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Page 1: 2013 Chapter Growth Coordinator Manual...Work with Visitor Host Coordinator to ensure that the chapter is using the entire Visitor Host program and following up with each visitor.

© 2013 BNI 1

Chapter Growth Coordinator


Material contained in this document is proprietary. Disclosure or dissemination of this material outside of BNI would be in violation of the Non-Disclosure, Non-Solicitation, and Non-Compete

Agreement and is prohibited. You are responsible for returning this document in BNI immediately upon completion of your service on the Support Leadership Team. Not returning this document at the

end of your service would be in Violation of the Non-Disclosure, Non-Solicitation, and Non-Compete Agreement.

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Contents Purpose ................................................................................................................................ 3 Chapter Visitors’ Day ............................................................................................................ 5 BNI Personal Visitors’ Day Procedure ................................................................................ 10 Personal Prospect List (Sample) ........................................................................................ 11 Contact Sphere Worksheet ................................................................................................. 15 Who Do You Know? ........................................................................................................... 16 Successful Kick-off/Visitors’ Day!! Confirmation Sheet ....................................................... 17 Suggested Follow-up Scripts .............................................................................................. 18 Focused Visitors’ Day Campaign ........................................................................................ 19 “One-A-Day” Focused Visitors’ Day .................................................................................... 21 Inviting Mindset ................................................................................................................... 22 Focused Inviting ................................................................................................................. 23 Inviting Mindset Scripts for Inviting ..................................................................................... 24 The BNI Game .................................................................................................................... 25 Game Score Card ............................................................................................................... 26 Chapter Goal Sheet ............................................................................................................ 27 Visitor Orientation ............................................................................................................... 28 Consolidated Visitor Orientation Sheet ............................................................................... 29 Chapter Growth Coordinators (Chapter Copy) ................................................................... 31 Chapter Growth Coordinators (Director Copy) .................................................................... 32

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Because chapters will constantly lose members for a variety of reasons, consistent on-going growth will always be essential for the success of any chapter. Strong chapters recognize this and have a focus on growth at all times. They also recognize that they must have a system in place to monitor and plan for the necessary growth. Why is the growth important? Experience shows that a chapter with 30 members or more is approximately 287% more effective for the members than a chapter of 15 members. Every time you double the size of a chapter, you triple the referrals generated. The largest chapter in BNI is at 80+ members. While some people may think this is too large, others look at it as an opportunity to develop Contact Spheres into large “Power Teams”. We have found that the optimal chapter size ranges from 45 to 55 members. The goal is to have all members involved in growing the chapter in a way that is beneficial to the members (Contact Spheres) and the overall chapter (people who will be involved – no spectators!) as a whole.

Roles of the Growth Coordinator: The Growth Coordinator’s role is to facilitate the planning process of the chapter growth as well as monitor and coordinate the necessary action steps in order to have consistent and steady growth. Like any other goal, the need to stay focused is a major step in achieving the goal. The Growth Coordinators should be recognized at the chapter introductions. The individual roles of the Growth Coordinator are as follows: 1. Meet monthly with the Vice President and Membership Committee to determine the

professions that would best fit into the chapter. Remember – always be looking to fill the open positions of the members’ “contact spheres”.

One of the major reasons for members leaving a chapter is because they are not working

within a “Power Team”. The first step would be to fill the contact sphere, which would allow the member to make the necessary commitments to develop a Power Team.

2. Meet regularly with the entire Leadership Team to determine areas for improvement and to

offer suggestions and feedback that may be received from guests, Visitors Hosts, and members that will assist the chapter increasing membership.

3. Meet with the Visitor Hosts to ensure that Visitor Orientation is done effectively to convert

the visitors to members. 4. Work with Visitor Host Coordinator to ensure that the chapter is using the entire Visitor Host

program and following up with each visitor. Effective “follow-up” is essential to chapter growth. We have found that up to 80% of the visitors who are effectively followed up with will submit an application for membership

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5. Work with the chapter Educational Coordinator to develop educational moments on how to grow the chapter.

6. Track your chapter-closing ratio of visitors.

a. The average application to visitor ratio in BNI is about 1 to 6. When a chapter has more than 20 members, that ratio increases to 1 in 4. That means for every 4 to 6 visitors, one will submit an application. If you track your closing ratios, you’ll be able to see exactly where your chapter stands and where there is an opportunity for improvement.

b. Chapters who effectively use the Visitor Orientation have a much higher closing ratio.

7. Coordinate events in the chapter geared toward growth, such as: a. Visitors’ Day – Using the Visitor Day Coordinator Package, implement a successful

Visitors’ Day by managing and educating the chapter on the event. b. Focused Visitors’ Day (Stack Days) – Work with the chapter to target specific

classification not represented in the chapter and have all members focus on inviting someone in that particular profession for a specific meeting. Work with the Contact Spheres or Power Teams in the chapter for more focused Stack Days.

c. Personal Visitors’ Day – New members going though the Chapter mentoring program have a personal visitor day in week 6 of the program.

d. The BNI Game – The idea of the game is to increase both the size of the chapter and the number of referrals generated within the chapter by developing a little competitive spirit among the members through a point system.

e. Member Extravaganza – Coordinate this yearly membership drive. Work closely with the chapter Director Consultant and the Member Extravaganza Program Coordinator.

f. Inviting for the Speaker – A number of chapters have incorporated this into their weekly meetings. Each week, the next two speakers will share who they would “like in the audience” with the chapter. Their list could include “potential members” but also people who may never join a chapter (e.g. Police Chief, Human Resources Manager for a large company), as well as professionals already represented in the chapter.

g. Invite for an Introduction – If a member mentions someone, they are looking to meet (in a One-to-One or in the 60-Second Presentation), invite them to meet the member at the meeting. Additionally, you are exposing all the other members of your chapter to this person.

h. Remember-it’s a red flag if your chapter has gone 2 weeks in a row without a visitor!

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Chapter Visitors’ Day Best Practices

Requirements NOTE: The Chapter Growth Coordinators will act as the “Event Coordinator” for Chapter Visitors’ Day or obtain the help of another member who can fill the role. 1. Visitors’ days must be scheduled with the BNI regional office at least 60 days in advance. a. This allows enough time to schedule a Director to be at the meeting. b. This allows enough time to assign and properly train the Growth Coordinator to oversee

the planning of the event. 2. BNI supports physical letter campaigns as the most effective way to send invitations.

Sample letters are available to use. The BNI Regional Office may reimburse for the postage up to a pre-set limit if there is 100% participation from the chapter members. Some regions are successfully using email campaigns to invite visitors to a Visitors’ Day.

3. The BNI Regional Office, in accordance with policy, will not cover the cost of any meals and this includes the visitors. 4. All Visitors’ Days must have an “Event Coordinator” or “Growth Coordinator” to oversee the

planning of the event. a. Event Coordinator or Growth Coordinator is trained by the BNI Director Consultant on

the 6-week schedule for the event. 5. ALL Visitors’ Days are run in accordance with these guidelines and the meeting is run as a

regular BNI meeting with a Director Consultants doing a 10-minute “Showcase Presentation”.

6. The Event Coordinator or Growth Coordinator is allowed to speak to the chapter every

week for 3-5 minutes during the process. Project Plan – Week 1 1. Commitment of all Members – All members commit to sending out 25 - 40 invitations. We

have found these to be the best numbers for a successful Visitors’ Day. 2. Confirm the date with the entire chapter – Remind them that the meeting will run mostly like

a normal meeting with the Director performing the Educational Moment and the Showcase Presentation. 3. Let the members know that Visitors’ Day will be 2 hours.

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4. Complete Prospect Lists.

a. Distribute: i. Personal Prospect List ii. Contact Sphere Worksheet b. Have all members complete this list with 25 names that they intend to invite. c. Email a copy of the Invite Letter for members to use.

5. Bring complete Prospect List next week. Week 2 1. Bring the first half of names to the meeting via hardcopy. Have them complete with full

name, company and profession and mailing address. 2. Review: Number of people being invited for each member (have members report). 3. Review: Names of invitees for each member (have members report). 4. Handout Prospect Lists if more are needed. 5. Review: “Invitation Letters Reminders/Tips” a. Members will bring their letters to be stuffed and stamped to the meetings. b. Tell your members: i. The letters should go out on the company letterhead of the member sending them. ii. Letters should be address to a specific person. iii. Each member should bring his letter folded and stuffed into an envelope (with the

same company information letterhead). iv. Envelopes should not be sealed when members bring them to the meeting so they

can be spot check for errors. v. During the meeting when member bring letters, stuff them with the business cards of

person sending the invitation. vi. Members seal and stamp envelopes and give the completed letters to the Event

Coordinator. vii. Letters should be mailed by the Event Coordinator 2 weeks before the Visitors’ Day.

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viii. Members should not mail out their own letters ix. Postage may be provided by the BNI Regional Office if 100% of the members

participate. Coordinator will have stamps there ready for the members to put into the envelopes. Please remit receipt to the regional office for reimbursement. This must be cleared by the BNI Regional Office or National Office.

Week 3 1. Bring second half of the names to the meeting. 2. Review: Total number of invites for each member (have members report). 3. Review: Names and profession of invitees for each member (have members report). 4. Handout Prospect Lists for more needed. 5. Review: “Invitation Reminders/Tips” (See Week Two) 6. Reminder a. Letters are due next week – bring letters with envelopes addressed ready to be mailed.

Bring business cards to be able to be placed in the envelopes as well. b. Use your Prospect List. c. Bring any additional invitation letters Week 4. Email them to the Visitors’ Day Coordinator

prior to the meeting. Week 4 1. Mail out letters. Set aside time at the meeting for members to be able to stuff, stamp and

seal their invitations. Once completed, turn them into the Growth Coordinator to be mailed. (Make note of anyone who has not participated fully.)

2. Coordinator will have stamps ready for members, if stamps are provided. 3. Make First Round of Calls

a. Phone Calls Reminder/Tips i. Member will make two rounds of phone calls to all the people they send letters to, one during the week after the letters are sent, and one during the week before the Visitors Day. b. Tell Members: i. Set some time aside to make calls.

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4. Distribute: a. Confirmation Sheets b. Suggested Scripts 5. Review: “Invitation Reminders/Tips” (See Week Two) 6. Reminder a. Set aside the time to make your calls; put it on your calendar. b. Call everyone on your list! MAKE THOSE CALLS! c. Get RSVP’s to coordinator. d. Ask people to bring guests. Week 5 1. Make Second Round of Reminder Calls. 2. Distribute: a. Suggested Scripts 3. Reminder:

a. Call everyone to your list! MAKE THOSE CALLS! b. Get RSVP’s to Coordinator. c. Ask people to bring guests. d. Get to the meeting early – at least 1 hour. e. Everyone is a visitor host! 4. Visitors’ Day Assignments – This should be done by or with the Director. a. Discuss the entire process and get volunteers for each of the following tasks. i. Assign at least two members to the welcome table. ii. Assign at least one member to each entrance as door greeter. iii. Assign at least 2-5 members as Visitor Hosts. iv. Assign two members to be at the back table at the back of the room.

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b. Coach members: Be quiet when we are walking the visitors through the application process. DO NOT STAND, GET COFFEE, OR ANYTHING ELSE TO CREATE DISTRACTIONS DURING THIS PERIOD!!!! 5. Visitors’ Day Agenda – Whenever possible, the Director should be scheduled to be at the

meeting this week to go over the agenda of the Visitors’ Day. a. The Visitors’ Day Meeting must be scheduled for 2 hours rather than the traditional

90-minute meeting. This allows for extra time due to the number of visitors and the time needed to review the application for the visitors.

b. All members MUST arrive at the chapter meeting at least 1 hour early to be sure that the

meeting room it setup and everything is ready for the arrival of the visitors. Remember that visitors always show up early.

c. All members must be in their assigned position at least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled

meeting time to welcome the visitors. d. The meeting will run as a normal meeting including referrals and testimonials. A

Director will do the Educational Moment and a 10-Minute Presentation.

e. In the place of the Secretary/Treasurer Report, the chapter President will turn the meeting back over to a Director to conduct the application review for the visitors in the room. f. It is important that the members do not get up during this process as it produces a huge

distraction to the visitors.

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BNI Personal Visitors’ Day Procedure New Members

Things to remember when talking to a prospective guest: BNI is the largest business referral organization in the world. There are ____ chapters in

the ___________________________________ area and over ______ all over the world.

BNI is a results-oriented organization with a focus on helping its member make money through referrals.

Only one person per classification per chapter is allowed, so once you join BNI your competition is locked out of your chapter.

Currently our chapter is looking for a good (occupation) to whom we can refer business.

I would like to personally invite you to one of our meetings on _____________, so you can learn more about our organization.

Since each new member may not be able to give referrals immediately, they should have their own Mini Visitors’ Day within one month of joining BNI. WEEK #1: _______________ (Date) Your Chapter Growth Coordinator will give you a Personal Prospect List and the Top 10 Professions List for your chapter. Use the Personal Prospect List to record names of prospective guests. WEEK #2: ________________ (Date) Bring in copies of your Personal Prospect Chart for the Growth Coordinator and your Mentor. Please complete an invitation to the people on your list within 24 hours of the end of the meeting. The invitation can be done electronically through the regional website, letter, or postcard. WEEK #3:_________________ (Date) Call your prospective guests to remind them of the meeting in two weeks. Continue to fill out and update your prospect list. If you need help or have any questions, please call your Growth Coordinator or Mentor for support. WEEK #4: ________________ (Date) Call to confirm your prospecting guest one day before your Mini Visitors’ Day. Get a count of the guests who will or will not attend and those who are undecided. Finish filling out your prospect list. WEEK #5: ________________ (Date) Have a great Visitors’ Day. Remember to make follow-up phone calls to those who attended the meeting, and also have those who said they would come to the meeting and didn’t. Invite them to the next meeting.

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Personal Prospect List (Sample) Profession/Classification Person to be Invited Phone Number Email Address Date(s) Contacted Results



Advertising Agency

Advertising Specialist

Antique Restorations


Attorney: Family Law, Divorce

Attorney: Personal Injury, Criminal

Attorney: Wills, Contact, Real Estate

Audio-Visual Technician

Auto Body Shop

Auto Repair

Auto Sales


Bookkeeping Services

Business Consultant

Business Machines/Copiers

Carpet & Upholstery Cleaner


Cellular Communications


Cleaning Service – Residential & Commercial

Collection Agency

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Profession/Classification Person to be Invited Phone Number Email Address Date(s) Contacted Results

Computer Sales and Service

Computer Networking

Contractor (General & Remodeling)

Cosmetic Sales

Data Cabling

Data Processing

Data Storage


Direct Mail Company


Document Imaging


Equipment Leasing

Event Planner

Financial Planner


Furniture Co. (Residential & Remodeling)

Gift Baskets

Graphic Artist

Hair Stylist

Heating/AC Contractor


Insurance-Life, Health & Disability

Interior Design (Residential & Commercial)

Internet Marketing

Internet Service Provider

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Profession/Classification Person to be Invited Phone Number Email Address Date(s) Contacted Results



Long Distance Telephone Sales

Management Consultant

Marketing Consultant

Massage Therapist

Merchant Services (Credit Card Processing)

Mortgage Banker/Broker

Moving Company

Multimedia Promotions

Nutritional Products

Office Supplies


Personal Chef

Personal/Professional Coach

Pest Control

Phone System Integrator


Physical Therapy





Professional Organizer

Property Management

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Person to be Invited Phone Number Email Address Date(s) Contacted Results


Public Relations

Radio Advertising

Real Estate-Commercial

Real Estate-Resident

Relocation Services

Sales Trainer

Security Systems

Signs and Banner Company

Software Consultant

Software Trainer

Stock Broker

Technical Writer

Technology Planner and Consulting



Telephone Systems

Temporary Service

Trade Show Promotions

Travel Agent



Virtual Assistant

Web Design

Web Host

Wireless Communications

Writer, Freelance

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Contact Sphere Worksheet

Contact Spheres are businesses or classifications that naturally provide a source of referrals for one another. They are in somewhat related but non-competing businesses. Businesses in a Contact Sphere have a symbiotic relationship in that they support and enhance one another. After you’ve identified what professions are in your Contact Sphere, circle the number next to the ones that are not currently represented in your chapter. Announce at your next chapter meeting what classification you’d like to see filled in your chapter. By asking chapter members if they know someone in that field, they may be more willing to invite them to visit the chapter. Your Contact Sphere Your Profession/Classification Related Professions:

1. _____________________________________

2. _____________________________________

3. _____________________________________







10. _____________________________________

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Who Do You Know?

BNI is structured so it would be beneficial to invite people to the chapter that you already have business or personal relationships with. From the categories below, who do you know that owns a business or works in sales for a type of classification that the chapter desires? This is a memory jogger to help you to follow your money. Whom you are currently spending money with?

Contact from your personal database? Who redecorated your home? Who belongs to your local PTA? Who sold you your kitchen appliances?

Who is your child’s scout leader? Where do you buy your professional clothing? Who is in your Rotary Club? Who cleans your rugs?

Who is in your Lions Club? or Kiwanis? From your gym or spa?

Who lives next door or across the street? Who is your best friend?

Who is your dentist? Who is your veterinarian?

Who cuts your hair? From your old job?

Who sells you furniture? From your church?

Who replaced your windows? From your fraternity or club?

Who is your chiropractor? From your synagogue?

Who is on your holiday greeting list? Through your spouse, family, children?

Who is your child’s orthodontist? From your old neighborhood?

From high school or college? From your civic activities?

Who sells you sporting goods? From the Chamber of Commerce?

Who do you have lunch with? Who enjoys the same hobbies or sports?

Who moved your belongings? Who is on your bowling team?

Where do you buy your jewelry? Who is on your softball or basketball team?

Who do you order flowers from? Who sold you your car?

Who books your travel plans?

You may or may not be exchanging referrals with these people, but when you introduce them to your BNI meeting and they observe the structure and see the enthusiasm and activity of the meeting, they will want to seriously look at becoming involved, and will be thankful to you for inviting them!

Who do you know that you will make a commitment to invite?

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

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Successful Kick-Off/Visitors’ Day!! Confirmation Sheet

Your Name: _______________ Your Chapter: _____________


Company/Profession Phone # Called / /

Called / /

Yes or No How Many

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Suggested Follow-up Scripts

Suggested Script for First Follow-up Call

Hello, I’m ________________________ from the __________________ Chapter of BNI. We’re part of largest referral organization in the world.

You recently received an invitation to our Visitors’ Day. We are looking for a _____________ to whom we can pass referrals. I am calling to see if you will be attending, because we are making arrangements for a continental breakfast.

If no, ask for a referral! - Thanks for taking the time to talk to me. Do you know another (plumber, CPA, etc.) who would be interested in growing their business through referral? We are looking for a _________________ we can refer business to.

(No matter how strong or weak, if yes…) That is great! We will look forward to seeing you. Thanks for your time. We’ll include you in our roster for the Visitors’ Day. We would love to have you bring a guest who might be interested in increasing their business by generating referrals. Please feel free to invite others.

We will give you a call a day or two before the meeting to check final numbers and reserve seats for you.

(Note: Do not get involved in answering a lot of questions about BNI. Tell them that is what the meeting is for! They really have to come hear what it is about)

Suggested Script for Second Reminder Call

Hello, I am _____________________ from the ___________________ Chapter of BNI.

I am calling to see how many seats we need to keep open for you at our meeting on _____________. (Do not ask, “Are you coming?” That has already been established!)

Are you coming alone, or is someone coming with you? May we have the names of your guests for name badges? (Record additional names and companies.)

Thanks, this is helpful; I’ll reserve # ______ of seats for you. Remember, parking is available.

Do not forget to bring lots of business cards, 50 to 60; you’re going to meet a lot of local business people there. We will see you ______________________ at 7:00 am.

(Note: Do not get involved in answering a lot of questions about BNI. Tell them that is what the meeting is for! They really have to come hear what it is about.)

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Focused Visitors’ Day Campaign

This method is particularly useful when you wish to create a sense of urgency and for successfully filling several classifications. Focus on two different trades, businesses, or professions and ask all the members of the chapter to invite a guest from each of the two classifications to a special focused Visitors’ Day. Picture a meeting with four or five dentists and several electricians! At least one from each category would want to submit their application on the spot!

Some chapter may even divide into two teams with each team focusing on a different profession with a prize awarded to the winning team. (For a complete discussion of a well- operated Visitors’ Day, contact your Director Consultant.)

To fill multiple classifications in a chapter, create a CAMPAIGN OF FOCUSED VISITORS’ DAYS. Through this 17-week strategy, a chapter can fill its TOP TEN MOST WANTED LIST. 1. Week One The chapter President has each Contact Sphere produce a list of 2-3

classifications that are currently available in the chapter and to which the Contact Sphere can pass referrals if the right person joined the chapter. Each Contact Sphere turns their list in to the President who assembles a top priority list of ten classifications.

2. Week Two The chapter President announces the Ten Most Wanted List and hands a copy

of the list to all members with the instruction that the members are to invite people from the first and second classification to the week five meeting. The invitations can be completed.

3. Week Three and Four The chapter President reminds the members to invite the people

from the first and second Most Wanted List to the fifth week’s special Focused Visitors’ Day meeting.

4. Week Five This meeting begins the first of five special Focused Visitors’ Day meetings.

Because the meetings are held every third consecutive week, chapter members are able to focus on the task of quickly added membership and the process becomes a recruitment campaign of the chapter.

During the announcement portion of the meeting, the President requests that members

invite people from the third and fourth Most Wanted List to the eighth week when another special Focused Visitors’ Day meeting will be held. Repeating the steps from weeks 3 and 4, the chapter membership now begins to prepare the week eight meeting of the campaign.

5. Week Eight Repeat the week five process. The President helps the chapter begin to

prepare for the eleventh meeting by telling the membership to focus on inviting people from the fifth and sixth Most Wanted List.

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6. Week Eleven Repeat the week five process. The President helps the chapter begin to prepare for the fourteenth meeting by telling the membership to focus on inviting people from the seventh and eighth Most Wanted List.

7. Week Fourteen Repeat the week five process. The President helps the chapter begin to prepare for the seventeenth meeting by telling the membership to focus on inviting people from the ninth and tenth Most Wanted List. 8. Week Seventeen Repeat the week five process with the guests representing classifications from the chapter’s ninth and tenth Most Wanted List. The President offers thanks and

congratulations to the members for operation of a successful Focused Visitors’ Day Campaign.

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“One-A-Day” Focused Visitors’ Day

Focus on two specific classifications and ask all the members for the chapter to invite someone in those classifications to the same meeting. Try to picture a meeting with six or seven dentists! At least one would join! This is a great way to target the classification you want in your chapter and add them quickly.

One-A-Day New Member Invitation Plan (three – week chart)

Day Prospect Phone Y/N Comments






Day Prospect Phone Y/N Comments






Day Prospect Phone Y/N Comments






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Inviting Mindset

1. Who would like to meet?

Types of people, Companies, Human Resource Directors, Professions, Contact Spheres.

___________________________________ ___________________________________

___________________________________ ___________________________________

___________________________________ ___________________________________

2. How can I get others to introduce me?

Meeting manners, confidence, One-to-Ones, 3-way intro, bring to meet, hear me give My Showcase Presentation. ___________________________________ ___________________________________

___________________________________ ___________________________________

3. Who in my chapter should I connect with? Am I willing to help them meet who they want? ___________________________________ ___________________________________

___________________________________ ___________________________________

___________________________________ ___________________________________

4. Script: What do I say to invite/introduce? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 5. How much time a week do I expect others to work on behalf of their fellow members? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 6. How much time am I willing to commit to make introductions and find referrals for my


________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

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Focused Inviting

1. Three classifications you want in the chapter:




2. Top three classifications:




3. Who am I inviting to the meeting in 2 weeks on __________________________________

___________________________________ ___________________________________

___________________________________ ___________________________________

___________________________________ ___________________________________

4. Get a GRIP on Inviting

G – Are you looking to GROW your business?

R – Would REFERRALS help you grow your business?

I – If I could INVITE you to meeting with a group of business professionals who may

refer business to you, over time, would you want to meet them?

P – Great, meet at (PLACE).

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Inviting Mindset Scripts for Inviting

Best Practices

1. I’m in a business referral group with a bunch of great business people. I’ve been getting a

lot of business. Why don’t you come with me? I can introduce you. 2. How’s business? Are you looking for new clients? How would you like to come as my guest

and meet 30 local business professionals? 3. Our Membership Committee is interviewing for a business law attorney for the only

available spot in our chapter. We have business and referrals for a business law attorney. Why don’t you visit?

4. We have 30 members in our business referral group. We need a contractor to pass

referrals to. I know you, and I like and trust your work. Would you be interested in interviewing for the opening?

5. Dean, what professions give you the most business? I am in a business referral group. I

have a realtor, the top in her profession, in my group. I can introduce you to her. I’ll call her to set up a three-way introduction for you to meet her at my next meeting.


when you market your chapter, you’re marketing your business!

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The BNI Game

If your chapter wants to increase membership and the quantity and/or quality of referrals but needs to get focused on doing so, the following game is a way of accomplishing it.

Directions: Have the chapter break up into teams of two or three. Follow the BNI Game plan for scoring point values listed below.

1. On time at ___AM = 3 points 2. Bring a visitor who classification is open = 5 points (one time) 3. Your visitor joins = 15 points!!! 4. Bring a bona fide referral = 5 points 5. A referral becomes a sale = 15 points 6. Absent without a substitute = minus 5 points ALWAYS make sure the teams add up the number of points they have generated and announce their scores weekly so as to aspire a little competitive spirit among the members. Keep it fun! How to get extra weekly surprise bonus points: The whole idea of “surprise bonus points” is to catch members in the act of doing something GOOD, so please do not reveal this list to your members; keep it a secret and have the President randomly pick a different one each week. 1. If you’re wearing a name badge, score 1 extra bonus point. 2. If you’re met with another member over lunch or coffee for business this week, score 1

extra bonus point. 3. At this meeting, if you’re sitting next to someone you haven’t sat next to before, score 1

extra bonus point. 4. If you brought brochures or products to today’s meeting, score 1 extra point. 5. If you have your BNI business card file with you now, on the table, score 1 extra bonus

point. 6. If you brought a referral today and it’s not a member to member referral, score 1 extra

bonus point. You may wish to create other ways to get surprise bonus points; these are just a few to get you started! It’s great to have a nice prize for the winning team. Be creative! As with all group activities, be certain to establish a beginning and ending date for this game. Have fun! 1 of 2

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Game Score Card

Team _______________ Date ______________ Week # _________ of _______________

Team Member On Time

Brought Visitor

Visitor Joins

New Referrals

Sale Absent No Sub

Column Totals

Subtotal Subtract Minus Points This Week’s Total Add Last Week’s Total Total to Date Recommended Point Schedule On Time to Meeting 3 Points On Time to Meeting __________ Points

Brought Visitor 5 Points Brought Visitor __________ Points

Visitor Joins 15 Points Visitor Joins __________ Points

New Referrals 5 Points New Referral __________ Points Confirmed Sale 15 Points Confirmed Sale __________ Points Absent With No Sale Minus 5 Points Absent With No Sub __________ Points 2 of 2

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Chapter Goal Sheet

Management by objectives has proved to be an effective way to promote growth in a business or organization. Chapters of BNI may chart out their annual goals and then track their growth. Some chapters may wish to graph their success at the end of the year. The last chart is blank so chapters can track miscellaneous areas: e.g., new members, mixers, lunches between members, etc. Number of Referrals per Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Number of Visitors per Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Total Number of Members Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

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Visitor Orientation Best Practices

The Chapter President will request the visitors gather in some convenient and quiet location for a Visitor Orientation. This occurs immediately following the Referral Reality Check portion of the meeting. If you are sitting next to a visitor (and this applies to every member, not just the Visitor Hosts) escort them over to the indicated area. Just before the visitors go to the Orientation, the chapter President reads the statement below before he/she excuses them to attend the Visitor Orientation. He/she thanks the visitors again for coming and suggests to them, (as a group) that they ask themselves two questions: 1. “Do you think that what you have seen here in this meeting is a viable way of generating

new business for you or your company?” 2. “If your answer is ‘yes’ then you should ask yourself: Do you think that you or your

company would like to participate and receive a share of the new business that is going to be generated between the members of this group in the months and years to come?”

3. “If your answer to the second question is ‘yes’ then please see one of the Visitor Hosts

during the Orientation to obtain an application so that you may secure your position in the chapter.

4. “Due to our policy of allowing only one person from each profession or trade, the

positions tend to fill very quickly. By applying today, you will not only be securing your own position within the chapter but also locking out your competition once you are approved by the Membership Committee. If you do not have a check or credit card with you, then to avoid disappointment, I would recommend that you fill out the application, hand it in today, and arrange to submit your payment today. This will demonstrate your commitment to the chapter.

“Would all of our visitors (use their first names) please stand.” Chapter members applaud. “We want to thank you for being here today and we look forward to receiving your

application for membership. We invite you to go with our Visitor Hosts; would our Visitor Hosts (use Visitor Host’s names) please stand. The members will be conducting a Visitor Orientation to answer any questions, but more importantly, they will show you how to use the application to lock out your competition.

The Visitor Hosts - Orientation, designated as the Closer for this meeting, will

conduct the Visitor Orientation.

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Consolidated Visitor Orientation Sheet Start off with the following statement:

“Thank you for being here today! Our Visitors’ Orientation will take just a few minutes. We have some questions for you and I’m sure you will have some for us as well. This sheet is designed to answer the most frequently asked questions so that we don’t miss anything.” 1. Questions:

What impressed you most about the meeting? Are you looking to grow your business? We can only accept members if they are able to

handle all of the new clients they will receive through our referral system. Are you willing to build trust and relationships with the members? Do you realize that it

will take time to generate referrals are you willing to put in the time and effort? Do you understand that our chapters meet on a weekly basis? We consider this to be

an important scheduled business meeting every week. Our attendance policy is that every 6 months, you may have three (3) absences. Whenever possible, you should have a substitute attend in your place, which will not be counted as an absence. Our most successful member attends 95%-100% meetings. Can you see yourself being present 95%-100% of the time?

If you have a substitute, it will not be counted as an absence. A substitute may be a client, co-worker, neighbor, etc.

Will you explain to us what classification you see yourself holding in this chapter? Remember, we only allow one person per professional classification.

2. Initial requirements for BNI membership:

Let’s fill out the application and discuss some of the most important points. The chapter name is ________________________________. Double-check all information to be added to the website (top part of application). We do

not use this information for marketing or soliciting purposes but rather to contact you should the need arise.

Be specific with describing your profession. That is what the Membership Committee will use to determine your professional classification. (If they put down several classifications, tell them that the Membership Committee will be in contact with them to decide which classification they will represent in the chapter.)

Who is your sponsor? That is the person who invited you here today. Your application fee is $______ and participation fee are $_____ for one term and if you

wish to save money, you can chose $_____for two terms. (If applicable), our chapter has venue fees. These cover the cost of the meeting room

(and/or meal). The total comes to $_______ per _________. Our Secretary/Treasurer will collect this once you are accepted. Chapter fees are payable directly to the chapter by cash or check only.

Please explain your answers in Parts III and IV. This information will be used to help us choose the best qualified person in your professional classification.

Do you agree with the Networking Code of Ethics on the back of the application?

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Here is a copy of the BNI Policies. (Give them a copy of the policies if they are filling out the application with you)

Make sure your business references are available to be called within 2 days. The application cannot be considered complete until we have two Business References

and a signature (one on the front). You will also need to attend the Member Success Program that is required within 60

days of being accepted into the chapter. During this class, you will receive a training manual that will instruct you how to get the most out of your BNI membership. As soon as you are accepted into the chapter we will help, you book your seat in this important class.

The Regional Office accepts cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover for membership and dues. If paying by check, it will need to be made out to ________________________.

3. If you are unable to make a decision today:

Remember, you are allowed to visit BNI twice. Would you like to attend next week? We need to let you know that your competition will not be locked out until your payment

is received, references have been checked, and your application is approved by the Membership Committee.

By the way, one of the biggest fears that people have is that they will not be able to give good referrals to other members. BNI will instruct you how to give great referrals. If that is an issue at all, please be assured that we will do all we can to help you contribute to the chapter.

Are there any other questions?

If time is available, ask the visitor to fill out the following: Meeting Evaluation Form Instant Referral Form

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Chapter Growth Coordinators Plan for 20__ -Ongoing Process/Goals

(Chapter Copy) Chapter Name: ______________________________________________________________ # Members – 4/1/__ _________________ Goal for Members – 4/1/__ ___________________ Month Goal Actual April __________________ __________________ May __________________ __________________ June __________________ __________________ July __________________ __________________ August __________________ __________________ September __________________ __________________ October __________________ __________________ November __________________ __________________ December __________________ __________________ January __________________ __________________ February __________________ __________________ March __________________ __________________

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Chapter Growth Coordinators Plan for 20__ -Ongoing Process/Goals

(Director Copy) Chapter Name: _____________________________________________________________ # Members – 4/1/__ _________________ Goal for Members – 4/1/__ ___________________ Month Goal Actual April ___________________ __________________ May ___________________ __________________ June ___________________ __________________ July ___________________ __________________ August ___________________ __________________ September ___________________ __________________ October ___________________ __________________ November ___________________ __________________ December ___________________ __________________ January ___________________ __________________ February ___________________ __________________ March ___________________ __________________

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