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Download - 2014 02

Page 1: 2014 02


O f f i c e@Z i onBu f fa l o . o r g ( 763 ) 682 - 1245 www.Z i onB u f fa l o . o r g

Page 2: 2014 02

God’s Work. Our Hands.

This spring Zion will dedicate a weekend to serving in our community. We’ll be offering a chance to dig in to clean, fix, organize, and cook here at Zion, but we’ll also expand to the local communities and other projects within Wright County.

You will be invited to sign up for one project from a long list of short-term service options, usually 1-3 hours in length, on Friday, April 25 & Saturday, April 26. Some opportunities will be especially suited for families with children.

The weekend will culminate on Sunday, April 27, with a celebration of service during worship and the Truckload of Life packing event all day at Zion, sponsored by Harvest of Hands.

If you have a service project that seems fitting for the Serve Days, contact Sherilyn Burgdorf (763.682.1245 or [email protected]).

Active Military

Vinnie Pecarina Stationed in Japan

Trey Wilson Stationed in Norfolk, VA

Bradley Johnson Stationed at Ft Drum, NY

Cory Nyholm Stationed in Monterey, CA

Christopher Paulsen Stationed in Norfolk, VA

Cody Bauman Deployed to Afghanistan

Ben Pecarina Stationed overseas

Doug Pecarina Serving in the Army National Guard

Alex Euerle Stationed in California

Kevin Osfar Stationed in Japan

Will Dobbins Deployed on the USS Peleliu

Greg Bremseth Stationed at Ft Bliss, TX

Deanna Strommen Stationed in Washington, DC

Fred Pierce

Living God’s Call A New School Year Starts in ZambiaA New School Year Starts in ZambiaA New School Year Starts in ZambiaA New School Year Starts in Zambia On Sunday, February 2, Kathleen Schwartz from All Kids Can Learn International (AKCLI) will be at Zion to give an update on the work this global mission partner is doing in Zambia. Kathleen will share the many new and expanded projects from the past year at a table in the narthex from 9:30-10:30am.

On Monday, January 13, The School of Hope began the 2014 school year. They have about 310 students (up from 230 in 2013) in grades 1-10, 16 teachers (6 are new), and 5 new classrooms.

Additional photos from the new classroom construction can be seen at ZionBuffalo.org/akcli.

Zion is planning a Mission trip to The Villages of Hope in January of 2015. Start thinking now about contributing your of time and talents to the work and mission of AKCLI.

Volunteers: You're Golden!Volunteers: You're Golden!Volunteers: You're Golden!Volunteers: You're Golden! While the world prepares for the finest athletes to gather in Sochi for the winter Olympics, the Zion staff is preparing for a gathering of the finest Zion volunteers on Sunday, March 9. We are grateful for the countless hours of serving that happen in and around the Zion building as well as out in the community and even globally.

We don't expect you to come with your figure skates, your skis, or your bobsled team on March 9. Just come with an appetite for some great food, offered for all in the Fellowship Hall after each worship service. Come at 9:30 or 10:15 for brunch, or at 11:30 for a pasta lunch. You'll be the honored guests and during your meal, you'll see highlights of Zion's ministries from 2013.

Olympic athletes train for a lifetime for their events. Volunteers, you use your lifetime for others. You're golden!

Snow GolfSnow GolfSnow GolfSnow Golf Love Inc Big Woods is holding a Snow Golf fundraiser at Sturges Park on Saturday, February 22.

This event is a 9-hole scramble with registration from 10:30am and a shotgun start at 11am. Family fun also includes a heated tent and bonfire, entertainment, hot chocolate, and all-you-can-eat chili.

To register, contact the Love Inc Clearinghouse at 763.682.2550.

Engaging people in a process of discipleship which inspires them 2

Page 3: 2014 02

Medical Supplies for Jamaica

Zion's Mission Jamaica team is collecting the supplies listed below for their February 22 to March 1 trip until Sunday, February 9.

Medications will NOT be collected from the congregation this year, since we are now able to purchase medications at below wholesale cost through Allina's Mission Matters. Financial donations of just $10 or less will buy 1000 pills for diabetes, pain, heart or blood pressure. That is less than a penny a pill for many Rx's that have a great impact on health and prevention.

Cash and checks payable to Zion can be contributed at any time in a pew enveloped marked “Mission Jamaica.”

Medical Supplies • Splints & braces (back, finger, wrist,

arm, knee, ankle, CAM boots, AFOs)

• Arm slings & shoulder immobilizers

• Dressings & wraps: ACE or Coban rolls, Band-Aids, cotton, gauze, & medical tape

• Diapers: all sizes (empty your closet but don't buy new packages due to limited suitcase space)

• Catheters: unused urinary catheters & colostomy supplies

• Nebulizers & nebulizer masks/ tubing

• CPAP & BiPAP machines and masks/supplies

• Canes (foldable are best)

• Reading glasses, used sunglasses, old prescription glasses (frames are expensive in Jamaica)

• Medical equipment: stethoscopes, BP monitors, oximeters, and lightly used scrubs

• Non-Latex medical gloves & masks

(Supply List continued on page 17)

Learning from Each JamaicanLearning from Each JamaicanLearning from Each JamaicanLearning from Each Jamaican By Missy Peterson

My name is Melissa (Missy) Peterson. I am the second child of six children born to Russ and Terry Peterson. I am a lifelong resident of Buffalo and member of the family of Zion, having been baptized on January 19, 1986. My roots at Zion can be traced to its founders and charter members. I know no other church home.

I graduated from St. Cloud State University with a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood and Family Studies. My fulltime job is as Director at Kid’s Haven Childcare and Preschool. You will also see my face in the nursery at Zion on Sundays as I am currently on staff as the Nursery Coordinator. Lastly, I nanny for triplets (they just turned one year old) on a part-time basis. In my spare time (if there is any), I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, shopping, working out, and traveling.

My next traveling plans are actually in February with Zion and the Mission Jamaica team. I have been involved with Mission Jamaica since it was first offered at Zion. This will be my fourth time participating. My interest in Mission Jamaica started when it was first advertised as a ‘vacation with a purpose’ as well as somewhere to go that is sunny and warm in February. Then I heard it was also a tax write-off…how could I turn this down? I couldn’t.

Each time I leave Jamaica, I think maybe next year I will go on my own personal vacation. As this fourth year approached, as when the second and third did, I did not pass up the opportunity and I am so thankful I have chosen the experience each year. It is amazing to me how different each year is with the dynamics of the different people on our team. I have been fortunate to get to know many people in Zion’s groups, as well as the church group that comes from Tennessee. This year I am also looking forward to getting to know people from the Buffalo Presbyterian Church.

Mission Jamaica provides a way for us to love and serve our neighbor as Jesus taught us. The trip combines a service project with time for reflection and spiritual rest. It allows a person to experience an international mission field that is close to home yet far enough away to immerse

into another culture for a week.

When I return home from Jamaica I am often asked, “What do you do there?” I have served at the medical clinic each year, where we serve anywhere from 35-150 people a day. It is fun for me to see returning clients. While we are all there to serve and give our care to each of those who come to us, it is amazing to me what

(Missy Peterson continued on page 14)

to trust in Christ, grow in faith, and serve God’s world. 3

My interest in Mission Jamaica started when it

was first advertised as a vacation with a

purpose ...

Page 4: 2014 02

Holden Evening Prayer Choir for Lenten Worship Services

This year, take on something new instead of giving up something for Lent. Join the Youth Choir and Diane Johnson in leading any or all of the Wednesday Lenten worship services with the favorite Holden Evening Prayer service.

• Middle school, high school and adults are welcomed to sing in this short-term worship team.

• Solo parts are available but not required.

• Rehearsals are Wednesdays in February at 5:45pm in the bell room (at the end of Youth Choir rehearsal).

• Lenten worship nights for the Holden service will be March 12, 19, 26, April 2 and 9 - all at 6:30pm.

For more information contact Diane Johnson at [email protected] or 320.286.2004.

On the Same TeamOn the Same TeamOn the Same TeamOn the Same Team Martha Driscoll-Nelson has been teaching at Buffalo High School since December of 1984.

I teach mostly freshmen and sophomores, physical education and health, sometimes an elective aerobics and fitness class for upper class students.

Martha and her husband Dean Nelson joined Zion when they were married in 1995. Prior to that, Martha belonged to Calvary Lutheran Church in Golden Valley. Martha knew of Zion from coworkers Julie Swaggert, Rick and Sue Toso, and Jill Hanson, and she had taught Pastor Ed Blair's children, Nathan and Carmen.

I have also been the head or co-head girls gymnastics coach all of these years. I love coaching. Many of the gymnasts come onto the team as 8th or 9th graders and I get to watch them mature into fine, strong young women through their senior year. Many of the ones from the earlier years now have families of their own. Some have become coaches or officials themselves.

Dean works for Hansen Spancrete Midwest in Maple Grove. Martha and Dean have two daughters, Annika (18) and Ingrid (14). Dean's sister, Mona Nelson, is part of their family, and they also have two "people amusing" dogs. They live just inside the city limits of Hanover.

At Zion, Martha has served on the nominating committee, been involved with VBS since 1998, and taught 3-, 4-, and 5-year-old preschoolers in Sunday school for 8 years.

That was really fun. Annika and Ingrid are teaching the preschoolers now!

Martha started playing handbells in 2008 when Annika started confirmation.

It seemed silly to drop the girl off and try to find something else to do for 90 minutes. I was looking for some way to be useful at church each Wednesday night.

Martha had always loved music, having taken piano lessons for 8 years and playing trumpet, then French horn in the school band from 3rd-12th grade. She loves the sound of bells, and noticed that Sherilyn was looking for ringers.

My singing is so-so; I didn't think the senior choir would want me. But, I could read music. We play a variety of old hymns and newer songs like "In Christ Alone" and even some pieces from other cultures.

(Martha Driscoll-Nelson continued on page 15)

Celebrating on Sundays

Creating Sunday morning experiences at Zion that invite, 4

Martha Driscoll-Nelson, with daughters Annika and Ingrid.

… It seemed silly to drop

the girl off and try to find

something else to do for 90 minutes ...

Page 5: 2014 02

Worship Services

8:30am traditional worship in the sanctuary with nursery available, Sunday school during the school year.

9:45am Family Express in Trinity Hall.

10:30am contemporary worship in the sanctuary with nursery available, Sunday school during the school year.


Sunday, February 2 Fourth Sunday after Epiphany

Matthew 5:1-12

Pastor Ted Preaching

Sunday, February 9 Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Matthew 5:13

Pastor Luke Preaching

Sunday, February 16 Sixth Sunday after Epiphany

Matthew 5:21-37

Pastor Ted Preaching

Sunday, February 23 Seventh Sunday after Epiphany

Matthew 5:38-48

Pastor John Folkerds Preaching

Sunday Announcements

The relationships of our members with one another bring a richness to our lives and we want to foster these relationships. If you would like your church family to be aware of any special celebrations in your life or the lives of your loved ones, please let the church office know by Thursday at 10am and we will include them in the written announcement insert in the bulletin.

Children in Worship Children in Worship Children in Worship Children in Worship Discussion ContinuesDiscussion ContinuesDiscussion ContinuesDiscussion Continues There was a time in our early married life when Jess and I were an exception to the rule. What I mean by that is we were in our early twenties, no kids, and we were actively seeking out a worshipping community to call home. Truth be told, you don’t see a whole lot of early twenties folks in worship or involved in the life of the church. Those that you do see usually have something in common - regular worship was part of their upbringing. Getting to church on Sunday morning for me wasn’t a question, it was just a fact. That’s how I grew up and that’s how my wife grew up, and so when we started our life together, we were determined to make God a part of it by worshipping regularly. I wouldn’t have said it at the time, but getting to worship every week as a child was a gift. I always felt like the sanctuary was a place for me, that I was expected to be there. It was a place I felt comfortable, like I belonged. There in God’s presence and surrounded by that community of faith, I had a home.

We are in the midst of having conversations here at Zion about what it would look like to give our children a similar chance to experience worship. Growing up, I had the classic church model of ‘worship – education hour – worship’, with the expectation that families would worship together and then the children would attend Sunday school while the adults fellowshipped. Here at Zion we have a few too many kids for that model, so we are thinking about some best ways to make it work.

Here’s an example. At both my previous church and Pastor Ted’s previous church, children would begin in worship for about the first 15 minutes. That 15 minutes would wrap up with the children’s message and their dismissal to Sunday school. Both of our previous churches structured that first 15 minutes a little differently, but the overall scenario was that children spent some time in

(Discussion Continues continued on page 17)

welcome, engage and inspire people to live for 5

What Are We Pinning? Bible Verses

People at Zion Craft Ideas


Page 6: 2014 02


December 30 Darren Gerardy, son of Crystal and



January 12 Lily Inez Holker


December 23 Mel Gillund

The Baptism Class

Anyone wishing to schedule a baptism is asked to attend a class prior to the date of the baptism. Expectant parents, as well as those who already are parents, may attend the class. Scheduling of baptisms will take place at the class.

The next classes are Sunday, February 9, and Sunday, April 13 at noon. Register at ZionBuffalo.org/Baptism or by calling the office.

Are You Expecting?

If you or someone you know at Zion is expecting a baby, please notify Dawn or Ann in the office so that we can keep record of your due date. This will help our staff to connect with you and allow the Birth to Age 3 Ministry Team to know when to have your new Splash newsletter available (see article on page 13). We will also place a birth rose on the altar shortly after the birth of your child once we hear of their arrival. After the new year, plans will be made to start a home-visit team and then this rose will be delivered to your home along with your Baptism Bundle. Thanks for your partnership on this journey!

Creating a community where people are connected 6

Japanese Braid MakingJapanese Braid MakingJapanese Braid MakingJapanese Braid Making By Joy Arens, Harvest of Hands Coordinator

Harvest of Hands received an $800 matching donation from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. With this addition, Harvest of Hands raised over $16,635 at the November 2013 sale.

Craft groups work on a variety of projects throughout the year in preparation for the annual sale. The groups meet in the Wilderness Room on the second and fourth Tuesday morning at 9am, and on the second and fourth Wednesday evening at 7pm.

• The Wednesday evening craft project for February 12 and 26 is Kumihimo (KOO-MEE-HEE-MOH) braiding. Kumihimo is Japanese for "gathered threads," and is a Japanese form of braid-making where cords and ribbons are made by interlacing strands. Possible braiding projects for the month will include keys chains, bracelets, and necklaces. Some projects will include beads.

• The Tuesday morning craft projects for February 11 and 25 are Styrofoam Christmas trees decorated with colored buttons and sewn tree skirts.

All are welcome at the craft groups, either to work on the planned projects or to bring your own projects and enjoy the evening with friends.

Crafters can also work on projects at home. Supplies are available for home projects. Contact Joy Arens for more information.

Harvest of Hands is an annual event held at Zion to feed the hungry in our own community and around the world. Proceeds of the 2014 sale will benefit the Buffalo Food Shelf and a global hunger project.

Connecting With Care

An example of a Kumihimo project, and the tool used to create it. Photo by Linda Nerothin.

Page 7: 2014 02

Why Didn’t I See That?Why Didn’t I See That?Why Didn’t I See That?Why Didn’t I See That? by Angela Bengtson

Chatting with a group of Zion members, a post on Zion’s Facebook page came up in conversation. “I like the Zion page,” said one friend “why didn’t I see that?”

She isn’t alone. Zion’s page has about 850 fans. Just over 700 of those are online in a given day but a typical post will be shown to 200-300 of those users … meaning up to 500 Facebook users who have ‘liked’ Zion’s page, aren’t seeing Zion’s posts at all.

Here’s why …

Every time you log on to Facebook, there are an average of 1,500 posts contending for space in your news feed. The goal of Facebook’s news feed is to sift through those 1,500 posts to deliver the right content to the right people at the right time. To do that, Facebook pays attention to what you and others click on, like, comment on, and share, and uses that to determine which of those posts you most want to see.

Every time you click like, comment on, or share a post from Zion’s page, it will both tell Facebook to show Zion’s content to more people, and tell Facebook to show Zion’s content to you more often. So, if you ‘like’ Zion’s posts regularly, you can expect to see more of them. But, if you never interact with Zion’s posts, you can expect them to gradually disappear from your news feed … and that’s what had happened to my friend.

There’s an easy fix:

1. Go to Zion’s page at facebook.com/ZionBuffalo

2. Choose a post or two and click ‘Like’

3. Comment on one or share it on your own page (optional)

If you do this occasionally you will not only see Zion’s content in your own feed, but you will help improve the ranking of Zion’s page, and you’ll even help Zion reach out into the community.

Thanks for being part of Zion’s Facebook community!

February Suppers

There’s a tasty meal waiting for you every Wednesday from 5:00-6:15 in the Fellowship Hall for a suggested donation of $4 per plate/$15/family. The best deal in town!

• February 5: Hamburgers

• February 12: Soup / Chili / Hot dog

• February 19: Baked Potato

• February 26: Sub Sandwiches

Keeping in Contact

Zion is a big place, and sometimes things happen in life that keep us from being as connected to the community as we would like. We would like to make sure that all Zion members feel like part of the church, whether they are able to worship regularly or not. If you or someone you know is unable to worship regularly, or would consider themselves homebound, or are living in a senior care facility, please let us know so we can make sure you are receiving communion and pastoral care. We want to make sure all the people of Zion are able to stay connected. Please call or email Ann or Dawn in the office with information as to how we can reach you or someone you know that you’d like us to include in our visitation schedule.

Thank you!

Pastor Luke and Pastor Ted

in relationships and supported in need. 7

Page 8: 2014 02

December 2013 Financial ReportDecember 2013 Financial ReportDecember 2013 Financial ReportDecember 2013 Financial Report

General Services Fund

Income Dec 2013 YTD 2013 Dec 2012 YTD 2012 General Offering $96,730 $728,678 $96,691 $717,843

Rent and Sunday School 2,243 21,711 2,031 24,882

WedNite Supper Income 398 7,791 938 7,995

Missions and Hunger 1,518 18,150 1,409 14,998

Other Designations 4,427 82,760 3,800 20,602

Total Income $105,316 $859,090 $104,868 $786,320

Expenses Synod Benevolence $1,000 $12,000 $1,000 $12,000

Other General Services 65,165 748,413 70,641 721,990

Total Expenses $66,165 $760,413 $71,641 $733,990

Checkbook balance as of 12-31-2013: $43,251

A Promising Tomorrow/Building Fund

Income Dec 2013 YTD 2013 Dec 2012 YTD 2012 Offerings and Interest $21,777 $187,564 $23,445 $191,373

Other Receipts 0 0 0 0

Total Income $21,777 $187,564 $23,445 $191,373

Expenses Building Mortgage $15,869 $190,428 $15,869 $190,428

Kairos Consulting 0 0 0 6,000

3% Tithe (from 2009) 0 0 3,313 3,313

Bank Service Charge 15 30 15 60

Total Expenses $15,884 $190,458 $19,197 $199,801

Checkbook balance as of 12-31-2013: $21,144.

Thank you for your continued support of God’s work at

Zion Lutheran Church this year.

Memorial Gifts Received

Gift to the Memorial Fund in memory of Rheta Prigge from James Prigge.

Gift to the Memorial Fund in memory of Morrie Corhouse from Marlys Corhouse.

Gifts to the Memorial Fund in memory of Mel Gillund from Al & Dorothy Valentine and Lydia Heins, Clay & Deb O’Flanagan, Marlys Gillund, K.M.Swanson, Wallace & Wanda Pottenger, Thomas & Margaret McMahon, Mark Pottenger, Marlys Corhouse, Lavonne Sauter, Dr Wayne & Beverly Thompson, Marilyn Brink, Clifton & Donna Stedje, Juliet Dahlberg, Curtis & Glennis Pearson, and Quinton & Marjorie Peterson.

Gift to the Cemetery Fund in memory of Marvel Erdahl from Richard & Bonnie Erdahl and Tom and Martha Moe.

Gift to the Zion Foundation in honor of the Christmas Program from Louis & Joyce Oerdeck.

Gift to the Zion Foundation in honor of Ron & Gloria Siemers from Wes & Mary Mahlberg.

Gift to the Zion Foundation from Steve & Betty Emerson.

Anonymous gift to the Zion Foundation in memory of Tom Pfleghaar.

Gifts to the Zion Foundation in memory of Mel Gillund from Darrell Anderson and Lloyd & Carol Akervik.

The easiest way to give to Zion online is through GiveMN.

Scan the QR code with your smartphone or use the link at


ZionBuffalo.org/Give 8

Finance & Stewardship

Page 9: 2014 02

Zion Responds Generously to Global Missions

This past year our congregation has contributed more than $13,000 to global missions through mission offerings, Lenten folders, fair trade coffee sales and designated gifts.

• $4,664 has been given to Redeemer Lutheran Church, our mission partner in Minneapolis.

• $5,632 has benefited All Kids Can Learn International (AKCLI), an orphanage we are helping to sponsor in Zambia.

• Members have sponsored mission trips to Jamaica and an All Ages Mission Trip to Duluth.

• Harvest of Hands donates proceeds from their annual sale (over $16,500 in 2013) to alleviate local and world hunger.

All mission activities are managed outside our regular budget and are in addition to the contributions to Zion’s general and building funds. The Global Missions Committee looks forward to continued blessings as we build relationship with our mission partners around the globe.

Thank you for participating as God’s instrument as we extend Zion’s outreach beyond our walls.

Financial Peace University

Financial Peace University will meet on Monday evenings at 7pm from January 27-March 24.

• Contact Tom Stanforth or Tom Moline with any questions.

• Sign up and class schedule at DaveRamsey.com.

If you’re still not sure, you’re welcome to attend the January 27 session for free before registering.


Teaching and LearningTeaching and LearningTeaching and LearningTeaching and Learning By Tom Stanforth

My wife Trish, our daughter Lizzie and I moved here to Buffalo 7 years ago from Long Island, New York, for a new job opportunity. We chose Buffalo for its small town qualities and proximity to the Twin Cities. Upon arrival in Buffalo, we started looking for a new church home. Having been members of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Levittown, we were looking for a Lutheran Church and we wanted one with an active youth program (Lizzie was in second grade at the time). After seeing all Zion had to offer, we became members shortly after our arrival.

The job opportunity I had was with Boston Scientific, but after 12 months there, found myself victim to one of their major reductions in force. How scary was that; 1500 miles from family and our support network, and without a job! But God looked after us and I quickly found another opportunity with my current employer that is actually a better fit for my skills and talents. I work with CareFusion, a large medical device manufacturer, as an Engineering Project Manager. I work in the Plymouth facility which develops and produces Ventilators for the Homecare and critical care markets. It is satisfying to know that the products we produce help improve the lives of the people that need them.

For fun I like to play golf in the warm months, and I am involved in karate with Lizzie. I have a side business that affords me the opportunity to travel to Germany at least once per year for a week or so. Although most of my time is occupied with work, it is fun to travel and see other cultures. We like to travel as a family as well often returning east to visit with family, or, being Disney nuts, travel to Orlando to visit Mickey.

I have been involved at Zion with the Sunday school program as a teacher and as a Confirmation guide. Education has always been an interest for me both learning

and leading. My desire to learn has led me to use my commuting time more productively by listening to podcasts and audio books. In doing so, I stumbled across Dave Ramsey speaking about biblical personal finance and “Financial Peace” and that struck a nerve with me. The principles presented in his Financial Peace University program are counter to current culture but absolutely logical, and if followed, life changing. I was so inspired by the program that I am partnering with Tom Moline to co-coordinate the program at Zion beginning Monday, January 27. I highly recommend it to anyone

struggling to “make ends meet” or just sick and tired of living paycheck to paycheck with no end in sight.

As a council member I hope to broaden my Christian educational participation beyond the youth and bring learning opportunities for families and adults as well. I believe to strengthen faith we need to learn through small group discussions and fellowship how to apply the Word in our daily lives. I learned an old saying years ago, “we teach best what we most need to learn”. I believe that totally applies to me.

… to strengthen faith we need to learn through small group

discussions and fellowship ...

Page 10: 2014 02

Sunday February 9 8:30am Traditional Worship Service 8:30am Sunday School 9:30am Coffee Fellowship 9:45am Family Express Worship 10:30am Contemporary Worship Service 10:30am Sunday School 11:30am Coffee Fellowship 12:00pm Baptism Class

Monday February 10 8:30am Men's Bible Study 9:00am Quilters 9:00am Women's Ministry Planning

Committee Meeting 6:15pm First Sunday Rehearsal 7:00pm Financial Peace University

Tuesday February 11 9:00am Harvest of Hands Crafts 9:30am Staff Meeting 6:00pm Outreach Committee 7:00pm Finance Committee Meeting 7:00pm Global Missions Committee 7:00pm Jubilee Rehearsal

Wednesday February 12 9:30am Women's Bible Study 2:45pm Class Ring 3:45pm Ring Forth 3:45pm SONshine Choir 3:45pm Kids Place 4:45pm Joy Choir 5:00pm Wednesday Night Supper 5:15pm Youth Choir 6:00pm Confirmation 6:30pm Joyful Ringers 7:00pm Property Committee Meeting 7:00pm Harvest of Hands Crafts 7:30pm Graceland Senior High Youth

Group 7:30pm Branding Task Force Meeting

Thursday February 13 8:00am Men Seeking Wisdom Bible


Friday February 14 St. Valentine's Day

Saturday February 15

Sunday February 16 Holy Communion at 8:30 and 10:30 Sanctuary Sunday 7:00am Cinnamon Rolls 8:30am Traditional Worship Service 9:30am Coffee Fellowship 9:45am Family Express Worship 10:30am Contemporary Worship Service 11:30am Coffee Fellowship

Monday February 17 Washington's Birthday 8:30am Men's Bible Study 9:00am Quilters 9:00am Kitchen Cleaning 6:15pm First Sunday Rehearsal 7:00pm Financial Peace University

Tuesday February 18 9:30am Staff Meeting 9:30am Naomi Circle 5:30pm Stewardship Meeting 7:00pm Jubilee Rehearsal 7:00pm Vision Team Meeting

Wednesday February 19 9:00am Newsletter Assembly 9:30am Women's Bible Study 2:45pm Class Ring 3:45pm Ring Forth 3:45pm SONshine Choir 3:45pm Kids Place 4:45pm Joy Choir 5:00pm Wednesday Night Supper 5:15pm Youth Choir 5:45pm Worship & Music Committee

Meeting 6:00pm Confirmation 6:30pm Joyful Ringers 7:00pm Prayer Shawl Meeting 7:00pm Church Council Meeting 7:30pm Graceland Senior High Youth


Thursday February 20 8:00am Men Seeking Wisdom Bible

Study 6:30pm Youth Board Meeting 7:00pm Rebecca Circle

Friday February 21 7:00pm Friday Night Fun Night

ZionBuffalo.org/Calendar 10

Saturday, February 1

Sunday February 2 Holy Communion at 8:30, 9:45, & 10:30 Reception of New Members at all worship

services 7:00am Cinnamon Rolls 8:30am Traditional Worship Service 8:30am Sunday School 9:30am Children in Worship Discussion 9:30am Coffee Fellowship 9:45am Family Express Worship 10:30am Contemporary Worship Service 10:30am Sunday School 11:30am Coffee Fellowship

Monday February 3 8:30am Men's Bible Study 9:00am Quilters 6:15pm First Sunday Rehearsal 7:00pm Mission Jamaica team meeting 7:00pm Financial Peace University 8:00pm Mission Jamaica Board of


Tuesday February 4 9:30am Staff Meeting 7:00pm Jubilee Rehearsal

Wednesday February 5 9:30am Women's Bible Study 2:45pm Class Ring 3:45pm Ring Forth 3:45pm SONshine Choir 3:45pm Kids Place 4:45pm Joy Choir 5:00pm Wednesday Night Supper 5:15pm Youth Choir 6:00pm Confirmation 6:30pm Joyful Ringers 7:00pm Prayer Shawl Meeting 7:30pm Graceland Senior High Youth


Thursday February 6 8:00am Men Seeking Wisdom Bible


Friday February 7 6:00am Friday Breakfast Crew

Saturday February 8 5:00pm Daddy Daughter Dance

February 2014

Page 11: 2014 02

Saturday February 22 Mission Jamaica Team Departs

Sunday February 23 Mission Jamaica 8:30pm Traditional Worship Service 8:30am Sunday School 9:30am Coffee Fellowship 9:45am Family Express Worship 10:30am Contemporary Worship Service 10:30pm Sunday School 11:30am Coffee Fellowship

Monday February 24 Mission Jamaica 8:30am Men's Bible Study 9:00am Quilters 6:15pm First Sunday Rehearsal 7:00pm Personnel Committee Meeting 7:00pm Financial Peace University

Tuesday February 25 Mission Jamaica 9:00am Harvest of Hands Crafts 9:30am Staff Meeting 7:00pm Jubilee Rehearsal

Wednesday February 26 Mission Jamaica 9:30am Devotions at Lake Ridge 9:30pm Women's Bible Study 10:30am Devotions at Park View 2:45pm Class Ring 3:45pm Ring Forth 3:45pm SONshine Choir 3:45pm Kids Place 4:45pm Joy Choir 5:00pm Wednesday Night

Supper 5:15pm Youth Choir 6:00pm Confirmation 6:30pm Joyful Ringers 7:00pm Harvest of Hands

Crafts 7:30pm Graceland Senior

High Youth Group

Thursday February 27 Mission Jamaica 8:00am Men Seeking

Wisdom Bible Study

Friday February 28


Frozen Wonderland Daddy Daughter Dance

Dads, granddads, honorary dads: Bring out your little princess for a fun night of music, dancing,

pictures, and snacks. Join us for a great evening and great chance to spend some quality time with the

one you love.

Saturday, February 8

5-8pm Grand March at 5:30

Participants need not be members of Zion.

No RSVP needed.

The cost is $10 per family to cover refreshments and


Semi-formal attire is requested (NOT required).

Page 12: 2014 02

Director of Youth Ministries Myron Crawford

763-682-1245 ext. 308

[email protected]

Engage. Grow. Proclaim.

Zion Youth Ministries exists to engage youth, help them grow and proclaim faith in Christ.

Friday Breakfast Crew

Senior High Students - Come out to Perkins on Friday, February 1 at 6am for a chance to check-in, have good food and great conversation.

Don’t forget to bring money for food and a tip for our great servers!

Youth Board

There is a Youth Board meeting on Thursday, February 20 at 6:30pm.

TIM Team

TIM Team (Teens in Mission) will meet on Sunday, February 16, at 11:30 in the Café Corner.

Confirmation Classes

Confirmation Classes are on Wednesday evenings from 6pm-7:30.

• Feb 5: The Commandments - Part 4

• Feb 12: Christian Denominations

• Feb 19: World Religions

• Feb 26: Family Matters Event

Everything Else

Check the website for Graceland and Confirmation schedules:


1 Timothy 4:12 1 Timothy 4:12 1 Timothy 4:12 1 Timothy 4:12

Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set

an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.

Take it to the Next LevelTake it to the Next LevelTake it to the Next LevelTake it to the Next Level Family Matters Speaker

Join us in Trinity Hall on Wednesday, February 26, from 6-7:30 for an unforgettable Family Matters event. Rick Rassier will bring a message to kids and parents about how to "take it to the new level" and stay drug and alcohol free. This time with Rick will be very hands-on, incorporating activities that will teach the kids (and parents) valuable life and faith lessons.

This event is open to everyone, and childcare will be available upon request (contact Kirsten by 2/23). Invite your friends and come for a great night of fun, interaction, learning and challenges to be the best we can be. For more about Rick see rickrassier.weebly.com.

Friday Night Fun NightFriday Night Fun NightFriday Night Fun NightFriday Night Fun Night All 6th-8th Grade students are invited to wear your favorite pj’s, break out your Snuggie and Pillow Pet and settle in for a Friday Night Fun Night movie night featuring the movie Grace Unplugged on Friday, February 21 from 7pm-9pm.

Popcorn and punch will be provided. Just bring a friend and your favorite movie snack and have a great time!

Bible Camp at Camp Wapo Bible Camp at Camp Wapo Bible Camp at Camp Wapo Bible Camp at Camp Wapo Zion is again partnering with Lake Wapogasset Bible Camp in Amery, WI, this summer to offer a superb summer camping experience!

Wapo is a place where fun and faith collide. Campers encounter God’s word, make friends and create memories to last a lifetime.

SEEDS Weekend is open to all current 2nd and 3rd graders. Camp will be from Friday, July 11, to Sunday, July 13. Knowing that this may be some kids’ first camp experience or even their first time away from home, our counselors will spend every moment with these campers. They will provide a safe and caring environment filled with music, Bible study, campfires, crafts, water activities and tons of games.

Youth Camp, which is open to current 4th-8th graders, is from Sunday, July 6, to Friday, July 11. The week is packed with a variety of activities that are meant to impact kids for eternity. Each day includes Bible study, chapel, cabin activities, free time, field games and campfire.

TIM Team is a leadership development opportunity for current 9th-12th graders, who commit to one year of service as leaders at Zion, working primarily with younger youth from Zion. During the week, TIM Teamers will stay at Ox Lake, as well as experience the Low / High Ropes Challenge Course and much of each day is spent at Wapo, participating as leaders with the 4th - 8th Graders from Zion. TIM Team is from Sunday, July 6, to Friday July 11.

Registrations and a $100 deposit/student must be in by February 16 to secure your student’s spot at camp. Please see Myron for final cost and payment details. Don’t let finances be a reason that you do not send your student to camp! There is financial assistance available to those in need.

Youth & Children’s Ministry

ZionBuffalo.org/Youth 12

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Welcome Marsha and Kristin!Welcome Marsha and Kristin!Welcome Marsha and Kristin!Welcome Marsha and Kristin! Zion was pleased to welcome Marsha Watkins and Kristin Lotthammer to the Children & Family Ministry staff on Sunday, January 5! As part-time coordinators, working with Kirsten, they will be helping to plan and implement all of the ministries that take place with children and their families. They both come with incredible energy, experience, and commitment and will be a dynamic team working to care for the children and further Zion's ministries. Please welcome Marsha and Kristin when you see them at Zion!

Children in WorshipChildren in WorshipChildren in WorshipChildren in Worship Two open forums were held in January to discuss and answer questions regarding the possible move to having children join us in worship every Sunday for the first 15 minutes before Sunday School, beginning next fall. There is one remaining session on Sunday, February 2, at 9:30 am. If you have been unable to attend these meetings but would like to talk to someone about your questions, concerns or support, please contact Kirsten or one of the pastors. We are very excited and positive about this possible change and look forward to talking with you about it!

First Communion Class and CelebrationFirst Communion Class and CelebrationFirst Communion Class and CelebrationFirst Communion Class and Celebration Students in grades 3 and above are invited to participate in one of Zion's First Communion classes on either Thursday, February 27, (5-8 pm) or Saturday, March 1, (9-Noon), and then receive their First Communion in worship on March 2 (at either 8:30 or 10:30). The classes include banner and bread making, instruction on communion, a Seder meal and a pizza meal for families. Parents are asked to either attend with their child or help volunteer at the event. Volunteers are needed for registration, Seder meal set up, banner assistance, etc. Childcare for younger siblings is available upon request. Pre-registration is required by Sunday, February 23. Sign up at ZionBuffalo.org/firstcommunion.

VBS Zoo Crew Needs YouVBS Zoo Crew Needs YouVBS Zoo Crew Needs YouVBS Zoo Crew Needs You Calling all those who love Vacation Bible School... the time has come to once again prepare for a life-changing week of learning, love, service, worship and fun! Kirsten, Marsha and Kristin are ready to rock-and-roll and planning is already well underway! Are you willing to help paint, trace, cut, decorate or prepare in any way? We'd LOVE to have your help and find a way to get you involved! We are already taking names for the Zoo Crew… high school and adult Crew Leaders, MS assistant Crew Leaders (completed grades 6 and above), Station Leaders and support staff. Please contact Kirsten if you are able to help before, during (June 9-13) or after VBS in any way!

Director of Children & Family Ministry

Kirsten Kelly 763-682-1245 x331

[email protected]

Children & Family Ministry Assistants

Marsha Watkins Kristin Lotthammer

Jason Prigge 763-682-1245 x308

[email protected]

[email protected]

ZionBuffalo.org/Children 13

Sunday School Calendar

February 2 - Manna Quail and Water (2)

February 9 - Deborah

February 16 - Sanctuary Sunday

February 23 - God Calls Samuel (1)

Sanctuary Sunday

In order to coincide with longer, "holiday" weekends, we have decided to move Sanctuary Sunday in February to President's weekends.

• There will NOT be Sunday School on February 16.

• We WILL have Sunday School on February 23.

Please make the change on your family calendar and plan accordingly. We look forward to seeing you in worship on February 16 or hope you will find a place to worship with your family if you are away from home those weekends. Thank you!

Evening Childcare

Evening childcare for parents taking part in evening activities on Wednesdays opens at 6pm.

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I truly gain from each Jamaican. As I get to know them, I reflect and try to learn from their lifestyle. They always seem to be happy and have a smile on their faces. Time is not a priority Trust is embedded in everyone, with no judgment. There is a willingness from each Jamaican to be there for one another at any time.

An example of the Jamaican trust I encountered. As one day was winding down, another missionary and I were beginning to clean things up. One of the patients came over, handed us her 3-month-old baby boy and said, “I will be back in a little bit. I just have to go pick up my daughter down the road.” I thought, “This mom just left her precious baby with an American stranger! Is she going to come back? What am I going to do if she doesn’t?” After about 10 minutes, she came back and said, “Thank you, I appreciate it.”

As I reflected on that encounter, I thought, “I wish I could be more like that person, not judgmental, trustworthy of everyone, and then thankful.” In sharing this reflection with you, I whole-heartedy encourage everyone to consider this mission. I have received more blessings than I could imagine. Aside from the benefits of giving healthcare to people who need it, I have been given the opportunity to stretch myself, stretch my boundaries, and learn from each Jamaican.

It’s true…once you’ve served on Mission Jamaica it’s hard to stay away.

(Missy Peterson continued from page 3)

… I have been given the

opportunity to stretch myself,

stretch my boundaries, and learn from each

Jamaican ...

Come to the TableCome to the TableCome to the TableCome to the Table Church doesn’t end just because the worship service is over. “Church” is the body of Christ seeking God’s kingdom, not just an event on Sunday morning. Prayer, service, study and fellowship are important aspects of faith that shouldn’t be restricted to the hour we sit in a pew. That’s what the Table is all about. It’s a private social network, just for our church, that enables us to connect 24/7, not just on Sunday.

5 Reasons to Use the Table:

• With three services, it’s easy to feel like those 8:30 people belong to a different church. The Table allows us to connect even if we never do on Sunday.

• The Table helps connect names and faces. The Table gives us a cheat sheet, and even a name game for those on an apple mobile device.

• The Table will helps enable volunteer recruitment, ministry organization, prayer, and member connection.

• Although it can be a source for information, the Table is not focused on

(Come to the Table continued on page 15)

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Our Mission... Zion seeks to

Share Christ’s Word,

Strengthen faith, and

Serve those in need.

Our Vision… Helping people experience the joy of

life in Christ by:

1. Celebrating on Sundays:

Creating Sunday morning experiences that invite, welcome, engage and inspire people to live for Christ.

2. Living God’s Call:

Engaging people in a process of discipleship which inspires them to

trust in Christ, grow in faith, and serve God’s world.

3. Connecting with Care:

Creating a community where people are connected in relationships and

supported in need.


broadcast of information from the church staff to the members … it’s a conversation that gives everyone a voice.

• Why not Facebook? The Table is designed specifically for the church and allows privacy/intimacy that Facebook can’t. Plus it offers a focus in praying and serving together, a member directory with a map, a group catalog, and a haven from outside ads and spammy posts.

If you are not already a part of Zion’s Table, go to zionbuffalo.tableproject.org/register, click the green [Join] button, enter your email address (don’t worry about the secret code), click the green [Continue] button and fill out your profile. As soon as a staff member has an opportunity to confirm that you are a known member of the congregation, you’ll be part of our online community too.

(Come to the Table continued from page 14)

I think music adds a lot to the worship experience. It allows us to connect with God and praise Him in a whole different way which I think is spiritual. Sometimes it is amazing to stand out in front and just listen to everyone play!

Bell Choir truly is a team effort, which appeals to Martha. It takes everyone to make the music, since each individual plays just a few notes within a limited range. She also enjoys the fellowship that develops among the bell players.

In Joyful Ringers we have adults and senior high students working together. It has been fun to work with some great adult and teenage bell players like Sue Foster, Emily Bengtson, Maria Squadroni, and Kayla Clifton who have also played the part C6 and D6 which I usually play.

My daughters Annika and now Ingrid have joined the bell choir after their confirmation. They seem to like it and its fun to "be on the same team" each of us playing a different position! I also like the fact that they play next to some other great adult role models.

Another thing that Martha enjoys about bells, is that for the hour when we practice each week, she is paying attention to the music rather than feeling the usual need to multitask.

Martha also enjoys anything outside, including walking, biking, swimming, yard games, yard work, and boating. She loves to travel, especially to national parks.

I have a child-like streak; Disneyland and Disney movies are the best, unless we are talking Harry Potter, which is just as good. I also love to read historical fiction. Some of Ken Follett's medieval tales and the Century Trilogy are great! I like books about Biblical times too.

(Martha Driscoll-Nelson continued from page 4)

… it’s fun to "be on the same

team" each of us playing a different

position ...

A private network aimed at

strengthening faith-sustaining

relationships among people at Zion.

Page 16: 2014 02

Biweekly Email Option

In addition to the monthly newsletter and ministry specific emails, a bi-weekly update is now available which includes information on a variety of events and opportunities within the next two weeks. Many households started receiving these biweekly updates in May, and others can sign up at ZionBuffalo.org/subscribe.

Let Us Know

Address, Phone & Email Corrections If you have had any changes to your address, phone number, marital status, etc. please contact the office with your name, phone number and the changes that need to be made in our database.

If You Are Ill Hospitals no longer notify churches when their members are admitted for care. Let us know so we can support you with prayer and presence.

Prayer Requests Please use a yellow pew card, post on the Prayer Wall of our online community, or contact the office with your prayer requests.



Sunday Welcome Crews

Sunday Welcome Crews are currently being constructed … one for each Sunday of the month, which will be led by two households, include 10-12 more households, and be on duty one Sunday a month to assure that Zion is a welcoming place.

If you are interested in serving on a Sunday Welcome Crew, contact Pastor Luke, Sherilyn Burgdorf or Wes and Mary Mahlberg.

For the answers to your important questions about Welcome Crews, check out ZionBuffalo.org/Sunday-welcome-crews.


Elder WisdomElder WisdomElder WisdomElder Wisdom The following is adapted from an article by Katherine Parent in the January newsletter of Redeemer Lutheran Church, our mission partner congregation in North Minneapolis. It is one of an ongoing number of articles on long time members of Redeemer.

T. Williams has a wealth of stories and wisdom to share from a lifetime of involvement in community organizing, social work, and urban ministry. He has been passionately working for social change in Minnesota since 1965. He has served as leader in many capacities over the years: senior research associate at Rainbow Research, Executive Director of the Phyllis Wheatley Community Center, Ombudsman for Corrections for the State of Minnesota, member of the Minneapolis School Board, Director of Housing for the Minneapolis Community Development Agency, and more!

T was working on a Masters in Social Work at the University of Pennsylvania when he met his wife, Mary Lou, a fellow graduate student. She was a Missouri Synod Lutheran, and T began attending church with her. Years later, he is still a faithful Lutheran churchgoer.

T’s work in public welfare took his young family to Chicago and later to Minneapolis, where they began looking for a small, friendly Lutheran church in a neighborhood where it was “easy to get involved.” The first churches they visited often felt too big, too formal, requiring them to put their 18-month-old son in the nursery. It was 1965, and the Williamses were usually the only African American family in the pews. But they didn’t want to simply integrate a church. Instead, they wanted to become part of a real community where, as T put it, “they could do some good.”

Finally, the Williamses visited a small Lutheran church just down the street from where they lived on Humboldt and Olson. Prince of Glory turned out to be just what they were looking for. Members of different races, income levels and backgrounds all knew each other by name. Some members came from the low-income housing project next door, others from the suburbs. Exciting new things were happening there. This “radical, recalcitrant” ALC congregation was the Williams’ church home for many years. It was also an important home to many current members and friends of Redeemer, including former bishop, Mark Hanson.

In the late 1980′s, as Prince of Glory struggled and eventually closed, T looked for a new congregation. He visited Redeemer, a small, aging, Lutheran congregation in a changing neighborhood, that was committed to living out its mission as a “beacon of hope.” Again, he found what he was looking for – friendliness, diversity, and a passion for serving the community in creative ways.

T became deeply involved in the congregation’s efforts to reach out and listen to its neighborhood. he was a founder and long-time board member of the non-

(Elder Wisdom continued on page 17)

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profit Redeemer Center for Life. Drawing on his experience working for a non-profit research and evaluation firm, T helped RCFL survey the Harrison neighborhood.

Redeemer, T says, is different than many Lutheran churches. The service is not rigidly structured. Children share songs they’ve written, members hug and chat during the passing of the peace, visitors voice their prayers. The Redeemer community does not expect members to “dress for church,” but accepts people as they come. This “at-ease-ness” helps visitors from many different backgrounds feel welcomed and at home.

Redeemer is a place where T sees children being engaged and empowered. When he first came to Redeemer, T remembers there were only a handful of children in his Sunday school class. These days, dozens of children attend worship and programs at Redeemer. T began bringing two of his grandsons, Beanie and Marcell, to worship years ago. At first, the toddlers would sit on his lap and stand with him as he read the gospel lesson. As they grew older, the Redeemer community encouraged the boys to participate and take on responsibility at church. Today, Marcell is just finishing his first semester at college, and Beanie is a high school sophomore. Both have been active youth members of Redeemer and are now role models and mentors for younger generations.

T continues to be an active leader in Minneapolis and at Redeemer. Redeemer is blessed to be in community with T and his family!

(Elder Wisdom continued from page 16)

• Zip lock baggies (snack, pint, & quart size to dispense meds)

• 1-3oz empty travel bottles (to dispense liquid meds/ shampoo)

• Hotel soaps, shampoos, lotions, combs, toiletries

• Dandruff shampoo & skin moisturizers

• We do NOT need glucometers this year

Construction Equipment

• Caulk (white, paintable, silicone)

• Nuts, bolts, nails and screws

• Plastic storage containers (all sizes from cool whip containers to storage bins)

• Hammers, Screw Drivers, Handsaws

• Tape Measures, Levels & Squares

• Work gloves / Leather gloves

• Wire cutting pliers, Pliers, utility knives,

• Pry bars or Crowbars

• 7 ¼ skill saw blades, carbide wood and metal cutting type

• Levels up to 24 inches long

• 3/8 drill with cord and Phillips bits #2

• 50 ft electric cord, 3 way connector

• L-shaped shelf brackets

• Double & Queen flat sheets, blankets, pillow cases, shower curtains & liners

• Flatware

• Wash towels, soap, large towels

School Supplies

• 12-inch Rulers, Calculators, Scissors, Glue

• Notebooks (taped binding type only), kids’ books, coloring books

• Pens and Pencils, Colored Pencils

• Small Backpacks, Storage Containers Please bring your donations to the collection bin in the narthex by Sunday, February 9.

(Supply List continued from page 3)

worship as a family and with their larger church family. It became a place where they were welcomed and expected and loved.

Two forums were held in January, and a few good questions were raised:

We heard that some people like to have that time in worship to really focus without their kids. We understand, and with the example scenario there would be 45 minutes of worship left for that including the scripture readings, music, communion on the first and third Sundays, and the sermon time.

Someone mentioned that they’ve experienced or heard about people getting comments or ‘dirty’ looks about the behavior of their children. I think the answer to that is a matter of education. Children were pushed away by Jesus’ disciples as well until Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me.” Our mission as a church is to be a community that inspires people to experience the joy of life in Christ. My hope is that we can celebrate the energy and kid-specific noises that make their way into worship!

We will continue to have discussion around this topic, including a third forum on Sunday, February 2. If you have any questions or want to chat, please connect with myself, Pastor Ted, Kirsten, or Sherilyn.


(Discussion Continues continued from page 5)

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The Voice A monthly publication of Zion Lutheran Church

Upcoming Deadlines February 10 at 8am for March Issue

March 17 at 8am for April Issue

Editor: Angela Bengtson [email protected]

This Month’s Cover Zion’s Senior Choir

Contact Us [email protected]


Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm (closes at noon summer Fridays)

Ph 763.682.1245 / Fax 763.684.1967 1200 Highway 25 South, Buffalo (across from 13th St S.) PO Box 88, Buffalo, MN 55313


Zion Staff

Ted Vanderpan: Senior Pastor ext. 304 | [email protected]

Luke Schmidt: Pastor of Congregational Life ext. 305 | [email protected]

Sherilyn Burgdorf: Shared Ministry Director ext. 307 | [email protected]

Kirsten Kelly: Director of Children & Family ext. 331 | [email protected]

Marsha Watkins: CFM Coordinator ext. 308 | [email protected]

Kristin Lotthammer: CFM Coordinator ext. 308 | [email protected]

Jason Prigge: Interim CFM Assistant

Myron Crawford: Director of Youth Ministries ext. 306 | [email protected]

Jim Onstad: Youth Staff

Dawn Bestick: Office Administrator / Receptionist ext. 302 | [email protected]

Ann Lyons: Office Administrator / Receptionist ext. 301 | [email protected]

Angela Bengtson: Communications & Membership ext. 325 | [email protected]

Sue Stensrud: Financial Secretary ext. 303 | [email protected]

Ryan Bjokne: Facilities & Grounds Manager ext. 328 | [email protected]

Missy Peterson & Angie Smith: Nursery Staff

Aimee Bogren & Kathleen Schlink: Kids’ Place Staff

Michael Walsh: Coordinator of Music

Bob Strommen: Sound System Coordinator

Jay Comstock: Video Technician

Congregational Council

Kelly Hanson

Alisa Ireland

Deana Jeske

Sarah Klett

Tom Moline

Heather Moseley

Mike Newman

Nancy Olson

Harley Pommier

Thomas Stanforth

Dave Tauscher

Kristin Wilson

Please support the advertisers who make this newsletter

possible: http://www.seekandfind.com/find/zion-lutheran-church/supporters

Page 19: 2014 02


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PO Box 88 Buffalo, MN 55313

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New Zambian School Year 2

Missy Peterson 3

Holden Evening Choir 4

Martha Driscoll-Nelson 4

Discussion Continues 4

Japanese Braid Making 6

Why Didn’t I See That? 7

Tom Stanforth 9

Daddy Daughter Dance 11

Come to the Table 14

Elder Wisdom 16

February 2014


* *


Members of Zion’s Mission Jamaica team and congregation at the McDonalds Fundraiser in January (from Zion’s Facebook page).

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