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rd Pittsburgh

Regional Science & Engineering Fair

Intermediate Division

Student Project Abstracts

March 30, 2012

Table of Contents

Intermediate – Behavioral and Social Science (MBS), 7th & 8th Grade ............. 3

Intermediate – Biology (MBI), 7th & 8th Grade ................................................... 15

Intermediate – Chemistry (MCH), 7th & 8th Grade ............................................. 25

Intermediate – Computer Science & Math (MCM), 7th & 8th Grade .................. 39

Intermediate – Consumer Science (MCS), 7th & 8th Grade ............................... 43

Intermediate – Earth/Space/Environment (MES), 7th & 8th Grade .................... 51

Intermediate – Engineering/Robotics (MER), 7th & 8th Grade .......................... 59

Intermediate – Medicine/Health/Microbiology (MMH), 7th & 8th Grade ............ 69

Intermediate – Physics (MPH), 7th & 8th Grade ................................................. 77

Intermediate – TEAM (MTM), 7th & 8th Grade ..................................................... 87

Please note: Abstracts enclosed were submitted electronically. It was recommended, but not required. Please visit the student’s exhibit for the abstract if it was not submitted electronically. We did not edit them.

Intermediate – Behavioral and Social Science (MBS) – 7th & 8th Grade

Project Number: MBS001 Grade: 7 Title: Foul Shot Jam! Abstract: In my project I wanted to find out if a basketball player's favorite music affected their concentration. My hypothesis was that the shooter's favorite music will not affect their concentration. The steps I did were, play the shooter's favorite music and have the shooter shoot ten shots. After that, have the shooter shoot ten shots to no music. Write down all th information needed. I concluded that y hypothesis was right. The shooter's favorite music did not affect his concentration. If I had to do this project again I would use a non basketball player. Project Number: MBS002 Grade: 8 Title: Sports and Lung Capacity Abstract: Lung capacity is the maximum amount of air the lungs can hold when they are fully inflated. This can be affected by many things, including gender, amount of exercise, height and weight, and more. This project was intended to learn how playing a team sport affects the lung capacity of middle-school girls. 40 volunteers were gathered – 20 who played team sports and 20 who did not. Then, a Spirometer was used to measure the maximum amount of air that each volunteer could inhale. It was determined that volunteers that played team sports did have a higher average lung capacity than those who did not. The difference between the averages of these two groups of people was very minimal, though. Further work is planned to determine if caffeine affects the performance of athletes, or if playing a team sport affects reaction time. Project Number: MBS003 Grade: 7 Title: Do Food Labels Affect Taste Preferences? Abstract: Cholesterol is a major risk factor in Americans. High cholesterol can lead to atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes. Light ice cream has 50% less cholesterol (animal fat) than its regular counterpart. The purpose of this experiment is to determine whether groups of men, women, boys, and girls will detect a difference in taste between light and regular ice cream of the same brand. I also studied whether labeling an ice cream "light" will affect taste preference. Finally, a no label condition was tested as a control measure. Over fifty subjects were asked to participate in 3 separate trials to select the best tasting ice cream: correct labels, "switched" labels (Regular ice cream labeled light, and light ice cream labeled regular), and a no label condition. It was found that labeling does affect taste preference. This study showed that there is not a significant taste difference between regular and light ice cream of the brand used. Project Number: MBS004 Grade: 7 Title: Do You Like What You See? Abstract: I am researching the affect of colors on blood pressure. I chose three primary colors and eight participants of the same age. Each participant will sit quietly for five minutes and have their blood pressure taken. The first color will be studied for three minutes, blood pressure will be taken and recorded. They will relax for five minutes. The procedure will be repeated until all colors have been studied and pressures recorded. My data showed red increased blood pressure, yellow a range of readings and blue decreased pressure. In conclusion, my hypothesis was somewhat correct, colors affect your blood pressure. Project Number: MBS005 Grade: 8 Title: Does Rewarding Students Help Test Scores? Abstract: Students from various age groups were asked to complete word search puzzles with a "winner" earning a prize. A second word search puzzle was then presented, however, no prize was offered for completion. The number of correct words from the two scenarios were then compared and evaluated for all age groups and by gender. Project Number: MBS006 Grade: 7 Title: Do False Memories Lead to False Beliefs Abstract: The purpose is to see how false memories are created to avoid producing false events which lead to untrue accusations. Give 15 subjects a list of words with a keyword that isn’t on the list,to study for 10seconds.Give a test with randomly placed words and the keyword to see if subjects think the keyword and other words, were on the list. Subjects thought the keyword sleep was on the list. The hypothesis does support the conclusion that the subjects would mistakenly think that sleep was on the test because it related with the other words.When the subjects were presented with words that never appeared on the original list, subjects recalled that some words were or weren’t on the list.

Intermediate – Behavioral and Social Science (MBS) – 7th & 8th Grade

Project Number: MBS007 Grade: 7 Title: Do the Eyes Have It? Abstract: Do you know someone who can remember anything and everything or so it seems? How do they do it? To answer this question, elementary students and adults were evaluated as to whether visual or auditory based information is more easily learned. Project Number: MBS008 Grade: 8 Title: You Be The Critic Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MBS009 Grade: 7 Title: Highlight your Mind Abstract: Does highlighting affect memory? Well that is just what I tested in my experiment. I made a list of twenty words and highlighted ten of them. I told my subjects to study the list and than write down all that they can remember. In the end my hypothesis was correct and incorrect. My subjects remembered the same amount of highlighted and nonhighlighted words. In conclusion highlighting doesn't really help memery. But more testing is needed. Perhaps a longer word list and more test subjects. Project Number: MBS010 Grade: 7 Title: Game On! Abstract: I chose this project because I enjoy playing video games and thought it would be an interesting science fair project. I hypothesized that Setup C would be the best position with volunteers sitting 45 centimeters away from the screen. In Setup A, volunteers were lying on their stomachs 15 centimeters away from the screen. In Setup B, volunteers were sitting in a chair, again 15 centimeters away from the screen. My hypothesis was correct. In Setup C, the volunteers scored the best and were most comfortable. If I were to do this experiment again, I would ask male volunteers also. Project Number: MBS011 Grade: 7 Title: Does Gender Affect Color Preference? Abstract: The purpose of this project was to see if gender affected color preference. To find this out, I asked people to fill out a survey with color-filled boxes on it, and had the, check off their gender and age. I observed that both male and females like blue best, and yellow the least. So, in conclusion, gender did not have any significant affect on anybody's color preference. Project Number: MBS012 Grade: 7 Title: Are You In Focus? Abstract: I tested to see if while people are focusing on one thing in particular, if they could also be able to notice everything else that is going on around them. I first researched how the mind processes information, and the difference between short-term and long-term memories. I also found tests to use for my experiment. I chose a short-term memory test, because I believed that I could only use short-term memory to test my theory. I then chose to test to see how memories differ, from boys to girls. I wanted that to be the only variable. So I tested students in my class, who were all the same age, but because my class is small I could only ask 6 girls and 6 boys at the most. I thought I would test anywhere from 8 to 10 students. Since only a few students wanted to participate, I only asked 8 of them, 4 boys and 4 four girls. Project Number: MBS013 Grade: 7 Title: Does Music Impact Mental Focus? Abstract: Middle school students were tested to determine whether or not music can impact performance levels on standard word search puzzles. Test subjects were also evaluated on word search puzzle completion without music as a control.

Intermediate – Behavioral and Social Science (MBS) – 7th & 8th Grade

Project Number: MBS014 Grade: 8 Title: Memory Games Abstract: My project is titled “Memory Games.” In my project, I will be testing to see if there is a difference in memory between boys and girls. I will show a third grade class a group of images and see how many of the images they can remember after one minute. I will average the total scores of ten boys and ten girls to get my results. Project Number: MBS015 Grade: 8 Title: Age vs. Memory Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MBS016 Grade: 8 Title: Can you taste that? Abstract: I did my project to see if girls had a better sense of taste (than boys) when blindfolded. In my hypothesis, I took an educated guess and said that girls would have a better sense of taste. My planned procedure was to have the boys and girls put a blindfold on. Then I was to put the food sample in their hand and they would immediately put it in their mouth. Then they had to guess what the food was. My data showed that girls did have a better sense of taste than boys. My hypothesis was proven correct. Project Number: MBS017 Grade: 7 Title: Gender and Color Preference Abstract: My purpose was to investigate whether gender affects color preferences. I gathered my participants and had them complete a survey where they had to circle which color they preferred from several pairs of colors. Each participant was taken to the same room and given the same instructions and survey. I found that girls preferred purple, pink, gray, yellow, and blue. The boys preferred black, orange, green, and purple. I concluded that there is a gender difference in color preference. Project Number: MBS018 Grade: 8 Title: Music and Moods Abstract: The purpose of this project is to determine if listening to music affects a person's mood. To conduct this experiment I will have fifteen human subject's answer a brief mood questionnaire. Then I will have them listen to music for three minutes. After listening to music, I will have the subject's answer the same brief mood questionnaire. The experimental results are measured by calculating the results based on a Likert scale to determine if the subject's mood changed. The Likert scale is a psychometric scale used in research that involves questionnaires. The Likert scale is used in the pre and post test I gave my subject's. The results of the experiment showed that music did change the subject's mood. The results indicate that the hypothesis should be accepted because music does affect one's mood. Project Number: MBS019 Grade: 8 Title: Who Has a Better Memory-Boys or Girls? Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to determine whether boys or girls had better short term memory. I chose 10 female subjects and 10 male subjects. Each subject was required to study a test with 20 objects. Each subject was instructed to memorize or remember as many objects as possible in a determined amount of time. On average, the girls remembered 10 out of 20 objects while the boys only remembered 9 out of 20 objects. I concluded that girls, on average, have a better short term memory. Project Number: MBS020 Grade: 8 Title: What Color is Your Thirst? Abstract: My science fair project studied the way color affects people’s perception of taste. My hypothesis was “I believe that I can affect test subjects' perception of taste by serving the same water from different colored glasses.” I gave subjects one cup of water of each a red, blue, and green, then had them fill out a list of questions. When asked which they liked best, blue received about 51% of the votes, with green following at about 35%, and red least liked with 17%. This supports my original thought that water is best sold in blue bottles.

Intermediate – Behavioral and Social Science (MBS) – 7th & 8th Grade

Project Number: MBS021 Grade: 8 Title: Specialized Education Abstract: Today, more than ever, the educational process for “special needs” students is of great importance and requires intensive research and planning. My work and research was intended to find the best learning method for a group of special “spectrum disorder” students. I tested the Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic education methods by taking each individual student and teaching them a set skill using pictures (Visual), objects (Kinesthetic), and song (Auditory). I found that all three student subjects preferred the Visual education method best and they excelled at the task utilizing the Visual education method more than the Kinesthetic or Auditory methods. Project Number: MBS022 Grade: 8 Title: Stop the Noise Abstract: For my science fair experiment, I tested to see if white noise is an effective studying tool. I gave each of my subjects a simple memory test with white noise, distracting noise, and no noise, as a control. I found that the scores were highest on the no noise tests, but higher on the white noise tests than the distracting noise tests, but only by a very small amount. I concluded that it really depends on the person, but white noise is not an effective studying tool for most people. Project Number: MBS023 Grade: 7 Title: Can You Name That Color? Abstract: The purpose of this project is to determine if reading written colors in ink that does not match the color in word form affects the amount of time it takes to read the word. The procedures include timing the subject on the amount of time it took to read the words written the word that does not match the ink, then the amount of time it took to read the words that match. The average for the matching are 6 and the average for the colored are 10. Colors that matched the word take a shorter amount of time Project Number: MBS024 Grade: 7 Title: The Effect of Planned Distractions on Adolescents' Simulated Driving Times Abstract: In my project the test subjects will play a video game while I will be distracting them. I hypothesize that the distractions will have a major effect on the subjects. Test 1: Explain to the participant that you will ask him/her questions and that they should answer the questions to the best of his/her ability. that he should identify verbally Test 3: Explain to the participant that he will be given a series of math problems to complete on a calculator, using one hand. My conclusion was that my hypothesis was correct and distractions do affect your driving abilities. Project Number: MBS025 Grade: 8 Title: Pretty Is As Pretty Does? Abstract: My project is "Pretty Is as Pretty Does?" The purpose was to find out whether more attractive people are viewed more favorably. I hypothesized that the attractive people would be seen as more successful, intelligent, confident etc. I showed my subjects computer-generated faces and asked them to rate certain characteristics on a scale from one to five. My results proved my hypothesis—the more attractive the person, the more positively they were judged. The more unattractive the person was the less favorably they were seen. Project Number: MBS026 Grade: 8 Title: Inattentional Blindness Abstract: Does awareness increase as age does? If a person presents the intentional blindness video to 20 students each in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade, then the people who see the gorilla will increase as grade does. Load the video from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJG698U2Mvo. Show it to 60 test subjects, 20 each from grades 6th-8th. Start the video. While it’s playing, take down any facial expressions, body movements, etc. When the video ends, ask them if they saw the gorilla. Record how many saw the gorilla. Compare each grade with each other. To finish, see what percentage of each grade saw the gorilla. Project Number: MBS027 Grade: 8 Title: Bunny Love Abstract: My project is "Bunny Love." In my project I am going to test if human blood pressure and pulse increases or decreases after petting a bunny. I am going to test the subjects blood pressure and pulse before and after petting the bunny for 10 minutes.

Intermediate – Behavioral and Social Science (MBS) – 7th & 8th Grade

Project Number: MBS028 Grade: 8 Title: The Stroop Effect and Emerging Readers Abstract: It is known that the Stroop Effect has significant effect on adults when they try to name the color of ink that color words are printed in, but how would children who are still learning how to read respond to this phenomenon? I tested children in the primary grades by having them read a paragraph with color words printed in different colors of ink and asked them comprehension questions about the paragraph that were directly tied to color. Results will be on display at the PRSEF. Project Number: MBS029 Grade: 7 Title: Distracted Driving Abstract: This experiment was done to see if the more the distracted a person is the more likely to cause an accident. This will give us a better understanding of what not to do while driving. In order to complete this experiment will need a Wii gaming system and the game Mario kart. Each race used one of four different distractions. The distractions were eating and drinking, texting, talking, and no distractions. Each distraction was raced three times. The total time for each race was recorded and then averaged. This resulted in three data points for each distraction type. The results showed that driving while texting was the most distracting with an average time of 2:97.390 minutes, and that the other distractions all were worse than just driving the car. The average time for just driving was 2:21.535 minutes, eating/drinking while driving came in at 2:39.447 minutes and talking on the phone 2: 35.639 minutes. While this experiment shows the difference in times and that distractions are a problem, it doesn’t show that most of the extra time was due to accidents and not being able to stay on the road. This hypothesis was true. The distractions encountered did produce a lower time/score. The more complex the distraction the longer it took to complete the race. Project Number: MBS030 Grade: 8 Title: Correlation Between Relative Pitch and Gender Abstract: The problem for this experiment asks if males or females are better at singing on pitch. If relative pitch depends on gender, the females with sing better on pitch. To conduct this experiment, this researcher will ask students from the age of 11-14 to sign a consent form and sing a series of three notes as I play them on the piano. Record the results from 100 students: 50 males and 50 females. Compare all results to determine the correlation between relative pitch and gender. Project Number: MBS031 Grade: 8 Title: Warped Words Abstract: The problem for this experiment asks what way of oddly written words is easiest to read. To conduct this experiment this researcher will ask students to fill out consent forms before have them take three short, timed tests. They will decipher as many words as they can in the given time limit. The researcher will record the number of correctly written words for the three tests for all fifty participants. Compare the average number of correctly deciphered words for each test to determine what odd way of writing is read easiest. Project Number: MBS032 Grade: 7 Title: Red or Green? Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MBS033 Grade: 7 Title: What Color is Seen Best in Urban Traffic? Abstract: Purpose: What color is most easily seen in an urban traffic setting? Hypothesis: The darker dots are easier to see than light dots. Procedure: 1. Explain the directions to the subject 2. Randomly select the transparency containing the urban traffic setting and the colored dots that will be tested 3. Open a manila folder containing the transparency form step 2 and determine the time required for the test subject to find the 20 colored dots 4. Repeat steps 1-3 for the remaining transparencies. 5. Repeat steps 1-4 for 29 more test subjects

Intermediate – Behavioral and Social Science (MBS) – 7th & 8th Grade

Project Number: MBS034 Grade: 8 Title: BRAINBOW Abstract: My experiment is about color effecting memory. Get two sheets of paper with black words on one sheet and colored words on the other (they must be the same amount of letters). Get some subjects that will be willing to do the experiment. Give the subject the black piece of paper and ask them to memorize it for 30 seconds. Ask them to repeat the words they memorized back to you. Do the same with the colored words. Record your results. My hypothesis was that that color would make you remember the words better. My hypothesis was incorrect. Project Number: MBS035 Grade: 7 Title: Salts of the World Abstract: The purpose of my experiment was to see if people can taste the difference between salts. The procedure used was each subject ate three foods, with one of the four salts, Bretagna Grey Salt, Himalayan Pink Salt, Sea Salt and Moroccan White Salt, and tell how it tasted. The data I have is that for the Sea Salt: four subjects said it was strong, one subject said mild. Bretagna Grey Salt: four subjects said moderate, one subject said strong Himalayan Pink Salt: All five subjects said mild Moroccan White Salt: two subjects said strong, two subjects said mild, one subject said little. Project Number: MBS036 Grade: 8 Title: What Type of TV Show Affects a Teenaged Boy's Heart Rate Most? Abstract: Watching television can be an enjoyable past time for teenage boys, but is your heart rate impacted by what you watch? The purpose of the project is to discover what type of television show affects a teenaged boy's heart rate the most. Twenty participants will watch three examples of three types of age-appropriate TV shows in three categories: comedy, suspense and documentary. The heart rate of each participant will be monitored three times during viewing. Results will be available at the PRSEF. Project Number: MBS037 Grade: 8 Title: Reading and Test Awww Man!!! Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MBS038 Grade: 8 Title: Do Balance Braclets Work? Abstract: Balance bracelets are bracelets that claim to improve balance, strength, and flexibility. This work intended to learn if these bracelets truly improve balance. The balance of volunteers was tested by discovering how long each person could stay on a Bosu ball. Times were recorded before and after wearing bracelets. It was determined that the bracelets do improve the balance of people. Literature suggests that these bracelets regulate energy flow. Future work is planned to determine if the Placebo Effect plays a role in the success of these bracelets. Project Number: MBS039 Grade: 7 Title: Do you remember what you saw? Abstract: The purpose of my project is to see if the eye witness testimonies are accurate. The steps in taking my project are I took them in a quiet room and they watched a movie. I waited five minutes then I gave them a ten question paper. I calculated the right and wrong of each student and I also averaged it. I concluded that the eye witness testimonies were accurate. Project Number: MBS041 Grade: 7 Title: Optimal Text Formating for Maximizing Reading Speed Abstract: Does text format affect the speed of reading? The purpose of this experiment is to determine whether text formatting affects the speed of reading. If so, determine the optimal text formatting. Procedure: 1.Prepare paragraphs with different text formatting such as font sizes, line spacing, and number of words per line. 2. Ask subjects to read aloud the same paragraph with different text formatting and keep their time. 3. Chart results and draw conclusions.

Intermediate – Behavioral and Social Science (MBS) – 7th & 8th Grade

Project Number: MBS042 Grade: 8 Title: Does Physical Activity Affect Cognitive Skills? Abstract: Students of different ages were evaluated as to whether or not physical activity would improve one's ability to remember details from a short story read aloud to a group. Project Number: MBS043 Grade: 8 Title: Does Time of Day Affect Concentration? Abstract: The purpose of this project was to see when kids concentrate the most. I want to know this so I can strengthen my concentration and the concentration of others. To complete this project I observed 4 students in school and recorded obeservations in my notebook. I concluded that kids concentrate more in the morning than in the afternoon. Project Number: MBS044 Grade: 8 Title: A Companson of Education Types and Logical Thinking: Phase 3 Abstract: This project expanded on previous research investigating educational differences between Montessori and traditional education. The purpose of this project was to compare the cognitive skills of students enrolled in different educational styles and to determine whether one educational style progressed faster into the Formal stage of thinking as stated by Jean Piaget. The study was carried out using the Group Assessment of Logical Thinking (GALT). The GALT was administered online through the means of a survey. It was hypothesized that Montessori students would perform statistically significantly better than traditional education because Montessori uses tactile and interactive materials to better attend to an individual student’s needs, as well as based on previous experimental results. The survey included questions about demographics, conservation of mass and volume, probability, and algebraic concepts. No participant was asked to give their name or any personal information.. Participants gave informed consent before participating in the study. Data collected form the survey will be analyzed using frequency distributions to determine whether there is any statistical difference between the education types. A series of X2 test will be conducted to determine if Montessori students perform better than other educational types. Project Number: MBS045 Grade: 8 Title: Gender and Frustration Abstract: My project will test to see if females have higher frustration levels then males using an electromagnetic grid. The test will have thirty male and thirty female subjects. They will have three minutes to perform the task and I will judge their frustration through their responses. Subjects will receive one point for each time they perform a response (laughing or making jokes, asking for help, aggression, accusations, apathy, sighing, and saying this is frustrating). Record the number of points they received in the data tables for their frustration levels. Compare results to determine if my data supports my hypothesis. Project Number: MBS046 Grade: 8 Title: Crazy Food Coloring Abstract: Crazy Food Coloring Abstract In my project, I was curious as to how a person's judgment would be affected toward eating foods that were unnaturally colored. I tested ten test subjects in this experiment. Foods included; blue mashed potatoes, red rice, purple pudding, orange milk, green eggs, and gray/green cake. I collected lots of data and my results varied. The test subjects were more adventurous then I had expected and had mixed feelings about the food. In conclusion, however, I found out that people will be willing to try stange colored foods without completely judging them for their color. Project Number: MBS047 Grade: 8 Title: The Most Important Meal of the Day! Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MBS048 Grade: 8 Title: reflexezzzzzz Abstract: The purpose of my experiment was to see the true effects of sleep deprivation. In choosing to do this topic; I had tested the subject's reflexes by ringing a bell. After the first trial, they were to lose two hours of sleep until the next testing. After adding all finished times together, and finding averages, my final answer came as a bit of a shock. The average times for both trials hadn't changed from being sleep deprived or not. Since the times were the same, my hypothesis was incorrect, thus concluding my experiment.

Intermediate – Behavioral and Social Science (MBS) – 7th & 8th Grade

Project Number: MBS049 Grade: 7 Title: Now You See It Now You Don't Abstract: The purpose of my project is to find out which eye color has the best peripheral vision. I predict that the color with the best peripheral vision will be light blue, because it is more reflective than dark brown. For my experiment I will run peripheral vision screening tests on a group of ten participants. This group of participants will consists of five boys and five girls varying in eye color. After the experiment is completed I will collect the data and prove my hypothesis to be either right or wrong. Project Number: MBS050 Grade: 7 Title: The Scoop on the Stroop Effect Abstract: Students of various ages were evaluated with regard to the Stroop Effect. Project Number: MBS051 Grade: 7 Title: Black on Black Crime Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MBS052 Grade: 8 Title: Gender,Age and Peer Pressure Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to determine which age and gender was most impacted by peer pressure. The investigator tested 12, 13 and 14 year old girls and 13 and 14 year old boys. The investigator took one group into a room and gave them a questionnaire orally and recorded the scores. Then, they were given a second questionnaire and asked to complete it in writing. The investigator determined that the 13 year old boys most frequently changed their answers and were most susceptible to peer pressure. Project Number: MBS053 Grade: 7 Title: Music Therapy: Can it Help the Hurt? Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to see if bone marrow biopsy patients feel less discomfort if music is played during the procedure. To conduct this experiment I questioned the patients after the surgery to ask what their pain level was. The experimental results were measured by gathering the data into a log book and were then prepared into graphs. The results of the experiment show that the average pain level for patients that heard music was less than the average for patients who did not. The results indicate that the hypothesis should be accepted because patients who heard music seemed to have less pain than patients who did not. Project Number: MBS054 Grade: 8 Title: Gender and Identifying Expressions Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to identify which gender is better able to distinguish among facial expressions. I gathered my participants (students in grades 4 – 8) in groups of seven. The participants were given a worksheet and asked to study a group of pictures for three minutes. Then, they were asked to identify the emotion shown in each picture. My data showed that the boys were better able to identify the emotions shown by facial expressions. Project Number: MBS055 Grade: 7 Title: Sit, Stay, Play... Abstract: My experiment was to find out what my dog's favorite type of toy was, and what kind of toys she doesn't like. My hypothesis was that my dog will like the plush toys the best, because her breed of dog likes to play shake and kill, which is done with a plush toy. For my experiment I had three different categories of toys. The categories were textures, shapes, and interactive toys. I had four toys in each category and used those to find the overalal favorite toy. In the end her favorite toy was a plush one. Project Number: MBS056 Grade: 7 Title: Who's Afraid of the Boogie Man Abstract: My experiment asked if fear was common in different groups of people. Such as age, birth order or gender. During my experiment I used survey to question people. I told my participants what my project was about, and gave them surveys to answer. The data I gathered that children were more afraid of things like darkness. Adults

Intermediate – Behavioral and Social Science (MBS) – 7th & 8th Grade

were more afraid of monsters. Females were more afraid of animals, and insects. Youngest children were afraid of insects and darkness compared to middle and oldest children. So fears do common in different groups linking us constantly together. Project Number: MBS057 Grade: 8 Title: Whatta You Lookin' At? Abstract: The purpose of the experiement is to determine if the face plays a role in the attention and awreness of an observier watching a person demonstrate an action. The experiement will involve a magician and several observers. The magician will perform a ball and cup magic trick in two different ways: once when only his hands are visible, and once when his face AND hands are visible. Although observers believe they are only watching the hands in both circumstances, those who see the face and hands will more likely be "tricked." Final results will be reported once experimentation has completed. Project Number: MBS058 Grade: 8 Title: Can't Read It If you Red It Abstract: The purpose of the experiement is it determine if it is more difficult for an early reader to read words printed on red versus printed on white. This experiment will test early readers' abilities to read words on white versis red flashcards. How long it takes to read the cards, and how many mistakes they make will be measured and compared. Many young reader books are printed in color and might interfere with the students' ability to learn how to read. The conclusion is likely that young reader books should be printed on white paper to imporve reading ability. Project Number: MBS059 Grade: 8 Title: Fibonacci Numbers in Music Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to see if people prefer music that follows the Fibonacci sequence. It was hypothesized that people would rather listen to music that follows this sequence. However, it was found that people actually favored music that didn’t contain the Fibonacci sequence. People who would be interested in these results would be music producers and artists. Project Number: MBS060 Grade: 7 Title: Why So Stressed? Abstract: The purpose of my experiment was to find out why kids are so stressed. I used people, pencils, and paper. I asked a series of questions about what makes kids stressed. My conclusion is that teens are stressed because they have too much school work to do and are overwhelmed with stuff to do. Project Number: MBS061 Grade: 7 Title: Does Gender Effect Color Preference Abstract: The problem is: Does gender effect color preference? It is hypothesized that males, ages 11-14, prefer primary colors over secondary colors; while females, ages 11-14, prefer secondary colors over primary colors. A brief procedure of the experiment is as follows: I will gather all my materials and write a plan for testing my male and female subjects. I will show to each individual separately color swabs and ask them to pick their preference. I will repeat this with different subjects and record my data. As I continue the process, I will also take pictures to support my data. I will repeat this process 4 times. Yes, my hypothes was supported. Project Number: MBS062 Grade: 8 Title: Does Age Make You Angry Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MBS063 Grade: 8 Title: Testing For Bias In A Photo Lineup Abstract: The problem for this experiment asks when the age group of people choosing a photo is changed what will happen to the number of times a photo of a certain race is chosen. To test this the researcher will make their lineup and gather 100 participants from 5 different age groups, read a description of a crime and ask them to choose a photo out of a lineup, compare the total number of times each photo was chosen from each age group to determine which had the most bias.

Intermediate – Behavioral and Social Science (MBS) – 7th & 8th Grade

Project Number: MBS064 Grade: 8 Title: Family Ties Abstract: My experiment was to test if children are more similar to their mother or their father in terms of common physical traits and personality. I hypothesized that most people would look and behave more like their mother. I created a simple test and gave it to each of the children and their parents. I compared and recorded the results in my data book. My hypothesis was half-correct. Most people did inherit more traits from their mother, but most traits inherited were traits that the mother and father shared. Project Number: MBS065 Grade: 7 Title: Exercise and HeartRate Abstract: The problem is: Out of the following 3 minute activities; lifting 3 lbs. jumping rope, or running, which will raise a person's heart rate the most? It is hypothesized that: Running will raise a person's heart rate more than any of the 3 minute activities. The procedure involved will simply be 3 people trying the 3 different exercises to see which one raises their heart rate most. The results did support the hypothesis Project Number: MBS066 Grade: 8 Title: Medicine Mishap Abstract: The problem for this experiment asks if children mistake medicine for candy. If children are ask whether or an index card shows candy or medicine on it then the most likely results will be that they will mistake medicine for being candy. To conduct this experiment first graders will be shown a index card with medicine or candy on it. The child’s gender will be recorded with all of the answers of 30 boys and 30 girls. I plan to compare which gender was more aware of the differences between medicine and candy. Project Number: MBS067 Grade: 8 Title: Music and Memory Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MBS068 Grade: 8 Title: Are You Smarter Than an Eighth Grader? Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MBS069 Grade: 7 Title: Gum and Memory: Chew or Taste? Abstract: Everyone’s heard that chewing gum helps you concentrate. But what part of the gum actually helps? This project was done to determine which of the two important elements of gum helps focus-the chewiness, or the flavor? I showed test subjects cards with number sequences while they were chewing gum, sucking mints, or not eating anything. Subjects were scored based on the numbers they had remembered correctly. Participants who did not eat anything scored highest, but those chewing gum scored higher than those sucking mints. The candy distracted the subjects instead of helping them focus. Project Number: MBS070 Grade: 8 Title: Music Can Make Your Mood Abstract: I tested what type of music would affect someone’s mood and in what way. I did this so people would realize what type of music to listen to and when, it shows that music plays a important role in our lives daily. I had people listen to two songs and rate their mood afterwards. I found that lower pitched songs worsened their mood and higher pitched helped their mood. Knowledge like this can lead into helping people find if music can affect their lives. Project Number: MBS071 Grade: 8 Title: Black or White? Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract.

Intermediate – Behavioral and Social Science (MBS) – 7th & 8th Grade

Project Number: MBS072 Grade: 8 Title: Gender Based Scent Discrimination Abstract: The purpose of my experiment was to test which gender was more attracted to a wider variety of certain scents. To run my experiment I took each of my human subjects into a room, had them smell each of my 12 selected scents, and rate them on the 9 – Point Hedonic Scale. My results showed that the males and females ranked a “like” (6 or above on the scale) in 7 of the scents, but the females had a wider range between their likes and dislikes. Therefore, I concluded that the females were more scent discriminating than the males. Project Number: MBS073 Grade: 7 Title: How Do Vision and Hearing Affect Balance Abstract: The purpose of this investigation is to study how vision and hearing affect balance by measuring how long girls can stand on one foot with eyes or ears closed. Basic information about volunteers will be recorded first then they will be asked to stand in a variety of combinations of stances while being timed

Intermediate – Behavioral and Social Science (MBS) – 7th & 8th Grade

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Intermediate – Biology (MBI) – 7th & 8th Grade

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Project Number: MBI001 Grade: 7 Title: Does Fly Ash Negatively Effect Growth of Plants? Abstract: Determine if fly ash in the soil negatively affects the germination, growth rate, and biomass of Oat Plants. Procedure: A 0% (Control), 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% fly ash / soil mixture was prepared. An Oat seed and equal amounts of the 0% mixture were placed in 40 different Styrofoam cups. Every 3 days the number of seeds that germinated and the growth of each plant was determined. The same procedure was followed for the remaining mixtures. The dry biomass of the plants was determined at the end. Data is still being collected and my results will be available at the fair. Project Number: MBI003 Grade: 7 Title: DNA Effect on Cell Morphology Abstract: Mins6 and Ins1 are types of cells found in mice and rat pancreas. In this experiment, DNA was taken from both types, and put in media of both types of cultured cells to see if any changes would occur. A phalloidin staining procedure was done to look at pictures of the cells and observe any changes in morphology/cell growth. It was determined that if DNA from the same species of cells is added to media of that species, cell count would decrease. If DNA from another species is added, than cell growth would stay the same. Project Number: MBI004 Grade: 8 Title: Potting Soil vs. Worm Soil Abstract: I tested the effect of the worm soil to potting soil ratio on plant growth. This is an experiment that will be very use full to anyone who likes gardening or just growing their own vegetables. If you want to do a garden this is a way to start later than you usually do and still get about the same amount of growth. Over the course of the experiment the full potting soil did very poorly and the full worm soil exceeded my expectations. Project Number: MBI005 Grade: 8 Title: Loops, Whorls, and Arches Abstract: This experiment was conducted to determine if children inherit their fingerprint type from their parents. After all the protocol papers were filled out, permission slips were passed out and collected. Then, I went on an interview with a state trooper to learn about the various types of fingerprints. With the data collected, I wrote a research paper to organize the information collected about the different types of fingerprints. During the experiment, the participants’ left thumbs were fingerprinted using a fingerprint kit and ink. A spreadsheet was designed to compile the type of fingerprint each participant had. In conclusion, the data collected supported the hypothesis that children inherit their fingerprint type from their parents. Project Number: MBI006 Grade: 8 Title: Plants' Reaction to Changes in Gravity Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to find out which plant reacts fastest to changes to gravity. The investigator put plants in a room with no light except for the electric indoor growing light. Then she turned two angiosperm plants and two gymnosperm plants horizontally to the right. Also, the investigator kept two angiosperm and gymnosperm plants upright. THe investigator measured height/width over a period of two weeks. The investigator concluded that the gymnosperms reacted and were impacted the most by changes in gravity. Project Number: MBI007 Grade: 7 Title: Can differences in the colors of lighting affect plant growth? Abstract: The sun's rays include different colors. Some of the colors in the sun's rays are necessary for plant growth. The investigator wanted to prove that plants react differently to many colors. By covering three different kinds of plants with a variety of colored plastic wrap, the investigator showed that plants grew better under blue light. Project Number: MBI008 Grade: 7 Title: CAN'T Touch This Abstract: My project is about how magnetism affects the foraging of ants. I put ants into a homemade ant farm, one with magnets, and one without. The farm with magnets ended up finding the food better and after five days had about half the amount of the regular amount of food. I found it a fun experiment.

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Project Number: MBI009 Grade: 8 Title: Coral Reefs and Beach Erosion Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to assess whether or not a coral reef prevents beach erosion. It is hypothesized that not only does a coral reef prevent erosion, but a reef closer to the surface will be even more preventitive. A model of a reef and a beach will be created and tested. The results of this experiment will be useful to environmental scientitists located in communities impacted by erosion. Project Number: MBI010 Grade: 8 Title: Does Coffee Kill Bacteria? Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to see if coffee does kill bacteria. Project Number: MBI011 Grade: 8 Title: Classical Chickens Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MBI012 Grade: 7 Title: Comparing Family Fingerprints Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to determine if families have the same types of fingerprints or share similar traits in their fingerprints. The investigator fingerprinted the children and parents of seven families. The fingerprints were classified into four categories: loop, whorl, arch, or composite. The fingerprints were then analyzed. When comparing siblings to their parents and to each other, the investigator concluded that most families do not share similar traits in their fingerprints. Project Number: MBI013 Grade: 7 Title: Will Plants Grow When Watered by Different Liquids Abstract: the purpose of my project is to determine if plants will grow when i water them with liquids other than water. I will be putting different liquids like canada dry general soda, vegetable oil, black coffee, water and cranberry juice in soil and then checking to see if they grow at different rates. If i use different liquids to water the plants, then the plants will grow at varying rates. My prediction is that probably only one of the various substances will make the plant grow and i think that it is the one closest to a water substance like fruit punch juice. The reason why i made that hypothesis is that fruit punch juice is close to the water and doesn’t have as much acid. Canda dry has the largest amount of acid with a ph of 5.18 compared to cranberry juice that only has 2.8 -3.0 ph cranberry juice also only has coloring and fruit juice. However i still think that water would be the best choice. Project Number: MBI014 Grade: 8 Title: Heart Health: How Does Heart Rate Change with Exercise? Abstract: The problem for this experiment is, when the type of exercise is changed what will happen to the heart rate? My hypothesis for this experiment is if I increase the intensity of exercise then the heart rate will increase. The students will be asked to do a certain exercise for a certain amount of time, before they start their heart rate will be recorded with my hand and when they are finished the heart rate will be recorded again. After I collect all of my data, the data will be compared to their starting heart rate. Project Number: MBI015 Grade: 8 Title: What Causes Red Eye and How Can I Reduce Its Effect? Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to see what causes red eye and how I could reduce the effect without a computer or camera application. The first step was to take a picture of the 7 participants in different environments: lights on – plastic bag, lights on – tissue paper, lights off – plastic bag, lights off – tissue paper, and lights off – flashlight. The data proved that the lights off - plastic bag and lights on – plastic bag diffusers worked the best at reducing red eye. I concluded that the diffusing methods worked, but none of them fully removed the red eye effect. Project Number: MBI016 Grade: 8 Title: It's All in the Mind! Abstract: Does using power bracelets improve one's strength or balance? I tested 15 subjects to find their dominant foot. Using a flat surface, each subject had three attempts standing on dominant foot, for a specific time, without a bracelet. This data was recorded. A second test done, with a placebo bracelet. A third test done, with a power bracelet. All data is compared. Subjects dominate foot and dominate hand are the same. Balance tests showed no

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significant difference. In conclusion, results proved hypothesis correct. Minimal difference of balance is proven with bracelets. Wearing these bands seems helpful, but in reality they are not. Project Number: MBI017 Grade: 7 Title: Can Coffee Stimulate Plant Growth? Abstract: In this experiment, I attempted to find whether or not coffee can stimulate plant growth more than water. I had four types of beans: Pinto, Red, Soy, and Mung beans. I used twelve of each bean; divided into three sections. Each different section was watered with a different liquid: Regular coffee, decaf, or water. My data showed that the water beans grew the best, followed by decaf, and then caffinated. My conclusion is that coffee does not make plants grow faster, and in fact, restrains plant growth. Project Number: MBI018 Grade: 8 Title: Germination Domination Abstract: The purpose of my experiment, Germination Domination was to determine if soaking seeds in different liquids would affect the seed’s germination rate and the rate at which the plant would grow. I tested four different liquids-tap water, salt water, sugar water, and hydrogen peroxide water. For ten days the seeds germinated and then they were planted and observed for two weeks. After I conducted the experiment I found that my hypothesis was wrong. The tap water germinated the seeds the best and watering the plants with the sugar water showed the best growth results. I realize that this is late and apoligize for any inconveniences thatit has caused Project Number: MBI019 Grade: 8 Title: Alternate Resources of ES Cells Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MBI020 Grade: 8 Title: Effect of Acid Rain on Plant Growth Abstract: The purpose of my experiment was to determine if acid rain actually has a negative effect on plants. Two plants were used. One plant was watered with regular, clean water. The second plant (independent variable) was watered with acid rain(in this experiment lemon juice). Each plant had a matching spray bottle that contained the substance they were being watered with. (one contained water; the other contained lemon juice with a pH of 4) They were watered daily for one week. Both plants started to die, but the plant watered with lemon juice showed more signs of suffering. Project Number: MBI021 Grade: 8 Title: Which Fertilizer Helps Plants Grow the Best? Abstract: The purpose of my experiment was to find out which fertilizer helps plants grow the best. The investigator planted a handful of grass seeds in each fertilizer; Miracle Gro, Miracle Gro fertilizer sticks, compost and a control. The plants grown in the Miracle Gro fertilizer sticks grew the best. Project Number: MBI022 Grade: 7 Title: The Effects of Caffeine on Daphnia Abstract: This experiment will compare the effects of caffeinated beverages on Daphnia. Using microscopes count how many times the Daphnia's heart beats in sixty seconds in water, the control. Place the Daphnia on a slide and add a drop of tea. County how many heartbeats the Daphnia produces in sixty seconds. This step will be repeated for all ten Daphnia and will be repeated using Coca-Cola, Mountain Dew and coffee. The average heart rate of the Daphnia in water was 169.4 bpm. The data showed an increase in Daphnia's heart rate when the specimen was exposed to the caffeinated beverages. Project Number: MBI023 Grade: 8 Title: pH Power Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to determine if the pH level of soil affects how much a plant grows. To conduct this experiment, I tested the pH level of two different types of soil. I planted a bean seed in both soils, and watered each daily. The experimental results were measured in centimeters, and by how much the plants grew. The results of this experiment showed that the compost soil was a better soil for the bean plants. The compost soil plant was always taller. The results indicate that I should accept my hypothesis.

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Project Number: MBI024 Grade: 8 Title: The Five Second Rule - Fact or Fiction? Abstract: The five second rule is a highly popularized myth worldwide; this study demonstrates the risks of using this dangerous rule. To disprove this theory, marshmallows were split in halves and the dropped on different surfaces. It was then picked up within five seconds and smeared across an agared petri dish. They were then left to incubate at a temperature of ninety degrees. The end results would surprise the most avid believer of this myth; many of the surfaces were unbelievably unsanitary. In the future, testing of more surfaces for bacteria and the ability to Gram stain the bacteria found is predicted. Project Number: MBI025 Grade: 7 Title: Reduction of Stereotypic Behaviors in Polar Bears at Pgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium Abstract: Polar bears and other large mammals in captivity have exhibited stereotypic behaviors. Zoos across the world are spending significant efforts and funds to further understand and decrease stereotypic behaviors. The behaviors of polar bears from the Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium were observed over a period of seven months, using a focal data procedure. The stereotypic behavior of pacing was significantly increased when a polar bear was isolated from other bears. Pacing disappeared when polar bear interacted with a companion polar bear. The results suggested that companionship decreased the frequency of stereotypic behaviors in polar bears. Project Number: MBI026 Grade: 8 Title: If It's Watered Enough Will It Grow? Abstract: In this experiment plant one was watered twice a week with one half cup of water. Plant two was watered once a week with one half cup of water. This was done to see which plant would grow more depending on how often it was watered. For two weeks the plants were watered accordingly. Then they were measured in inches the week after they were watered. Plant one grew three inches and plant two grew one inch. Future experiments that could be done are watering a plant different amount of time per week. Project Number: MBI027 Grade: 7 Title: Over the Limit Abstract: This experiment’s purpose is to see if crowding affects plant growth. To conduct this experiment I gathered bean seeds, six pots, and a measuring cup. I planted some seeds close together and some in the normal way. I observed and charted data. I measured the plants in centimeters. The results were measured by growth of the plants. Crowded plants grew better for two trials. The noncrowded plants grew better for the other. In my hypothesis, I thought the noncrowded plants would grow better for all trials. The crowded plants grew better for three trials. I disagree with my hypothesis. Project Number: MBI028 Grade: 8 Title: Electromagnetic Harm? Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to determine how microwaves can affect human health. There were two different types of beans planted, Fortex Pole beans and Cosse Violette beans. Half of the beans (10 of each kind) were watered with tap water (control) and the other half were watered with microwaved water (variable). This process continued for 20 days. The hypothesis stated that the beans that were watered with microwaved water would have less beans sprout than the beans that were watered with tap water. However, this was not how the experiment resulted. Project Number: MBI029 Grade: 7 Title: Factors Affecting Short Term Memory Abstract: I did this project because I was interested if age, gender, or education level affects short term memory. I tested twenty-one participants’ memory by showing them two memory tests; one picture test and one ten word test. The results showed that age didn’t have a dramatic effect in the results. In both of the tests females had better results then males and the participants with a lower education level did better on both tests. My hypothesis has been partly supported and partly denied. I learned that most participants did better on the picture test than on the words test.

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Project Number: MBI030 Grade: 8 Title: Crossed Up! Abstract: Does crossed hand/eye dominance affect basketball shooting percentages? If a group of players that have crossed hand/eye dominance shoot a number of free throws, then the results will be higher than a group of players with uncrossed hand/eye dominance shoots free throws. Participants were asked to complete a series of shoots on a basketball court. Their eye/hand dominance was recorded along with the number of shots made. Data analysis compared the two groups to determine the effect of had/eye dominance. Project Number: MBI031 Grade: 8 Title: How Long do the Effects of Hand Sanitizer Last after Being Applied Abstract: The problem of my experiment is to see how long the effects of hand sanitizer last. To solve this problem I’m doing multiple trials to find out. My trials consist of taking bacterial samples from people and testing their sample at different time intervals, having them put on a consistent amount of hand sanitizer, and I’ll swab their hands at the 5, 15 and 30 min. intervals. Afterwards I’ll place the sealed inoculated Petri dishes in an incubator. After growing them, I’ll find out how much bacteria was on the swab. Finally, I’ll compare the results to find my answer. Project Number: MBI032 Grade: 8 Title: What's all the hype??? Abstract: In my experiment, I wanted to see if kids could taste the differencec between name brand soda and generic brand soda. It was interesting to see their answers for the questions I had asked them. Some people were confused on what to do in my experiment. Some people tried to guess what kind of pop it was even after I told them. Project Number: MBI033 Grade: 8 Title: Plant Growth and Storage Temperature Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MBI034 Grade: 8 Title: What Is the Effect of a Deer's Age on Antler Size? Abstract: This experiment best helps hunters because it will help them know that the older the buck the bigger the antler size. The experiment tested the effect of a deer’s age on its antler size. The experiment tested 3 different age classes of deer (3.5, 2.5, and 1.5). The experiment tested them by measuring the mass at the base in of the antler, also it measured the length of the main beam, and it measured the antler spread. This all determined if age effected antler size. Project Number: MBI035 Grade: 7 Title: Melody and Memory Abstract: The purpose of my experiment was to see how music affects a child’s ability to remember directions. I conducted different sets of tests in which directions were first spoken and then sung using a familiar tune. Subjects first put colored blocks in order and then subjects colored in blank blocks on a sheet of paper. In the first test 11 of 21 subjects got more incorrect when directions were sung. In the second set of tests, 7 of 13 subjects got more incorrect when directions were sung. In my results, both the tests proved my hypothesis to be incorrect. Project Number: MBI036 Grade: 7 Title: I Spy Abstract: I conducted this experiment to find which factor makes a visual search the most challenging: greater variations in color, symbol, or an increase in the number of distractions. I designed four sets of tests following the above criteria plus a control. I then tested ten subjects. I determined an increase in distractions makes the search most challenging. Project Number: MBI037 Grade: 8 Title: Dominant Hand Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to assess whether or not a person's dominant hand correlates with his/her dominant eye. I hypothesized that the dominant eye would be of the same side of the body as the dominant hand. Upon assessing eight people's writing hand, their eyes were tested by using an eye chart. Upon completion of the project, the complete abstract will be rendered.

Intermediate – Biology (MBI) – 7th & 8th Grade

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Project Number: MBI038 Grade: 8 Title: Songs for the Heart Abstract: I tested how music affect the heart rate. I used a blood pressure machine to find out the subject's resting heart rate, heart rate while listening to classic music, and heart rate while listening to rock or dance music. I recorded these findings on graphs. Project Number: MBI039 Grade: 7 Title: Do You See What I See? Abstract: Project Number: MBI040 Grade: 7 Title: Ready Set Grow Abstract: My project was developed to determine whether a plant grown hydroponically would develop more quickly than a soil grown plant. To begin my project, I did quite abit of research, and developed the hypothesis that hydroponic plants would grow more quickly. To plant the beans, I had to get sand and soil for growing mediums. The sand requires a nutrient solution, since it doesn't have many nutrients. Once I planted the beans, I made sure to water them every day. The beans began to develop very quickly; however,the hydroponically grown plants grew faster. My hypothesis was correct. Project Number: MBI041 Grade: 8 Title: Natural Stink Bug Repellents Abstract: The Purpose of my project is to see which naturally occurring and environmentally friendly repellent will work the best to repel Stink Bugs. First I got a clear, plastic container. I mixed together 1mL of water with two drops of essential oil. I put 10 active Stink Bugs in container and covered it with a screen. I spread the Repellent on the screen and observed how many were repelled. I used cinnamon, garlic, lemon, lavender, and water as control. Eight of ten bugs were repelled for Garlic, Cinnamon three, Lemon and Lavender 1, and control one. Garlic repelled the best. Project Number: MBI042 Grade: 7 Title: Antimicrobial Effects of Streptomycin, Herbs & Spices Abstract: Herbs and spices are daily ingredients used in food dishes. This work was intended to learn if herbs and spices have antimicrobial properties that help fight bacteria. Four different herbs and spices were put on disks in petri dishes that were inoculated with Bacillus-Cereus and the inhibition zone in millimeters was recorded. The results showed that garlic had the best antimicrobial effect followed by streptomycin, oregano, and the rest were all 0. Future work is planned to see if tested with other herbs and spices , will garlic still have the best inhibition zone? Project Number: MBI043 Grade: 8 Title: Grow Big or Grow Home Abstract: Growing plants is a common hobby enjoyed by many people. This experiment was intended to learn if beans would be able to grow well in different types of soils: sand, top soil and peat moss. Six seeds were put into each of the three different types of soils. Plants will be exposed to UV light for 12 hours a day and watered as needed 3 to 4 times a week. The growth of the plants will be recorded daily for a period of 9 weeks. Findings will be provided at the PRSEF. Project Number: MBI044 Grade: 7 Title: Compost vs Chemical Fertilizer Abstract: The purpose of my experiment was to determine if compost (organic fertilizer) would work as well as chemical fertilizer in pea plant growth. I made compost from discarded vegetables from our farm. I grew pea plants in soil, soil with chemical fertilizer and soil with compost. I compared plant height and color daily. At the end of 5 weeks, the control (soil) had an average height of 130 mm while the compost average height was 142 mm and the chemical fertilizer was 126 mm. My hypothesis was supported. Pea plants grown in soil with compost grew taller than those grown in soil with chemical fertilizer.

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Project Number: MBI045 Grade: 8 Title: Burn those Calories Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to assess what type of food has the most calories per gram. The experimentor will create a calorimeter in order to test a list of common foods for their caloric content. This data will be useful to consumers at many levels including; dieting, health purposes and athletes in training. Project Number: MBI046 Grade: 8 Title: Does Music Affect the Growth of Plants? Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to see whether showtunes, classical or rock n' roll music helped plants grow the best. The investigator grew garden bean seeds in 9 cups. There were three cups in each room and the three cups were exposed to a different kind of music. I watered them each day with 120ml of water. Also, each day I measured the tallest plant in each cup. I did this for one month. At the end of the month I concluded that overall, on average, music did not affect the growth of plants. Project Number: MBI047 Grade: 8 Title: Cell Phones and DNA damage Abstract: Studies show conflicting results on the association between cell phone use and DNA damage. This work is made to learn if DNA can be damaged by cell phone usage. The Comet Assay (or the DNA electrophoresis chamber assay) and the Yeast Assay using nutrient agar were used. It was determined that cell phones do not cause any DNA damage; evidence showed that there was no difference with cell phone exposure and controlled DNA. Future work is planned to further demonstrate that cell phones do not cause DNA damage by using mutant yeast strains exposed to cell phones. Project Number: MBI048 Grade: 7 Title: Fertilizing Raphanus sativus Abstract: Fertilizer has high impacts on plant growth, but does not always show positive results. This experiment was performed to determine if a varied fertilizer application has positive or negative results on radish growth. 300 seeds were distributed into 300 peat pots filled with potting soil. There were 100 peat pots in each of the three groups. One group remained unfertilized and was watered at the same rate as the other groups, while in the other two groups the amount given to the plants per weekly period was varied. Growth of the plants were measured in height, root mass, and plant mass which was then recorded and averaged. The hypothesis was proven because the group with smaller more frequent doses of fertilizer did better than the group with several large doses of fertilizer. Project Number: MBI050 Grade: 8 Title: The Effect of 10-10-10 on a plant Abstract: Abstract: I chose this project because I have a hobby for plants. My project ( What is the effect of 10-10-10 on a plant) involves a fertilizer that is made up of 3 elements, nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. I was happy to say that the fertilizer increased the plant`s growth more than a plant that relies in water and photosynthesis. Project Number: MBI051 Grade: 7 Title: The Effects of Miracle Gro Abstract: I did this to see if Miracle Gro fertilizer works better that generic brand fertilizer or no fertilizer at all. I set up the 15 pots. Put Miracle Gro fertilizer and generic brand soil in 5 pots. Put generic brand fertilizer and generic brand soil in another set of 5 pots and generic brand soil only in the last pots. I planted 2 flower seeds in each pot and watered every pot. I continued to water every other day and once a week I recorded the plant height. I observed the pots for several weeks. Miracle Gro worked best overall. Project Number: MBI052 Grade: 8 Title: How Does Color Affect Heart Rate Abstract: What I did for my project is I recorded my subjects heart rate while they looked at different colors. I sat my subjects down and monitored their heart rate while they stared at a computer monitor. Project Number: MBI053 Grade: 8 Title: Let it Grow Abstract: I did my project because it interested me. Growing plants interests me. It would help people who grow plants because they would know which color light to use. I started with buying my materials. We got everything set up

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to grow the plants. I measured the plants ever week. I made sure to keep the green light plants away from white light. I recorded everything in my data book. On the last week when I measured, the green light plants were about seven centimeters bigger than the white light plants. The green light plants grew bigger than the white plants. Project Number: MBI054 Grade: 8 Title: Effect of Hormones on Plant Growth Abstract: Nowadays, nearly all of the produce we buy from grocery stores is exposed to some kind of growth enhancers. Studies show that consuming animal products that are injected with growth factors can lead to early puberty and cancer. I performed an experiment to find out how hormones affect plant growth. I tested and observed two identical plants, grown in exactly the same conditions except for the fact that one was enhanced by hormones. These hormones seemed to make the plants grow faster and bigger. In addition, they also produced a greater yield. Recently, in China, farmers grew melons that suddenly started exploding due to the chemical furcholorfenuron. They claim that this enhancer only presents little health risk. But how little is little? Are we willing to risk the health of millions? Project Number: MBI056 Grade: 7 Title: How Does Age Affect Reaction Time? Abstract: The reason for my experiment was to record participants reaction time’s to see if older people where faster than younger people. The question to solve it is “How Does Age Affect Reaction Time”. I conducted my experiment by gathering my materials and then telling the participants what they needed to do. After, I recorded my results and drew a conclusion.The important facts were that overall the females had a quicker reaction time than males. Also, my hypothesis was correct. My results show me that when I get older, my reaction time will be slower than when I was younger. Project Number: MBI057 Grade: 8 Title: Moon Phases and Behavior Problems (Is there a Connection?) Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to assess whether the phase of the moon impacts the behavior referrals within our school. It was hypothesized that the phases of the moon will impact the amount of behavior issues within my school. As the beginning of the moon calendar begins, the data from the school will be charted using an excel spread sheet. As the experiment is completed the full abstract will be available at the science fair. Project Number: MBI058 Grade: 7 Title: How types of light affect ant activity. Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MBI059 Grade: 7 Title: Tea Time Abstract: Red, black, white, green, oolong, and yerba mate tea were steeped in 190 mL of distilled water for 5 minutes. A Hyalella Azteca was placed in dilutions of 0, 25, 50, and 75% for 10 minutes. Heart rate was recorded before and after exposure to the varying types of tea. Yerba Maté tea created the greatest number of beats per minute. Project Number: MBI060 Grade: 7 Title: Hydroponics vs Soil Abstract: This year my project talked about hydroponics. The purpose of my project was to test the comparison of plant growth between hydroponics and soil. During my procedures, I planted basil, lettuce, and spinach into the Aero Garden and the soil. I made sure all the plants also got enough water and light. After the experiment was over, the results showed that the Aero Garden is a better way to grow plants. The percentage of growth for the Aero Garden went from 30% to 100%. The percentage of growth for the soil was 20% to 30%. Project Number: MBI061 Grade: 7 Title: Hair and Static Electricity Abstract: The title of my experiment is "Hair and Static Electricity". The purpose is to see if the color of hair affects the amount of static electricity it can carry. I researched that we have hair everywhere except for the palms of our hands, our lips, and the soles of our feet. The imbalance of electrical charges between objects creates static

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electricity. I tested this by rubbing a balloon on a shirt and holding it above a person's head. I measured the length of the raised hair for data. People will learn about hair and static electricity from this experiment. Project Number: MBI062 Grade: 8 Title: Mold on Bread Abstract: What enviornmental conditions can bread be stored to prevent molding? Bread will not mold in a cold, light and dry environment. Final results will be available on Fair Day Project Number: MBI063 Grade: 7 Title: How Do People In Rural India Get Clean Drinking Water Abstract: How do people in rural India get clean drinking water? Purpose: Rural Indians frequently die from waterborne diseases. My hypothesis is that methods like distillation and filtration can be used to purify water. Procedure: Distillation and filtration using materials readily available in rural India will be used to purify stream water. Test water will be compared clean filtered water and stream water and tested for turbidity and bacterial growth in chicken broth. Data: Although distilled and filtered were free from turbidity, only distilled water was free from microbial contaminants when compared to the controls. Conclusion: Distillation may be used to purify water for drinking in rural India. Project Number: MBI064 Grade: 7 Title: Boys vs. Girls Running A Mile Abstract: This experiment was a way to help myself and others have a accurate answer of who, girls or boys can finish a mile faster. All the boys and girls gathered in the gym. The girls went then the boys. In the end on average the boys were faster but some of the girls were faster than some of the boys. Attitude truly does matter some people that really worked hard did very well the others that didn't care didn't do so well. In the end I enjoyed learning about runners as I myself am a runner so I leraned more about myself. Project Number: MBI065 Grade: 8 Title: Do Different Liquids Affect Plant Growth? Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to find out if watering plants with different liquids would affect plant growth. I had 12 plants, 3 for each different liquid and watered them with the same amounts of water. I measured heights and changes throughout the experiment. Overall, the plants in water grew the best out of gatorade, mountain dew and orange juice. Project Number: MBI066 Grade: 8 Title: Plant Growth Abstract: The purpose of my project is to determine if gravity affects the way that the roots of plants grow. I will test this by placing the seed openings in different directions and seeing which way the roots will grow. I will take sixteen seeds and put them in bags that are marked north, south east and west. I will watch the seeds for a few weeks. Then after the time is up, I will measure how long the roots grew in each bag and see what direction they are facing. My hypothesis is I think that if I place the seeds with their opening facing in different directions, then the roots will grow in the direction that their openings are facing .I think this because it is the easiest way to grow. Also the opening is straight so the seed will grow straight. Project Number: MBI067 Grade: 7 Title: DNA Fingerprinting Abstract: I will show and discuss how DNA fingerprints are made by the use of gel electrophoresis. DNA fingerprints are recorded from the migration distance of the dye samples being shown. It relates to the DNA’s molecular size and net charge. I measured the varying distances the dyes moved in the agarose gel, which depends solely on the molecular size. I will also discuss how DNA fingerprinting is relevant to Forensics, Biotechnology, and Genetics. I learned that a person’s DNA is composed of several components.

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Intermediate – Chemistry (MCH) – 7th & 8th Grade

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Project Number: MCH001 Grade: 7 Title: What Affects Chemical Reactions? Abstract: By studying substances and the chemical changes that can occur we can better understand chemical reactions that occur in order to maintain life. 1 or 2 Polident tablets were dissolved in 150 ml. of water at 3 different temperatures.Ten measurements were taken for each concentration and water temperature and the average reaction time was reported. The original hypothesis was that concentration and temperature would have an effect on the rate of the chemical reaction. Increasing temperature led to an increase of the speed in the reaction. Increasing concentration did not affect the reaction rate. Project Number: MCH002 Grade: 8 Title: pH Up, pH Down, pH Changing All Around! Abstract: The purpose of my experiment was to see if the pH of juices would change over time. I tested the pH of different juices over the period of 5 weeks. All of the juices' levels went back to the starting levels. Project Number: MCH003 Grade: 7 Title: What will the carbonation of Coca-cola do to different nailes? Abstract: The purpose of the experiment was for the investigator to find out how destructive the carbonation in Coca-Cola is. The investigator put three different nails into nine different containers (3 of each). Then the investigator put a quarter of a cup of Coca-cola in each container. Then she closed the lids. Next, the investigator put them in a storage area. After a month of check the nails, the investigator concluded that the carbonation of the Coca-cola effected six out of the nine nails. It did not affect the brass nails. Therefore, brass is the most durable. Project Number: MCH004 Grade: 7 Title: What Factors Affect Chemical Reaction Times? Abstract: Chemical reaction times were measured after manipulating 1) reactant temperature only 2) reactant particle size only and 3)solution type only. Project Number: MCH005 Grade: 8 Title: Citris Acid & Electricity Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to assess the ability of different citrus acids to conduct electricity. It is hypothesized that the stronger the citrus acid, the better the conductivity will be. A circuit will be built to assess the conductivity of each acid chosen. In order the analyze the data, a chart and subsequent graph will be produced. There are many applications, which this data can be used for including biological and energy uses. Project Number: MCH006 Grade: 7 Title: Will It Chip When You Dip? Abstract: My experiment asked if a certain kind of nail polish would last longer. During my experiment I asked family and friends to wear different kinds of nail polish. collect data of what days the nail polish chips and the different activities they did that day. I also interviewed professional nail artists asking their opinion about the better polishes. I found out that some polishes have chemicals that cause cancer, but the new nail polishes are made without the chemical. So do not buy the cheap nail polish from 5 below and claires, but buy the nail polish from opi and insta-dri. OPi and Insta-Dri are the better ones to go with. Project Number: MCH007 Grade: 8 Title: Burning the Midnight Oil Abstract: My project is 'Burning the Midnight Oil'. In my project I am burning oil to see which oil produces the least soot. When I find this out I hope to tell which could be used as a different intermediate energy source. Project Number: MCH008 Grade: 8 Title: Acidic Reactions Abstract: This experiment was to combine an acid with baking soda. It was chosen because I find great interest in chemical reactions. I did this experiment by dumping baking soda into a container with an acid in it. From here, people may go on to test other acids to see which has the highest reaction.

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Project Number: MCH009 Grade: 7 Title: Power Up Abstract: Two copper electrodes and a temperature probe were placed into 300 mL of the drink being tested. A circuit containing a Dc power source was constructed and an ammeter was used to record voltage. Orange juice carried the most current and therefore contains the most electrolytes. Project Number: MCH010 Grade: 7 Title: Ice Ice Baby! Abstract: 20ml of tap water will be placed in a container and frozen for 48 hrs. before being removed and placed in a funnel positioned in a modified graduated cylinder. 10 grams of ice melting agents were applied to the ice. A timer was used to record the amount of time needed to melt the block of ice. The amount of melted water was recorded every minute. Peladow ice melt melted the ice the fastest. Project Number: MCH011 Grade: 7 Title: Food Preservation Abstract: The problem is, out of aluminum foil, wax paper, plastic wrap, or baggies, which will prevent an apple from spoiling faster? It is hypothesized that out of those products, an apple will spoil and rot faster when covered in aluminum foil. A brief procedure of the experiment is as follows: I will take 1 medium sized apple and cut it into 4 slices. I will take each slice of the apple and wrap it into each of the 4 wrappings. I will stick each wrapped apple slice into the refrigerator for 24 hourse. I will then open the wrapped apples, record my data, and repeat the same process 4 additional times. From this data, I will analyze and draw my conclusion. The results did not support my hypothesis. Project Number: MCH012 Grade: 8 Title: How Safe Is Your Cup? Abstract: My project is proving the health risks of using Styrofoam cups. To do it, get 150mL of water in a Styrofoam cup and weigh it. Then, heat the water on the stove. After, pour it back into the cup and place a lid over it. Finally, weigh it. Styrofoam is popular for hot beverages. There is a lot of debate whether toxins get into your drink. They have done research and found that it does get into your cup, but only 0.025%. I can conclude that the cup does get into your drink, causing it to weigh more. Project Number: MCH013 Grade: 8 Title: Mysteries Behind Ice Cream Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MCH014 Grade: 8 Title: Get Out! Abstract: This experiment determined what solvent will best remove permanent ink from cloth. The procedure used was: five pieces of cloth were labeled with the type of solvent, and marked with eight lines, representing eight trials. Solvents were applied to each cloth and sat for 30 minutes. Cloths were rinsed and run through a washing machine. Observations were recorded. The samples were treated and washed three times. Rubbing alcohol removed more ink than the other solvents. The remaining solvent rankings follow: nail polish remover, baking soda and toothpaste. Though no solvents tested completely removed the ink, the experiment wasn't a failure. Project Number: MCH016 Grade: 7 Title: Super Soaker Abstract: The problem is: by spilling motor oil in water, will sawdust, human hair, sheep's wool, or feathers absorb the most oil within 24 hours. It is hypothesized that if the same amount of motor oil is spilled in the same amount of water, then sawdust will clean up more oil than hair, feathers, or sheep's wool. A brief procedure of the experiment is as follows: Equal amounts of oil and water will be poured into four separate containers marked A-D. Sawdust will be then placed into container A, human hair in B, feathers in C, and sheep's wool in D. After 24 hours, measurements will be taken to determine which substance absorbed the most oil. This procedure will be completed three times in order to verify the original findings. Data will be recorded and analyzed. The results did not support the hypothesis. Human hair actually absorbed the most oil.

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Project Number: MCH017 Grade: 8 Title: How Clean is Clean? Abstract: This experiment was conducted to determine what type of hand sanitizer removes the most germs from a person’s hands. After the protocol papers were filled out, permission slips were distributed and collected. After collecting materials, the participants were given GLO lotion to rub throughout their hands. Then, the areas of the lotion that were glowing on their hand were counted to determine the areas of germs. This process was completed using three hand sanitizers, each three times. In conclusion, the results were inconclusive, although one was more effective than the others; the results were different in the testing’s. Project Number: MCH019 Grade: 7 Title: Which Substance Reduces the Acidity of lactic Acid Abstract: Athletes suffer from muscle soreness and fatigue when lactic acid builds up during exertion. This experiment determined which substance reduces the acidity of lactic acid with the smallest quantity. 14g of substances commonly marketed to reduce lactic acid (NaHCO3, CaCO3, MgCO3) were individually added in 0.5g increments to lactic acid (pH 1.2) and the pH measured. NaHCO3 raised the pH of the lactic acid to 6.6, CaCO3 to 5.7 and MgCO3 to 3.4. NaHCO3 , commonly known as baking soda, reduced the acidity of lactic acid the best. Further studies can clarify if taking it can help athletes’ performances. Project Number: MCH020 Grade: 8 Title: Got Milk? Abstract: To determine the amount of calcium in 1%, 2%, Fat Free, Vitamin D, Silk Soy, Silk Almond, Rice, Organic Soy, and Goat Milk, a an EDTA process was used. The EDTA was dripped through a buret above a solution of chemicals and milk. The solution changed color from red to blue after being mixed with the EDTA. An equation of the molarity and volume of the EDTA and milk was made. The product was multiplied by the atomic weight of calcium to determine the amount of calcium. Silk Soy Milk contained the most calcium and Goat Milk contained the least. Project Number: MCH021 Grade: 7 Title: Does This Smell Funny? Ozone vs. Odor Abstract: My experiment was to work with odors. One hypothesis was that odors could be either masked or removed. I developed a scale for judging the intensity and offensiveness of the odor. Samples were ranked before and after two rounds of treatment. Samples were treated with ozone, treated with a masking agent, or control. The data showed that the masking agent was effective. After two rounds of treatment, ozone was not. When a smaller treatment area was used, it worked. The odors were both removed and masked. Another conclusion was that odors are subjective and studying odors can be complex. Project Number: MCH022 Grade: 7 Title: Stain Stain Go Away Abstract: In my project, Stain Stain Go Away, I tested which product out of Shout, Oxi- Clean, Oxi-Magic, Baking Soda, and Borax, would clean grape juice out of a carpet. The carpet I chose was made out of nylon.At the end of my observations, Oxi-Clean cleaned the carpet the fasted out of the others, but after I let them sit after pouring water, rubbing and vacumming them they all got clean.( I let them sit for about six hours and then they all became clean.) Project Number: MCH023 Grade: 8 Title: POP! Which has more carbonation Diet Coke, Coke, or Sprite Abstract: I tested three kinds of pop to determine which type had the greatest amount of carbonation. The bottles were shaken and a balloon was placed over the cap before it was removed. After it was removed, the carbonation left the bottle traveling into the balloon. The balloon became larger as it filled with carbonation. I measured the size the balloons reached ar their largest point to determine which type had the most carbonation. The Coca Cola had the most carbonation because the balloons were largest; the Diet Coke had the least amount of carbonation because the balloons were smallest. Project Number: MCH024 Grade: 7 Title: Broccoli and Vitamin C Abstract: The purpose of my experiment was to find out which method of cooking broccoli retains the most vitamin C. For my procedure, I first cooked the broccoli using different methods of cooking. Then I processed the broccoli to make it a liquid, and I put the liquids into 15 test tubes. Next, using a starch solution with iodine, I dropped one drop of the starch solution into one of the test tubes. If the liquid changed color, I recorded, but if it did not, I kept adding

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drops until it changed. The best method of cooking was the steamed broccoli and the worst was microwaving it. This means that all the other methods decreased the amount of vitamin C. Project Number: MCH025 Grade: 8 Title: The Wrap on Bad Apples Abstract: My experiment ‘The Wrap On “Bad Apples”’ investigates the differences in permeability of the two leading polymers—polyvinyl chloride and polyethylene—used in kitchen plastic wraps, to protect food from spoiling. The investigation includes tests related to oxidation and evaporation. This experiment includes testing wedges of apples as well as measuring cups of water over time using the two wraps compared to the constant of no wrap. I predict that polyvinyl chloride is less permeable to oxygen and, therefore, prevents oxidation the best. While polyethylene is less permeable to water vapor and, therefore, prevents evaporation best. Project Number: MCH026 Grade: 7 Title: Freeze It Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to see which beverage freezes fastest. The investigator proposed that beverages with the lowest concentration of sugar and salt would freeze first. Thirty milliliters of each beverage were poured into 10 ice cube trays and placed in the freezer. Beverages included Gatorade, Coca Cola, water, milk, cranberry juice and Rockstar. In series I, trays were sampled every 10 minutes for 100 minutes. In series II sampling time was increased to 30-minute intervals. Freezing occurred in the following order - water, milk, Gatorade, Coca Cola, Rockstar and cranberry juice and correlated with salt and sugar concentrations. Project Number: MCH027 Grade: 8 Title: The Great Electrolyte Challenge Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MCH028 Grade: 7 Title: Evidence Wiped Clean Abstract: Purpose: To see if multi-purpose cleaners and multi-purpose oxygen cleaners actually clean blood from crime scenes.Procedure: 1. I’m using two multi-purpose, oxygen cleaners and two multi-purpose, non-oxygen cleaners. 2. I stained the surfaces, tile, wood, and carpet, with synthetic blood. 3. I cleaned the surfaces with the cleaners. 4. I sprayed luminol on the surfaces in a darkened room to see if traces of blood were visible. 5. I recorded the data Data: Blood could still be seen on some surfaces, but not all. Conclusion: Oxygen cleaners work better at cleaning blood from a crime scene than other cleaners. Project Number: MCH029 Grade: 8 Title: Tempering Chocolate Abstract: The problem is what type of chocolate will temper the best? The goal of this experiment is to find out which type of chocolate tempers the best by looking at the consistency. The hypothesis is if I temper different types of chocolate then the milk chocolate with have the best consistency. The researcher must first temper the chocolate, set aside the sample in refrigerator, and repeat steps with the other chocolate. I will analyze the data by comparing the samples of chocolate to determine which chocolate tempered the best. Project Number: MCH030 Grade: 8 Title: pH, Sports Drinks & Tooth Decay Abstract: Recent studies have shown that acidic beverages such as sports drinks and soda have added acids that can cause demineralization leading to tooth decay. Research showed that the most common acids used in such drinks are citric, phosphoric, and carbonic acids. This experiment was conducted to see which drink would cause the most tooth decay. Thirty sterilized teeth were obtained from an oral surgeon. Several homemade sports drinks were included in this study. Before the experiment was started the mass of the teeth was taken using a digital balance and the pH of each drink was taken with a pH meter. The teeth were soaked in the 9 different acidic drinks and the control group, water, for 1 week. After soaking for one week, each tooth was taken out, the mass of the teeth was taken and the pH of each beverage was measured. The mass of each tooth was again taken and the pH recorded.

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My research found lemonade, which contained citric acid, caused the greatest amount of tooth decay in this experiment. Project Number: MCH031 Grade: 7 Title: Chemical Color Reaction Abstract: The purpose of my project is to determine the different effects of the chemicals when they are burned to make the different colors of flames. In my project I’m taking the pinecones and soaking them in the bag with the different chemicals. Then I will take it out of the bag and put it on the fireplace and I will set it on fire. I will sit there and observe. If I burn pinecones that were soaked in different chemicals then they will produce different colors of fire that will cause various amounts of damage. I think that Cupric Chloride will be the hottest because to me blue the hottest out of all the other colors. Project Number: MCH032 Grade: 8 Title: Does an Ice Cube's pH Affect Melting Time? Abstract: For my science fair project, I did an experiment to see if adding substances that each had a different pH to water and then freezing the water into ice would affect how long it took the ice cubes to melt. Project Number: MCH033 Grade: 8 Title: Boiling Over the Top Abstract: The purpose of my experiment is to find out which of the six liquids boils the fastest and does cooking macaroni in different liquids change the flavor. The procedures will be to take one of the six liquids, boil it, record the data for that liquid, and then repeat the process with all six liquids. Then I will cook the macaroni in all of the liquids and see if the different liquids change the flavor. Research is still being conducted so no hypothesis has been determined. No conclusion has been determined since the testing has not been done. Final abstract will be ready at my exhibit on Fair Day. Project Number: MCH034 Grade: 8 Title: Effect of Different Factors on Evaporation Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to see what factor would dry up 30 ml. of water in a total of 4 hrs. I had three pie plates A, B , and C they all had 30ml in them then pie plate A in front of a 24 inch fan and then pie plate B was set under a heat lamp and then pie plate C was set in a room with just a 60% humidity. This could be helpful for when you might have a flood in your basement because I would use the fan. Project Number: MCH035 Grade: 8 Title: Does the Amount of Chlorine in Water Change? Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to determine if the time of day, day of the week, location and temperature effects the amount of chlorine in tap water. The investigator tested the chlorine levels in the tap water under all of these various conditions. She concluded that cold tap water had more chlorine in it. Project Number: MCH036 Grade: 8 Title: Wood Wars Abstract: Wood is often used in the making of personal watercrafts like canoes and small boats. The purpose of this project is to test the buoyancy of five different species of wood: red oak, cherry, pine, walnut and maple. After being dried in a kiln, the wood blocks will be placed in a container full of water and then weighed down with lead sheets. Results of my experiment will be available at the PRSEF. Project Number: MCH037 Grade: 7 Title: Bubbly Hard Abstract: In my experiment, I wanted to find out which water type is the hardest; tap, bottled, or distilled. I hypothesized that tap water was the hardest. I took three containers with two line drawn and poured each water type to the first line. I then added one drop of soap at a time, shaking until the bubbles reached the top line. I recorded how many drops of soap it took to reach the top lone and picked the water type that used the most. My conclusion is that tap water is the hardest. I proved my hypothesis true.

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Project Number: MCH038 Grade: 8 Title: Colors Dry! Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to find out how fast paint dries. To do this, 3 mediums (fabric, poster board, and canvas), temperatures (70º, 80º, and 30º), and types of paint (acrylic, tempera, and fabric) are selected. The procedure is to paint three different mediums with five different colors of paint (red, yellow, green, yellow, blue, and white) in the three different temperatures. The paints are checked until dry at selected time intervals, recording the observations and time data. The paint that dried the fastest in this experiment was the white tempera paint, in the 70º room , on fabric. Project Number: MCH039 Grade: 7 Title: Wine be Gone Abstract: The purpose of my experiment is to find which carpet cleaner cleans the best out of four options. I first poured the wine on each carpet sample and then cleaned the sample accordingly to the directions on each cleaner. The Resolve® cleaner performed the best, getting most of the samples clean. The Woolite® performed very similar, showing few stained samples. The Spot Shot® cleaner was the third greatest, having few clean but not horribly stained samples. Austin’s® performed the worst, leaving some of the samples stained. In conclusion, I found that Resolve® showed the best results. Project Number: MCH040 Grade: 8 Title: Ice Cold Abstract: The goal of this experiment was to freeze four different temperatures of water to find out if hot water freezes faster than cold water. Sixty milliliters of water, heated to selected temperature, were placed into cups. Then the samples were placed in the freezer and checked every ten minutes until the temperature reached 0 degrees Celsius. The results were that the hot water temperatures drop faster than cold. However, they take a little longer to freeze. Further experiments could test why 75 degrees Celsius took the longest to freeze. Project Number: MCH041 Grade: 7 Title: In what ways does rust form? Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to find out which liquid rusts nails the most. Several different solutions were used and the screws were monitored weekly to check for rust. Project Number: MCH042 Grade: 8 Title: Water Filtration Effectiveness Abstract: Project Number: MCH043 Grade: 8 Title: How Low Can You GO? Abstract: Instant cold packs are a great way to treat minor bumps and bruises. This experiment is intended to question if changing the amount of ammonium nitrate dissolved in water will affect temperature. The measurements of .5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, and 3.5 g of ammonium nitrate were dissolved in 50 ml of water seven times. Those seven trials were repeated. A thermometer was used to measure the temperature in degrees Celsius before starting, every 15 seconds, and when the temperature stabilized. The results show that the samples with more ammonium nitrate got the coldest. Project Number: MCH044 Grade: 8 Title: Antacids on pH of Gastric Juice Abstract: Antacids are commonly used to prevent and treat an upset stomach, heartburn, GERD (Gastro esophageal reflux disease), and indigestion. Three trials were conducted for each of the 10 Antacids tested and the control group, water. (33 trials in all). The gastric juice was heated to body temperature. The pH was measured and recorded every 20 seconds for 10 minutes and the average was taken of each the 3 trials. Equate with calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide raised the pH of the gastric juice most effectively and fastest. This experiment can be used to help people to know which antacid to take if they need a fast, effective result to alleviate pain.

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Project Number: MCH045 Grade: 7 Title: Meltdown Abstract: Ice build-up during winter months can cause hazardous conditions on steps and sidewalks. If ice can be melted quickly these problems could be eliminated. The purpose of my project is to determine which material will melt ice faster as a replacement for rock salt. I collected snow, melted it and re-froze it. I put one of my experimental materials; fertilizer, gravel, rock salt or sea salt on my ice samples. I placed the samples in the freezer at varying temperatures to determine which would melt the ice best. Results indicate that sea salt melted the ice fastest regardless of temperature. Project Number: MCH046 Grade: 8 Title: Temp. on Chemiluminescence Abstract: Based upon research on chemiluminescence, this investigation studied the effect of temperature on chemiluminescence as determined by the duration of glow time and intensity of light emitted from four colors of chemical light sticks. Four light sticks of each of the four colors were housed in water baths of the following temperatures: 0, 10, 20 (room temperature), 30, and 40 degrees Celsius. To measure the light sticks, the investigator created a closed system of her own design. The luminescence of each light stick was measured at 1-hour intervals for 8 hours and recorded. After activating the light sticks, to slow down the chemical reaction, housing them in freezing temperatures will lengthen the duration of the luminescence. Also, increase of temperature maximizes the intensity of the light stick’s luminescence. Miners, firefighters, and those working with hazardous chemicals and explosives would find the results of this experiment crucial because light sticks act as their sole light source in these situations. Project Number: MCH047 Grade: 7 Title: Let It Rise Abstract: I chose to highlight chemical leavening, the chemical reaction of baking soda and an acid releasing CO2 gas. I attempted to prove a dry, acidic ingredient would cause a slower chemical reaction and cause the greatest leavening in a cupcake. Cupcakes were made using a common recipe including baking soda and 3 different acid ingredients. The height of the cupcakes were measured and compared to a control trial made without an acid. The data showed that all cupcakes with acid did rise higher than the control. The results showed that the dry acid ingredient caused the largest amount of leavening. Project Number: MCH048 Grade: 7 Title: Forensic Chemistry Abstract: The problem is: Does lugol's iodine, iron nitrate, and sodium hydroxide help to identify unknown crystals dissolved in water? It is hypothesized that, by adding iron nitrate, sodium hydroxide, and lugol's iodine separately into each substance, a particular color will identify the substance. A brief procedure of the experiment is as follows: I will put distilled water in a reaction plate, and then dissolve four different solutes in each ones assigned row. I will then add the appropriate chemical to each row. Then I will record the data, and repeat five times. The results did support the hypothesis. Project Number: MCH049 Grade: 8 Title: How to make a steam engine more eficiant Abstract: How do different “fuels” in a steam engine effect the efficiency of the engine? To test this I used a homemade steam engine model and 6 different fuels. A magnetic counter recorded the RPMs of the engine while running on the different fuels. Results were collect and compared to determine efficiency of the steam engine. Project Number: MCH050 Grade: 8 Title: Can You C What I C Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MCH051 Grade: 7 Title: On Cloud Nine Abstract: Clabber Girl, Rumford, and Great Value were used to determine which brand of baking powder would produce the fluffiest pancake. 34 grams of pancake batter was poured into an egg pan and cooked for 4 minutes on each side. The pancake was then removed and cooled for 5 minutes before being massed and measuring the

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thickness. A mathematical formula was used to determine the density to determine which brand of baking powder created the lightest pancake. Great value created the lightest pancake while Rumford double acting aluminum free baking powder created the most dense pancake. Project Number: MCH052 Grade: 7 Title: Antacid Tablets, Liquids, and pH Levels, Oh My! Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to see if the pH levels of different liquids are affected by antacid tablets. To conduct this experiment I will place an antacid tablet in several liquids and use pH strips to record the ph level. The experimental results were measured by observing to see if the pH levels of the liquids changed by placing antacid tablets in them. The results of the experiment concluded that the pH levels of the liquids either decrease by .5 or stayed the same. The results indicated that my hypothesis should be accepted because the pH levels changed or stayed the same. Project Number: MCH053 Grade: 7 Title: The Greener Drain Cleaner Abstract: Commercial drain cleaners are corrosive to the sewage system, polluting our rivers and water supply. While visiting ALCOSAN’s Open House about waste water treatment last fall, I found that household chemicals are discharged into our rivers. This led me to investigate which drain cleaner unclogs blockages most effectively and causes least damage to the environment. By replicating blockage material, completing multiple trials with varying blockages, and testing pH and Turbidity of the resulting mixture, I concluded that the home solution of a baking soda and vinegar combination cleared blockages best and was the least harmful to the environment. Project Number: MCH054 Grade: 7 Title: I Ran Out of Batteries Abstract: Batteries are very important, so why waste it on stuff that does not require so much of it? Three kinds of batteries were "invented," two of the three succeeded in powering an led light but required more quantity to power things with higher voltage (the voltage was measured). The batteries were made from food, as an advantage of it being available forever. One was called the "potato battery," "film canister battery," and a bigger replica of the film canister battery called the "container battery." The batteries are working today and future work will determine how long the batteries last. Project Number: MCH055 Grade: 7 Title: Which Soft Drink Has the Most Carbonation? Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to find out which soft drink has the most carbonation: Mountain Dew, Coca-Cola, Dr. Pepper, or Sprite. The investigator cooled all of the soft drinks in the refrigerator overnight. When she took them out of the refrigerator, she took the lid off the first bottle. Then she put a balloon secured with a rubber band around it. After that she shook the botle vigorously seven times, waited 45 seconds, and then measured the circumference of the balloon. After all of the bottles were tested, she found out that Coca-Cola had the most carbonation twice, and Sprite had the most four times. The investigator concluded that Sprite has the most carbonation. Project Number: MCH056 Grade: 8 Title: How Temperature Affects Glow Sticks Abstract: Glow sticks were put in the freezer, refrigerator, and boiling water while one was left at room temperature. They were broken and put back into the condition they were started in (i.e. put back into boiling water after broken, etc). Time was recorded when light was extinguished. The hotter the temperature of the glow stick, the brighter the glow but the shorter the time until the glow was extinguished.

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Project Number: MCH057 Grade: 8 Title: Fuel of the Future Abstract: My experiment was to determine if new or used oil makes a better biodiesel. The process started with research before creating the biodiesel. This included titrating, mixing Sodium Hydroxide with Methanol to create Sodium Methoxide, and then creating the biodiesel. I tested using the 3/27 test as well as a cloud test. The new oil was better; it made more biodiesel per 100 mL of oil proving my hypothesis correct. The used oil made quality biodiesel. However, it required more oil to make the same amount of biodiesel. This means less oil contaminating soil or going into landfills. Project Number: MCH058 Grade: 7 Title: Aspirin Absorption in Carbonated Solutions Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to find out which solution with aspirin has the highest pH. The investigator puts water in three cups. They then put sugar in one cup and corn starch in the other. Then, they recored the pH every minute for five minutes. Write down the pH and repeat this procedure ten times. Project Number: MCH059 Grade: 8 Title: Hydrogen Under the Heat Abstract: The purpose of my experiment was to see if the temperature that a hydrogen fuel cell was running at would determine how long it would run. I obtained a fuel cell, then tested it in three different temperatures cold, hot, and room temperature. To test the hot temperature, I just put the fuel cell in a cardboard box with a light turned on. To test the cold temperature, I put the fuel cell in the refrigerator. Then I tied how long it took for the fuel cell to stop spinning the motor that it was hooked up to. In the end my hypothesis was correct that the fuel cell would run longest at room temperature. Project Number: MCH060 Grade: 8 Title: Saving the World, One hydrolyzer at a time Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to assess whether hydrogen can be produced using a homemade water splitting device known as a hydrolyzer. The experimentor will create a homemade hydrolyzer using instructions found on the internet. The results of this experiment can be useful for several reasons within the alternative fuel research community. Project Number: MCH061 Grade: 8 Title: Get Well Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MCH062 Grade: 7 Title: Which Salt Melts the Most Ice? Abstract: My purpose is to find which compound for melting ice is most effective in decreasing the thickness of ice and melting it rapidly. I used table salt, rock salt, magnesium chloride and calcium chloride. I put 35 g of each salt on four different blocks of ice, the placed them in the freezer and checked them at 15 minute increments up to a period of an hour. I repeated this 4 times. Calcium chloride melted 376.5 mL of water, table salt melted 269 mL, magnesium chloride melted 137.1 mL and rocks salt melted 71.2 mL. Project Number: MCH063 Grade: 8 Title: Cleaning Ground Water Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to assess whether several samples of water can be cleaned using a homemade filter system. The experimentor will create a filtration system using a series of levels of rocks. The results of this test may be useful to people who cannot access clean drinking water. The full abstract will be available at the Science competition. Project Number: MCH064 Grade: 7 Title: Does M Stand for Melt or Maintain? Abstract: Which M&M color will melt the fastest? By testing yellow, green and red M&M's in a 1100 watt microwave I determine which color will melt the at the quickest rate. My hypothesis is that the red M&M will melt the fastest because Benjamin Franklin discovered that the darker the color cloth, the deeper it sank into the snow.

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Project Number: MCH065 Grade: 8 Title: Fizzy or Flat? Abstract: The whole goal out of this experiment is to see what most common types of pop go flat the fastest and why it goes flat. My conclusion is that Mountain Dew stays fizzy the longest. The reason why all the other pops went flat was because of carbonation. When first pour out pop from a bottle it fizzes. That’s because of the carbon dioxide in the bottle. When you open it the gas is released but when it’s closed the gas stays inside. If you let pop stay out it gives it time for the carbon dioxide to escape causing it to become flat. That is my project on pop and Carbonation. Project Number: MCH066 Grade: 8 Title: The Fuel Cycle of the Future Abstract: The conversion of solar energy to hydrogen by electrolysis is a very interesting ways to achieve clean and renewable energy systems. This experiment was intended to observe how efficient a cobalt-based catalyst can be at helping to form molecular oxygen and hydrogen, that produce heat and electricity. A circuit was built on a breadboard. Nickel electrodes were immersed into a pH7 phosphate buffer. Cobalt nitrate was added to the buffer solution to form a catalyst. The baseline efficiency, without the catalyst, was compared to the baseline efficiency with the catalyst. We found that more electricity could be produced with the catalyst rather than without. Project Number: MCH067 Grade: 8 Title: From Flowers To Ink Abstract: The Problem that I am investigating is: Does Liquid or Powder Pigment Ink made from flower petals produce the more durable ink? To conduct this experiment, I made both kinds of ink. Then I tested the inks with sunlight, heat, rain water, distilled water, humidity, smudging/smearing, and fingernail scratches to see which ink was more durable. The results were measured on a scale from one to ten. I rejected my hypothesis because the Liquid method produced the more durable ink. Project Number: MCH068 Grade: 7 Title: Which Materials Burn the Fastest Abstract: My experiment tested which materials burn the fastest. I burned cotton, polyester, rayon, nylon, and nomex. My hypothisis was the cotton would burn the fastest. I tested cotton first. It burned in 7:12. It also had black smoke. I tested polyester second. It melted (not buned) in 3:30. Then we burned rayon. It had little flames and burned in 5:30. Then finnaly we burned nomex. It didnt burn or melt though. Next time, I might use different materials or use diffrent colors. It was interesting. Project Number: MCH069 Grade: 7 Title: Indigestion Is The Question Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to determine which antacid (base) is most effective in treating indigestion. When combined with stomach acid (lemon juice) a chemical reaction occurs neutralizing the acid, relieving the symptoms of indigestion. 15 mL of Tums, Alka-Seltzer and Maalox were added to 30 mL of lemon juice. The pH levels of all substances were measured with a digital pH indicator before and after they were combined. The antacid which brought the pH closest to neutral (7) was the most effective. Alka-Seltzer with a pH of 5.6 was the most effective antacid. Project Number: MCH070 Grade: 7 Title: Food VS. Diabetics Abstract: My father is a diabetic and he has to check his blood, because it can’t be too high or low. I want to learn the difference of change in some of the foods he eats. Test subject took their blood sugar before eating, and 1, 2, and 3, hours after eating. I recorded their blood sugar level. After eating the proteins I calculated percentage of blood sugar changes. My hypothesis was partially correct. Tuna fish caused the blood sugar to go down the most but the chicken went down the least. Project Number: MCH071 Grade: 8 Title: Measure the Rainbow Abstract: The question I was trying to solve was “Is standard food coloring used to dye M&M’s® and Skittles®?” Cut coffee filters into three inch by one inch rectangles to use as chromatography paper. Extract the dye from the Skittles® and M&M’s®. Dab the dye onto the paper. Put a spot of dye on the paper and place the paper in the solvent

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for 40 seconds. Calculate the Rf value. Repeat the steps for the Skittles®, M&M’s®, and food coloring. For my results, I compared the Rf values of the candies and the food coloring. The dye components were different. Project Number: MCH072 Grade: 8 Title: Supercooling Water Abstract: Water is an important part of our life. Without it, there wouldn’t be any living species in the world. Whenever you take a long, cold road trip, you wonder if you should bring bottled water or tap water. This experiment will show which type of water you should take. The water that takes longer to freeze is the type of water you should use. Project Number: MCH073 Grade: 7 Title: Juice-C-Juice Abstract: A starch indicator solution was added to eight store brand juice products to determine the amount of vitamin C. White Grapefruit provided the least amount of vitamin C while Orange juice contained the greatest amount. Project Number: MCH074 Grade: 7 Title: Does Dying Hair Affect its Strength? Abstract: The purpose of the experiment was to determine whether dying hair affected its strength. Individual strands of untreated hair from three subjects were tied to a cup and pennies were placed into the cup until the strand broke. The strands were then dyed and the procedure was repeated. The majority of the hair samples for all three subject showed that the dyed hair was either the same or stronger as the untreated hair. The results did not support the hypothesis because the data suggested that instead of chemically damaging the hair, the strands were equally strong or stronger. Project Number: MCH075 Grade: 8 Title: How Fast Do You Fizz Abstract: The question I was trying to solve was “Will changing the particle size have a measurable effect on the chemical reaction rate?” Use a measuring cup to add 236mL of water to a glass. Place tape outside of the glass to mark the water level. Measure the temperature of the water. Drop the tablet in the water and start the stopwatch. Stir at a slow, constant speed with a spoon. Stop the stopwatch. Record information. Repeat. I calculated the amount of time it took the tablet to dissolve. The full tablet took the longest, then the halves, thirds, and fourths. Project Number: MCH076 Grade: 7 Title: How pH Effects the Rate of Copper Dissolution Abstract: Pennies were allowed to sit in solutions with a wide range of pH values. The copper concentration of these solutions were then evaluated. Project Number: MCH077 Grade: 8 Title: Ancient Battery Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to inestigate as to whether the object known as the "Bagdad Battery" could really have been used in the ancient world as a battery. The experiemtor will create a reproduction of the Bagdad Battery. The data will be recorded and analyzed. The results of this investigation will be useful in understanding the civilization which this device was used. Project Number: MCH078 Grade: 8 Title: The Magic of Photochemistry Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to investigate whether incandescent, fluorescent, a grow light or LED light would have the biggest effect on the chemical reaction of iodine-ammonium-oxalate. To conduct this experiment, I must set up a place where each test tube solution I made can be exposed to one of these lights without interruption for 5 hours. I will compare them to a scale of standard solutions I made, numbered 1-6. The experimental results were measured and as I predicted, the grow light faded the solution the most. The results of the experiment show that the grow light faded the solution the most. Fluorescent light faded the solution the second most, and the incandescent and LED lights barely faded the solution at all. These results indicated that my hypothesis should be accepted. I think this project is important because it will help people be a little more educated about the importance of light in our everyday lives.

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Project Number: MCH079 Grade: 8 Title: Is It Really Blood? Abstract: The purpose of my project is to discover if the Kastle-Meyer test for blood always proves accurate when something has traces of blood in it or looks like blood, and what substances can trigger a false positive. Also, it is to investigate the chemistry and the workings of the Kastle-Meyer test. The purpose of my project is to discover if the Kastle-Meyer test for blood always proves accurate when something has traces of blood in it or looks like blood, and what substances can trigger a false positive. Project Number: MCH080 Grade: 7 Title: Finding BPA in Thermal Paper Abstract: Humans frequently touch receipts. The purpose of my project was to find if the chemical Bisphenol A (BPA) is found on thermal paper, the material receipts are printed on. Bisphenol A is a very dangerous chemical that causes breast cancer and other disease, and skin proves no barrier to it. In order to test each receipt, I used Iron 3 Chloride and a cotton swab to determine if each receipt was positive or negative. It was determined that most of the receipts were positive; no significant amount of receipts were negative. In the future, people should be cautious about touching receipts. Project Number: MCH081 Grade: 8 Title: Honey, I Extracted the DNA! Abstract: The purpose of my experiment titled “Honey, I Extracted the DNA!” is to learn about the DNA of living things. I will use an extraction buffer of salt, dishwashing detergent, and water to extract the DNA from strawberry, kiwi, and split pea samples. I will crush each sample, add the extraction buffer, and later add ethanol to each and observe. The DNA should appear in cotton-like fibers. I will compare and contrast the DNA from each sample. I hypothesized that strawberries would produce the most DNA because they have large genomes and are octoploid, meaning they have eight copies of each chromosome in each cell. Project Number: MCH082 Grade: 8 Title: Hair Raising Highlights Abstract: This experiment showed results of different volumes of bleach on chemically treated and non-treated hair. The solutions used were 40 volume, 30 volume, 20 volume, and 10 volume hydrogen peroxide based solutions. These volumes were used to test the diverse colors that can be made by each solution and to further understand why each solution creates each color. The 40 volume creates the lightest color. Project Number: MCH083 Grade: 7 Title: The Great Cookie Finder Abstract: Have you ever bitten into a beautiful golden-brown cookie only to realize that the bottom is burned and black? I conducted this experiment to find out how to prevent that. I started by making the cookie dough with all the ingredients, I used an ice cream scoop to make sure all the cookies were the same size. I preheated the oven to 375 degrees, I let the cookies bake for 14 minutes. The cookies cooled for 4 minutes for each batch, then I recorded what I saw. Conduct my experiment for yourself and see what results you get. Project Number: MCH084 Grade: 8 Title: Do You "C" What I "C?" Abstract: The Vitamin C content of various orange juices is evaluated with respect to brand (Phase I) and container type (Phase II). Titration techniques are used to determine Vitamin C concentration. Project Number: MCH085 Grade: 7 Title: Brownie "Egg"stravaganza Abstract: My experiment was run to test whether the addition of eggs in a brownie batter would increase or decrease the density of the brownies. I had baked twenty batches of brownies, having five different variations with different amounts of eggs in each variation. I had recorded any observations of the brownies, including the mass and height of each batch, and had then calculated their densities. My results showed that the density of the brownies had a slight decrease with the addition of eggs. Therefore, eggs add volume to brownies and decrease their density.

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Project Number: MCH086 Grade: 7 Title: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Which Water is the Purist of All? Abstract: In case the PDF is not working: The water we drink comes from different sources, such as taps, springs, filters, and boiled. Which water is the purest for consumption? My project addressed this question by looking at seven common contaminants. Water test kits were used to conduct experiments. The results varied. Spring water has no bacteria, lead or chlorine, has low hardness and neutral pH value. Tap and filter water had more nitrite. No chlorine or lead was detected in any water. Bacteria were found only in boiled water. I conclude spring water is the purest. Project Number: MCH087 Grade: 7 Title: Citrus Power Abstract: Electricity can be conducted by some substances more easily than others. The purpose of my project is to determine which citrus juice, lemon, lime and orange, conducts electricity best and if additives like sugar, salt and vinegar support electron flow. I added equal amounts of sugar, salt and vinegar to equal amounts of each type of citrus juice and used a Centech Digital Microscope to measure electrical current. Results indicate that salt, when added to citrus juices, allowed electric current to flow more readily than other additives. Project Number: MCH088 Grade: 8 Title: Coca Cola - Thinking Outside the Bottle Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MCH089 Grade: 8 Title: How to Make the Best Cookies Abstract: The purpose of my project is to determine if I can make the best cookies by making the cookie mix and having it sit in the refrigerator for 48 hours. I am going to make a batch of cookies and refrigerate the batch for 48 hours. After 48 hours, I will make another batch of cookies. I will then bake both batches. I will have three volunteers to taste the cookies to see if they prefer cookies refrigerated or freshly baked. I will also measure the sizes such as the length, width, and height. If I make the mix and have it sit in the refrigerator for 48 hours then I may have better cookies.

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Intermediate – Computer Science/Math (MCM) – 7th & 8th Grade

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Project Number: MCM001 Grade: 8 Title: Is It Stable?Structural Analysis Using FEA Software Abstract: The stability of structures, like bridges, are important in day to day life and they need to be safe so that people can use their services. The purpose of this experiment is to observe how well FEA softwares predict outcomes.I will be using an FEA software to predict the outcome of stress applied on several wooden bridges that i will purchase. I will plug in the stress into the software and then compare the results. Experimentation will continue to figure out the accuracy if te software compared to real life. Project Number: MCM002 Grade: 8 Title: Going Ballistic in the 18th Century Abstract: This experiment is a real world simulation of a cannonball’s trajectory from a revolutionary war cannon. The goal is to see if you can calculate the angle needed to fire a cannonball using the distance, the force of gravity and the velocity of the cannonball. A formula is used to calculate a set of angles from a set of distances, the force of gravity and the velocity of the cannonball being shot by the simulated cannon. The formula was successfully used to do this. Project Number: MCM003 Grade: 8 Title: Games People Play Abstract: In my project, I am testing to see if a robot can defeat a human in 5 trial games of chess (Best of 5 is the conclusion). To do this I will be programming a game of chess in Text-Pad with a few adjustments to the settings using the Java computer coding language. I will also be programming the bot, player which I will be playing in the 5 games. Project Number: MCM004 Grade: 7 Title: Saving the world - one byte at a time Abstract: The purpose is to Design an assembly-language program for the microprocessors of a colony of Nano-organisms (NANORGs) in a virtual world. Imagine yourself as a software engineer, 15 years from now. You are called upon to help solve the world energy crisis by programming nano-organisms to extract energy from industrial sludge. Project Procedure: (1)Make sure to have a computer with Internet access, text editor, and unzip program. (2)download Compsci WinZip file, which enables program that runs the virtual nanobot vat. (3)Unzip file CompSci_p021_Files.zip using unzip program and extract files. (4)research assembly language. (5)Open text editor and write program for nanobots. Project Number: MCM005 Grade: 7 Title: Tumor Diagnosis with Image Processing Abstract: I wrote a computer program to help doctors diagnose tumors. It takes an image of a stained tissue sample, extracts and analyzes the relevant sections, and outputs a final score. I separated sample images into a test set and a verification set. I researched different image processing algorithms to extract relevant sections and created programs using combinations of these. I also developed my own analysis and score computation algorithm. I tested each program on the test set. My final program produced scores with a very strong correlation with the expert ratings for both the test set and the verification set. Project Number: MCM006 Grade: 8 Title: Random Number Generators Abstract: Pseudo-random number generator, true random number generator, and a die were used to produce numbers from 1-6. Probablity was calculated for each generated number. There was no significant difference.

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Project Number: MCM007 Grade: 7 Title: What Type of Password Best Resists Hacking Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to determine whether a password should be longer or more complex to resist brute force cracking. 60 people each contributed 9 passwords of varying length and complexity. An original brute force cracker was written in C++, but was too slow, so a model was made to crack the 540 passwords gathered. The data showed that increasing the length was more beneficial than increasing the complexity. This supported my hypothesis that longer passwords would take more attempts because there would be more possibilities for the program to try before it could identify the correct password. Project Number: MCM008 Grade: 7 Title: Remed & Enrich Web on Ancient Greece Abstract: Purpose: To create an interactive enrichment and remediation Website students can access on ancient Greece.Procedure: When students access the Website, they can choose from the topics of mythology, architecture, or history. From there, they can either choose to play the game (Olympic Matching) or read a lesson. Each topic has three lesson choices. For example, in the mythology topic, they can select from lessons about gods and goddesses, heroes, or monsters. Project Number: MCM009 Grade: 8 Title: Computer Simulated Billiards Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to find which angles of shots terminate in a pocket from a billiards shot originating in a corner. To conduct this experiment I designed a billiards table using Logo programming language. I shot 90 different angles from each different corner for a total of 360 shots. The experimental results were measured by whether the shot terminated in a pocket or not. The results of this experiment were that of the 360 shots 14 went in a pocket. The results indicate that my hypothesis should be accepted because the angles 30, 50, and 60 didn’t terminate in a pocket. Project Number: MCM010 Grade: 8 Title: Gambling:What's Your Chance of Winning? Abstract: This project is intended to introduce a gambling game, and estimate the chance of winning by mathematical probability. Also, a real experiment will be conducted. People will be asked to play the game, and the data will be recorded. Finally, a computer program will be written to simulate the game, and the results will be compared with the other two methods. Project Number: MCM011 Grade: 8 Title: A Failure to Telecommunicate Abstract: My project was designed to assist people in more effectively and efficiently using cell phones by exploring what factors have the greatest impact on cell phone transmission signal strength. Before I performed my experiment, I predicted that topography, including man made obstructions, would have the greatest impact on cell phone signal strength. In conducting this project, I analyzed a variety of factors including what effect distance from cell phone towers would have on signal strength, what affects various locations within in a typical building would have, and what other forces generally impact transmission signal strength. Project Number: MCM012 Grade: 7 Title: Enrich & Remed Web on Quakes & Volcanoes Abstract: Purpose: To create an interactive remediation and enrichment Website which students can access pertaining to earthquakes and volcanoes. Procedure: Students accessing my Website will be able to view the following topics dealing with earthquakes and volcanoes: 1. Vocabulary 2. Photos 3. FEMA preparedness information 4. Interactive activities 5. Maps of current earthquake and volcanic activity 6. Additional geological information 7. Games 8. Tests

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Project Number: MCM013 Grade: 8 Title: The Mathematics of Insects Abstract: The purpose of this project was to analyze the mathematical symmetry of insects. Oragami models were used to measure the symmetry of insects and develop mathematical rations of proportions. It was found that insects have a set mathematical symmetry.

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Intermediate – Consumer Science (MCS) – 7th & 8th Grade

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Project Number: MCS001 Grade: 8 Title: The Soda That Stains the Darkest Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MCS002 Grade: 7 Title: How Should I Eat It? Abstract: The purpose of my experiment is to determine what type of orange product contains the most Vitamin C and is most cost effective. I will use popular brands of canned, fresh and juiced oranges. I will test the Vitamin C content of each sample with an iodide solution. I will compare the Vitamin C content and cost effectiveness of the samples and make recommendations. The results of my experiment will be helpful to people who want to cost effectively choose the orange product with the most Vitamin C. Project Number: MCS003 Grade: 7 Title: How Clean is Clean? Abstract: Plates containing nutrient agar were divided into 4 quadrants. 20 ML of Windex, Lysol, Mr. Clean, Clorox, Green Works, Murphy’s Oil Soap, Tap water and distilled water were placed on a sterile Petri dish. Sterile paper discs were soaked for 5 minutes before being removed and allowed to drip for five minutes. The discs were placed on the agar plate containing E coli. The zone of inhibition was measured, recorded and averaged. Clorox clean-up cleaner with bleach eliminates the most bacteria. Mr. Clean and Green Works eliminated the least amount of bacteria. Project Number: MCS004 Grade: 7 Title: Heartburn Releivers Abstract: In my science fair experiment I tested four different medications used to relieve heart burn to determine which one of them would best neutralize stomach acid. The stomach acid was simulated by using muriatic acid mixed with water. i also made a red cabbage pH indicator and added this to the stomach acid to act as a visual aid to determine which medication neutralized fastest. i used pH strips to determine which medication neutralized stomach acid the best. Project Number: MCS005 Grade: 8 Title: Does Vision Effect Taste Abstract: Many people think that taste things with our mouth, but actually we taste with our eyes too. Before tasting things we often check to see what it looks like. If the appearance of the food does not increase our desire we normally don’t eat it. I used four sodas and took out the original mixture and replaced it with a homemade mixture made out of club soda, food coloring, and flavoring that is used for flavoring hardtack candy. The test subjects expectations and tastes seemed not to match. Project Number: MCS006 Grade: 8 Title: The Cost of Clean Air Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to determine which furnace filter cleans the air the best. The investigator tested 3 furnace fliters of varying costs (Flanders EZ Green filter, Filtrete Micro Particle Reduction, Filtrete Advanced Allergen Reduction). The filters were tested over two, 5-day trials with the furnace fan running for 24 hours a day. The mass of the filter was determined before and after each trial using a triple beam balance. The investigator determined that the second most costly filter--the Micro Particle Reduction filter removed the largest number of particles and the Micro Particle Reduction filter was the most cost effective--that is, it removes the most harmful particles per dollar.

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Project Number: MCS007 Grade: 7 Title: Durability of Paint Abstract: Painting your home can be very expensive. Knowing the most durable paint could help consumers save money in the future. I used 6 types of paint in this investigation: Behr paint (which is the most expensive) latex gloss and flat, Valspar paint (much less expensive) latex gloss and flat, and Glidden paint (in between in price) gloss and flat. I painted twenty-four 12.7cm x 12.7cm square plywood boards with the different kinds of paint. I put aside the control boards. I then put the different boards through various weathering stations of heat, freezer, and acid rain. They were rotated through the stations for 12 days. I calculated the amount of chipping using an overlay transparency, which was the same size as the board and had 200 graph squares. Chipping in 2 squares was counted as 1 percent chipping. When results were analyzed, Behr paints, the most expensive, were found to be the most durable, possibly because of the higher amount of titanium dioxide. Project Number: MCS008 Grade: 8 Title: Studies Utilizing Detergent Samples (SUDS) Abstract: There are many different brands of laundry detergent on the market, all claiming to have the best stain removal power. This work intended to find out which of four popular stain-fighting laundry detergents could remove the most stain from a piece of white fabric. Each piece of fabric had 3 stains applied (ketchup, chocolate sauce, and grape juice), and then was put through a mock-washing machine cycle, each using a different brand of detergent. After evaluation, it was determined that Tide brand detergent worked the best at removing stains. Project Number: MCS009 Grade: 7 Title: Eye Can See Clearly Now! Abstract: The purpose of this project was to determine which kind of contact solution eliminates the most bacteria and is the least costly to the consumer. 10 ml of name brands as well as a generic brand of contact solutions was placed in a sterile petri plate. Paper disks were soaked in the solution for 10 minutes and allowed to drip for 5 minutes before being placed on a nutrient agar plate that had been streaked with staphylococcus Epidermidis. The zone of inhibition was measured. Tap water served as the control. Clear Care eliminated the most bacteria. Project Number: MCS010 Grade: 8 Title: UV Protective Fabrics Abstract: UV light is radiation with wavelengths shorter than visible light, but longer than x-rays. Even though it is not visible, it can still be harmful. Overexposure to UV light can cause skin damage such as sunburn and skin cancer. Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States. About 45% of people who live to be 65 years old are diagnosed with skin cancer at some point of their lives. You can protect yourself from this damage, however, by wearing the proper material clothing. In this project, the amount of UV light that passed through the different fabrics was tested. In conclusion, it was decided that the red polyester and the black 50% polyester 50% cotton fabrics performed the best. Over all, the polyester fabrics performed the best, the 50/50 did the second best, and the cotton did the worst. Also, the darker the fabric, the better it performed. Project Number: MCS011 Grade: 8 Title: Pop and Tooth Decay Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MCS012 Grade: 8 Title: How Sweet It Is Abstract: The purpose of this project is to determine the sugar level in apples by using a refractometer. Apples of the same size were hand-picked from trees of a local farm. The same variety and number of apples were purchased from a grocery store. Every three days, six apples of each variety and from each location were juiced; three were peeled and the other three left unpeeled. Eighteen trials were completed on each day of testing. The refractometer was used to measure the Brix, or sugar, of the juice. The red delicious apples were the apples with the highest Brix. Project Number: MCS013 Grade: 7 Title: Drumstick Rebound Characteristics Abstract: The rebound characteristics of different drumsticks used to play the drums was evaluated.

Intermediate – Consumer Science (MCS) – 7th & 8th Grade

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Project Number: MCS014 Grade: 8 Title: Can Sandwich Bags Expode? Abstract: The purpose of my project is to see which sandwich bag will best withstand a chemical explosion. I wanted to find this out because children always have accidents with their lunches, whether it is leaky peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or juicy watermelons. I wanted to find this out so that consumers will know which sandwich bag is best to buy. My hypothesis was that the store brand bag will last longer because it will hold more pressure because of how it is made. This specific bag is "Boulder". Project Number: MCS015 Grade: 8 Title: Keep Out of Reach of Children Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MCS016 Grade: 8 Title: Diaper Absorption Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MCS017 Grade: 7 Title: Taste the Difference Abstract: I wanted to find out if people really could taste the difference between reduced fat and regular foods. i tested a total of 30 people between the ages of 10-69; five people from each decade. i picked out foods from the different areas of taste buds on the tongue; sweet, salty, bitter, and sour. The food I picked for sour was salt and vinegar chips. The seet food was ice cream. i chose Cheez-its for the salty food. i picked chocolate wit a lot of cacao in it for the bitter food. All of the age groups scored pretty well. The 10-19 age group scored 10 out of 20. The 20-29 age group scored 12 out of 20. Ages 30-39 scored the worst with 7 out of 20. 40-49 also scored 10 out of 20. The 50-59 age group scored the best; 13 out of 20. Ages 60-69 also scored 12 out of 20. Project Number: MCS018 Grade: 7 Title: Show Me Those Pearly Whites Abstract: Whitening toothpastes are used to make teeth appear whiter. This experiment was chosen to find out what whitening toothpaste will perform the best. 36 teeth were obtained from an oral surgeon and stained with tea for one week. Next, they were separated into 9 different groups, 4 teeth in every group. I recorded the shade of the teeth before and after every brushing. I brushed each tooth exactly the same – 25 strokes, 2 times per day. The results of the trials were averaged. This experiment showed that Arm and Hammer Whitening Toothpaste whitened the best. Arm and Hammer performed the best because it contains a large amount of Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda). Baking Soda helps whiten teeth because it dissolves into the water and penetrates the enamel, when brushing the baking soda removes the yellow and brown stains usually caused from coffee, tea, or smoking. Project Number: MCS019 Grade: 7 Title: Paper Towels and Water Absorption Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to see which paper towel absorbs the most water. Three brands Sparkle, Brawny, and Bounty were tested. My procedure was to dip a paper towel into a measuring cup that was filled to 250 milliliters of water, and see how much each paper towel would absorb. Measurements taken after each trial, five trials per sheet were compiled on a graph. My conclusion was that Bounty was the most absorbent paper towel of the three that were tested. Project Number: MCS020 Grade: 7 Title: Air Care Abstract: The reason for my project was to see which filter consumers should purchase. I bought three filters, then weighed each filter before I placed them into the furnace, then I took the weight difference between each filter, concluding that the ending weight was equal to the amount of particles the filter strained. I predicted that the "Filtrete" filter would strain the most particles because the company claimed to be the best. The brand "Filtrete" strained the most particles. Its starting weight was 189 grams, and its ending weight was 190 grams. The other filters' weight decreased, proving my hypothesis correct.

Intermediate – Consumer Science (MCS) – 7th & 8th Grade

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Project Number: MCS021 Grade: 7 Title: Chill Factor Abstract: I conducted an experiment testing if temperature effected how long a battery would last. I was interested in this topic because of car batteries. It is true that car batteries most of the time stop working in cold weather. I decided to test this. I could not test this on a car battery so i decided to test it in the form of a flashlight. My experiment went as planned and nothing out of the ordinary happened. As i suspected the flashlight in the freezer stopped working first. Next i suspected the flashlight in room temperature would stop working. I was wrong and the flashlight in the refrigerator stopped working next. This left the flashlight in room temperature. Project Number: MCS022 Grade: 8 Title: Preventing Christmas Tree Fires Abstract: Christmas tree fires can be catastrophic, and my experiment will determine if flame retardant sprays (commercial and homemade) will effectively prevent fires. Three fresh branches were tagged and sprayed with commercial flame retardant, three were tagged and sprayed with homemade flame retardant, and three were tagged and left as control branches. One of each was burned at twenty-four hours, eight days, and fifteen days and time to ignition was recorded. The time to ignition was similar for all treated branches and only slightly less than untreated branches. Flame retardant spray has minimal value to prevent fire in well watered trees. Project Number: MCS023 Grade: 7 Title: Hot Hands Abstract: Various types of ski gloves were evaluated to determine which would maintain temperatures the best. Glass bottles of very warm water (approximating body temperature) were placed inside gloves to be tested. Gloves were then placed in a freezer, with a temperature probe attached. Temperature drop was monitored for a set time. A glass jar (with very warm water) and no glove served as the control. Project Number: MCS024 Grade: 8 Title: Do mints or gum affect test scores Abstract: The purpose behind this experiment is to test whether or not a student chewing on mint affects test scores. A test will be given and assessed three times. The 1st test will be given without the mint, while 2nd and third will be given and assessed with the mint/gum. The remainder of the abstract will be completed when the experiment is over. Project Number: MCS025 Grade: 8 Title: Effect of Settling on Cereal Abstract: The objective of the project was to see how cereal settles. Many people complain that a lot of the cereal bag is empty. This is because air fills in between the pieces of cereal after it is packaged. The cereal is packaged to the top though. The process was to crush up the cereal and measure it against the un-crushed cereal. The height changed, but the weight did not. Project Number: MCS026 Grade: 8 Title: Bubbles in a Bottle Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MCS027 Grade: 7 Title: What is the Best Paint for Polystyrene Model Kits? Abstract: The purpose of my experiment was to compare different paints from different manufacturers to see which are best for ease of use, durability, price, and environmental friendliness.I applied stress to the paint samples and compared results. In some cases, I used documentation about the paint to also get results. The best paint was found to be acrylic with use of water for clean up. Enamel paints required harmful cleanup materials which were more dangerous to the environment. Comparing more samples from other companies and running more trials might have strengthened the results.

Intermediate – Consumer Science (MCS) – 7th & 8th Grade

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Project Number: MCS028 Grade: 7 Title: Keep It Cool Abstract: My question for my project states: "Which insulation is the most effective for your home?" From my research, I hypothesized that spray foam would be the most effective insulation because it forms an airtight barrier and is denser than most other insulations. To determine which insulation will keep ice from melting, I tested seven different insulations enclosed in containers and measured th e amount of melted water found in each measuring cup, which was located under each container. After seven hours, the cup that colected the least amount of melted water determined the best insulation. My results showed styrofoam had the least amount of water in its measuring cup. Project Number: MCS029 Grade: 7 Title: Glowing Water Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MCS030 Grade: 7 Title: Germs Be Gone! Abstract: The purpose of this project was to determine which hand sanitizer eliminated the most bacteria and costs the least. Sterile paper discs were soaked in 6 mL of Purell, CVS Instant Hand Sanitizer, EZ Foam, and TopCare liquid hand sanitizer for 2 minutes before being removed and placed on a petri dish streaked with staphylococcus epidermidis. TopCare had the greatest zone of inhibition but EZ Foam cost the least per mL. Project Number: MCS031 Grade: 8 Title: Pop Corn Storage Temperature Abstract: The purpose of this project was to see which storage temperature would be the best to store popcorn kernels, to get the popped kernels. I had three storage areas, room temperature, refrigerator, and warmed in an oven. I kept them there for 2 hours. The better storage area was room temperature. So if you want to get more popped kernels out of a bag of popcorn, the best place to store it is in a warmer area. Project Number: MCS032 Grade: 8 Title: Not So Easy Bake Oven Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MCS033 Grade: 8 Title: Germs in the Bottle Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to assess whether or not plastic water bottles are safe to reuse. The experimentor will test a series of plastic water bottles over a duration of time. The 6 water bottles will be then be tested for bacteria. The results of this test will be used to better inform consumers whether to reuse their plastic water bottles. Project Number: MCS034 Grade: 7 Title: Which paper towel brand can absorb the most water? Abstract: The purpose of the experiment was to find which paper towel brand could absorb the most water. I ripped four sheets from each roll. Then I put them in a glass filled with 200 mL of water for 15 seconds. I squeezed all the water out into a glass and measured how much each sheet held. Bounty could hold an average of 38 mL of water, Brawny could hold 30 mL of water and WalMart's generic brand could hold 22 mL of water. Brawny was the best buy for consumers since it absorbs the most and has the most number of sheets. Project Number: MCS035 Grade: 7 Title: Household Cleaners and Fruit Abstract: For my science project I tested the effects of household cleaners on fruit. I did this because I wanted to see if these cleaners had any effect on the fruit I eat since I use these cleaners to clean my counter tops. For my procedure I took the cleaners Mr. Clean floor cleaner, The Works glass cleaner, Great Value glass cleaner, Febreeze and water. I then cut up some apples and placed them into 6 even groups, and added a small dose of each cleaner for ten days. By the end the Mr. Clean had caused the most discoloration.

Intermediate – Consumer Science (MCS) – 7th & 8th Grade

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Project Number: MCS036 Grade: 7 Title: Pepsi versus Coke Abstract: My purpose for choosing to do this project was because I like Coke and Pepsi, so I wanted to see what other people think. I prefer Coke over Pepsi. But other people may choose Pepsi. So I decided to do an experiment, to test the hypothesis: In a blind taste test, Coke will be chosen more frequently than Pepsi. Each taster signed the consent after i explained the experiment to them. I gave them an answer index card and had them drink from the "A" labeled cup first, and then drink from the "B" labeled cup. They then checked their answer card which one they liked best and wrote either Pepsi or Coke beside the A and B letters. After all this I recorded all of my data. Surprisingly, neither product was preferred over the other nor was the nubmer of incorrect identifications higherin comparison to the correct identification. Age made no difference in the ability to differentiate between the products. In conclusion, I was surprised by the results as I felt that Coke would win hands down each time or at least take the lead in being the preferred product. My hypothesis was not proven based on my results that each product was preferred 50/50. Project Number: MCS037 Grade: 8 Title: Vitamins & Minerals Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to assess which multi-vitamins are an efficient way to receive vitamins into the blood stream. It was hypothesized that the multi-vitamins which contained more vitamin D will be able to be absorbed more than the multi-vitamins which did not have as high of D dosage. Using a solution which mimics stomach acid, the ability of the vitamins to go into solution will be observed, and data will be gathered. This experiment will produce information which will pertain to consumers of multi-vitamins. Project Number: MCS038 Grade: 8 Title: Do Green Food Savers Work? Abstract: I decided to do this project because I wanted to see if a reusable food saver would be just as effective as a common household food saver. I cut pieces of apple and put them into Tupperware containers and covered each with Press and Seal wrap, Reynolds wrap, reusable food saver, and nothing, which was the control. I observed the apples over the course of two weeks, and found that the reusable food saver was the best food saver, which was surprising. This research shows that an environment friendly food saver worked better than a common household food saver. Project Number: MCS039 Grade: 8 Title: Which Wood Seems to be Most Durable During a Controlled Burn Abstract: Wood is used for a variety of things including framing homes, making furniture and providing warmth. The purpose of my project is to determine which woods were more durable during a controlled burn. I burned five different types of wood on three separate occasions to see how they might break down and disintegrate over time. I recorded the mass of each wood sample at the start of my project and after each burn. Additionally I recorded physical changes that noticed from the burn. Results will be available at the PRSEF. Project Number: MCS040 Grade: 8 Title: Lifespan of Carved Pumpkins with Preservatives Abstract: In the project I used 5 different preservatives and a control pumpkin with no preservatives. It took almost two months, the purpose of the project was to see how long the pumpkins would last. Most of them decomposed in the first 40 days or less. Two of them, which were alcohol and Lysol, lasted almost 2 months. Project Number: MCS041 Grade: 7 Title: Storing apples Abstract: In my project I was trying to find out which storage method works best in keeping apples from browining. I used plastic wrap, a plastic container, brown bag, and vaccuum bag. I used Gala apples for this project. Over the course of two weeks my results showed that the vaccuum seal worked the best to keep the apples from browning. Project Number: MCS042 Grade: 8 Title: What Gets The Red Out? Abstract: My science experiment is about testing what home products are most effective at removing red wine from fabric. The research question that I posed is: What is the most effective way to remove red wine stains from clothing - Milk, Salt, or Bleach? My independent variables are milk, salt, and bleach and my dependent variable is the red wine stain on the fabric.

Intermediate – Consumer Science (MCS) – 7th & 8th Grade

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Project Number: MCS043 Grade: 8 Title: Effect of Carbonated Soda on Meat Abstract: The purpose of this project was to see how much carbonated sodas would dissolve meat. Cola, Diet Cola, Lemon Twist, and an energy drink was used as the carbonated sodas. Meat was submerged in these different sodas for a 16 day period. Data was recorded every 4 days. The meat was weighed every four days, pictures were also taken. The energy drink dissolved the meat the fastest, Lemon Twist was second.

Intermediate – Consumer Science (MCS) – 7th & 8th Grade

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Intermediate – Earth/Space/Environment (MES) – 7th & 8th Grade

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Project Number: MES001 Grade: 8 Title: Can Water Float on Water? Abstract: Water can be warm at the surface, and cold down deeper, as literature suggests. This work is intended to learn if hot or cold water can float over the other. Colored hot tap water, on top, will be combined with differently colored cold tap water of the bottom. (3x) What occurs between the solutions, when they are combined, will be recorded. The data collection from the experiment will show how ocean, lakes, etc. temperatures will work. Project Number: MES002 Grade: 8 Title: Affects of Global Warming on the Gulf Stream Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to determine whether global warming, which is causing the glaciers to melt, will affect the velocity, temperature, or salinity of the global conveyor belt known as the Gulf Stream. Project Number: MES003 Grade: 8 Title: It's Raining Acid Up In Here Abstract: Randomly germinated lima bush bean seeds were placed 2 cm deep in purchased seed starter. The plants were placed in trays and labeled with the corresponding pH levels of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 for the control. The height and biomass of the plants were measured to determine the effect of acid rain on the overall plant. Plants with a pH of 5 had the greatest biomass while plants watered with water having a pH of 2 had the smallest biomass. Project Number: MES004 Grade: 8 Title: When are Cosmic Rays Most Active? Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MES005 Grade: 7 Title: Mother Nature Empties Her Trash Abstract: The purpose of my experiment is to test plastic bags in different environments to determine if and how fast they decompose in comparison to paper bags and newspaper in the same environments. Biodegradable and nonbiodegradable plastic bags, a paper bag, and a newspaper were secured and exposed to the sun, and placed in both a leaf and mulch pile. These materials were also individually put into water and salt water. After a several month time period, I observed that newspaper and paper bags decomposed quickest in the mulch pile and leaf pile, followed by salt water, water, and lastly in the sun alone. The biodegradable plastic bags decomposed very minimally, and the nonbiodegradable plastic bags did not decompose in time period. Project Number: MES006 Grade: 8 Title: Heat Racers Abstract: The rooms in my house are painted many different colors and I have noticed that some rooms seem to feel warmer on sunny days than on others. The purpose of this experiment to determine if different colors of paint might impact temperature of a room on sunny days, if that room is exposed to the sun. I constructed Paint Boxes and set these out on sunny days for a period of two hours. I monitored temperature changes and collected data accordingly. Results will be available at the PRSEF. Project Number: MES007 Grade: 8 Title: pH Levels Acidity vs. Alkalinity Abstract: My project is called pH Levels Acidity vs. Alkalinity and it was to see which of three types of soil had the highest pH level. I hypothesized that the soil sample from the gas station would have the highest pH level. My hypothesis was correct. The first thing I did was go to the three locations and collect soil samples. Next I set up the test kit, and then I tested the soil's pH. Last I recorded all of my results. The soil sample from the gas station had the highest pH level. Project Number: MES008 Grade: 7 Title: The Effect of Energy Saving on Household Carbon Footprints Abstract: My experiment’s purpose was to test if reducing energy consumption decreases household carbon footprints and which energy source (natural gas, electricity, and water) contributes the most. Each energy source’s usage was recorded each week. Experimental weeks, implementing energy saving measures, alternated with control weeks of normal energy usage. CO2 emissions for natural gas, electricity and water were calculated and compared between control and experimental weeks. Saving energy decreased CO2 emissions by 43kg (15.3%) per week and

Intermediate – Earth/Space/Environment (MES) – 7th & 8th Grade

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natural gas savings contributed to 62% of the decline. Thus, reducing energy consumption decreased household carbon footprints, and saving natural gas contributed the most. Project Number: MES009 Grade: 8 Title: DAWN to the Rescue Abstract: The purpose of my project was to see if Dawn dishwashing liquid cleasned oil off of feather better than other types of soap. I predicted that Dawn would clean the best. The first thing I did was gather all of my supplies. the I put two milliliters of oil on four feathers. The I let them sit for 24 hours. The next day i cleaned each feather with one teaspoon of soap. After, I repeated these steps three more times. In the end,Dawn dishwashing liquid ended up cleaning the feathers the best. Project Number: MES010 Grade: 8 Title: Let's Heat It Up Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to determine if the heat from a compost pile can generate enough heat energy to raise the temperature of water. To conduct this experiment you will need a compost bin, 25 pounds of compost material, 3 thermometers, and a metal can with 600 mL of water. The experimental results were measured by taking the temperature of the water in the can, the compost, and the air. The results were that the water temperature increased as well as the compost temperature increased even though the air temperature decreased. My hypothesis should be accepted. Project Number: MES011 Grade: 8 Title: Moisture Retaining Properties of Rocks Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to assess whether different types of rocks retain differing amounts of water. The experimentor will collect several types of rocks and place them in containers which contain water. The mass of the rocks will be measured before and after their exposure to water. The data collected in this experiment will be useful to scientists involved in the fracturing of rock in the Marcellus shale area of the country. Project Number: MES012 Grade: 7 Title: Tornadoes and Air Pressure Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MES013 Grade: 7 Title: Chemical vs. Natural - The Ultimate Smack-down Abstract: My project tested whether Chemical fertilizer was better then Natural fertilizer. I grew six spider plants and divided them into categories. One was "Chemical", one was "Natural", and the last two were "Regular". I grew the "Chemical" category plants with Miracle-Gro and Vigoro, two common fertilizers. I used mixed in coffee beans, and Kitchen Compost in the soil for the "Natural Category". Lastly for the "Regular" plants, I watered normally. Contrary to my hypothesis, the two "Regular" plants did the best in growth and color. Project Number: MES014 Grade: 8 Title: Comparing and Contrasting Insulation Abstract: The purpose of this project is to find the most effective insulator out of fiberglass, foam board, and cellulose. Project Number: MES015 Grade: 8 Title: Where do Worms Grow the Best? Abstract: The purpose of my experiment is to see in which type of soil worms will grow the best. The procedure for my experiment is to count out 20 worms and put them in five individual containers labeled A, B, C, D, and E. Once a week count and weigh the worms. The data collected had no clear pattern until the number of worms increased in containers C and E. In conclusion, container E with a mixture of everything that I also put in the other four containers, did the best because it had a good food source for the worms.

Intermediate – Earth/Space/Environment (MES) – 7th & 8th Grade

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Project Number: MES016 Grade: 8 Title: Can I Get You A Drink? Abstract: I picked this project, because I thought it would be helpful if you can still have plants that usually would die because you couldn’t water them, and this would help people that only need to water their plants 3 times a month. My hypothesis was that if you use x amount of water on the regular plant, you would save that much. I was wrong, actually you might only save half of what you usually use, but it still saves water. Project Number: MES017 Grade: 8 Title: The Amazing Affect of Weather and Temperature Abstract: This project was designed to see how temperature and weather affect a rubber band. The project was made to see where the best place to store rubber bands is. To test the experiment one must put rubber bands in different places with different temperatures. Colder temperatures make rubber bands the most elastic. In further work on can test how temperature and weather affect different things Project Number: MES018 Grade: 8 Title: Plastic or Metal, What's Best for the Earth? Abstract: The environment is a hot topic these days. Much work can be done to identify how different products affect our Mother Earth. This experiment was conducted to test and compare two products-a hair dryer and a toaster, on their eco-frienliness. The objects were disassembled and in turn placed into the ground for one month to test for corrosion and decay. The toaster had emitted corrosion unlike the hair dryer. Future work will determine the "green" object. Project Number: MES019 Grade: 8 Title: Chemicals and Biodegrading Abstract: I searched to find which chemical when added to a substance produced the most methane gas. I placed three substances, corn, a banana, and a piece of newspaper, in a plastic container. I added the appropriate chemical, lime juice, alcohol, and compost maker, to each substance and sealed the top. I connected a tube from the container to an upside down water bottle filled with four hundred milliliters of water. I recorded my data for fifty days marking how much methane each substance produced. I concluded that lime juice produces the most methane gas when added to a substance. Project Number: MES020 Grade: 8 Title: Natural Gas Drilling and Water Abstract: Oil and natural gas are a big part of a new generation of cleaner fuels. Although they are “clean” fuels, many people say otherwise. They file complaints about their water being contaminated and point the finger at natural gas wells. A recent study by Penn State says otherwise. Since the wells are surrounded by thick layers of concrete and steel there is practically no chance of anything escape the well. The average well for water ends at around 150 to 250 feet. The average natural gas well ends at around 5,000 to upwards of 11,000 feet. If anything should happen to leach out it would be far too deep to affect any water well. My project will determine whether or not natural gas wells are affecting our nations drinking water. Project Number: MES021 Grade: 8 Title: Melting Ice Abstract: The purpose of my project is to see what substance makes ice melt the fastest. I am going to test it by placing 1 ice cube on each plate and sprinkling 2 tablespoons of each substance on 1 ice cube. Next I will start the stopwatch immediately to time how quickly the ice has melted after 1 minute. I will measure how low the ice has melted. If I use different substances then the ice will melt at different rates. My prediction is that salt will melt ice the fastest because people use road salt to melt ice all the time in the winter. Project Number: MES022 Grade: 7 Title: Decomposition of Natural Plastic Abstract: I made my own plastic from whole milk.I seperated the curds from the whey. Then I added vinegar.I let it sit for two hours.I drained out the leftover liquid, and molded the subdance into a shape.I let it dry and I put it in soil. 2 weeks later it started to decompose.

Intermediate – Earth/Space/Environment (MES) – 7th & 8th Grade

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Project Number: MES023 Grade: 8 Title: Creek Connections Water Testing Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MES024 Grade: 7 Title: The Earth's Energy Abstract: I wanted to see if more energy is produced using a power plant verses geothermal reservoirs. I used a can with two holes to represent the power plant. The boiling water represented the geothermal resevoirs, the aluminum foil the earth's crust, and a pinwheel represented the turbine so I could measure the amount of energy produced. I learned that a power plant is necessary in order to produce more energy. I concluded that more energy is produced when the power plant is used. More holes caused less energy. Therefore, geothermal power plants are needed to increase energynproduction. Project Number: MES025 Grade: 7 Title: "Hair-Gone Crazy" Abstract: Does your hair go crazy when the weather turns rainy? My question is, "Does different hair strands change as humidity varies?" I hypothesized that chemically treated hair will absorb the most moisture on humid days. I built a hygrometer and tested the humidity outside using different hair strands; chemically treated hair, curly brown hair and straight blond hair. The hygrometer was placed outside on days when the temperature reached 72, 40, and 30 degrees. All results were recorded. Humidity was absorbed in all three types of hair. It was concluded, temperature and hair type has an affect on how much humidity is absorbed by human hair. Project Number: MES026 Grade: 7 Title: Hurricanes In A Bottle Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MES027 Grade: 7 Title: Composting - A Better Quality of Soil Abstract: Composting speeds up the natural process of decomposition, by providing conditions that are best for breaking down organic and improves the quality of dirt. The presence of Nitrogen in soil may determine the quality of that soil. This project will compare traditional composting involving dirt, water and organic waste with vermicomposting which is composting using the traditional method plus worms. Nitrogen levels will be measured at the start of my project and again at 3, 6 and 9 weeks. The amounts and types of organic matter added to the composts will be identical. Results will be presented at the PRSEF. Project Number: MES028 Grade: 8 Title: Is There Lead in the Land? Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MES029 Grade: 7 Title: How Can I Save on my Air-Conditioning Bill? Abstract: The importance of color and heat transfer were evaluated in this study. Model decks and adjacent walls were constructed and painted a variety of colors. An unpainted deck served as the control. Temperatures under the deck and on the adjacent wall were recorded over a two-month period. Project Number: MES031 Grade: 7 Title: Crystal Chaos Abstract: The purpose of my expirment was to find out what type of crystal grows faster. I took two beakers of warm water and two beakers of cool water and mixed them with sugar and salt. I hypothesised that the warm salt water would crystalize the best. I tested the expiriment for two weeks. In conclusion my hypothesis was correct.

Intermediate – Earth/Space/Environment (MES) – 7th & 8th Grade

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Project Number: MES032 Grade: 8 Title: Ways To Kill Stink bugs Abstract: For my science project i was determined to find out a way to kill the increasingly residential and crop/garden destructive stink bugs that have taken over areas in northeastern United States. I tested ten different products on the stink bugs by putting the bug in a baby food jar with a chemical. The stink bugs died a different amount of time in each chemical. By the end of the experiment I found that the stronger the chemical the more slowly the extermination was completed, which is the opposite of the hypothesis I declared in the beginning. Project Number: MES033 Grade: 7 Title: It's Electric Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to test if electricity can be generated from a homemade microbial fuel cell model. To conduct this experiment I built a model of a microbial fuel cell and tested the voltage daily. To measure the voltage I used a digital multimeter. The results were that it did generate electricity. My results did agree with my hypothesis which stated that if I make a homemade microbial fuel cell then electricity will be generated. Project Number: MES034 Grade: 8 Title: Many uses of solar energy Abstract: The purpose of this project was to create a low-cost solar system capable of powering small devices. I chose this project because of my interest in renewable resources. First, I searched to find how solar panels work. Then, I searched for similar designs on the internet. I finally began to design. Next, I will create my first prototype, and test it on small electronics. Finally, I will retest and redesign to create the most practical product (my design will be available on fair day). To further my research, I will create more solar products, and expand their uses. Project Number: MES035 Grade: 8 Title: What does Acid Rain Do? Abstract: Does acid rain destroy plants? This project shows how acid rain degrades the growth of plants. I found out whether dicot and monocot plants show any difference when exposed to acid rain. I studied what different pH’s do to the heights and dry masses of plants of the two classes—dicot and monocot. I tested the pH’s 6.8, 5.0, and 2.0. After the experiment, I found out that pH decreases the growth of the plants. As the pH decreases the plants’ heights and masses deteriorate as well. Project Number: MES036 Grade: 7 Title: Effects of Pollutants on Lemna Minor Plants Abstract: 50 mL of soda, weed killer, fertilizer, motor oil, and boat cleaner were added to labeled plastic aquariums containing 2 L of distilled water. 30 Lemna minor were measured and counted before being placed in each aquarium. Roots and fronds were measured and counted every week for 4 weeks. Per cent reduction was used to determine that motor oil had the greatest affect on the plants. Project Number: MES037 Grade: 7 Title: College Students' Knowledge on Marcellus Shale Abstract: I surveyed 328 students with a survey designed to test five hypotheses on Marcellus Shale knowledge. Out of the five hypotheses, three were supported: 1) Senior/graduate level college students know more. 2) College students who come from area know more than from outside states. 3) Students whose parents or friends work on topic will know more. Project Number: MES038 Grade: 8 Title: Effect of Household Cleaners on Plants Abstract: Pollution is a major factor in the environment. Brown water, the mixture of chemicals and detergents from the washing machine, are often not disposed of properly. When this occurs it can cause harm to many things. To show this I grew beans from the seed for 15 days watering them every other day with only water. For the next 15 days each group was watered with a different chemical but the same amount liquid. Each group had 3 plants. The results had a negative effect on my bean plants.

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Project Number: MES039 Grade: 7 Title: Are There Ways to Manage Water? Abstract: The goal of my project was to find inexpensive ways to control excess rainwater. To complete this project, I evaluated three methods of controlling excess rainwater. The methods I chose were tunnel reservoirs, green roofs, and permeable pavement. I interviewed representatives for the Allegheny Green Roof, the Allegheny County Sanitary Authority, and the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. I then tested samples of permeable pavement, bituminous pavement, green roof soil and substrate, and roofing shingles to determine the amount of water each sample was capable of holding. I then researched and calculated the cost and water absorption amount for each method. Project Number: MES040 Grade: 8 Title: The Power of Acid Abstract: My experiment is based on what would happen if plants got acid rain as a main supply of water. The normal ph of acid rain is 5 to 7. Mine uses ph of 1 to 3. My experiment is based on what would happen if air pollution (what causes acid rain) would continue. If the air pollution continues then the ph of acid rain would get higher. My hypothesis is that the plants are going to grow more slowly and the acid rain will weaken them enough so that a lack of untainted water killed them. My hypothesis was true. Project Number: MES041 Grade: 8 Title: Solar Panels Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to see how background color affects solar power. Do solar panels work better on a white or black background? A simple and safe solar powered electrical circuit was designed to operate a light bulb, a fan, and a siren. It was found that solar panels worked more effectively on a white background than a black one. This experiment can be applied in studies of energy and engineering. Project Number: MES042 Grade: 8 Title: Cause and Effect: Save the Coral, Save the Earth Abstract: Coral makes up eight percent of the Earth's surface, and is a habitat. Coral death is becoming prominent, and the potential for disaster and coral death stimulated me to find the cause of coral death and a natural, non-toxic prevention. Through research, I found that the most likely causes of coral death were a temperature change, a salinity, acidity, and nitrate increase, and a resultant Cyano HAB-algal bloom. I tested each factor, comparing each to a control. Throughout this procedure, I found that all of these were at the root of coral bleaching. At this point, I found that my control was coated in red slime algae, which is extremely detrimental to the coral, existing in surplus, triggered by pollutants. Through experimentation, I found a cage of clay, activated charcoal, and hydrogen peroxide to be effective in getting rid of the algae, creating a ratio of 6:3:1, respectively Project Number: MES043 Grade: 8 Title: Cleaning Oil Spills Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MES044 Grade: 8 Title: Temperature vs. Dissolved Oxygen Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MES045 Grade: 8 Title: Stink Bug Repellent Abstract: Stink bugs are small, flying bugs that eat crops and let off unpleasant smells. In my experiment I tested five different stink bug repellents to see which was most effective. I chose this project because people were being infested with these bugs in their homes. My experimental setup had three lanes, and at the end of each lane was the repellent. On the other side of the lane was alcohol, the control. After 15 minutes I measured the distance the stink bug was away from the repellent and concluded soapy alcohol worked best. Project Number: MES046 Grade: 8 Title: Growing Plants with Magnets Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to determine if magnets affect plant growth. Grass seeds were planted in three containers (no magnets, magnets under the soil, magnets above the soil) and watered every other day. After

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fifteen days the average growth was 17cm (no magnets), 17.7 cm (magnets under) and 17.2 cm (magnets above). After thirty days the average growth was 12.1cm, 20.6cm, and 16.5 cm respectively. My hypothesis, if magnetic fields affect plant growth then the plants will grow faster because the magnets will affect the minerals in the soil, was supported by the data. Project Number: MES047 Grade: 8 Title: Crazy Crystal Creations Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to analyze how temperature affects the crystallization of Borax. The crystals were placed in a refrigerator, at room temperature, and in an ice bath. It was hypothesized that the crystals would grow better in cooler temperatures (the refrigerator), because in order in order for the saturated water to regain solubility and crystallize, the temperature must be cold. Crystals seemed to grow the best in the coldest temperature. Environmentalists and earth scientists would be interested in these results. Project Number: MES048 Grade: 8 Title: Salty Seas Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MES049 Grade: 7 Title: Sizing Up the Moon Abstract: I did this project to discover whether or not the apparent changing of the moon’s size is illusory. I took various quantities of data, such as angle from the horizon and temperature, and took photographs of the moon. Then, I measured how many pixels tall the moon was on a paint program, and compared the size of the moon with the other data. I did not find a correlation between angle and the size of the moon. Then, I can conclude that the changes are illusory. Further research includes seeing if other factors might affect the size of the moon. Project Number: MES050 Grade: 8 Title: Decomposition Abstract: The purpose of the experiment was to see if you could accelerate or decelerate the rate of decomposition in leaves. The procedure was to put the leaves in the jars and then put a substance in the jar with them. The data showed leaves steadily decayed while others decayed much more quickly. The conclusions were bleach and air decay leaves the fastest. Project Number: MES051 Grade: 8 Title: Acid Rock Abstract: The purpose of my experiment was to find out how Marcellus Shale drilling impacted the pH levels in local water sources. In my project, I tested water from Nine Mile Run, the Monongahela River and the Allegheny River. To test the water, I used an aquarium testing kit. I have found normal levels of pH in the water sources. In the coming days, I plan on comparing the data I found in the water to data I found about pH levels before Marcellus Shale drilling began. This will show me how much the Marcellus Shale drilling has impacted our waters.

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Project Number: MER001 Grade: 7 Title: Catapult Chaos Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to determine if the angle of a catapult determined the distance a ping pong ball would travel. Hypothesis: As the pull back angle increased so would the distance the ping pong ball travel. Designed and built a catapult. Tested experiment ten times. Results: As the pull back angle increased so did the distance the ping pong ball traveled. No significant differences within each set of experiments. Conclusion: Experiment confirmed hypothesis that as the angle increased so would the distance the ball traveled. Balls launched at 60 degree angle traveled the farthest. Project Number: MER002 Grade: 8 Title: Magnetic Levitation Abstract: The purpose of my experiment was to find out which types of materials would be the most likely to levitate a magnet and, then, be able to be used to build a Maglev Train. The problem was: “Which material will levitate a magnet?” It was hypothesized that aluminum and copper would be the best conductors under Lenz’s law to levitate a magnet. It was found that the aluminum pipe was the best conductor to levitate a magnet. People that would be interested in these results would be electrical engineers or scientists. Project Number: MER003 Grade: 7 Title: Take Me Out to the Ballgame Abstract: The composition of a baseball bat and its impact on ball flight distance was evaluated. Project Number: MER004 Grade: 8 Title: Aw 'Chute! Abstract: My purpose for this experiment was to see what size parachute is most effective for a safe landing. I hypothesized that the largest parachute would be most effective for a safe landing because more air resistance will be created. I made three parachutes of different sizes- small (35cm), medium (40cm), and large (45cm)- from garbage bags. Then, I dropped each parachute 10 times from a 388 1/2cm high balcony, and used a stopwatch to time how long it took each one to drop to the ground. I recorded the results and my data showed that my hypothesis was correct. Project Number: MER005 Grade: 7 Title: Which Truss Bridge Is Best for You? Abstract: A variety of bridge types were constructed using balsa wood models. Each bridge was then evaluated for strength and durability with scaled testing. Project Number: MER006 Grade: 7 Title: The Electro-Magwheel Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MER007 Grade: 8 Title: Cost Effective Soundproofing Abstract: Everywhere in the world there is sound. There is sound in places we want, like music, but there is also sound that we don't want like in a private bedroom. The ides for Cost Effective Soundproofing is to find a simple, affordable way to make common day places soundproof. In this experiment, I will be testing a multitude of materials from egg cartons to dry wall with 3 trails using a Decibel (DB) meter to measure the results. The research can be used for improving the quality of life in homes, offices, hotels, airports, etc.

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Project Number: MER008 Grade: 8 Title: Maximum Fiber Optic Bend Radius Abstract: A fiber Optic cable is a very thin strand of glass used for transmitting data in the form of light. The fiber optic cable is transparent and no smaller than a single human hair. Five brands of fiber optic cable were tested. In my project I found which brand of fiber optic cable has the greatest tolerance for light transmission when bent. I came to conclude that the fiber optic cable Lucent had the greatest tolerance for the light. This would benefit anyone installing, or using fiber optic cables in modern times. Most fiber optic cable are installed and used in wire closets. These closets keep getting filled up and sometimes the cables have to be bent just to fit. With the results of this project, you can know exactly how far is too far to bend these cables. Project Number: MER009 Grade: 8 Title: Learn Colors Game iPhone App Abstract: iPhone Apps are quickly becoming a popular source of entertainment and education. This project focuses on the development of an application that teaches young children, as well as those learning English as a second language, to connect colors with the English words that describe them. At this current date, December 23, 2011, Learn Colors Game has been downloaded 548 times across the world since its publication on October 14, 2011, and has a five star rating. Project Number: MER010 Grade: 8 Title: Fox Hole Radio Abstract: The purpose of this project was to attempt to make a "Foxhole Radio" as constructed during World War II. Using simple materials, such as wires and a pencil, a rudimentary radio was created that can pick up radio frequencies. The goal to was measure the quantity of radio frequencies that could be received via the Foxhole Radio. Project Number: MER011 Grade: 7 Title: Rocket Car Abstract: Potential energy is the energy that is stored in a system. Kinetic energy is the energy of motion and movement. The results of potential energy compared to kinetic energy depend on many different variables which affect the velocity and distance of motion. My researched topics for potential energy transformed into kinetic energy were the computer, Dictionary, Encyclopedia, and a science top 20 magazine. I went on 3 different websites for the computer research: Kinetic Energy, Understanding Potential and Kinetic Energy Hypothesis, and Studying Potential Energy. I also researched encyclopedia to understand the relationship between potential energy and kinetic energy. Project Number: MER012 Grade: 8 Title: Rushing Water Abstract: In my project, I am testing to see if the size of a hole in a tidal barrage effects how much hydroelectricity is produced. To test this I have built a tidal barrage with three different sized holes. I will measure the amount of hydroelectricity that is being produced in various ways to support my outcome. I will count the rotations of a propeller of each hole, how long each hole powers a light bulb, the flow rate of each hole, and I will use the power equation P=eHQg to determine the total energy output of each hole. Project Number: MER013 Grade: 7 Title: Increasing the Elasticity of Rubber Bands Abstract: Given a package of #64 rubber bands, could I manipulate the bands to make one shoot farther, and retain its elasticity longer? I manipulated the rubber bands in five ways. I soaked the rubber bands in 34°, 61°, and 150°F water, heated them in a 170° oven, and cut them down to half their width. The oven heated rubber bands shot the farthest on average. The half-width rubber bands shot the shortest on average. Project Number: MER014 Grade: 8 Title: Testing the Poundage of Fishing Line Abstract: Testing the Poundage of Fishing Line I took 6lb test fishing line and took 5lb of weight, tied the fishing line on the weight and pulled the line up with the weight, it held so I put more weight on the line until it broke. Then I took two 6lb fishing line and put doubled the line and tested with weight to see if it would hold double. I did this with a line folded in 3. The line did not double or triple it’s holding ability.

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Project Number: MER015 Grade: 8 Title: Hydroelectricity Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to see if a water turbine could be engineered and successfully light a 1.5 voltage light bulb. The design worked successfully with a pressurized hose. The light bulb could also be lit by spinning a crank (using mechanical energy). Environmentalists and engineers would be interested in this design Project Number: MER016 Grade: 7 Title: Spin Right Round Abstract: The purpose of my project is to determine how the number of coils affects how quickly a motor spins. I will make motors with different amount of coils in order to see which spins the fastest I will measure the speed with a voltmeter. If I build three electric motors, one with 10 coils, one with 30 coils and one with 50 coils, then the motor will spin at different rates. I think that the motor with 50 coils will spin the fastest. The reason why I think the motor with 50 coils will spin the fastest because I think that it makes more electricity. Project Number: MER017 Grade: 8 Title: Salt Water: Alternative Energy? Abstract: Desalination is the process of removing salt from seawater so that it can be used for drinking and irrigation. However, this process has many problems such as using extreme amounts of energy, being very expensive, and the chemicals used are harmful to the environment. In this experiment, 11 metal electrodes were tested in a 20% and a 40% salt concentration, measured in volts, then the top 2 metals were measured in amperage, and the top metal was doubled to show the effect of different salt content in various sea waters. It was determined that magnesium performed the best in a 40% salt concentration and doubled. Therefore, it is theoretically possible to power the desalination process using salt water. This would be known as “Regeneration” or “Re-gen” for short. Project Number: MER018 Grade: 7 Title: What stops an arrow the fastest? Abstract: The problem is: using the following materials; foam block, pillow, sand bag, or 3D archery target, what stops an arrow the fastest? It is hypothesized that the object with the greatest density will stop an arrow the fastest and cause less penetration. A brief procedure of the experiment is as follows: Set up the foam block, sand bag, pillow, and 3 D archery target and shoot each one five times. Take pictures, record data, and analyze data to draw conclusions. The results do not support my hypothesis Project Number: MER019 Grade: 8 Title: Best Insulation for Clothing Abstract: Thermal insulation is the reduction of heat transfer. Insulation for clothing is necessary to prevent hypothermia. This work intends to determine the most effective fabric for use of insulation. Four different fabrics were compared: Cotton, Under Armour, Fleece, and a Cotton/Polyester mix. To test which fabric provides best insulation, temperature change was compared between a container wrapped with a test fabric and a control container. It was determined that Fleece was the best insulator, because it yielded the least temperature change. Project Number: MER020 Grade: 8 Title: Suspenseful Potential Abstract: My experiment is to test if the gravitational potential energy of a coaster will have to be greater than the kinetic energy it needs to complete its track. I hypothesized that the potential energy will always be greater than the kinetic energy. In my experiment, I made three tracks using foam pipe insulation. Then I measured how high the starting point was and how long the track was. Then I got the mass of a marble, let it run down the track and calculated it velocity. Using these measurements, I calculated the amount of energy for both types in joules. I realized my hypothesis was proven correct. Project Number: MER021 Grade: 7 Title: Soaring High Abstract: The purpose of my project is to determine which wing design creates the most lift. I am going to do this by creating six different wing designs. They will be a conventional straight wing, a swept-back wing, a swept forward wing, a delta wing, variable swept wing, and a flying wing. I will test all of them to discover which one creates the most lift. I will do this by first creating the wings out of plywood, then placing them at a thirty degree angle on top of wooden supports. Next I will slide the wings into a wind tunnel. Then I will begin to periodically add weights onto the

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wing until it goes under thirty degrees. I believe that the delta wing will create the most lift. I believe this because they have a large wingspan and are used for military aircrafts. Project Number: MER022 Grade: 8 Title: The Effects of Aerodynamics on Paper Gliders Abstract: My experiment is on the effects of aerodynamics on paper gliders. My purpose is to see which plane is better, an omniwing (single wing plane) or a standard plane. My hypothesis is to see which plane will fly farther and better. I used three different planes, a control, an omniwing, and a standard plane. To test my planes I used a tape measure to measure the distance and a stopwatch to time them. After I got the time and distance I found the average of both planes and announced the winner of that day. That is how I tested. Project Number: MER024 Grade: 8 Title: The Waterwheel Abstract: If I use more bottle caps on my wheel will the wheel spin faster because there is more flowing water and increase power? My project is to show how energy is created through flowing water. I decided to do this when I was researching different things to pick my topic then I noticed a ling to a video of a water wheel. It looked like it would be very fun to build so I picked it. I hoped to achieve success by getting the water wheel in motion but then I figured out this was going to be hard. But knowledge will increase when you experience failures so I would not give up. Project Number: MER025 Grade: 8 Title: Soaking Up The Storm Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MER026 Grade: 7 Title: Solar Panel Efficiency Comparison Abstract: My science project is going to test various ways to increase solar panel efficiency. I will be conducting three tests. First however I will be assembling the solar panel from scratch. After that I conducted the tests. These were cooling the solar panel, using mirrors to angle more light onto the solar panel surface, and mathematically angling the cells of the solar panel to get the optimum light intake from the sun. These tests will be performed on three different days with the same solar panel. Once the tests are done I think hypothesize that using mirrors to angle light will increase solar panel efficiency the most. I will reach this possible conclusion by measuring the energy output and voltage. Project Number: MER027 Grade: 8 Title: Bridge The Gap Abstract: The purpose of this project was to analyze the strength of various bridge designs. Using Kinex materials, K-Truss, Arch, and Suspension bridges were created. Load weight was added until the bridge design was compromised. The K-Truss bridge was found to be the most successful at holding the largest amount of weight. Project Number: MER028 Grade: 8 Title: 15 Miles on the Erie Canal Abstract: A makeshift calorimeter, which measures heat, was made up of a cup and a foam lid. Inside was an eggbeater pedal suspended in 200 milliliters of water. A drill press was used to turn the eggbeater at 620 rotations per minute. The eggbeater pedal rotated in the water, and the water temperature fluctuated. A temperature probe was inserted into the cup before testing and remained throughout to graph the temperature rise. The data was collected on the computer program Logger Pro and recorded. The results show that when water is subjected to more mechanical energy, the thermal energy increases accordingly. Project Number: MER029 Grade: 7 Title: Hovercraft Hero Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to find which surface a homemade hovercraft glides the best on. To conduct this experiment i constructed a homemade hovercraft and placed it on three different surfaces. The experimental results were measured by finding the mean of several trials. The results of this experiment showed that the tile surface was the best for the hovercraft to glide on.

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The results indicate that the hypothesis should be accepted because the hovercraft did have the least amount of friction and glided easily on the tile surface. Project Number: MER030 Grade: 8 Title: How Much Electricity Could Be Saved By Using Smart Technology? Abstract: The purpose of this project was to determine whether energy saving devices really work and how many watts, CO2 and money you could conserve per month and per year by using them. The investigator tested a lamp using a CFL and an incandescent light bulb. The investigator measured both light bulbs with the Belkin Conserve INsight. The investigator measured watt and CO2 output and also the cost. The investigator repeated the same steps using a television with and without an energy saving power cord. The investigator concluded that an energy saving light bulb saves you money, CO2 output and watt output but that the power cord had little impact on the watts, CO2 and cost of using the television. Project Number: MER031 Grade: 8 Title: Building a Stronger Bridge Abstract: The purpose of this project was to demonstrate the difference in strength between bridge designs. This project compared 3 different bridge designs (Simple Beam, King Post truss, and Warren Truss). I used the following steps: 1) Build three bridge designs out of balsa wood, 2) hang a bucket from the middle of each bridge, 3) add weight to the bucket until each bridge breaks. As more supports are added to a bridge the stronger it becomes. As expected, the model bridge with the most supports was the strongest. The Warren Truss held 6 times as much weight as the Simple Beam and e times as much as the King Post Truss. Project Number: MER032 Grade: 7 Title: Which Bridge will support the most weight? Abstract: The purpose of the investigator's experiment was to determine which bridge (beam, arch, or suspension) is most structurally efficient. The investigator first build the bridges out of balsa wood. Each bridge was 16 inches long. Then the investigator attached a weight basket to each bridge and tested how much weight it could hold. Next, the investigator recorded the weight. The eam bridge held 64 pounds, the arc bridge held 39 pounds, and the suspension 59 pounds. The investigator then concluded that the beam bridge has the best structure of the three bridges. Project Number: MER033 Grade: 8 Title: Shapes and Scattered Light Abstract: The purpose of my project is to determine which shapes scatter the most light. I will tape the inside of a box with black paper and tape a lux meter sensor to bottom of the inside of the box. I will cut hole for flashlight above and test the shapes made to determine which scatters more light. The lower the lux meter, reading the more the light that is scattered. I think that the crumpled cylinder would scatter the most light. I made this hypothesis because the cylinder that’s crumpled has lots of creases that could make the radar not send back accurate reading. Project Number: MER034 Grade: 7 Title: Bullseye! Abstract: A chronograph was placed in front of the bow to calculate the velocity of the moving arrows. After calculating the velocity the velocity and the mass of the arrows will be used to calculate momentum. These results were recorded, graphed and analyzed. The results showed the arrows with 6.48g tips had the most momentum while arrows with 3.24g tips had the most velocity. Project Number: MER035 Grade: 7 Title: Charge in the car Abstract: The purpose of the experiment was to find the most efficient way to charge an iPod using a homemade device. The power source was connected to the homemade charger and a reading was taken of the amount of raw energy produced by the power source and the energy after going through a 5V regulator. If was found that batteries lost about 1/3 of their energy while solar panels and generators lost about half of their energy. Batteries are less durable and therefore more costly even though they work best.

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Project Number: MER043 Grade: 7 Title: Square Root Machine Abstract: How do machines calculate square roots? Although computers and calculators contain special pieces of hardware that directly perform addition, multiplication, etc., they typically calculate square roots either through software or through logarithmic lookup tables. In my project, I have designed a new hardware-only machine that uses digital logic (e.g., AND and OR gates) to directly compute square roots without using lookup tables, using the digit-by-digit method on binary numbers. I have implemented a prototype of my design on real hardware using an FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) development board, and I have evaluated tradeoffs between speed and hardware cost. Project Number: MER044 Grade: 7 Title: Light Up My World Abstract: The purpose of this project was to determine if the light brightness output of a LED will vary when different regulated voltages are introduced to it. All four LED lights turned on at a specific forward voltage and increased in brightness with an increasing regulated DC voltage input as predicted. All four LED lights reduced their brightness by approximately 60% when a square oscillating wave was introduced to the same LED lights with the same respective voltage peak levels as predicted. Project Number: MER045 Grade: 8 Title: The Effect of Wind on Bridges Abstract: I chose this project because when I seen the lives that were lost to bridge accidents related to wind I was overwhelmed. The goal of my project was to see if widening a bridge or adding handrails would make it better stand up to the wind. My hypothesis was that adding handrails would strengthen the bridge. I also said widening the bridge would make it stronger. My hypothesis was correct my data showed that when the bridge was widened vibration decreased. It also showed that when handrails were added the vibration decreased. Project Number: MER046 Grade: 7 Title: Building From the Ground Up Abstract: Building a skyscraper, or any structure, is more than just building the walls, windows, and floors. All structures require a foundation to keep them from falling down. This especially important when a structure is built on a hill or on a slope. In this science project, I will build a tower of Legos on slopes with different angles. I will investigate how deep an engineer has to dig the foundationfor each angle of slope so that the building does not fall down. Project Number: MER047 Grade: 7 Title: Pole The Flag Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MER048 Grade: 7 Title: Shielding from Laptop EMF Emmisions Abstract: Laptops emit electromagnetic radiation, (EMF), which can be hazardous to the user’s health. EMF shields are available, but they are expensive and only shield the bottom of the laptop. In this experiment EMF laptop bottom shields were made using removable fabric pouches to cover metallic fabric inserts. Additionally, a see-through shield material was attached to each bottom shield in order to protect the user from EMF emissions over the entire surface of the laptop. The homemade shields blocked over 99% of laptop EMF. The homemade shields were more economical and unlike commercial shields, provided protection over the entire laptop. Project Number: MER049 Grade: 7 Title: I Love My Cell Phone, But Does It Love Me? Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract.

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Project Number: MER050 Grade: 8 Title: Truss Bridge Strength Abstract: The purpose of my experiment is to determine whether it makes a difference in the strength of a truss bridge whether the truss is above or below the roadbed. Project Number: MER051 Grade: 8 Title: The Black Hole Box Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MER052 Grade: 8 Title: 3-D Holographic Projector Abstract: In this project, I attempted to design a device that can project images in three dimensions. The idea for this project was inspired by fascination in futuristic technologies such as a holographic projector. I made hypothetical designs based on research, then attempted to test them by creating a rough prototype. During experimentation, I found that glass bent in the correct way could reflect light in a way that can be used for 3-D. I conclude that, while a working prototype hasn’t been disproven, I have not achieved. Further testing will be necessary to prove the concept. Project Number: MER053 Grade: 8 Title: You Would Be Shocked! Abstract: The purpose of the experiment is to discover what level of relative humidity is necessary to suppress a static electric field. To test this a Van De Graaff generator was built to generate the static charge needed. Also constructed was a highly sensitive static field detector. Both devices were then placed in a small room where the relative humidity could be manipulated. Final results will be reported once experimentation has completed. Project Number: MER054 Grade: 7 Title: Just a Bunch of Static Abstract: My experiment deals with static electricity. Ouch! You just got shocked on a door knob and you don’t know why. The answer simple static electricity. The purpose of this project is to see if I can create transfer and discharge static electricity using a Leyden jar and an electrophorus. I determined that you get different voltages of static electricity with different charge numbers. Project Number: MER055 Grade: 7 Title: What is the best natural insulation? Abstract: There are many natural insulation materials. I have chosen leaves, grass, pine needles and dirt to study. My hypothesis is that dirt will insulate the best. I will investigate how these materials will keep cold water cold and warm water warm. Each material will be placed in wooden boxes and measured after two hours. The material that keeps the water temperature closest to the starting temperature will insulate best. Pine needles had the best insulation followed by dirt, in insulating cold water. Dirt provided the best insulation in keeping the warm water warmest. Project Number: MER056 Grade: 8 Title: The Effect of Temperature on LED’s Abstract: This project is to see how much and when temperature affects the light output of a LED (Light Emitting Diode). Wouldn’t you like to know this if you where camping, hunting, fishing, etc? So if you’re outdoorsy this project is for you. I have completed numerous tests at different temperature and concluded that temperature does affect the light output of a LED just like my hypothesis stated. Project Number: MER057 Grade: 8 Title: Go, Solar Car, Go! Abstract: The purpose of my project is to see how the angle of sun rays affects the speed of a model solar car. First I have to buy and build a solar toy car. Then I get a flash light and angle it at different angles to determine how they make the toy car move. Next I will time the speed of the car. I will make sure the flash light is at the same distance. If I took those steps I would find out if a certain angle would affect the speed of my solar car. I think that if change the

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angle the speed would be different. I think a 45 degree angle will make it go faster because it is a lower angle and closer to the car. Project Number: MER058 Grade: 7 Title: Electromagnetic Piston Engine Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract.

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Intermediate – Medicine/Health/Microbiology (MMH) – 7th & 8th Grade

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Project Number: MMH001 Grade: 7 Title: Tooth Enamel Staining by Beverages Abstract: This project tests which commonly consumed beverages cause the most discoloration or staining of tooth enamel. Cups are filled with either milk, water, coffee, black tea, grape juice, Coke, green tea, or red wine. The pH of each beverage is measured. An egg is placed in each cup and allowed to soak for various time intervals. After each time interval, the amount of discoloration of the eggs are measured and compared. Eggs are used to simulate tooth enamel because eggshells have similar mineral content. The more acidic beverages caused the most staining. Project Number: MMH002 Grade: 7 Title: Which Flour Has the Most Gluten? Abstract: All-purpose, whole wheat, and unbleached flours were tested for the amount of gluten. Whole wheat flour contained the most gluten. Project Number: MMH003 Grade: 8 Title: Whose Mouth is Cleaner? - A Dog's or a Human's? Abstract: The problem for this experiment asks whether a dog’s or a human’s mouth is cleaner. If bacteria colonies are grown from human and dog samples, then the cleanliness of the mouth can be determined. To conduct this experiment this researcher will ask peers to fill out consent forms before taking swabs of the mouth. Collect the swabs, and then lightly rub all swabs into separate Petri dishes. Petri dishes will be sealed after inoculation, and incubated. After the colonies have grown, compare the color and number of bacteria colonies to determine whose mouth is cleaner. Project Number: MMH004 Grade: 7 Title: Can Microorganisms Be Affected By the Magnetic Field? Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MMH005 Grade: 8 Title: When Cancer Attacks Abstract: The purpose of this project was to analyze the karyotypes of patients with cancer. The chromosomal karyotypes of individuals with leukemia were compared to those of healthy individuals. Various mutations, deletions, and insertions can be identified from the karyotypes that may be the cause of certain forms of cancer. This project can provide useful information in the fields of genetics and medicine. Project Number: MMH006 Grade: 8 Title: How Bacteria Contaminated are Restaurant Menus Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to determine which restaurant’s menu is most contaminated with bacteria. Swabs will be taken from 2 of each restaurant menu, one will be sterilized and the other will not. Swabs will then be used to inoculate 10mL of sterile saline water. Two different kinds of agar, Nutrient agar and MacConkey agar, will be inoculated with the water samples previously prepared and will be incubated at 37 degrees Celsius. If you would like to see the results of this experiment, please view this presentation on the day of the science fair. Project Number: MMH007 Grade: 8 Title: Effect of Dynamic vs. Static Stretches on Pitching Abstract: Take five or more people and have each do either a dynamic or static stretch. A few stretches they can do are shoulder stretch, hamstring stretch, scorpion, etc. Then have each one pitch ten times. Keep track of how closely grouped the pitches are.

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Project Number: MMH008 Grade: 7 Title: Bye, Bye Boo Boos! Abstract: Sterile paper disks were soaked for 2 minutes in 10 mL of hydrogen peroxide, povidone iodine, Walgreens antiseptic skin cleanser, Walgreens first aid antiseptic spray, CVS decolorized iodine, and Neosporin were placed on an agar plate streaked with non pathogenic staphylococcus epidermidis. The plate was taped shut, inverted, and placed in the incubator for 48 hours before being removed and the zone of inhibition was measured and recorded. Hydrogen peroxide created the greatest zone of inhibition. Project Number: MMH009 Grade: 8 Title: Most Effective Acne Medication Abstract: The purpose of my experiment was to see which acne medication is most effective in killing acne causing, Staphylococcus epidermidis bacteria I will test my experiment by taking a circular piece of paper soaked in the diluted antibiotic, and placing it in the center of a section of a Petri dish rubbed with Staphylococcus epidermidis. After four days I will measure the inhibition zone that formed to determine the effectiveness of the acne medication. I observed and concluded that Clindamycin Antibiotic had the largest inhibition zone followed by Benzoyl Peroxide and then the Tetracycline Antibiotic. Project Number: MMH010 Grade: 7 Title: Herbal vs. Synthetic Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to see if tea tree oil or erythromycin would inhibit more bacteria. First, pipette 3 µl of staphylococcus aureus onto each agar plate, then poke four holes in each of two plates, and place four erythromycin discs on the third one. Fill one plate’s holes with tea tree oil, and fill the other’s with sterile water. Place them in an incubator and record data at 24 and 48 hours. My conclusion supported the hypothesis, in which it was predicted that tea tree oil would work better than erythromycin. Project Number: MMH011 Grade: 8 Title: Bacterial Resistance Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to make people aware of current bacterial resistance. To conduct experiment, spread three bacteria species on each plate and place four erythromycin disks on each plate. Allow the bacteria to grow and record all data. Remove the bacterial colony closest to the disk and re-culture for next generation. The data collected showed that all bacteria became less instead of more resistant to erythromycin which was unexpected. The hypothesis was incorrect because the bacterial species became less instead of more resistant to the erythromycin antibiotic. Project Number: MMH012 Grade: 7 Title: Spices and Bacterial Growth Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to determine whether spices inhibit bacterial growth and if so which spice is most effective. Triptych soy agar plates covered in Escherichia Coli, containing for holes filled with oil spice, were put in an incubator at 37 degrees centigrade. The zones of inhibition around each hole were measured at 24 and 48 hours and data showed that all of the spices inhibited bacterial growth. However coriander had a significantly larger zone of inhibition at 22.1 mm. My findings on coriander can be used for medicinal purposes and cures in the prevention of harmful bacteria and disease. Project Number: MMH013 Grade: 8 Title: Freaky Fingernails Abstract: The project was done to try and figure out how different liquids affect fingernails. There were 42 fingernails in all, seven for each liquid, and five different liquids, Water, Dish Soap, Vinegar, Olive Oil, and Coke. Some fingernails were left on the counter as the control. For seven days data was recorded to see the results. The water ended up being the best for the nails. The vinegar and coke turned the nail a brownish color. The control became hard. The dish soap and olive oil turned the nail a yellowish color. Liquids have many interesting affects on nails. Project Number: MMH014 Grade: 8 Title: Vitamin's Affect Inhibiting Bacteria Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to find out which liquid vitamin would inhibit the most bacteria. The liquid vitamins tested were B12, C, D, and E. Four holes were poked into TSA agar plates, were filled with one of the liquid vitamins, and were placed into the incubator at 37 degrees Celsius. After sitting for 48 hour time periods in the

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incubator, each plate was taken out and the zone of inhibition was measured around each hole. My data showed that liquid vitamin C inhibited the most bacteria out of all of the liquid vitamins tested in this experiment. Project Number: MMH015 Grade: 7 Title: Reckoning the Effectiveness of the Flu Vaccine Abstract: Influenza is caused by a RNA virus, which frequently evolves into different strains by constantly changing its nucleotides. Every year the World Health Organization recommends vaccine strains by guessing the next year’s virus strains. As the vaccine is developed by prediction, its effectiveness varies yearly. This project will analyze the past 10-years' flu vaccines' effectiveness. The H protein sequences from vaccines and circulating virus strains will be compared to find the vaccine efficacy. A correlation graph will be generatedby plotting the percent sequence identity against the number of people hospitalized with flu symptoms, and will be used to estimate the effectiveness of the current (2011) flu vaccine. I’m still conducting my experiment. My final abstract will be available on Fair Day. Project Number: MMH016 Grade: 7 Title: Hand Sanitizers vs Antibacterial Wipes Abstract: Hand sanitizers and antibacterial wipes can help prevent disease and illness from germs transferred by the hands. This experiment was intended to find out whether sanitizers or hand wipes would most inhibit bacterial growth. Paper discs soaked in 7 sanitizers and 7 antibacterial wipes and sterile water. They were then were placed on agar plates streaked with E. coli, S. epidermidis, and M. luteus. Four trials were conducted for each sanitizer/wipe/control for each bacterial strain. The 90 agar plates were placed in the incubator for 72 hours at 37 degrees Celcius. Plates were removed, zones of inhibition were measured, and the results of the four trials for each were averaged. Hand wipes inhibited more growth than sanitizers. Also, Baby Ganics sanitizer and CVS hand wipes inhibited bacterial growth the best. These both contained Benzalkonium Chloride as the active ingredient. Future work is planned to test more strains of bacteria. Project Number: MMH017 Grade: 7 Title: Lung Capacity in Children Abstract: The investigator's purpose is to see if boys' lung capacity is bigger than girls' lung capacity. The investigator did her project by making three boys and three girls blow into separate balloons, and measuring them. The investigator's conclusion is that a boy's lung capacity is bigger than a girl's lung capacity. Project Number: MMH018 Grade: 8 Title: Effects of Alcohol Abstract: My purpose was to determine the effects of alcohol on a random group of people. Tequila was given to participants followed by acuity testing at regular intervals. I learned that alcohol affects people differently, depending on age, height, weight and gender. As hypothesized, most participants’ tests results declined. The results were as expected. I knew alcohol affected people and this experiment showed me exactly how. This project would be beneficial to bars and restaurants to help detect excessive drinking. For a future experiment, I could use different types of alcohol and run more tests for more precise results. Project Number: MMH019 Grade: 7 Title: Flippin' Out Abstract: I have been on a swim team for five years. Our team enjoys working out using flippers to improve the kicking action of our strokes. For this project I am examining the impact of flippers when used regularly during practice for the dolphin and flutter kick. Participants will swim strokes using these kicks with and without flippers for a duration between 5 and 20 minutes. I will look at 25 yard swim times without flippers to help determine if this device might be helping swimmer performance. Results will be available at the PRSEF. Project Number: MMH020 Grade: 8 Title: How Sweet It Is Abstract: I will be testing different types of food and drink to see how much glucose is in each. To test this, I put 30mL of different types of food (mashed bananas, steak sauce, mashed zucchini, mashed carrots, mashed bread and Diet Pepsi) in clear plastic cups. Then I added 30mL of water to the food to make it more of a liquid. Next, I dipped a glucose test strip, which is typically used for urinalysis, into each solution. I checked the amount of glucose

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with the scale on the side of the box. I hypothesized that the mashed bananas would have the highest amount of glucose. My hypothesis was shown to be incorrect. I concluded that bread actually had the most glucose. Project Number: MMH021 Grade: 8 Title: The effect of exercise on sleep Abstract: Abstract The effects of exercise before bed. While knowing sleep and exercise are both important for enjoying good health, research is unclear about exercise before bed having an effect on sleep and then on the performance of a person the next day. This project intended to see if exercising before bed would have a positive effect on sleep due to fatigue from exercise as well as increased performance the next day due to a good night’s sleep. My research suggests that the best time to exercise is 60-90 minutes before bed – that exercise closer to bedtime may lessen the amount of restful sleep. Project Number: MMH022 Grade: 8 Title: Bacteria Be Gone! Abstract: The purpose of my experiment was to determine what dilution rate best decontaminates a household sponge. I placed a sterilized inoculating loop into a tube containing E coli, swirled it around to catch the organism, swirled the organism into a broth, and incubated the broth. I diluted the bleach into 33 ppm, 66 ppm, 132 ppm, and 200 ppm. I soaked the sponges in the broth, placed each sponge in the different dilution rates, and plated the sample. I counted the bacteria growth colonies. My hypothesis was correct; the 200 ppm dilution most effectively killed bacteria. Project Number: MMH023 Grade: 7 Title: Off Balance Abstract: Balance is essential for completing many everyday tasks like walking or riding a bike. This project is intended to bring awareness to the role that two of our senses play in keeping us on balance. Sight and hearing will be the focus of my project. Participants will be deprived of one or both of these two senses as they walk and do basic skills on a standard balance beam. Results will be available at the PRSEF. Project Number: MMH024 Grade: 8 Title: Eat Your Way to a Healthy Day Abstract: Whenever I eat a good breakfast I always feel better at lunch than if I eat nothing. The purpose of this project was to learn what type of breakfast would impact a student’s performance in school the best. The five different categories tested were carbohydrate and protein, carbohydrate based, protein based, refined sugar based, and no breakfast. I had each student eat a certain type of breakfast and then recorded their hunger and alertness on a scale of 1-5, followed by self-observations. Results will be available at the PRSEF. Project Number: MMH025 Grade: 7 Title: Does Strength of Magnet Affect Bacteria to Proliferate? Abstract: Prepared two tubes containing sterile Lauria Broth solution which was inoculated with E. coli. One tube was placed in a device containing eight N 42 magnets. The other tube was placed in a similar device not containing magnets (Control). Both tubes were incubated at 37°C and a sample was removed from each tube after 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours of incubation. The number of bacteria present in the sample was determined by using a Spec 20 and by counting colonies present on MacConkey agar plates. Project Number: MMH026 Grade: 8 Title: Do Ice Packs Keep Lunches Cold? Abstract: Ice packs numbering from 0-5 were placed in a lunch box. Temperatures within lunch box were measured before and after the investigation. At least 2 ice packs were needed to keep lunch box under 4 degrees Celsius. Project Number: MMH027 Grade: 8 Title: Which Topical Antibiotic Works Best? Abstract: The purpose of this project was to see which topical antibiotic worked the best. First, using a pipette. Spread 5 microliters of Stahylococcus epidermitis bacteria into an agar plate. Then, make a square out of holes made by a straw. Place a drop of the antibiotic into each of the holes, and out it into an incubator for 48 hours. After each 24

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hour period, measure the radius’s of the holes and average the data. The data showed that Neosporin did the best out of the four antibiotics, but was more expensive than Triple Antibiotic, the next leading brand. Project Number: MMH028 Grade: 8 Title: How Effective Are Mouth Guard Cleaning Methods Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MMH029 Grade: 8 Title: Does Moisture Affect Yeast? Abstract: Bread dough was made using yeast and different amounts of moisture. One amount was more than recommended, one amount was less than recommended, and one was the recommended amount. There was no significant difference among the heights of the risen dough. Project Number: MMH030 Grade: 8 Title: Is Listerine Any Better than Home Remedies? Abstract: Although Listerine mouthwash is the most used mouthwash in the United States, recent studies have shown that it increases the risk of oral cancer. This experiment was conducted to see if home remedies of salt or lemon mouthwash could be better alternatives to Listerine. These three mouthwashes were tested by incubating 40 Petri dishes for 24 hours on 37 degrees Celsius with bacteria from my mouth. Data was taken by measuring the zone of inhibition from the edge of the paper disc to the nearest colony of bacteria. It was determined that the lemon mouthwash prevented the most bacterial growth. Project Number: MMH031 Grade: 8 Title: How Does Exercise Affect Your Heart Rate? Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to find out if anaerobic or aerobic exercises increase a human's heart rate more The investigator tested walking for the anaerobic exercise and running for the aerobic exercise. The investigator had eleven human subjects execute each exercise for one minute. The investigator gathered all data and concluded that aerobic exercise increase a human's heart rate the most. Project Number: MMH032 Grade: 7 Title: Mouth Stuff Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MMH033 Grade: 7 Title: How Bacteria Contaminated is Ice Served @ Restaurants? Abstract: Purpose: Which restaurant serves ice contaminated with the most bacteria. Procedure: 1. Place 1 mL of sterile distilled water on a petri dish containing MacConkey Agar. (Control) 2. Repeat step 1 using 7 more dishes. 3. Randomly select one of the four restaurants for testing. 4. Repeat steps 1 – 2 using the ice water from the restaurant selected in step 3. 5. Repeat steps 3 - 4 for the remaining restaurants. 6. Incubate all petri dishes at 37°C for 48 hours and record the number of bacteria colonies present. 7. Repeat steps 1 – 6 using nutrient agar petri dishes. Data is still being collected and my results will be available at the fair. Project Number: MMH034 Grade: 7 Title: The Effect of Different Sweetners on Yease Fermentation Abstract: This experiment's purpose was to determine if yeast will proof when using artificial sweeteners. The investigator measured sixty ml of water into three jars and added yeast to each jar. Three grams of suer were placed in one jar, and the same amount of Splenda to another. The third jar remained a control jar with nothing aded to the yeast. The height the yeast raised in each jar was recorded every five minutes for forty-five minutes. The investigator concluded that sugar caused yeast to raise more than Splenda.

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Project Number: MMH035 Grade: 8 Title: Wipe It Clean Abstract: Sterile discs were placed in 20mL Lysol, Giant Eagle Disinfecting Wipes, Sani-Cloth, Clorox, Seventh Generation, Up & Up, and Distilled Water (control). The paper discs were soaked in the solution for 10 minutes and dripped for 2 minutes before being placed in agar plates streaked with bacillus cereus. The plates were inverted in an incubator set at 37° Celsius for 48 hours before being removed and the zone of inhibition measured. There was a 7mm difference between Up & Up which had the largest zone and Seventh Generation with the smallest and was 6 cents more costly than Up & Up. Project Number: MMH036 Grade: 7 Title: What can you eat before working out? Abstract: The purpose of the experiment was to determine whether it was better to eat carbohydrates or proteins before performing physical activity. The investigator used ten girls ages 12-13 and had them eat meals of carbohydrates or proteins. They then rested for an hour and then jumped rope until they became fatigued. The data concluded that most of the girls performed better after eating carbohydrates. Project Number: MMH037 Grade: 8 Title: A Basketball's starting position's affect on a player's shooting percentage Abstract: People shoot from all different angles at the basket and I'm trying to find if this affects the player's shooting percentage. This will help people and me making better shots. Project Number: MMH038 Grade: 7 Title: Computer Analysis to differenciate the cancer cells from benign cells Abstract: My name is Varun Parwani, I am from Dorseyville Middle School. My project for PRSEF is Image Processing to Differentiate Cancer cells and non-cancer cells. I did this project because I didn't know how much about cancer cells and non-cancer cells. Using a Image Analyzing software I was able to measure and analyze different slides of kidney cells(with and without cancer). With the results I could compare the different cells and see some results that scientists are starting to get into. My Project is a start for comparing cells with ImageJ(the computer software) to see the differences that can' be seen on a microscope Project Number: MMH039 Grade: 8 Title: Congenital Heart Failure Abstract: The purpose of this project was to analyze the differences between healthy hearts versus congenital hearts. Along with this research, an investigation was conducted on the pulse rates of various individuals. This project can provide useful information for the field of health and medicine. Project Number: MMH040 Grade: 8 Title: Fun in the Sun Abstract: Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is considered the main cause of skin cancer. People often think that the only parts of their skin that are at risk of being damaged by the sun are the parts of skin that aren't covered by clothing. They assume that clothing - of any kind - protects their skin completely from the sun's UV rays. But this is not true. Because the ozone layer is slowly weakening, our skin is even more in danger. That is why I tested different fabrics to see which would protect your skin from UV rays the most. I found that dark colored cotton fabrics blocked UV rays the most. Project Number: MMH041 Grade: 8 Title: Which Acne Medicine Works Best? Abstract: The purpose was to discover which acne medication would help adolescents and young adults with their acne the best. Proactive did the best. 1.Swab agar plates with five µL of Staphylococcus Aureus 2.Take the sterile straws and make four holes in the agar 3.Fill the holes with equal amounts of each different type of acne medicine, one brand per plate, and then place them in the incubator. 4.After 24 hours, remove the plates and measure the closest bacteria to the holes. After 48 hours, repeat this step. 5.Disinfect work surfaces with a 10% bleach solution.

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Project Number: MMH042 Grade: 8 Title: Are Brand Drugs Better Than Generic Drugs? Abstract: The purpose of my experiment was to find out the difference between generic and brand drugs and which is the most effective for stomach upset. The problem was: “Is there a difference between generic and brand drugs? Which type is more effective for stomach upsets?” It was hypothesized that famous brand drugs are more effective for stomach upsets, because they are manufactured in big facilities, are popular, safer, and have higher prices. It was found that there was no significant difference between generic and brand antacids, regardless of regular pH or different pH conditions. These results will definitely help consumers as they will save money when buying generic drugs. Also doctors can recommend generic drugs to their patients. Project Number: MMH043 Grade: 8 Title: Relax With Yoga Abstract: For the experiment, blood pressure was tested after yoga was done. There were three participants that did yoga three times a week for three weeks. Their blood pressure was measured to see how yoga affects it. And there was one participant that blood pressure was taken to compare with the other participants. So after doing that, the results were that blood pressure decreases over time when yoga is done. Further tests can be done on how different yoga moves affect blood pressure. Project Number: MMH044 Grade: 8 Title: Stretching and Throwing Abstract: Stretching is a practical warm-up before a game. The purpose of my experiment was to show that stretching will increase the distance of a throw. Three partners ,along with myself, threw from a starting point without stretching. Then, we performed a series of dynamic stretches and threw again. We repeated my experiment a total of five times but, we also did five days of throwing twice but not stretching at all. We did this to show the effects of stretching. The stretching had a positive effect on the throws. Project Number: MMH045 Grade: 7 Title: Wii Workout Abstract: Many people claim that using a Nintendo Wii can improve your health by elevating your heart-rate and burning calories. I want to see if this is true. The purpose of my project is to determine if the heart-rate of a child between the ages of 11 and 15 will actually rise when playing Wii Sports. I will focus on the games tennis, bowling, and golf. I will record my subjects’ resting heart-rate to establish a baseline. Heart-rate data will also be collected during and at the conclusion of the activity. Results will be available at the PRSEF. Project Number: MMH046 Grade: 8 Title: Eat Your Way To Health Abstract: My science project is titled “Eat Your Way to Health”. I decided to study my body’s reaction when eliminating animal products and refined sugar from my diet. First, I cut out all red meat from my diet. Then, I eliminated junk foods and refined sugar. After that, I eliminated meats. Finally, I eliminated animal products. I have noticed dramatic health changes. During my study, I have kept a record of things such as weight, mood, and energy level. All of which have changed for the better. Seeing the health changes involved in this project I have decided to go vegan. Project Number: MMH047 Grade: 8 Title: Doctors Clean Your Pens Abstract: I provided an untouched pen to a pediatrician's office, a family physician’s office and an ER center for five days. The receptionist was in charge of monitoring the pens. After receiving all the pens back, each pen was swabbed and placed on a Petri dish. I waited 30 days and examined the dishes under a microscope. I recorded the data. My hypothesis was incorrect. The Petri dishes from the pediatrician’s office had nearly double the volume of bacteria from the Petri dishes then the ER dishes. When was the last time you cleaned the pen you are using right now? Project Number: MMH048 Grade: 7 Title: Does Weight Training Increase Running Speed? Abstract: I looked at different ways to increase running speed and decided to give weight training a try. The purpose of my assignment is to see if weight training and leg training will improve my current speed in a 36.58-meter dash.

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The procedures that I used are the following. I measured 36.58 meters with a tape measure on a field. I ran and recorded time with a stopwatch. I performed weight-training exercises once a week. I ran and recorded running times to monitor progress. The results proved the hypothesis to be successful. Increased leg muscle strength directly affected running speed. The more weight added, the faster the time. Weight training strengthens the cores muscles used in sprint running. The strengthening of those would impact speed. Weight training and leg training will accomplish the goal. Project Number: MMH049 Grade: 8 Title: Tried and True Vs Brand New Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MMH050 Grade: 8 Title: Do Shoes make the Athlete? Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to find out what shoe design showed the best performance for the athlete. To conduct this experiment I used Adidas Running Shoe, Nike Running Shoe, Nike Skater Shoe and Bare-feet. To conduct the experiment run 100yards and see which time was faster for four trials for each shoe. The result was that bare-feet had the fastest time out of all the shoes. The hypothesis was supported by the data collected because the hypothesis stated that there will be a direct effect on the performance due to the design of the shoe. Project Number: MMH052 Grade: 7 Title: Antibacterial Effects of Manuka Honey Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to find out if Manuka Honey with a higher level of UMF will inhibit bacteria as well as one with a lower UMF. First, the agar plates were spread with bacteria and pipetted with honey, then placed in the incubator for 24 and 48 hours and then measured respectively. Four trials were conducted to make the experiment more accurate. The conclusion was that Manuka Honey UMF 20 did indeed inhibit bacteria better, which was supported by the experimental data. Project Number: MMH053 Grade: 8 Title: Music: Can it Really Help a Sick Dog? Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to discover whether or not music therapy would help dogs better tolerate chemotherapy. I used a double-blind controlled design where dogs were randomly selected by veterinary technicians to either hear music or not during chemotherapy. The technicians and the dogs’ owners rated each dog’s calmness, affection, and cooperation on a standardized scale before and after chemotherapy. The technicians also measured vital signs before and after chemotherapy. Averages and histograms of the changes in scores showed the music had no effect on behavior and vital signs. Thus, my hypothesis was disproven. Project Number: MMH054 Grade: 8 Title: Decaying Teeth Abstract: The purpose of this project was to see how much different liquids decay a tooth in four days. During the experiment seven liquids were tested; apple juice, caffeine free Pepsi, root beer, Mountain Dew, Ultra Purex (laundry detergent), Kool-Aid, and iced tea. The amount of acid in a liquid is measured on the ph scale. In four days apple juice decayed the tooth the most. Now people will brush their teeth at night. Project Number: MMH055 Grade: 7 Title: What is your pulse? Abstract: The purpose for this experiment is to find out which exercise I picked out that worked the best to raise heart rate. The investigator used different cardiovascular exercises and had volunteers do them. The investigator took the volunteers' radial pulse, recorded it before and after exercise and continued the process with all volunteers. The investigator waited ten minutes until having the volunteer do the next exercise. The investigator totaled up all the numbers to see which exercise raised the heart rates the most. The investigator concluded that the squat thrusts raised the heart rates the most.

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Project Number: MPH001 Grade: 8 Title: To Oil or Not to Oil Abstract: I did this project because I barely understand the topic of how oil effects how a bowling ball spins and travels. I had hoped to be able to see the results more clearly and understand it more. To do this I had two bowlers try out two patterns, one with a lot of oil on the lane and one with absolutely none. My results showed that the heavier oil was more unpredictable than the lighter oiled lane. I had predicted that the heavier oil would cause more spin and less travel however my results showed otherwise Project Number: MPH002 Grade: 7 Title: Ready, Set, Release! Abstract: The experiment’s purpose is to see if I can consistently throw the ball in a specific spot of the strike zone depending on my release point. Make a target wall and place behind home plate. Make a grid wall; place beside pitcher. Throw a variety of pitches. Record them. My results show that the earlier you release the ball the higher it crosses home plate. My hypothesis was supported. The earlier you release the ball, the higher it will go. This helps people improve at pitching. Next time, I would use a black ball and a stronger target wall. Project Number: MPH003 Grade: 8 Title: Coke Density Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MPH004 Grade: 8 Title: Keep the Heat Abstract: The purpose of this science experiment is to assess which of the following is the best insulator; foil, newspaper, cloth or plastic. Four one gallon containers will be wrapped with each chosen item. Water will be placed inside the containers and the temperature will be monitered and recorded. As temperatures are recorded, the data will be charted and analyzed. Project Number: MPH005 Grade: 8 Title: Thermal Conductivity in Metals Abstract: Metal is a very significant part of one's life. Metal is ubiquitous in our world and can be seen everywhere, from buildings to frying pans. Therefore it is very important to evaluate different metals thermal conductivity values. Teh thermal conductivity value is important because it allows engineers or astro-scientists to find a material that could insulate objects in outer space, where it could be boiling hot or freezing cold. The lower the thermal conductivity, the better the material insulates. For my project, I will experiment with three metals: copper, steel, and aluminum. I will measure how far rhe heat will move through the wires, in intervals of 20 mm. I will try to find out in which metal the heat travels farthest the fastest. This metal will have the highest thermal conductivity. Project Number: MPH006 Grade: 8 Title: How Gear Ratios Change the Amount of Work Done Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to see how gear ratios change the amount of work done. Start by measuring the diameter of the front gear being used. Tape a wooden stick to the side of the bike for a solid starting point. The piece of tape on the tire will track the distance it traveled. Do one rotation of the front gear and see how many rotations the back wheel does. Next, do five rotations to see how many rotations the back wheel does. Do this for two more gear settings and compare the results. Then, predict three rotation results. The investigator determined that an increased gear ratio results in more work being done. Project Number: MPH007 Grade: 7 Title: Density of Water Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to find out which liquids were more dense than water and which liquids were less dense. The investigator poured 100 ml of a liquid into a beaker, weighed it and then poured 100ml of water into the same beaker containing the liquid. The investigator concluded that oils and liquids containing alcohol are less dense than water and the other liquids are more dense.

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Project Number: MPH008 Grade: 8 Title: How does temperature affect the efficiency Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to determine if the temperature affects the efficiency of a solar panel. Data will be collected as a solar panel collects solar energy and it is converted to chemical energy within a battery. In order to analyze the data, a graph will be produced in excel. This data may be useful to companies within their promotion of their alternative energy products. Project Number: MPH009 Grade: 8 Title: How Green is Your Light Bulb? Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to see which light bulb (compact fluorescent, LED, halogen or incandescent) has the best energy efficiency and lowest cost. Each bulb was hung in the center of a hula hoop. Light was measured at equally spaced spots on the hoop. Efficiency was calculated by dividing lumens by watts. Overall cost was calculated by summing the hourly cost of the bulb and electricity cost in kwh. Results show that compact fluorescent and LED bulbs have better efficiency and lower overall cost than incandescent and halogen. Project Number: MPH010 Grade: 7 Title: The Domino Effect Abstract: The purpose of my experiment was to find how fastest fall rate of dominoes at different lengths. First, I set up the dominoes at the different lengths. Then, I tapped the first of the set of dominoes and timed how long it took for the last one to fall. I then calculated the different fall rate of the dominoes. In conclusion to my experiment the dominoes fell faster at the 15 millimeter mark then the others. Project Number: MPH011 Grade: 7 Title: Standing Waves On A Guitar Abstract: The purpose of my project is to predict where nodes are on guitar strings. First I will measure the string then I will predict the first, second and third node for the string. Then I will play the node and measure the frequency with an electric tuner and record. I will then compare the frequency that I recorded with what the frequency really should be. My hypothesis is that if I play different harmonics I will get different wave patterns or frequencies while playing the first three nodes. I think that I will be able to accurately predict the frequencies for each node. I think this because I have been studying a lot of websites like guitar-chords.com Project Number: MPH012 Grade: 7 Title: Swim Cap and Drag Abstract: The reason I am conducting my project is to see if a swim cap creates or reduces the amount of drag when swimming. The procedures are to swim four fifties freestyle with a cap and then repeat without a cap. At the moment, my project is still being conducted. Project Number: MPH013 Grade: 7 Title: Fabrics and Time of Drop Abstract: Mini-parachutes were created using nylon, silk, and cotton. Masses were attached to each and dropped from a height of 9 meters. A mass was also dropped without a parachute. The mass attached to the nylon parachute took the longest to fall. Project Number: MPH014 Grade: 8 Title: Fluid Friction Addiction Abstract: My question is: Which liquid has the highest viscosity? I hypothesized that syrup would have the highest viscosity based on my research. First, I got a clear pipe and put a cap on the end of it. I marked off two lines, one near the top and one near the bottom. I filled the pipe up with liquids. I dropped the marble. When the marble crossed the first line I would start a timer. I stopped the time when rthe marble crossed the second line. I did this three times for all four liquids. My hypothesis was incorrect. Dishwasher liquid had the highest viscosity. If I did this experimet again, I would use a shorter pipe and test liquids at different elevated temperatures.

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Project Number: MPH015 Grade: 8 Title: Recycled Airplanes Abstract: Many people enjoy making and flying paper airplanes, but everyone seems to be using regular paper. What would happen if one were to use different paper? Recycled paper such as newspaper or paper from a phonebook would seem to affect the flight of an airplane, but it would only seem like that. Our group would like to test this to see if it actually does affect the flight. Project Number: MPH016 Grade: 7 Title: Soccer Under Pressure Abstract: The purpose of this project is to determine whether the difference of air pressure and brand of soccer ball affects the distance it travels when kicked. A Robotic Prosthetic Kicker designed and constructed by student investigator was used in testing. Utilizing the prosthetic foot (on loan from University of Pittsburgh School of Prosthetics and Orthotics Lab) and this RPK devise ensured that the kick was exactly the same with each trial. Four brands of soccer balls (Nike, Umbro, Puma, Adidas) at three different air pressures (low, medium, high) were tested. There were 3 trials for each condition. Results were then averaged. It was determined that the Umbro soccer ball traveled the farthest in the medium and high air pressure category. This experiment was conducted to see what air pressure we should use for our school soccer team. Project Number: MPH017 Grade: 8 Title: The Freezing Race Abstract: I tried to see if adding other substances to water would change its freezing point. I got my materials. I put different substances and water into each container. I froze them and saw if the water or other liquids froze first. I learned that it takes a long time to freeze water and longer to freeze salt-water and less time to freeze sugar-water. This means that to freeze something in a shorter amount of time, add sugar. I knew that freezing salt takes pretty long but I didn’t think it would take as long as it did. Project Number: MPH018 Grade: 8 Title: Which Color Gets the Hottest Abstract: When players play baseball they always seem to be so hot in their colored jerseys. This project intended to find out which color the players should use for baseball games. Four different colors of paper were used in this experiment and exposed to a 200W light bulb and temperature was taken. It was determined that the orange paper got the hottest. The color of your jerseys could make a difference in baseball games. Project Number: MPH019 Grade: 8 Title: How Does Drumstick Material Affect Rebound Characteristics Abstract: My experiment tests the most popular drumstick materials to see which has the highest rebound. I conducted tests by building a catapult like system. The system has a modification from a traditional catapult in that there is no middle bar to stop the lever arm, therefore it travels all the way down to contact the snare drum. The stick will be placed on the end of the arm to contact the drum. I have not yet conducted said experiment therefore I have no concrete conclusion but a prototype has been tested and the experiment will conducted shortly. Project Number: MPH020 Grade: 8 Title: Turn of the Nail Abstract: I hypothesized that a screw would take more effort to insert inot wood than a nail, and that a screw would take more effort to extract from the wood by pulling. Comparable size nails and screws were tested using soft wood, inserting them to a depth of 1 cm. The nail was knocked in using a measured weight and the screw was screwed in using a lever attached to a fishing scale and turned by hand. The nail and the screw were pulled out by attaching weights to a pulley system. My hypothesis was correct. Project Number: MPH021 Grade: 8 Title: Surface Area vs. Surface Tension Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to assess the surface tension of different sized screens. It is hypothesized that the larger the grade of screen, the less water will remain in a container. The complete abstract will be presented at the Science Fair Competition.

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Project Number: MPH022 Grade: 8 Title: A Brighter Spectrum Abstract: Four different colored pieces of paper were placed beneath red, blue, green, and White CFL bulbs, as well as an incandescent light bulb. A fiber optic cable, connected to a photo spectrometer, was placed 0.5cm above the paper under each light bulb and natural sunlight. The incandescent light bulbs wasted most of its wattage to heat, or infrared, as opposed to the white CFL bulb which shows strong signals of all colors, especially in the green, which is right in the middle of the visible color spectrum, which is most sensitive to our eyes. Project Number: MPH023 Grade: 8 Title: Cold Water Freezes Faster Than Hot Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to determine whether the temperature of water affects the time in which it takes to freeze. The experiment was conducted by heating a beaker of water to one of four initial temperatures, putting the beaker into the freezer, and then monitoring the temperatures every 5 minutes. There were three samples for each initial temperature. The data was then recorded and the average temperatures were plotted on the graph. The hypothesis was supported by the data. The initial temperature of 30 degrees Celsius was the fastest to freeze. Project Number: MPH024 Grade: 8 Title: Is the Force with the Legos? Abstract: My project is entitled “Is the Force with the Legos?” My hypothesis is that Lego blocks would accurately model some of the forces experienced by real concrete building blocks. To test this hypothesis I dropped weights onto a Lego and real block wall from a measured height and recorded the data. The Lego brick wall accurately modeled the scale force needed to break apart the joints on a real block wall. The Legos did not accurately scale the compressive strength of a real block or the force needed to break the face of a real block. Project Number: MPH025 Grade: 7 Title: Room Temperature Affects Candles? Abstract: Candles were burned in rooms with diferent temperatures: 24 degrees Celsius, 21 degrees Celsius, and 18 degrees Celsius. Times until candles burned out were measured. The candles in the 24 degree room burned out the fastest. Project Number: MPH026 Grade: 8 Title: A Non-Sticky Situation Abstract: I am testing if the differences in surfaces affect the adhesion of tape. For my project I taped the string of the Styrofoam bowl to the surface I was testing with the tape I used. I kept adding dimes to the bowl until the tape peeled off. I recorded the weight of how much it took to make the tape peel off. Duct tape stuck to glass the best. Masking tape stuck to wood the best. Masking tape stuck to fabric the best. Duct tape stuck to metal the best. Metal was the surface all tapes stuck to the best. Project Number: MPH027 Grade: 7 Title: The Diameter Makes the Image Abstract: The purpose of my problem is to figure out what diameter length of a magnifying glass could project an image onto a piece of blank paper. The procedure that I used was first off shining the light onto the object and moving the magnifying glass in between the object and the paper. My hypothesis was that I think that the bigger the diameter is, the closer it is to the object and father away from the paper. I developed this thought because usually the bigger it is, the clearer the picture will be in the end. Project Number: MPH028 Grade: 8 Title: Water is A Drag Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MPH029 Grade: 8 Title: Video Games to Reflexes Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract.

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Project Number: MPH030 Grade: 8 Title: The Mpemba Effect Abstract: The purpose of my experiment is to find out if hot water freezes faster than cold water. To do my experiment I would test 100 degrees Celsius, 90 degrees Celsius, and 80 degrees Celsius and 70 degrees Celsius water. First I would measure 150 ml of water into a beaker and label the temperature. Then I would heat the water to the correct temperature. I would then pour the water into the beaker and cover it and place it in the freezer and record the time. I would check it often. When each beaker becomes frozen I would record the time, weigh it and repeat the experiment for each temperature. I think the hot water would freeze the fastest because the MPEMBA Effect says that:” Hot water freezes than faster”? Project Number: MPH031 Grade: 8 Title: That's Attractive Abstract: In my project, I had many difficulties. First I couldn't decide on the subject. Then I couldn't find proper references. I also had trouble finding some of the supplies I needed and putting everything together. Even though it was hard, it was fun to complete the project. When my project was finished, I answered many questions, thought about my experiences, and made observations and charts. All of this will help me with my final report. Finally, I hope my report and project are judged to be well done. Project Number: MPH032 Grade: 7 Title: 0- 80 Will The Song Remain The Same? Abstract: I am going to be a professional guitarist. I want to know how different temperatures and weather conditions effect my guitar and playing. Would my song remain the same in hot, cold, room, and humid environments? Using a guitar-to-computer interface, my guitar, a MacBookPro, and a Garage Band app, I played a G,C, and a D, in 4 different environments. Before each trial, I tuned my guitar precisely in room temperature. 1. Room Temp-69 degrees, In tune 2. Hot- 84 degrees, Stayed in tune 3. Cold-30 degrees, 10 cents sharp 4. Humid- 77 degrees, 10 cents flat Conclusion: Cold and humidity effected the guitar the most. Project Number: MPH033 Grade: 8 Title: How does flex affect accuracy and speed? Abstract: For my science fair project I tested to discover which hockey stick flex was better for accuracy and speed. My hypothesis was that the higher flex stick would result in greayer accuracy and speed. I started by using 3 different flexed sticks. My father helped by being my second shooter. I recorded the data from the slap shots speeds and how many targets we could hit. Then I found the average of the slap shot speeds and the percentage of our accuracy. In conclusion the appropriate flex depended on strength, size, and other variables. Project Number: MPH034 Grade: 8 Title: Which basketball shooting position is the most accurate? Abstract: The problem for this experiment asks which basketball shooting position is the most accurate. If I have someone shoot a basketball from their chin then their shot will be more accurate than when they shoot from their chest or above their head. To conduct this experiment a researcher will have 50 test subjects shoot 15 foul shots from each of the specified shooting forms. Then average all data and conclude if the data supports my hypothesis. Project Number: MPH035 Grade: 8 Title: How does blade pitch affect the production of electricity on a wind mill Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to determine whether the pitch of a wind mill's blade will affect its ability to produce energy. It is hypothesized that a 45 degree pitch will be the most effecient pitch for a blade setting. A model of an industrial size wind turbine will be used to test different wind scenerios. This data will useful in the wind energy industry. Project Number: MPH036 Grade: 7 Title: Solar Energy: Does more light produce more energy? Abstract: Solar energy is a clean and alternative form of energy source. I wanted to find out what effect the amount of light exposure had on the solar energy produced. I used three light bulbs with different lumens namely 360 lumens, 630 lumens, and 1380 lumens. I shined each bulb using a desk lamp onto two solar panels that

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were connected together to an ammeter. I recorded the energy produced in milli-amps unit using each bulb. I found that the 360 lumen bulb produced 49.4 milli-Amps, 630 lumen bulb produced 100.7milli- Amps and 1380 bulb produced 231 milli- Amps. I graphed the outcomes in a line graph with lumen power on the x axis and milli-Amps on the y axis and discovered that there was a linear relationship between the two entities. From the pattern of the graph, I predicted that there will be decreasing amount of energy if there is a lower lumen power light bulb and experimented using the bulbs of a lumen of 205 produced 36.7 milli-Amps. The outcome of my hypothesis was correct. I concluded that as the lumen power of the light bulb increases, proportionally more solar energy is produced. In the future, if we use more solar panels, we will save money and protect the environment. Project Number: MPH037 Grade: 8 Title: Homemade instruments with different frequencies Abstract: If sizes of homemade instruments are increased, the frequency of the instruments will also increase. Create instruments using water in goblets and soda bottles. Hit the side of the bottles and roll your finger on rim of the goblet to make sound. Also, flatten the end of the straw and use scissors to make small, angular cuts on each side. Make one instrument from each group produce the sound of a “B” then use tuner 12 (download from internet) to determine the frequency. Compare notes made from the different instruments to determine the affect of size on frequency. Project Number: MPH038 Grade: 8 Title: Effects of Temperature on Magnets Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to find out how temperature affects a magnet’s strength. The hypothesis was that warmer temperatures will decrease a magnet’s strength. It was found that a magnet’s strength decreases in warmer temperatures. People who build motors would find this useful because it tells them that the magnet’s strength will change in different temperatures. Project Number: MPH039 Grade: 8 Title: Curving Velocity? Abstract: Did you know that a soccer ball’s speed is higher when kicked straight than if it were to be curved? A professional soccer player’s average free kick (usually curved) goes 60 mph. Can you imagine if it were not to be curved? From the information I have gathered, it would most likely be able to reach speeds of 75 mph! That’s about the speed of a car on the Kansas Turnpike! That means if you were the goalkeeper, the speed’s would be like a speeding car coming right towards you. Project Number: MPH040 Grade: 8 Title: Picture Perfect Abstract: Project Number: MPH041 Grade: 7 Title: Fading of Fabric Under Light Abstract: This experiment was conducted to find the light (LEDs, fluorescent, incandescent or halogen) with the least fading effect on fabrics. Boxes were constructed with light, and a strip of each fabric (wool, cotton, satin, silk, polyester, canvas, and linen) at the bottom. Black dye was evenly applied to the fabrics. Strips were compared with a grayscale. Data collected shows that LEDs had the least fading effect on all fabrics except silk, and incandescent and halogen lights had the greatest effect on all fabrics except silk. It is concluded that LEDs are the best light for preserving fabrics’ color. Project Number: MPH042 Grade: 8 Title: The Effect of Caliber on Target Abstract: My project can help many people. Maybe it can help you. I shoot guns for my project. I built the targets. Shoot the guns and got my results. My thought was that the .17 caliber would do the best but it did the worst. They were quite surprising to me and probably you too. The winner was the .30-06 by a long shot. It completely blew the target apart. The order of the most destruction to the targets were the .243, .308, .17, and the .22 caliber.

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Project Number: MPH043 Grade: 8 Title: Luminous Lasers Abstract: The purpose of this project was to analyze the interaction of lasers with light filters. Red, green, and blue lasers were directed at red, green, and blue filters. The filtered light was then directed on a solar panel connected to a multimeter. It was found that green filters inhibit blue laser light with the greatest value. This project can be applied to various fields in science and technology. Project Number: MPH044 Grade: 8 Title: Magnets and Temperature Abstract: Magnets were exposed to different temperatures, representing hot, room-temperature, and cold. Magnets were used to pick up paper clips. Number of paper clips picked by each magnet was measured. The room-temperature magnets attracted the most paper clips. Project Number: MPH045 Grade: 7 Title: Shocking Foods Abstract: Fruits and vegetables have been known to produce varying amounts of electricity. I tested for electrical activity in a lemon, lime, pineapple, and a potato. I tested which fruit/vegetable had the highest voltage. Surprisingly, the potato measured the highest amount of volts. I tested three more; banana, apple, and tomato and found the banana was comparable to the potato in voltage. From my research, I found that potatoes and bananas were very high in manganese, magnesium, and potassium and that potassium and magnesium are good electrical conductors. Project Number: MPH046 Grade: 8 Title: Recycled Airplanes Abstract: Many people enjoy making and flying paper airplanes, but everyone seems to be using regular paper. What would happen if one were to use different paper? Recycled paper such as newspaper or paper from a phonebook would seem to affect the flight of an airplane, but it would only seem like that. Our group would like to test this to see if it actually does affect the flight. Project Number: MPH047 Grade: 8 Title: Which Wood Win? Abstract: Project Number: MPH048 Grade: 7 Title: The Effects of Dimples on Golf Balls Abstract: Reserach shows that dimples on a golf ball help to increase lift and reduce drag, resulting in longer distances. For my project, I used three different Titleist golf balls to see if the ball with the most dimples would fly the farthest. I created a golf machine out of wood that would hit a golf ball consistently with the greatest distance of 14 meters. The results showed that the ProV1 golf ball went the farthest even though the DT Solo had the most dimples. If the swing speed was higher at impact, greater distances might have provided different results. Project Number: MPH049 Grade: 7 Title: Insulation, Ice, and Time Abstract: Ice cubes were massed and placed an uninsulated cooler, a foam-insulated cooler, and a thermal insulated cooler. Melted water was massed after 10 hours. Thermal insulated cooler contained the least amount of melted water and was the best insulator. Project Number: MPH050 Grade: 7 Title: Temperature Affect on Height that Golf Ball Bounces Abstract: My experiment is testing how temperatures affects the height a golf ball bounces. The purpose of this is to determine if temperature affects the height a golf ball bounces and if more expensive golf balls bounce higher at different temperatures than less expensive golf balls. I hypothesized that as the temperature increases the more expensive golf balls will bounce higher. I dropped 3 golf balls of 4 different brands at 4 different temperatures. I am still collecting data so if you wish to see my results, I will have it available on the day of the fair.

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Project Number: MPH051 Grade: 8 Title: Frozen Solid Abstract: The purpose of this project was to determine if warmer water froze faster than colder water. Temperature was measures over a 45 minute period of time. The temperature of the cooling water was recorded at regular intervals of five seconds. I also used a different starting temperature for the water being tested in each experiment. After the data from the tests was collected, I had to extend the data so that, instead of the tests having above-freezing ending temperatures, they would end at the freezing point. In the end, I saw hotter water actually froze faster than colder water. Hotter water did freeze faster than colder water. Project Number: MPH052 Grade: 7 Title: Don't Burst My Bubble! Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MPH053 Grade: 8 Title: Electricity by Waves Abstract: The purpose of this experiemnt is to assess whether or not water waves may be a way to collect an alternative type of energy. A homemade turbine will be built for the test. The turbine will be placed within a container of water and then waves will be produced to see if energy from the wave can be transfered mechanically. This experiment will be useful to scientists who are actively looking for alternitive energy solutions. Project Number: MPH054 Grade: 7 Title: Best Insulating Layer of Fabric Abstract: The purpose was to find the best insulating, cold weather fabric, testing sheepskin, fleece, fake-fur, and wool. It was hypothesized that sheepskin insulates best due to its thickness, allowing it to trap more heat. Five test tubes were filled with 37 degrees Celsius water and covered with sewn-fabric tubes, inner moisture-wicking, middle insulating, and outer weather-resistant layers. The control had no middle layer. Temperature was measured regularly for 45 minutes and three trials. Ultimately, the experiment supported the hypothesis that sheepskin would insulate best. Results were inconclusive because a synthetic fabric, insulated second best. This experiment benefits future generations who will need to search for recyclable/recycled materials. Project Number: MPH055 Grade: 8 Title: Golf: Got Distance? Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to find the golf ball that travels the farthest when hit. I researched golf ball covers; they are made out of urethane and ionomer. A dropping mechanism was built to test golf balls dropped at four, six, and eight feet from a sheet of plywood. The golf balls tested with urethane covers were Bridgestone, Callaway, Srixon, Taylormade, and Titleist, and with ionomer covers were Nike, Noodle, Slazenger, Top-Flite, and Wilson. The results showed that my hypothesis, Taylormade and Slazenger golf balls would bounce higher than the others, was proven correct, thus equaling greater distance. Project Number: MPH056 Grade: 8 Title: Hot or Cold Abstract: The purpose of my experiment was to determine if water weighs more while it is boiling or if water weighs more when it is frozen. First, I put water in bags and separated them into three different weights. I froze the water and waited twenty hours. I took them out of the freezer and weighed and recorded my data. I boiled 453.5 grams of water. I removed it when it was boiling and weighed and recorded the data. I did two more trials with different weights. In conclusion, boiling water weighed more than regular water and ice weighed more too. Project Number: MPH057 Grade: 7 Title: Maximizing Solor Energy Abstract: Environmentalists promote energy saving devices such as solar lights, but are they efficient? This experiment measures the efficiency of fixed and sun tracking panels on walk lights. Solar lights were positioned under a 100 watt light source. The light source was extinguished and light emission was recorded. (Fixed). Next, a solar light was positioned on a rotating disk and exposed to the light for 50 minutes every 20 degrees (Non-fixed). I hypothesized that the non-fixed solar panels would capture twice the amount of power than fixed. The results supported my hypothesis since the tracking group consistently produced a longer charge.

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Project Number: MPH058 Grade: 8 Title: Temperature on Solar Cells Abstract: Solar cells are devices that turn energy from the sun into power. Many researchers have shown that heat can negatively affect the power output of a solar cell. I tested this theory by putting the solar cell under a high power lamp and recording the voltage output of it for every 2.8 degrees it rose until it reached 60 degrees Celsius. I did this 9 times, three times at room temperature, in the refrigerator, and in the freezer. I discovered that the solar cell performed best in cold temperatures due to the fact that the flow of electrons is resisted by the heat of high temperatures. In conclusion, solar cells would be best suited for cold, clear climates. Project Number: MPH059 Grade: 8 Title: Measuring Electrical Current Output Abstract: The purpose of this experiemt is to assess whether wind energy can be 100% converted mechanically and then chemically. The experiemtor will use a homemade wind turbine in conjuction with an electrical fan. The voltage of the wind turbine will be observed and compared to the amount of energy needed for the fan. The complete abstract will be available at the science competition. Project Number: MPH060 Grade: 8 Title: Turn That Down! Abstract: The effectiveness of different types of earplugs for reducing machine-generated noise was explored in this experiment. Each year, there are nearly 1 million people that are exposed to loud sound levels from machine noise that can cause hearing damage. First, decibel level readings were taken and averaged without the earplugs as a control group. Eight types of earplugs were tested 3 times each (27 trials in all) using a simulated head, engine noise file (played at a controlled decibel level each time), and a decibel meter placed inside the simulated head to record decibel levels. The noise reduction rates (NRR) of the foam earplugs were much lower than the NRR of the silicone earplugs. In conclusion, the silicone earplugs performed the best because they conformed to the shape of the ear canal to block more noise. Project Number: MPH061 Grade: 8 Title: Effects of Temperature and Elasticity Abstract: "How does the elasticity of a rubber band change with temperature when submerged in water?" The purpose is to investigate how the flexibility of a rubber band varies with temperature in water. After gathering all materials, fill a beaker with boiling water and submerge a weight, tied to a rubber band. Then measure how far it stretched in five-minute intervals. Repeat this twice. As temperature decreased, it became more flexible. When it reached around 25 Celsius, it stopped. In all three tests, it stretched 0.4 centimeter. By doing this experiment, I've learned temperature doesn't have a big effect on elasticity. Project Number: MPH062 Grade: 7 Title: Baseball Bats and a Ball's Distance Abstract: An apparatus was constructed. Using this apparatus, baseballs were hit with bats of different masses. The balls hit by the bat with the greater mass traveled the greater distances. Project Number: MPH063 Grade: 7 Title: Buoyancy of Eggs! Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to test the buoyancy of eggs. My hypothesis was that I would need at least 40 mL of salt in the cold water. For the warm water, I think I will need 20 mL or less of salt. I tested 5 eggs in each temperature of water. Once I saw that the egg floated, I recorded the amount of salt that I had added. My hypothesis was incorrect. Both temperatures took much less salt than I expected to make the egg float. In addition, the cold water took less salt than the warm water. Project Number: MPH064 Grade: 8 Title: The Angles of Light Abstract: The purpose of my project is to determine whether the viscosity of liquid mediums affect the way light refracts. To construct this project I will have to do the following; Fill the eight containers with eight different liquid mediums and point the laser through them. I will then measure the angle that the laser pointer refracts. I think that the viscosity of a liquid medium will affect the refraction of light. I think that the liquid that will refract the most is the

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syrup because it is the thickest medium, and the one to refract the least will be the container that has no liquid medium. My hypothesis was determined by the idea of Snell’s law. Project Number: MPH065 Grade: 7 Title: Sound through Liquids Abstract: A few years ago, there was a whale and sonar controversy. Many scientists agreed that the high-pitched sonar on submarines was damaging the whales’ ability to function properly. In this experiment, I tested to see if frequency changed underwater. By connecting to certain software, I was able to record the frequency of a sound in normal and salt water. My results showed that frequency increases almost four times in salt water. Sonar is a very high-pitched noise in general, so it likely did create fatal injuries among the whales. Project Number: MPH066 Grade: 8 Title: Juice Electricity Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to figure out which fruit juice produces the most voltage. The procedure involves the following 1) Measure juice into two cups and put into potato clock; 2) Add metal strips to each cup; 3) Set multimeter and check voltage; 4) Record results. For my results, orange juice produced the most voltage of all the juices.In conclusion, my hypothesis was not supported since lime juice did not produce the greatest amount of voltage. An application to this experiment is providing an alternative energy source for third world countries. Project Number: MPH067 Grade: 7 Title: Maglev! Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MPH068 Grade: 7 Title: Getting Wet and Staying Warm Abstract: Jars filled with hot water were wrapped in different fabrics: wool and cotton. The temperatures of the water were measured before and after the investigation. The jars wrapped with wool retained more heat. Project Number: MPH069 Grade: 7 Title: Let There Be Light Abstract: For my project, I have chosen “Will a parallel or a series circuit make a light bulb brighter?”. I have learned how to make a parallel and a series circuit and why each one is as bright as it is. The purpose of this experiment was to see if a light bulb was brighter wired in parallel or in series. For series circuit, you connect a wire from the clip, to the negative side of one battery. Then you run a wire from the positive side of that battery to the switch. And finally, you run a wire from the switch, back to the light bulb. For a parallel circuit, first you run a wire from the positive side of one battery to the negative of the other. Then you run a wire from the other positive to the light bulb. After that, you run a wire from the light bulb to the negative side of the other battery. And finally from the negative side to the light bulb and from the light bulb back to the positive. The results of this experiment were that the parallel circuit was brighter because each light bulb had one wire going to its own battery so each got 3.0 volts. But in the series circuit, the light bulbs only had one wire, so they had to split the volts; therefore each light bulb got 1.5 volts. In conclusion, this project did agree with my hypothesis: The parallel circuit would be brighter than the series circuit. Project Number: MPH070 Grade: 8 Title: Tennis Ball Mortar Abstract: Due to unforeseen weather conditions, I was not able to fire the mortar in the time allotted. I will continue to test the mortar and this data will be available at the fair. However, I was able to find a simulator online which calculates distance and trajectory. I experimented with this site and found that a 10° firing angle is the best to reach my goal of 100 meters. My hypothesis, which was that a 10° angle would fire a tennis ball 100 meters, was correct using the simulator, but I will continue to test to refine my conclusion. Again, conclusive information is not available at this time but will be at the science fair.

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Project Number: MTM001 Grade: 7 Title: (Don't) Go With the Flow Abstract: We created a test method for measuring the efficiency of five different types of materials in homemade tight weaved burlap bags to see what materials worked best to stop flood waters. We hoped to determine if there was an easier to use media that would make the bags lighter for the emergency workers, be lower cost, and more effectively stop the flood waters. Our results proved that there were more efficient materials for packing in flood control bags that stop water better and weigh less. This positive outcome could affect future emergency plans and procedures. Project Number: MTM002 Grade: 7 Title: 1 Hamster, 2 Hamster 3 Colorful Mazes Abstract: Our experiment tests if hamsters can be trained to go through a certain color maze. Red, blue, and yellow construction paper will be used. Since the hamsters are color blind we are seeing if they can see shades of gray. We decided that the color they needed to know was blue. After they went through the blue one we gave them a raisin. Then we are we are going to put the mazes together and see if they go through the blue. We don’t think they will figure it out. Project Number: MTM003 Grade: 7 Title: A Beacon From Atlantis Abstract: My hypothesis is the candle will burn underwater. The purpose of our project was to see if a candle could burn underwater. We tried this by experimenting with different candles and different amounts of water. First we filled bowls with amounts of water. Then we lit the candles and put them in the water. Then we put a jar over one of the candles and it burned for a few seconds and sucked up the water. We found out that it worked as long as the flame didn’t touch the water. The jar filled with water as the candle burnt. Project Number: MTM004 Grade: 8 Title: Are Bigger Blades Better? Abstract: In our experiment we are trying to find a less polluting way to create the most energy by using a wind turbine. Our hypothesis was that the larger the blades, the more energy would be produced. We tested this experiment by using four different blade sizes. In the end results showed that the 9 cm blades worked the best, but the 12 cm blades produced the second least amount of energy. Our hypothesis was partially true. Project Number: MTM005 Grade: 8 Title: Baby's First Words Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MTM006 Grade: 8 Title: Band Width Abstract: The hypothesis, stated that the thicker the band, the more accurate it will be. When tested, the hypothesis was proven. When tested, the bands were shot from different distances and found that the thicker bands, .32cm ,was more accurate then the thinner bands, which were .25. If more rubber bands are made thicker bands will fly farther before losing a lot of accuracy. Project Number: MTM007 Grade: 7 Title: Can the rhythm change the beat? Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to test whether or not different forms of music can affect a persons heart rate and blood pressure. We will play ten minutes of classical music. We will test heart rate and blood pressure before and after the test. We will then follow the same procedure for heavy metal music. Our tests are still being conducted. Project Number: MTM008 Grade: 7 Title: Can You Taste The Difference? Abstract: This project tries to determine if 12 year olds can taste the difference between regular and low fat foods. To determine this we had five people taste regular and low fat versions of the same foods and they were asked if they can tell the difference between them. We used cottage cheese, pudding and yogurt. The results were that, for the

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cottage cheese all subjects could tell the difference, pudding nobody could tell, and for the yogurt 3 could tell and 2 could not. We concluded that depending on the foods, 12 year olds can taste the difference. Project Number: MTM009 Grade: 8 Title: Can you Taste What I'm Smellin? Abstract: We did our project on the way smell affects taste. We decided to do this project because we both love food and want to find ways to make it more appealing in odor. We tested 26 people using 5 different foods. The first time, they were blind folded with their nose plugged, and the second time, they were just blind folded. The results we obtained proved that smell does affect the way you taste foods. Project Number: MTM010 Grade: 8 Title: Childproof? Abstract: My partner and I did our science fair project on childproof containers. We tested kindergartners from a local school in our district. While we were testing we came to find that childproof containers actually are childproof. In our research we tested 33 students and there were a total of 16 kids that did not open the containers with a total of 165 trials. The common container which can lead to serious problems. So as you can see our tests actually did lead to a good conclusion. Project Number: MTM011 Grade: 8 Title: Child's Play Abstract: Medications help us feel better when we are sick, but they can be dangerous when not used right. Every year, many children become ill and even die from accidental poisoning by taking medications meant for adults. The invention of childproof containers helped to greatly decrease these unfortunrate events. But are childproof containers really childproof? In this experiment, the effectiveness of childproof containers will be put to the test by a small group of five year old kindergarteners. They will be given a set time limit to open containers with different lids. Will they be able to do it? Project Number: MTM012 Grade: 7 Title: Does Caffeine Make You Nervous? Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to determine if caffeine helps or hinders hand/eye precision. Methods included ten human subjects, (5 boys and 5 girls) drinking a 354.88ml can of Mountain Dew, waiting 15 minutes, and then repeating the “hand/eye game”. The experimental results were measured by observing how efficiently the subjects performed the task. The median, mode, and mean were calculated. The results of the experiment are that the test subjects performed the “hand/eye game” better after caffeine. The results indicate that the hypothesis should be rejected because the test subjects performed the “hand/eye game” better after caffeine. Project Number: MTM013 Grade: 8 Title: Does Color Affect What Birds Eat? Abstract: The purpose of the experiment was to study if birds use sight regularly when they are feeding. The first step in our project was to buy the bird seed, feeders and dye. Next we dyed the bird seed by mixing the dye and bird seed with a wooden spoon. We didn’t use much water when mixing the dye and seed. We then set up the three bird feeders close to each other at three different locations. After that we recorded how much food was lost for five days. Finally, we got together and made our conclusions. In conclusion, it is clear that the color of bird seed affects how much of it they eat. At the two houses that got conclusive data, the birds chose natural over both red and green. At house A, the difference between how much food was eaten at the feeders was great. The natural birdseed got a lot more eaten than the other colors. At house B, the natural bird seed still got eaten the most, but it was a lot closer. The difference was only around 1.5 cm compared to 15 cm at house A. As you can see, the color of birdseed does affect how much of it they eat. Project Number: MTM014 Grade: 7 Title: Don't wash your coins in this! Abstract: This project basically is testing which coin: a penny, a nickel, a dime or a quarter will tarnish in certain liquids. I used water, milk, various sodas, coffee, and lemon juice. I placed the coins in the liquids and observed them over ten days. My results will be available once the project is completed.

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Project Number: MTM015 Grade: 7 Title: Fire Fly's Give Clue to Conserving Energy Abstract: The purpose of this project is to see if it's possible to create an energy-conserving bulb using bioluminescence. Procedure: Measure footcandles of firefly using a luminometer from a distance of: 1mm, 2mm, 98.4375mm, and 100mm. Using light bulb; measure from distance of: 127mm, 203mm, 406mm, 762mm, and 1499mm. Create formula using data. Calculate amount of fireflies that = brightness of light bulb; calculate cost of manufacturing bioluminescence light bulb. Data: 1 light bulb from distance of 1mm = 2313.1092 footcandles = sum of 1157 fireflies emiting light. Conclusion: The estimated cost to generate the bulb’s chemical reaction would be $496.21. Project Number: MTM016 Grade: 7 Title: Fire-Oxygen=? Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to discover how diminishing oxygen affects the appearance of a flame. To conduct this experiment, we put a candle into a hurricane vase. We then placed a glass cutting-board overtop of the vase to diminish the oxygen. The experiment results were measured by gathering data, then putting data into a logbook. The results of the experiment were: when you place something over a flame, it will slowly put out the flame by lack of oxygen. The results indicate that the hypothesis should be accepted. Project Number: MTM017 Grade: 8 Title: Generating Electricity Abstract: Our goal is to build electric generators out of different materials and using different gauges of wire to determine which one is the fastest and most efficient way of generating electricity. Project Number: MTM018 Grade: 7 Title: Healthy Snack Attack Abstract: The purpose of our project is to find out what snack would be healthier to eat. We are researching the nutrition facts of various kinds of treats. We will be using snow caps, m&m's, sour patch kids and other various candies to see which is the healthiest. Project Number: MTM019 Grade: 7 Title: How Much Fizz Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MTM020 Grade: 8 Title: Hydro Fracturing Fluid & Rosemaryinus officinalis Abstract: The purpose is to test if Marcellus Shale Hydraulic Fracturing fluid will affect rosemary plants over a seven day period. On day 1 we simulated a drilling fluid spill by pouring fluid on 12 rosemary plants and kept 12 rosemary plants controlled. We found that the plants that were treated with fluid were just as healthy as controlled plants. In conclusion, Marcellus Shale Hydraulic Fracturing fluid does not impact the health of rosemary plants over a seven day period. Project Number: MTM021 Grade: 8 Title: Metal Detector Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to find out which home made metal detector worked the best. We used three different types of metal. Then we rated the results on a scale of 0-100% with one hundred percent meaning the metal was detected clearly through the metal detector. The results were that the nail was detected the best. The spoon was the second best. The paperclip was the worst of all three tests it was hardly notice able. We accepted our hypothesis because a radio and a calculator will act as a metal detector. Project Number: MTM022 Grade: 8 Title: Newton Ninjas Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract.

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Project Number: MTM023 Grade: 8 Title: Patella, Patella! Abstract: Our project serves the purpose of modeling the knee to find how the angles of the knee affect the strain on the patella tendon. We’ve decided to do this project because we wanted, as athletes, to understand why our knees hurt so much. Our hypothesis of our project was that as the angle increased the stain would decrease. This therefore states that as the knee bends more and more, the strain of the patella tendon would increase more and more. We hope that this project can conclude solid evidence that can help many researches for knee-problems in the future. Project Number: MTM024 Grade: 7 Title: Plants and Pop Unite! Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to determine what type of liquid is more beneficial to water plants with. We bought three similar plants and they sat in the same spot throughout the five weeks. Each plant was labeled Water, Diet Coke, or Milk. They were watered every Friday. The fourth week, The Milk plant died. The fifth week, the Diet Coke plant died. The water plant is still alive. Therefore, we can conclude that the water is better for the plants than Diet Coke or Milk. Project Number: MTM025 Grade: 8 Title: Pollution On Wheels Abstract: At first our hypothesis was that the street Duss Ave. would have the most air pollution due to the fact that out of the streets we were testing Duss Ave. was the busiest out of all them. During testing a few problems arose due to weather raining out cards and we had to place new cards out again. But finally we were able to still get through the experiments. In the end though Duss Ave had the least amount of air pollution out of all the results compared to the streets of Chestnut St. and Ridge Road Ext. Project Number: MTM026 Grade: 7 Title: Renewable Energy Abstract: How can you run a toy with minimum amount of charge time? Let us tell you what we think. If we use a solar cell to charge two batteries non-stop, then it will increase playtime. The steps we took, and the future steps we will take include; researching the voltage and amperes for the solar cell. We also researched different kinds of batteries and their cost. Next, we bought our materials. Afterwards, we made our circuit. Further experimentation is being conducted. Project Number: MTM027 Grade: 7 Title: Rosy Recall Abstract: In our project, we will be experimenting on the effects of rose scent on memory. We will use a group of 7th graders as test subjects. Each student will be given a number/letter sequence to memorize in one minute. Then they will sit quietly for 15 minutes. They will then attempt to repeat the number/letter sequence to us. We will record the percentage remembered. We will then do the same test but rose perfume will be spritzed into the air. We will record the data and compare them. Project Number: MTM028 Grade: 8 Title: Sleep Vs. Energy Drinks Abstract: Everyone knows that human beings need sleep. More and more, people have been trying to replace it. Namely with energy drinks. The questions we had was, does it work and is it safe? The first thing we did was test to see what the effects of sleep deprivation on us would be, physically, medically and mentally. We then went through the sleep deprivation process again, while consuming energy drinks. The conclusions we came to where that consuming energy drinks can make up for sleep in some areas but can also bring on serious deficiencies in other key areas. Project Number: MTM029 Grade: 8 Title: Smokin' Chips! Abstract: Our project consisted of greasy chips, a dingy metal bin, lighters that kept running out of fuel, a drippy faucet, and a stubborn stop watch. I know you are probably thinking that this could not be a worse beginning, but you didn’t give us the chance to explain. We burned chips in the metal bin to test how long each chip burned using the stop watch. We knew that the longer the chip burned meant the more grease the chip contained. By continuing this with five different brands of chips we were able to time each brand five times.

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Project Number: MTM030 Grade: 7 Title: Spikes vs. Shoes Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to find out if you can run faster in shoes or in spikes. To conduct this experiment we will need a log book, stop watch, spray paint, tape measure, 20 yard distance, 4 cones, and 5 test subjects with baseball spikes and tennis shoes. The experimental results were measured with a stop watch. The results of our experiment were spikes helped the subjects run faster than they did in shoes. The results indicate that our hypothesis was correct which stated that a human being would run faster in spikes than in shoes. Project Number: MTM031 Grade: 7 Title: Squirt's Adventure Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MTM032 Grade: 7 Title: Teen & Drug Use Survey Abstract: We created the Teen Drug Survey that contained 20 questions about drugs and drug use. Teens, ages 12-19, voluntarily answered the questions anonymously. We collected and compiled the data into data tables. We compared all of the data to determine what age group is most likely to be influenced to use drugs. The project is continuing. We are going to use the results to help our school bring teens more specific education about drugs. Project Number: MTM033 Grade: 7 Title: That Makes Sense! Abstract: The purpose of our experiment is to determine whether sight affects taste. To test our theory we decided to use a group of second grade students. We will dye water red, purple, and green, with McCormick food coloring. Our control group will be tasting the water with blindfolds on and the experimental group will not be blindfolded. Each student will be asked to taste a sample of each of the colored waters and describe what they taste. In theory, we think that the blindfolded children will taste the water and the non-blindfolded children will think that the water has flavor. Project Number: MTM034 Grade: 7 Title: The Algae Effect Abstract: The purpose of our project is to determine whether algae thrive better in natural lake water, tap water, or in Alga-grow freshwater medium and at what pH level. To conduct this experiment we poured 25 milliliters of alga-grow and 5 milliliters of Euglena into container A. In containers B and C (both at a pH level of 10), we placed 25 milliliters of Lake Erie (in container C) and 25 milliliters of tap water (in container B). Experimental results were measured by gathering the data, placing it into our log book, and then placing the information into charts. The results of the experiment show that our hypothesis should be rejected. The algae thrived better in high acidity levels in all containers; the algae adapted to its environment and made it more acidic. Project Number: MTM035 Grade: 8 Title: The Effect of Glider Design on Flight Characteristics Abstract: Our Experiment was the effect of the glider design on flight characteristics. The purpose was to see if the size of the glide's stabilizer would affect flight characteristics. Our hypothesis was the glider with the largest sized stabilizer would fly the farthest. We used four gliders with different sized stabilizers. We created a launcher similar to a sling shot to launch the gliders. We timed each launch and measured how far each glider flew for six weeks. We found out the glider with the smallest stabilizer flew the farthest overall each week. Our week results were not what we expected. Project Number: MTM036 Grade: 7 Title: The Elements of Water Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract. Project Number: MTM037 Grade: 8 Title: The Higher You Go! Abstract: We chose to do this project because we wanted to prove which foot position provided the highest ollie for all fellow skateboarders. We believe that the third foot position, which is three inches behind the bolts, will give you

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the highest ollie. The third position is the most common among skateboarders. It is the closest to the fulcrum, or middle of the board. In our results, we have shown that the third foot position does give you the highest ollie. Project Number: MTM038 Grade: 8 Title: The Perfect Baseball Abstract: Baseball is the true American sport. In this experiment we tried to change the experience of this sport by trying to alter a baseball from the inside. We believed that by doing this we could create a beter or more perfect baseball. We used eight different kinds of baseballs four of them were altered on the inside and the rest were indoor, regular, batting, or practice balls. Then we created a catapult to fling the balls and we also dropped the balls off of a ladder to see how high they would bounce. the results to these tests were that the balls flew about 22 feet and bounced from 17 to 21 inches high. Although we figured out that the regular baseball is already the best we still had fun and learned about the wonderful game and what they use to play it. Project Number: MTM039 Grade: 7 Title: UV Lovin' D. Caryophyllus Abstract: Our science experiment’s purpose was to determine if we could make color flowers that fluoresce under black light. We took 237 ml water, added 5 ml color highlighter fluid, cut the stem of a white carnation in the water mixture placed in a glass. We tested five colors. We let the flowers sit in the mixture for 48 hours. We checked for color and fluoresce, using a black light, every 24 hours. We recorded our results. We repeated the procedure with 59 ml water. Our hypotheses were not exactly correct. We discovered the green highlighter worked the best for our experiment. Project Number: MTM040 Grade: 8 Title: What's the Size of Your Fizzle? Abstract: We conducted an experiment where we had to drop an Alka-seltzer tablet in three different sizes into water and time it to see how long it takes each size to dissolve. We tested three different sizes of tablets, full, halves, and quarters. The surprise was that one of the shortest results was by a full tablet, but they also had the longest time. The halves were about 10 seconds shorter than the average time for the whole tablet. The quarters had many of the shortest times which we had expected. Project Number: MTM041 Grade: 8 Title: Wood Flammability Abstract: Our project is about the following. Our experiment is about what is better to protect wood for fire, paint or stain. We used dial rods for the wood. We painted and stained the dial rods. For the control we used plain dial rods. We used a blowtorch to light the wood on fire. Then when the wood was on fire we timed have long the flames lasted. We found the paint burns the longest and the control the plain wood burned the least amount of time. That means for fire protection do not paint or stain your wood. Project Number: MTM042 Grade: 7 Title: You Grew What in Water? Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to find out which type of water will affect the root growth of a hydroponically grown bean plant. To conduct this experiment we gathered three different types of water, placed a bean seed in each cup of water, and observed. The experimental results were measured by measuring each plants roots daily. The results of the experiment were that the tap water grew the roots of a hydroponically grown bean plant the longest. The results indicate that our hypothesis should be rejected because our results show that the tap water grew the roots the longest. Project Number: MTM043 Grade: 8 Title: Going Natural? Abstract: The purpose is to help people know whether pharmaceutical antibiotics or natural remedies work better to kill bacteria. The hypothesis was that pharmaceutical antibiotics would work better because they are more widely used and are clinically proven. First, the materials were collected. Then, the experiment was begun following these steps. It started by rehydrating the bacteria. The petri dishes were then labeled and the agar prepared by melting it in a hot water bath and pouring it into the Petri dishes. The natural remedy discs were prepared by dabbing a blank disc with Oil of Oregano. This was repeated with Tea Tree Oil. Next, 15 dishes were inoculated with Staphylococcus Epidermidis. The dried discs were placed in the center of each Petri dish and covered with lids. This was repeated with the pharmaceutical antibiotics. Then, the Petri dishes were placed under the heat lamp to let the bacteria grow

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for one day. The following day the first observations were taken. The measurements were made by taking a metric ruler and measuring the diameter of the zone of inhibition of all the Petri dishes; left side, right side, and across. The data was then recorded and pictures taken. This continued for 5 days. The final data was recorded and an average was taken. The results showed that the hypothesis was incorrect. The natural remedies killed more bacteria than the pharmaceutical antibiotics. Out of the two natural remedies, Oil of Oregano prevented and killed the most bacteria. Project Number: MTM044 Grade: 8 Title: Ice Ice Baby Abstract: The purpose of the experiment is to make sure people know of the possibility of bacteria in restaurants’ ice chutes. The hypothesis stated that because fast food restaurant ice machines are used more often by consumers, than the constant flushing of ice will make it cleaner than a rarely used home ice machine. The procedure consists of going to the restaurants and discreetly swabbing the ice chutes, and then rubbing the swabs in a Petri dish with agar. The dishes are placed under a heat lamp for 3 days within the temperature span of 37°C (or about 98.6°F). After the bacteria are left to grow for 3 days, it is observed under a microscope and the data was recorded. The results showed that restaurant 1A had the most bacterial growth, which was opposite of the hypothesis. If this project over again, different restaurants would be tested and the bacteria would be given a longer time to grow.

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