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Page 1: 2013 June Reporter - St. John's Welcomes You · light of our life and that He guides us through-out our entire life. Psalm 18:2 states “The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliver-er.

June 2013 ST. JOHN’S



As a family united in

faith through the Holy

Scriptures, we exist to

give praise, honor and

glory to the Triune

God, to nurture and

train the family of be-

lievers through God’s

Word and to reach out

to the changing world

with a changeless Christ.

Volume 52, Issue 6

The Reporter

Mrs. Steffenhagen Takes a New Call We will wish blessings upon Mrs. Steffenhagen as she

leaves St. John’s School in Red Wing to teach Kindergarten at St. John’s in Lake City.

Sunday, June 2 10:00 a.m.—Past & present students of Mrs.

Steffenhagen are invited and encaouraged to sing Jesus Loves me in the service

11:00 a.m.—Potluck picnic in honor of Mrs. Steffenhagen (NAOMI Serving Group)

?’s Contact Renee Roper 388.8061 (See Page 2)

Mrs. Danell Retires We will wish blessings upon Mrs. Danell as she retires after many years of teaching, mostly here at St. John’s.

Sunday, June 9 10:00 a.m.—Farewell Service

Past & present students of Mrs. Danell are invited and encouraged to sing I Love to Tell the Story in the service

11:00 a.m.—Potluck picnic in honor of Mrs. Steffenhagen (MARY Serving Group)

?’s Contact Janet Gehlhar 792.5397 (See page 3)

Two Teachers assigned to St. John’s Red Wing. See page 2.

Watch the JULY Reporter for more detailed information.

Service Times Change!!! Sundays 8:00 & 10:00 am, Mondays 7:00 pm

Page 2: 2013 June Reporter - St. John's Welcomes You · light of our life and that He guides us through-out our entire life. Psalm 18:2 states “The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliver-er.

Education. She comes from North Branch, Michigan. Professor Thiesfeldt mentioned to me that she plays softball. (Maybe a late-season addition?)

Tommy Stelter, our student teacher from March until May, was assigned to Emmanuel Lutheran School in Tempe, AZ. His responsibilities include teaching in a departmentalized upper

Page 2

Matthew 19:13-15


13 Then little children

were brought to Jesus for

him to place his hands

on them and pray for

them. But the disciples

rebuked those who

brought them. 14 Jesus

said, “Let the little

children come to me, and

do not hinder them, for

the kingdom of heaven

belongs to such as these.”

15 When he had placed

his hands on them, he

went on from there.

In the photo on the left is Holly Lentz, our first and second grade teacher. She graduated in 2012, and was assigned a one-year call to teach preschool at St. John's in Mukwonago, Wisconsin. She is excited about having grades 1-2. She is from Whitelaw, Wisconsin. She enjoys horses as a hobby and has a horse names Junebug.

Karla Opperman is on the right in the photo. She graduated with a majors in both Elementary Education and Early Childhood

-grades and coaching. He was able to meet his pastor, and he seemed pretty excited.

Our student teacher from last year was Tim Babler. His position was made permanent. He is in Doral, Florida, and Divine Savior Academy teaching grade 6.

Graduation News from Martin Luther CollegeGraduation News from Martin Luther CollegeGraduation News from Martin Luther CollegeGraduation News from Martin Luther College

Holly Lentz & Karla Opperman

June 2, 2013 10:00 am-Past & present students sing

Jesus Loves Me 11:00 am-Potluck Picnic in Central Park (Bring extra food for guests, some picnic tables are available, but bring lawn chairs for extra seating.) Mrs. Steffenhagen has accepted a call to teach kindergarten at St. John’s – Lake City. She will be done teaching at St. John’s – Red Wing at the end of this school year. We are inviting everyone to a potluck in Central Park in her honor on Sunday, June 2nd, after the 2nd service. This is the date of our school closing service. Please invite all past and present students to this event to thank Denise for everything she has done for our church/school and wish her well in her new endeavor. Interested in putting together a scrapbook page or a writing a memory page? Contact Renee Roper at 388.8061.

Farewell, Mrs. SteffenhagenFarewell, Mrs. SteffenhagenFarewell, Mrs. SteffenhagenFarewell, Mrs. Steffenhagen

June 2013

Page 3: 2013 June Reporter - St. John's Welcomes You · light of our life and that He guides us through-out our entire life. Psalm 18:2 states “The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliver-er.

Page 3 June 2013

Alice Danell’s Farewell

Sunday, June 9th

10:00 service in church

Potluck in the park Program to follow

Our beloved teacher, Alice Danell, will retire at the end of this school year. We want to send her off with lots of love and good memories.

No more procrastinating!!

We need your help . . . NOW!!! J

Story? We are collecting memories and stories from former students, parents and friends. Parents – we need your help! Please talk to your adult children who may have moved away and ask them to contribute an anecdote or two. Submit your remembrances to Janet Gehlhar at [email protected].

Sing? We would like a group of Mrs. Danell’s former students to sing Hymn 562 – I Love to Tell the Story - at the 10:00 service. Practice will be at 9:30 upstairs in church. While we’d appreciate knowing who is planning to come, feel free to just show up.

Scrapbook Page? A scrapbook of photos from the church archives will go on display at the Farewell party. If you would like to submit a scrapbook page with pictures and memories with Mrs. Danell, please prepare a 12x12” page and give it to Margaret Hernlem.

Potluck in the Park – Please bring a dish to pass, and bring a little extra to help feed Mrs. Danell’s family and guests. We will have a few picnic tables available, but would appreciate people bringing along lawn chairs for additional seating.

Questions? Comments? Contact Janet Gehlhar.

Lawn Mowers Needed!Lawn Mowers Needed!Lawn Mowers Needed!Lawn Mowers Needed!

Lawn mowers needed for the church. Please sign up in the school

hallway. We don’t have a lot of grass and it doesn’t take a long

time. Young People, this is a great way to serve your Lord and

your church. There is equipment to use at church. Contact Kevin

Smith with any questions! 651.380.6494.

Page 4: 2013 June Reporter - St. John's Welcomes You · light of our life and that He guides us through-out our entire life. Psalm 18:2 states “The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliver-er.

Page 4 June 2013

This year we continued with a tradition – A Special Blessing Cele-bration for High School Seniors. The seniors honored were Jason Berg, Tyson Dicke, Kayla Kirchner, Jack Leurquin, Christi Perkinson, Travis Smith, and Alex Weck-erling. On May 19th, at the end of the first ser-vice, Pastor Engel gave words of encourage-ment as he presented a clay pot, a tea light, a rock, a packet of Shout stain remover, a book-mark, and a listing of websites for devotions and prayers.

The clay pot symbol-ized that Jesus is our potter, and we are the clay he molds.

The tea light was a re-minder that Jesus is the light of our life and that He guides us through-out our entire life.

Psalm 18:2 states “The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliver-er. My God is my rock in whom I take refuge.”

The packet of Shout stain remover was a reminder that Jesus died on the cross and has removed all of our

2013 Confirmation2013 Confirmation2013 Confirmation2013 Confirmation————May 19, 2013May 19, 2013May 19, 2013May 19, 2013

earthly stains.

The bookmark had a passage which encour-aged each to stay close to Jesus.

The blessing concluded with a prayer, asking God to guide these young people and to keep them close to Him.

2 Timothy 3:14-15


14 But as for you,

continue in what you

have learned and

have become

convinced of,

because you know

those from whom

you learned it, 15 and

how from infancy

you have known the

holy Scriptures,

which are able to

make you wise for

salvation through

faith in Christ Jesus.

Back Row: Wyatt Hofius, Kipp Adams, Pastor Engel

Front Row: Pastor Lucht, Evan Degener, Mitchel Taylor

Special Blessing Celebration for High School SeniorsSpecial Blessing Celebration for High School SeniorsSpecial Blessing Celebration for High School SeniorsSpecial Blessing Celebration for High School Seniors

Jack Leurquin, Christi Perkinson, Tylson Dick

Page 5: 2013 June Reporter - St. John's Welcomes You · light of our life and that He guides us through-out our entire life. Psalm 18:2 states “The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliver-er.

Page 6 June 2013

Child’s Name __________________________ Grade (In the Fall)_______

Child’s Name __________________________ Grade (In the Fall)_______

Child’s Name __________________________ Grade (In the Fall)_______

Child’s Name __________________________ Grade (In the Fall)_______ Parent’s Name ________________________________________________

Address _____________________________________________________

Phone # _______________________

_____I am willing to teach Vacation Bible School

_____I am willing to assist in the classroom for Vacation Bible School

_____I am willing to provide food for Vacation Bible School

_____I am willing to prepare and serve the food for Vacation Bible School

Please contact Darla Vieths at [email protected] or 651.307.1257.

Registrations forms are due by Monday, JULY 15th.

July 28-Aug. 1, 2013 6:00-8:00 P.M.

(light supper @ 5:15 p.m.)

Ages 4 through Grade 6

Page 6: 2013 June Reporter - St. John's Welcomes You · light of our life and that He guides us through-out our entire life. Psalm 18:2 states “The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliver-er.

Page 7 June 2013

Gifts & MemorialsGifts & MemorialsGifts & MemorialsGifts & Memorials

CEMETERY Special Gift ............................................................................................................................................ $ 275.00 ENDOWMENT FUND In memory of Roger Birk given by Wayne & Bonnie Dicke ......................................................... $ 20.00 In memory of Roger Birk given by Lowell & Carol Gran ............................................................. $ 10.00 In memory of Roger Birk given by Harold & Lora Henn ............................................................. $ 10.00 In memory of Alice Horn given by Forrest & Marion Watson .................................................... $ 20.00 GENERAL FUND In memory of Herbert Schrimpf (Father of Judith Buck) given by Jeff & Janet Gehlhar ........ $ 20.00 In memory of Robert Schwartau given by Family & Friends ........................................................ $ 50.00 In memory of James Olson given by Tom Olson ........................................................................... $ 81.00 In memory of Roger Birk given by Jeff & Janet Gehlhar .............................................................. $ 20.00 Special Gift for Sunday School given by Wise Penny Thrift Store ............................................... $ 500.00 Special Gift for Vacation Bible School ............................................................................................. $ 200.00 In memory of Roger Birk given by Family & Friends .................................................................... $ 85.00 In memory of Roger Birk given by Paul Benidt .............................................................................. $ 20.00 In memory of Roger Birk given by Elwin & Wanda Amyx ........................................................... $ 20.00 In memory of Roger Birk given by Elda Banidt .............................................................................. $ 20.00 In memory of Roger Birk given by Lois Kask ................................................................................. $ 5.00 In memory of Alice Horn given by Jeff & Janet Gehlhar .............................................................. $ 20.00 In memory of Roger Birk given by David & Arlis Meincke .......................................................... $ 20.00 Thrivent Choice Dollars ...................................................................................................................... $ 409.00 (Paul Benidt, Donald Bruemmer, Clarence Glander, Marilyn Glander, James Hernlem, Byron Pearson) GOD’S CHILDREN FUND Special Gift from Wise Penny Thrift Store ...................................................................................... $ 500.00 In memory of Eunice Reese given by Richard Reese ..................................................................... $ 100.00 IMPROVEMENT FUND In memory of Verneil Voth given by Merle & June Rients ........................................................... $ 20.00 MISSION FUND Special Gift ............................................................................................................................................ $ 50.00 In memory of Merlin Holst given by Joan Holst ............................................................................ $ 25.00 ORGAN FUND In memory of Marjorie Zemke given by Janice Birk ...................................................................... $ 10.00 SCHOOL FUND In memory of Bruce Tipcke given by Marie Tipcke ....................................................................... $ 100.00 In memory of Roger Birk given by Ron & Marian Mundale ......................................................... $ 25.00

Page 7: 2013 June Reporter - St. John's Welcomes You · light of our life and that He guides us through-out our entire life. Psalm 18:2 states “The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliver-er.

6/1/2013 6/8/2013 6/15/2013 6/22/2013 6/29/2013

Group #7 Group #8 Group #9 Group #10 Group #11 *Dicke, Pat *Fandrey, Sonny *Benidt-Grave, Sarah *Henn, Lora *Jonas, Annette

*Dicke, Todd Gehlhar, Janet *Grave, Gene Bohme, Amy *Jonas, Bradley

Dicke, Bonnie Gehlhar, Jeff Buchholtz, Amy Bohme, Shannon Kiecker, Christopher

Dicke, Jared Gehlhar, Rachel Gadient, Braham Gerken, Alice Kiecker, Ellie

Dicke, Justin George, Gary Glander, Clarence Gerken, Anthony Kiecker, Emma

Dicke, Tyson George, Margery Glander, Marilyn Gerken, Marc Kiecker, Janice

Dicke, Wayne Gernentz, Barbara Goelzer, Linda Gilbertson, Darlene Kiecker, Leonard

Diercks, Arlen Gernentz, James Goelzer, Mark Henn, Char Kiecker, Samantha

Diercks, Audrey Gernentz, Jerod Goeman, John Hernlem, Christian Kiecker, Stephanie

Diercks, Glen Gernentz, Timothy Gran, Lowell Hernlem, James Jr. Kirchner, Kandace

Diercks, Lynn Shaw, Jenny Grave, Aaron Hernlem, James Sr. Kirchner, Kayla

Diercks, Suzanne Shaw, Paul Grave, Alicia Hernlem, Margaret Kirchner, Mark

Diercks, Terry Fox, Cole Hadler, Corey Hernlem, Veronica Kirchner, William

Nelson, Darrell Fox, Kelly Hadler, Katelyn Holst, Joan Klatt, Kyle

Nelson, Jennifer Gunhus, Adam Hase, Helen Jagusch, Paul Klatt, Pam

Hofius, Dan Gunhus, Ben Hatfield, Trevor Jagusch, Pauline Madsen, Beth

Hofius, Val Gunhus, Darcy Mauel, Katie Johnson, Jessica Madsen, Derek

Gernentz, Andrea Gunhus, Gun Quade, Jeremy Johnson, Rhonda Madsen, Keith

Gernentz, April Gunhus, Hannah Quade, Lori Johnson, Sean

King, Kelli Kuehni, Ruth

King, Scott Reese, Richard

Church Cleaning GroupsChurch Cleaning GroupsChurch Cleaning GroupsChurch Cleaning Groups

Page 8 June 2013

Spring is Here and Softball Season is in Full SWING!Spring is Here and Softball Season is in Full SWING!Spring is Here and Softball Season is in Full SWING!Spring is Here and Softball Season is in Full SWING!

We have played four games thus far and have been competitive, but have fallen short in all four games. Last week we had 14 players, which is our highest turn out of the year. We are always looking for players and fans for our games. Don't be afraid to come out and play or cheer...it is all about having fun and enjoying the great outdoors.

Page 8: 2013 June Reporter - St. John's Welcomes You · light of our life and that He guides us through-out our entire life. Psalm 18:2 states “The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliver-er.

June 2013

St. John’s School NewsSt. John’s School NewsSt. John’s School News ST. JOHN’S SCHOOL NEWS

Page 5

A Divine Call is Returned Dear members of St. John’s,

My call to St. John’s in Baraboo, Wisconsin, has afforded me the

opportunity to consider serving the Lord in a larger school with

more than double the number of teachers. This is something I feel

the Lord has gifted me to do. Baraboo also would keep us close to


After prayerfully considering the two calls, the Lord has led me to

continue my service here in Red Wing. This congregation is already

facing many changes, and the Lord has helped me see that my gifts are still needed here

for at least a li'le while.

I thank you all for your prayers and support for me and my family over the years, and I

look forward to continue serving you.

God’s blessings to you all!

End of Year Field Trip Tuesday, May 28, grades K-8

will be going to the Twin Cities

for our annual bus trip. Our first stop will be the Wells Fargo

Museum. Then we head to Fort

Snelling. We will not be back in

time for buses that afternoon.

Parents are always welcome to come with us, but with the

blessing of 67 students, teach-

ers, and staff, our bus will be

full. Please try carpooling! An-

other adult or two in your car

can make the trip short!

PTO News Elected officers for the 2013-

2014 school year:

President Val Hofius

Vice President Pam Kla4


Lora Price

It was determined that

PTO would give $1000 to

the computer fund. The

money will come from

profits accrued from our Great

Lakes Scrip program.

PTO will also purchase new

basketball uniforms.

These are examples of how

our fundraiser money is spent.

Science 4-8 Mr. David Mielke of St. Croix

Lutheran High School held a special science class for students

in grades 4-8. It was about cray-

fish dissection.

School Picnic Our annual picnic is Friday,

May 31. We will eat lunch at 11

AM and dismiss afterward. Be

sure to make arrangements for a

ride home for your child if you

will not be a4ending.

Summer Basketball Camp

When: June 12-August 14 Wednesdays 7-8:30 PM (weather permitting)

Where: St. John’s School

What to Bring: Water, snack, sunscreen, basketball (not neces-sary)

Who: All LES students entering grade 4-8 next fall. Come whatever playing level you might be. Boys and girls will practice separately.

Any questions, or in need of a ride to camp, please call: Lora Price 651.301.0501 or Kandi Kirchner 651.212.6121



May Highlights


May 28 K-8 Field Trip NO PM BUSES

May 30 Awards Night 6:30 PM

May 31 Picnic at Bay Point

Lunch at 11 AM

June 2 School Closing

K-8 Sing 10 AM Worship

Page 9: 2013 June Reporter - St. John's Welcomes You · light of our life and that He guides us through-out our entire life. Psalm 18:2 states “The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliver-er.

May 2013 Page 6

Teacher Appreciation Week What a week we had! There was food, gifts, support

and awesome encouragement! We loved it!

Thank you to Mrs. Carole Krass, Tricia Bain, Amy

Bohme, Michelle Engel, Annie Jonas, and Nicole Ma-

honey for organizing this special week.

Thank you to parents and students for the kindness

and thoughtfulness shown. Encouragement is always

welcome! We love teaching!

Page 10: 2013 June Reporter - St. John's Welcomes You · light of our life and that He guides us through-out our entire life. Psalm 18:2 states “The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliver-er.









8:00 am

Cleaning Group #7


8:00 am


9:15 am

Bible Study

10:00 am

Worship; 8th Grade Graduation;

Grades K-8 sing; Steffenhagen


11:00 am

Steffenhagen Farewell Potluck



7:00 pm


7:00 pm




9:00 am

Worship Committee

6:30 pm

Softball Game, F-2


10:00 am

Bible Study


7:30 pm


Game, F-2


5:30 pm




8:00 am

Cleaning Group #8

3:00 pm



8:00 am

Worship with Communion

9:15 am

Bible Study

10:00 am

Worship with Communion; Danell


Danell Picnic and Program


7:00 pm

Worship with


7:30 pm


Game, F-1


9:00 am


Delegate Conference at

Grace, Oronoco





8:00 am

Cleaning Group #9

June 2013

St. John’s Ev. Lutheran Church & School

421 East Avenue, Red W

ing, MN 55066

Telephone: 651.388.2149

Email: pasotrlucht@

stjohnsredwing.org or

[email protected]

Website: stjohnsredwing.org

Service Tim

es Change!


8:00 & 10:00 a.m


Mondays-7:00 p.m


Page 11: 2013 June Reporter - St. John's Welcomes You · light of our life and that He guides us through-out our entire life. Psalm 18:2 states “The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliver-er.









8:00 am


9:15 am

Bible Study

10:00 am




Articles Due

7:00 pm



6:00 pm

Elders’ Meeting

7:30 pm

Softball Game, F-2



7:00 pm





9:00 am

Mailing Committee


8:00 am


Group #10


8:00 am


9:15 am

Bible Study

10:00 am



7:00 pm



11:00 am—2:00 pm

Basement Reserved-W

ise Penny

4:00 pm

Special Communion

4:30 pm

Worship at the Cross (Krause)



8:30 pm


Game, F-2



8:00 am


Group #11


8:00 am

Worship with Communion

Bible Study

10:00 am

Worship with Communion

1 Sneak Peak


7:00 pm



7:00 pm

Worship with



7:30 pm

Softball Game, F-3

8:30 pm

Softball Game, F-2





8:00 am


Group #12

St. John’s Ev. Lutheran Church & School

421 East Avenue, Red W

ing, MN 55066

Telephone: 651.388.2149

Email: pasotrlucht@

stjohnsredwing.org or

[email protected]

Website: stjohnsredwing.org

June 2013

Page 12: 2013 June Reporter - St. John's Welcomes You · light of our life and that He guides us through-out our entire life. Psalm 18:2 states “The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliver-er.

We’re on the web!



Friend us on Facebook




Postmaster: Change

Service Requested

St. John’s Ev. Lutheran Church 421 East Avenue

Red Wing, MN 55066

Todd Engel, Pastor

[email protected]


Loren Lucht, Pastor

[email protected]


Benjamin Bain, Principal, Gr. 6-8

[email protected]


Justin Hansen, Gr. 3-5

[email protected]


Alice Danell, Gr. 1-2

[email protected]


Denise Steffenhagen, Gr. PK –K

[email protected]


Kandi Kirchner, Teachers’ Aide


Judy Thumann, Instructional Aide


Pam Mueller, School Secretary

[email protected]


Annie Jonas, Church Secretary

[email protected]



(September through May)

WORSHIP: 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.



(Excluding Advent & Lent)


(June through August)

WORSHIP: 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m.

BIBLE CLASS: 9:15 a.m.


ALL EVENING SERVICES during the year are at 7:00 p.m.

COMMUNION is served on the

SECOND and LAST SUNDAYS of the month.

June 2013June 2013June 2013June 2013

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