Robert B. Voller

·At the invitation of President Voller each of the attendees introduced himself and identified the council entity which he repr~sented.

Attendance Eugene J. Fagan

There were 54 council members and guests in attendance. The attendance sheet is attached to these minutes.

Society Happenings And Future Plans Robert B. Voller

President Voller noted some of the significant accomplishments during the past year.

IEEE2:8 \

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2 Minutes IEE-IAS Council Meeting October 21, 1987

o The Myron Zucker Student/Faculty Grant Program has been established to encourage student and faculty members to enter into research in the field of industry applications. It is the hope of the Society that this program will provide some impetus for faculty members to become interested in the field of industry applications and students to enter into that field after graduation.

Through a substantial grant by Executive Board member Myron Zucker to the IEEE Foundation, a fund has been established to make one or more grants on a continuing basis for research in the field of industry applications. The research program must include student as well as faculty members and a report must be made by a student participant on the results of the program at the IAS Annual Meeting in the year following the award of the grant. The grant funds will be controlled by the IEEE Foundation. The present dollar amount for each grant is $25,000.

o The Richard Kaufmann IEEE Field Award has been established by IEEE to recognize an individual in the field of Industrial Systems Engineering.

A recipient for 1988 has been identified. An announcement will be made at a later date by IEEE. The presentation will be made at the 1988 Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh.

o The IEEE Power Electronics Council (an entity sponsored by approximately ten societies, including IAS) has successfully petitioned TAB to be granted Society status. IAS took a strong position opposing Society status because it felt that IEEE membership was better served with the Council providing a forum for the members of the several societies who were active in the field of power electronics. It felt that with Society status the varous members will either have to join an additional society or choose which of several societies best serve their needs.



President Voller explained that now that a decision has been made by TAB we will live with this decision and cooperate with the new Society in every way possible. We will however, continue our· work in the field of application of power electronics. The most impact in IAS will be on the Power Semi-Conductor and the Static Power Converter Committees.

President Voller announced that membership in IAS has dropped steadily over the past several years from a peak of about 12,000 to slightly under 10,000. The slope of this decline has been arrested significantly during. the past year

N . . ·~:

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3 Minutes IEE-IAS Council Meeting October 21, 1987


when we lost approximately 200 members versus 660 the previous year. He credits this partial reversal of the trend to the energetic work of both Membership Chairman Elton Parker and Publicity Chairman Ajit Bapat during the past twelve months. Parker and his committee initiated action at the various IAS sponsored conferences held throughout the year to recruit membership in the registration area. Bapat and his committee has provided a new membership brochure for use in recruiting purposes.

a President Voller announced that the Robotics Council (currently sponsored by IAS and several other societies) is presently petitioning TAB for Society status. Members of the IAS Board have examined the proposed scope for the Robotics Society and found that the society would concentrate on theoretical and developmental- aspects of robotics. They feel that this does not conflict with the scope of lAS, therefore, we will not oppose granting Society status to the Robotics Council. IAS will continue aggressively in the field of application of robots and integration into manufacturing systems.

a A Distinguished Lecturer Program has been implemented by IAS to assist chapters (primarily international) to attract qualified speakers to their meetings. The program will be administered by the Chapters Department. A cap of $3,000 has been placed on the program for the year. Its purpose is to assist with travel expenses (excluding lodging and meals). The program has been approved on a trial basis. Tho~e wanting more information on this program should contact Chapters Department Chairman Beth Pack.

Council Approval Distinguished Service Award Robert B. Voller

A Distinguished Service Award has been established to complement the existing Outstanding Achievement Award.

Past practice has been to present the Outstanding Achievement Award in some years to those who have made an outstanding technical achievement and in other years to someone who has given outstanding service to the Society.

A motion was made by Curt Ivey and seconded by Lines Jacovides for the Council to endorse the Executive Board's decision to revise the current award so as to restrict it to technical achievements and to establish a new award for service to the Society. The motion was approved unanimously.


l '


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4 Minutes IEE-IAS Council Meeting October 21, ·1987




Financial Report Ronald M.Jackson

Treasurer Jackson presented a series of slides giving an overview of the Society's financial condition. He highlighted the following items:

o Society income and expenditures


1 7. 5% 56.5% 23 %

3 %

100 %


Members hip fees Con fer ences Publications Interest IEE overhead & mise


49.7% 43.7%


100 IV 10

o Society's annual budget is in the neighborhood of $1MM per year. It has a surplus of approximately $500,000 which is in the correct range, per IEEE guidelines, for a society with a $1MM annual budget. The Society surplus is invested in two IEEE investment programs, one a Treasury bill program and the other a mutual fund.

Report on Atlanta Conference Richard Johnson/ L.A. "Pete" Morley

Richard Johnson gave an abbreviated report on the Atlanta Conference. Incomplete data from the registration area at the time of the meeting indicated that the attendance was approximately 30% above the budget number of 600 which would indicate a substantial surplus from the conference. Mr. Johnson was given a round of applause by the Council for conducting a very successful conference.

Mr. Morley gave a brief summary of the technical program at the conference. There were 48 technical sessions, three tutorials

.and three panel discussions. Approximately 290 Papers were presented at the Conference.

Report on Pittsburgh 1988 Conference Charles E. Gray

Mr. Gray announced that the 1988 Conference will be held at the Pittsburgh Hilton on October 2-6. He announced that all his committee chairmanships have been filled and his committee is well organized and under way.


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5 Minutes IEE-IAS Council Meeting October 21, 1987


8.1 Report on 1989 Conference at Boston Robert B. Voller

President Voller announced that the chairman of the Boston Conference resigned from his position and we have been unsuccessful in finding a substitute chairman. Since it would be impossible to run a conference unless a chairman and a functioning committee are in place within the next month or two, it was decided to move the conference to another city. Mr. Jackson has a committee in place to run the Petroleum and Chemical Industry Conference in San Diego in September 1989 and volunteered to also run the Annual Meeting the following month. The Del Coronado Hotel is available for the time period October 1-5. In Executive Board action Mr. Dold moved and Mr. Ivey seconded a motion to move the 1989 meeting from Boston to San Diego. The motion passed unanimously.

As a matter of record, President Voller reviewed the meeting schedule for the next six years as follows:

1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993

Pittsburgh San Diego Seattle Cleveland Houston Toronto

Operating Department Report Process Industries Department

M. Dayne Aldridge

Mr. Aldridge gave a brief verbal overview of the Process Industries Department and its eight committees. He pointed out that the department was unique in the fact that several (6) of the committees hold their own technical conferences. Several (5) hold sessions at the IAS and several (3) hold sessions at !AS in additional conducting their own conferences.

He panted out that for the first time this year the department itself held a technical session at the"Annual Conference. Four of the committees which hold their own conferences presented one of their better Papers at the department session.

Mr. Aldridge pointed out that his Vice Chairman-Papers, Ron Blackman, had been quite active and, to date this year, 44 out of 123 department Papers have been approved for publication.

Mr. Aldridge concluded his remarks with a brief report on the activities of each of the various committees during the past year.


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6 Minutes IEE-IAS Council Meeting October 21, 1987

10.0 Staff Department Report Administration Department

Curt L. Ivey

Mr. Ivey's department consists of eight administrative committees. He gave a brief report on the activities of each during the past year and complimented all the Administration Department Chairmen for their exemplary performance.

11.0 Standard Process L. Bruce Me Clung

Mr. Me Clung gave a brief overview of the Staff Department, its committees, and its key.offices.

He devoted most of his report to the Standard Process.

0 How they are initiated 0 Who is involved 0 The process which must be followed to gain IEEE approval 0 All those who are interested in a standard MUST be included 0 75% of ballots MUST be returned 0 75% of ballots returned MUST be to approve 0 Every effort must be made to resolve negative or abstaining


12.0 Council Forum Robert B. Voller Questions and Discussions

The Council Forum portion of the program was quite spirited. A number of the early questions related to the Standard Process as described by Mr. Me Clung.

Mr. Bridger questioned how groups wishing to be involved in the standard deliberation know that an IEEE group has a standard under way. Mr. Me Clung explained how the coordinating process should work. A number of members, incuding Mr. Smith and Mr. Ashcroft gave examples of how it has not worked both inside and outside !AS, particularly in the area of harmonics.

Ben Johnson and Shirley Williams, of the Standards Project Committee, pointed out that many of the standards liaison people appointed by the various committees are not active and do not respond to requests for action. Shirley Williams pointed out that not only do the liaison people fail to respond, the Technical Committee Chairmen very often do not respond either. President Voller suggested that in the future Department Chairmen be contacted when Technical Committee Chairmen do not respond.

Mr. Johnson raised the question as to whether IAS had ever considered hiring a professional organization to run its annual


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7 Minutes IEE-IAS Council Meeting October 21, 1987

conference. Mr. Furfari and Mr. Collier responded by stating that one of the most rewarding experiences in IEEE is to work on a conference committee. Both felt it would be wrong for IEEE to hire outsiders to run its conferences.

Mr. Furfari announced that he is the chairman of a search committee to identify potential nominees for various IEEE and IAS awards. His committee consists of the chairmen of the various operating departments. They will be contacting the technical committee and chapter chairmen for their assistance in identifying qualified award recipients.

13.0 Closing Remarks Robert B. Voller

President Voller adjourned the meeting at 7:30 pm and suggested that the various attendees continue their discussions during the social hour and dinner which was to follow.

The consensus of those attending the Council meeting was that the new format was very successful and useful. They felt that the format should be continued in the future.


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Location: Hyatt Regency - Atlanta, GA Date: October 21, 1987

Robert B. Voller L. A. (Pete) Morley Eugene J. Fagan Ronald M. Jackson E. G. (Al) Kiener

R. V. James


President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Past President


ge William W. Wei! Baldwin Bridger, Jr Linos J. Jacovides Kao Chen

an Chairman Chairman Chairman Chairman

es General Industries Dept I&CPS Dept

Curt L. Ivey Beth M. Pack Melvin J. Dold Michael J. Foley L. Bruce McClung

rge Richard S. Nichols Richard S. Nichols Richard S. Nichols M. Shan Griffith M. Shan Griffith

rman James H. Burghart

William H. Killian Thomas A. Li po Donald W. Novotny

rman Chairman Chairman Chairman Chairman

an Chairman Chairman Director Chairman Chairman

rman Chairman

Ind Power Conv Dept Ind. Uti!. Sys. Dept

n1 Chapters Dept Meetings Dept Publications Dept Standards Dept

aws Financial Planning Nominating Division II Awards l , Energy J N.:> tJ•~IJf§,(_


Member rge ·- Member at Large

Member at Large· Member at Large

Chairman Electric Machines R. G. Schiemann Member at large

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Actual Attendance


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· Planned Actual Title Grou Attendance ~ Attendance

Yes No

ard Johnson Chairman 1987 Annual Meeting X ~ c. E. Gray Chairman 1988 Annual Meeting X ..__..,. Ben C. Johnson Chairman Standards Projects X ~ F. A • (Tony) Furfari Editor Newsletter X v A. Edward Rich Editor lAS Transactions X ~

Dale Ashcroft Chairman SPCC X t{t, D. C. Azbill Chairman PCIC X John Casper Chairman PSP X ,_,.. leRoy F. Frewin Chairman Glass Industry X Jerry l. Hudgins Chairman Power Semiconductor X

T. B. Jones Chairman Electrostatic Processes X Dale H. levisay Chairman Metal Industry X Al Newcome Chairman Mine Safety Standards X Elton L. Parker Chairman Membership X Ira J. P~tel Vice C~man Static Power Converter X S"r£vc ~o'"-'"'~ t ( f /W'c-.4-n.> j?..vl"-.~1.. Ett::.c~Y.Icc. i?~Q.... X Al Scheide Chairman Machine Tool, Robotics X

& Factory Auto. George Younkin Comm Rep Machine Tools, Robotics X

& Factory Auto. M. Safiuddin Chairman Education Comm &

Industrial Controls O'Donnell Vice Chairman !&CPS - Papers

H. McFadden Vice Chairman !&CPS - Technical

R. C. Blackmond V.1ce Chairman PID- Papers X Carl Becker Secretary !&CPS X Rene Costenschiold Chairman !&CPS X Harold C. Miles Chairman !&CPS - Publicity & Newsletter X Robert l. Simpson Chairman sec t/18

Francisco Renno Neto Chairman San Paulo Chapter G. Oliv~ t-e-.1( Chairman Montreal Chapter R. l. Smith Chairman Area 1 West - Chapters Richard D. Watkins Chairman Atlanta - IAS Chapter Robert P. Medsker Chairman SE Michigan Chapter /VIOS.J..IE'. ii fUl.C?~-2.. I) LJ{7. ~E'l.. c; ~l'7f?rCJe.-

William C. Mess Chairman Columbus Chapter Frank E. Schink Area Chairman Chapters Dept Region 1E larry Vicks Chairman Syracuse Chapter Mark .Van Duser Chairman Portland Chapter



X tJo D ~...A

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Title Group

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Planned Actual Attendance Attendance

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Bruno Lequesne


Date: December 3rd, 2012 To: IAS Board Members Subject: President Report to the IAS Executive Board Meeting to be held on December 3rd, 2012 1. Official signatures, appointments and nominations

• Appointed Prof. Joe Ojo as deputy editor-in-Chief for the new JESTPE journal (10/11/2012). The Journal is scheduled to start in mid-2013 with Dr. Dong Tan as EiC.

2. Approvals: Approved the formation of the following chapters or chapter branches:

• Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Industry Applications Society Student Branch Chapter in the Kerala Section (10/10/2012).

• Florida International Industry Applications Society University Student Branch Chapter in the Miami Section (11/18/2012).

• Universidad De Los Andes Industry Applications Society Student Branch Chapter in the Colombia Section (11/20/2012).

• Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore Industry Applications and Industrial Electronics Joint Societies Student Branch Chapter in the Bangalore Section. (11/26/2012).

3. Feedback from Board of Directors Series meeting in New Brunswick, NJ 11/2012:

The actual meeting in New Jersey was largely canceled, due to the aftermath of hurricane Sandy. Part of the planned agenda was still covered by teleconference, and there was a 1-hour teleconference of the sister society presidents. Most notable items for IAS:

- The Electrification Magazine was approved by TAB. - A change in charging technically co-sponsored conferences was discussed but not put to a vote. It would consist of charging these conferences a flat $1k fee, plus $15 per paper. This will be used to offset the cost of technical co-sponsorship, such as quality control, etc (this cost is currently covered by societies as infrastructure charge). Societies could at their discretion cover that cost to neutralize the effect of the change for given conferences.

3. Discussions with sister societies: Sister society teleconference: See minutes attached.

Eaton Innovation Center

Milwaukee, WI


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4. Travel to ICEMS conference and discussions on Journal of ICEMS:

During a trip to the ICEMS conference, I participated (with Bob Lorenz) in the ICEMS steering committee. The three current sponsors of the Journal of ICEMS, KIEE, IEEJ/IAS, and CES, have yet to finalize an MOU beyond the first issue, even though the journal has had several issues already. After an initial concern that IEEJ/IAS might withdraw, there was an agreement that IEEJ/IAS would provide a one-time funding of $15k, allowing the partners to go forward with at least a 3-year agreement. The thought of IAS becoming a 4th partner in this journal is logically postponed until the three initial partners have a firm agreement in place. 5. Formation of two adhoc committees I appointed two separate adhoc committees to help with two (completely unrelated) allegations of unprofessional behavior on the part of certain IAS committee and chapter officers. These two adhoc committees are composed of three IAS past presidents each, and chaired by Tom Nondahl in one instance and Kevin Peterson in the second case. These committees were charged with elucidating, to the extent possible, if anyone involved has violated any of the rules of professionalism that IAS upholds, and make proposals as to how IAS should move forward. The recommendations of these committees will be reviewed by the IAS Officers (as defined in the IAS Constitution, Section 2.0: President, President-Elect, Vice-President, and Treasurer) who will take whatever action is deemed appropriate. Both matters are being treated with the appropriate level of confidentiality. 6. Travel for 2012 (final):

Date Conference or meeting Location Other events

30-Jan-12 IAS Board + PCIC winter meeting New Orleans, LA

16-Feb-12 TAB Phoenix, AZ Society Publication review Sister society dinner

15-Apr-12 REPC Milwaukee, WI Seethapathy Award

20-May-12 IAS Board + I&CPS Louisville, KY Fellow award

18-Jun-12 ITEC Detroit, MI

28-Jun-12 TAB Boston, MA Society review JESTPE Phase II approval Sister society dinner

28-Jun-12 SLED Milwaukee, WI

16-Sep-12 ECCE Raleigh, NC Fellow award Cancelled

Represented by Tom Nondahl

24-Sep-12 PCIC New Orleans, LA Kaufmann award presentation

10-Oct-12 IAS Board + IAM Las Vegas, NV Fellow award

21-Oct 12 ICEMS Sapporo, Japan

10-Nov-12 TAB New Brunswick, NJ Took place by teleconference with reduced agenda.

3-Dec-12 IAS Board New Brunswick, NJ

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Respectfully submitted,

Bruno Lequesne 2011-2012 IAS President

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Meeting Minutes – Sister Society Meeting

Friday, November 12, 2012 By teleconference

Present: IAS, hosting (Lequesne, Loyd), PES (Schultz, Rotz, Begovic, Ryan), PELS (Boroyevich); IES (Capolino) absent due to unexpected travel delays. Discussion Items: 1) Transportation:

- There has been talks of a new Transactions on the subject of transportation electrification. It is not

clear to this group at this point who is behind this initiative. We agree that if and when the time is ripe with such a new journal, this group should be in the lead. More broadly, this is part of our relationship with the NIC on the subject. We will try and get more information and discuss further in February as needed.

- The Electrification Magazine is in the final phase of approval at this BOD series, with launch expected in June or July 2013.

- ITEC Asia:

- Bruno briefs the group of recent discussions with Longya Xu, ITEC Asia organizer. During a recent trip to China, Longya prepared a proposal including: Financial sponsorship: IAS 40%, PELS 10%, PES 10%; Balance (40%), Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT), Institute of Electrical Engineering Chinese Academy of Science, and China Electrotechnical Society (CES). The estimated operational budget for conference + exhibition is $1M. According to the Chinese partners, having about 1,000 attendees and 15,000 m2 expo seems a very reachable goal. - Dushan: 1) Important to have IEEE in the lead, with at least 60% financial ownership or even 75%; 2) the shares of the IEEE societies should be the same in Asia as in North America (3-1-1); 3) see how others in Asia can start to be involved now (with technical co-sponsorship for instance), so they can run subsequent ITEC venues. - Bruno: Concerning point 2, this can be done. - Pat: Important to nail down a name and possibly register: IEEE ITEC, and IEEE ITEC-Asia. - Broad agreement on the above, next steps being: Speak with Longya to firm up details and prepare a formal MOU. Form a global steering committee with representative of each society.

2) Relationship of sister societies with DEIS:

− Al: DEIS is excited about working with us. There is sizable overlap in membership with at least some of the sister society membership.

− Pat prepared and forwarded a report on society membership overlap:

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% of DEIS members that are also Sister Society members

% of sister society members that are DEIS members

DEIS members with at least one sister society

1251 59.2%

DEIS with IES 124 5.9% 5.9%

DEIS with IAS 393 18.6% 4.0%

DEIS with PELS 220 10.4% 3.0%

DEIS with PES 1071 50.7% 3.8%

− This will be revisited in February. There may be other ways to cooperate than the sister-society dinner forum.

3) Conferences:

− India: Dushan: India is a growing region in terms of membership. There are 3 events in India in November-December 2012, PEDES, another event two weeks prior, and Power India. Dushan (PELS) and Tomy Sebastian (IAS) will be travelling in the region at that time and work with local entities to further develop relationships with IEEE and the sister societies, and report back to the group in February.

4) Other: IAS will organize the sister society dinner in February 2013.

Prepared by Bruno Lequesne, 11/12/2012

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Dec 3, 2012

Treasurer's Report to the IAS Executive Board – Oct 2012 Updates in the financial summary, balance sheet, detailed financial report, and executive committee expenses are presented in this report. Financial Summary and Balance Sheet The society had surplus of $189 K as of the end of October. It had pooled assets of $5.06 Million and net worth of $5.85 Million. More information can be found on the following pages. Financial Detail Report Currently 2012 net income is above year to date budgeted values. This is largely because the net conference surplus is higher than expected. Alsocommittee expenses are lagging behind what was projected. Details can be found on the following pages. Executive Committee Expenses The executive committee expenses are lower than budgeted for this time of year. Accounting for committee expenses currently separate out travel from other expenses. The combined expenses are given in the following pages. It should be noted that because of the changes in accounts the chapters and membership were mostly combined making it appear as if chapters is over budget. Respectfully submitted,

Donald S. Zinger Treasurer, Industry Applications Society

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2-Dec-12Treasurer's Report to the IAS Executive Board - Dec. 2012


From TAB Summary Report Dated 13-NOV-12

Year-to-Date (YTD) Inflows 3,563,200$ YTD Budget 3,134,700$

Year-toDate (YTD) Outflows 3,374,600$ YTD Budget 3,374,600$

Rounding Error

Net Surplus (Deficit) 188,600$

IAS Balance Sheet as September of 2012From TAB Balance Sheet Report dated 09-Oct-12

Assets 5,849,000$ Accounts Receivable 554,000$ Loans Receivable 230,000$ Prepaid Expenses -$ Fixed Assets -$ Pooled Assets 5,065,000$ Rounding Error -$

Liabilities -$ Accounts Payable -$ Deferred Income -$

Net Worth 5,849,000$


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2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2012 2012



YTD VarianceTOTAL 998.0 704.3 (1464.4) 1536.3 626.8 114.8 76.6 (235.0) 188.6 423.6

00100 INTEREST INCOME 315.9 175.2 (2320.1) 1203.7 314.0 (545.8) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.000870 TRANS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS 391.8 458.5 307.7 272.2 240.3 295.1 334.8 289.0 326.5 37.500871 INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS MAGAZINE 25.3 50.9 115.8 66.1 79.6 135.3 24.1 42.9 108.1 65.200872 CD-ROM (3.6) (4.2) (2.0) 7.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.000873 IAS CONFERENCE DIGITAL LIBRARY (5.7) 0.1 (0.2) (6.7) (7.3) (7.7) (9.4) (7.8) (7.0) 0.900874 SOCIETY FEES UNBUNDLED 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.001499 PERIODICAL RELATED - OTHER 9.8 1.0 (1.4) (6.0) (10.8) (14.3) (19.9) (5.2) (4.5) 0.6

NET 01600 NON PERIODICAL (18.6) (24.3) (19.3) (26.4) (27.2) (8.6) (6.7) (5.6) (8.3) (2.7)01700 MEETINGS/CONFERENCES 984.6 850.7 1215.9 744.5 911.4 1210.5 855.0 369.8 546.6 176.801701 CONFERENCE - RELATED 1.0 (20.5) (4.2) (10.7) (15.1) (16.4) (15.5) (12.9) (2.8) 10.101800 ADMINISTRATION (484.4) (595.7) (387.7) (440.0) (485.4) (527.5) (577.2) (481.0) (480.5) 0.501900 COMMITTEE & OTHER (218.2) (187.5) (368.8) (276.6) (277.2) (305.8) (398.2) (331.8) (206.3) 125.501910 EXECUTIVE OFFICE 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.8 (95.4) (100.1) (110.5) (92.4) (83.2) 9.2

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2012 2012



YTD VarianceTOTAL REVENUE 3975.7 3615.5 4288.1 4101.4 3,951.0 4122.9 4133.2 3134.7 3563.2 428.500100 INTEREST INCOME 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.000870 TRANS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS 614.3 696.8 587.5 576.1 563.8 607.3 648.6 550.7 539.2 (11.5)00871 INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS MAGAZINE 372.8 388.5 376.7 388.8 390.5 380.2 371.7 332.6 354.2 21.600872 CD-ROM 5.4 5.6 5.3 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.000873 IAS CONFERENCE DIGITAL LIBRARY 3.0 5.2 6.2 1.1 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.81 0.800874 SOCIETY FEES UNBUNDLED 0.0 0.001499 PERIODICAL RELATED - OTHER 1.7 0.4 0.3 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.8 0.6

REVENUE 01600 NON PERIODICAL 0.0 0.0 8.8 3.2 2.9 2.5 4.2 3.5 0.4 (3.1)01700 MEETINGS/CONFERENCES 2961.9 2534.3 3301.5 3132.0 2,992.5 3132.1 3108.2 2247.3 2667.2 419.901701 CONFERENCE - RELATED 16.6 (15.3) 1.6 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.201800 ADMINISTRATION 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.001900 COMMITTEE & OTHER 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.001910 EXECUTIVE OFFICE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2012 2012



YTD VarianceTOTAL EXPENSE/RMBSVC 2977.757 2911.264 5752.526 2565.2 3,324.2 4008.1 4056.6 3369.7 3374.6 4.900100 RMBSVC INTEREST INCOME (315.9) (175.2) 2320.1 (1203.7) (314.0) 545.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.000870 TRANS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS 222.5 238.3 279.8 303.8 323.5 312.1 313.7 261.7 212.7 (49.0)00871 INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS MAGAZINE 347.5 337.6 260.9 322.7 311.0 244.9 347.6 289.7 246.1 (43.6)00872 CD-ROM 9.0 9.8 7.3 (7.3) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.000873 IAS CONFERENCE DIGITAL LIBRARY 8.7 5.0 6.5 7.8 7.7 8.2 9.4 7.8 7.8 (0.0)00874 SOCIETY FEES UNBUNDLED 0.0 0.0 0 0.001499 PERIODICAL RELATED - OTHER (8.1) (0.7) 1.7 6.0 11.0 14.6 20.1 5.3 5.4 0.0

EXPENSE 01600 NON PERIODICAL 18.6 24.3 28.1 29.6 30.0 11.1 10.9 9.1 8.7 (0.4)01700 MEETINGS/CONFERENCES 1977.3 1683.6 2085.6 2387.5 2,081.1 1921.6 2253.1 1877.6 2120.7 243.101701 CONFERENCE - RELATED 15.5 5.3 5.8 10.7 15.5 16.4 15.9 13.2 3.4 (9.9)01800 ADMINISTRATION 484.4 595.7 387.7 440.0 485.4 527.5 577.2 481.0 480.5 (0.5)01900 COMMITTEE & OTHER 218.2 187.5 369.0 276.7 277.5 305.8 398.2 331.8 206.3 (125.5)01910 EXECUTIVE OFFICE 0.0 0.0 0.0 (8.8) 95.4 100.1 110.5 92.4 83.2 (9.2)

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IEEE Account No Budget Category Budgeted Spent Remaining

Total of All Listed Accounts 443,460$ 209,944$ 233,516$

00870 40060 Honorarium: Transactions Editor; 1/2 Scholar One 18,100$ 16,285$ 1,815$ 00870 45150 Reimbursed Expenses, Transactions Editor 8,000$ 7,529$ 471$

00871 40060 Honorarium: Magazine Editor, 1/2 Scholar 1 18,100$ 15,420$ 2,680$ 00871 45150 Reimbursed Expenses, Magazine Editor 8,000$ 1,600$ 6,400$

01900 40755 Staff Travel 5,190$ 1,194$ 3,996$ 01900 40815 Reimbursed Expenses, IAS President 15,000$ 6,302$ 8,698$ 01900 40817 Meetings 5,170$ -$ 5,170$ 01900 40821 Adcom Committee -$ -$ -$ 01900 40831 Chapters 64,000$ 89,212$ (25,212)$ 01900 40832 Chapters HQ Expense -$ -$ -$ 01900 40853 Distinguished Lecturer Program 20,000$ 450$ 19,550$ 01900 40841 Technical Departments/Technical Committees 18,000$ 100$ 17,900$ 01900 40851 Membership 26,000$ 31$ 25,970$ 01900 40861 Executive Board 164,400$ 43,899$ 120,501$ 01900 40871 Awards 25,000$ 14,581$ 10,419$ 01900 40872 Awards HQ Expenses 43,500$ 13,342$ 30,158$ 01900 40878 Standards -$ -$ -$ 01900 40891 Education 5,000$ -$ 5,000$


Treasurer's Report to the IAS Executive Board - October 2012Year 2012 Executive Board Budget/Expense Summary

As of 15 NOV 2012

Notes:New accounting separates travel from other expenses. Combined here to better match budget.Chapters and membership not well distinguished, accounting for chapters over budget.

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Treasurer’s Report

IAS Board Meeting Mon. Dec. 3, 2012

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2013 Budget Update

• Final pass of 2013 – Net surplus - $479 K








Revenues vs Expenses

2013 Budget - Overview (Thousand Dollars)



Revenues 4915.587Expenses 4436.775Net 478.8126

(Thousand Dollars)

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2012 Current Status

• Current surplus: $187 K From TAB Summary Report Dated 13-NOV-12

Year-to-Date (YTD) Inflows 3,563,200$ YTD Budget 3,134,700$

Year-toDate (YTD) Outflows 3,374,600$ YTD Budget 3,374,600$

Rounding Error

Net Surplus (Deficit) 188,600$

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2012 Third Quarter Balance Sheet

• Net assets: $ 5,849 K IAS Balance Sheet as September of 2012

From TAB Balance Sheet Report dated 09-Oct-12Assets 5,849,000$

Accounts Receivable 554,000$ Loans Receivable 230,000$ Prepaid Expenses -$ Fixed Assets -$ Pooled Assets 5,065,000$ Rounding Error -$

Liabilities -$ Accounts Payable -$ Deferred Income -$

Net Worth 5,849,000$

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Year to Date Revenues • Slightly above projections • Conferences taking the lead

2012 2012 2012



YTD VarianceTOTAL REVENUE 4133.2 3134.7 3563.2 428.500100 INTEREST INCOME 0.0 0.0 0 0.000870 TRANS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS 648.6 550.7 539.2 (11.5)00871 INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS MAGAZINE 371.7 332.6 354.2 21.600872 CD-ROM 0.0 0.0 0 0.000873 IAS CONFERENCE DIGITAL LIBRARY 0.0 0.0 0.81 0.800874 SOCIETY FEES UNBUNDLED 0.0 0.001499 PERIODICAL RELATED - OTHER 0.2 0.2 0.8 0.6

REVENUE01600 NON PERIODICAL 4.2 3.5 0.4 (3.1)01700 MEETINGS/CONFERENCES 3108.2 2247.3 2667.2 419.901701 CONFERENCE - RELATED 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.201800 ADMINISTRATION 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.001900 COMMITTEE & OTHER 0.0 0.001910 EXECUTIVE OFFICE 0.0 0.0

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Year to Date Expenses • Close to budget • Conferences above budget • Committees and publications below budget

2012 2012 2012



YTD VarianceTOTAL EXPENSE/RMBSVC 4056.6 3369.7 3374.6 4.900100 RMBSVC INTEREST INCOME 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.000870 TRANS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS 313.7 261.7 212.7 (49.0)00871 INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS MAGAZINE 347.6 289.7 246.1 (43.6)00872 CD-ROM 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.000873 IAS CONFERENCE DIGITAL LIBRARY 9.4 7.8 7.8 (0.0)00874 SOCIETY FEES UNBUNDLED 0.0 0.0 0 0.001499 PERIODICAL RELATED - OTHER 20.1 5.3 5.4 0.0

EXPENSE 01600 NON PERIODICAL 10.9 9.1 8.7 (0.4)01700 MEETINGS/CONFERENCES 2253.1 1877.6 2120.7 243.101701 CONFERENCE - RELATED 15.9 13.2 3.4 (9.9)01800 ADMINISTRATION 577.2 481.0 480.5 (0.5)01900 COMMITTEE & OTHER 398.2 331.8 206.3 (125.5)01910 EXECUTIVE OFFICE 110.5 92.4 83.2 (9.2)

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Year to Date Net

• Net surplus above expected

2012 2012 2012



YTD VarianceTOTAL 76.6 (235.0) 188.6 423.6

00100 INTEREST INCOME 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.000870 TRANS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS 334.8 289.0 326.5 37.500871 INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS MAGAZINE 24.1 42.9 108.1 65.200872 CD-ROM 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.000873 IAS CONFERENCE DIGITAL LIBRARY (9.4) (7.8) (7.0) 0.900874 SOCIETY FEES UNBUNDLED 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.001499 PERIODICAL RELATED - OTHER (19.9) (5.2) (4.5) 0.6

NET 01600 NON PERIODICAL (6.7) (5.6) (8.3) (2.7)01700 MEETINGS/CONFERENCES 855.0 369.8 546.6 176.801701 CONFERENCE - RELATED (15.5) (12.9) (2.8) 10.101800 ADMINISTRATION (577.2) (481.0) (480.5) 0.501900 COMMITTEE & OTHER (398.2) (331.8) (206.3) 125.501910 EXECUTIVE OFFICE (110.5) (92.4) (83.2) 9.2

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2012 Revenue Relationships

• Conferences and publications biggest revenue sources

Conferences, 2667.2

Transactions, 539.2

Magazine (Membership),

354.2 Other, 2.0 Revenues

(Thosand Dollars)

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2012 Expense Relationships

• Board expenses under committees

Conferences 2120.7

Transactions 212.7

Magazine 246.1

Administration 480.5

Executive Office 83.2

Committees 206.3 Other


Expenses (Thousand Dollars)

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Executive Board Expenses • Chapters and membership not well separated

– Shows chapters above budget EEE Account No Budget Category Budgeted Spent Remaining

Total of All Listed Accounts 443,460$ 209,944$ 233,516$

00870 40060 Honorarium: Transactions Editor; 1/2 Scholar One 18,100$ 16,285$ 1,815$ 00870 45150 Reimbursed Expenses, Transactions Editor 8,000$ 7,529$ 471$

00871 40060 Honorarium: Magazine Editor, 1/2 Scholar 1 18,100$ 15,420$ 2,680$ 00871 45150 Reimbursed Expenses, Magazine Editor 8,000$ 1,600$ 6,400$

01900 40755 Staff Travel 5,190$ 1,194$ 3,996$ 01900 40815 Reimbursed Expenses, IAS President 15,000$ 6,302$ 8,698$ 01900 40817 Meetings 5,170$ -$ 5,170$ 01900 40821 Adcom Committee -$ -$ -$ 01900 40831 Chapters 64,000$ 89,212$ (25,212)$ 01900 40832 Chapters HQ Expense -$ -$ -$ 01900 40853 Distinguished Lecturer Program 20,000$ 450$ 19,550$ 01900 40841 Technical Departments/Technical Committees 18,000$ 100$ 17,900$ 01900 40851 Membership 26,000$ 31$ 25,970$ 01900 40861 Executive Board 164,400$ 43,899$ 120,501$ 01900 40871 Awards 25,000$ 14,581$ 10,419$ 01900 40872 Awards HQ Expenses 43,500$ 13,342$ 30,158$ 01900 40878 Standards -$ -$ -$ 01900 40891 Education 5,000$ -$ 5,000$

Notes:New accounting separates travel from other expenses. Combined here to better match budget.

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Relative Executive Board Expenses

IAS President,


Chapters , $89,212

Executive Board,


Awards, $27,923

Other, $1,775

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SIGNIFICANT ISSUES • Electrical Safety Working Group has become

the Electrical Safety Committee • Conference attendance and revenues remain

strong • Manuscript submittal remains strong. • CIC is finally using S1M

– Some growing pains – All papers were reviewed by April – Decision on publication within the next 2 weeks

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• Portland Cement Association has informed CIC that PCA Education Foundation wants to transition the IEEE-IAS/PCA Cement Industry Technical Conference into a conference solely sponsored and controlled by the PCA Education Foundation by 2015

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MANUSCRIPT STATS Report date: 23 November 2012

Process Industries DepartmentCement Industry Committee 32 29

Metals Industry Committee 49 102 133 8 238

Mining Industry Committee 57 158 169 10 119 286

Petroleum and Chemical Industries Committee 253 127 149 70 + 91 123

Pulp & Paper Industry Committee 101 108 107 24 + 90 185

Electrical Safety Committee

492 124 140 141 100 208

Unique submissions since the inception of S1M in IAS in June

2008. Does NOT include resubmission of revised manuscripts.Time from initial submission to the initial decision by the Committee. This time is totally under Committee control. The target in IAS is 90 days for post-presentation submissions, or two weeks following presentation for pre-presentation submissionsTime from initial submission to the point when the final decision

to either accept or reject the paper is recorded. This time is not

totally under Committee control. The IEEE target is 365 days.

Unique submissions within the last 12 months. Indicates current level of activity of the Committee.Time from initial submission to the initial decision by the Committee. Green shading indicates that the recent performance of the Committee is an improvement over its historical performance. A + indicates that the recent performance of the Committee is contributing to improvement in the overall IAS metric. Time from initial submission to the point when the final decision

to either accept or reject the paper is recorded. This time is not

totally under Committee control. The IEEE target is 365 days.

Total Submissions

All Time Performance Last 12 Months PerformanceAverage Final Decision, days

Average First Decision, days

Average Final Decision, days

Recent Submissions

Average First Decision, days

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R E P O RT I N G R E F E R E N C E P E R I O D : Q 4 - 2 0 1 2 ( S e p t e m b e r- D e c e m b e r )

P R E S E N T E D AT: Q 4 - 1 2 e x e c u t i v e b o a r d m e e t i n g ( N e w B r u n s w i c k , D e c e m b e r 2 - 3 , 2 0 1 2 )

P R E S E N T E D B Y: P r o f G e o r g e s Z i s s i s , M S D A D C h a i r m a n

g e o r g e s . z i s s i s @ l a p l a c e . u n i v - t l s e . f r



D o c u m e n t f o r A p p r o v a l , D i f f u s i o n l i m i t e d t o I A S E x e c u t i v e B o a r d

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MSDAD Roster

Department officers Chairman: Prof Georges Zissis (U. Toulouse 3 – France) Vice-Chair: Prof Ahmad Rubaai (Howart University - USA)

Technical Committees & Officers Electrostatic Process Committee (EPC)

Chair– Akira Mizuno, VC– Rajesh Sharma, S– Angela Antoniu Industrial Automation and Control Committee (IACC)

Chair –M. Nasir Uddin, VC–Abdul Ofoli, S– vacant Industrial Lighting and Display Committee (ILDC)

Chair – Sounil Bhosle, VC – Ray-Lee Lin, S– Kayo Suzuki

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Meeting Activity (3)




# Technical sessions 7

Average Attendance/session 20

# Papers Submitted 63

# Papers Accepted 46

# Countries 12

# Technical sessions 5

Average Attendance/session 25

# Papers Submitted 24

# Papers Accepted 22

# Countries 8

# Technical sessions 2

# Papers Accepted 13

# Countries 3

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Meeting activity (2)

# Technical sessions 7

Average Attendance/session 120

# Papers 101

Name: Electrostatics Joint Conference Dates: June11-14, 2012 Location: Cambridge, Canada Co-Sponsor(s):

Electrostatic Society of America, Institute of Electrostatics Japan, Société Françase d’Electrostatique, International Assembly of Electrostatics


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Meeting Activity (3)

IACC # Technical sessions 32

# Attendees 223

# Papers Submitted 420

# Papers Accepted 215

# Absent papers 22

# No. Exhibitors 2

# No. Countries represented 6

Average number of attendees/session


Name: INDUSCON 2012 Dates: November 5 to 7 Location: Ponta Mar hotel, Fortaleza – CE, Brazil Co-Sponsor(s): - Governo do estado do Ceará. - SIMEC – Sindicato das indústria metal mecânica do estado do Ceará. - SUPPLIER Exhibitors: - AGILENT - NORTRON

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IAS-11 Paper Awards (1)

1st Prize Paper: "Optimization of Transient Behaviour of Complex Turbocompressor Shaft Lines” Pieder Jörg, Senior Drives Expert, ABB MV Drives, Turgi, Switzerland Andrea Lenzi, Technical Risk Leader, Electrical and Control Department, GE Oil & Gas, Florence, Italy Valerio Depau, Senior Diagnostic Engineer, GE Oil & Gas, Florence, Italy 2nd Prize Paper: “New Hybrid High-Power Rectifier with Reduced THDI and Voltage Sag Ride-Through Capability” Admarço V. Costa, Luiz C. de Freitas, João B. Vieira Jr., Ernane A. A. Coelho, Valdeir J. Farias, and Luiz C. G. Freitas; Núcleo de Pesquisa em Eletrônica de Potência (NUPEP) Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica (FEELT) Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU), Brazil 3rd Prize Paper: “Design of Advanced Voltage Management System Including Manual Operation Mode via Real-time Simulation” Seung-Mook Baek, Suchul Nam, Jiyoung Song, Jaegul Lee, and Jeonghoon Shin All are with the Korea Power Cooperation (KEPCO) Research Institute, Daejeon, 305760, Korea

IACC Award subcommittee: Chair: Dr. David Kankam (NASA, USA) Members: Dr. G. Simoes (Colorado School of Mines, USA), Dr. Babk Nahid Mubarakeh (University of Lorraine, France), Dr. Sukumar Kamalasadan (Univ. of North Carolina, Charlotte, USA)

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IAS-11 Paper Awards (2)

ILDC Award subcommittee: Chair: Prof. F. Dawson (U. Toronto, Canada)

1st prize: Transfer Technology for Fabrication of Flexible OTFT Backplane T. Yamamoto, T. Takei, Y. Nakajima, Y. Fujisaki, Japan Broadcasting Corporation; T. Furukawa, M. Hosoi, A. Kinoshita, H. Fujikake, Kyodo Printing Co., Ltd., Japan 2nd prize Robust Optical Watermarking Technique by Optimizing the Size of Pixel Blocks of Orthogonal Transform Y. Ishikawa, K. Uehira, K. Yanaka, Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Japan 3rd prize: Acoustic Resonance Characterization and Numerical Model Including Acoustic Streaming in an HPS Lamp A. Toumi, L. Chun, P. Maussion, S. Bhosle, G. Zissis, Université de Toulouse, France

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IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department

Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department (IPCSD) 2012 Fourth Quarter Report

IAS Board Meeting December 2-3, 2012

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Outline Officers 2012-2013 Committee Report Joint Transactions with PE Departmental Activities 2013 IEEE Fellow Class Joint Special Issue on Machines and

Drives in Emerging Applications Organization of JESTPE


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IPCSD Organization 2012-2013 • Chair: Joseph Ojo • Vice-Chair : Avoki Omekanda • IPCC Chair: Po-tai Cheng • IDC Chair: Annette Muetze • EMC Chair: Aldo Boglietti • PEDCC Chair: Craig Winterhalter • Awards: Peter Wung • Websites and Communications: Rob Cuzner • Nominating: Giovanna Oriti


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Committee Organization 2012-2013 Electric Machine Committee (EMC) Chair : Aldo Boglietti Italy Vice Chair : Mircea Popescu UK Secretary : Andy Knight Canada Past Chair : Avoki Omekanda USA Industrial Drives Committee (IDC) Chair : Annette Muetze Austria Vice Chair, Paper Review : Yen-Shin Lai Taiwan Vice Chair, Programs : Michael Harke USA Secretary : Fernando de Briz Spain Past Chair : Uday Despande USA

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Committee Organization 2012-2013

Chair : Po-tai Cheng Taiwan Vice Chair : William Peterson USA Secretary : Pericle Zanchetta UK Transactions Review Chair : Hirofumi Akagi Japan Past Chair : Lixiang Wei USA

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conversion Systems Committee (RSECSC) Chair : Dan Ionel USA Vice Chair , Paper Review : David Dorrell Australia Vice-Chair, Committee Development : Pedro Rodriguez Spain Secretary : Yilmaz Sozer USA Past Chair : None Industrial Power Converter Committee (IPCC)

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Committee Organization 2012-2013

• Chair : Iqbal Hussain USA • Vice Chair (Papers): Ayman El-Refaie USA • Vice Chair (Conferences): Burak Ozpineci USA • Secretary : Mohammad Islam USA

Transportation Systems Committee (TSC)

• Chair : Craig Winterhalter USA • Vice Chair: Filippo Chimento • Secretary: Shashank Krishnamurthy

Power Electronics Devices and Components Committee (PEDCC)

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Committee Reports Transportation Systems Committee (TSC )

• Actively organizing and participating in Conferences • Paper review for conferences and IEEE Transactions • First TSC general meeting at ITEC 2012 in June 2012 at Dearborn,

MI jointly with PELs Transportation Committee • Second general meeting held at ECCE 2012 Conference in 17 Sept

2012 at Raleigh, NC. More than 50 members participated in the meeting

• Actively participating in IEEE Smartgrid vision development project for transportation

• Continue organizing ECCE and ITEC conferences

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Transaction Paper Review

Committee Reports Transportation Systems Committee (TSC ) cont.

• Started reviewing of paper from 2012 • Trans. Papers managed by Vice-Chair Dr. Ayman El-refaie • Associate Editors:

– Dr. Chris Mi, University of Michigan, Dearborn, MI – Dr. Khwaja Rahman, General Motors, Pontiac, MI – Dr. Srdjan Lukic, NC State University, Raleigh, NC – Prof. Fabio Capponi, University of Rome Rome, Italy

• Reviewers/members database is evolving • Decision based on at least 3 reviews

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– 3 papers submitted so far

– 1 invitation to submit a paper sent out

– All 3 papers are from the USA

– All papers cover topics related to batteries

– 2 papers already accepted for publications

Transaction Paper Review

Committee Reports Transportation Systems Committee (TSC ) cont.

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New committee but so far the fastest in terms of review time within IAS Need to make sure that this continues

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TSC Conference Activities • International Electric Vehicle Conference (IEVC), Greenville, SC, Mar. 2012

– Co-sponsored by IAS – Provided conference organization support

• International Transportation Electrification Conference (ITEC), Detroit, MI, June 2012

– Co-sponsored by IAS – Provided conference organization support

• Energy Conversion Congress and Expo (ECCE), Raleigh, NC, Sept. 2012 – Co-sponsored by IAS and PELs – Organized and managed Transportation track

• ITEC - Asia – IAS leading the efforts for the conference in 2014 in Asia – Modeled after ITEC in North America – Expected to be co-sponsored by IAS and PELs

Committee Reports Transportation Systems Committee (TSC ) cont.

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Committee Reports Transportation Systems Committee (TSC ) cont.

TSC Conference Activity Details International Electric Vehicle Conference

• Sponsors: 10 IEEE Societies including the Industry Applications Society. Other sponsors: Future Directions Cmte, IEEE Standards Association, IEEE-USA

• March 4-8, 2012 in Greenville, SC • Plenary Sessions, technical

sessions, and 140 technical papers

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Committee Reports Transportation Systems Committee (TSC ) cont.

TSC Conference Activity Details IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference 2012

• Sponsors: IAS, PELS, and PES

• 10 plenary talks, 6 oral (27 papers), 2 poster (82 papers) sessions, EV/HEV Bootcamp, 3 short courses

• June 18-22, 2012, Dearborn, MI, 15 Panel Discussion

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Committee Reports Transportation Systems Committee (TSC ) cont.

TSC Conference Activity Details

• 46 papers (8 oral and 3 poster technical sessions) – S10 Contactless Power Transfer for EV Applications (4 papers) – S23 Higher Power and Aerospace Applications (5) – S30 Electrical Machines in Transportation (3) – PS04 Transportation Applications – I (4) – PS22 Transportation Applications – II (5) – PS25 Machines for Aerospace and Transportation (5) – S47 Contactless Power Transfer I (4) – S67 Charging of EV I (4) – S79 Charging of EV II (4) – S94 Contactless Power Transfer II (4) – S106 Power Converters in Transportation II (4)

ECCE 2012

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Committee Reports Transportation Systems Committee (TSC ) cont.

TSC Conference Activity Details 2013 Conferences and Deadlines

• APEC in Long Beach, CA – Dates: Mar 17-21, 2013

• ITEC 2013 in Detroit, MI – Dates: June 16-19, 2012 – Digest submission deadline: November 9, 2012

• ECCE 2013 in Denver CO, – Dates: Sept. 16-20, 2013 – Digest submission deadline: Jan 15, 2013 ?

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Committee Reports Transportation Systems Committee (TSC ) cont.

TSC Conference Activity Details

• Prof. L. Xu is charged to bring updated information from local IEEE and other

organizations in China, and present an ITEC Asia proposal to ITEC Steering Committee Meeting.

• ITEC Steering Committee Meeting was held on Tuesday, June 19th at ITEC2012 and

ITEC Asia was discussed in the meeting. The consensus is that a) it is needed to formulate a more complete proposal by ECCE 2012, b) ITEC Asia should involve major air, railway, auto industry companies in Asia, such as GM China and others, as much as possible, c) ITEC should also make an effort to include not only China, Japan, and Korea but also India where the second largest population of PELS members comes from, and d) ITEC Asia needs to think about the logistics of holding a meeting in a city in China that can be reached with a direct flight from Detroit.

IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference - Asia

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Committee Reports Transportation Systems Committee (TSC ) cont.

TSC Conference Activity Details

Initial Planning for ITEC-Asia Conference • Proposed conference organization: ITEC Asia duplicates the

organization structure of ITEC North America 2012 with minor variations.

• It is estimated that the attendees to ITEC Asia could be as big as 1,000 and expo area 15,000 sq. meters if we work our way correctly and hard. Also clear is that the best location for the first ITEC Asia is Beijing.

IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference - Asia

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Initial Planning for ITEC-Asia Conference • The proposed time is: a) A formal ITEC Asia proposal is submitted and approved by the end of 2012. b) By the middle of 2013, all committees of ITEC Asia are in operation. Call for papers,

tutorial proposals, short courses are issued by technical committee c) By the end of 2013, paper digests, tutorial and short course proposals are received and

review of all these materials are started. Expo site is negotiated and floor is planned. d) In April 2014, reviewing of paper digests and proposals is accomplished and all

authors are notified for submission of final papers, posters, tutorial/short course notes. The submission is finished by the middle of 2014.

e) ITEC Asia to be held in the second half of 2014. • IAS support expected for establishing the conference.

Committee Reports Transportation Systems Committee (TSC ) cont.

TSC Conference Activity Details IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference - Asia

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Committee Reports Electric Machines Committee (EMC)

Activities : As in the previous report nothing is changed:

Decision # Manuscript Accepted for publication in Magazine 9 Accepted for publication in Transactions 224 Reject 174 Total 407

Final disposition (Since 2008)

Final disposition (Since 2008)

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Committee Reports Electric Machines Committee (EMC)

Final disposition (Since 2008)

Improved technical collaboration and support to International Conference on Electrical Machine ICEM 2012. The papers presented at ICEM 2012 are acceptable for IAS Transactions review process. GREAT SUBMISSION SUCCESS. CURRENTLY, THE PAPER COMING FROM THIS CONFERENCE ARE MORE THAN 80.

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Committee Reports Electric Machines Committee (EMC)

Final disposition (Since 2008)

Support to IEMDC 2013. The IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC) was founded with leadership from several members of the IEEE Power and Energy Society, who partnered with the team that became the four-way sponsorship group of IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS) IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES) The conference operates biannually, in odd-number years. The 2013 conference is the Ninth Biannual IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference

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Committee Reports Electric Machines Committee (EMC)

Awards and Recognition Prize papers

-First Prize Paper:

Paper Title: “Detection and Classification of Rotor Demagnetization and Eccentricity

Faults for PM Synchronous Motors”

Authors: Jongman Hong, Doosoo Hyun, Tae-june Kang, Sang Bin Lee, Christian

Kral, and Anton Haumer

Korea University, Seoul, Korea and Austrian Institute of Technology, Vienna Austria

Contact author : Sang Bin Lee [email protected]

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Awards and Recognition Prize papers

-Second Prize Paper:

Paper Title: “Design Study for Exterior Rotor Bearingless Permanent

Magnet Motors”

Authors: Thomas Reichert, Johann W. Kolar, Thomas Nussbaumer

ETH Zurich &Levitronix GmbH Zurich, Switzerland

Contact author : Thomas Reichert [email protected]

Committee Reports Electric Machines Committee (EMC)

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Awards and Recognition Prize papers

-Third Prize Paper:

Paper Title: “Experimental Evaluation of a Motor Integrated Permanent

Magnet Gear”

Authors: P.O. Rasmussen, T. V. Frandsen, K. K. Jensen, K. Jessen

Aalborg University Denmark and Danfoss Power Electronics A/S Denmark

Contact author : P.O. Rasmussen [email protected]

Committee Reports Electric Machines Committee (EMC)

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Committee Reports Industrial Drives Committee (IDC)

Paper Review Report

Average processing time (Days):

60 for First Decision and 106 for Average Final Decision

Country of origin (based on corresponding author,

only papers with decisions):

Disposition of papers

(accept/Total): 51/93=51.125%

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Average processing time (Days)

Committee Reports Industrial Drives Committee (IDC)

Paper Review Report

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Paper Review Report Country of origin

Committee Reports Industrial Drives Committee (IDC)

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Paper Review Report Country of origin (Previous 12 Months, Sep. 8)

Committee Reports Industrial Drives Committee (IDC)

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Paper Review Report Disposition of papers

(Accept/Total) 51/93= 51.125% (Aug. 28)

Committee Reports Industrial Drives Committee (IDC)

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Committee Reports Industrial Drives Committee (IDC) cont.

Awards and Recognition

Prize papers: How to review? Step 1: VC/papers provides paper list published in 2011 to ALL AEs and AC members Step 2: AEs in 2011 make recommendation from the paper list. AEs cannot recommend a paper where she or he is a co-author. Number of recommendation from each AE: 1 and up to 3. Step 3: AC members can also add more nominated papers and remove the recommended paper Step 4: Review and decision from AC

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Committee Reports Industrial Drives Committee (IDC) cont.

Awards and Recognition

Prize papers -First Prize Paper: Lixiang Wei, Zhijun Liu, Russel Kerkman, Gary Skibinski, “Identifying Ground Fault Location in High Resistance Grounded Systems using Adjustable Speed Drive”

-Second Prize Paper: Lei Hao, Chandra Namuduri, “Electromechanical Regenerative Actuator with Fault Tolerance Capability for Automotive Chassis Applications”

-Third Prize Paper: Ranga Tallam, David Leggate, David Kirschnik, Richard Lukaszewski, “PWM scheme to reduce the common-mode current generated by an AC drive at low modulation index”

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Committee Reports Industrial Drives Committee (IDC) cont.

Awards and Recognition Awards Subcommittee

Jul-Ki Seok (Chair), Korea Alfio Consoli (Vice-Chair), Italy Ashwin Khambadkone, Singapore Mahesh M. Swamy, USA Vladimir Blasko, USA Stefan Schroeder, Germany, Luca Zari, Italy, Fernando Briz, Spain

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Committee Reports Industrial Drives Committee (IDC) cont.

Awards and Recognition Associate Editors (Jan. -Dec. 2012)

Tallam, Ranga Rockwell Automation USA

Harke, Michael Danfoss USA

Matsuse, Kouiki Meiji University Japan

Su, Gui-Jia Oak Ridge National Laboratory USA

Rajagopalan, Satish Power Delivery & Utilization Sector at


Geyer, Tobias ABB Switzerland

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Committee Reports Industrial Drives Committee (IDC) cont.

New Business Associate Editors Nomination

Tallam, Ranga Rockwell Automation USA

Harke,Michael Danfoss USA

Matsuse, Kouiki Meiji University Japan

Su, Gui-Jia Oak Ridge National Laboratory USA

Rajagopalan, Satish Power Delivery & Utilization Sector at


Geyer, Tobias ABB Switzerland

Scarcella, Giuseppe University of Catania Italy*

Seok, Jul-Ki YeungNam University Korea*

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New Business

Invitation of Volunteers

Volunteers of paper reviewers: please contact committee officers and

Aes, and inform them of your interest to review papers

Volunteers of AE: brief CV/field by Oct. 31

E-mail: [email protected]

Committee Reports Industrial Drives Committee (IDC) cont.

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Committee Reports Industrial Drives Committee (IDC) cont.

New Business

Call for Transactions Paper Submission

E-mail the follows to [email protected]

Title of paper


Author List: name, e-mail address and affiliation

Conference/year paper presented

PDF file of original/revised (if it is revised)

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Committee Reports Industrial Power Converter Committee (IPCC)

Industrial Power Conversion Committee Prize Paper Awards 2011 IPCC Transaction Review

• First Pirze: Makoto Hagiwara, Ryo Maeda, and Hirofumi Akagi, "Negative-Sequence Reactive-Power Control by a PWM STATCOM Based on a Modular Multilevel Cascade Converter (MMCC-SDBC)" • Second Prize: Chia-Tse Lee, Rui-Pei Jiang, and Po-Tai Cheng, "A Grid Synchronization Method for Droop Controlled Distributed Energy Resources Converters" • Third Prize: Ke Ma, Frede Blaabjerg, and Marco Liserre "Thermal Analysis of Multilevel Grid Side Converters for 10 MW Wind Turbines under Low Voltage Ride Through"

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Committee Reports Industrial Power Converter Committee (IPCC)

IPCC Transaction Review

• IPCC Transaction Chair: – Hirofumi Akagi, Tokyo Institute of Tech ( 2011 ~ )

• Associate Editors: – Hideaki Fujita, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan – Pericle Zanchetta, University of Nottingham – Vladimir Blasko, UTRC – Ashwin Khambadkone, National University of Singapore – Po-Tai Cheng, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan – Jin Wang, Ohio State University – Brendan McGrath, Monash University – Sewan Choi, Seoul National University

3 new AEs with be on board in 2013!!

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Decision # Manuscript Accepted for publication in Magazine 8 Accepted for publication in Transactions 115 Reject 127 Total 250

Final disposition (Since 2008)

Industrial Power Converter Committee (IPCC) IPCC Transaction Review

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Industrial Power Converter Committee (IPCC) IPCC Transaction Review

County of Origin (Previous 12 months)

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Report date: 23 November 2012 All Time Performance

Last 12 Months Performance


Submissions Average First

Decision, days Average Final Decision, days

Recent Submissions

Average First Decision, days

Average Final Decision, days

Process Industries Department

Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department

Electric Machines Committee 520 81 129

142 + 64 130

Industrial Drives Committee 297 60 106 77 + 65 106

Industrial Power Converter Committee 366 83 127 110 + 75 120

Power Electronic Devices & Components Committee 78 105 191 18 + 91 212

Transportation Systems Committee 4 55 103 4 + 55 103

Sustainable and Renewable Power Systems Committee 24 64 177 17 + 64 177

IPCC Editors continues to improve their review and decision process!

Industrial Power Converter Committee (IPCC) IPCC Transaction Review

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ECCE 2012 Stats

• The ECCE 2012 Technical Program Committee – Technical Program Chairs:

• Rolando Burgos, ABB, USA • Po-Tai Cheng, National Tsinghua University, Taiwan • Subhashish Bhattacharya, North Carolina State University, USA • Avoki M. Omekanda, General Motors, USA • Jian Sun, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA

– 30 Vice chairs (50% from IAS, 50% from PELS) – 80+ topic chairs (many volunteers from IPCC!)

IPCC in ECCE 2012

Committee Reports Industrial Power Converter Committee (IPCC)

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Committee Reports Industrial Power Converter Committee (IPCC)

• Abstract submissions: 1190 (total of 56, withdrawn) • Accepted papers: 675 (oral:517; poster:158) • Acceptance percentage: 56.7%

– ECCE 2011: 59.7% (=609/1085) • A Technical Program Committee meeting was held in April 14-15,

2012 to finalize the paper selection. – Oral and poster assignment is based on authors’ preference and

the nature of the paper.

IPCC in ECCE 2012

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IPCC Conference Activities

Industrial Power Converter Committee (IPCC)

•Highly involved in the Technical Program Committee… TPC co-Chairs and several vice-chairs. •Organize Industry sessions to encourage more participations from industries.

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IPCC Conference Activities

Industrial Power Converter Committee (IPCC)

• Sponsors: IAS and PELS • Supporting paper review and conference organization in

APEC 2013. • Higher level of involvement in APEC 2014.

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IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department


• Sponsors: IAS • Organizing special sessions in the field of high power

converters and grid-scale renewables.

• Plenary session organization.

IPCC Conference Activities Industrial Power Converter Committee (IPCC)

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• Sponsors: PELS. IPCC members Profs Graham Holmes and Brendan McGrath serve as the general chair and the program chair.

• Technical program invovlement

• Organizing special sessions.

IPCC Conference Activities Industrial Power Converter Committee (IPCC)

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• Sponsors: PELS. IPCC member Prof. Faisal Khan serve as the general chair.

• Technical program involvement

IPCC Conference Activities Industrial Power Converter Committee (IPCC)

COMPEL 2013 Salt Lake City, Utah June 23-26, 2013

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Committee Reports Industrial Power Converter Committee (IPCC)

IPCC Conference Activities

• Collaboration with international partners

– Collaboration with Semiconductor Power Converter Committee (SPC)

of IEEJ-IAS, co-sponsoring special sessions or other exchange

activities in IPEC 2014

– Higher level of collaborations in ECCE-Asia and ECCe-Europe.

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Committee Reports Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems Committee (RESC )

• New Committee established in the Fall of 2011 • Held its first general meeting at ECCE 2012. More than 50

members participated • Actively organizing and participating in Conferences

• 4 conferences sponsored so far on behalf of IAS • Increases visibility of IAS on timely topics, aiming to attract

new members to IEEE in general and IAS in particular • Paper review for conferences and IEEE Transactions. • Trans on IAS papers this year – 9 submitted, 5 accepted, the rest

still in review

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Committee Reports Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems Committee (RESC )

• Executive Committee members: • Chair - Dan M. Ionel, USA • Vice Chair & TPC – David Dorrell, Australia • Vice Chair – Pedro Rodriguez, Spain • Secretary – Yilmaz Sozer, USA

• Associate Editors for IEEE Trans on IAS • Bogi Bech Jensen, Denmark • Behrooz Mirafzal, USA • Adel Nasiri, USA • Pragasen Pillay, Canada

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Committee Reports Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems Committee (RESC )

• New website at http://sites.ieee.org/ias-crsecs/ • Uses the new IEEE template for Committees • Sections

• Welcome – scope and how to become a member and a reviewer • Organization – Executive Committee, AEs and Webmaster incl. emails • Papers for IAS Transactions – instructions for submission • News

• Further developments in the near future • Past events – PDFs for ECCE 2011 special and rap sessions • Past events – PDFS for ECCE 2012 special session

• Suggestions or Questions? Email the Chair and cc the Webmaster.

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Committee Reports Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems Committee (RESC )


•IEEE ICSET 2012 (International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies) will be held in Kathmandu, Nepal on 24 – 27 September 2012 (http://www.ieee-icset.org/venue.html) •International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications, ICRERA-2012, November 2012, Nagasaki, Japan (http://www.icrera.org/ ) •8th International Conference and Exhibition, on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energy, March 2013, Monaco (http://conference.evermonaco.com/) •International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives (POWERENG, www.powereng2013.org ) to be held in Istanbul on 13-17 May, 2013.

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Committee Reports Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems Committee (RESC )

Power Electronics and Machines in Wind & Water Applications (PEMWA), July 16-18, 2014 Symposium Chair: Adel Nasiri, University of Wisconsin-

Milwaukee; [email protected] Technical Program Co-Chairs: Eduard Muljadi, NREL Dan Ionel, Regal Beloit Pedro Rodriguez, Abengoa Wei Qiao, University of Nebraska-Licoln David Gao, University of Denver.

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Committee Reports Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems Committee (RESC )

Power Electronics and Machines in Wind & Water Applications (PEMWA), July 16-18, 2014 • Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: • Wind power grid connection issues under high penetration • Power electronics control for wind turbine induction and permanent magnet generators • Power electronics converter topologies and controls for wind and wave energy • FACTS applications for wind power • Modeling and simulation of wind and wave power converters and generators • Residential/Rural applications and other small wind turbine systems • Low wind-speed technologies • Wind forecasting for dispatching of distributed wind generation sources • Islanding and protection capabilities • Generator design for wind and wave energy systems • Energy storage technologies for wind and wave energy sources • Off shore wind power • PMUs / Wide Area Monitoring Protection and Control for wind integration

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Joint Transactions with PE 69 papers accepted out of 146 submissions for publication.

2 papers already published in error in IAS Transactions May/June 2012 edition.

67 papers will appear in the Nov./Dec. 2012 edition of the IAS Transactions.

Committee Vice Chairs who selected the papers:

Avoki Omekanda

Hirofumi Akagi

Annette Muetze

Enrico Santi

Special thanks to Louie Powell for tremendous assistance to authors, reviewers – to all of us involved with producing the special edition.

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Status of the status of the Joint IAS/PEL Nov/Dec 2012 Publication Joint Transactions with PE

Invited for submission 166 Actually submitted 146 Reviewed and rejected 69 Rejected without review (outside intended scope) 1 Withdrawn by author 3 Not submitted 18 Unresponsive author 2 Accepted for publication 69 Already published 2

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IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department


The 67 papers for the Joint Special Issue on

Machines and Drives in Emerging Applications, 2012

have been transferred to IEEE publications and they

should be published. The whole process was very


Departmental Activities Joint Special Issue on Machines and Drives in

Emerging Applications

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2013 IEEE Fellow Class The following members of the IPCSD who were recommended by the

IAS are members of the 2013 IEEE Fellow class:

Other members recommended by other societies 1. Marco Liserre (IES) 2. Alex McEachern (PES) 3. Chikaodinaka Nwankpa (PES) 4. David Perreault (PELS)

5. Yan-Fei Liu (PELS) 6. Donald Grahame Holmes (PELS) 7. Leon Tolbert (PELS) 8. Ali Emadi (PELS)

1. Ahmed Elantably 2. Ayman EL-Refaie

3. Dan Ionel 4. Sreenivasa Murthy

On behalf of the IPCSD, I want to express our appreciation to the IAS Fellow nominating Committee for recommending our worthy members.

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Organization of JESTPE I do not know what is happening about the editorial organization of the new

journal. There was a discussion during ECCE2012 that Editors will be selected from PELS and IAS. One of my Chairs wrote to inform me that PELS has appointed some Editors and he suggested names of people in his Committee to be made Editors. My attempts with Tan Dong to let me know how many Editors we need to supply has been unsuccessful. I have communicated my lack of information about the organization of the journal to the Chairs of IPCSD since they were eager for their members to be involved.

I do not know what the Board can do in order for IAS not to play the second fiddle. Since we have equal share, we need to be adequately represented.

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AWARDS PRESENTED AT THE 2010 ANNUAL MEETTING IEEE AWARDS 2012 IEEE Richard Harold Kaufmann Award – John Nelson 2012 IEEE Charles Proteus Steinmetz Award – Daleep Mohla SOCIETY AWARDS 2012 IAS Outstanding Achievement Award Was not awarded this year

2012 IAS Distinguished Service Award William D. Greason recommended by IAS Distinguished Service Award Committee Chair Robert Lorenz 2012 IAS Andrew W. Smith Outstanding Young Member Award Dr. Zhi Gao recommended by IAS Andrew W. Smith Outstanding Young Member Award Committee Chair Dan Neeser

CHAPTER AWARDS Outstanding Large Chapter Panama Section IAS Chapter - Nominated by Chapters & Membership Department Outstanding Large Joint Chapter

Argentina Section Joint IES/CSS/RAS/IAS/PELS/VTS Chapter - Nominated by Chapters & Membership Department Germany Section Joint IAS/PELS/IES Chapter - Nominated by Chapters & Membership Department

Outstanding Small Chapter

Morelos Section IAS Chapter - Nominated by Chapters & Membership Department Outstanding Small Joint Chapter

Nanjing Section PES/IAS Joint Chapter - Nominated by Chapters & Membership Department Continued Outstanding Performing Large Chapter

New York Section Joint PES/IAS Chapter - Nominated by Chapters & Membership Department

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Continued Outstanding Performing Small Chapter Calcutta Section IAS Chapter- Nominated by Chapters & Membership Department- Nominated by Chapters & Membership Department

Outstanding New Chapter

Colombia Section Universidad de San Buenventura Sede Bogota DC Student Branch IAS Chapter - Nominated by Chapters & Membership Department

Outstanding Student Branch Chapter Colombia Section Universidad Militar Nueva Granada Student Branch IAS Chapter - Nominated by Chapters & Membership Department

Continued Outstanding Performing Student Branch Chapter - Hungary Section Budapest University of Technology and Economics SB Joint PES/IAS Chapter - Nominated by Chapters & Membership Department


UNIT SUBSTATION DESIGN FOR OPTIMIZING RELIABILITY AND ELECTRICAL WORKPLACE SAFETY (May-June 2011) by David Durocher (presented as “Considerations in Unit Substation Design to Optimize Reliability and Electrical Workplace Safety” at the IAS/PCA Cement Industry Technical Conference)

Second Place

FUEL CELL HYBRID ELECTRIC SCOOTER-DEVELOPMENT OF ZERO-EMISSION VEHICLES (March-April 2011) by Taehyung Kim, Oleg Vodyakho, Jefferson Yang (presented as “Control of a Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Scooter” at the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Expo)

Third Place

ARC-FLASH STUDY-GETTING STARTED AT AN INDUSTRIAL SITE (July-August 2011) byBrian Tureski and S. Douglas Cromey. (presented as “Arc Flash—Getting Started” at



Holliday, Colin Hargis, and Bill Drury

Second Place “Discomfort Glare Comparison for Various LED Cap Lamps” John J. Sammarco, Alan G. Mayton, Timothy Lutz, and Sean Gallagher

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Third Place

“Testing PPE for Arc-Hazard Protection IEC 61482-1 Test Rig Evaluation Including Proposed Changes”, David Sweeting

Honorable Mention


MYRON ZUCKER STUDENT DESIGN CONTEST First Place: FPGA Implementation of a Frequency Adaptive Three-Phase Sequence Detector Synchronization System for Real Time Power Systems Applications Student Team: Essam El Sahwi, Neno Kovacevic University: University of Toronto Faculty Sponsors: Professor Francis P. Dawson, Adrian Amanci Second Place: Automatic Inspection of Outdoor Insulators Using Digital Image Processing and Intelligent Techniques Student Team: Loai Khalayli, Hamid Al-Saqban, Hossam Shoman University: American University of Sharjah Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Khaled Assaleh, Dr. Ayman El-Hag Third Place: Synchronized Sequence of Event Recorder – An Automation Controller Approach Student Team: David E. Roop, Gregory L. Pfister, Sean C. Conroy University: Virginia Polytechnic Institude and State University Faculty Sponsor: David C. Mazur, Virgilio A. Centeno 2012 IAS Fellows Thangavelu Asokan “for contributions to the development technologies for electrical safety” Suresh Gopalakrishnan “for contributions to electric drives and control for automotive systems” John Kay “for contributions to arc resistant medium voltage control and protection technologies” MD Masrur “for contributions to fault diagnostics in electric motor drives and automotive electric power systems” Elliot Rappaport “for contributions to grounding in industrial and commercial power systems” Aldo Boglietti “for contributions to analysis of magnetic materials and AC electrical machines” Joel Spira “for leadership in developing and commercializing light control technologies”

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Remus Teodorescu “for contributions to grid-connected renewable energy converter systems technology” Chunting (Chris) Mi “for contributions to hybrid electric vehicle modeling and power control” Working on transition of information to Mohammad Islam ACKNOWLEDGEMENT All members who contribute to the IEEE IAS Awards Department with the special

recognition mention to Mrs. Lynda Bernstein for her extraordinary help and support. Andrew Bagley Chair IAS Awards Dept

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Industry Applications Society 2012 Q4 EB Meeting, Piscataway NJ

Dec 2-3, 2012

2012 Q4 ACTIVITY REPORT TO THE IAS EXECUTIVE BOARD IAS Chapters and Membership Development Department Peter Magyar, Chairman [email protected]

1. Chapter development

1.1. Submitted petitions of SB IAS Chapters Sep 14 Belgium, Leuven Catholic University of Leuven Sep 19 Colombia, Bogotá University of Los Andes Oct 04 India, Kerala Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Coll of Eng. Kollam Nov 15 Miami Florida International University Nov 20 India, Bangalore Indian Institute of Science Nov 24 Australia, NSW University of Wollongong

1.2. SB Chapter petitions in progress Region-3 Central Florida University of Central Florida Orlando Region-5 Central Texas University of Central Texas Austin Region-8 Bahrain University of Bahrain Egypt Minia University France University of Technology Belford-Montbéliard Iran K.N. Toosi University of Technology Tehran

Israel Ben-Gurion University of Negev Ukraine Kiev Polytechnic Institute United Arabic E American University of Sharjah Qatar Texas A&M University of Qatar

Region-9 Colombia Universidad del Norte Nicaragua Universidad Nacional De Ingenieria Region-10 China Huazhong University of Science and Technology

India Thadomal Shahani Engineering College Mumbai Japan Tokyo Institute of Technology

Sri Lanka University of Mortauwa Taiwan National Sun Yat-sen University

1.3. Unsuccessful activity Region-4 Cleveland Cleveland State University Ohio Region-8 Belgium University of Ghent France University of Picardie Jules Verne Region-10 Singapore NUS and NTU

1.4. Chapter statistics after approval of the submitted petitions Chapters, total 176 (change +6) Technical chapters 135 (unchanged) SB Chapters 41 (change +6)

R1-7 4 (change +1) R8-10 37 (change +5)

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CMD Report for 2012 Q4 EB Meeting

Page 2 of 3

2. Membership development

Sep 30, 2012. Year over year change Higher Grade Membership 9,575 0.9% Undergraduate Student Members 298 31.3% (2nd highest rate at IEEE) Society affiliates 49 16.7% Society total 9.973 1.6%

3. Activities

3.1. Follow-up activities of the CMD and Chapters Annual Workshop 2012. - 86 registered attendees

3.2. Membership drive meetings - Nov 3-6, 2012

Florida International University, Miami FL University of Texas, Austin TX

- Nov 14-17, 2012 CONCAPAN, Nicaragua “IAS Track” Summary � 30…40 minutes delay � Ruiz Ivan Flores (3 presentations) was not attended at all � Gabriela Garay attended the second day (half day) only � The IAS booth was empty � Technical presentations: 3 good, 2 very low level, 3 deleted, 3 neutral,

Garay´s: no real content � Garay´s MGA Award was not announced � Poor visited, the very low level presentations with high level of attendance

- Dec 16-22, 2012 Inauguration meetings of the following Indian Chapters � Indian Institute of Science SB IAS/IES Chapter, Bangalore � Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Coll of Eng. Kollam, Kerala Leadership Workshop of the � RIT SB IAS Chapter, Kottayam, Kerala � Saints Gits SB IAS Chapter, Kottayam, Kerala

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CMD Report for 2012 Q4 EB Meeting

Page 3 of 3

3.3. Chapter Contest organized for hosting the 2013 Q2 EB Meeting 3.4. Meeting with the MGA <petition> team on Dec 3, 2012.

Respectfully submitted

/Peter Magyar/

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30 November 2012 To: Lynda Bernstein, IEEE IAS Administrator Subject: Education Department 2012, 4th Quarter Report Committee Reports: Asynchronous Education Committee Electric Machine Theory and Design Tutorial

There is a plan to offer a series of tutorials on Electric Machine Theory and Design by Professor Tim Miller. Dr. Miller is the winner of the 2008 Tesla Award and is the founder of the SPEED Laboratory and author of the SPEED software for electric machine design. These tutorials would likely be sponsored by PES, IAS, and PELS.

The subjects would include, but not be limited to, the following:

o Generators (classical wound-field and PM) o PM brushless motors and drives o Induction and synchronous reluctance motors o Commutator motors, both DC and Universal AC

There is a meeting, scheduled to coincide with the December IAS Executive Board Meeting, with members of IEEE eLearning personnel to discuss delivery options for these tutorials. A preliminary proposal for delivery, provided by Peter Wung, is attached.


PLEASE REPLY TO: 234A MMRB University of Kentucky Lexington, KY 40506-0107 (859) 257-4616 [email protected]

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Conference Education Committee Power System Fundamentals Tutorial

A Power System Fundamentals tutorial is being planned. The first offering will be a two-day tutorial with plans to extend it to a three- or four-day tutorial. The plan for expansion is to increase emphasis on system protection and coordination. The first offering will probably be held in Denver or Houston. The preliminary agenda (Clifton Oertli and J. Sottile) is given below.

Day Topics Day 1 Balanced, three-phase review Per unit review Load flow review Three-phase fault review Symmetrical components review Unbalanced faults review Day 2 System protection and coordination Components (CTs, PTs, etc.) Protective relay elements (50/51/67/21 etc.) Selection of protection schemes TCCs Microprocessor relaying Grounding Equipment grounding v system grounding Grounding schemes and selection of grounding method

2013 IAS Annual Meeting Tutorials

A call for tutorials for the 2013 IAS Annual Meeting is being prepared and will be sent shortly.

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Student Competition Committee IEEE IAS Myron Zucker Undergraduate Student Design Contest

No major activities at this time.

Zucker Travel Program

The on-line Zucker Travel Program application is being updated and will be posted soon. Zucker Planning Committee The Zucker Planning Committee is meeting with Michael Deering of the IEEE Foundation on 03 December to discuss the use of the Zucker Funds. Respectfully submitted, Joe Sottile Chair, Education Department

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Attachment: Electric Machine Theory and Design


IEEE Symposium on Electric Machine Theory and Design

Proposal A series of three or four tutorials expounding the basic design principles of electric machinery; these are not the presentation of recent research results. The tutorials are presented by an expert theoretician and practitioner of electric machine design. The tutorials could be named: "The Essential Theory of ....", which connotes a tightly-packed session on the important main principles of machine design for the various types of electric machines. The audience would be engineers from diverse backgrounds; as the purpose of the colloquia is to provide them with a good background of the main concepts one needs to know to approach the design of electric machines − with examples − and with a survey of the kinds of skills and tools that are generally needed. The titles of the tutorials would be, but not limited to, the following: 1. Generators (including classical wound-field and PM) 2. PM Brushless motors and drives 3. AC induction and Synchronous reluctance motors 4. Commutator motors, both DC and Universal AC

Presenter Prof. TJE Miller IEEE Life Fellow 2008 Tesla Award Recipient Founder of the SPEED Laboratory and author of the SPEED software for electric machine design Author of 10 textbooks in electric machines and power systems, plus over 200 papers and 10 patents Previously employed by University of Glasgow; GE (8 years, Schenectady); GEC (UK); and C.A. Parsons (UK)

Schedule One approach is to present one tutorial to a different IEEE Conference that has a electric machines component, key conferences are:

• International Electric Machines and Drives Conference (PES, IAS). Biannual. • IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (IAS, PELS). Annual. • IEEE Power and Energy Society Annual Meeting (PES). Annual.

Other conferences have an electric machine component associated but does not have electric machines as a main focal point:

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Attachment: Electric Machine Theory and Design


• IEEE IAS Annual Meeting (IAS) Annual. • IEEE IECON (IES) Annual.

The presentations need to have a consistent delivery approach, as well as a uniform level expertise. This is resolved by having the same expert deliver the entire series of tutorials. Full-day sessions are preferred, because it is possible to go through the full theory in proper detail, as well as outlining the design in a satisfactory way. It is essential for this to be an IEEE event; in because IEEE is the ideal, natural and pre-eminent forum for this colloquium to exist. It would be essential in such a series to draw attention to the impressive pedigree of American industry in electric machines.

Funding It may be possible for CD-Adapco, Dr. Miller’s present associated industrial company to agree to pay Dr. Miller’s travel and accommodation, in the form of a sponsorship; although there may also be opportunities to obtain sponsorship monies from various other industrial companies in the USA.

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R. Mark Nelms ECE Department Chair 200 Broun Hall Meetings Department Auburn University, AL 36849-5201 USA Phone: 334-844-1830 FAX: 334-844-1809 Email: [email protected] December 3, 2012


Subj.: Agenda item 5.4 - Meetings Department Report 4th Quarter Report 2012 to the IAS Executive Board Conference status report I have not received a conference status report from the IEEE since July 23, 2012. As such, there are not many changes to report from the October report.

Conference Missing Surplus 2010 ESTMP FINAL RCV DATE – 1/2012, Surplus $68,155 (66%) 2011 ESW FINAL REC DATE – 3/2012, Audit in

Progress $26,967 (67%)

2011 ESTS FINAL RCV DATE – 12/2011 Technical MOU, All Sponsoring Entity Approval, Certificate of accuracy

$33,984 (13%)

2011 REPC FINAL RCV DATE – 7/2012,Surplus, 1099 and 1042 Schedules

$10,628 (100%)

2011 IEMDC POBC/COI Chair, Technical MOU, All Sponsoring Entity Approval, Final, Surplus, Certificate of Accuracy, 1099 and 1042 Schedule, Audit, Proof of Bank Closure

2011 CIC FINAL RCV DATE – 1/2012 Audit in Progress

$301,645 (50%)

2011 PPIC Close date – 6/2012 $52,862 (100%) 2011 ECCE Audit in Progress $57,333 (50%) 2011 PCIC Final, Surplus, Certificate of Accuracy,

Audit, CB Destroy Check Form, Proof of Bank Closure


2011 IAM All documents submitted in September 2012

$51,204 (100%)

Thanks to Teresa Sacks and Lynda Bernstein for their efforts in closing conferences. APEC 2012 The conference is being prepared for audit and should be closed in the first quarter of 2013. The surplus will be on the order of $380,000. The IAS has 33.33% financial stake in the conference. 2012 IEEE IAS Annual Meeting The bills are being paid for the conference, and more details will be available at the first Board meeting on 2013. PCIC Mexico Discussions were held in Las Vegas with one of the conference organizers about IAS technical co-sponsorship of the 2013 PCIC Mexico. The conference has a website, which contains the IEEE, IAS, and IEEE Region 9 conference logos. IEEE Conference Services has contacted the organizers to remove all logos until the conference is officially registered with the IEEE and a conference number assigned.

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PCIC Brazil Email messages have been exchanged with organizers of the PCIC Brazil conference. Organizers have requested help to include the papers from previous conferences in Xplore. The IAS was not a technical co-sponsor of any of these conferences. IEEE Conference Services will be contacted to determine if this is possible. Discussions will begin on an MOU for IAS technical co-sponsorship of the 2014 conference. ITEC Asia At the joint PELS/IAS Technical Committee Meeting held on June 18 and on behalf of IAS (appointed by IAS President), Longya Xu indicated that initial interactions with IEEE local leaders in China, Japan and Korea were successful. The local IEEE Section/Chapters are very interested in ITEC Asia. L. Xu was charged to make further launching efforts for ITEC Asia 2014 to be held in Beijing. The current status is:

• Discussions with IEEE colleagues in US, China, Korea, and Japan about the organization and timeline of the conference were very successful. Contacts with industrial companies in the Asia region were very positive. Interested companies include GM China, Ford China, Beijing Motors, Shanghai Motors, VW Shanghai, Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Mazda, Hyundai, Kia, Geely, Chery, ABB China, Mitsubishi China, Siemens China. • It is estimated that the attendance could be as high as 1000 and the expo area as large as 15,000 square meters. The budget estimate is $0.8-1M. • A tentative agreement has been reached on the split among the financial sponsors – IAS (36%), PELS(12%), PES(12%), and local Sections/Chapters (40%). An MOU will be developed as soon as possible and signed by all sponsors.

EFSWIN 2012 John Nelson, PCIC Chair, attended this workshop and reported that it was very successful. The IAS was a technical co-sponsorship. He has requested that the IAS have a more active role in future safety workshops in India. Respectfully submitted,

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Date: November 30, 2012 To: IAS Board Members Subject: Publications Department Report to the IAS ExecBoard, Dec 2-3, 2012

S1M Report

The IAS Operations Center was closed for nine days due the widespread power outages resulting from Hurricane Sandy. About four days into the outage, it was necessary to transfer IEEE's web operations from the Piscataway Data Center to a backup ("hot site") facility near Scottsdale. That transfer did not go well and resulting in disruptions in the functionality of Xplore and the IEEE-alias service. More importantly, the electronic copyright server function was not transferred to the backup site, so it remained off-line until commercial power was restored. The S1M server is located in the Minneapolis area and was not affected by the storm, so submissions proceeded normally. However, we had about twenty instances which authors were not able to execute their copyright transfers at the time of submission. In each case, Louie sent the author an e-mail explaining that the server was down, and when the server was restored, Louie sent those authors a follow up note letting them know that the copyright transfer function was back on line. All outstanding transfers were executed within a few days after service was restored.

As we discussed in Las Vegas, IEEE went ahead with implementation of Open

Access in late October. Unfortunately, this effort was driven by a few folks (zealots) in IEEE Marketing without involvement of anyone involved in the Societies. In particular, Marketing arbitrarily decided on the wording of both the instructions that were placed on the various S1M sites as well as the wording of the key question that authors must answer, and those changes were implemented without the knowledge of anyone in the Societies. Louie first became aware that the switch had been implemented when Louie received an inquiry from an author who had misread the badly worded information to mean that all authors were going to have to pay for publication of all papers. That initial miscommunication was resolved, but there is an ongoing problem that the on-screen submission confirmation that authors see can too easily be misunderstood to imply that authors opted in to Open Access when in fact they actually opted out. IEEE is aware of that problem and has agreed to a change that will resolve the issue, but

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as of last week that change has not been made. So far, there have been no submissions via the IAS S1M site where authors have opted in favor of Open Access publication.

Louie conducted three webinar training sessions targeted mainly for new S1M

users, one each in the morning, afternoon and evening New York time to accommodate the time zones where users reside. The following individuals (committee association in parentheses) participate in those sessions: 1. David Steward (PCIC) 2. Sergio Panetta (PSEC) 3. Maarten Kamper (EMC) 4. Kan Akatsu (IDC) 5. Maciej Noras (EPC) 6. Alex Wu (PPIC) 7. Akira Chiba (EMC) 8. Bogi Bech Jensen (SECSC) 9. Julki Seok (IDC) 10. Luca Zarri (EMC/IDC) 11. Dan Ransom (PSPC) 12. John Kay (PPIC) 13. Doug Turk (REPC) 14. Dick Schmidt (CIC) 15. Tobias Geyer (IDC) 16. Giuseppi Scarqcella (IDC) 17. Dennis Bogh (PCIC) 18. Emmanuel Agamloh (EMC) 19. Dana De Pierre (EMC) 20. Z. George Gao (EMC) 21. Gary Fox (PSPC)

There were four others who had planned to participate but who either were pre-empted at the last moment or whose participation could not be confirmed because they logged in after a session began. Louie plans to offer 'makeup' sessions early next year for those who couldn't join the session in November. Special thanks to Lynda Bernstein for making the arrangements for these sessions. Transactions Publications Report

As of last week the November/December 2012 issue has still not been mailed. The scheduled mail date was 11/26/12. The delay is associated with two factors. 1) Being the Special Issue published jointly with the IEEE Power Electronics

Society, there were a particularly large number of papers; 67 compared with the 35 to 40 that have been published per issue more recently in our regular issues. Some of these papers arrived after the manuscript due date for the issue.

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2) The two-week shutdown of the IEEE Service Center due to hurricane Sandy was also a factor. Our Senior Staff Editor at IEEE still expects the issue to be ready for the printer by mid-December with a mail date before the end of the year so that it still will carry a November/December 2012 cover date. Because of this delay Carl still does not have a final page count for 2012 to compare against his allocated page budget.

As reported in Las Vegas to the Transactions Advisory Board, Carl proposed a 2013 page budget of 2047 pages consisting of 35 papers per issue for all six issues along with covers and table of contents as well as the annual indexes and reviewer recondition pages. He discovered that this was at issue with the estimate provided by Don Zinger to IEEE TAB and Publications last spring. That estimate was 2130 pages and is cast in stone at least until April or so of 2013. Hence, with the additional pages Carl has increased his proposal to 40 papers per issue for January/February and March/ April while keeping the remainder of the issues at 35 papers per issue. Carl is expected to revisit this in the spring when he has a better feel for the size of his backlog of received papers.

The January/February 2013 issue will have 40 papers (39 have already been forwarded to IEEE for page proof preparation). The final paper was missing some documentation and also has been forwarded to IEEE for page proof. The manuscript due date for all papers to be included in the issue is December 11, 2012 so all will be received well before that date.

This issue will also contain the Author Index and Subject Index for the combined transactions and IAS cosponsored conference papers published in 2012. Carl has been working with IEEE Publications to ensure that as many of our conferences as possible will be indexed. (End of the year conferences are sometimes omitted due to lack of documentation). The issue will be relatively large. The estimate is on the order of 550 plus papers.

Magazine Publications Report

All 2012 issues were mailed on schedule. The Jan/Feb 2013 issue production is on

target, with mailing scheduled for mid-December. Development of the March/April 2013 issue is on schedule.

The disruption to IEEE Operations due to Hurricane Sandy does not seem to have had any impact in delaying Industry Applications Magazine production or mailing.

Regarding Open Access publication, IEEE Publications has recognized that the role of IEEE magazines within the open access strategy has not been fully addressed. The TAB Management Committee is moving forward with a trial program with one magazine at this time, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine.

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There are no other outstanding issues or concerns with IA Magazine at this time.

Respectfully submitted, Ahmed Rubaai Publications Chair

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IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY S.M. Halpin, Chairman PLEASE REPLY TO: Standards Department ECE Department Auburn University 200 Broun Hall Auburn University, AL 36849 (334) 844-1824 (334) 844-1809 FAX [email protected] (email)

December 2, 2012 To: Bruno Lequesne, IAS President Subject: Standards Department 2nd Quarter Report Two items of interest for the Executive Board are ongoing regarding standards:

1. The IAS policies and procedures for standards will expire at the end of 2012. By IEEE Standards Association rule, all standards developing organizations must have approved (by IEEE SA AudCom) P&P in place throughout the development process of any standard(s). I have submitted the P&P on behalf of all groups in IAS involved in standards activities. This covers all of our activities except those in PCIC. PCIC personnel have submitted their own P&P documents which is perfectly acceptable. The Audit Committee of the Standards Board has requested some minor changes to the submission that I made on behalf of IAS and these changes must be approved by that Committee before I can make a motion for approval from the Executive Board. Therefore, this motion cannot be made in December 2012 as planned.

2. I have been appointed a member of the Standards Board for 2013. These are annual

appointments, renewable for three years. There are budgeted funds for these expenses in the Standards Department budget so there will be no impact on the Society. In this role, I will be able to support the standards activities of all of the IAS, particularly in NesCom (where Project Authorization Requests are approved) and RevCom (where final review takes place prior to publication). This is particularly important for I&CPS in their efforts to revise the structure and format of the Color Book series of standards.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mark Halpin


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Electronic Communications Committee Report

Clifton Oertli NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc.

303-431-7895 [email protected]

November 26, 2012

Attention: IAS Executive Board Members Subject: Report to Executive Board Location: (did not attend) Intro Last quarter, the board approved the use of the email address [email protected] to register for multiple social media outlets. Each of these social media sites has been registered with IEEE and all sites are under the purview of the IEEE Social Media Policy. Social Media Overview

Site “Followers” Last Quarter

“Followers” Last Year

“Followers” as of 11/26/12

Twitter (@ieeeIAS) 0 0 21

Facebook 0 0 37

Google+ 0 0 10

LinkedIn ? ? 1,618

Total ? ? 1,686

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Electronic Communications Committee Report

Next Steps • There are still a number of board members who have not registered for and

“followed” our multiple social media sites. This act is critical for the legitimacy of these sites and their ultimate effectiveness.

• Please send me any newsworthy events pertaining to the IAS or any of its chapters, committees, or working groups

Respectfully submitted,

Clifton Oertli IAS Electronic Communications Chair

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