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Good NeighborsDominican Republic

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Good Neighbors Dominican Republic


Message from the Director..................................................................................................................03

I. About Good Neighbors ....................................................................................................................04

II. Highlights of 2013 ..............................................................................................................................06

III. Community Development Projects .............................................................................................08

1. Education ...................................................................................................................10

2. Health .........................................................................................................................12

3. Water & Sanitation ................................................................................................... 14

4. Income Generation.. ............................................................................................... 16

5. Environment ............................................................................................................. 18

IV. Our work with Children ..................................................................................................................20

V. Finance ...................................................................................................................................................22

VI. Partners ...............................................................................................................................................26

VII. Special Thanks ...................................................................................................................................28


GNI Good Neighbors InternationalGNDOM Good Neighbors Dominican Republic

CDP Community Development ProjectsMDGs Millennium Development GoalsRCDP Rural Community Development ProjectsUCDP Urban Community Development ProjectsMOU Memorandum of UnderstandingDPV Deportes Para la Vida project

UNDP United Nations Development ProgramSGP Small Grants ProgramGEF Global Environmental Facility

CSO Civil Society Organizations


Three pretty cover girlsVismailin, Estefania, Keila@ Las Javillas CDP

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MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR To be a Good Neighbor, wouldn’t you like to do at least one good thing a day? Smile at children, wave to strangers, give hugs to your family… There are many ways to be a Good Neighbor by doing small things.Starting from humble beginnings, the Dominican Republic branch of Good Neighbors was established in November, 2011 with the vision and mission of Good Neighbors; to make a world without hunger, and live together in harmony. We aim to give better opportunities to children and empower communities to embrace sustainable practices.

In 2013, Good Neighbors Dominican Republic implemented various new programs under the categories of Child Protection, Water & Sanitation, and Income Generation to make a direct impact to the community.

The “Good Water Project” was created to secure drinking water by providing a very low cost of purified water, and by having the community members operate the machine & administration. Also, we built firm networking ties with local communities, public schools, community leaders, other specialized organizations, local government, and international volunteers. With our staff ’s endless endeavors, we have been serving local communities with an afterschool program, doctor consulting sponsored by a local medical check company, hygiene education, a children’s library, by creating a savings group, children’s rights education, HIV prevention education through sports, summer camps, small business start-up training, Micro Hydro Electricity project co-funded with UNDP SGP, and home improvement projects in partnership with Habitat Humanitarian DR.

Throughout the last year of running these programs, we strived to build communities with their own paths that lead towards a better overall quality of life. We think together, plan together, implement together, and grow together. Our community volunteer clubs have had many members actively participating, and continue to grow. Facilitators are educated with cutting-edge trainings and workshop experiences with the expectation of adopting a lead role in their community’s development. Without having the voice of community and a close partnership with the community, Good Neighbors Dominican Republic cannot exist.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our partners, donors, volunteers, and friends on behalf of Good Neighbors Dominican Republic.

Hyang Cho Managing Director, Good Neighbors Dominican Republic

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Good Neighbors Dominican Republic




MISSIONGood Neighbors is an international humanitarian and

development organization committed to building a global community where people live together in health,

harmony, and dignity.

VISIONGood Neighbors strives to transform the world into a peaceful and secure place where no one suffers from starvation or extreme poverty, no one falls victim to

preventable diseases, and where everyone feels welcome and respected without prejudice or discrimination.


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Good Neighbors is an international, non-profit humanitarian organization committed to child education, community development, and emergency VIPMIJ�TVSNIGXW���%W�SJ�XLI�½VWX�SJ�*IFVYEV]��������+2-�does work in 32 countries around the world. We LEZI�JYRHVEMWMRK�SJ½GIW�MR�XLI�97%��/SVIE��ERH�.ETER��ERH�ER�-RXIVREXMSREP�'SSTIVEXMSR�3J½GI�MR�+IRIZE��Currently, more than 3,000 professional staff and 20,000 volunteers--ranging from doctors and nurses to engineers and professors--support approximately 16.8 million people, including 9.6 million children. Our projects include building clean water wells in Africa, providing new cookstoves for families in Guatemala, and sponsoring children in Chad, Guatemala, Malawi, and Nepal. We also partner with local governments, international donor agencies, and local communities to raise public awareness about development problems and solutions, and advocate for change. In 1996, Good Neighbors received the prestigious General Consultative Status with the United Nations and in 2007, we were awarded the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Award by the United Nations.

Good Neighbors opened its field office for the Dominican Republic in July 2010, in response to the earthquake that devastated the neighboring country SJ�,EMXM��MR�.ERYEV]�SJ�XLEX�]IEV��8LI�SJ½GI�WIVZIH�EW�a channel for the organization to contribute to and assist with the international community’s efforts to help rebuild the country and recover from the effects of the quake. Good Neighbors decided to establish community development projects in the Dominican Republic in Nov, 2011 that would provide opportunities for Dominican communities to empower themselves and build social capital and in turn start a process of sustainable development.

Since being established, Good Neighbors Dominican Republic has initiated a number of projects, and its



focus areas currently include but are not limited to:

- Child sponsorship- Provision of medical check-up and nutritional

support for children- Educational support for children

- Community empowerment and development- Provision of clean potable water for

communities- Family planning education- Parental skills workshops- Micro-savings education and community

support- Income generation project- Micro hydro electricity projects - Child advocacy and campaign - Children's library- Raising awareness of human development- Field research with stakeholders


Good Neighbors Dominican Republic currently has four Community Development Projects in :

1) Los Guandules, Santo Domingo 2) Las Javillas, Hato Mayor 3) Chinguelo, San Francisco de Macoris 4) Los Cacaos, San Cristobal (2014)

For more information regarding the Community Development Projects visit


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Good Neighbors Dominican Republic




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Jan 1st RCDP in Las Javillas in Hato Mayor began.

Feb MOU with United Nation Development Program Small Grants Programme


zona norte (CENPCAFEN) , TREACHE.

Mar 2nd RCDP in Chinguelo, San Francisco de Macoris began.

Apr After-school program started in Los Guandules CDP.

Full-time doctors from TREACHE provided free medical assistance to children

and adults in Los Guandules CDP.

Fence and bathroom construction at Las Javillas primary school.

May Deporte Para La Vida Program was initiated in Los Guandules.

MOU with Healing Waters International, also Habitat for Humanity

July Summer Camp in the community of Los Guandules CDP.

Aug Medical check-up program held at Los Guandules CDP

Distribution of School Supplies for Los Guandules and Las Javillas


Oct House improvements inauguration at Los Guandules CDP

Nov Las Javillas School wall & toilet Inauguration Day

Dec Christmas nutrition kit and toy donations


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Good Neighbors Dominican Republic



We have taken the initiative to identify and assess a wide range of community needs, in order to develop various Community Development Projects (CDP’s). These CDP’s establish effective and sustainable solutions to improve the well-being, living conditions, economic status, and livelihoods of disadvantaged individuals and communities in the country. The CDP’s provide access to WTIGMEPM^IH�WSGMEP�WIVZMGIW�XS�FIRI½X�XLI�GSQQYRMXMIW��ERH�IQTS[IV�XLI�TISTPI�with the knowledge and skills to enact positive change. The CDP’s that we LEZI�PEYRGLIH�EVI�WTIGM½GEPP]�XEMPSVIH�XS�XLI�PSGEP�GSQQYRMXMIW�ERH�GEVV]�SYX�effective work in the areas listed below.

1. Education2. Health3. Water & Sanitation4. Income Generation5. Environment


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1. Los Guandules, Santo Domingo

Good Water projectAfter School programMedical Check-ups

Los Guandules is a community that resides on the banks of the Ozama river in the greater Santo Domingo urban area, and is known to be one of the most exceedingly impoverished areas in the Dominican Republic. There is a population of over 50,000 people living within a 2km² area and 60% of the residents living here survive on monthly incomes between US $54-$118. The community exists in a generally impoverished state with poor infrastructure, poor access to plumbing and electricity, high rates of illness and disease, and is notorious for violence and crime. Los Guandules lacks access to the types of development assistance that could help lift the community out of the poverty trap it exists in. The region is prone to ¾SSHMRK�ERH�MW�IWTIGMEPP]�WIRWMXMZI�XS�XVSTMGEP�WXSVQW��MX�MW�RSX�VIWMPMIRX�SV�WYJ½GMIRXP]�TVITEVIH�JSV�REXYVEP�hazards and the resulting disasters that occur. Good Neighbors recognized the need for assistance in Los Guandules and established a Community Development Project in this community as well as providing disaster relief.

2. Las Javillas, Hato Mayor

Children's LibraryLiteracy Education

Las Javillas is a neighborhood community located within the rural city of Hato Mayor Del Rey, in the East-Central part of the Dominican Republic. 8LMW�GSQQYRMX]�[EW�MHIRXM½IH�EW�ER�MHIEP�PSGEXMSR�for Good Neighbors to create a Community Development Project because it is recognized to be E�WMKRM½GERXP]�MQTSZIVMWLIH�EVIE�[MXL�PMXXPI�EGGIWW�to infrastructure, plumbing, electricity, educational opportunities, and sustainable economic opportunity. Las Javillas suffers from poor living conditions, overcrowding, social inequality, and lacks childhood welfare and education options. Good neighbors then established the CDP in Las Javillas to focus on XLI�WTIGM½G�RIIHW�SJ�XLMW�GSQQYRMX]�ERH�IRGSYVEKI�participation, change, and sustainability for the residents.

* 4. Los Cacaos, San Cristobal (2014 new CDP)

3. Chinguelo, San Francisco de Macorris

Micro-Hydro Elecricity projectMicro Savings Groups

The rural community of Chinguelo is located in the North-Central part of the Dominican Republic, near 7ER�*VERGMWS�HI�1EGSVMW���8LMW�VIKMSR�MW�ZIV]�HMJ½GYPX�to access due its rural locale, and the residents live in quite isolated conditions with transportation on foot or by horse being the most common links to each other. There is little opportunity to acquire basic infrastructure, a high incidence of poverty, and a common theme of poor access to necessary services to improve the residents’ quality of life. Good Neighbors recognized the need for development assistance as well as the opportunity to promote sustainable renewable energy sources within Chinguelo, and established the Community Development Project in the area.

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Good Neighbors Dominican Republic


1.EDUCATIONWe offer educational opportunities for children who have poor access to education due to poverty or other difficult circumstances. We support children in becoming healthy, active community members while providing educational assistance and protection services.

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Our Summer Camp provides a special experience for children. It incorporates fun, friendship, learning, and adventure. The community participation was a great success including children, parents, and other local community members. The branding program in Los Guandules involved more than 40 community volunteers and 5 international volunteers, and was quite successful in distributing the name of GNDOM throughout the community.


The after-school program provides a new approach to educational assistance. With great attention to child welfare and education, our after-school program was able to instill positive behavior changes through 1,200 hours of dedicated child protection in this project. There proved to be a 31% increase in secondary school enrollment as well, which was a positive outcome.


Prior to the start of classes, before school went into session, Good Neighbors donated useful school supplies to our communities children. This activity was facilitated to improve overall school attendance. More than 1,100 children received their school supplies for the year, helping to meet their basic needs and encourage attendance. The success rate of this project included a 67% increase in school attendance for children.

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Good Neighbors Dominican Republic


2. Health We are committed to improving the overall quality of life for children and families, and a key factor in achieving this is by ensuring good health for all. We have one doctor on staff who sees patients regularly, as well as numerous medical professional volunteers who assist with health projects. Health checks are periodically provided for all registered children, and special health related activities take place in various CDP’s to educate and inform the communities. A healthy community can be more productive and happy in all other areas of life.

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Deporte Para la Vida(DPV) is a program enacted in partnership with PEPFAR (The U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief) to bring HIV/AIDS awareness to children. DPV mobilizes youth through sports, to prevent the spread of HIV, make healthy decisions, and become community leaders and role models. Two GNDOM staff members have been certified as official DPV trainers in order to educate and spread information about HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. 86 other youth participated and now have the ability to be potential trainers if they so choose.

The effects of the program indicated that many participants found the information useful. Basic knowledge post-training on the subject of HIV/AIDS increased by 63% within the DPV participants.

We provided free medica l checks to the community of Los Guandules from April until October 2013. This was done in conjunction with the help of 3 doctors provided by ESD Engineering & Service S.R.L. 89% of GN sponsored children received their initial medical check and any resulting treatments. Health monitoring has been consistent since, and many children continue to attended check-ups and receive necessary medications. 45% of the children continue medical care with follow-up consultations as well.

A Message From Dra. Rossy

My name is Dr. Rossy Molina Cuevas and I have close to one year offering health services in the community of Los Guandules where Good Neighbors operates for children, and their parents. Among the services that are offered are the facilitation of free medications and the follow up of the illness they present. The most common are: malnutrition, parasites, respiratory infections, cavities and skin diseases. Since the program was facilitated to the community, diseases have reduced through the orientation of mothers on prevention and promotion of health. An average of 15 people are currently attending the center per day.



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Water & Sanitation

We have developed drinking water improvement projects and education to prevent hygiene issues and waterborne diseases that occur from a lack of clean water. The established water MQTVSZIQIRX�TVSNIGXW�JSGYW�SR�TYVM½IH�[EXIV�HMWXVMFYXMSR��hygiene education, and the use of GNDOM sponsored water wells to enhance the community’s quality of life, provide IGSRSQMG�FIRI½XW��ERH�XS�PS[IV�HMWIEWI�VEXIW�


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The Good Water project provides participating families with the opportunity to receive high-quality purified drinking water at cheaper prices than the regular market. This can give families an economic boost by saving money on drinking water to use for other important essentials. Provision and use of clean water will reduce the risk of gastrointestinal and skin diseases. The program continues to gain popularity and 72 people are beneficiaries of the service. In 2013, there were over 1,440 5-gallon bottles of GNDOM purified water sold to Good Water participants, providing families with clean and safe drinking water.

COLGATE The promotion of dental hygiene was an important activity for children of the CDP’s. Baseline health research from the GN health check-ups showed that 36% of the children suffer from cavities or poor dental hygiene. 300 Colgate products were distributed and assisted in educating and promoting healthy dental practices.

WATER WELLS IN HATO MAYOR The continued use of five GNDOM-sponsored water wells assists communities in gaining access to clean water. About 20,000 people continue to FIRI½X� JVSQ�XLI�[IPPW�XLEX�[IVI�FYMPX� MR�������ERH�they are able to access water where no municipal water resources exist.

“Lavo mis manitas” Hygiene and hand washing activities educate children on how cleanliness prevents the spread of illnesses. Children are taught the importance of washing their hands appropriately and Good Neighbors facilitators train by example. Generous donations of products from Soap Companion, a social enterprise in strong partnership with GNDOM, helped give children their own hygiene supplies. There were over 1,736 individual soaps distributed to promote good hygiene in the communities. The hygiene activities aimed to encourage positive behavior changes and decrease water borne illnesses in the communities.



I'm Idalia Belén, I sell natural juices which is very popular and normal in DR. Thanks to Good Water Project, now I am able to get good quality water at a really low price.

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Good Neighbors Dominican Republic



;I�LEZI�MQTPIQIRXIH�QMGVS�½RERGI�IRXIVTVMWIW�MR�XLI�GSQQYRMXMIW�[MXL�'(4 W���8LIWI�QMGVS�½RERGI�KVSYTW�LEZI�XVEMRIH�GSQQYRMX]�QIQFIVW�MR�XLI�MQTSVXERGI�SJ�IGSRSQMG�VIWTSRWMFMPMX]�and focused on encouraging self-reliant, sustainable development practices. We have performed various projects including a micro hydro water power system and micro savings groups that enhance community empowerment and allow people to free themselves from a vicious cycle of poverty.


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There are ten micro savings groups, and 173 people are saving on a weekly basis. These practices build commitment, discipline, and mutual assistance. To impact more people, we are training facilitators to supervise the growth of savings groups in our projects. This program is aimed to set up economic plans and start small businesses. Now 46 members are able to have savings accounts at bank ADOPEM. Also we are focusing on childrens' savings groups since it is best to start a savings habit at a young age.


Build Your Dream is an entrepreneurship program

BUILD YOUR DREAM Micro Entrepreneurship Workshop (Construye tus sueños)

My name is Víctor Sánchez. I am the youngest in my family, and previously had no habit of savings. I spent all I had in vanities and whenever I needed to buy something of importance, I had to ask my parents. Since my mother joined the Good Neighbors Savings Group, weekly savings meetings motivated me a lot, and with other colleagues I wanted to form a group called “Kids Saving”. Thanks to the micro savings group, I learned that everything is possible with effort and that I can achieve something in life. My savings goal was to purchase a pair of tennis shoes and finally I can buy them! I could achieve that dream.

I thank Good Neighbors Los Guandules for this wonderful program because it motivated me to adopt a habit of saving , so in the future I can achieve all my dreams and desires. Now, I have a child savings account at the Bank ADOPEM Dominican Republic, with a desire to understand XLI�½RERGMEP�WIGXSV�

offered to community members of Los Guandules CDP. It is offered after their micro savings group is ½RMWLIH��XS�QSXMZEXI�XLIQ�JYVXLIV�SR�LS[�XS�MRZIWX�their savings. Women and youth were encouraged to design their own 12-week business course and participate in a national competition. 17 community QIQFIVW�FIRI½XIH�JVSQ�XLMW�MRMXMEXMZI�


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Good Neighbors Dominican Republic


5. EnvironmentWe provide development assistance to disadvantaged communities in the Dominican Republic, and an important branch of lifestyle improvement lies within the environmental sector. Along with environmentally sustainable and renewable energy projects like the micro hydroelectric project in Chinguelo, we focus on environmentally resilient homes. In 2013 we assisted in providing the technical education necessary for individuals to improve their immediate environments; their homes.

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Thank you. My house used to be all soaked during rain. Every time it was cloudy I had to cover the bed with plastic and move the furniture. Now when it rains I feel HAPPY!Rosauri Escalante’s mother

I feel grateful with God and with you. I could not go to the bathroom because of the mud. I have seen the change.

Frandi Yasel Recio’s mother

"I feel very well because before when there were clouds I used to say I was not going to mop because I did not want to do it in vain. But now my kids and I don’t get wet because there are no more drops falling from the ceiling." Michelly Brenda Brito’s mother

Along with cooperation from Habitat for Humanity DR, we performed House improvements for 15 families in the community of Los Guandules to improve their living conditions. 100 people learned the skills and were armed with the tools to better their living situations and potentially spread their newfound knowledge.



In Chinguelo, a micro hydro power project has been developed. It is a type of renewable and sustainable hydroelectric power that will produce 45 kW of electricity using the natural flow of river water. This installation will provide power to this small community, located in Duarte City, San Francisco de Macoris, in the Northern side of the Dominican Republic. 110 families will be beneficiaries of the micro hydroelectricity system in Chinguelo.

The micro hydroelectric project was created with the cooperation of UNDP-SGP and Good Neighbors Dominican Republic along with the participation of community organizations and volunteers.


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Good Neighbors Dominican Republic




Sponsorhips has the purpose to connect from a sponsor to a child. The Sponsorship Program aims to support the sponsored children to meet their basic needs. GNI provides appropriate and sustainable services so the fundamental rights of children are met in areas such as Education, Protection, Health, Water and Sanitation. The Child Sponsorship Program of GNI also strives to achieve sustainable development in the community where the sponsored child lives.

LG 1,207






LG = Los Guandules

LJ = Las Javillas

CH = Chinguelo


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Hello! My name is Coral. I love my sponsor, she does amazing things for me but what I like most is to feel loved by her. Every month I receive a letter from my sponsor. Sometimes two letters! Sometimes she sends me gifts and cards. I tell everyone that I have an older sister who lives in South Korea and she always worries about me. I am a happy girl thanks to her and hope that someday we can meet. My family is very happy for me, because I have an older sister who encourages me and makes me want to always be good.

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Good Neighbors Dominican Republic



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Good Neighbors Dominican Republic


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Good Neighbors Dominican Republic



MOU List

Our partners

,EXS�1E]SV�7IREXI�3J½GI Feb 1st, 2012Hato Mayor Local Gov. Feb 3rd, 2013UNDP SGP Feb 5th, 2013

TREACHE Feb 11th, 2013

HABITAT for Humanity DR May 16th, 2013

Healing Water May 29th, 2013


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Today, lack of proper hygiene and clean water are the leading causes of millions of deaths every year. The victims of this tragic occurrence are mainly children. Nearly half of this mortality rate can be prevented with three simple things; water, soap and hygiene training.

Soap Companion was founded in 2013 in order to save children’s lives by providing proper means of personal hygiene. We work in a simple way. First, we make a quality bar soap. For every purchase, one bar of soap is donated to a child in need. Along with the soap, we work directly with Good Neighbors to make sure that the child will receive proper personal hygiene training. Furthermore, we share our soap making techniques with local people to support them in starting their own soap business.Our work has reached over 3,000 children in

Meet a partner

,EXS�1E]SV�7IREXI�3J½GI Feb 1st, 2012Hato Mayor Local Gov. Feb 3rd, 2013UNDP SGP Feb 5th, 2013

TREACHE Feb 11th, 2013

HABITAT for Humanity DR May 16th, 2013

Healing Water May 29th, 2013

Myung Jin ChungSoap Companion

Dominican Republic and Indonesia thus far and has enabled their mothers to start soap making businesses. This year, Soap Companion extends our work with more partnering organizations in Haiti and Cambodia along with continuing work in the Dominican Republic and Indonesia.

The act of giving and sharing has amazing power over our lives. A bar of soap, something that can be so easily made, can save life when we share a piece. Soap Companion seeks to find ways that allow more people to experience this power of giving and sharing. We want to invite more people to join this joyful journey, so that we can change the world together.

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Good Neighbors Dominican Republic




1]�REQI�MW�1EVNSVMI�%RHYNEV��ERH�-´Q�ER�3(�SJ½GIV�in GNDOM, but I’m also in charge of the local volunteers: I take their data, answer their emails and invite them to the activities that we make.Since not long ago we only had a few local volunteers because not many people knew the work that GNDOM makes in the country.Nevertheless, in recent months the number of people interested in joining our team of local volunteers has increased. From having less than 5

volunteers three months ago in Santo Domingo, we now have a total of 45 local volunteers, which VITVIWIRXW�E�ZIV]�WMKRM½GERX�RYQFIV�XS�+2(31�It all started with the creation of a form postulated via online in our social networks, where people interested in joining our cause entered their data and we answered them immediately via e-mail thanking them for their initiative and requesting their CV’s in order to meet areas or activities in which they could help when needed.Over 90% of our local volunteers are college students of different careers and social strata. Social careers predominate, but are not limited to these. We have doctors, psychologists, advertisers, designers, architects, lawyers and even engineers. Everyone is welcome in our family!We recently launched activities that allow our volunteers to participate and collaborate as they can. Thus far, the experience has been extremely gratifying. The different areas in which the volunteers can collaborate are: advocacy, health, emergency relief and education. But there are also other areas in which volunteers can participate: advertising, photography, translation, web design, project proposals, etc.We had a medical check activity in Chinguelo, a community located in the northeast of the country. 7 recently graduated doctors from INTEC(a local university) became part of our local volunteer’s team and helped us by making an awesome job evaluating

GNDOM is an organization that is continually evolving, expanding, and making a difference in people’s lives. We welcome new opportunities and ideas, recognizing that development is only possible through strong commitment and people willing to work for change. The generosity of our respected donors allows us to move forward each day in bettering communities within the Dominican Republic, and worldwide. Please find our organization’s information below and do not hesitate to contact GNDOM with any donor opportunities. We also take pride in the tremendous opportunities provided by the quality people who become involved with GNDOM; the staff and volunteers who work tirelessly each day are the ones who make change possible. We embrace new ideas and include people from all different backgrounds in our work. These are the people who are committed to helping others, yet they are also the ones who are rewarded greatly.

Marjorie AndujarOperations Division

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We believe in our ability to build a healthy global community. Your donation to Good Neighbors Dominican republic will help local children, families, and communities, to break the cycle of poverty and build a better future for themselves and their nation. We appreciate the generosity of donors willing to support us in this endeavor, and the strong commitment to helping us help others.

Banco Popular Dominicano.Cuenta de ahorro (RD$): 785330507Cuenta de ahorro (US$): 785329590

e-mail : [email protected]

Donation info.

Cesar Sanchez P. : It was a great contribution to the community and to us as doctors to know about primary health.

Fernando A. Polanco : It was a good initiative and there was a good participation from the community. Follow up of the patients and the inclusion of antifungals and antiparasitics are recommended in case of another activity in the future.

Vanessa Frias : It was a nice experience. I learned more about medicine thanks to the head doctor.

Ju-Yeon Jang : I’m international volunteer of GNDOM from South Korea. I’m staying in LJ CDP working with the people of community and assisting with an educational program. I like to work with children. Children make me smile naturally. I’ve learned the value of volunteering with them. I’m growing up with them in this country. Now is the best time of my life. I’m in a brilliant time for my period of volunteering. I feel grateful to Good neighbors Dominican Republic for every experience I have.

the children. They all performed very professionally and deeply connected with the people of the zone. GNDOM is very grateful and appreciates this.Counting with people so willing and generous fills me with joy, because it reminds me that in a world JYPP�SJ�MRIUYEPMX]�ERH�WIP½WLRIWW�XLIVI�EVI�WXMPP�TISTPI�arranged to scarify their time and energy for the wellbeing of the most needed.We encourage people to become part of us, because every single person has something to give in order to collaborate with the development of the country, and every effort is welcome.


[email protected]

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@ Los Guandules After school program

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Contributors :

Irving L. RosarioKarla SanchezAimeé PerezKijin KimJesús VargasKrystel TejedaSoojung KimJuyeon JangLynnae Wenker&ooyou Kim

2013 Annual ReportCopyright©2014, Good Neighbors Dominican Republic






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Good Neighbors Dominican Republic


Av. Winston Churchill Esq.Poncio Sabater, Plaza Paraiso Suite 301, Urb. Paraiso, DN, Santo Domingo

+1 809 533 [email protected] www.facebook.com/gndomgndom.tumblr.comtwitter.com/GoodNeighborsRD

Good Neighbors International is an international humanitarian development NGO in General Consultives Status with UN Econimic and Social Council(ECOSOC).

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