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  • 8/10/2019 2014 November TB



    LEESBURG LODGE No. 58FREE & ACCEPTED MASONS OF FLORIDA200 Richey RoadLeesburg, Florida 34748Phone: 352-787-5696 Email: [email protected]

    Meets the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of Each Month at 7:00pmChartered January 15th, 1868

    November 2014Vol. XV Issue X

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    Officers for 2013Worshipful Master WMJohn Haas (Tina) 360-9114Senior Warden Bro. Ron Glover..874-9504

    Junior Warden WJim Campbell (Becky) ......552-7996

    Treasurer WLarry Duff (Brenda)..874-2164Secretary W Hank DeBerry (Paula)..... 430-0238

    Lodge ................................ 787-5696Senior Deacon Br. Jeff Lamb (Sherri).... .753-0277

    Junior Deacon Br. Wayne Reynolds........407-484-0096Senior Steward Br. Ed Spencer.324-2134Junior Steward VacantTyler Br. Richard Follett...406-8831Chaplain Vacant

    Marshal WJim Angelos 255-1724Organist VacantLodge Instructor WHank DeBerry (Paula)...330-7311

    Lodge Historian RWJoseph T. Price ... 787-0652Librarian W Larry Duff (Brenda).874-2164

    Trestle Board WHank DeBerry (Paula).. 330-7311Trestle Board Printing Leesburg Printing .. 787-3348Lodge Web Mail [email protected]

    Committees for 2014

    Board of Relief

    Chairman WMJohn Haas, Ron Glover, Jeff Lamb

    Lodge Property

    Chairman Ron Glover, WDon McIntyre, WJim Angelos,


    Finance - Investments Budget

    Chairman Ron Glover, RWKen Graves,

    WTom Russell, WLarry Duff, WMJohn Haas


    Chairman WJim Campbell, WBob Browning, Jeff Lamb,

    Charity Scholarships

    Chairman Wayne Reynolds, Sec. WHank DeBerry, Ed Spencer


    Chairman WHank DeBerry, Ron Glover, Jeff Lamb

    Lodge Mentors

    Chairman WLarry Duff, WHank DeBerry, all Past Masters


    Chairman WDon McIntyre, Sr., WBob Browning, Jeff Lamb

    Petitions Investigation

    Chairman WMHaas, WLarry Duff, WHank DeBerry

    Investigations Interviews

    WMJohn Haas will appoint as needed


    Chairman WJim Angelos, WBob Browning, Ed Spencer

    Activities Awards

    Chairman WMJohn Haas, Ron Glover, Jeff Lamb

    Officers meet at 6:00pm, first stated meeting, Committee Chairman

    meet the second meeting of each month for business and planning.


    Past Masters

    Charles Porter 1959G. Kiser Hardaway 1964Jack Holloway 1968RWRay Richardson 1969*William Ed Davison 1974

    Robert H. Smith 1977RWColin Crews 1980^*

    H. C. Connell 1985RWTheodore Jansen 1986*RWJoseph T. Price 1987*Michael Dozier 1988John H. Meier V 1989Jay A. Frizzell, Jr. 1992Raleigh Sorenson 1993/1994Don Barfield 1996Tom Russell 1997/1998/2002Mervyn Harris 1999RWKenneth Graves 2000*RHThomas E. Beach 2001Robert H. Browning 2003/2004RWDennis Ricker

    2005/2007^*Roland P. Gibson 2006Bill Green 2008Richard Ecott 2009Donald McIntyre, Sr. 2010Randall Jesmok 2011Larry Duff 2012Jim Angelos 2013


    Past Masters

    Carl AnzelmoHenry DeBerry

    MWJoseph BrearleyJack DelauterRobert C. GlecklerRobert Kennedy

    Clifford MooreFrank PeregrinGlenn A. Reynolds*^Edwin RobbinsRobert L. WelchForest Case*Wayne ParksFred LintRaymond D TrudeauJohn R. HaasGary TowneJim CampbellJoseph Brearley#

    ^Past District Instructor*Past DDGM#Past Grand Master

    18th Masonic DistrictDDGM RWEd Mayfield 352-751-3532

    Cell: 352-348-9730District Instructor RHAlan Heist 407-718-5841

  • 8/10/2019 2014 November TB



    Chaplins Corner

    Brothers, we have once again lost a Brother and friend to that celestial Lodge above. BrotherJames E. Fretwell passed on October 13, 2014 and we performed Masonic rites for him at the grave-side. We were also informed by the family that we had lost William Broadway back in October of

    2012! We have too many Brothers that have been lost and we know nothing about what happened to them.Please tell your loved ones and family to keep the Lodge informed. Even if they dont want the ceremony of aMasonic service, we need to know the information to keep the records straight and prevent them from beingbothered with the sad news again and again over the years after. So far this month we have no sickness or dis-tress to report and that is just fine with us! Until next time Brothers, may the Great Architect guide and protectyou and your family and the Light of his love shine on you all.


    WM John Haas

    Origin of Masonry in FloridaFlorida was claimed by various nations before becoming a state in 1845. It was first a Spanish Colony,

    and then sold to Great Britain in 1763. And then ceded back to Spain in 1783 and the whole territory was soldto the United States in 1819. The first Masonic lodge in the Florida territory was chartered from Scotland in1768 called Grants East Florida Lodge No. 142. In 1771 St. Andrews Lodge in Pensacola was chartered. Be-tween the 1770s and early 1820s several other lodges were organized but all were short lived. The last being

    Esperanza Lodge, in St. Augustine, warranted by the Grand Lodge of South Carolina in 1824.On March 4, 1824, Territorial Governor William Pope Duval issued a proclamation that the capital of

    Florida would be at the intersection of the old Spanish road with the old trail leading southwardly. At the time,this area was referred to as: The old Tallahassee Indian Fields.

    Before the end of the year, a log capital building was built on the southeast corner of the present Capi-tal Square and the third session of the Legislative Council assembled in it.

    In this log structure, one of the first legislative council meetings in Florida convened to create LeonCounty. By act approved by Governor Duval on December 29, 1824, the Ochlocknee River was made theeastern boundary of Gadsden County. All of the territory between the Ochlocknee and Suwannee Rivers wasmade Leon County. Tallahassee was incorporated on December 11, 1825. That same year marked the founda-tion of the first enduring Masonic Lodge in Florida.

    Predating the incorporation of Tallahassee as Floridas Capital, Jackson Lodge, U. D., was chartered bythe Grand Lodge of Alabama in June 3, 1825. The Lodge was chartered as Jackson Lodge No. 23 by the sameGrand Body on December 19, 1825, with Robert Butler as Charter Master, Jackson Lodge was named for ourMost Worshipful Brother, General Andrew Jackson, who served two years as Grand Master of Tennessee,1822-23 and 1823-1824; as the first territorial governor of Florida, and as the seventh President of the UnitedStates.

    (Continued on page 4)

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    (Continued from page 3)According to the history of Montgomery Lodge No. 11 of Alabama, there were the ones who sponsored theformation of Jackson Lodge No. 23 in Florida. According to the 1824 Grand Lodge Proceedings, on SaturdayEvening of December 18th, it was reported at Grand Lodge that,

    A communication from several brother Masons residing at or near Tallahassee in the Territory ofFlorida praying a Dispensation to authorize them to open and hold a Lodge of Ancient Free- Masons, wasread and referred to the committee on petitions.

    This is the first and only mention of Jackson Lodge in the 1824 proceedings. In the 1825 proceedings,on Saturday, December 17th, Bro. John B. Hogan, the Grand Junior Warden, and member of the credentialscommittee reported that Daniel M. Riggs, the Grand Secretary of Alabama, represented Jackson Lodge U.D. ofTallahassee, Florida. Then on Monday, December 19, 1825, Secretary Riggs:

    presented the petition of the Masters and Wardens of Jackson Lodge of Tallahassee (now working under

    dispensation from this Grand Lodge) praying a warrant of constitution.

    The motion was referred to a select committee consisting of John B. Hogan, Grand Senior Warden, andPast Grand Master William B. Patton. The committee made the following report,

    The committee to whom was referred the petition, by-laws and transcript of the proceedings of Jack-son Lodge of Tallahassee, in the territory of Florida, working under a dispensation, granted at the lastannual meeting of this Grand Lodge, beg leave to report that they have examined the same and find themstrictly correct, according to Masonic usage. And therefore recommend that the petition be granted, andthat the Grand Secretary forthwith forward to the petitioners a warrant of constitution.

    On Thursday, December 22nd, Bro. Riggs Secretary Report shows that the Grand Lodge received $35from Jackson Lodge for their Dispensation. On Monday, December 26th, Bro. Hutchinson, Grand Senior War-den, and Chairman of the Returns Committee, reported that the returns of Jackson Lodge had been reviewedand found them to be correct and that Jackson Lodge owed the Grand Lodge the sum of $14.

    The Grand Lodge of Georgia Chartered Washington Lodge No. 1 a Quincy in 1828 and Harmony

    Lodge in Marianna in 1829.In 1830, Jackson Lodge No. 23 of Tallahassee invited Washington Lodge and Harmony Lodge to meet

    with it in its hall to consider forming a grand Lodge of Florida. Convening on July 5, 1830 this conventionadopted a resolution to form the Grand Lodge of Florida. On July 9, 1830, the Lodges met to adopt governingrules and on the following day, elected officers. The new Grand Lodge officers were installed using the Rulesand By-Laws of Alabama. Under the new Grand Lodge of Florida, Jackson Lodge became No. 1, WashingtonLodge No. 2, and Harmony Lodge No. 3, all being dated July 6, 1830. Floridas Masons created their grandjurisdictions 15 years before Florida joined the Union as the 27thstate.

    The Grand Lodge of Florida met in the hall of Jackson Lodge No. 1 at Tallahassee, from 1830 to 1869,at which time it was moved to Jacksonville.

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    From the West

    Bro Ron Glover

    Stress and the Holidays:

    Coping Strategies to Keep you Sane

    By Helen Hunter, ACSW, CMSW

    Every year, the media bombards us with advertisementsshowing the happy family gathering for the holidays.People from different generations are together, having awonderful time, sharing traditions of old and creatingnew ones as well.It is not that way, though, for a great number of indi-viduals. For those who dont have families of theirown, or for those who live alone and have relatives liv-ing far away, holidays often bring heartbreak and de-pression. Those who have been used to family celebra-tions in the past and no longer have that to look for-ward to cannot accept the change in the tradition, es-pecially if they keep hearing about others who are get-ting together with their own families.There are two things to remember that can help get youthrough the holidays. The first thing to realize is that itis okay to cry. This can be a tough time for many. It isnatural to feel depressed when your friends are havingthe ideal family gathering. Allow yourself to expressyour inner feelingsInvite others who are also alone to your home to sharethe holiday. You can prepare a meal for them, or youcan go out to a restaurant. Company always helps easedepression.Be gentle to yourself, especially if you have recentlylost a loved one. If you do not feel like celebrating,dont! If you do wish to celebrate, keep it simple. Re-member the TRUE reason that we celebrate the holi-days! The important point to remember here is that ifthe old traditions cause heartbreak and depression,change the tradition - start a new one!Also, be sure to review your expectations and be realis-tic. Not everyone is jolly, generous and loving all

    through the holiday season. As Wayne A. Van Kampenfrom the Bethesda PsycHealth Reporter wrote, Some-how (during the holidays) persons feel pushed into hid-ing, covering over, or denying the reality of sadness,fear and tension. . Perhaps. what is needed most is sim-ply a more honest embracing of ourselves, others, and

    the realities of life.

    (Continued on page 6)

    From the Secretary

    WHank DeBerry

    My Brothers, When you read the Senior wardensarticle about stress during this time of year I wantyou to think about me. It is dues time again and Ihave been receiving dues and recording them for

    about two weeks now and it is going about like itdoes every year. Brothers, you all know that this isa duty that I have to perform. It is not something Isend out for spite or malice. I wish no one had topay dues! It would make my job infinitely easier! Ifyouhave received a dues notice and you are a Per-petual or 50 year plus member (in Florida), then youdont owe any dues! Simple right! The notice issent to allow you to make a voluntary contribution tothe Masonic Home or the Lodge Building Fund orthe 150 year Anniversary Fund. If you look at thenotice, it has a big ol fat $0.00 in the dues space!

    That means you dont owe anything! Why in heav-ens name would you want to cancel your member-ship when you dont have to pay dues? Why wouldyou want to give up your rights to a Masonic funeralservice for not reading the notice? Why would youwant to give up 50, 55, 60 or more years becauseyou think you are being taken advantage of. Even ifyou do owe dues and cannot pay, we are allowed byMasonic Law to place you on the Emeritus List. Iguess Brothers that I am being overly sensitive tothis because when a Brother sends his dues noticeback and tells me he is cancelling his membership inthe fraternity, I feel it is maybe something I didwrong to send him away. I hope not Brothers. Ihope not.

    Brothers the Lodge Officer Elections arecoming up again this next month and hopefully all ofyou have been to Lodge and watched our officersprepare to advance in the chairs. These men haveput in great amounts of time and hard work this yeargetting degrees put on and breakfasts and dinnersserved and they deserve your attention when theelection time rolls around. I sincerely hope you will

    come to Lodge this month and watch how they dothe work they love, and make our Lodge proud tohave them. There is also the election of Officerscoming for the 18th Masonic Association on Dec.17th at Wildwood Lodge in Wildwood. It is beinghosted that month by the Villages Lodge No. 394. Ihope you will all come out and enjoy the fellowship.That wraps me up for this month Brothers, hope Ihavent offended anyone and I look forward to seeyou all in Lodge soon.

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    (continued from page 5)

    Not everyone will have a happy family gathering just because it is the holiday season. Old resentments are

    likely to resurface, no matter how hard we try, when people are thrown together for an extended period.

    In addition, there are a number of strategies that can be used in planning the holiday celebration.

    These strategies include the following:

    Delegate responsibilities and activities so that one person is not taking on more than can be accomplished

    without help.

    Do not assume responsibility for the entire households holiday happiness.

    Work minute by minute on your attitude. Postpone becoming angry and show understanding and calmness.

    This technique should be used not only during the holiday period, but every day!

    Any task that you have chosen to do, whether it be the cooking, cleaning, gift wrapping, card addressing,organizing, decorating or shopping, is to be viewed as a choice that you made. Try to have fun in tackling

    these tasks, which will make the holiday easier and keep your spirits positive.

    Start traditions that make the most sense to you in your life now. It doesnt always have to be done the same

    way every year.

    Do things together as a family that you all truly enjoy.

    Make the holiday season a time for you and your loved ones to have fun and to share special memories. Whenthe entire season is over, sit down, relax and count your blessings. Remind yourself as to how lucky you are.When you make an effort to have a joyous, stress-free holiday, you can avoid the stress. The key is to plan

    ahead, and to ask for and accept help from others.

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    Greetings from the South. One of the dutiesof the Junior Warden is providing refresh-

    ments for the craft as a mechanism of fund-raising to keep your Lodge open and provid-ing funds for projects such as the MasonicHome and our other charitable activities.

    Those activities include the First SaturdayBreakfasts, Second Sunday Dinners and din-ner prior to the second meeting of the month.We need your support at these functions.There is a good crew of Brothers who arriveat 6:30 AM on those First Saturday Breakfastsand the same for the Second Sunday Dinners.We have tried to offer varied menus such aseggs cooked to order, Hash Brown Potatoeschoice of waffles, pancakes, and French Toastfor the breakfasts and a choice of two meatsfor the Sunday dinners and more than justmixed vegetables.

    Our next Breakfast is Saturday November1, our next Dinner will be November 9, and

    our next pre-meeting dinner will be Nove-mebr 4. The menu for Breakfast can be seenin the issue of the Trestle Board as well asthe Second Sunday Menu which will Have asentrees a choice of Roast Turkey or CranberryGlazed Pork Tenderloin, With Dressing,Sweet Potato Casserole, Mixed Vegetables, aswell as Cranberry sauce and a variety of de-serts. Bring your wife, girlfriend, and friends

    and have a good meal with lots of fellowshipas we celebrate this Thanksgiving season. Asalways your comments and suggestions arewelcomed so that we can serve you better andfund the important work of the Lodge.

    Nov 1 - First Saturday Breakfast 8:00-11:00

    Nov 1 - Rummage Sale - 8:00-1:00 PM

    Nov 3 - Boy Scout troop 1 mtg. - 7:30 PM

    Nov 4 - Stated Communication - 7:00 PMNov 4 - Election Day 6:00 AM-7:00 PM

    ( no one allowed in the dining room but voters)

    Nov 6 - OES Mtg. - 7:30 PM

    Nov 9 - Second Sunday Dinner - 11:30-1:00

    Nov 12 - Open Books Tavares Lodge@6:30

    Nov 12 - School of Instruction - 7:30 PM

    Nov 17- Boy Scout Thanksgiving dinnerNov 18 - Stated Communication w/dinner -

    6:00 PM

    Nov 19 - Masters and Wardens - Mt Dora -7:30 PM

    Nov 19 - Memorial Lodge after M&W above

    Nov 27 - Thanksgiving Day


    November 2014From the South

    W Jim Campbell

    Once again Brothers and Sis-ters we ask that you please

    DO NOT drive on the grassnext to the Lodge parking lot.It is leaving ruts in theground and they are hard tomow over. Thank You!

    -Yard Maintenance Guy-

  • 8/10/2019 2014 November TB



    Name(s) of Those Who Attended:



    Date(s) Attended: _____________________________________________________________________

    Function/Activity/Training/Etc. Attended:



    Number of Hours Involved:______________________________________________________________

    Location of Activity: ___________________________________________________________________

    Please leave completed slips on the Secretarys desk at the Stated Communications, or email W. Hank DeBerry

    with this information at [email protected]

    Name(s) of Those Who Attended:


    Date(s) Attended: _____________________________________________________________________

    Function/Activity/Training/Etc. Attended:



    Number of Hours Involved:______________________________________________________________

    Location of Activity: ___________________________________________________________________

    Please leave completed slips on the Secretarys desk at the Stated Communications, or email W. Hank DeBerrywith this information at [email protected], or place them in the slot in the Secretarys door

    Name(s) of Those Who Attended:



    Date(s) Attended: _____________________________________________________________________

    Function/Activity/Training/Etc. Attended:



    Number of Hours Involved:______________________________________________________________

    Location of Activity: ___________________________________________________________________

    Please leave completed slips on the Secretarys desk at the Stated Communications, or email W. Hank DeBerry

    with this information at [email protected], or place them in the slot on the Secretarys door.

    Name(s) of Those Who Attended:



    Date(s) Attended: _____________________________________________________________________

    Function/Activity/Training/Etc. Attended:



    Number of Hours Involved:______________________________________________________________

    Location of Activity: ___________________________________________________________________

    Please leave completed slips on the Secretarys desk at the Stated Communications, or email W. Hank DeBerry

    with this information at [email protected], or place them in the slot in the Secretarys door

    Masonic Education Worksheet

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    Leesburg Announcement Forms

    Please Print Clearly


    Date (s):__________________________ Time:_________________________





    For further information contact:____________________ at ________________

    Submitted by:_____________________________________________________

    Please Print Clearly


    Date (s):__________________________ Time:_________________________





    For further information contact:____________________ at ________________

    Submitted by:_____________________________________________________

    Leesburg Announcement Forms

  • 8/10/2019 2014 November TB





    Current year or any part thereof- HELP US KEEP YOU INFORMED!

    John Dean Hank & Paula DeBerry Larry & Brenda Duff

    Jim Angelos William & Sharen Aston Joe Schlegal

    Suzanne Mina John & Tina Haas Jim & Becky Campbell

    Richard Follett Ed Spencer George A. Brown

    Bob & Carolyn Browning Ken Graves George Shoemaker

    Betsey Jordan Bill & Sharon Staple RW Ed Mayfield

    Gareld Grimes Dennis & Ginny Ricker

    If you would like to be a sponsor in 2014, please see the secretary with your donation. Your

    donations are applied to the monthly mailing costs of the Trestle Board, we need 60 sponsors to

    cover the yearly mailing costs. Sponsorship is 20.00 for the year or any part thereof. Our Goal

    for this year is 60 sponsors. Please consider a sponsorship.

    "You get out of Masonry only what you put in it."

  • 8/10/2019 2014 November TB





    No. 79 at Mt. Dora

    Lets not forget the young Ladies of our local

    Rainbow Chapter. They need our support.We should also remember they are the futureof our Ladies organizations and future leaders in ourcommunities. Meetings are at 7:00pm on the 2ndand 4th Mondays of each month at Mt. Dora Lodge.

    Know a young Lady who might want to join,you can contact Chapter Mom Debbie Dyer at 407-908-6973 or Chapter Dad Warren Shippee at 321-689-6661.

    Attend a meeting and be impressed.



    At EustisLets also not

    forget the young Men of our local DeMolay Chapter.They also need our support. We should also

    remember they are the future of Masonry and futureleaders in our communities. Meetings are at 7:00pmon the 1 and 3rd Mondays of each month at EustisLodge. Know a Man who might want to join, youcan contact Granddaddy Philip Paul at 407-832-

    8771. Attend a meeting and be impressed.




    Stated Communication Meetings

    Leesburg No. 58 1st and 3rd Tuesday

    Umatilla No. 65 1st and 3rd Monday

    Clermont No. 226 1st and 3rd Monday

    Eustis No. 85 2nd and 4th Monday

    Villages No. 394 2nd MondayTavares No. 234 2nd and 4th Tuesday

    Wildwood No. 92 2nd and 4th Tuesday

    Groveland No. 190 2nd and 4th Thursday

    Mt. Dora No. 238 1st and 3rd Thursday

    Have YOU Traveled Lately?

    HIGH TWELVEMeeting Times & Locations

    Hawthorne Masonic High Twelve No. 547 -

    Meets at 11:00 a.m. on the 2nd & 4th Tuesdayof each month at Golden Corral, 1720 CitrusBlvd. (Hwy 27/441) Leesburg, FL. Tel: 352-


    Tri-County Masonic High Twelve meets10:30 a.m. 1st Wednesday of each month at LaHacienda Recreation Center, The Villages.Reservations for lunch due by the Thursday be-fore the meeting, call Rita at 750-5561.

    If you risk nothing then you risk


    Geena Davis

    Actress/Olympic Archer

    Well done is better than well


    Benjamin Franklin

  • 8/10/2019 2014 November TB



    Scottish Rite

    www.OcalaSR.com or www.SROrlando.com

    Ocala Scottish Rite meets the first Monday of each month,at 7:30pm.at Ocala Scottish Rite Center, 3632 NE 7th Street, Ocala,Fl.

    Orlando Scottish Rite meets at 1485 Grand Road, WinterPark, Fla. on the 4th Friday of each month, except, November,which is on the third Friday and dark in December, meetings at7:30pm.

    York Rite Bodies

    A Continuation of the Blue Lodgewww.flgyr.org

    Ocala York Rite BodiesMeetings at Belleview Lodge No. 95

    Ocala Chapter No. 13 - Meets Second Wednesday of January,March, May, September and November beginning at 7:30 PM.

    Ocala Council No. 22 - R&S Masters - Meets Second Wednes-day of February, April, June, October and December beginning at7:30 PM.

    Ocala Commandry No. 19 - Knights Templar - Meets on thefourth Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM.

    Lake/Sumter York Rite Bodies - Meetings at Leesburg Lodge 58Eustis Chapter No. 33, Meets on the first Wednesday at 7:30

    PMGolden Triangle Council No. 28Royal & Select Masters -

    Meets first Wednesday at 7:30 PM.

    Chapter and Council will alternate on who begins first.

    Triangle Commandery No. 38Knights TemplarMeets on thesecond Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM, except in July andAugust.

    Order of the Eastern Star, Chapter No. 84 Lady Theresa Fox PMWorthy Matron


    Hank DeBerry PPWorthy PatronLady Paula DeBerry PMSecretary

    WRobert Welch PGPTreasurer

    Meetings1stThursday of the Month at 7:30 p.m. with the excep-tion of July, August and September. Meets at Leesburg Lodge No.58. Brothers and Sisters! Remember that we are dark in themonths of July, August and September. Our first meeting

    back will be in October and it will be our Official Visit with

    the Worthy Grand Matron, Sister Floye Hyslop!

    Editors Note:All articles and informa-

    tion must be received by the editor

    prior to the 23rd of the publishing

    month for inclusion in the next issue.

    Articles can be e-mailed to:

    [email protected]

    November Birthdays

    Nov 1 - Richard Newman

    Nov 2 - Jeffery Lamb

    Nov 2 - Thomas Mansur Sr.

    Nov 5 - Edward BergmanNov 5 - Scott Driggers

    Nov 5 - Wannie Lee Frazier

    Nov 8 - Clyde Waller

    Nov 8 - Joseph Brearley

    Nov 11 - Gary Kapit

    Nov 11 - Roger Sutton

    Nov 16 - Ed Spencer

    Nov 19 - Michael Abendschein

    Nov 24 - William Ranquist

    Nov 24 - Ronald W. Glover

    Nov 27 - Robert Gleckler

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    This month Brothers we will be taking a little quiz.I hope you all can match the deed to the man responsible. Good Luck!

    Famous Masons Quiz: from WB Gerald Edgar

    Match them up

    Masons: Accomplishments:

    Simon Bolivar Academy award-winning Director/Producer

    Harold Lloyd Founder of a major namesake film studio

    Oliver Hardy Stepped on the Moon, July 20. 1969

    Audie Murphy 1st man to reach the North Pole in 1909

    Robert W. Service Explorer who had 2 countries named for him

    Gen. Eddie Rickenbacker Liberator who had a country named for him

    Drs Karl & Wm. Menninger Race driver & most decorated pilot of WWII

    Drs Charles & Wm. Mayo Most decorated soldier of WWII; also an actor

    Robert Burns Inventor of Basketball

    Adm. Matthew Peary 1st inductee to the Baseball Hall of Fame

    Cecil B. DeMille Half of one of comedys greatest teams

    Jack Warner Famous silent comedy star & an Imperial Potentate

    Dr. James Naismith Scotlands poet laureate

    Edwin Buzz Aldrin Canadas most famous poet

    Cecil Rhodes Founded world famous Psychiatry clinic

    Ty Cobb Founded world famous Medical clinic

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    SUNDAYDINNERLeesburg Lodge No. 58

    November 9, 2014


    Roast Turkey or Cranberry Glazed Pork Tenderloin,

    Dressing & Gravy, Mashed Potatoes or Baked Sweet

    Potato Casserole, Baked Green Bean Casserole,

    Dinner rolls, Salad, Desserts ( Sugared and Sugar free)

    $8.37 + .63 tax - Adults, under 14 - $3.72 + .28 tax

    11:30 AM until 1:00 PM

    Please call the Lodge at 787-5696 or sign the guest list in the lobby andprovide the number attending with you,. This ensures enough food is purchased and pre-

    pared for all.

    ALL MASONS, their families and friends are invited to our Monthly

    Second Sunday Dinners and First Saturday Breakfasts

    Help support your Blue Lodge, IT IS where all other Masonic Bodies Begin.

    Future menu suggestions are always welcome!

    Introducing 2014 Chef Crew

    WJim Campbell - Graduate of New Orleans School of CookingBro. Wayne Reynolds - Former Chef at Country Club

    Bro. Ed Spencer - formerly at Benihana Restaurant

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    PAIDPermit#1040Leesburg,, FL


    Leesburg Masonic Lodge No. 58 F&AMPO Box 985Fruitland Park, Florida 34731

    SUNDAY DINNERS11:30 a.m. TO 1:00 p.m.

    Menu items: November 9, 2014Roasted Turkey or Cranberry Glazed Pork Tenderloin

    Mixed Vegetables, Potatoes, Diner rolls, Garden SaladDesserts (Sugared & Sugar-Free)

    Coffee, Iced Tea and Lemonade$8.37 + .63 tax per person, Children under 14 years of age $3.72 + .28 tax

    PLEASE call the Lodge at 787-5696, or signthe guest list in the foyer, providethe number of guests attending with you, this ensures enough food is prepared for all.ALL MASONS,their families and friends are invited .Menu suggestions welcomed, just fill out a comment card.

    Dont forget to call or sign -up!!!

    Celebrating 146 years (18682014)in Leesburg, Fla. The Lakefront City

    1st Saturday Monthly Coffee Klatch & Breakfast8:00am to 10:00am

    Eggs (cooked to order), Pancakes, Waffles, Bacon, Sausages

    (Pattys or Links), Breakfast Potatoes, Grits, Sausage Gravy,Biscuits, Toast

    Coffee, Orange Juice

    $5.58 +.42 sales tax per person

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