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بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم

20120144مراجعة نهائية للصف الثالث الثانوي مراجعة نهائية للصف الثالث الثانوي

11 –– RReessppoonndd ttoo eeaacchh ooff tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ssiittuuaattiioonnss :: 1 – You ask your friend if he took part in the 25


January revolution.

DDiidd yyoouu ttaakkee ppaarrtt iinn tthhee 2255tthh rreevvoolluuttiioonn??

2 – You want to know about your friend's study habit.

CCaann yyoouu tteellll mmee aabboouutt yyoouurr ssttuuddyy hhaabbiitt?? // wwhhaatt aabboouutt yyoouurr ssttuuddyy hhaabbiitt??

3 – You are asked about the reason for building the High Dam.

II tthhiinnkk IItt wwaass bbuuiilltt ttoo kkeeeepp // ssaavvee eexxttrraa wwaatteerr..

4 – You advise your little sister not to let the water tap on all the time.

YYoouu sshhoouulldd nnoott lleett tthhee wwaatteerr ttaapp oonn..

5 –You invite your friend to go to the theatre.

HHooww aabboouutt ggooiinngg ttoo tthhee tthheeaattrree ?? // wwoouulldd yyoouu lliikkee ttoo ggoo ttoo tthhee tthheeaattrree..

6 – At the beginning of the new year , what you would say.

HHaappppyy nneeww yyeeaarr..

6 – When you think that something is not true.

II tthhiinnkk iitt iiss nnoott ttrruuee.. // II tthhiinnkk iitt iiss ffaallssee..//// uunnttrruuee..// II ddoonn''tt aaggrreeee..

7 – A friend asks you what you think about talk show programs .

II tthhiinnkk tthheeyy aarree uusseeffuull// iinntteerreessttiinngg--------

8 – Your friend thinks that TV has many disadvantages, you agree.

II tthhiinnkk ssoo.

9 – Someone asks you about your visit to Luxor, you enjoyed your time.

II eennjjooyyeedd iitt vveerryy mmuucchh..

10 – You think that people won't read newspapers in a hundred years time.

II tthhiinnkk tthhaatt ppeeooppllee wwoonn''tt rreeaadd nneewwssppaappeerrss iinn 110000 yyeeaarrss ttiimmee..

11 – You see a boy throwing litter in the street.

YYoouu sshhoouullddnn''tt ddoo tthhaatt..// yyoouu sshhoouulldd ppuutt lliitttteerr iinn tthhee bbiinn..

12 - You ask your friend doctor's advice how to keep fit.-

HHooww ccaann II kkeeeepp ffiitt??

13- A pen friend asks you about the places of interest in Egypt

tthhee ppllaacceess ooff iinntteerreesstt aarree tthhee ppyyrraammiiddss ,, tthhee zzoooo,, mmuusseeuummss ,, LLuuxxoorr aanndd AAsswwaann..

14 - Your brother got a good job at a big company

wweellll ddoonnee // wwhhaatt ggoooodd nneewwss..

15 - You suggest going to the theatre at the weekend.

HHooww aabboouutt ggooiinngg ttoo tthhee tthheeaattrree aatt tthhee wweeeekkeenndd??

16 – Someone says that magazines are a waste of money, disagree.

II ddoonn''tt tthhiinnkk ssoo..

17 – Your friend asks you about the weather , you see dark clouds in the sky.

iitt iiss ggooiinngg ttoo rraaiinn..

18 – Your friend thinks that the match was boring, you have another saying.

II tthhiinnkk tthhee mmaattcchh wwaass iinntteerreessttiinngg..


19 – Your friend says a word that you don't understand.

CCaann yyoouu tteellll mmee tthhee mmeeaanniinngg ooff tthhiiss wwoorrdd?? // wwhhaatt ddooeess tthhiiss wwoorrdd mmeeaann??

20 – Your Friend asks you how to make tea the Egyptian way.

ffiirrsstt bbooiill tthhee wwaatteerr aanndd ppoouurr iitt oonn tteeaa lleeaavveess..

21 – Your father asks you what you were doing at 7 yesterday.

II wwaass wwaattcchhiinngg TTVV..

22 – You don't understand why it gets dark at night , as someone to explain.

CCaann yyoouu eexxppllaaiinn wwhhyy iitt ggeettss ddaarrkk aatt nniigghhtt??

23 – A friend suggests that swimming is a good way to keep fit, State another


II tthhiinnkk rruunnnniinngg iiss aa ggoooodd wwaayy ..

24 – Your brother looks worried , you want to know if he has a problem.

wwhhaatt iiss tthhee mmaatttteerr?? WWhhaatt iiss wwrroonngg wwiitthh yyoouu??

25 – Your mother was very busy yesterday, you regret not helping her.

II sshhoouulldd hhaavvee hheellppeedd hheerr.. // II wwiisshh II hhaadd hheellppeedd hheerr..

26 – Your friend starts to cross the road when you see a car , warn him.

pplleeaassee,, bbee ccaarrffuull.. // wwaattcchh oouutt pplleeaassee..

27 – You ask someone about the qualifications and experience.

WWhhaatt aabboouutt yyoouurr qquuaalliiffiiccaattiioonnss aanndd eexxppeerriieennccee??

28 – You don't understand what distance learning is , ask your friend.

CCaann yyoouu eexxppllaaiinn wwhhaatt ddiissttaannccee lleeaarrnniinngg iiss ,, pplleeaassee??

22 –– MMeennttiioonn tthhee ppllaaccee ,, tthhee ssppeeaakkeerrss aanndd tthhee ffuunnccttiioonn :: 1 – A : How do you see the protestors at Tahrir Square ,now ?

B : there are people on camels and horses chasing the protestors.

2 – A : Have you seen Ali ?

B : No sir , he was on his desk a moment ago.

A : Is not he there now.

B : No , he may have gone home.

3 – A : Excuse me sir the captain has asked everyone to return to seats.

B : Are we going to land soon?

A : Yes , in about 15 minutes.

4 – A : I would like to book a return ticket to Aswan. ( 2011السودان)

place : studio A : interviewer/ presenter B : reporter function : asking and replying

place :company / office A : manager B : employee Function : asking and deduction

place : plane A : airhostess B :passenger Function :request and inquiry


B : Here you are platform No. 5 .

A : Thanks.

5 – A : I have a severe headache what should I do now? (السودان ) B : Take this medicine, regularly and have some rest.

A : Thank you.

6 – A : I would like to deposit 20,000 pounds into mu account.

B : Ok , fill in this form, please.

7 – A : Excuse me , what are you doing here?

B : I am here to demonstrate.

A : What for ?

B : freedom , social justice and equality.

8 – A : Are you in your first year?

B : Yes , I am studying English.

A : Good you will enjoy studying here.

9 – A : Well, your application has been successful.

B : Good when do I start?

A : Next month in our branch in Cairo.

10 – A : Do you remember what happened?

B : No , I just remember walking in the street.

A : You have to stay until we have check on you.

33 –– CChhoooossee tthhee ccoorrrreecctt aannsswweerr ffrroomm aa ,, bb ,, cc oorr dd :: 1 – The moon has less--------------- than the earth so we can jump much higher.


2 - -------- he understand the lesson if he read the summary?


place :station / booking office A :passenger B :booking clerk Function : inquiry/ booking

place : hospital / clinic A : patient/ B : doctor/ Function : asking and giving advice

place : hospital A : doctor B : patient Function : asking for information and advice

place :company A : manager B :applicant Function : giving information and inquiry

place :university A :student B : new student Function : asking for and giving


place : street/square A : reporter B : demonstrator Function : asking and giving


place :bank A : client B :clerk Function : request and instruction.


3 – The prisoner Of Zenda took ---------------- in the nineteenth century.


4 – Ali --------------- travelling by sea.

(used to-using to- is used to-uses to)

5 – Modern ---------- are the tall towers which are built where there is much wind.

(waste-wind turbines – fossil –hydroelectric)

6 – How --------------- information have you got from the story?


7 – This nice story ------------------- by Taha Hussein.

(is written-writes-was written-wrote)

8 – Yehia Haqqi graduated in law and worked for a short time as a ------------------


9 – It is a month ------------------ Hend last visited her uncle.


10 – The ------------ are the parts of the tree that grow underground.


11 – He will catch the train---------------- coming in time.

(If-In case of – unless-in spite of)

12 – The cover of the book is made of -----------------------


13 – The teacher asked Ahmad ----------------- all the way on foot.

(if he came-if did he come-would he come-if does he come)

14 - ------------------- makes light shine on something.

(Grass-Cliff-Illuminate –Carve)

15 – They left two hours ago, so they ----------------- arrived by now, it is not far.

(must-must have-can't have-have)

16 – He did nothing wrong , he is --------------------


17 – My brother and I are not twins , but we are very --------------------------


18 – Electricity is produced in a/an ------------------------ station.


19 – Agatha Christie's books ---------------------- into more than 40 languages.

(have been translated-have translated-translated- were being translated)

20 – Her uncle can't remember his accident , he may have ----------------


21 – Lightning is a dangerous but a natural ---------------------------------


22 – Wanting friends is part of human --------------------------------------


23 – It is hard to walk in space because there is no -------------------------



24 – Wind and water power are types of ----------------------- energy.


25 – We went to open a new school last week . It was a n interesting------------


26 – She didn't see her brother this morning , he --------------------- the flat.

(must leave-can't have left-must have left- can't leave)

27 - ------------------------ you work harder , you will fail.

(If –Unless-when –As )

28 – My sister --------- at university for 3 years, she comes home every weekend.

(has been-is –had been- is being)

29 – She asked me whether --------------- there before.

(I had been-I had went- I go – had I been)

30 – We arrived half an hour late , the film ---------------- half an hour earlier.

(began-was beginning – had begun- has begun)

31 – She promised she ------------------- me as soon as the plane landed.

(will phone-would phone-is going to phone-phones)

32 – The Romans --------------------Petra nearly two thousand years ago.

(have captured-were captured-captured-had captured)

33 – The car stopped because there was a ------------- in the petrol tank.


34 - ----------------is a ceremony in which someone officially becomes a queen or a



35 - Pupils don't have to pay for their books. The school -------------- them for free.


36 - That tower is one of the town's most famous -------------------.


37 - My father is very ---------------. He loves meeting and talking to new people.

(ambitious-well organized- sociable-optimistic)

38 - We are having a/an ------- at school next month about ways of reducing

global warming.


39 - Twenty kilometers ---------------- a long way to run.

(has-is-have-are )

40 - I sent an e- mail with three ------------- .They were photos of my wedding.


41 - The hard outside part of a tree is called the --------------.


42 - Nearly two million -------------- travel to and from Cairo every day.


43 - Electrical storms are a common ------------ in our part of the country.



44 - I get headache if I ---------------- for a long time.

(had read-read-will read- would read)

45 - I expect I ----------------you at the week end.

(am seeing-will see-am going to see-see)

46 - Wave power and winds are types of ----------------- energy.

(waste-new-renewable-non renewable)

47 - Magdy objected -------------- his friends' accusations.


48 - Her uncle can't remember his accident. The doctor thinks he may have…….

( headache - phobia -- amnesia – injury)

49 - -You can ..................... a new ship and a rocket.

( launch - lunch - harsh – lash)

50 -The car stopped because there was a ........... in the petrol tank.

( peak - peek - leak – lake)

51 - The piano is our favourite musical .....................

(tool - instrument - equipment – device)

52-The police think he did it. He is the main .................

( suspect - pioneer - publisher – agent)

53 - ………… is a ceremony when someone becomes the new king or queen

( coordination - coronation - celebration – cooperation)

54 - If you ................ earlier, you wouldn't have missed your train.

( had left - leave - would have left – left)

55 -Yehia Haqqi was born ….. 1905 in the Sayyida Zeinab district of Cairo

( on - by - at – in)

56 - At her first school, she ............... to wear a blue uniform.

( had - must - could – has)

57 - She does not need to wear glasses. There is nothing wrong with her….

( tongue - sigh - sight - site)

58 - Don't worry. I'm sure ................ them again soon.

(you see - you're seeing - you'll see - you're going to see)

59- In many countries, the wind ………. to generate electricity.

( used - use - are used - is used)

60 - A/An ….. student is a university or college student who is older than 25.

( stupid - mature - elderly – genius)

61 -The Mousetrap ……………. as a radio play in 1947.

( wrote - writes - is written - was written)

62- Their uncle is a scientist. He's ................ research into new forms of energy.

( making - taking - getting – doing)

63 -The ........... lit up the sky on the day the president stepped down..

( fireworks - landmarks - folks – cures)

1 – Million of people watched the rocket -------------- on TV.


a – start b – launch c – set off d – beginning

2 – The medicine I am taking is wonderful . It has no side -----------------

a – results b – damage c – effects d – problems

3 – My brother and I are not twins , but we are very -------------------

a – alike b – same c – like d – correct

4 – Coal and oil are two kinds of fossil ---------------------

a – petrol b – gas c – energy d – fuel

5 – Electricity is produced in a ------------------ station.

a – bus b – railway c – power d – energy

6 – I expect ---------------- you at the weekend.

a – I am going to see b – I will see c – I am seeing d – I see

7 – The film ------------- at 7:30 at the weekend.

a – starts b – will start c – is starting d – is going to start

8 – How -------- times have you seen that film?

a – many b – much c – lots d – different

9 – The distance from here to Cairo -------- two kilometers.

a – are b – is c – has been d – is being

10 – In some places , wood -------------- to heat people's homes.

a – are burnt b – burns c – burnt d – is burnt

1 – When I was at school I won a poetry writing --------------

a – race b – article c – competition d – game

2 – She sent me the report as an e – mail ---------------------

a – attachment b – letter c – picture d – article

3 – The little girl doesn't want to sing because she is -------------------

a – innocent b - secret c – spy d – shy

4 – My favourite musical ------------------- is the piano.

a – player b – instrument c – tool d – equipment

5 – I collect postcards which I keep in a -----------------box.

a – paper b – card c – cardboard d – wood

6 – We arrived half an hour late. The film -------- half an hour earlier.

a – began b – was beginning c – had begun d – has begun

7 – Agatha Christie's books -------- into more than 40 languages.

a – have been translated b – have translated

c – translated d – were being translated

8 – The Romans -------------- Petra nearly two thousand years ago.

a – have captured b – were captured

c – had captured d - captured

9 – Your train leaves in ten minutes. if you hurry , you will -------- it.

a – catch b –will catch c – would catch d – are catching

10 – If I am thirsty, I --------------- water.

a – will drink b – would drink c – am drinking d – drink


11 – A ----------- is a person who tries to solve crimes.

a – criminal b – judge c – lawyer d – detective

12 – The police are working ----------------- two crimes.

a – off b – on c – in d – over

13 – The passengers had all taken part ---------- the murder.

a – in b – on c – at d – for

14 – Could you -------------- by telling us about kinds of trees?

a – start b – starting c – started d – starts

15 – The climate is neither very hot --------------- very cold.

a – or b – so c – too d – nor

16 - -------- December 3, 1926, Agatha left home without telling anyone.

a – In b – At c – On d – With

1 – Too much sun can be ------------------

a – respectable b – harmful c – unthinkable d – in conflict

2 – We ------------ on the door three times , but they didn't hear us.

a – visited b – called c – hit d – knocked

3 – nurses are part of the medical -------------

a – profession b – work c – job d – career

4 – I get on well with my ------- at work, but they are not close friends.

a – people b – workers c – colleagues d – relatives

5 – The accident ----- at 8 o'clock when everyone was on their way to work.

a – occurred b – took c – came d – caused

6 – They left two hours ago , so they ----- arrived by now . It is not far.

a – must b – must have c – have d – can't have

7 – No one is sure where Ali is , but we think he ------ gone to see his uncle.

a – must b – can't have c – might have d – must have

8 – She asked m e whether --------- there before.

a – I had been b – I went c – I go d – had I been

9 – If ------- for too long , I get a headache.

a – I will read b – I read c – I had read d – I would read

10 – If you had come ten minutes later, I --------------------

a – would leave b – will leave c – leave d – would have left

11 – This medicine is safe. There are no ----------------------

a – top effects b – side effects c – leaks d – waste

12 – I am going to have lunch with friends tomorrow , we are ------at the

restaurant at 12:30.

a – going to meet b – would meet c – will meet d – meet

13 – The -------- between Cairo and my town is 650 kilometers.

a – district b – area c – distance d – space

14 – It is hard to walk in space because there is no --------------

a – gravity b – waiting c – spin d – air


15 – In Britain , children ------------ secondary school from the age of 11.

a – go b – intend c – share d – attend

16 – Most furniture ----------- wood.

a – made b – is made c – make d – makes

17 – Many people ------------ vegetables in their gardens.

a – growing b – are grown c – grow d – is grown

18 – In very hot weather , ice cream turns to ----------------

a – water b – soft c – liquid d – solid

19 – We call oil and coal ----------------- fuels.

a – fossil b – old c – renewable d – waste

20 – She -------an archaeologist when she leaves university, that is her plan.

a – will become b – am becoming c – is going to become d – become

21 – He is flying to London at the weekend . His flight ---- at 5: 30.

a – leaving b – leaves c – left d – leave

22 – We don't have ------------ time . We will have to hurry.

a- many b – some c –a lot d – much

23 – My friend and I look very different, but our personalities are -----

a – alike b – like c – common d – same

24 – Six months -------------- half a year.

a – are b – is c – am d – be

25 – The walls of the ------------ were built to protect the town.

a – pyramids b – mission c – castle d – house

26 – I am writing ------------ that my teacher asked for .

a – essay b – a essay c – the essay d – that essay

1 – I am sorry I didn't --------- you. You look completely different.

a – see b – recognize c – realize d – position

2 – Most secondary school teachers ------------ in one or two subjects.

a - specialize b – work c – achieve d – concentrate

3 – Experiments are used to test scientific ----------------------

a – thoughts b – processes c – models d – theories

4 – we are ----------------- my brother's birthday next weekend.

a – enjoying b – remembering c – celebrating d – developing

5 – My favourite --------- when I play football is goalkeeper.

a – place b – point c – location d – position

6 – I wish I --------- what I was doing at the weekend.

a – know b – have known c – knew d – was knowing

7 – My sister wishes she ---------------------- harder when she was at school.

a – had worked b – worked c – works d – has worked

8 – The children were covered in sand when they got home . They--------

a – were playing b – have been playing

c – played d – had been playing


9 – By the time we arrived home , we -------------- over 500 kilometres.

a – travelled b – had travelled

c – have travelled d – are travelling

10 – I expect --------------------- my driving test when I take it next year.

a – pass b – to pass c – passing d – to passing

11 – He practises -------the guitar everyday.

a – to play b – to be played c – to have played d – playing

12 – I regretted ------------------- her in public.

a – criticize b – to criticize c – criticizing d – to criticizing

13 – She is very keen ------------------ swimming.

a – in b – on c – of d – about

14 – I don't fancy -------------- that film , there is a lot of violence .

a – watch b – watched c – watches d – watching

15 – The film was really enjoyable . I wish you ------ with us.

a – would be b – could be c – are d – had been

16 – Sham El-Nessim is a day ------------- marks the beginning of spring.

a – in which b – which c – who d - whose

1 – My parents have always --------- me to keep fit by playing sports.

a – warned b – agreed c – encouraged d – argued

2 – When you pass your test, you will get a driving ------------

a – permission b – licence c – paper d – certificate

3 – He doesn't want to live a ---- life. He would prefer excitement and adventure.

a – conventional b – daily c – interesting d – exciting

4 – Their TV ---------------- is very dirty.

a – window b – glass c – gadget d – screen

5 - --------- books used to be very cheap.

a – paper b – paperback c – cardboard d – Hard

6 – Florence Nightingale, ---- was born in Italy, went to school in England.

a – which b – where c – who d – that

7 – My uncle went to a school in London, -------he learned to speak English

a – which b – where c – who d – that

8 – I went to the bank this morning --------- I needed to take out some money.

a – so b – although c – because d – and

9 – I have felt really tired today, ------ I went to bed early last night.

a – because b – so c – despite d – although

10 – I hope that by the end of next week, our roof will have been-------

a – repair b – repairing c – repaired d – repairs

11 – She has spent much of her career -------- other women.

a – to encourage b – encouraged c – encourages d – encouraging

12 – I went to England ----------------- a month last summer .

a – for b – since c – ago d – last


13 – When you go to a place to study and have a holiday, this is called---------------

a – language and culture b – language and science

c – language and weather d – language and language

14 – We stayed ---------------- English families.

a – in b – by c – with d – at

15 – During my stay , I ------------------ some new friends.

a – bought b – made c – did d – hated

16 – They were interested ---------------- hear about life in Egypt.

a – in b – on c – for d – to

1 – My cousin is very --------. She loves meeting and talking to new people.

a – well – organized b – conscientious c – sociable d – ambitious

2 – People understand what I am saying when I speak Spanish , but I am not -----

a – fluent b – ideal c – mature d – qualified

3 – The girl tried to ------------- me to lend her my phone , but I refused.

a – treat b – enroll c – provide d – persuade

4 – One of the supermarkets in our town has 25--------------------

a – employers b – employees c – applicants d – merchants

5 – The school -------------- every student with books, so you don't have to buy any


a – gives b – trains c – provides d – lends

6 – My friend's parents have invited me ---------- on holiday with them.

a – for b – go c – going d – to go

7 – Aisha's parents asked her ------ she had finished her homework.

a – weather b – where c – if d – to

8 – Ali's doctor advised --------------- to stay at home if he was feeling ill.

a – he b – him c – it d – his

9 – If it isn't too hot tomorrow , I ------- go swimming.

a – should b – must c – can't d – might

10 – They ------ be at school by eight o'clock everyday . School starts at 8.

a – have to b – should c – might d - can

11 – You can contact your teachers -------------------- advice.

a – for b – by c – in d – to

12 – We have to ----------------------------- a formal exam.

a – do b – think c – take d – taking

13 – The OU was the first university to provide degrees through ----------learning.

a – distant b – long c – right d – distance

14 – The companies pay --------------- the cost of the courses.

a – for b – by c – to d – in

15 – Thanks------information technology , the world is becoming smaller.

a – for b – to c – too d – you

16 – He wrote a report --------------- some investments .


a – in b – to c – by d - on

1 Five pounds--------------------------------------- a lot for a cup of coffee.

( are - cost - pay – is)

2- In some countries, people use a passport instead of --------------------------card.

( an identity - a personal - a national - an individual)

3- Sayed ---------the train. He was at the station half an hour before the train left.

( can’t miss - can’t have missed - must have missed - didn’t miss)

4- My friend advised me to see a doctor. I wish I ----------------------her advice now.

( took - take - had taken - have taken)

5 -Did they ever discover the---------------------------------------- of the fire?

( reason - purpose - explanation – cause)

6 -My sister promised me---------------------------------------- after school this afternoon.

(a meeting - to meet - met – meet)

7 -I’ve just finished a novel --------------the main character is an 80-year-old man.

( which -in which -who – whose)

8 -Have you heard? They’ve discovered a/an---------- new treatment for flu.

( effective - useless - real – cruel)

9- She -------------------------------------------sport as a very important part of her life.

( thinks - believes - regards – looks)

1 0 -On-------------------- that he had passed his driving test, Taha was very happy.

( heard - he heard - to hear – hearing)

1 1 -There was great-------------------------- when our team won the football match.

( procession -imprisonment - excitement – attachment)

1 2 -He wasn’t getting enough exercise, --------------------------he joined a sports club.

( because - although - and – so)

1 3- I’ve seen an interesting article on the internet which I have ---------------onto

my computer.

( received -done - downloaded – written)

1 4 -By this time next week, the exam results will ------------------------------------------.

( have been published - have published - publish - be publishing)

1 5 -I like that photograph on your computer---------------------------------- .

( glass - screen - film – front)

1 6 -Nader is really----------------------------- about all kinds of sport. He loves playing

and watching it.

( interested - active - enthusiastic – keen )

CChhoooossee tthhee ccoorrrreecctt aannsswweerr ffrroomm aa,, bb,, cc oorr dd:: 1- You’ll have to hurry. Your lesson --------------------------------------in half an hour.

( is going to start - starts - will start –start)

2 -That tower is one of the town’s most famous--------------------------------------------- .

( landmarks - marks - events – products)


3- I’d like to get a job in the medical------------------------------------------------------------- .

( work - career - occupation –profession)

4- I wish I----------------------------------------------------- where I left my jacket now.

( know - had known - knew - could know)

5- Heba wishes she---------------------------------------------- all her money at the weekend.

( didn’t spend - doesn’t spend - hasn’t spent - hadn’t spent)

6 -My brother---------------------------------- his ambition when he became a doctor.

( achieved - won - got – made)

7- After the storm, there was a huge --------------------------------of water on the roads.

( floods - number - amount – lot)

8 -Sara felt ill all night because she-------------------------- too much the day before.

( had eaten -was eating - eats - has eaten)

9- Hamdi was very tired yesterday evening because he ------------------for a school

test all day.

( has revised - had been revising -revised – revising)

1 0 -I really -----------------------------------------to very loud music in public places.

( disagree - argue - can’t stand – object)

1 1- Ahmed’s friends didn’t ---------------------------him when he returned from a year

abroad. He looked so different.

( recognise - remember -see – look)

1 2- My friend suggested -------------------------------------for a picnic in the park.

(go - to go - going – goes)

1 3- We’re planning -------------------------------------to Europe for our holiday next year.

(flying - to fly - fly - to flying)

1 4- In some countries, people -----------the end of the year on December 31st.

( enjoy - celebrate - have fun – party)

1 5 -In our town, there are musicians who play -------------------------------------music.

( tradition - national - folk – historical)

1 6 -Whose--------------------------- is it to make sure children arrive safely at school?

(responsible - responsibility - response – respond)

1 - In some modern homes, water------------------------- by energy from the sun.

( are heated - heat - is heated - is heating)

2 My daily ------------------------------------starts when my alarm clock goes off at 6.30.

( routine - habit - custom – way)

3 There’s water all over the floor. Someone ---------------------to turn off the shower.

( must forget - must have forgotten - can’t have forgotten - can have


4 Her parents -----------------------------have meetings with the teachers at her school.

(totally - gradually - slowly –regularly)

5 My brother and I have just had a phone conversation ---------------we discussed

our holiday plans.


( which -in which - what - to which)

6 - At the weekend, my aunt asked me what I ----------------------since we last met.

( did -was doing - have done -had been doing)

7- Teachers are always encouraging their students to be-------- and hard-


( conventional - common - confusing – conscientious)

8- He wanted to know whether anyone -----------------------the book he was reading.

( had seen - has seen - sees – saw)

9- My sister hasn’t finished her course yet. She’s still-------------------------------------- .

( a trainer - an employee - an employer - a trainee)

1 0 -The best writers force their readers -----------------------about serious questions.

(to think - thinking - thought – think)

1 1- A new supermarket in our town was opened by a well-known-------yesterday.

( celebrity - famous - character – somebody)

1 2- I think someone may have------------------------- today’s newspaper by mistake.

( wasted - thrown - refused - thrown away)

1 3- I really -------phone my parents to tell them I’m going to be late home today.

( need - must - can – could)

1 4- At her first school, she ------------------------------------------to wear a blue uniform.

( had - must - could – has)

1 5- He is thinking of------------ on a Business Studies course at the local college.

( entering - applying - enrolling – beginning)

1 6- Pupils don’t have to pay for their books. The school---------------------- them.

( pays - provides - takes – affords)

sseenntteenncceess oonn GGrraammmmaarr 1 – The film starts at 9 pm.

2 – We have booked the tickets , we are travelling tomorrow.

3 – I think , it will rain.

4 – There are clouds , it is going to rain.

5 – Ten million pounds is a lot of money.

6 – Athletics is my favourite sport.

7 – The house is heated by the sun.

8 – He used to arrive early.

9 – He is used to arriving early.

10 – Somebody phoned while she was cooking.

11 – As soon as she had taken the photo. she showed them to me.

12 – As soon as the photo had been taken, it was shown to me.

13 – People believed that he was innocent.

14 – It was believed that he was innocent.

15 – He was believed to have been innocent.

16 – If you water plants , they grow.


17 – If you water these plants, they will grow.

18 – If you study hard , you will succeed .

Should you study hard, you will succeed.

If you want to succeed, study hard.

19 – If he arrived early , he would meet us.

Should he arrive early , he would meet us.

Were he to arrive early , he would meet us.

20 – If I were you , I would study hard.

21 – If he had played well , he would have won.

Had he played well, he would have won.

22 – He must have gone out, we didn't see him.

23 – He can't have killed the man, he was abroad.

24 – He said that he had taken the book the day before.

25 – He asked me if I watched the match.

26 – She asked me where I had seen the man.

27 – Mother told me not to eat too much.

28 – He advised me to study hard.

29 – He wishes he was taller. ( تمني في المضارع) 30 – I wish I could swim now.

31 – I wish I hadn't wasted my time playing. ( تمني في الماضي) 32 – He agreed to meet me.

33 – He admitted killing the man.

34 – He stopped listening to the radio. ( لم يعد يستمع الى الراديو) He stopped to listen to the radio. ( كان يفعل شيء وتوقف عنه لكي يستمع الى الراديو) 35 – We had a meeting at which we found out about the school trip.

36 – She has written an article in which she describes women's problems.

37 – We will build a new house next year.

A new house will be built next year.

38 – By 2020, we will have bought a new car.

By 2020 , a new car will have been bought.

39 – You should look for a new job.

40 – You have to start work at 8:30.

41 – You must not drive without a licence.

42 – You need to revise for next exam.

43 – He should have come early yesterday.

44 – He shouldn't have insulted his friend.

45 – They needn't have bought too much sugar.

44 –– FFiinndd tthhee mmiissttaakkeess iinn eeaacchh ooff tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg sseenntteenncceess :: 1 – All scientists are interested of space.


2 – My brother had a good educated , he went o one of the best universities.



3 – Despite she is clever , Mona failed the exam.


4 – I went to a university to buy some medicine.

pphhaarrmmaaccyy // cchheemmiisstt''ss

5 – Before you go to London, you should practice to speak English.

lleeaarrnn // kknnooww// pprraaccttiissee // ttrraaiinn

6 – My father is a good tennis playing.


7 – Goma'a El Shawan was a very famous Egyptian King.

ssppyy// sseeccrreett aaggeenntt

8 – I fixed the lake in the petrol tank.


9 – The married team went to Italy during their holiday.


10 – He asked me if I saw his newspaper.

hhaadd sseeeenn

11 – The prisoner of Zenda was wrote by Antony Hope.


12 – He doesn't like pasta , he always eats it.


13 – I wish I can read more quickly.


14 – We have to show our credit cards before entering the university.


15 – I will never forget the day where I first saw my husband.


16 – Mr. Ezz is thought being an honest man.

ttoo bbee

17 – They are working for five hours before the light went off.

hhaadd bbeeeenn wwoorrkkiinngg

18 - The good news are that Hebe had twin baby girls


19 - He asked me where had I put the bag the day before.

II hhaadd

20 - My plane is leaving Cairo today at 10 pm.


21 - When Umm Kalthoum died, thousands of people attended her wedding


22 -The pyramids are very important Ancient Egyptian magnet


23 - Doctors and nurses belong to medical confession.



24 – I wish I can read more quickly.


25 – she asked her friend weather she had finished her work.

iiff// wwhheetthheerr

26 – I have invited one of my friends stay with me.

ttoo ssttaayy

27 – When he was five, Fawzy was sting by a scorpion.


28 – I need a university to buy medicine.

pphhaarrmmaaccyy // cchheemmiisstt''ss

29 – A civil servant is someone who works for the army.


30 – I feel really boring when I have nothing to do.


31 – The person who's job is to clean the school is absent.


32 – When the president died millions of people attended his wedding.


33 – We should reinvent paper , rather than throw it.

rreeuussee // rreeccyyccllee

34 – Despite he is 68, my grandfather is still working.


35 – I want to make a sandwich , have we got a bread?


36 – She shouldn't eat too many sweets as she is chronic.


37 – Alfred farag is a famous Egyptian playwrite.


38 – How many time do I need to reach there?


39 - The accident wouldn’t happen if he hadn’t been using his mobile phone.

wwoouullddnn''tt hhaavvee hhaappppeenneedd

40 - The statue of Ramses II is a very important Ancient Egyptian magnet.


41 - Teachers and supervisors belong to the teaching confession.


42 – Water is the solid form of ice.


43 – I need to get fit, so I have made a decision . I do exercise.

aamm ggooiinngg ttoo ddoo

44 – Let's try to find them , they can't have went very far.



45 – People can waste money by uussiinngg the underground.


66 –– WWrriittiinngg

أهمية أهمية –– دور الشباب دور الشباب –– التعليم التعليم –– التكنولوجيا الحديثة التكنولوجيا الحديثة ––أوال الموضوعات اإليجابية مثل السياحة أوال الموضوعات اإليجابية مثل السياحة

---------------------- المياة---------------------- المياةWWee aallll aaggrreeee tthhaatt ---------------- iiss oonnee ooff tthhee mmoosstt iimmppoorrttaanntt tthhiinnggss iinn oouurr lliiffee tthheessee

ddaayyss.. IItt iiss vveerryy uusseeffuull aass iitt hhaass aa lloott ooff ggoooodd eeffffeeccttss iinn aallll ffiieellddss..

:جمل عامت للموضوع اآليجابي:جمل عامت للموضوع اآليجابي11 –– IItt iiss aa tthhiinngg tthhaatt wwee ccaann''tt ddoo wwiitthhoouutt..

22 –– IItt hheellppss iinn tthhee ddeevveellooppmmeenntt ooff oouurr ccoouunnttrryy..

33 –– WWee sshhoouulldd ddoo oouurr bbeesstt ttoo ddeevveelloopp iitt..

جملت ختاميت جملت ختاميت FFiinnaallllyy ,, wwee ccaann ssuumm uupp bbyy ssaayyiinngg tthhaatt ---------------------- iiss vveerryy uusseeffuull ,, ssoo wwee mmuusstt

bbeenneeffiitt ffrroomm iitt bbyy aallll mmeeaannss..

---احتباس حراري / زيادة السكان/ الموضوعاث السلبيت مثل أمراض – 22 ---احتباس حراري / زيادة السكان/ الموضوعاث السلبيت مثل أمراض –

: المقذمت : المقذمت WWee aallll aaggrreeee tthhaatt wwee ffaaccee aa lloott ooff ddaannggeerroouuss pprroobblleemmss tthheessee ddaayyss.. BBuutt ,, iinn

mmyy ooppiinniioonn tthhee mmoosstt ddaannggeerroouuss oonnee iiss ---------- bbeeccaauussee iitt hhaass bbaadd eeffffeeccttss iinn aallll


: جمل عامت للموضوع السلبي : جمل عامت للموضوع السلبي 11 –– IItt iiss oonnee ooff tthhee wwoorrsstt pprroobblleemmss..

22 –– iitt iiss aa gglloobbaall pprroobblleemm..

33 –– AAllll ccoouunnttrriieess sshhoouulldd ccooooppeerraattee ttoo ssoollvvee tthhiiss pprroobblleemm

الجملت الختاميت الجملت الختاميت

FFiinnaallllyy ,, wwee ccaann ssuumm uupp bbyy ssaayyiinngg tthhaatt---------- iiss aa bbaadd pprroobblleemm ,, ssoo wwee mmuusstt

ddoo oouurr bbeesstt ttoo ssoollvvee iitt..

EExxaammpplleess ((11))

TThhee rroollee ooff yyoouutthh iinn mmaakkiinngg tthheeiirr ccoouunnttrryy bbeetttteerr

WWee aallll aaggrreeee tthhaatt yyoouutthh aarree tthhee bbaacckkbboonnee ooff aannyy ccoouunnttrryy.. AAss tthheeyy ppllaayy

tthhee mmaaiinn rroollee iinn aannyytthhiinngg .. TThheeyy hhaavvee tthhee ppoowweerr aanndd ddeetteerrmmiinnaattiioonn ttoo ddoo


aannyy tthhiinngg ffoorr tthhee ssaakkee ooff tthheeiirr ccoouunnttrryy.. IIff wwee wwaanntt ttoo mmaakkee aannyy pprrooggrreessss ,,

wwee mmuusstt ddeeppeenndd oonn tthheemm ttoo ddoo tthhaatt.. TThheeyy ccaann sshhaarree iinn ddeevveellooppiinngg aanndd

ssaavviinngg tthheeiirr ccoouunnttrriieess iinn ttiimmee ooff wwaarr aanndd iinn ttiimmee ooff ppeeaaccee.. IInn EEggyypptt ,, tthheeiirr

rroollee bbeeccaammee cclleeaarr dduurriinngg tthhee 2255tthh

rreevvoolluuttiioonn aanndd tthheeyy ppllaayyeedd tthhee mmaaiinn rroollee..

TThheeyy aallssoo hhaavvee tthhee dduuttyy ooff rreebbuuiillddiinngg tthheeiirr ccoouunnttrryy..

EExxaammpplleess ((22))


NNoo oonnee ccaann ddeennyy tthhaatt ttoouurriissmm iiss oonnee ooff tthhee mmoosstt iimmppoorrttaanntt tthhiinngg iinn EEggyypptt..

BBeeccaauussee iitt hhaass ggrreeaatt rroollee iinn iittss eeccoonnoommyy.. TThhee iimmppoorrttaannccee ooff ttoouurriissmm lliieess iinn

pprroovviiddiinngg hhaarrdd ccuurrrreennccyy ffoorr EEggyypptt.. IItt aallssoo pprroovviiddeess jjoobb ooppppoorrttuunniittiieess ffoorr aallll

ppeeooppllee.. FFrroomm hheerree tthhee ggoovveerrnnmmeenntt sshhoouulldd ppaayy ggrreeaatt aatttteennttiioonn ttoo tthhiiss ffiieelldd..

WWee mmuusstt ddoo oouurr bbeesstt ttoo aattttrraacctt mmoorree ttoouurriissttss ttoo EEggyypptt .. IItt ccaann bbuuiilldd nneeww

hhootteellss wwiitthh aallll mmeeaannss ooff ffaacciilliittiieess.. WWee aass cciittiizzeennss hhaavvee aa rroollee ,, wwee mmuusstt ttrreeaatt

ttoouurriissttss iinn aa ffrriieennddllyy wwaayy aanndd mmaakkee tthheemm lloovvee EEggyypptt ttoo ccoommee aaggaaiinn.. FFiinnaallllyy

wwee ccaann ssuumm uupp bbyy ssaayyiinngg tthhaatt ttoouurriissmm ffoorr EEggyypptt iiss lliikkee wwaatteerr aanndd aaiirr ,, ssoo

wwee mmuusstt ddoo oouurr bbeesstt ttoo bbeenneeffiitt ffrroomm iitt..

EExxaammpplleess ((33))

TThhee mmoosstt iimmppoorrttaanntt ddiissccoovveerryy oorr iinnvveennttiioonn

WWee aallll aaggrreeee tthhaatt wwee lliivvee iinn tthhee aaggee ooff sscciieennccee aanndd mmooddeerrnn sscciieennccee..

TThheerree aarree aa lloott ooff mmooddeerrnn ddiissccoovveerriieess aanndd iinnvveennttiioonnss ,, IInn mmyy ooppiinniioonn ,, tthhee

mmoosstt iimmppoorrttaanntt iinnvveennttiioonn iiss tthhee ccoommppuutteerr aanndd tthhee iinntteerrnneett.. AAss tthheeyy aarree

uusseedd iinn aallll ffiieellddss ooff lliiffee.. TThhrroouugghh tthhee iinntteerrnneett,, wwee ggeett aannyy iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn

aabboouutt aannyy ssuubbjjeecctt iinn aallll llaanngguuaaggeess.. BByy uussiinngg tthhee iinntteerrnneett ,, wwee ccaann kknnooww

wwhhaatt iiss hhaappppeenniinngg iinn aannyy ccoouunnttrryy aatt tthhee ssaammee ttiimmee ooff iittss ooccccuurrrreennccee.. OOnn

tthhee IInntteerrnneett ppeeooppllee eessppeecciiaallllyy ,, yyoouutthh ccaann eexxpprreessss tthheeiirr iiddeeaass aanndd hhooppeess..

TThhee iimmppoorrttaannccee ooff tthhee iinntteerrnneett hhaass bbeeccoommee cclleeaarr dduurriinngg tthhee 2255tthh


aass iitt wwaass tthhee mmeetthhoodd ooff ccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn aammoonngg tthhee pprrootteessttoorrss tthhrroouugghh ffaaccee

bbooookk wweebbssiitteess..

EE--mmaaiill wwrriittiinngg

WWrriittee aann ee--mmaaiill ttoo yyoouurr ffrriieenndd TToomm ttoo iinnvviittee hhiimm ttoo vviissiitt EEggyypptt aafftteerr tthhee

ggrreeaatt eevveenntt ooff 2255tthh

rreevvoolluuttiioonn,, tteellll hhiimm tthhaatt hhee wwiillll eennjjooyy hhiiss vviissiitt aass EEggyypptt iiss

tthhee ccoouunnttrryy ooff ssaaffee aanndd ssaaffeettyy aanndd ppllaacceess hhee ccaann vviissiitt.. YYoouurr nnaammee iiss AAllii ..

YYoouurr ee--mmaaiill iiss AAllii@@yyaahhoooo..ccoomm aanndd hhiiss ee--mmaaiill iiss TToomm@@yyaahhoooo..ccoomm


FFrroomm AAllii@@yyaahhoooo..ccoomm

TToo TToomm@@yyaahhoooo..ccoomm

SSuubbjjeecctt IInnvviittaattiioonn

DDeeaarr TToomm ,,

II aamm vveerryy hhaappppyy ttoo sseenndd yyoouu tthhiiss ee--mmaaiill.. HHooww yyoouu aarree aanndd yyoouurr ffaammiillyy..

II sseenndd yyoouu tthhiiss ee--mmaaiill ttoo iinnvviittee yyoouu ttoo vviissiitt EEggyypptt nneexxtt ssuummmmeerr.. II tthhiinnkk yyoouu

wwiillll eennjjooyy yyoouurr vviissiitt ttoo EEggyypptt aanndd eennjjooyy eevveerryytthhiinngg aafftteerr tthhee 2255tthh


.. YYoouu ccaann vviissiitt aa lloott ooff iinntteerreessttiinngg ppllaacceess iinn CCaaiirroo ,, LLuuxxoorr aanndd AAsswwaann.. YYoouu

ccaann eennjjooyy wwaallkkiinngg iinn oouurr ssttrreeeettss ssaaffeellyy aass EEggyypptt iiss tthhee ccoouunnttrryy ooff ssaaffee aanndd

ssaaffeettyy.. II wwiillll bbee hhaappppyy iiff yyoouu aacccceepptt tthhiiss iinnvviittaattiioonn..

BBeesstt wwiisshheess,,


77 –– TTrraannssllaattiioonn AA )) TTrraannssllaattee iinnttoo AArraabbiicc :

1) Many studies have shown that it is better to wear your seat belt when you

are driving a car. Seat belts greatly reduce the risk of death or injury in

accidents. The fact is widely recognized and many governments have passed

laws imposing seat belt use.

ألن حزام األمان . أظهرت العديد من الدراسات أنه من األفضل أن ترتدي حزام األمان عندما تقود السيارة ألن حزام األمان . أظهرت العديد من الدراسات أنه من األفضل أن ترتدي حزام األمان عندما تقود السيارة

وتم ادراك تلك الحقيقة لذلك أصدرت الحكومة قوانين . يقلل من مخاطر الموت أو األصابه في الحوادث وتم ادراك تلك الحقيقة لذلك أصدرت الحكومة قوانين . يقلل من مخاطر الموت أو األصابه في الحوادث

. لفرض استخدام حزام األمان . لفرض استخدام حزام األمان

2 ) The Egyptian people have suffered a lot from corruption, injustice and

unemployment and these made them gather in Tahrir square and revolt to

express their inner feelings without fear. They gave the whole world a good

example to follow. The Egyptians want to free themselves from all restrictions

and aggression .

لقد عاني المصريون كثيرا من الفساد والظلم والبطالة وذلك جعلهم يتجمعون في ميدان التحرير ويثوروا لقد عاني المصريون كثيرا من الفساد والظلم والبطالة وذلك جعلهم يتجمعون في ميدان التحرير ويثوروا

ويريد المصريون تحرير . وأعطوا العالم مثال جيد يحتذي به . للتعبير عن مشاعرهم الداخلية دون خوف ويريد المصريون تحرير . وأعطوا العالم مثال جيد يحتذي به . للتعبير عن مشاعرهم الداخلية دون خوف

. . أنفسهم من القيود والعدوانأنفسهم من القيود والعدوان

3 ) Co-operation among nations of the world will result in spreading peace and

security. They should help each other to improve the living conditions of their


ويجب على تلك الدول مساعدة بعضها البعض لتحسين . التعاون بين الدول يؤدي إلى نشر السالم واألمان ويجب على تلك الدول مساعدة بعضها البعض لتحسين . التعاون بين الدول يؤدي إلى نشر السالم واألمان

الشعوب/ مستويات معيشة الناس . الشعوب/ مستويات معيشة الناس

BB )) TTrraannssllaattee iinnttoo EEnngglliisshh:: .جة أ طئ األطفال ػه حة انىط واحرزاو انىانذ


WWee sshhoouulldd bbrriinngg uupp cchhiillddrreenn oonn nnaattiioonn lloovvee aanndd rreessppeeccttiinngg ppaarreennttss..

.اقرزح ضثاب انثىرج أفكارا جذذج نثاء انىط

TThhee rreevvoolluuttiioonn''ss yyoouutthh ssuuggggeesstteedd nneeww iiddeeaass ttoo bbuuiilldd tthhee ccoouunnttrryy..

.ضؼة يصز كزى وطة يؼزوف تانطهايح وحة انكزايح

TThhee EEggyyppttiiaann ppeeooppllee aarree ggeenneerroouuss aanndd aarree kknnoowwnn ffoorr nnoobbiilliittyy aanndd lloovvee ooff ddiiggnniittyy..

.األرذفاع انسرز ف األسؼار وسادج انثطانح أدخ ان قاو ثىرج انخايس وانؼطز ي از

TThhee iinnccrreeaassee rriissee iinn pprriicceess aanndd uunneemmppllooyymmeenntt lleedd ttoo tthhee 2255tthh JJaannuuaarryy rreevvoolluuttiioonn

.ذحث األدا ػه انسالو وانزحح وانرؼاص انسه

AAllll rreelliiggiioonnss ccaallll ffoorr ppeeaaccee ,, mmeerrccyy aanndd ppeeaacceeffuull lliiffee..

.يصز تهذ األي واأليا الفزق ت يسهى ويسح

EEggyypptt iiss tthhee ccoouunnttrryy ooff ssaaffee aanndd ssaaffeettyy((sseeccuurriittyy)) ,, tthheerree iiss nnoo ddiiffffeerreennccee bbeettwweeeenn aa

MMuusslliimm oorr CChhrriissttiiaann ..

. از أ ضؼة يصز ذ واحذج 25أثثرد ثىرج

TThhee 2255tthh rreevvoolluuttiioonn pprroovveedd tthhaatt ppeeooppllee ooff EEggyypptt aarree oonnee hhaanndd..

. از25انحزح وانساواج كاا ضؼار ثىرج

FFrreeeeddoomm aanndd eeqquuaalliittyy wweerree tthhee ssllooggaannss ooff 2255tthh rreevvoolluuttiioonn..

. از 25نؼثد انقىاخ انسهحح دورا هايا ف جاح ثىرج

TThhee aarrmmeedd ffoorrcceess ppllaayyeedd aann iimmppoorrttaanntt rroollee iinn tthhee ssuucccceessss ooff 2255tthh rreevvoolluuttiioonn.

.سظم انطؼة وانجص وانطزطح ذا واحذج

PPeeooppllee ,, ppoolliiccee aanndd aarrmmeedd ffoorrcceess wwiillll rreemmaaiinn oonnee hhaanndd..

تؼذ انثىرج جة أ رؼاو جؼا ي اجم اػادج تاء يصز

AAfftteerr tthhee rreevvoolluuttiioonn ,, wwee sshhoouulldd ccoo--ooppeerraattee ttoo rreebbuuiilldd EEggyypptt..

انسهى وانسحى يرحذو دائا

MMuusslliimmss aanndd CChhrriissttiiaannss aarree aallwwaayyss uunniitteedd..

.جة ا ثذل قصار جهذا ي اجم ارؼاش انساحح يزج اخز

WWee mmuusstt ddoo oouurr bbeesstt ttoo rreeffrreesshh ttoouurriissmm(( mmaakkee iitt fflloouurriisshh)) aaggaaiinn..

.يها طال انفساد وانظهى فالتذ ي هاح

WWhhaatteevveerr ccoorrrruuppttiioonn aanndd iinnjjuussttiiccee mmaayy llaasstt,, tthheerree wwiillll bbee aann eenndd..

.اػرقذ ا اناس سىف ذسرز ف قزاءج انكرة ي اجم انرؼح

II tthhiinnkk ,, ppeeooppllee wwiillll ccoonnttiinnuuee rreeaaddiinngg bbooookkss ffoorr ffuunn..

يا ىع انىسق انر ذحثها ؟

WWhhaatt kkiinndd ooff mmuussiicc ddoo yyoouu lliikkee??

.ال احذ سرطغ أ كز انذور انفؼال انذ ذهؼثح انركىنىجا


NNoo oonnee ccaann ddeennyy tthhee eeffffeeccttiivvee rroollee ppllaayyeedd bbyy tteecchhnnoollooggyy..

هم اسرخذيد يىاقغ انرىاصم األجراػ يثم انفس تىك وذىرز ي قثم ؟

HHaavvee yyoouu eevveerr uusseedd ssoocciiaall ssiitteess lliikkee ffaaccee bbooookk aanndd ttwwiitttteerr ??

. جة ػها ذزضذ اناج نرجة أسيح اناج يغ دول حىض انم

WWee mmuusstt rraattiioonnaalliizzee wwaatteerr uussee ttoo aavvooiidd wwaatteerr ccrriissiiss wwiitthh NNiillee bbaassiinn ccoouunnttrriieess..

. نؼثد انركىنىجا انحذثح يثم االرزد وانفس تىك دورا ػظا ف ثىرج از

MMooddeerrnn tteecchhnnoollooggyy aass tthhee iinntteerrnneett aanndd ffaaccee bbooookk ppllaayyeedd ggrreeaatt rroollee iinn tthhee 2255tthh rreevvoolluuttiioonn


. أثثد ضثاب يصز ا نهى دورا ػظا ف ذقذو انجرغ

TThhee EEggyyppttiiaann yyoouutthh pprroovveedd tthhaatt tthheeyy hhaavvee ggrreeaatt rroollee iinn tthhee pprrooggrreessss ooff tthheeiirr ssoocciieettyy..

. هؼة انجهس األػه نهقىاخ انسهحح دورا هايا ف حاح يصز داخها وخارجا

TThhee ssuupprreemmee ccoouunncciill ooff tthhee aarrmmeedd ffoorrcceess ppllaayy aann iimmppoorrttaanntt rroollee iinn pprrootteeccttiinngg EEggyypptt

iinnssiiddee aanndd oouuttssiiddee.

تم بحمد اهلل وتوفيقة تم بحمد اهلل وتوفيقة

يرذي االيرحا انرؼه يرذي االيرحا انرؼه



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