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Page 1: 2014 Online submission of Sport applications Pre- registration and e-Forms Natasha Jovicic Bruno Breviglieri 1 Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive.

2014 Online submission of Sport applications

Pre- registration and e-Forms

Natasha Jovicic Bruno Breviglieri


Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency

Page 2: 2014 Online submission of Sport applications Pre- registration and e-Forms Natasha Jovicic Bruno Breviglieri 1 Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive.

Overview of presentations

• EACEA Participant Portal

• Participant Identification Code (PIC)

• ECAS account creation

• Sport electronic online application form

• Compulsory annexes of the e-Forms:

– Detailed description

– Financial information


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Participant Portal

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What is the EACEA participant portal?

• Unique entry point for the registration of organisations which want to apply for the following programs:

- Erasmus+ - Creative Europe- Europe for Citizens- EU Aid Volunteers

• Unique entry point for Experts applying for the call for expression of interest EACEA/2013 for experts

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Organisation registration in 2014 – Why? • Organisations (and partners) MUST register to

receive a Participant Identification Code (PIC of 9 digit numbers) before submitting a project proposal via the official e-Form

• e-Forms will be pre-filled with the organisation's data by inserting the PIC

• Beneficiaries will no longer need to send the organisation documents for each applications for each programmes – only uploaded once

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Organisation registration – How?

• Necessity to have or create a personal ECAS account to start the registration

• Registration will take approximately 5 to 10 minutes if all information are available !

• After the first registration and the creation of a PIC, documents related to the organisation can be uploaded.

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Organisation registration – When?

• Register now, do not wait to the last minute before the call publication (foreseen around mid March)

• Collect already now all the legal documents of your organisation and of all your partners !

• Validation of your submitted documents by the central Research helpdesk can take over 40 days

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Participant's Portal home pagehttp://ec.europa.eu/education/participants/portal/desktop/en/organisations/register.html

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ECAS Account registration

• ECAS account creation is necessary to start the registration.

• An email confirmation is sent after the Sign Up.

• This step is not the organisation registration. It allows starting the process.

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If lost : go to Support page, read the FAQ

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In case of a technical question:

[email protected]

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Organisation/Company – Search tool• The Search tool

allows to look if your organisation exists already in the database.

• If your organisation exists and has a PIC, no new one should be created.

• Please note that the database is common to other Commission services (example Research)

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Organisation/Company – Registration • If your organisation does not

exists, it can be created by chosing the "Register organisation" button.

• The botton will redirect to the unique registration facility.

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Welcome page Unique Registration Facility (URF)

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Organisation – legal address registration

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Organisation – contact data registration• Contact data

are the general contacts of an organisation, not the ones related to a particular project.

• Contact person will be contacted in case of questions related to organisation or before validation

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Selection of specific programme: Eramus+

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Registration of Programme specific information

• For each programme, different organisation types will be presented.

• After this last step, you will be redirected to the previous screen and you can click on "Finish your registration".

• An email with the PIC number will be send to the email mentioned in the contact address.

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Participant Portal – See My Organisations

• All organisations created with the ECAS account will be visible in the "My organisation" tab.

• In order to modify the organisation data or to upload official documents, click on Modify Organisations (MO)

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Organisation – modify data, add supporting documents

• Supporting documents related to the organisation can be uploaded (official registration documents, VAT documents, annual Balance sheets, etc)

• Check the call documentation to see which documents need to be uploaded.

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Sport e-Forms

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Where? home page (EACEA website)https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/PPMT/

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When? available around 15/03/14

Subscribe to EACEA RSS feed : up to date with the latest news and documents published on a website, no browsing, info comes to you in real time !

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e-Form creation – select your call sport

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Insert your PIC & choose the applicant organisation and partners

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Verify if partnership is correct and create pre-filled application form

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What happens in case of selection?

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Validation of the organisation• If after the application and selection processes, project is

awarded a grant, the beneficiary organisations will need to be validated.

• This validation is carried out by the validation team in the Research Executive Agency

• The validation consists in checking the registered data in relation to the official documents

• After the validation, a Legal Entity Appointed Representative is nominated. He will be the ONLY person allowed to change the organisation data in the Portal.

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Deadlines reminder

• Collaborative projects is 15 May 2014 at 12.00 p.m. (midday Brussels time)

• Not-for-profit European sport events 14 March 2014 and 15 May 2014 (midday Brussels time)

• Questions : [email protected]

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E-Form tutorial

1.Register organisations



, fundin

g & langua


3.Select participating organisations

4.Create & save eForm 5.Complete the eForm6.Validation &


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The e-Form is available in EN, FR and DE but it may be completed in any EU official languages of the European Union (except some part, like resume) and must be understandable for partners

15 May 2014

NB: e-Form is an interactive PDF requiring Adobe reader software (minimum lowest version 9.1) free upgrade download is possible

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Organisation and partners


Select the Applicant OrganisationIf there is only one organisation participating in your application, click on the Next step button to proceed In this scenario, the organisation you added will automatically be defined as the Applicant Organisation.If one or more participating organisationsWhen you add a second organisation, a new selection menu automatically appears above the partner list table. This is the menu for choosing the Applicant Organisation

Nb each participating organisation needs a PIC

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• If all the details of the applicant and partners are correct, "click on the Create application e-Form button.

• If any details are

incorrect or missing click on the Previous step button to make the necessary changes.

Save the application e-Form

Please do not change the file name, this will be your reference document

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Attachments to e-Forms (most of them are mandatory)


Annexes are part of the application most of the cases they are mandatory (budget xls or detailed description docs) Maximum size: 5 Mb

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e-Form Technical assistanceEACEA Helpdesk Availability

Tel: +32 229 90705


[email protected]

08:30- 17:30,Monday to Thursday

08:30 to 17:00,Fridays

Excluding public holidaysand European Commission


All times are Brussels time


If you encounter technical issues that are not addressed in this guide you may contact the EACEA Helpdesk to request assistance. The contact details and hours of operation are as follows:

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Compulsary Annexes of the e-Forms

Description of the projectFinancial information

Viera KerpanovaIngrid Trauner

Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency

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Detailed description of the project

Viera Kerpanova

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Organisations and activities

• Aims and activities of organisations

• Previous sport projects

• Other EU grants


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Project characteristics and relevance

• Objectives

• Innovative and/or complementary aspects

• EU added value


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Quality of project design and implementation• Project design

• Methodology

• Quality control during project implementation


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Quality of project team and cooperation arrangements

• Cooperation arrangements

• Project team


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Impact and dissemination

• Quality control of final outcomes

• Expected impact of project

• Dissemination

• Sustainability


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Financial workshop

Ingrid Trauner

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Overview of the presentation

• Application: the estimated project budget • Funding rules• Principles applying to EU Grants• Financial tips• Contracting procedure• Payment arrangements


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Application – BudgetStructure of the estimated project budget :1) Estimated Expenditures:

- Staff costs- Travel and subsistence costs- Equipment costs- Consumables and supplies- Subcontracting costs- Duties, taxes and charges- Other costs

max. 7 % of the total direct costs


- Direct costs

- Indirect costs

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Application – Budget

2) Estimated Income:

- distribution of the grant amongst partners

- Own funding of the partners- Other sources of financing (third

parties)- Income generated by the project


- Co-financing

- Grant requested from the EU

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Application – Budget

Principles applying to EU Grants:

• No retroactivity

• Non-cumulative award

• No-profit principle

• Co-financing principle


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Application – Budget

Tips:• coherence between: e-Form, detailed excel

budget, Declaration of Honour

• allocating estimated costs in the right budget heading

• budget is justified in relation to the planned activities

• application is in line with the specific provisions of the relevant call for proposals


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Funding Rules


Collaborative Partnerships

Not-for-profit European Sport


Max. Grant 500 000 EUR 2 000 000 EUR

Co-financing Max. 80 % Max. 80 %


60 % of the grant awarded

60 % of the grant awarded


months up to 12 months

Type of contract

Grant AgreementGrant

Agreement / Decision

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What happens if the case of selection?

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Financial Capacity Verification• Does applicant have stable and sufficient sources

of funding?

• Required: - Financial Capacity Form- Annual accounts for the last 2 years

• Does not apply: - to public bodies

- to international organisations

and - in the case of a low value grant (grant request ≤60 000 EUR)


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Contracting Procedure

• Grant Decision or Grant Agreement

• Specific provisions in case of multi-beneficiary agreement (Collaborative Partnerships):

- all partners become beneficiaries of the agreement

- coordinating organisation signs

- co-beneficiaries sign a mandate


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The Grant Agreement / Grant Decision

• Special Conditions and

its Annexes:- Description of the action

- General Conditions (legal, administrative and financial provisions)

- Approved estimated budget of the action

- Mandate(s) in case of multi-beneficiary agreement

- List of supporting documents e.g. Guidance notes related to project reporting


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Payment Arrangements

In General

• Pre-financing payment- Upon entry into force of the Grant Agreement/Decision

- In exceptional cases a bank guarantee is requested

• Payment of the balance- Upon acceptance of the Final report and its compulsory annexes incl.

- a certificate on the financial statements and underlying the accounts:

Supporting documents for Grants ≤60 000 €

Audit certificate "Type I" for Grants >60 000 € and <750 000 €

Audit certificate "Type II" for Grants ≥750 000 €



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