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Rising to the Challenge Campaign - Frequently Asked Questions

The best way to help Harker students

– in light of the Rothschild and trustees/

fellows matching gift challenges – is to

continue to give to Annual Giving (AG)

and also to make a pledge to the Capital

Campaign (CC). Because of these

historic matching gifts, your impact can

be doubled for the next three years.

No matter how big or small, every gift

counts toward our community’s effort

in Rising to the Challenge and providing

excellent benefits to our children.

IF you make an AG pledge

the same as your last gift for the next 1, 2 or 3 years

AND you make a CC pledge

payable in 2014, 2015

or 2016

THEN both gifts will be matched


match AG gifts

Rothschilds match CC


Program Excellence Fund

Building Fund

Guidelines of Rising to the Challenge:

For more answers to frequently asked questions about Rising to the Challenge, please visit [FAQ website link]. If you have a question not addressed on the website or in this brochure, please contact Ellen DiBiase, director of donor relations, at [email protected].

Q: Why are we asking for both Annual Giving (AG) and Capital Campaign (CC) gifts in this campaign?

A: By continuing your support for Annual Giving, you help ensure immediate and ongoing program excellence. With your gift to the Capital Campaign, you help ensure the completion of the Events Center. By giving to both at this time, you can double the impact of your gifts due to the current matching gift challenges.

Q: Head of School Chris Nikoloff said, “This events center will be among the most strategically significant developments in the school’s history.” Why?

A: The project will not only greatly enhance the Harker student experience, but will help us consolidate school operations onto properties that we own rather than lease. Owning all of our campuses will have a major stabilizing effect on our ability to deliver our high-quality programs, especially as our Blackford campus lease comes to an end.

For more details on the project, please visit: www.harker.org/eventscenter

Q: How do my pledges qualify for the Rising to the Challenge matches?

A: Capital Gifts: CC gifts pledged between April 21 and Oct. 12, 2014, and paid by Dec. 1, 2016, will be matched.

Annual Gifts: Pledging the same amount as your last gift to AG and making a CC pledge, no matter how big or small, qualifies your AG gift to be matched. The match on your AG gift will go directly toward the events center.

Q: Are there pledges that would not qualify for any match?

A: These are the circumstances in which a pledge would not qualify for a match:

• if you are a Seed Funder who made a capital giving pledge prior to April 21, 2014

• if you make an Annual Giving pledge without also making a Capital pledge

• If your Annual Giving pledge is larger than the amount of your last Annual Giving gift, the amount you give in excess of your last gift will not be matched

• if you make a pledge after Oct. 12, 2014, or try to add onto a previous pledge, even if that previous pledge was made within the match period

Q: What if I didn’t make an Annual Giving gift last year, but I’ve given to Annual Giving previously?

A: You can go back to the last year you made a gift to AG and that amount will qualify.

Q: What if I’m a new parent or I’ve never made a gift to the Annual Giving campaign?

A: If you don’t have a previous gift to use as a base for the match, up to $2,500 of your first gift will be matched. So, whatever you give for 1, 2 or 3 years, up to a maximum of $2,500 of each gift will qualify for a match, as long as you also make a CC pledge.

Q: If circumstances arise where discontinuing my pledge may be necessary, what happens?

A: While we do include pledges in the school’s financial accounting statements and make plans based on pledges receivable, pledges are not legally binding. We recommend taking advantage of the matching gift and making your three-year pledge now so that your gifts can be matched. But if your circumstances change, let us know.

Frequently Asked Questions

Rising to the Challenge Campaign - Frequently Asked Questions

The Basic Guidelines ofRising to the Challenge

Capital Gifts: CC gifts pledged between April 21 and Oct. 12, 2014, and paid by Dec. 1, 2016, will be matched.

Annual Gifts: Pledging the same amount as your last gift to AG and making a CC pledge in any amount qualifies your AG gift to be matched. The match on your AG gift will go directly toward the events center.

Please Join Us as a Member of the

Partners’ Circle!

Any person who contributes to both annual giving and capital giving within the guidelines explained in this brochure will become a member of the Partners’ Circle, a special group of donors who will be recognized on an inaugural plaque in the atrium of the new events center.

OofC: 8/14 (LK) 2,100

Helpful Links:

Details on the Events Center: www.harker.org/eventscenter

Match Calculator: www.harker.org/calculator

Naming Opportunities: www.harker.org/naming

If you’d like to make a pledge, contact Joe Rosenthal, executive director of advancement: [email protected] | 408.345.9266

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